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Natsis 2 K 18
Natsis 2 K 18
Aim/Purpose This study aimed to explore whether students’ self-reported use of various
learning strategies affected their perceptions on different course activities as
well as their perceived performance in terms of both cognitive learning out-
comes and general skills.
Background In a highly active learning environment that incorporates research into teaching,
the effective use of various learning strategies is considered of high importance
for the successful engagement of students. Yet, this line of research has mainly
focused on individual learning. Shifting from individual to collaborative learning
settings, the current study investigated whether students’ use of self-regulated
learning, peer learning, and help seeking strategies influenced their perceptions
on both the group activities and the respective outcomes.
Methodology At the beginning of the course, 81 first semester postgraduate students self-
reported the level of use of self-regulated learning, peer learning, and help seek-
ing strategies by filling in the respective subscales of the Motivated Strategies
for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ). Then, groups of 3 or 4 students were
formed and instructed to create several learning artifacts of different types and
conduct a peer-tutoring session, based on a topic assigned to them by the teach-
er. Additionally, the same groups conducted a research project of their own
Accepted by Editor Peter Blakey │Received: June 15, 2018│ Revised: August 17, August 30, September 11,
2018 │ Accepted: September 13, 2018.
Cite as: Natsis, A., Papadopoulos, P. M., & Obwegeser, N. (2018). Research integration in information systems
education: Students’ perceptions on learning strategies, skill development, and performance. Journal of Infor-
mation Technology Education: Research, 17, 345-363.
(CC BY-NC 4.0) This article is licensed to you under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International
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Research Integration in Information Systems Education
choice within course topics. Students’ final grade served as an indicator of their
academic performance. At the end of the semester, students filled in a ques-
tionnaire eliciting their perceptions on the process and the outputs of the
course activities. Finally, through statistical analysis of students’ responses to the
questionnaires, the influence of learning strategies on students’ perceptions and
their academic performance was examined.
Contribution Our findings contribute to the literature regarding the research-teaching nexus
in higher education settings. More specifically, the study shows how students’
self-reported use of learning strategies affects students’ perceptions on the ac-
tivities they were engaged in, their achievement of cognitive learning outcomes,
and their skills development in a research-integrated course design.
Findings Students perceived differently the value of producing and studying learning arti-
facts. Students who scored higher in the self-regulated learning and peer learn-
ing subscales of MSLQ perceived their role as more active in the preparation of
the presentation for the peer-tutoring session, which was the artifact that re-
quired higher level of interaction among the group members. Students’ final
grades were influenced partially by their self-reported use of different learning
Recommendations Integrating research into teaching through the assignment of research-related
for Practitioners tasks to students can promote students’ acquisition of domain knowledge and
research skills. The merits of this approach can be further strengthened by hav-
ing students working in groups and providing the outputs of their involvement
in the research-related activities as learning material for their peers. Further-
more, students’ individual characteristics (e.g., use of learning strategies and
preferences should be taken into account when designing course activities).
Recommendations Researchers should continue to explore the way that various learning strategies
for Researchers influence different aspects of the learning process, especially in the achievement
of cognitive learning outcomes and the development of general skills.
Impact on Society Creating learning environments that foster students’ active engagement with the
course material and peer collaboration should be a vital goal of higher educa-
tion institutes as it can improve students’ performance and promote the neces-
sary skills for self-directed and autonomous learning, a key competence in the
modern workplace.
Future Research In this study, both cognitive learning outcomes and general skills were assessed
by students’ final grade. In a future study, distinguishing these different types of
learning outcomes would allow us to examine in more detail the impact of stu-
dents’ learning strategies and course activities on the accomplishment of cogni-
tive learning outcomes and general skills.
