D-EOMOC001 (21) 09-15EN Bacnet Italy

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Table of Contents
PREMISE ........................................................................................................................................................... 5

INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................ 6
Revision History ............................................................................................................................................................. 6
Reference Documents.................................................................................................................................................... 6
Notice ............................................................................................................................................................................. 6
BASIC INFORMATION ...................................................................................................................................... 7
Compatibility ................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Configuring the Microtech III for BACnet Network .......................................................................................................... 7
Microtech III Device Object Properties ........................................................................................................................... 8
Microtech III Alarms........................................................................................................................................................ 9
Application Software Name VS Unit Model ...................................................................................................................11
PROPERTIES FOR MINIMUM INTEGRATION ................................................................................................ 12

DATA POINTS ................................................................................................................................................. 13

Data Points for Chiller Models .......................................................................................................................................13
Comphrensive Data Point List .......................................................................................................................................15
Detailed Protocol Data Points Information.....................................................................................................................19
Actual Capacity ................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Active Capacity Limit Output .............................................................................................................................................................. 19
Active Energy ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Active Setpoint .................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Active Power ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Average Current ................................................................................................................................................................................. 20
Average Voltage ................................................................................................................................................................................. 20
Capacity Limit Setpoint - Network ...................................................................................................................................................... 21
Chiller Capacity Limited ...................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Chiller Current..................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Chiller Enable Output ......................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Chiller Enable Setpoint ....................................................................................................................................................................... 22
Chiller Local/Network.......................................................................................................................................................................... 22
Chiller Mode Output............................................................................................................................................................................ 23
Chiller Mode Setpoint - Network ........................................................................................................................................................ 23
Chiller On/Off ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Chiller Status....................................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Compressor Current ........................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Compressor Discharge Refrigerant Temperature ............................................................................................................................. 25
Compressor Percent RLA .................................................................................................................................................................. 26
Compressor Power ............................................................................................................................................................................. 26
Compressor Run Hours...................................................................................................................................................................... 27
Compressor Starts .............................................................................................................................................................................. 28
Compressor Suction Refrigerant Temperature ................................................................................................................................. 29
Compressor Voltage ........................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Condenser Pump Run Hours ............................................................................................................................................................. 30
Condenser Refrigerant Pressure ....................................................................................................................................................... 31
Condenser Saturated Refrigerant Temperature................................................................................................................................ 32
Cool Setpoint - Network ..................................................................................................................................................................... 32
Evaporator Entering Fluid Temperature ............................................................................................................................................ 33
Evaporator Flow Switch Status .......................................................................................................................................................... 33
Evaporator Leaving Fluid Temperature ............................................................................................................................................. 33
Evaporator Pump Run Hours ............................................................................................................................................................. 33
Evaporator Pump Status .................................................................................................................................................................... 34
Evaporator Refrigerant Pressure ....................................................................................................................................................... 34
Evaporator Saturated Refrigerant Temperature................................................................................................................................ 36
Heat Recovery Entering Water Temp ................................................................................................................................................ 36
Heat Recovery Leaving Water Temp................................................................................................................................................. 37
Heat Setpoint - Network ..................................................................................................................................................................... 37
Ice Setpoint - Network ........................................................................................................................................................................ 37
Oil Feed Pressure............................................................................................................................................................................... 38
Outside Air Temperature .................................................................................................................................................................... 38
Power Factor....................................................................................................................................................................................... 39
Run Enabled ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 39
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Units .....................................................................................................................................................................................................39
VFD Temp ...........................................................................................................................................................................................40

ALARM POINTS .............................................................................................................................................. 41

Alarm Points for Chiller Models ................................................................................................................................................ 41
Comphrensive Alarm Fault Point List ....................................................................................................................................... 43
Detailed Protocol Alarm Points Information.............................................................................................................................. 53
Alarm Digital Output ............................................................................................................................................................................53
Alarm/Limit Controller Communication Failed ....................................................................................................................................53
Ambient Temperature Low Problem ...................................................................................................................................................53
Bad Current Limit Input Warning ........................................................................................................................................................54
Bad Demand Limit Input Warning.......................................................................................................................................................54
Bad Setpoint Override Input Warning .................................................................................................................................................54
Circuit #n Failed Pumpdown Warning ................................................................................................................................................55
CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Condenser Pressure Sensor Circuit #n Fault...........................................................................................55
CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Condenser Pressure High Trip Circuit #n Fault .......................................................................................56
CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Evaporator Pressure Sensor Circuit #n Fault...........................................................................................57
CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Gas Leakage Fault Circuit #n ...................................................................................................................57
CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN- Evaporator 1 Freeze Protection Fault ........................................................................................................58
CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN- Evaporator 2 Freeze Protection Fault ........................................................................................................58
CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Low Evaporator Pressure Trip Circuit #n Fault ........................................................................................58
CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Over Voltage Circuit n#Fault .....................................................................................................................59
CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN- PVM GFP Circuit #n Fault ..........................................................................................................................60
CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN- Under Voltage Circuit #n Fault ...................................................................................................................60
Clear Alarm - Network .........................................................................................................................................................................61
Compressor Controller Communication Failed ..................................................................................................................................61
COMPRESSOR LOCKOUT - Number of Allowed Re-Starts Exceeded Circuit #n Compressor #n Fault ......................................62
COMP SHUTDOWN - Com Error With Compressor VFD Circuit #n Comp #n ................................................................................63
COMP SHUTDOWN - COMP VFD Fault Circuit #n Comp #n ..........................................................................................................63
COMP SHUTDOWN-COMPRESSOR VFD Over Heat Fault Circuit # Comp # ...............................................................................64
COMP SHUTDOWN - Condenser Pressure High Circuit #n Compressor #n Fault .........................................................................65
COMP SHUTDOWN - Condenser Pressure Sensor Circuit #n Compressor #n Fault .....................................................................65
COMP SHUTDOWN - Current Overload Trip #n Fault ......................................................................................................................66
COMP SHUTDOWN - Discharge Temperature Sensor Circuit #n Compressor #n Fault ................................................................67
COMP SHUTDOWN - Discharge Temp High Circuit #n Compressor #n Fault ................................................................................68
COMP SHUTDOWN - Evaporator Pressure Low Circuit #n Compressor #n Fault ..........................................................................69
COMP SHUTDOWN - Evaporator Pressure Sensor Circuit #n Compressor #n Fault .....................................................................70
COMP LOCKOUT - Number of Allowed Re-Starts Exceeded Circuit #n Compressor #n Fault ......................................................70
COMP SHUTDOWN – Low Discharge Superheat Circuit #n Compressor #n Fault ........................................................................71
COMP SHUTDOWN – Low Pressure Ratio #n Fault ........................................................................................................................72
COMP SHUTDOWN - Mechanical Low Pressure Trip Circuit #n Compressor #n ...........................................................................73
COMP SHUTDOWN - Mechanical High Pressure Trip Circuit #n Compressor #n Fault .................................................................74
COMP SHUTDOWN – Motor Protector Circuit #n Compressor #n...................................................................................................75
COMP SHUTDOWN – Motor Temp Sensor Circuit #n Compressor #n ...........................................................................................75
COMP SHUTDOWN - Motor Temperature High Circuit #n Compressor #n Fault ...........................................................................76
COMP SHUTDOWN - No Pressure Change After Start Circuit #n ...................................................................................................77
COMP SHUTDOWN - No Pressure at Startup Circuit #n..................................................................................................................78
COMP SHUTDOWN - Oil Delta Pressure High Circuit #n Compressor #n Fault .............................................................................78
COMP SHUTDOWN - Oil Feed Pressure Sensor Circuit #n Compressor #n Fault .........................................................................79
COMP SHUTDOWN - Outside Air Temperature Sensor Fault .........................................................................................................80
COMP SHUTDOWN – Slide Position Sensor #n Fault......................................................................................................................81
COMP SHUTDOWN – Starter Fault Compressor #n Fault ...............................................................................................................82
COMP SHUTDOWN - Suction Temperature Sensor Circuit #n Compressor #n Fault ....................................................................83
Condenser Entering Water Temperature Sensor Fault .....................................................................................................................83
Condenser Leaving Water Temperature Sensor Fault ......................................................................................................................84
Controller Board #n Offline Fault ........................................................................................................................................................84
Evaporator Entering Water Temperature Sensor Fault .....................................................................................................................85
Evaporator Leaving Water Temperature 1 Sensor Fault ...................................................................................................................86
Evaporator Leaving Water Temperature 2 Sensor Fault ...................................................................................................................86
External Event .....................................................................................................................................................................................86
EXV Controller Communication Failed ...............................................................................................................................................87
Fan Controller Communication Failed ................................................................................................................................................87
Fault Alarm Code ................................................................................................................................................................................88
Fault Alarm Index ................................................................................................................................................................................88
INHIBIT LOAD – Compressor Motor Current High #n Problem ........................................................................................................88
INHIBIT LOAD – Condenser Pressure High Circuit #n Problem .......................................................................................................89
INHIBIT LOAD - Evaporator Pressure Low #n Problem ....................................................................................................................90
Notification Class - Faults ...................................................................................................................................................................91
Notification Class - Problems ..............................................................................................................................................................94
Notification Class - Warnings ..............................................................................................................................................................95
Option Controller Communication Failed Warning.............................................................................................................................96
Power Loss While Running Circuit #n Problem .................................................................................................................................96

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Problem Alarm Code .......................................................................................................................................................................... 97
Problem Alarm Index .......................................................................................................................................................................... 97
PUMP #2 START ATTEMPTED - Evaporator Pump #1 Failure ...................................................................................................... 98
PUMP #1 START ATTEMPTED - Evaporator Pump #2 Failure ...................................................................................................... 98
SHUTDOWN – Phase Voltage Protection Fault................................................................................................................................ 98
UNIT Power Restore Warning............................................................................................................................................................ 99
UNIT SHUTDOWN - Evaporator Leaving Water Temperature Low (Freeze) Fault ...................................................................... 100
UNIT SHUTDOWN - Evaporator Leaving Water Temperature Sensor Fault ................................................................................ 100
UNIT SHUTDOWN - Evaporator Water Flow Loss Fault ................................................................................................................ 100
UNIT STOP - Emergency Stop Alarm ............................................................................................................................................. 101
UNIT STOP – Evaporator Water Temperatures Inverted ............................................................................................................... 101
UNIT STOP – External Alarm .......................................................................................................................................................... 101
UNLOAD – Compressor Motor Current High #n Problem .............................................................................................................. 102
UNLOAD – Condenser Pressure High #n Problem ........................................................................................................................ 103
UNLOAD - Evaporator Pressure Low #n Problem .......................................................................................................................... 103
VFD Low Temperature Fault ............................................................................................................................................................ 104
VFD Over Temperature Fault........................................................................................................................................................... 105
UNIT STOP - PVM GFP Fault.......................................................................................................................................................... 105
Warning Alarm Code ........................................................................................................................................................................ 106
Warning Alarm Index ........................................................................................................................................................................ 106

BACNET DEVICE MANAGEMENT ................................................................................................................ 107

DeviceCommunicationControl - Disable ......................................................................................................................107
DeviceCommunicationControl - Enable.......................................................................................................................107
ReinitializeDevice (Reset) ...........................................................................................................................................107
APPENDIX A – OVERALL NETWORK PROPERTIES TABLE ...................................................................... 108

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BACnet is a standard communication protocol for Building Automation and Control Networks developed by the
American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-
conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) specified in (Ref.#1).
It addresses all aspects of the various systems that are applied to building control systems.
BACnet provides the communication infrastructure needed to integrate products manufactured by different
vendors and to integrate building services that are now independent.

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This document contains information to incorporate a MicroTech III Chiller Unit Controller into a building
automation system (BAS) via BACnet communication protocol.
The Microtech III Chiller Unit Controller contains data points accessible from a BACnet network provided that the
proper communication module is installed for network integration.
Communication settings and the BACnet properties with corresponding MicroTech III Chiller Unit Controller
data points are described.
BACnet terms are not defined. Refer to the respective specifications for definitions and details.

Revision History
1. D-EOMOC0010-14EN October 2014 Created
2. D-OMOC001(18)12-14EN December 2014 Improved ADZ units
3. D-OMOC001(21)09-15EN September 2015 Improved GIZMO, WATERSTREAM units
Improved Cross reference table between Application Software Name and Unit Models

Upgraded Revision History

Reference Documents
Ref.#1 ANSI/ ASHRAE 135-2004. “BACnet - A Data Communication Protocol for Building Automation
and Control Networks”. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning
Engineers - www.ashrae.org.

