Tutorial 03 Toppling Planar and Wedge Sliding Analysis
Tutorial 03 Toppling Planar and Wedge Sliding Analysis
Tutorial 03 Toppling Planar and Wedge Sliding Analysis
The rock face above the current floor of the existing pit has a dip of 45 degrees and a dip direction of 135 degrees. The current plan is to extend the pit down at an overall angle of 45 degrees. This will require a steepening of the local bench slopes, as indicated in the figure above. The local benches are to be separated by an up-dip distance of 16m. The bench roadways are 4m wide.
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Examppit.dip File
First open the Examppit.dip file.
Job Control
Select: Setup Job Control
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Lets inspect the Traverse Information. You can select the Traverses button in the Job Control dialog (the Traverses dialog is also available directly in the Setup menu). As you can see in the Traverse Information dialog, this file uses only a single traverse: The Traverse is a PLANAR traverse, with a DIP of 45 degrees and a DIP DIRECTION of 135 degrees (i.e. the face above the survey bench, as you can read in the Traverse Comment). Note that the Traverse Orientation Format is the same as the Global Orientation Format (DIP/DIPDIRECTION), as we would expect for a file with only a single traverse defined.
Select Cancel in the Traverse Information dialog. Select Cancel in the Job Control dialog.
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Pole Plot
Now generate a Pole Plot of the data.
Observe the clustering of joint, bedding and shear features on a Symbolic Pole Plot.
Figure 3: Symbolic Pole Plot of discontinuity TYPE. Great circle representing the pit slope has also been added.
In the above figure, you will notice that a great circle has been added to the plot, representing the pit slope.
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Planes are added to stereonet plots with the Add Plane option, as described below.
Add Plane
Use Add Plane to add a great circle representing the pit slope on the stereonet.
Before we add the plane, lets change the Convention. In Dips, orientation coordinates can be displayed in either Pole Vector (Trend/Plunge) format, or Plane Vector format. Right now we want to use the Plane Vector Convention, which for this file is DIP/DIPDIRECTION, since this is the Global Orientation Format. To change the Convention, click the left mouse button on the box at the lower right of the Status Bar, which should currently display Trend/Plunge. It should then display Dip / DipDirection. The Convention can be toggled at any time in this manner. Now lets add the plane.
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Contour Plot
Now lets view the contoured data.
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Observe the effect of bias correction on the bedding plane joint set in particular.
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Notice that the Shears in this example are not represented in the contours. This is because the number of mapped shears is small. However, due to the low friction angle and inherent persistence, the shear features may have a dominating influence on stability. It is always important to look beyond mere orientations and densities when analyzing structural data.
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Creating Sets
Now use the Add Set Window option to delineate the joint contours, and create four Sets from the four major data concentrations on the stereonet.
Figure 8: Set Windows formed around the four principal joint sets, using the Add Set Window option.
Note that in Figure 8, the display of the planes was hidden using the Show Planes option. Show Planes can be used at any time to show or hide the planes on any given view.
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Failure Modes
We will now proceed with the analysis of 3 potential failure modes of interest toppling, planar sliding and wedge sliding.
Surface Condition
For stability analysis it will be necessary to assume a value for friction angle on the joint surfaces. For the purpose of estimating a friction angle, we will create a Chart of the data in the SURFACE column of the Examppit.dip file.
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Statistical Info
We will now add some statistical information to the Pole Plot, by displaying Variability cones around the mean Set orientations. (The shears will be considered separately where appropriate). If you are still viewing the overlaid Contours on the Pole Plot, toggle this off by re-selecting Overlay Contours.
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Variability Cones
Variability cones are displayed through the Edit Sets dialog.
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However, we do not currently want to display the MEAN planes, so lets toggle their visibility OFF for now. Well revisit the Edit Sets dialog.
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A TOPPLING ANALYSIS using stereonets is based on: 1) Variability cones indicating the extent of the joint set population. A Slip Limit based on the joint friction angle and pit slope. Kinematic considerations.
(The following analysis is based on Goodman 1980. See the reference at the end of this tutorial). Using the variability cones generated above, proceed with a toppling analysis. Assume a friction angle of 35 degrees, based on the surface condition of the joints (see Figure 10). Planes cannot topple if they cannot slide with respect to one another. Add a second plane representing a slip limit to the stereonet with the Add Plane option.
These values are derived as follows: The Trend is equal to the DIP DIRECTION of the face plus 90 degrees (135 + 90 = 225).
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The 60 degree cone angle will place two limits plus / minus 30 degrees with respect to the face DIP DIRECTION as suggested by Goodman planes must be within 30 degrees of parallel to a cut slope to topple. An earlier 15 degree limit proposed by Goodman was found to be too small.