Keywords research-teaching nexus, learning strategies, student perception, learning out-
comes, academic performance
Combining research and teaching is considered an essential goal to be achieved in higher education
settings, often implemented by engaging active researchers as instructors or transforming students
into active participants in research activities (Healey, 2005; Jenkins, Breen, Lindsay, & Brew, 2003;
Obwegeser & Papadopoulos, 2017). Such settings have been shown to promote learning (Brew, 2003)
Natsis, Papadopoulos, & Obwegeser
and help students to gain research competences, acquire domain knowledge, and accomplish cogni-
tive, metacognitive, and affective learning outcomes (Aditomo, Goodyear, Bliuc, & Ellis, 2013;
Spronken‐Smith & Walker, 2010).
Furthermore, the benefits of integrating research and teaching could be enhanced when students are
engaged in research-related activities in peer learning settings. The various forms of peer teaching
and learning are considered as proper instructional methods to increase student engagement (Boud
& Lee, 2005; Kearney, 2013; Topping, 2005), enhancing the development of the students’ communi-
cation and collaborative learning skills (Justice, Rice, Warry, Inglis, Miller, & Sammon, 2007). There
are various ways in which peer learning methods can be incorporated in a research-related pedagogy.
Indicatively, students can act as tutors for their peers by presenting and discussing with them the
findings of their research driven activities. Similarly, students can provide feedback or assess the out-
comes of their peers’ involvement with research-related activities. Moreover, students can collaborate
in conducting their own research and reporting their findings. In that case, the interaction among
peers and their joint actions will lead to the co-construction of new knowledge in the form of
knowledge objects or artifacts which play both roles of a tool to mediate interaction and the out-
come of the interaction (Damşa, 2014; Damşa & Ludvigsen, 2016).
In such group settings, the effective use of self-regulated learning (SRL) strategies is considered an
important student characteristic that influences the success of collaborative learning (Panadero,
Kirschner, Järvelä, Malmberg, & Järvenoja, 2015; Solimeno, Mebane, Tomai, & Francescato, 2008).
Self-regulated learners are able to control their own learning by planning, monitoring, and regulating
the learning process (Zimmerman & Moylan, 2009). Furthermore, peer learning (PL) and help seek-
ing (HS) are resource management strategies (Pintrich, Smith, Garcia, & McKeachie, 1993) that can
affect the process and outcomes of group learning. Students’ effective interaction with their peers
and teachers could maximize the learning benefits when they engage in collaborative activities. While
these issues have been investigated in the fields of learning and pedagogy in general, the literature is
scarce when these issues are examined in the context of Information Systems (IS) education and in
the research-teaching nexus in particular.
For IS educators, the ongoing digitalization of our society and the increased pace of technological
developments poses a severe challenge as it continuously pushes the boundaries of existing curricula
(Harris & Rea, 2009). At the same time, the integration of both research and practical activities into
the IS classroom is imperative in order to ensure a relevant and timely education that is well suited to
prepare students for their future careers (Goldkuhl, Ågerfalk, & Sjöström, 2017). However, only few
studies have yet investigated research-integration in the context of IS education and more research is
necessary to inform future course designs (Obwegeser & Papadopoulos, 2017).
On these grounds, the scope of this study was to shed light to an overarching research question: how
do students’ learning strategies affect students’ perceptions on performance and skill development in
a research-integrated instructional design in the field of Information Systems?
Integrating research into teaching has a multidimensional impact on higher education and, particular-
ly, on policy making, pedagogy, academic teaching, and research (Barnett, 2005; Brew, 2003; Levy &
Petrulis, 2012; Spronken-Smith, Walker, Dickinson, Closs, Lord, & Harland, 2011). Literature sug-
gests that students can gain learning benefits, when they are taught by active researchers and partici-
pate themselves in research-related activities (Healey, 2005; Jenkins et al., 2003). Healey (2005) pro-
posed a model on embedding research activities in the teaching practice, according to which empha-
sis can be given either to the research content or to the research processes or problems, while stu-
dents can act as audience or participants.