© 2014 Daikin Applied Europe, Cecchina, Roma. All rights reserved throughout the world
  The following are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies:
• BACnet from American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers,
• LONWORKS, LONMARK, and LonTalk from Echelon Corporation
• MicroTech III from Daikin Applied Europe.

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Basic Information

The MicroTech III Chiller Unit Controller is tested according to the BACnet Testing Laboratory (BTL) Test Plan. It
is designed to meet the requirements of the BACnet Standard (Ref.#1) as stated in the Protocol Implementation
and Conformance Statement (PICS). However, it is not BTL listed. The PICS is located in a separated

Configuring the Microtech III for BACnet Network

The MicroTech III Chiller Unit Controller can be configured in an interoperable BACnet network. The unit
controller must have the corresponding MicroTech III communication module installed for network integration.
There are two MicroTech III communication modules available:
• BACnet/IP (dedicated network or shared Ethernet LAN)
• BACnet MS/TP (Master/Slave Token Passing).
There are various communication parameters involved in setting up the unit controller for proper communication
with the two communication module options. These parameters are set differently depending on which
communication module is ordered and shipped with the unit. Table 1 below lists the default parameter settings.
Not all the parameters apply to all the module options.
Bold values may be changed via the unit’s keypad/display navigating to the View/Set Unit menu provided that
BUS led on the module is green coloured. A red BUS led means that module is not communicating with unit
controller and module data available at the keypad/display screen doesn’t show the actual values.

Table 1. Communication Parameter Settings

Parameter Name BACnet IP BACnet MS/TP
Actual IP Address DHCP enabled N/A
Actual IP Subnet Mask DHCP enabled N/A
Actual Gateway Address DHCP enabled N/A
Given IP Address2 N/A
Given IP Subnet Mask2 N/A
Given Gateway Address2 N/A
UDP Port Number 47808 (BAC0) N/A
MSTP MAC Address3 N/A 24 (0x18)
MSTP Baud Rate N/A 38400
Device Instance Number variable variable
Max APDU Length 1476 480
Device Object Name POL908_###### POL904_########5
Receive Heartbeat N/A N/A
Max Master N/A 127
Max Info Frames N/A 1
Term Resistor N/A No6

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1. The MicroTech III Chiller Unit Controller can be incorporated into a BACnet/IP network dedicated to BACnet devices only or an Ethernet
network shared with BACnet devices and other devices. Integrating the MicroTech III Chiller Unit Controller into a shared Ethernet LAN
requires close cooperation with the network administrator of the shared Ethernet network. First, verify whether DHCP should or should
not be enabled. If not, obtain the IP Subnet Mask of the shared network from the network administrator. Then, obtain static IP
Addresses for all MicroTech III Chiller Unit Controllers you are integrating into the shared network. Finally, obtain the address of an IP
Router to use for sending IP messages to and from the BACnet IP subnets.
2. These addresses are used if DHCP (Dynamic Host Connfiguratin Property) is set to Off. For changes to these parameters to take effect,
use the keypad/display and set Apply Changes on the BACnet IP Setup menu to Yes. This will cause the power on the chiller unit
controller to reset.
3. The MSTP MAC Address is set via the keypad/display. You must cycle power after changing it for the changes to take effect.
4. The last 6 digits are the last 6 digits of the MAC address. The MAC address is a printed sticker affixed to the BACnet communication
5. The last 8 digits are computed from the production number and date code.
6. Term Resistor is only changeable via the keypad/display. This item must be set to Yes for the first and last unit on the MS/TP network.
On all other units, this variable should be set to No (default).

Once communication module is set up and communication with network is established, in order to control the
MicroTech III over the network, the Unit control source must be turned in “Network” (default is Local). From
keypad/display set the Main Menu_View/Set Unit_Status/Settings_Control Source= to Network.

Microtech III Device Object Properties

The Microtech III Device Object properties are listed in the table below.

Table 2. BACnet Networks - MicroTech III Chiller Unit Controller Device Object Properties
Property Property Enumeration Default Value Data Type
Object Identifier 75 Device, variable BACnetObjectIdentifier
Object Name 77 Character String, variable Character String
Object Type 79 8 BACnetObjectType
System Status 112 - BACnetDeviceStatus
Vendor Name 121 MacQuay International Character String
Vendor Identifier 120 3 Unsigned 16
Model Name 70 variable Character String
Firmware Version 44 variable Character String
Application Software Revision 12 variable Character String
Location 58 Character String
Description 28 variable Character String
Protocol Version 98 1 Unsigned
Protocol Revision 139 4 Unsigned
Protocol Services Supported 97 BACnetServicesSupported
Protocol Object Types 96 AI, AO, AV, BI, BO, BV, Cal, BACnetObjectTypesSupported
Supported2 Device, MSI, MSO, NC, Sch,
Max APDU Length Accepted 62 1476 (IP) / 480 (MS/TP) Unsigned 16
Segmentation Supported 107 Both BACnetSegmentation
Max Segments Accepted 167 16 Unsigned
Local Time3 57 variable Time
Local Date3 56 variable Date
UTC Offset 119 196 Integer (Range: –780 .. 780)
Daylight Savings Status 24 False Boolean
APDU Segment Timeout 10 2000 Unsigned
APDU Timeout 11 3000 Unsigned
Number of APDU Retries 73 3 Unsigned
Database Revision 115 1 Unsigned
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For BACnet IP, the last 6 digits are the last 6 digits of the MAC address. The MAC address is printed a sticker affixed to the BACnet
communication module. For BACnet MS/TP, the last 8 digit are computed from the production number printed on the bar code label
affixed to the side of the module.
While the MicroTech III Chiller Unit Controller supports the entire set of object types, not all object types are used. See the Object List for
The BACnet communication module and the MicroTech III Chiller Unit Controller both have their own time clocks. The date and time read via
BACnet could differ from the date and time in the unit controller the date or time is changed via the keypad display. The two time clocks
resynchronize approximately every 60-68 minutes and after every power cycle of the unit controller or BACnet communication module.

Microtech III Alarms

Alarm information can be obtained from the MicroTech III Chiller Unit Controller:

• by monitoring individual alarms,

• by monitoring alarms according to Alarm Class,
• by monitoring alarms according to Notification Class.
To monitor wether or not there is any active alarm, read the Alarm Digital Output Binary Output object. If the
Present_Value is Inactive (0), no alarms are active. If the Present_Value is Active (1), there is at least one alarm
active in the chiller.

Individual alarms monitoring

The unit controller provides individual alarm identification through a unique value for each alarm.
Alarms can be monitored by Alarm Code or Alarm Index. Monitoring by alarm index provides a more generic
alarm, while monitoring by alarm code provides more detail. For example, Alarm Index 7 indicates a compressor
maintence warning. However, by monitoring the alarm code, it is possible to view which compressor needs
maintenance. The Alarm Index is used in calculating the alarm code in the following manner:
(8bits) (3bits) (3bits) (2bits)


Alarm Level (1:Warning, 2:Problem, 3:Fault)

Compressor Number (1,2,4,6,5,6), 0: No Preference

Circuit Number (1,2,3,4,5,6), 0: No Preference

Alarm Index

Each alarm has its own BACnet Binary Value object. To monitor alarms individually, read the Present_Value of
the desired Binary Value. If the Present_Value is Inactive (0), the alarm is not active. If the Present_Value is
Active (1), the alarm is active.

Alarm Class monitoring

Alarms in a MicroTech III Chiller Unit Controller are divided into three classes: Faults, Problems, and Warnings.
• Fault Alarms have the highest priority
• Problem Alarms have medium priority
• Warning Alarms have the lowest priority
The alarms within each class are not prioritized in any way. Refer to the MicroTech III Chiller Controller
Operation Manual for a description of each alarm.

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To monitor alarms by alarm class, read the Present_Value of the appropriate BACnet Analog Value object
(Faults, Problems and Warnings). The Present_Value displays a value that corresponds to the highest alarm
index or code that is active. It is possible to have multiple active alarms, but only the alarm with the highest index
or code is displayed. If the Present_Value displays a zero, there are no active alarms. The alarm code is
calculated as shown in the diagram above.

Notification Class monitoring

The MicroTech III Chiller Unit Controller has three Notification Class objects for alarms and uses Intrinsic
Reporting as defined by ASHRAE 135-2004, “A BACnet Data Communication Protocol for Building Automation
and Control Networks”. Refer to ASHRAE 135-2004 Section 13-Alarm and Event Services for more information.
In general, Intrinsic Reporting allows the unit controller to generate event notifications directed to one or more
recipients (maximum 20 recipients). There is one notification class object for each class of Daikin Applied
alarms. You must subscribe to the notification class objects in order to use them. The Recipient List property
must indicate when and to which device notification should be made.
This is a standard BACnet data type as defined in (Ref.#1). The Event_Enable property of each object enables
and disables the reporting of To-OffNormal, To-Fault, and To-Normal events.
For example, if you do not want an event generated when the object returns to a normal state after being in
alarm, set the To-Normal bit of the objects Event_Enable property to 0.
Table 9 - Table 11 define the objects and their corresponding Notification Classes supported by Intrinsic
The recipient list property (Recipient_List) of the Notification Class object, is a list of standard BACnet data type
BACnetDestination elements. This data type consists of the elements as shown in Table 3 and the complete list
of alarms is shown in Table 8.
If the BACnet workstation or BACnet device supports Intrinsic Alarming but is unable to subscribe to the recipient
list property of the notification class object, the workstation or device can still receive alarm notification by adding
its Device Instance to the “NC Dev 1=” or “NC Dev 2=” items on the unit controller keypad/display.
These items are located on the IP Setup or MSTP Setup menus. Cycle power to the unit controller for changes
to take effect. Once power is cycled, the unit controller sends out a “Who-Is” command directed at the device. If
the device reponds, the unit controller sends Unconfirmed Notifications for all alarms that are generated in the
application. If the device does not respond to the Who-Is, the unit controller periodically sends out the Who-Is
until the device responds.

Table 3. Recipient List Property for Standard Notification Class Objects

Element Standard BACnet Data Type Description
The set of days of the week that the destination may be used
Valid Days BACnetDaysOfWeek
between the From Time and the To Time
The window of time (inclusive) when the destination is visible
From Time, To Time Time
on the days of the week in Valid Days
The destination devices to receive the notification. A
Recipient BACnet Recipient
maximum of 20 destination devices is supported.
The handle of a process within the recipient device that is to
Process Identifier Unsigned32
receive the event notification
Issue Confirmed (TRUE) if confirmed notifications are to be sent and (FALSE)
Notification if unconfirmed notifications are to be sent
A set of three flags that indicate the transition (TO-
Transitions BACnetEventTransition Bits OFFNORMAL, TO-FAULT, and TO-NORMAL) for which this
recipient is suitable.

Alarms within MicroTech III Chiller Unit Controllers can be cleared via BACnet by setting the ClearAlarms
variable (page 53) to a value of 1. After the alarms are cleared, this variable will return to Normal (0).

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Application Software Name VS Unit Model
In the table below cross references between application software name and unit models is listed.

Application Software Name Unit Model Application Software Name Unit Model


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Properties for minimum integration
This section describes the information that assure compliance of Microtech III to the integration criteria for a
BACnet network integration. The data/alarm points that represent the minimum integration properties are listed
in Table 4 below and highlithed in boldface in Table 5 -Table 8. Any number of additional data points based on
job requirements or individual preference can be shown.
For description of all Microtech III BACnet Objects available to the network, see Table 5 and Table 8 below.

Table 4. MicroTech III Chiller Unit Controller data points for minimum integration

Data/Alarm points
Actual Capacity
Chiller Enable Setpoint
Chiller Mode Setpoint - Network
Chiller Status
Evaporator Entering Fluid Temperature
Evaporator Leaving Fluid Temperature
Capacity Limit Setpoint – Network
Cool Setpoint – Network
Problem Alarm Code
Fault Alarm Code
Warning Alarm Code

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Data Points

Data Points for Chiller Models

Table 5 contains the list of BACnet data points available from the MicroTech III Chiller Unit Controller depending
on the chiller model and corresponding unit controller application software. The data points in boldface represent
the minimum integration properties as in Table 4.

