Jan 22
Jan 22
Jan 22
January 2022
1. There are 18 problems on the exam. Work and turn in 10 problems, in the following
2. Turn in only 10 problems. No credit will be given for extra problems. All problems
are weighted equally.
3. Put each problem on a separate sheet of paper, and write only on one side. Put your
name on each page.
4. If you feel there is a misprint or error in the statement of a problem, then interpret it
in such a way that the problem is not trivial.
I. Linear Algebra
Show that the minimal polynomial and characteristic polynomial of A are equal.
2. Let F be a field and V a finite dimensional vector space over F with dim V > 1.
Suppose f : V → V and g : V → V are distinct nilpotent linear transformations
satisfying f 2 = g 2 = 0 and that the only subspaces of V that are both f -invariant and
g-invariant are V and {0}. Prove the following:
(a) The image of f equals the null space of f and the image of g equals the null space
of g.
II. Group Theory
1. Show that if K and L are conjugacy classes of groups G and H, respectively, then
K × L is a conjugacy class of G × H.
2. Let G be a finite simple group with a subgroup H of prime index p. Show that p must
be the largest prime dividing the order of G.
3. Let H be a proper subgroup of the finite group G. Prove that the union of all the
conjugates of H is a proper subset of G.
III. Ring Theory
2. Let R be any ring with identity, and n any positive integer. Prove that if Mn (R) is the
ring of n × n matrices with entries in R, then Mn (I) is an ideal of Mn (R) whenever I
is an ideal of R and every ideal of Mn (R) has this form.
3. Let R be an integral domain. Show that if all prime ideals of R are principal, then R
is a Principal Ideal Domain.
4. Let R be a commutative ring with identity that has exactly one prime ideal P . Prove
the following:
(a) R/P is a field.
IV. Field Theory
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1. Let p and q be distinct primes. Prove that q does not belong to Q( p).
2. Let F be a field and f (x) ∈ F [x] an irreducible polynomial. Prove that there is a prime
p, an integer a > 0 and a separable polynomial g(x) ∈ F [x] such that f (x) = g(xp ).
3. Let F be any field and let f (x) = xn − 1 ∈ F [x]. Show that if K is the splitting field
of f (x) over F , then K is separable over F (hence Galois) and Gal(K/F ) is abelian.
4. Let f (x) ∈ Q[x] be an irreducible polynomial of degree 5. Assume f (x) has exactly 3
distinct real roots and one complex conjugate pair of roots. Prove that if K is the
splitting field of f (x) over Q, then Gal(K/Q) is S5 .
5. Let F be a finite field. Show that the product of all the non-zero elements of F is −1.