Research Integration in Information Systems Education
The successful integration of research into teaching is highly dependent on the scientific field, as
both research and teaching can differentiate a lot across various domains (Brew, 2010; Durning &
Jenkins, 2005; Griffiths, 2004). Nevertheless, students are expected to acquire domain-specific con-
ceptual and procedural knowledge and at the same time, develop their research skills (Aditomo et al.,
2013; Healey, Jordan, Pell, & Short, 2010). Furthermore, high-order thinking, problem solving and
self-regulated learning skills can be fostered (Justice et al., 2007; Spronken‐Smith & Walker, 2010),
while through the selection of appropriate research-related activities, students’ communication and
collaboration skills can also be enhanced (Aditomo et al., 2013; Justice et al., 2007).
Researchers on learning strategies have used different perspectives to categorize and interpret student
behavior and attitudes in a learning setting. For example, the Motivated Strategies for Learning Ques-
tionnaire (MSLQ) (Garcia & Pintrich, 1996; Pintrich et al., 1993) identifies 15 motivation and learn-
ing strategies, focused on the course level as the most appropriate level of analysis, while the Learn-
ing and Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI) (Weinstein, Schulte, & Palmer, 2002) includes 10 scales,
analyzing strategies and attitudes at a general level (Duncan & McKeachie, 2005). In this study, we
focused on metacognitive self-regulation, in connection to peer learning and help seeking, as these
three strategies are the most relevant to students’ experience in the research-integrated teaching ap-
proach in the collaborative setting that we examined.
Self-regulated learning (SRL) is differently defined by various authors (for a review, see Panadero,
2017), yet it is commonly agreed that it is cyclical and can be divided in different phases and sub-
processes. According to the Zimmerman and Moylan (2009) model, SRL has three phases: (a) fore-
thought, composed of task analysis, planning, and activation of self-motivation beliefs, (b) perfor-
mance, identified as the actual execution of the task and the monitor and control of its progress, and
(c) self-reflection, in which students evaluate their performance and make adaptations for future
In the context of individual learning, academic performance, learning motivation and the effective
use of learning strategies are highly influenced by SRL (Dignath, Buettner, & Langfeldt, 2008).
Moreover, carefully designed interventions can set the ground for the implementation of SRL in all
educational levels, as shown in three meta-analyses of the field of SRL (Dignath & Büttner, 2008;
Dignath et al., 2008; Sitzmann & Ely, 2011). In social learning environments, the promotion of SRL
can be supported by having teachers or peers scaffold students in regulating their learning process
(McLoughlin & Lee, 2010; Winters & Azevedo, 2005).
Additionally, peer learning strategies, such as the use of peer assistance and group awareness can im-
prove SRL behavior and learning (Lin, Lai, Lai, & Chang, 2016), as peer assistance has the potential
to motivate learners in persisting in training tasks and reflecting upon their learning status (Cheng,
Liang, & Tsai, 2013). Students’ individual self-regulatory processes can be also enhanced through
help seeking strategies and assistance skills (Wang, 2011), as mutual help among peers positively af-
fects learning motivation (Rozendaal, Minnaert, & Boekaerts, 2005). Furthermore, by using their
peers or their teachers as a source of support, students may overcome obstacles in their learning pro-
cess and achieve learning goals that could not be reached solely by themselves (Lu & Erkan, 2018).
Natsis, Papadopoulos, & Obwegeser
Additionally, students’ perceptions on various aspects of the learning process have been associated
with the use of various learning strategies (e.g., Riordan, Hine, & Smith, 2017; Thouin, Hefley, &
Raghunathan, 2018). Results have shown the positive impact of students’ perceptions on flipped
learning (Sletten, 2017), feedback (Brown, Peterson, & Yao, 2016), assessment (Brown, 2011) and
interactive learning environments (Liaw & Huang, 2013) in the effective use of several types of SRL
Extending these lines of research, the present study examines whether students’ perceptions regard-
ing both the research-related group activities and the outcomes of these activities are influenced by
their self-reported use of different learning strategies. More specifically, the research questions the
present study aims to address are:
• RQ1: How do students perceive the group activity of creating various types of learning arti-
facts in terms of communication, collaboration, participation, and helpfulness in achieving
cognitive learning outcomes?