Table 5. MicroTech III Unit Controller BACnet Data Points List for Chiller Model







Data Point

Active Capacity Limit Output X X X X X X X X X X

Active Energy X X X

Active Power X

Active Setpoint X X X X X X X X X X

Actual Capacity X X X X X X X X X X

Average Current X

Average Voltage X

Capacity Limit Setpoint - Network X X X X X X X X X X

Chiller Capacity Limited X X X X X X X X X X

Chiller Current X X X X X

Chiller Enable Output X X X X X X X X X X

Chiller Enable Setpoint X X X X X X X X X X

Chiller Local/Network X X X X X X X X X X
1 2
Chiller Mode Output X X X X X X X X X X

Chiller Mode Setpoint - Network X X X X X X X X X X

Chiller On/Off X X X X X X X X

Chiller Status X X X X X X X X X X

Compressor Current X X3

Compressor Discharge Refrigerant Temperature X X X X3 X X X

Compressor Percent RLA X X3

Compressor Power X X3

Compressor Run Hours X X X X X X X X X X

Compressor Starts X X X X X X X X X X

Compressor Suction Refrigerant Temperature X X X X X X X X X

Compressor Voltage X X3

Condenser Pump Run Hours X X

Condenser Refrigerant Pressure X X X X X X X X X X

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Data Point

Condenser Saturated Refrigerant Temperature X X X X X X X X X X

Cool Setpoint - Network X X X X X X X X X X

Evaporator Entering Fluid Temperature X X X X X X X X X X

Evaporator Flow Switch Status X X X X X X X X X X

Evaporator Leaving Fluid Temperature X X X X X X X X X X

Evaporator Pump Run Hours X X X X X X X X X X

Evaporator Pump Status X X X X X X X X X X

Evaporator Refrigerant Pressure X X X X X X X X X X

Evaporator Saturated Refrigerant Temperature X X X X X X X X X

Heat Recovery Entering Water Temp X X

Heat Recovery Leaving Water Temp X X

Heat Setpoint - Network X X X X X

Ice Setpoint - Network X X X X X X X X X X

Oil Feed Pressure X X X X

Outside Air Temperature X X X X X X X

Power Factor X

Run Enabled X X X X X X X X X X

Units X X X X X X X X X X

VFD Temp X X

In application software versions > ACZC5.00.A
In application software versions > ACZH3.06.A
Only for AWS with Inverter

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Comphrensive Data Point List
Table 6 contains the complete list of BACnet data points properties available from the MicroTech III Chiller Unit
Controller. The properties in boldface represent the minimum integration properties (as identifed in Table 4).
Table 8 lists the available chiller alarm objects.

Table 6. MicroTech III Unit Controller BACnet Comphrensive Data Point List

Object Instance
Object Type

W = Write
R = Read
Network Control Property

Actual Capacity AV 2 R 0–100%
Active Capacity Limit Output AV 1 R 0–100%
Active Energy AV 990 R 0-100,000 kWh
Active Power AV 994 R 0-4000.0 kW
Active Setpoint AV 5 R 15.08°–149.9°F (-9.4°C to 6 5.5°C)
Average Current AV 993 R 0–500.0 Amps
Average Voltage AV 992 R 0-700.0 VAC
Capacity Limit Setpoint - Network1 AV 3 C 0 to 100%; Default=100%
Chiller Capacity Limited BI 6 R 0=Not Limited, 1=Limited
Chiller Current AI 6 R 0–10,000 Amps
Chiller Enable Output BI 7 R 0=Disable, 1=Enable
Chiller Enable Setpoint1 BV 2 C 0=Disable, 1=Enable
Chiller Local/Network BI 3 R 0=Network, 1=Local
Chiller Mode Output MSV 2 R 1=Ice, 2=Cool, 3=Heat, 4=Cool/Heat Recovery,
Chiller Mode Setpoint – Network1 MSV 3 C 1=Ice, 2=Cool, 3=Heat, 4=Cool/Heat Recovery,
Chiller On/Off BI 4 R 0=Chiller Off, 1=Chiller On
Chiller Status1 MSV 1 R 1=Off, 2=Start, 3=Run, 4=Preshutdown, 5=Service
Compressor Current3 Average current of the compressor motor. These
Circuit #1 Compressor #1 AI 9,181,184 objects are used for Intrinsic Alarming.
Circuit #2 Compressor #1 AI 12,182,185
Circuit #3 Compressor #1 AI 15,183,186
Compressor Discharge Refrigerant Temperature
Circuit #1 Compressor #1 AI 63
Circuit #2 Compressor #1 AI 66 R -40°– 249.8°F, -40°– 121°C
Circuit #3 Compressor #1 AI 69
Circuit #1 Compressor #2 AI 64
Compressor Percent RLA3
Circuit #1 Compressor #1 AV 8
R 0-110%
Circuit #2 Compressor #1 AV 11
Circuit #3 Compressor #1 AV 14
Compressor Power3
Circuit #1 Compressor #1 AI 45
R 0-3500 kW
Circuit #2 Compressor #1 AI 48
Circuit #3 Compressor #1 AI 51
Compressor Run Hours
Circuit #1 Compressor #1 AV 74
W 0 ÷ 999,999
Circuit #1 Compressor #2 AV 75
Circuit #1 Compressor #3 AV 76

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Object Instance
Object Type

W = Write
R = Read
Network Control Property

Circuit #2 Compressor #1 AV 77
Circuit #2 Compressor #2 AV 78
Circuit #2 Compressor #3 AV 79
Circuit #3 Compressor #1 AV 80
Compressor Starts
Circuit #1 Compressor #1 AV 92
Circuit #1 Compressor #2 AV 93
Circuit #1 Compressor #3 AV 94
W 0 ÷ 65,535
Circuit #2 Compressor #1 AV 95
Circuit #2 Compressor #2 AV 96
Circuit #2 Compressor #3 AV 97
Circuit #3 Compressor #1 AV 98
Compressor Suction Refrigerant Temperature
Circuit #1 Compressor #1 AI 105
Circuit #2 Compressor #1 AI 108 -40°÷ 110°C ( -40°÷ 230°F)
Circuit #3 Compressor #1 AI 111
Circuit #1 Compressor #2 AI 106
Compressor Voltage3
Circuit #1 Compressor #1 AI 27 0÷15000 VAC
Circuit #2 Compressor #1 AI 30
Circuit #3 Compressor #1 AI 33
Condenser Pump Run Hours AV 110 W 0 ÷ 999,999
Condenser Refrigerant Pressure 0-410.019 PSI, (700PSI for R410A)
Condenser #1 AI 99, 157,161 0-2827 kPa (4826 kPa for R410A)
Condenser #2 AI 100, 158, 162
Condenser #3 AI 101,159, 163
Condenser Saturated Refrigerant Temperature R -14.98-185°F (-26.1-85°C)

Condenser #1 AV 44
Condenser #2 AV 45
Condenser #3 AV 46
Cool Setpoint - Network1 AV 4 C ACZC : -9.5 ÷ 15.6 °C (14.9 ÷ 60.0 °F)
ACZH : -9.5 ÷ 15.6 °C (14.9 ÷ 60.0 °F)
ADZ: : -9.5 ÷ 15.6 °C (14.9 ÷ 60.0 °F)
ATLAS: -8.0 ÷ 15.0 °C (17.6 ÷ 59 °F)
AWS: -4.0 ÷ 15.0 °C (24.8 ÷ 59 °F)
EWWD: -3.9 ÷ 15.0 °C (24.9 ÷ 59.0 °F)
GIZMO: -15.0 to 15.0 °C (5.0 to 59.0°F)
MNG: -3.9 ÷ 15.6 °C (24.9 ÷ 60.0 °F)
PFS: -8.0 ÷ 15.6 °C (17.6 ÷ 60.0 °F)
WATERSTREAM: -15.0 to 15.0 °C (5.0 to 59.0°F)
Evaporator Entering Fluid Temperature1 AI 1 R -40÷110°°C (-40÷230°°F)
Evaporator Flow Switch Status BI 2 R 0=No Flow, 1=Flow
Evaporator Leaving Fluid Temperature AI 2 R -40÷110°°C (-40÷230°°F)
Evaporator Pump Run Hours
Pump #1 AV 112 W 0 –999,999
Pump #2 AV 113
Evaporator Pump Status R 0=Pump Off Request, 1=Pump On Request

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Object Instance
Object Type

W = Write
R = Read
Network Control Property

Pump #1 BI 8
Pump #2 BI 9
Evaporator Refrigerant Pressure
-2413 kPa – 2413 kPa
Evaporator #1 AI 141,153,169,173
R -349.974–349.974 psi
Evaporator #2 AI 142,154,170,174
Evaporator #3 AI 143,155,171,175
Evaporator Saturated Refrigerant Temperature
Evaporator #1 AV 68
R -26.1÷85°C (-14.98-185°F)
Evaporator #2 AV 69
Evaporator #3 AV 70
Heat Recovery Entering Water Temp AI 177 R - 40°÷110 °C
Heat Recovery Leaving Water Temp AI 150 R - 40°÷110 °C
Heat Setpoint - Network AV 6 C ATLAS: 30.0 ÷ 50.0 °C (86.0 ÷ 122.0°F)
AWS: 25.0 ÷ 50.0 °C (77.0 ÷ 122.0°F)
EWWD: 25.0 ÷ 60.0 °C (77.0 ÷ 140.0 °F)
GIZMO: 25.0 to 55.0 °C (77.0 to 131°F)
WATER STREAM: 25.0 to 50.0 °C (77.0 to 122°F)
ACZC: -9.5 ÷ 4.4 °C (14.9 ÷ 39.9 °F)
ACZH: -9.5 ÷ 4.4 °C (14.9 ÷ 39.9 °F)
ADZ: -9.5 ÷ 4.4 °C (14.9 ÷ 39.9 °F)
ATLAS: -8.0 ÷ 4.0 °C (17.6°-39.2°F)
AWS: -8.0 ÷ 4.0 °C (17.6°-39.2°F)
Ice Setpoint - Network AV 7 C
EWWD: -10.0 ÷ 4.0 °C (14.0÷39.2 °F)
GIZMO: -15 to 4 °C (5.0 to 39.2 °F)
MNG: -9.4 ÷ 3.4 (15.0÷38.1 °F)
PFS: -9.4 ÷ 3.4 (15.0÷38.1 °F)
WATER STREAM: -15 to 4 °C (5.0 to 39.2 °F)
Oil Feed Pressure
Circuit #1 Compressor #1 AI 165
R These objects are used for Intrinsic Alarming.
Circuit #2 Compressor #1 AI 166
Circuit #3 Compressor #1 AI 167
Outside Air Temperature AI 5 R -40°–230°F (-40-110 °C)
Power Factor AV 991 R 0-1
Run Enabled BI 5 R 0=OFF, 1=Run Allowed
1=Metric, 2= Engish (Default). The power must be
Units MSV 4 W cycled on the unit controller for this change to take
VFD Temp
Circuit #1 Compressor #1 AI 178 Temperature of the compressor VFD. These objects
Circuit #2 Compressor #1 AI 179 are used for Intrinsic Alarming.
Circuit #3 Compressor #1 AI 180

Denotes data points for typical minimum integration.
This column defines whether the Present_Value property of the object is Read Only (R), Read/Write (W), or Commandable (C).
Commandable variables are read/write, but they contain a priority array (1-16). Any priority can be written if the MicroTech III
Chiller Unit Controller is communicating via BACnet MS/TP or BACnet IP. However, LonWorks and Modbus protocols always
write at Priority 8.

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Voltage, Power, Current, and Percent RLA are available per compressor with the installation of an optional VFD package. Multiple analog
inputs exist for Compressor Current because of Intrinsic Alarming. Each object generates different alarms for this sensor. However, the
Present_Value of each object will be coming from the same physical analog input on each circuit. Therefore, if the Present_Value is needed
for Compressor Current, use any one of the four analog inputs on the circuit. See the tables in the on page 9 for more information on which
objects generate which alarms for Intrinsic Alarming.
Active Energy, Active Power, Average Current, Average Voltage and Power Factor are available per chiller with the installation of an
optional Energy Meter package.

Note: If the BACnet communication module is attached to a unit controller that also has a LONWORKS and/or Modbus communication module
attached, BACnet must write at priority 8 or higher. LONWORKS and Modbus write to this point at priority 8.

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Detailed Protocol Data Points Information
This section lists the information (i.e. data) that is available to the BAS via BACnet communication protocols.
Each data point may or may not be available on the unit controller keypad/display. Refer to the chiller operation
manuals for keypad details.

