(O) CH11 - Quantitative Interview Techniques & Considerations
(O) CH11 - Quantitative Interview Techniques & Considerations
(O) CH11 - Quantitative Interview Techniques & Considerations
Learning Objectives
Clarify roles,
responsibilities & Provide reminders
rights of both about the nature of the Protect anonymity
participant and study & publication if of participants.
researcher at the an interviewee begins
various stages of discussing intimate or
the research sensitive issue.
Commit to the Use participants´
information about
principle of justice, own language in
ensuring the burden of writing to best
distribution of
participating does not reflect what they
knowledge derived
outweigh the benefits. wanted to share.
from study.
Provide thick
description of the
context, your own
Research should
Commit to (and institutional)
ensure the right to
protecting privacy experience, values
collect & use the
& anonymity. and pressures that
collected data.
play a role in how
you interpret &
present the data.
Use reflexology to
be transparent &
accountable for the
limitations of your
Researcher-respondent relationship
Finally, a unique
feature of interviews is that they require some social
interaction, which means that, to at least some extent, a
relationship is formed between interviewer and interviewee.
While there may be some differences in how the researcher/
286 | Summary
Key Takeaways
Key Takeaways
References | 289