• RQ2: Are students’ perceptions influenced by their, self-reported, use of learning strategies
(i.e., SRL, PL, HS)?
• RQ3: How are students’ perceptions on the development of general skills influenced by stu-
dents’ engagement in the overall course activities and their self-reported use of learning
• RQ4. Is students’ academic performance influenced by their perceptions on the course activ-
ities and their self-reported use of learning strategies?
The course “Information System Development and Implementation in a Business Context – ISDI”
is a compulsory, 11-week, 10-ECTS course offered during the first semester of a research-based mas-
ter program. In the course, students are expected to gain knowledge on developing and/or imple-
menting IS in companies and organizations and to identify the respective challenges, risks, and com-
plexities. Finally, through their engagement in the course activities, students should acquire research
competencies, write and communicate clearly the output of their research, work effectively with oth-
ers, and assess peer work. To pass the course, students are assessed on the basis of their group report
in combination with an individual, oral exam that covers all aspects of the course curriculum.
In total, 81 students formed freely 22 groups. Seven of those groups consisted of three students and
15 groups consisted of four students. Students participated in the study activities as part of the ISDI
Table 1 presents the activities that the students were engaged in the ISDI course and whether these
activities were implemented in group settings.
Lectures were held once per week and lasted for 3 hours. Starting from the second week, the lectures
were organized in two parts. In the first part, the teacher presented topics and concepts of the field
of IS by employing direct instruction as the main teaching mode. In the second part, two groups of
students assumed the roles of peer tutors, presenting their work on the topic to the class audience.
Research Integration in Information Systems Education
Peer-tutoring sessions Based on the artifacts they prepared and the academic yes
processing of other relevant publications, students in
groups prepare a peer-tutoring session where they pre-
sent the article and discuss it with their peers. Lastly,
student audience and the teacher assess the group
Attending workshops Students reflect upon and discuss the research design yes
and methods of critical IS papers with the assistance
of more qualified peers (i.e., Teaching Assistants -
TAs) in workshops. Moreover, they discuss their ideas
for the research of their own choice they have to con-
Conducting a research Students in groups setup and conduct a research pro- yes
project ject on a topic selected by themselves and report on
their research methodology and findings
Students’ defense of Individual oral examination in a form similar to a the- no
their research (Final sis defense.
In order to foster students’ active engagement with the course material, students in groups were
asked to process a scientific paper and create five artifacts that could serve as learning material for
their peers:
• An annotated version of the paper, with comments and emphasized parts;
• A list of five highlights, providing a concise view of the paper;
• A list of five questions, along with their answers, that would cover the major issues discussed
on the paper;
• A short summary of 200-300 words;
• A comprehensive presentation of the topic for the peer tutoring session that could include
slides or any other material. The total duration of the presentation did not exceed 40
minutes, including a discussion session with the class audience and the teacher.
The selection of the artifacts was based on the fact that annotating, paraphrasing, asking questions,
and summarizing are considered effective reading strategies, leading to text comprehension
(McNamara, Ozuru, Best, & O’Reilly, 2007). Furthermore, according to the Interactive, Constructive,
Active, Passive (ICAP) Framework (Chi & Wylie, 2014), as students become more engaged with the
Natsis, Papadopoulos, & Obwegeser
learning materials – from passive to active, to constructive, to interactive – their learning increases. In
the examined course activity, students started by passively engaging with the paper, by reading it.
Then, students engaged with the paper in a more active way, by annotating and adding comments to
it. Writing the highlights, formulating the questions and answers concerning their topic, as well as
summarizing the paper in their own words required students’ constructive engagement with the pa-
per. Finally, their engagement with the paper was completed with their interactive involvement in the
preparation of the peer-tutoring session when the students presented and discussed their article with
their peers.