Actual Capacity
This read only output network variable indicates the percent of maximum capacity the chiller is producing under
the present operating conditions. At 100%, the chiller may be producing more or less than its nominal rating due
to variations in operating conditions.
Measurement Units Data Type Usable Range Default Value
Percent of chiller NA Real 0–100% NA

Object Identifier Property Identifier

Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Value 2 2 Present Value 85
Object Name

Active Capacity Limit Output

This read only output network variable is a measure of the ratio of operating capacity limit to full capacity
expressed as a percentage. This value is the lowest of all limits specified by the operator, analog Demand Limit
input, or Network Capacity Limit Setpoint.
Measurement Units Data Type Usable Range Default Value
Percent of maximum NA Real
0% to 100%. NA

Object Identifier Property Identifier

Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Value 2 1 Present Value 85
Object Name

Active Energy
This read only output network variable is available only with the installation of an optional Energy Meter package
and indicates the value of the chiller active energy.

Measurement Units Data Type Usable Range Default Value

kW/h NA Real 0-100000 NA

Object Identifier Property Identifier

Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Value 2 990 Present Value 85
Object Name

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Active Setpoint
This read only output network variable indicates the current setpoint used to control the chiller. The setpoint that
is used is based on the operating mode (Ice, Cool or Heat) of the chiller and any “LWT reset” functions that are
in effect. See “Chiller Mode Output” and “Chiller Mode Setpoint – Network”. The default mode is Cool. There are
three possible setpoints. See “Cool Setpoint – Network”, “Heat Setpoint – Network” and “Ice Setpoint – Network”.
Measurement Units Data Type Usable Range Default Value
Temperature °F/°C Real 15.08°–149.9° F NA

Object Identifier Property Identifier

Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Value 2 5 Present Value 85
Object Name

Active Power
This read only variable is available only with the installation of an optional Energy Meter package and indicates
the current average power of the chiller.
Measurement Units Data Type Usable Range Default Value
Power kiloWatts Real 0-4000.0 NA

Object Identifier Property Identifier

Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Value 2 994 Present Value 85
Object Name

Average Current
This read only output network variable indicates the average current of the chiller.
Measurement Units Data Type Usable Range Default Value
Electric Current Amperes Real 0-500 NA

Object Identifier Property Identifier

Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Value 2 993 Present Value 85
Object Name

Average Voltage
This read only variable is available only with the installation of an optional Energy Meter package and indicates
the average voltage of the chiller.
Measurement Units Data Type Usable Range Default Value
Electric Voltage VAC Real 0-700.0 NA

Object Identifier Property Identifier

Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Value 2 992 Present Value 85
Object Name
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Capacity Limit Setpoint - Network
This read/write input network variable sets the maximum capacity level of the chiller. This level may be adjusted,
but not above the factory-specified limit. The unit controller only uses this variable if Chiller Local/Network is set
to Network (0). Chiller Local/Network can only be changed using the unit controller keypad display.
Measurement Units Data Type Usable Range Default Value
Percent of maximum NA Real 0% to 100% 100%

This read or read/write property sets the maximum capacity limit of the chiller. This level may be adjusted, but
not above the factory-specified limit. If a LONWORKS or Modbus module is also installed along with a BACnet
module, BACnet must write at priority 8 or higher. The LONWORKS and Modbus modules write to this point at
priority 8.
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Value 2 3 Present Value 85
Object Name

Chiller Capacity Limited

This read only output network variable indicates whether conditions may exist that prevent the chiller from
reaching full capacity.
Measurement Units Data Type Usable Range Default Value
Status NA Enumerated See Below NA

Object Identifier Property Identifier

Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Binary Input 3 6 Present Value 85
Object Name
Property Values
0 = Not Limited(Inactive)
1 = Limited(Active)

Chiller Current
This read only output network variable indicates the average current of the chiller. Compressor currents may be
added together to calculate this value.
Measurement Units Data Type Usable Range Default Value
Electric Current Amperes Real 0-10,000 NA

Object Identifier Property Identifier

Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Input 0 6 Present Value 85
Object Name

Chiller Enable Output

This read only output network variable indicates if operation of the chiller is disabled or enabled. If the chiller is
disabled, it cannot run. If it is enabled it is allowed to run.
Measurement Units Data Type Usable Range Default Value
Chiller State NA Enumerated See Below 0 = Disabled

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Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Binary Input 3 7 Present Value 85
Object Name
Property Values
0 = Disable(Inactive)
1 = Enable(Active)

Chiller Enable Setpoint

This read/write input network variable is used to disable or enable chiller operation over the network. The default
is Disable. Setting this variable to Enable, does not start the chiller. It only allows the chiller to start if other
operating conditions are satisfied. The unit controller only uses this variable if Chiller Local/Network is set to
Network (0). Chiller Local/Network can only be changed using the unit controller keypad display.
Measurement Units Data Type Usable Range Default Value
Chiller State NA Enumerated See Below 0 = Disabled

Object Identifier Property Identifier

Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Binary Value 5 2 Present Value 85
Object Name
Property Values
0 = Disable(Inactive)
1 = Enable(Active)

Chiller Local/Network
This read only output network variable indicates whether the chiller is in local control or allowed to be controlled
remotely over the network (i.e. BAS). The value can only be changed locally (i.e. unit controller
keypad/display).The values from the following variables are ignored in the chiller application if this variable is set
to Local (1):
Chiller Enable Setpoint
Chiller Mode Setpoint – Network
Cool Setpoint Network
Ice Setpoint Network
Capacity Limit Setpoint
Clear Alarm Network

Measurement Units Data Type Usable Range Default Value

Mode NA Enumerated See Below NA

Object Identifier Property Identifier

Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Binary Input 3 3 Present Value 85
Object Name

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Property Values
0 = Network
1 = Local

Chiller Mode Output

This read only output network variable indicates the current operating mode of the chiller.
Measurement Units Data Type Usable Range Default Value
HVAC Mode NA Unsigned Integer See Below NA

Object Identifier Property Identifier

Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Multi-state Value 19 2 Present Value 85
Object Name
Property Values
1 = ICE
2 = COOL
3 = HEAT

Chiller Mode Setpoint - Network

This read/write input network variable is used to change the operating mode of the chiller. The default is Cool.
The unit controller only uses this variable if Chiller Local/Network is set to Network (0). Chiller Local/Network can
only be changed using the keypad. It also only applies when Available Modes is set to Cool/Ice w/Glycol.
Available Modes can also be found on the keypad.
The MicroTech III Chiller Unit Controller only supports Ice and Cool modes. If any other mode is written, the
chiller will be set to Cool mode.
Measurement Units Data Type Usable Range Default Value
HVAC Mode NA Unsigned Integer See Below Cool
This commandable property sets the mode of operation of the chiller and provides the ability for another node on
the network to place a chiller in another mode.
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Multi-state Value 19 3 Present Value 85
Object Name
Property Values
1 = ICE
2 = COOL
3 = HEAT

Chiller On/Off
This output network variable indicates the current state of the chiller.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Chiller State NA Enumerated See Below NA

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Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Binary Input 3 4 Present Value 85
Object Name
Property Values
0 = Off
1 = On

Chiller Status
This read only output network variable indicates the unit status of the chiller.
Measurement Units Data Type Usable Range Default Value
State NA Unsigned Integer See Below NA

Object Identifier Property Identifier

Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Multi-state Value 19 1 Present Value 85
Object Name
Property Values
Off Start Run Preshutdown Service
1 2 3 4 5

Compressor Current
This read only variable indicates the average current of the compressor motor. BACnet has three objects for
each compressor. The Present Value property of each object is the same for each compressor. BACnet Intrinsic
Alarming supports the ability for each of the four objects to generate separate alarms.
Measurement Units Data Type Usable Range Default Value
Electric Current Amperes Real 0-10,000 NA

Circuit #1 Compressor #1
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Input 0 9 Present Value 85
Object Name
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Input 0 181 Present Value 85
Object Name
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Input 0 184 Present Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #2 Compressor #1
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Input 0 12 Present Value 85

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Object Name
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Input 0 182 Present Value 85
Object Name
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Input 0 185 Present Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #3 Compressor #1 (AWS)

Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Input 0 15 Present Value 85
Object Name
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Input 0 183 Present Value 85
Object Name
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Input 0 186 Present Value 85
Object Name

Compressor Discharge Refrigerant Temperature

This read only output network variable indicates the current refrigerant temperature discharged from the
compressor. BACnet uses a separate object for each compressor/circuit combination.
Measurement Units Data Type Usable Range Default Value
Temperature °F/°C Real -40°– 249.8°F NA
-40°– 121°C

Circuit #1 Compressor #1
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Input 0 63 Present Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #2 Compressor #1
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Input 0 66 Present Value 85
Object Name

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Circuit #3 Compressor #1 (AWS)
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Input 0 69 Present Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #1 Compressor #2 (PFS)

Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Input 0 64 Present Value 85
Object Name

Compressor Percent RLA

This read only variable indicates the current percent RLA for the compressor motor of the compressor. BACnet
uses a separate variable for each compressor.
Measurement Units Data Type Usable Range Default Value
Percent RLA Percent RLA Real 0-110% NA

Circuit #1 Compressor #1 - Variable Details

Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Value 2 8 Present Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #2 Compressor #1 - Variable Details

Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Value 2 11 Present Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #3 Compressor #1 - Variable Details

Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Value 2 14 Present Value 85
Object Name

Compressor Power
This read only variable indicates the current power of the compressor motor.
BACnet uses a separate variable for each compressor.
Measurement Units Data Type Usable Range Default Value
Power kiloWatts Real 0-3500 NA

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Circuit #1 Compressor #1
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Input 0 45 Present Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #2 Compressor #1
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Input 0 48 Present Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #3 Compressor #1
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Input 0 51 Present Value 85
Object Name

Compressor Run Hours

This variable indicates the number of hours that the compressor motor has been turned on. BACnet uses a
separate read/write object for each compressor/circuit combination.
Measurement Units Data Type Usable Range Default Value
Event Count Hours Real 0 –999,999 NA

Circuit #1 Compressor #1
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Value 2 74 Present Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #1 Compressor #2
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Value 2 75 Present Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #1 Compressor #3
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Value 2 76 Present Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #2 Compressor #1
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Value 2 77 Present Value 85

D-EOMOC0001(21)09-15EN - 27/119
Object Name

Circuit #2 Compressor #2
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Value 2 78 Present Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #2 Compressor #3
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Value 2 79 Present Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #3 Compressor #1
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Value 2 80 Present Value 85
Object Name

Compressor Starts
This network variable indicates the number of times the compressor motor has been started. BACnet uses a
separate read/write object for each compressor/circuit combination.
Measurement Units Data Type Usable Range Default Value
Event Count NA Real 0 –65,535 NA

Circuit #1 Compressor #1
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Value 2 92 Present Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #1 Compressor #2
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Value 2 93 Present Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #1 Compressor #3
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Value 2 94 Present Value 85
Object Name

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Circuit #2 Compressor #1
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Value 2 95 Present Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #2 Compressor #2
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Value 2 96 Present Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #2 Compressor #3
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Value 2 97 Present Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #3 Compressor #1
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Value 2 98 Present Value 85
Object Name

Compressor Suction Refrigerant Temperature

This read only output network variable indicates the current refrigerant temperature entering the compressor.
BACnet uses a separate read-only object for each compressor/circuit combination.
Measurement Units Data Type Usable Range Default Value
Temperature °F/°C Real -40°–230°F NA

Circuit #1 Compressor #1
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Input 0 105 Present Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #2 Compressor #1
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Input 0 108 Present Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #3 Compressor #1
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Input 0 111 Present Value 85

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Object Name

Circuit #1 Compressor #2 (PFS)

Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Input 0 111 Present Value 85
Object Name

Compressor Voltage
This read only variable indicates the average voltage of the compressor motor. BACnet uses a separate output
for each compressor.
Measurement Units Data Type Usable Range Default Value
Electric Voltage VAC Real 0-15,000 NA

Circuit #1 Compressor #1
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Input 0 27 Present Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #2 Compressor #1
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Input 0 30 Present Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #3 Compressor #1
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Input 0 33 Present Value 85
Object Name

Condenser Pump Run Hours

This variable indicates the number of hours that the condenser pump has been turned on.
Measurement Units Data Type Usable Range Default Value
Event Coun Hours Real 0 –999,999 NA

Object Identifier Property Identifier

Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Value 2 110 Present Value 85
Object Name

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Condenser Refrigerant Pressure
This read only output network variable indicates the current condenser pressure. BACnet uses a separate read-
only object for each condenser.
Measurement Units Data Type Usable Range Default Value
Pressure (gauge) Psi or kPa Real 0-410.019 Psi (700 Psi for R410A)
0-2827 kPa, (4826 kPa for R410A)