Select OK on the Add Cone dialog. The zone bounded by these new curves (outlined in Figure 13 below) is the toppling region. Any Poles plotting within this region indicate a toppling risk. Remember that a near horizontal pole represents a near vertical plane.
The zone outlined in Figure 13 is the toppling region. Any POLES plotting within this region indicate a toppling risk.
Figure 13: Toppling risk is indicated by the relative number of poles within joint set which fall within the outlined pole toppling region. Visual estimate indicates about 25 30% toppling risk for joint set 4, based on the 95% variability cone.
The two variability cones give a statistical estimate of the toppling risk for the joint set in question. A visual estimate indicates that 25 30% of the theoretical population of joint set 4 falls within the toppling zone. It could be said that, ignoring variability in the friction angle, there is an approximate toppling risk of 30%. Frictional variability could be introduced by overlaying additional slip limits corresponding to say 30 and 40 degrees.
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Planar Sliding
A PLANAR SLIDING analysis uses Variability Cones, a Friction cone, and a Daylight Envelope, to test for combined frictional and kinematic possibility of planar sliding.
Before we proceed with the Planar Sliding analysis, lets first delete the cone added for the Toppling analysis.
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Finally, lets place a POLE friction cone at the center of the stereonet.
Select OK. Note that the friction angle is equal to our friction estimate of 35 degrees, determined earlier in this tutorial. Any pole falling outside of this cone represents a plane which could slide if kinematically possible. The crescent shaped zone formed by the Daylight Envelope and the pole friction circle therefore encloses the region of planar sliding. Any poles in this region represent planes which can and will slide. See Figure 15.
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Note that a POLE friction cone angle is measured from the center of the stereonet.
Figure 15: Planar sliding zone is represented by crescent shaped region. Only a small area overlaps the bedding joint set, therefore the risk of planar sliding is minimal.
Again, the variability cones give a statistical estimate of failure probability. Only a small percentage ( < 5 % ) of the bedding joint set falls within this zone. Planar sliding is unlikely to be a problem. NOTE: we have been using EQUAL ANGLE projection throughout this analysis. When making visual estimates of clusters and variabilities, it is actually more appropriate to use EQUAL AREA projection to reduce areal distortion and improve visual estimates.
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Wedge Sliding
It has been shown that a sliding failure along any of the joint planes is unlikely. However, multiple joints can form wedges which can slide along the line of intersection between two planes. For this analysis, lets switch to the Major Planes plot, which allows us to view planes only on the stereonet, without poles or contours.
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Note that a PLANE friction cone angle is measured from the perimeter (equator) of the stereonet.
NOTE: this time we are not dealing with poles but an actual sliding surface or line, so that the friction angle (35 degrees) is taken from the EQUATOR of the stereonet, and NOT FROM THE CENTER as before. Therefore the angle we enter in the Add Cone dialog is 90 35 = 55 degrees. Select OK, and your plot should appear as follows:
WEDGE SLIDING may occur if the mean joint set orientation INTERSECTIONS fall within the zone defined by the friction cone and the pit slope.
Figure 16: Major Planes Plot showing WEIGHTED MEAN planes, pit slope and friction cone. Wedge sliding zone is represented by crescent shaped region. Since no plane intersections (black dots) fall within this region, wedge sliding failure should not be a concern.
The zone OUTSIDE the pit slope but enclosed by the friction cone represents the zone of wedge (intersection) sliding. Any plane intersections (highlighted by black dots in Figure 16) which fall within this zone will be unstable. This is not the case in this example, therefore wedge sliding should not be a problem.
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Discrete Structures
Finally, you should analyze the shear zones mentioned earlier. If these shears occur in proximity to one another they may interact to create local instability.
Using the procedure described above for a wedge analysis, the stability of discrete combinations of shear planes, or of shear planes with the mean joint orientations, may be analyzed.
Perform an analysis similar to the one above using discrete combinations of shear planes. Use the Add Plane option to add planes corresponding to the shear features. TIP: while using Add Plane, the Pole Snap option (available in the right-click menu) can be used to snap to the exact orientations of the shear poles.
You should find that the risk of wedge failure along the shear planes is low, for this pit slope configuration. As a further exercise, determine whether the shears will interact with any of the mean joint set orientations to create an unstable wedge.
Assume that the joint sets are consistent throughout the mine property. Are there any slope orientations that are more unstable than others? Examine slope dip directions in 45 degree increments around the pit wall. HINT: you can import Dips plots into AutoCAD using the Copy to Metafile option in the Edit menu. This will copy a metafile of the current view to the clipboard, which can then be pasted into AutoCAD. Pole or Contour plots showing mean planes and the selected pit slope orientation can be imported into a plan of the pit and placed in their appropriate orientations for quick reference.
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Goodman, R.E. 1980. Introduction to Rock Mechanics (Chapter 8), Toronto: John Wiley, pp 254-287.
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