Adding the collaborative dimension allowed students to interact with their peers and to give or re-
ceive peer support on their tasks. Moreover, their joint work included the production of knowledge
artifacts with different levels of complexity, such as annotating a paper or writing a group report
about a research project of their choice. The artifacts were expected to mediate the communication
among the group members and to provide useful insights regarding the productive interactions
among group members by studying their evolution (Damşa, 2014; Stahl, Ludvigsen, Law, & Cress,
2014). Furthermore, students were involved in peer assessment activities, as they assessed the materi-
al created by their peers in terms of helpfulness for the exams.
The three workshops that were organized by TAs during the semester allowed students to apply the
knowledge gained from the lectures and their participation in the material creation activities as they
worked on solving problems of IS in organizations. Additionally, in these workshops the groups of
students could discuss their ideas regarding their research project. Students had the opportunity to
present their research aims and methods and get feedback and assistance from their peers.
Finally, the group report describing the student research served as the basis for their final grade. Stu-
dents handed in the report one month before their exams, which were conducted orally in a form
similar to a thesis defense and was individual for each student.
In the aforementioned learning design, the teacher’s main role was to facilitate student engagement in
the learning process. The students received detailed instructions and ready-made examples regarding
the format of the artifacts. Moreover, they gained access to a separate Google Drive folder to each
group, in which students could find all the necessary assignment material as well as empty templates
for the five deliverables. Students were encouraged to use Google Docs in the course activities, thus
providing us with the opportunity to examine the evolution of the artifacts. Yet, they could opt for
working offline and upload their deliverables at the end of the process.
Two research instruments were employed for this study: the Motivated Strategies for Learning Ques-
tionnaire (MSLQ) (Garcia & Pintrich, 1996; Pintrich et al., 1993) and a study questionnaire developed
by the authors to specifically capture students’ perceptions of the course activities.
MSLQ is a valid and reliable scale for assessing students’ use of various learning strategies. This scale
includes 81 questions grouped in 15 scales. For this study, three relevant scales were selected, namely
self-regulated learning (SRL), peer learning (PL), and help seeking (HS). This version of the MSLQ
included 19 closed-type questions (SRL: 12; PL: 3; HS: 4), each one using a 7-point Likert scale rang-
ing from “1: Not true at all” to “7: Very true”.
The study questionnaire employed a 5-step Likert scale and included three dimensions regarding the
students’ perceptions about (a) the volume and format of communication during the group activities,
(b) the level of collaboration and participation during the creation of the various artifacts, and (c) the
helpfulness of the course activities in order to achieve cognitive learning outcomes and general skills.
A set of three closed-type questions, each one using a custom 5-point Likert scale, assessed both the
volume and format of communication. A scale ranging from “One of us was responsible for pro-
ducing the final version” to “We worked together on the same parts producing together the final ver-
Research Integration in Information Systems Education
sion” was used to assess the way groups collaborated for the creation of each of the learning arti-
facts. Moreover, a 5-point scale ranging from “Discussant” to “Leader” demonstrated the students’
perceived level of participation to the creation of each artifact.
The indicators for the perceived cognitive learning outcomes were students’ responses concerning
the impact of course activities on understanding the paper and preparing for the exams. The general
skills referred to reading and analyzing original scientific papers, writing and communicating clearly,
and working effectively with others.
Students’ academic performance was measured at the end of the semester. An assessment committee
comprising of the teacher of the course and two external members graded the students based on the
report they had handed in and their individual oral defense. Their final grade was based on a 7-point
grading scale (7 being the highest grade). Finally, the teacher also assessed the tutoring sessions and
all the artifacts created by the students.
In the beginning of the course, students were asked to fill in the adjusted MSLQ instrument in order
to self-report the levels of use of self-regulated learning, peer learning, and help seeking strategies.