Condenser #1
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Input 0 99 Present Value 85
Object Name
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Input 0 157 Present Value 85
Object Name
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Input 0 161 Present Value 85
Object Name

Condenser #2
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Input 0 100 Present Value 85
Object Name
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Input 0 158 Present Value 85
Object Name
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Input 0 162 Present Value 85
Object Name

Condenser #3
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Input 0 101 Present Value 85
Object Name
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Input 0 159 Present Value 85
Object Name
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Input 0 163 Present Value 85

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Object Name

Condenser Saturated Refrigerant Temperature

This read only output network variable indicates the current saturated refrigerant temperature of the condenser.
BACnet uses a separate read-only object for each condenser.
Measurement Units Data Type Usable Range Default Value
Temperature °F/°C Real -14.98-185°F NA
-26.1-85° C

Condenser #1
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Value 2 44 Present Value 85
Object Name

Condenser #2
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Value 2 45 Present Value 85
Object Name

Condenser #3
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Value 2 46 Present Value 85
Object Name

Cool Setpoint - Network

This read/write input network variable is used to change the Cooling setpoint from the network. It sets the
temperature of the Leaving Chilled Fluid when the chiller is operating in the Cooling Mode. It cannot be set below
the local Cool Setpoint. The default is 44°F. The u nit controller only uses this variable if Chiller Local/Network is
set to Network (0). Chiller Local/Network can only be changed using the keypad. The unit controller uses this
variable when Chiller Mode Setpoint - Network is set to Cool (3).
Measurement Units Data Type Usable Range Default Value
Temperature °F/°C Real ACZC : -9.5 ÷ 15.6 °C (14.9 ÷ 60.0 °F) 6.6°C/ 43.88°F
ACZH : -9.5 ÷ 15.6 °C (14.9 ÷ 60.0 °F)
ADZ : -9.5 ÷ 15.6 °C (14.9 ÷ 60.0 °F)
ATLAS: -8.0 ÷ 15.0 °C (17.6 ÷ 59 °F)
AWS: -4.0 ÷ 15.0 °C (24.8 ÷ 59 °F)
EWWD: -3.9 ÷ 15.0 °C (24.9 ÷ 59.0 °F)
MNG: -3.9 ÷ 15.6 °C (24.9 ÷ 60.0 °F)
PFS: -8.0 ÷ 15.6 °C (17.6 ÷ 60.0 °F)
This commandable property sets the temperature of the Leaving Chilled Fluid. This level may be adjusted via an
operator workstation or other network device.
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Value 2 4 Present Value 85

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Object Name
Note: If the BACnet communication module is attached to a unit controller that also has a LONWORKS and/or Modbus communication module
attached, BACnet must write at priority 8 or higher. LONWORKS and Modbus write to this point at priority 8.

Evaporator Entering Fluid Temperature

This read-only output network variable indicates the temperature of the fluid entering the evaporator.
Measurement Units Data Type Usable Range Default Value
Temperature °F/°C Real -40–230°F NA
-40°–110 °C

Object Identifier Property Identifier

Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Input 0 1 Present Value 85
Object Name

Evaporator Flow Switch Status

This read-only output network indicates the status of the fluid flowing through the evaporator.
Measurement Units Data Type Usable Range Default Value
Flow State NA Enumerated See Below NA

Object Identifier Property Identifier

Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Binary Input 3 2 Present Value 85
Object Name
Property Values
0 = No Flow(Inactive)
1 = Flow(Active)

Evaporator Leaving Fluid Temperature

This read-only output network variable indicates the current temperature of the fluid leaving the evaporator.
Measurement Units Data Type Usable Range Default Value
Temperature °F/°C Real -40–230°F NA
-40°–110 °C

Object Identifier Property Identifier

Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Input 0 2 Present Value 85
Object Name

Evaporator Pump Run Hours

This read/write variable indicates the number of hours that the pump motor has been turned on. BACnet uses
separate variable for each pump.
Measurement Units Data Type Usable Range Default Value
Event Count NA Real 0 –999,999 NA

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Pump #1
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Value 2 112 Present Value 85
Object Name

Pump #2
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Value 2 113 Present Value 85
Object Name

Evaporator Pump Status

This read-only output network variable indicates if the pump has been commanded On or Off. BACnet uses
separate outputs for each pump.
Measurement Units Data Type Usable Range Default Value
Flow State NA Enumerated See Below NA

Pump #1
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Binary Input 3 8 Present Value 85
Object Name
Property Values
0 = Pump Off Request
1 = Pump On Request

Pump #2
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Binary Input 3 9 Present Value 85
Object Name
Property Values
0 = Pump Off Request
1 = Pump On Request

Valid Range
State Value Pump Status
0 unused Pump Off Request
1 unused Pump On Request

Evaporator Refrigerant Pressure

This read-only variable indicates the current refrigerant pressure in the evaporator. BACnet has four objects for
each compressor. The Present Value property of each object is the same for each compressor. BACnet Intrinsic
Alarming supports the ability for each of the four objects to generate separate alarms.

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Measurement Units Data Type Usable Range Default Value
Pressure Psi or kPa Real -349.974–349.974 psi NA
(gauge) -2413 kPa – 2413 kPa

Evaporator #1
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Input 0 141 Present Value 85
Object Name
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Input 0 153 Present Value 85
Object Name
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Input 0 169 Present Value 85
Object Name
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Input 0 173 Present Value 85
Object Name

Evaporator #2
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Input 0 142 Present Value 85
Object Name
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Input 0 154 Present Value 85
Object Name
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Input 0 170 Present Value 85
Object Name
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Input 0 174 Present Value 85
Object Name

Evaporator #3
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Input 0 143 Present Value 85
Object Name

D-EOMOC0001(21)09-15EN - 35/119
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Input 0 155 Present Value 85
Object Name
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Input 0 171 Present Value 85
Object Name
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Input 0 175 Present Value 85
Object Name

Evaporator Saturated Refrigerant Temperature

This read only output network parameter indicates the current saturated refrigerant temperature of the
evaporator. For BACnet, there is a separate output for each condenser.
Measurement Units Data Type Usable Range Default Value
Temperature °F/°C Real -14.98-185°F NA
-26.1-85° C

Evaporator #1
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Value 2 68 Present Value 85
Object Name

Evaporator #2
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Value 2 69 Present Value 85
Object Name

Evaporator #3
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Value 2 70 Present Value 85
Object Name

Heat Recovery Entering Water Temp

This read-only output network variable indicates the temperature of the heat recovery entering water.
Measurement Units Data Type Usable Range Default Value
Temperature °F/°C Real -40°–110 °C NA

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Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Input 0 177 Present Value 85
Object Name

Heat Recovery Leaving Water Temp

This read-only output network variable indicates the temperature of the heat recovery leaving water.
Measurement Units Data Type Usable Range Default Value
Temperature °F/°C Real -40–230°F NA
-40°–110 °C

Object Identifier Property Identifier

Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Input 0 150 Present Value 85
Object Name

Heat Setpoint - Network

This read/write input network parameter changes the Heat setpoint from the network. For EWWD it sets the
temperature of the Leaving Fluid when the Unit is operating in the Heat Pump Mode. For ATLAS and AWS it
sets the temperature of the Heat Recovery Leaving Fluid when the Unit is operating in the mode 4=”Cool/Heat
Recovery” .
Measurement Units Data Type Usable Range Default Value
Temperature °F/°C Real ATLAS: 30.0 ÷ 50.0 °C (86.0 ÷ 122.0°F) 45.0°C (113 °F)
AWS: 25.0 ÷ 50.0 °C (77.0 ÷ 122.0°F) 40.0°C (104 °F)
EWWD: 25.0 ÷ 60.0 °C (77.0 ÷ 140.0 °F) 45.0°C (113 °F)

Object Identifier Property Identifier

Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Value 2 6 Present Value 85
Object Name
NetworkHeatTempSetpoint (ATLAS, EWWD)
HeatRecStp (AWS)

Ice Setpoint - Network

This read/write input network parameter changes the Ice setpoint from the network. It sets the temperature of the
Leaving Chilled Fluid when the chiller is operating in the Ice Mode. The default is 25°F. The unit con troller only
uses this variable if Chiller Local/Network is set to Remote (0). Chiller Local/Network can only be changed using
the unit controller keypad display. The unit controller uses this variable when Chiller Mode Setpoint - Network is
set to Ice.
Measurement Units Data Type Usable Range Default Value
Temperature °F/°C Real ACZC: -9.5 ÷ 4.4 °C (14.9 ÷ 39.9 °F) 0.0°C
ACZH: -9.5 ÷ 4.4 °C (14.9 ÷ 39.9 °F)
ADZ: -9.5 ÷ 4.4 °C (14.9 ÷ 39.9 °F)
ATLAS: -8.0 ÷ 4.0 °C (17.6°-39.2°F)
AWS: -8.0 ÷ 4.0 °C (17.6°-39.2°F)
EWWD: -10.0 ÷ 4.0 °C (14.0÷39.2 °F)
MNG: -9.4 ÷ 3.4 (15.0÷38.1 °F)
PFS: -9.4 ÷ 3.4 (15.0÷38.1 °F)

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Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Value 2 7 Present Value 85
Object Name
Note: If the BACnet communication module is attached to a unit controller that also has a LONWORKS and/or Modbus communication module
attached, BACnet must write at priority 8 or higher. LONWORKS and Modbus write to this point at priority 8.

Oil Feed Pressure

This commandable BACnet object indicates the current Oil Feed Pressure. There is one BACnet object for each
compressor. These objects are used for Intrinsic Alarming and generate the COMP SHUTDOWN - Oil Feed
Pressure Sensor Fault Circuit #n Comp #n alarms. The purpose of this object is for Intrinsic Alarming, and
although it is commandable, writing to it will interfere with this function.
Measurement Units Data Type Usable Range Default Value
Pressure (gauge) Psi or kPa Real -5.801473 to 17.54946 psi NA
-40 to 121kPA

Circuit #1 Compressor #1
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Input 0 165 Present Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #2 Compressor #1
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Input 0 166 Present Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #3 Compressor #1
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Input 0 167 Present Value 85
Object Name

Outside Air Temperature

This read-only network parameter indicates the current Outside Air Temperature. BACnet uses two Analog Input
objects to represent the Outside Air Temperature. The Present Value for these objects comes from the same
physical analog input to the chiller unit controller. Either one can be used to display the current Outside Air
Temperature. Each Analog Input generates an alarm that is mapped to a separate notificaiton class object.
Analog Input 5 is mapped to Notification Class 1 (Faults) and Analog Input 149 is mapped to Notification Class 2
Measurement Units Data Type Usable Range Default Value
Temperature °F/°C Real -40°–230°F NA
-40°– 110°C

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Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Input 0 5 Present Value 85
Object Name

Object Identifier Property Identifier

Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Input 0 149 Present Value 85
Object Name

Power Factor
This read-only network parameter indicates the current unit Power Factor.
Measurement Units Data Type Usable Range Default Value
NA NA Real 0-1 NA

Object Identifier Property Identifier

Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Value 2 991 Present Value 85
Object Name

Run Enabled
This read only output network variable indicates the running mode of the chiller. The Run Enabled output
network variable indicates that the chiller can start if operating conditions are met.
Measurement Units Data Type Usable Range Default Value
Chiller Status NA Enumerated See Below NA

Object Identifier Property Identifier

Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Binary Input 3 5 Present Value 85
Object Name
Property Values
0 = Off (Inactive)
1 = Run Allowed (Active)

This is a BACnet-only variable that sets the type of units (English or Metric) sent from the chiller unit controller to
the BACnet network. Cycle power to the unit controller for this change to take effect.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Unit Support N/A Unsigned 1 = Metric Metric (1)
2 = English

Object Identifier Property

Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Multistate Value 19 4 Present_Value 85
Object Name

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1 = Metric
2 = English

VFD Temp
This read only network parameter indicates the temperature of the compressor VFD. There is one parameter for
each compressor. These points are used for intrinsic alarming, are only available via BACnet, and only apply to
units configured for a VFD.
Measurement Units Data Type Usable Range Default Value
Temperature °F / °C Real 14.0°F-302°F NA

Circuit #1 Compressor #1
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Input 0 178 Present Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #2 Compressor #1
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Input 0 179 Present Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #3 Compressor #1
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Analog Input 0 180 Present Value 85
Object Name

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Alarm Points

Alarm Points for Chiller Models

Table 7 contains the list of BACnet alarm points available from MicroTech III Chiller Unit Controller depending on
the chiller model and corresponding unit controller application software. The alarm points in boldface represent
the minimum integration properties.