Groups of three to four members were then formed and each was assigned a course topic and a sci-
entific paper by the teacher. Each group had two weeks to prepare the knowledge artifacts and its
peer-tutoring session in the class. Finally, at the end of the exams, students filled in the study ques-
tionnaire regarding the activities they were engaged in during the course.
For all statistical analyses, a level of significance at .05 was chosen. Due to violation of the assump-
tion of normal distribution for some of the variables, non-parametric statistical techniques were em-
Table 2 presents students’ responses regarding the volume and format of communication during the
creation of the different learning artifacts.
There was a high volume of communication in the groups, and students clearly preferred face-to-
face communication.
Table 3 presents students’ perceptions on how the different artifacts affected issues such as the vol-
ume of collaboration that occurred in the group (Collaboration), the level of responsibility they as-
sumed (Participation), the level of paper understanding they achieved (Understanding), and the help-
fulness of student-produced artifacts (of others) towards preparing for exams (Preparation).
Natsis, Papadopoulos, & Obwegeser
Students said that they collaborated in their groups the most during the production of their presenta-
tion, while they worked mostly individually in producing the annotated version of the paper. Fried-
man test results showed a statistically significant difference in the collaboration scores of the five
artifacts (χ2(4, 81) = 35.40, p < 0.01). Post-hoc analysis with Wilcoxon Signed Rank tests (with Bon-
ferroni correction) revealed that collaboration during the production of the presentation was signifi-
cantly higher than in any other artifact (p < 0.05). Similarly, Friedman test results confirmed that
there was a significant difference in the way students perceived their level of participation in produc-
ing the different artifacts (χ2(4, 81) = 22.56, p < 0.01), with post-hoc analysis showing, once again,
that students felt that they had a significantly more active role while working on the presentation,
than on any other artifact (p < 0.05).
Studying others’
Working on artifacts
Collaboration Participation Understanding Preparation
Artifact (scale: 1-5) M SD M SD M SD M SD
Annotated version of
2.99 1.46 2.74 1.33 2.77 1.22 2.46 1.21
the paper
Highlights 3.45 1.56 3.03 1.31 3.60 1.07 3.37 1.19
Q&A 3.75 1.46 3.13 1.22 3.35 1.31 3.00 1.36
Short summary 3.46 1.41 3.03 1.26 4.02 1.00 3.92 1.10
Presentation 4.22 0.86 3.72 1.08 3.21 1.29 2.63 1.19
Students’ responses on how much their engagement in the different artifacts allowed them to better
understand the assigned paper showed that producing the short summary was the most helpful task,
while annotating the paper was the least helpful task. Friedman test revealed, once again, that stu-
dents developed a significantly different opinion on the five artifacts (χ2(4, 81) = 41.45, p < 0.01),
while post-hoc analysis confirmed that the task of summarizing the paper received a significantly
more positive evaluation than the other tasks, while annotating the paper was perceived as the signifi-
cantly less useful task (p < 0.05).
Shifting from the role of the author to the one of the reader, students said that reading the summar-
ies of other groups was very helpful in preparing for the course examination, while paper highlights
also received positive evaluation. On the contrary, attending peer presentations and reading annotated
versions of papers received negative reviews. Friedman test confirmed that students’ opinions to-
wards the five artifacts were, indeed, significantly different (χ2(4, 81) = 51.24, p < 0.01), with post-
hoc analysis attesting that the summary of a paper was considered significantly more useful in pre-
paring for exams than any other student-produced artifact (p < 0.05). Table 4 presents the teacher’s
assessment of the quality of the five artifacts.
It can be seen that the teacher generally evaluated the student-generated material as of high quality.