Table 7. MicroTech III Unit Controller BACnet Alarm Points List for Chiller Models







Alarm Point

Alarm Digital Output X X X X X X X X X

Alarm/Limit Controller Communication Failed X X X X

Ambient Temperature Low Problem X X X X X X X

Bad Current Limit Input Warning X X X X

Bad Demand Limit Input Warning X X X X X X X X X

Bad Setpoint Override Input Warning X X X X X X X X X

Circuit Failed Pumpdown Warning X X X X X X X X

Circuit Failed Pumpdown Hi Press Warning X

CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Condenser Pressure High Trip Circuit #n Fault X X X X X X X X

CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Condenser Pressure Sensor Circuit #n Fault X X X X X X X

CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Evaporator Pressure Sensor Circuit #n Fault X X X X X X X

CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Gas Leakage Fault X X X

CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Low Evaporator Pressure Trip Circuit #n Fault X X X X X X X X

CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Minimum Delta Pressure Fault X

CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Over Voltage Circuit n# Fault X

CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Under Voltage Circuit #n Fault X

CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN- Evaporator 1 Freeze Protection Fault X X X X

CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN- Evaporator 2 Freeze Protection Fault X X X X

CIRCUIT STOP - Global Alarm Fault X

Clear Alarm - Network X X X X X X X X X

COMP LOCKOUT - Number of Allowed Re-Starts Exceeded Circuit #n Compressor #n


COMP SHUTDOWN - Com Error With Compressor VFD Circuit #n Comp #n X X

COMP SHUTDOWN - COMP VFD Fault Circuit #n Comp #n X X

COMP SHUTDOWN - Compressor VFD Over Heat Fault Circuit # Comp # X X

COMP SHUTDOWN - Current Overload Trip #n Fault X X

COMP SHUTDOWN - Discharge Temp High Circuit #n Compressor #n Fault X X X X X

COMP SHUTDOWN - Discharge Temperature Sensor Circuit #n Compressor #n Fault X X X X X X X

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Alarm Point

COMP SHUTDOWN – Low Discharge Superheat Circuit #n Comp #n X X X X

COMP SHUTDOWN – Low Pressure Ratio #n Fault X X X X

COMP SHUTDOWN - Mechanical High Press Trip Circuit #n Compressor #n Fault X X X X X X X X X

COMP SHUTDOWN – Mechanical Low Pressure Trip Circuit #n Compressor #n X X X X X

COMP SHUTDOWN – Motor Protector Circuit #n Compressor #n X X

COMP SHUTDOWN – Motor Temp Sensor Circuit #n Compressor #n X X X X X

COMP SHUTDOWN – Motor Temperature High Circuit #n Compressor #n Fault X X X X X

COMP SHUTDOWN – No Pressure at Startup Circuit #n X X X X X

COMP SHUTDOWN – No Pressure Change After Start Circuit #n X X X X X X X X X

COMP SHUTDOWN – Oil Delta Pressure High Circuit #n Compressor #n Fault X X X X X

COMP SHUTDOWN - Oil Feed Pressure Sensor Circuit #n Compressor #n Fault X X X X X

COMP SHUTDOWN - Outside Air Temperature Sensor Fault X X X X X X

COMP SHUTDOWN – Slide Position Sensor #n Fault X X X X X

COMP SHUTDOWN – Starter Fault Compressor #n Fault X X X X X

COMP SHUTDOWN - Suction Temp Sensor Circuit #n Compressor #n Fault X X X X X X X X X

Compressor Controller Communication Failed X X X X X X

Condenser Entering Water Temperature Sensor Fault X X

Condenser Leaving Water Temperature Sensor Fault X X

Controller Board #n Offline Fault X X X X X X X X

1 2
Evaporator Entering Water Temperature Sensor Fault X X X X X X X X

Evaporator Entering Water Temperature Sensor Fault

Evaporator Leaving Water Temperature 1 Sensor Fault X X X X

Evaporator Leaving Water Temperature 2 Sensor Fault X X X X

External Event X X X X X X X X X

EXV Controller Communication Failed X X X X X X X X X

Fan Controller Communication Failed X X X X

Fault Alarm Code X X X X X X X X X

Fault Alarm Index X X X X X X X X X

INHIBIT LOAD - Compressor Motor Current High #n Problem X X

INHIBIT LOAD – Condenser Pressure High Circuit #n Problem X X X X

INHIBIT LOAD - Evap Pressure Low #n Prob X X X X

Notification Class - Faults X X X X X X X X

Notification Class - Problems X X X X X X X X

Notification Class - Warnings X X X X X X X X

Option Controller Communication Failed Warning X X X X X

Power Loss While Running Circuit #n Problem X X X X

Problem Alarm Code X X X X X X X X X

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Alarm Point

Problem Alarm Index X X X X X X X X X

PUMP #1 START ATTEMPTED - Evaporator Pump #2 Failure X X X X X X

PUMP #2 START ATTEMPTED - Evaporator Pump #1 Failure X X X X X X

SHUTDOWN – Phase Voltage Protection Fault X1 X2 X X X X X

Unit Board Offline X X X X

UNIT Power Restore Warning X X X X X

UNIT SHUTDOWN - Evaporator Water Flow Loss Fault X X X X X X X X

UNIT SHUTDOWN - Evaporator Leaving Water Temperature Low (Freeze) Fault X X X X X X X X X

UNIT SHUTDOWN - Evaporator Leaving Water Temperature Sensor Fault X X X X X X X X X

UNIT STOP - Emergency Stop Alarm X X X X X

UNIT STOP – Evaporator Water Temperatures Inverted X X X X X

UNIT STOP – External Alarm X X X X X X X X X

UNLOAD – Compressor Motor Current High #n Problem X X

UNLOAD – Condenser Pressure High #n Prob X X X X

UNLOAD - Evaporator Pressure Low #n Problem X X X X

VFD Low Temperature Fault X

VFD Over Temperature X

Warning Alarm Code X X X X X X X X X

Warning Alarm Index X X X X X X X X X

In application software versions > 5.00.A
In application software versions > 3.16.A

Comphrensive Alarm Fault Point List

Table 8 lists properties of BACnet individual alarm points, alarm classes and notification classes available from
the MicroTech III Chiller Unit Controller. Properties in boldface represent the minimum integration properties.

Table 8. MicroTech III Unit Controller BACnet Comphrensive Alarm Points List
Network Control Property Description
Object Instance
Object Type

W = Write
R = Read

Alarm Digital Output BI 10 R 0=No Alarm, 1=Alarm

Alarm/Limit Controller BV 17 C 0=NoAlarm, 1=InAlarm.
Communication Failed This object is present only for Intrinsic Alarming.
Ambient Temperature Low Problem BV 533 C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm
Bad Current Limit Input Warning BV 918 C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm.
This object is used for Intrinsic Alarming.
Bad Demand Limit Input Warning BV 513 C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm. This object is used for Intrinsic Alarming.
Bad Setpoint Override Input BV 512 C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm. This object is used for Intrinsic Alarming.

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Network Control Property Description

Object Instance
Object Type

W = Write
R = Read
Circuit #n Failed Pumpdown Warning C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm. These objects are used for Intrinsic Alarming.
Circuit #1 BV 516
Circuit #2 BV 517
Circuit #3 BV 518
CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Condenser Pressure C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm
High Trip Circuit #n Fault
Circuit #1 BV 676
Circuit #2 BV 678
PFS BV 675
CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Condenser Pressure C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm
Sensor Circuit #n Fault
Circuit #1 BV 668
Circuit #2 BV 670
CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Evaporator Pressure C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm
Sensor Circuit #n Fault
Circuit #1 BV 711
Circuit #2 BV 713
CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Gas Leakage Fault C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm
Circuit #1 BV 967
Circuit #2 BV 968
CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Low Evaporator C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm
Pressure Trip Circuit #n Fault
Circuit #1 BV 704
Circuit #2 BV 706
PFS BV 703
CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Over Voltage Circuit n# C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm.
Circuit #1 BV 978
Circuit #2 BV 982
CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Under Voltage Circuit C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm.
n# Fault
Circuit #1 BV 979
Circuit #2 BV 981
BV 751 C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm
1 Freeze Protection Fault
BV 752 C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm
2 Freeze Protection Fault
Clear Alarm - Network BV 8 C 0=Normal, 1=Clear Alarm
COMP LOCKOUT - Number of Allowed Re-Starts C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm. These objects are used for Intrinsic Alarming.
Exceeded Circuit #n Compressor #n Fault
Circuit #1 Compressor #1 BV 742
Circuit #2 Compressor #1 BV 744
Circuit #3 Compressor #1 BV 746
COMP SHUTDOWN - Com Error With C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm. These objects are used for Intrinsic Alarming.
Compressor VFD Circuit #n Comp #n
Circuit #1 Compressor #1 BV 948
Circuit #2 Compressor #1 BV 950
Circuit #3 Compressor #1 BV 952
COMP SHUTDOWN - COMP VFD Fault Circuit C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm. These objects are used for Intrinsic Alarming.
#n Comp #n
Circuit #1 Compressor #1 BV 886
Circuit #2 Compressor #1 BV 888
Circuit #3 Compressor #1 BV 890
COMP SHUTDOWN- Compressor VFD Over C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm
Heat Fault Circuit # Comp #
Circuit #1 Compressor #1 BV 942
Circuit #2 Compressor #1 BV 944

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Network Control Property Description

Object Instance
Object Type

W = Write
R = Read
Circuit #3 Compressor #1 BV 946
COMP SHUTDOWN - Condenser Pressure High C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm
Circuit #n Compressor #n Fault
Circuit #1 Compressor #1 BV 676
Circuit #2 Compressor #1 BV 678
Circuit #3 Compressor #1 BV 680
COMP SHUTDOWN - Condenser Pressure C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm
Sensor Circuit #n Compressor #n Fault
Circuit #1 Compressor #1 BV 668
Circuit #2 Compressor #1 BV 670
Circuit #3 Compressor #1 BV 672
COMP SHUTDOWN - Current Overload Trip #n C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm
Circuit #1 BV 606
Circuit #2 BV 608
Circuit #3 BV 610
COMP SHUTDOWN - Discharge Temp High C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm
Circuit #n Compressor #n Fault
Circuit #1 Compressor #1 BV 694
Circuit #2 Compressor #1 BV 696
Circuit #3 Compressor #1 BV 698
Circuit #1 Compressor #2 BV 695
COMP SHUTDOWN - Discharge Temperature C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm
Sensor Circuit #n Compressor #n Fault
Circuit #1 Compressor #1 BV 688
Circuit #2 Compressor #1 BV 690
Circuit #3 Compressor #1 BV 692
Circuit #1 Compressor #2 BV 689
COMP SHUTDOWN - Evaporator Pressure Low C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm
Circuit #n Compressor #n Fault
Circuit #1 Compressor #1 BV 704
Circuit #2 Compressor #1 BV 706
Circuit #3 Compressor #1 BV 708
COMP SHUTDOWN - Evaporator Pressure C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm
Sensor Circuit #n Compressor #n Fault
Circuit #1 Compressor #1 BV 711
Circuit #2 Compressor #1 BV 713
Circuit #3 Compressor #1 BV 715
COMP SHUTDOWN – Low Discharge Superheat C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm. These objects are used for Intrinsic Alarming.
Circuit #n Comp #n
Circuit #1 Compressor #1 BV 961
Circuit #2 Compressor #1 BV 963
Circuit #3 Compressor #1 BV 965
Circuit #1 Compressor #2 BV 962
COMP SHUTDOWN – Low Pressure Ratio #n C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm. These objects are used for Intrinsic Alarming.
Circuit #1 Compressor #1 BV 599
Circuit #2 Compressor #1 BV 601
Circuit #3 Compressor #1 BV 603
COMP SHUTDOWN - Mechanical High Press C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm. These objects are used for Intrinsic Alarming.
Trip Circuit #n Compressor #n Fault
Circuit #1 Compressor #1 BV 760
Circuit #2 Compressor #1 BV 762
Circuit #3 Compressor #1 BV 764
Circuit #1 Compressor #2
BV 761
COMP SHUTDOWN – Mechanical Low Pressure C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm. These objects are used for Intrinsic Alarming.
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Network Control Property Description

Object Instance
Object Type

W = Write
R = Read
Trip Circuit #n Compressor #n
Circuit #1 Compressor #1 BV 876
Circuit #2 Compressor #1 BV 878
Circuit #3 Compressor #1 BV 880
Circuit #1 Compressor #2 BV 877
COMP SHUTDOWN – Motor Protector Circuit #n C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm
Compressor #n
Circuit #1 Compressor #1 BV 625
Circuit #2 Compressor #1 BV 627
COMP SHUTDOWN – Motor Temp Sensor C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm. These objects are used for Intrinsic Alarming.
Circuit #n Compressor #n
Circuit #1 Compressor #1 BV 899
Circuit #2 Compressor #1 BV 901
Circuit #3 Compressor #1 BV 903
COMP SHUTDOWN – Motor Temperature High C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm. These objects are used for Intrinsic Alarming.
Circuit #n Compressor #n Fault
Circuit #1 Compressor #1 BV 637
Circuit #2 Compressor #1 BV 639
Circuit #3 Compressor #1 BV 641
Circuit #1 Compressor #2 BV 638
COMP SHUTDOWN – No Pressure at Startup C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm. These objects are used for Intrinsic Alarming.
Circuit #n
Circuit #1 BV 911
Circuit #2 BV 912
Circuit #3 BV 913
COMP SHUTDOWN – No Pressure Change After C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm. These objects are used for Intrinsic Alarming.
Start Circuit #n
Circuit #1 BV 905
Circuit #2 BV 906
Circuit #3 BV 907
COMP SHUTDOWN – Oil Delta Pressure High C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm. These objects are used for Intrinsic Alarming.
Circuit #n Compressor #n Fault
Circuit #1 Compressor #1 BV 796
Circuit #2 Compressor #1 BV 798
Circuit #3 Compressor #1 BV 800
Circuit #1 Compressor #2 BV 797
COMP SHUTDOWN - Oil Feed Pressure Sensor C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm
Circuit #n Compressor #n Fault
Circuit #1 Compressor #1 BV 802
Circuit #2 Compressor #1 BV 804
Circuit #3 Compressor #1 BV 806
Circuit #1 Compressor #2 BV 803
COMP SHUTDOWN - Outside Air 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm
BV 605 C
Temperature Sensor Fault
COMP SHUTDOWN – Slide Position Sensor #n C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm. These objects are used for Intrinsic Alarming.
Circuit #1 Compressor #1 BV 930
Circuit #2 Compressor #1 BV 932
Circuit #3 Compressor #1 BV 934
Circuit #1 Compressor #2 BV 931
COMP SHUTDOWN – Starter Fault Compressor C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm. These objects are used for Intrinsic Alarming.
#n Fault
Circuit #1 Compressor #1 BV 821

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Network Control Property Description

Object Instance
Object Type

W = Write
R = Read
Circuit #2 Compressor #1 BV 823
Circuit #3 Compressor #1 BV 825
Circuit #1 Compressor #2 BV 822
COMP SHUTDOWN - Suction Temp Sensor C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm
Circuit #n Compressor #n Fault
Circuit #1 Compressor #1 BV 857
Circuit #2 Compressor #1 BV 859
Circuit #3 Compressor #1 BV 861
Circuit #1 Compressor #2 BV 858
Compressor Controller Communication Failed C 0=NoAlarm, 1=InAlarm.
Circuit #1 BV 9 This object is present only for Intrinsic Alarming.
Circuit #2 BV 10
Circuit #3 BV 11
Condenser Entering Water BV 500 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm.
Temperature Sensor Fault
Condenser Entering Water BV 700 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm.
Temperature Sensor Fault (PFS)
Condenser Leaving Water BV 503 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm.
Temperature Sensor Fault
Controller Board #n Offline Fault C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm
Circuit #1 BV 882
Circuit #2 BV 883
Circuit #3 BV 884
Evaporator Entering Water BV 917 C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm.
Temperature Sensor Fault
Evaporator Entering Water BV 501 C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm.
Temperature Sensor Fault (Gizmo)
Evaporator Leaving Water BV 749 C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm
Temperature 1 Sensor Fault
Evaporator Leaving Water BV 750 C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm
Temperature 2 Sensor Fault
External Event BV 924 C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm. This object is used for Intrinsic Alarming.
EXV Controller Communication Failed C 0=NoAlarm, 1=InAlarm.
Circuit #1 BV 13 This object is present only for Intrinsic Alarming.
Circuit #2 BV 14
Circuit #3 BV 15
Fan Controller Communication Failed C 0=NoAlarm, 1=InAlarm.
Circuit #1 & Circuit #2 BV 18 This object is present only for Intrinsic Alarming.
Circuit #3 BV 19
Fault Alarm Code3 AV 905 R 0=No Alarms
32551=COMP SHUTDOWN–Low pressure ratio Circuit #1, Comp #1
32583=COMP SHUTDOWN – Low pressure ratio Circuit #2, Comp #1
32615=COMP SHUTDOWN–Low pressure ratio Circuit #3, Comp #1
32651=COMP SHUTDOWN – Minimum Delta Pressure Circuit #1
32652= COMP SHUTDOWN – Minimum Delta Pressure Circuit #2
32653= COMP SHUTDOWN – Minimum Delta Pressure Circuit #3
32771=COMP SHUTDOWN-Outside Air Temp Sensor Fault,
33063=COMP SHUTDOWN-Current Overload Trip Circuit #1, Comp #1
33095=COMP SHUTDOWN-Current Overload Trip Circuit #2, Comp #1
33127= COMP SHUTDOWN-Current Overload Trip Circuit #3, Comp #1
34087= COMP SHUTDOWN– Motor Protector Trip Circuit #1 Comp #1
34119= COMP SHUTDOWN– Motor Protector Trip Circuit #2 Comp #1
34599=COMP SHUTDOWN–Motor Temp High Circuit #1, Comp #1
34631=COMP SHUTDOWN-Motor Temp High Circuit #2, Comp #1
34663=COMP SHUTDOWN–Motor Temp High Circuit #3, Comp #1
34855= COMP SHUTDOWN–Motor Temp Sensor Fault Circuit #1, Comp #1
34887= COMP SHUTDOWN–Motor Temp Sensor Fault Circuit #2, Comp #1
34919= COMP SHUTDOWN–Motor Temp Sensor Fault Circuit #3, Comp #1

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Network Control Property Description

Object Instance
Object Type

W = Write
R = Read
36387=CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Condenser Pressure Sensor Circuit #1 Fault
36391=COMP SHUTDOWN-Condenser Pressure Sensor Fault Circuit #1, Comp #1
36419=CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Condenser Pressure Sensor Circuit #2 Fault
36423=COMP SHUTDOWN-Condenser Pressure Sensor Fault Circuit #2, Comp #1
36455=COMP SHUTDOWN-Condenser Pressure Sensor Fault Circuit #3, Comp #1
37155=CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Condenser Pressure High Trip Circuit #1 Fault
37159=COMP SHUTDOWN-Condenser Pressure High Circuit #1, Comp #1
37187=CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Condenser Pressure High Trip Circuit #2 Fault
37191=COMP SHUTDOWN-Condenser Pressure High Circuit #2, Comp #1
37223=COMP SHUTDOWN-Condenser Pressure High Circuit #3, Comp #1
37671=COMP SHUTDOWN-Discharge Temp Sensor Fault Circuit #1, Comp #1
37703=COMP SHUTDOWN-Discharge Temp Sensor Fault Circuit #2, Comp #1
37735=COMP SHUTDOWN-Discharge Temp Sensor Fault Circuit #3, Comp #1
37927=COMP SHUTDOWN-Discharge Temp High Circuit #1, Comp #1
37959=COMP SHUTDOWN-Discharge Temp High Circuit #2, Comp #1
37991=COMP SHUTDOWN-Discharge Temp High Circuit #3, Comp #1
38403=UNIT SHUTDOWN-Evaporator Water Flow Loss,
38659=UNIT SHUTDOWN–Evaporator Leaving Water Temp Low (Freeze)
38915=COMP SHUTDOWN-Evaporator Pressure Low
39203=CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Low Evaporator Pressure Trip Circuit #1 Fault
39207=COMP SHUTDOWN-Evaporator Pressure Low Circuit #1, Comp #1
39235=CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Low Evaporator Pressure Trip Circuit #2 Fault
39239=COMP SHUTDOWN–Evaporator Pressure Low Circuit #2, Comp #1
39271=COMP SHUTDOWN-Evaporator Pressure Low Circuit #3, Comp #1
39715=CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Evaporator Pressure Sensor Circuit #1 Fault
39719=COMP SHUTDOWN-Evaporator Pressure Sensor Fault Circuit #1, Comp #1
39747=CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Evaporator Pressure Sensor Circuit #2 Fault
39751=COMP SHUTDOWN-Evaporator Pressure Sensor Fault Circuit #2, Comp #1
39783=COMP SHUTDOWN-Evaporator Pressure Sensor Fault Circuit #3, Comp #1
41255=COMP LOCKOUT-Number of Allowed Re-Starts Exceeded Circuit #1, Comp #1
41287=COMP LOCKOUT-Number of Allowed Re-Starts Exceeded Circuit #2, Comp #1
41319=COMP LOCKOUT-Number of Allowed Re-Starts Exceeded Circuit #3, Comp #1
41475=UNIT SHUTDOWN-Evaporator Leaving Water Temp Sensor Fault
41731=UNIT SHUTDOWN-Evaporator Entering Water Temp Sensor Failure
42535=COMP SHUTDOWN-Mechanical High Pressure Trip Circuit #1, Comp #1
42567=COMP SHUTDOWN-Mechanical High Pressure Trip Circuit #2, Comp #1
42599=COMP SHUTDOWN-Mechanical High Pressure Trip Circuit #3, Comp #1
44327=COMP SHUTDOWN-Oil Feed Pressure Sensor Fault Circuit #1, Comp #1
44359=COMP SHUTDOWN-Oil Feed Pressure Sensor Fault Circuit #2, Comp #1
44391=COMP SHUTDOWN-Oil Feed Pressure Sensor Fault Circuit #3, Comp #1
45059=SHUTDOWN-Phase Voltage Protection
45351=COMP SHUTDOWN–Starter Fault Comp Circuit #1, Comp #1
45383=COMP SHUTDOWN–Starter Fault Comp Circuit #2, Comp #1
45415=COMP SHUTDOWN–Starter Fault Comp Circuit #3, Comp #1
46887=COMP SHUTDOWN-Suction Temp Sensor Fault Circuit #1, Comp #1
46919=COMP SHUTDOWN-Suction Temp Sensor Fault Circuit #2, Comp #1
46951=COMP SHUTDOWN-Suction Temp Sensor Fault Circuit #3, Comp #1
47911=COMP SHUTDOWN–Mechanical Low Pressure Trip Circuit #1, Comp #1
47943=COMP SHUTDOWN–Mechanical Low Pressure Trip Circuit #2, Comp #1
47975=COMP SHUTDOWN–Mechanical Low Pressure Trip Circuit #3, Comp #1
48131=Unit Controller offline
48163=Controller board offline Circuit #1
48195=Controller board offline Circuit #2
48227=Controller board offline Circuit #3
48419=COMP SHUTDOWN–No Pressure Change After Start Circuit #1
48451=COMP SHUTDOWN–No Pressure Change After Start Circuit #2
48483=COMP SHUTDOWN–No Pressure Change After Start Circuit #3

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Network Control Property Description