The presentation was the artifact that appears to be less successful, whereas the annotated version of
the paper and the summary were the artifacts that seem to have met the teacher’s expectations the
Research Integration in Information Systems Education
To investigate the relationship between the helpfulness scores and the use of different learning strat-
egies, Spearman’s rho coefficient was calculated. No correlation was found between students’ opin-
ions regarding the helpfulness of the artifacts produced by their peers (Preparation, Table 3) and the
peer learning and help seeking strategies. A positive correlation was found between the use of self-
regulated learning strategy and students’ perceptions regarding the helpfulness of engaging in the
creation of the different artifacts on paper understanding (r = 0.29, n = 81, p = 0.04) (Understand-
ing, Table 3). Higher scores on self-regulated learning strategy were associated with more a positive
assessment of the activity.
Finally, Spearman’s rho coefficient revealed that there was a positive correlation between help seeking
scores and the perceived level of communication, r = 0.38, n = 83, p = 0.01. Students with high val-
ues in the HS subscale experiences higher levels of communication during the production of the
artifacts. SRL and PL strategies did not correlate significantly with the perceived level of communica-
Natsis, Papadopoulos, & Obwegeser
In general, students evaluated positively their involvement in the overall course activities, regarding
the acquisition of skills on processing academic articles, writing scientific reports, and communi-
cating their findings as well as collaborating with their peers.
Spearman’s rho coefficient revealed a positive correlation between reading and analyzing original re-
search papers and the use of help seeking strategy (r = 0.35, n = 81, p= 0.02), suggesting that stu-
dents with higher levels of HS strategies are more appreciative of course activities related to reading
and analyzing research literature. Furthermore, the use of self-regulated learning strategy correlated
significantly and positively with the total score (mean of the four skills in Table 6) of the different
general skills (r = 0.30, n = 81, p= 0.03). Higher use of the SRL strategy is associated with higher
students’ scores regarding the helpfulness of the course activities in order to achieve general research
Result analysis revealed students’ successful engagement with a course design that incorporated the
research-teaching nexus and peer learning approaches. Students collaborated effectively in processing
a scientific article and creating educational material for their peers. They communicated effectively in
order to develop knowledge artifacts of different complexity, while the task was assessed positively
by the students in terms of paper understanding and helpfulness for the exams. In line with available
literature, assigning the role of producers of learning material to students has shown to promote
Research Integration in Information Systems Education
deeper engagement with the course and provide valuable cognitive learning gains (Bovill, Cook-
Sather, Felten, Millard, & Moore-Cherry, 2016).
Nevertheless, students perceived the helpfulness of the various artifacts differently. They considered
their engagement in the creation of the short summary as the most beneficial for them in order to
understand the paper assigned to them, while the annotated version of the paper was the artifact
perceived the least helpful. Furthermore, the creation of the annotated version of the paper was the
artifact in which students collaborated the least, by assigning the leader role to one of the students of
the group. These findings are in line with the ICAP Framework (Chi & Wylie, 2014), suggesting that
students increase their learning when they engage themselves with the learning material constructive-
ly and interactively.
Students positively evaluated their peers’ artifacts as learning material that could help them prepare
for the exams. In particular, they assessed the helpfulness of the short summary and the list of high-
lights as high. This finding suggests that the output of students’ interactive engagement with instruc-
tional material can also be useful for their peers. Similarly to Leopold, Sumfleth, and Leutner (2013),
providing students with short summaries of the instructional material can lead to learning gains for
students. The list of questions along with their answers came third in students’ ranking of the differ-
ent artifacts. As mentioned before in Bates, Galloway, Riise, and Homer (2014) and Yang, Guo, and
Yu (2016), the creation of meaningful questions may not be a straightforward process for students.
Finally, the annotated version of the paper was the artifact that was considered the least useful for
exam preparation.
On the contrary, the teacher assessed the annotated paper as the artifact that best met his expecta-
tions in terms of quality, followed by the short summary and the list of highlights. It seems that stu-
dents perceived as more useful the activities that required their active engagement with the learning
material, even though their engagement resulted in output that did not thoroughly met teacher expec-
tations. The preparation for the presentation was the activity that students were most actively en-
gaged in and collaborated to the greatest extent. Yet, the preparation for the presentation was per-
ceived as less helpful in understanding the paper assigned to them. Moreover, their peers’ presenta-
tions did not assist them sufficiently in order to prepare for the exams. As such, it is assumed that
creating presentations might be useful for the creators, but not for the audience.
Natsis, Papadopoulos, & Obwegeser
their collaboration, but they were able to select their preferred way of work. This may have led them
to create a flexible and adaptive activity space that allowed even students with extremely low scores
on the peer learning scale to participate in a self-satisfying manner. This finding is in line with the
Script Theory of Guidance (Fischer, Kollar, Stegmann, & Wecker, 2013) which states that students’
prior knowledge and skills influence the optimal level of guidance in collaborative learning.
Research Integration in Information Systems Education
of this approach is that students’ final grades were used as the measure of their accomplishment of
both cognitive learning outcomes and general skills. In a future study, it could be more useful to dis-
tinguish these different types of learning outcomes and assess them in different ways, in order to
examine more accurately the impact of the various activities on their successful achievement.
Regarding students’ creation of learning material for their peers and the writing of the final research
report, students preferred face-to-face sessions and did not exploit the use of digital media. This
prohibited us from exploring the evolution of the different artifacts and analyzing students’ interac-
tions towards the creation of these artifacts. In a future study, this limitation could be tackled by ask-
ing students to submit the intermediate versions of the artifacts and reflect on the process of their
creation. Their peers could assess these intermediate products and provide feedback that could be
incorporated in the following editions, enhancing thus the proposed learning design.
This study contributes to the ongoing debate on research-teaching integration in higher education
and provides empirical evidence on the effectiveness of incorporating research-related and peer
learning approaches in a postgraduate course in the field of Information Systems. During the semes-
ter, student groups were engaged in various research-related tasks, i.e., processing of academic texts,
co-creating learning material for their peers, assessing their peer work, and, finally, setting up, con-
ducting, and reporting the findings of a research of their own topic. Students perceived positively the
various activities in which they were engaged and valued high their involvement in order to achieve
cognitive learning outcomes and develop general skills. Their perceptions were influenced partially by
their self-reported use of self-regulated, peer learning, and help seeking strategies. Self-regulated
learners appreciated more their involvement in the creation of learning material for their peers and
perceived their role as more active in the group work. Yet, all students, regardless their perceptions
on the activities or their self-reported use of learning strategies, succeeded in the final exams. Their
grades were not influenced by their perceptions on the course activities nor the learning strategies
use, implying that the course design was effective for students with different characteristics.
The implication for learning designers and teachers is that assigning research-related activities to stu-
dents could be an effective approach in higher education settings. By providing students with an ac-
tive role in the learning process, the course activities offered opportunities to all students to apply
and develop their skills in processing, presenting, and discussing academic work and fostered their
engagement in the course, despite the different learning strategies the students may have employed.
Furthermore, this approach can be enhanced by having students work in group settings and create
knowledge artifacts that can be used as educational material by their peers. Artifacts that require
higher degrees of active engagement with the learning material are more likely to be positively evalu-
ated by the students regarding various aspects of the learning process (e.g., collaboration, participa-
tion, understanding, etc.) leading at the same time in higher cognitive gains and enhanced research
skills acquisition.
This work has been partially funded by a Starting Grant from AUFF (Aarhus Universitets For-
skningsfond), titled “Innovative and Emerging Technologies in Education”.
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Antonis Natsis is a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Centre for
Teaching Development and Digital Media, Aarhus University, Denmark.
Dr Natsis holds a BSc in Informatics from the School of Informatics at
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, a MSc in Human Computer Interac-
tion from the Computer Science Department at University of Crete and a
PhD in Information and Communication Technologies in Education
from the Department of Primary Education at the University of Ioanni-
na. His research interests include 3D Educational Virtual Environments,
Multi-User Virtual Environments (MUVEs), Learning Assessment and Evaluation, and Collaborative
Natsis, Papadopoulos, & Obwegeser