Object Instance
Object Type

W = Write
R = Read
48675=COMP SHUTDOWN–No Pressure at Startup Circuit #1
48707=COMP SHUTDOWN–No Pressure at Startup Circuit #2
48739=COMP SHUTDOWN–No Pressure at Startup Circuit #3
48911=Circuit Global Alarm, Circuit #1
48912=Circuit Global Alarm, Circuit #2
48913=Circuit Global Alarm, Circuit #3
48935=COMP SHUTDOWN-Slide position sensor fault Circuit #1, Comp#1
48967=COMP SHUTDOWN-Slide position sensor fault Circuit #2, Comp#1
48999=COMP SHUTDOWN-Slide position sensor fault Circuit #3, Comp#1
49155=UNIT STOP–Emergency Stop Alarm
49411=UNIT STOP–Evaporator Water Temps Inverted
49667=UNIT STOP–External Alarm
49923=Evaporator Leaving Water Temp 1 Sensor Fault
50179=Evaporator Leaving Water Temp 2 Sensor Fault
50435=CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN-Evaporator 1 Freeze Protection
50691=CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN-Evaporator 2 Freeze Protection
50983=COMP SHUTDOWN-COMP VFD Fault Circuit #1, Comp #1
51015=COMP SHUTDOWN-COMP VFD Fault Circuit #2, Comp #1
51047=COMP SHUTDOWN-COMP VFD Fault Circuit #3, Comp #1
51239=COMP SHUTDOWN-COMP VFD Over Heat Fault Circuit #1, Comp #1
51271=COMP SHUTDOWN-COMP VFD Over Heat Fault Circuit #2, Comp #1
51303=COMP SHUTDOWN-COMP VFD Over Heat Fault Circuit #3, Comp #1
51495=COMP SHUTDOWN-COM ERROR With COMP VFD Circuit #1, Comp #1
51527=COMP SHUTDOWN-COM ERROR With COMP VFD Circuit #2, Comp #1
51559=COMP SHUTDOWN-COM ERROR With COMP VFD Circuit #3, Comp #1
51755 = COMP SHUTDOWN -Low Discharge Superheat Circuit #1, Comp #1
51783 = COMP SHUTDOWN -Low Discharge Superheat Circuit #2, Comp #1
51815 = COMP SHUTDOWN -Low Discharge Superheat Circuit #3, Comp #1
58371= UNIT STOP - PVM GFP Fault
58403= CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN- PVM GFP Circuit 1 Fault
58435= CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN- PVM GFP Circuit 2 Fault
58915=COMP SHUTDOWN- Refrige Charge Circuit #1
58947=COMP SHUTDOWN- Refrige Charge Circuit #2
58979=COMP SHUTDOWN- Refrige Charge Circuit #3
Fault Alarm Index AV 901 R 0=No Alarms
127=COMP SHUTDOWN–Low pressure ratio #n
128=COMP SHUTDOWN-Outside Air Temp Sensor Fault
129=COMP SHUTDOWN-Current Overload Trip Circuit #n, Comp #n
135=COMP SHUTDOWN–Motor Temp High Circuit #n
136=COMP SHUTDOWN–Motor Temp Sensor Fault #n
142=COMP or CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN-Condenser Pressure Sensor Fault #n
145=COMP or CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN-Condenser Pressure High #n,
147=COMP SHUTDOWN-Discharge Temp Sensor Fault #n
148=COMP SHUTDOWN-Discharge Temp High #n
150=UNIT SHUTDOWN-Evaporator Water Flow Loss
151=UNIT SHUTDOWN–Evaporator Leaving Water Temp Low (Freeze)
153=COMP or CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN-Evaporator Pressure Low #n,
155=COMP or CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN-Evaporator Pressure Sensor Fault #n
161=COMP LOCKOUT-Number of Allowed Re-Starts Exceeded #n
162=UNIT SHUTDOWN-Evaporator Leaving Water Temp Sensor Fault
163=UNIT SHUTDOWN-Evaporator Entering Water Temperature Sensor Fault
166=COMP SHUTDOWN-Mechanical High Pressure Trip #n
172=COM SHUTDOWN-Oil Delta Pressure High Circuit #1, Comp #1
173=COMP SHUTDOWN-Oil Feed Pressure Sensor Fault #n
176=SHUTDOWN–Phase Voltage Protection
177=COMP SHUTDOWN–Starter Fault Comp #n
183=COMP SHUTDOWN-Suction Temp Sensor Fault #n
187=COMP SHUTDOWN–Mechanical Low Pressure Trip #n
188=Controller board offline Circuit #n

D-EOMOC0001(21)09-15EN - 49/119
Network Control Property Description

Object Instance
Object Type

W = Write
R = Read
189=COMP SHUTDOWN –No Pressure Change After Start
190=COMP SHUTDOWN–No Pressure at Startup
191=CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN–Evaporator Freeze Protection
192=UNIT STOP–Emergency Stop Alarm
193=UNIT STOP–Evaporator Water Temps Inverted
194=UNIT STOP–External Alarm
195=Evaporator Leaving Water Temperature 1 Sensor Fault
196=Evaporator Leaving Water Temperature 2 Sensor Fault
197=CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN-Evaporator 1 Freeze Protection
198=CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN-Evaporator 2 Freeze Protection
199=COMP SHUTDOWN-COMP VFD Fault Circuit #n, Comp #n
200=COMP SHUTDOWN-COMP VFD Over Heat Fault Circuit #n, Comp #n
202=COMP SHURTOWN-Low Discharge Superheat Circuit #n, Comp #n
228=UNIT STOP – External Alarm
230=COMP SHUTDOWN- Refrige Charge Circuit #n
251=CIRCUIT STOP – Global Alarm, Circuit #1
252=CIRCUIT STOP – Global Alarm, Circuit #2
253= CIRCUIT STOP – Global Alarm, Circuit #3
INHIBIT LOAD - Compressor Motor Current High C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm
#n Problem4
Circuit #1 Compressor #1 BV 578
Circuit #2 Compressor #1 BV 580
Circuit #3 Compressor #1 BV 582
INHIBIT LOAD – Condenser Pressure High C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm
Circuit #n Problem4
Circuit #1 BV 535
Circuit #2 BV 536
Circuit #3 BV 537
PFS BV 534
INHIBIT LOAD - Evap Pressure Low #n Prob4 C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm
Circuit #1 BV 556
Circuit #2 BV 557
Circuit #3 BV 558
PFS BV 555
Notification Class - Faults NC 1 R All faults report to this notification class (Table 9)
Notification Class - Problems NC 2 R All problems report to this notification class (Table 10)
Notification Class - Warnings NC 3 R All warnings report to this notification class (Table 11)
Option Controller Communication BV 919 C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm
Failed Warning
Power Loss While Running Circuit #n Problem C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm. These objects are used for Intrinsic Alarming.
Circuit #1 BV 529
Circuit #2 BV 530
Circuit #3 BV 531
Problem Alarm Code3 AV 904 R 0=No Alarms,
16418=RESTART DELAYED - Power Loss While Running Circuit #1
16450=RESTART DELAYED - Power Loss While Running Circuit #2
16482=RESTART DELAYED - Power Loss While Running Circuit #3
16642=START INHIBITED - Ambient Temperature Low
16898=INHIBIT LOAD–Condenser Pressure High
17186=INHIBIT LOAD–Condenser Pressure High Circuit #1
17218=INHIBIT LOAD–Condenser Pressure High Circuit #2
17250=INHIBIT LOAD–Condenser Pressure High Circuit #3
17698=UNLOAD - Condenser Pressure High Circuit #1
17730=UNLOAD – Condenser Pressure High Circuit #2
17762=UNLOAD – Condenser Pressure High Circuit #3
19490=INHIBIT LOAD - Evaporator Pressure Low Circuit #1

D-EOMOC0001(21)09-15EN - 50/119
Network Control Property Description

Object Instance
Object Type

W = Write
R = Read
19522=INHIBIT LOAD - Evaporator Pressure Low Circuit #2
19554=INHIBIT LOAD - Evaporator Pressure Low Circuit #3
20002=UNLOAD - Evaporator Pressure Low Circuit #1
20034=UNLOAD - Evaporator Pressure Low Circuit #2
20066=UNLOAD - Evaporator Pressure Low Circuit #3
20262=UNLOAD-Comp Motor Current High Circuit #1, Comp #1
20294=UNLOAD-Comp Motor Current High Circuit #2, Comp #1
20326=UNLOAD-Comp Motor Current High Circuit #3, Comp #1
20738=PUMP #2 START ATTEMPTED - Evaporator Pump #1 Failure
20994=PUMP #1 START ATTEMPTED - Evaporator Pump #2 Failure
21542=INHIBIT LOAD-Comp Motor Current High Circuit #1, Comp #1
21574=INHIBIT LOAD-Comp Motor Current High Circuit #2, Comp #1
21606= INHIBIT LOAD-Comp Motor Current High Circuit #3, Comp #1
Problems Alarm Index AV 900 R 0=No Alarms
64=RESTART DELAYED-Power Loss While Running Circuit #n
65=START INHIBITED - Ambient Temperature Low
67=INHIBIT LOAD – Condenser Pressure High Circuit #n
69=UNLOAD – Condenser Pressure High Circuit #n
76=INHIBIT LOAD - Evaporator Pressure Low Circuit #n
78=UNLOAD - Evaporator Pressure Low Circuit #n
79=UNLOAD - Comp Motor Current High Circuit #n, Comp #n
81=PUMP #2 START ATTEMPTED - Evaporator Pump #1 Failure
82=PUMP #1 START ATTEMPTED - Evaporator Pump #2 Failure
84= INHIBIT LOAD-Comp Motor Current High Circuit #n, Comp #n
PUMP #1 START ATTEMPTED - BV 576 C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm
Evaporator Pump #2 Failure
PUMP #2 START ATTEMPTED - BV 575 C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm
Evaporator Pump #1 Failure
SHUTDOWN – Phase Voltage Protection Fault C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm. These objects are used for Intrinsic Alarming.
Unit BV 820
Circuit #1 BV 926
Circuit #2 BV 927
Circuit #3 BV 928
Unit Board Offline BV 925 C 0=NoAlarm, 1=InAlarm.
UNIT Power Restore Warning4 BV 515 C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm. This object is used for Intrinsic Alarming.
UNIT SHUTDOWN - Evaporator BV 701 C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm. This object is used for Intrinsic Alarming.
Water Flow Loss Fault
UNIT SHUTDOWN - Evaporator BV 702 C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm. This object is used for Intrinsic Alarming.
Leaving Water Temperature Low
(Freeze) Fault
UNIT SHUTDOWN - Evaporator BV 748 C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm
Leaving Water Temperature Sensor
UNIT STOP – Emergency Stop BV 921 C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm. This object is used for Intrinsic Alarming.
UNIT STOP – Evaporator Water BV 922 C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm. This object is used for Intrinsic Alarming.
Temperatures Inverted
UNIT STOP – External Alarm BV 923 C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm. This object is used for Intrinsic Alarming.
UNLOAD – Compressor Motor Current High #n C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm
Circuit #1 Compressor #1 BV 565
Circuit #2 Compressor #1 BV 567
Circuit #3 Compressor #1 BV 569
UNLOAD – Condenser Pressure High #n C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm
Circuit #1 BV 540
Circuit #2 BV 541
Circuit #3 BV 542
PFS BV 539
UNLOAD - Evaporator Pressure Low #n Problem C 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm

D-EOMOC0001(21)09-15EN - 51/119
Network Control Property Description

Object Instance
Object Type

W = Write
R = Read
Circuit #1 BV 561
Circuit #2 BV 562
Circuit #3 BV 563
PFS BV 560
VFD Low Temperature Fault 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm.
Circuit #1 Compressor #1 BV 969
Circuit #2 Compressor #1 BV 974
VFD Over Temperature Fault 0=No Alarm, 1=In Alarm.
Circuit #1 Compressor #1 BV 970
Circuit #2 Compressor #1 BV 975
Warning Alarm Code3 AV 903 R 0=No Alarms
2049=Bad set point override input
2305=Bad demand limit input
2401=Circuit 1 failed pump down Hi Press
2402=Circuit 2 Failed pump down Hi Press
2403=Circuit 3 Failed pump down Hi Press
2817=Unit power restore
3105=Circuit 1 failed pump down
3137=Circuit 2 Failed pump down
3169=Circuit 3 failed pump down
3329=External Event
3585=Bad Current Limit Input
3841=Option Controller Communication Failed
4128=Low Refrigerant Charge – Circuit #1
4160=Low Refrigerant Charge – Circuit #2
4192=Low Refrigerant Charge – Circuit #3
4352=Chiller Network Communication Failure
Warning Alarm Index AV 902 R 0=No Alarms
8=Bad set point override input
9=Bad demand limit input
11=Unit power restore
12=Circuit failed pump down
13=External Event
14=Bad Current Limit Input
15=Option Controller Communication Failed
16=Low Refrigerant Charge – Circuit #n
17=Chiller Network Communication Failure
21= Pumpdown Failed Hi Press – Circuit #1
22= Pumpdown Failed Hi Press – Circuit #2
23= Pumpdown Failed Hi Press – Circuit #3

This column defines whether the Present_Value property of the object is Read Only (R), Read/Write (W), or Commandable (C).
Commandable variables are read/write, but they contain a priority array (1-16). Any priority can be written if the MicroTech III Chiller Unit
Controller is communicating via BACnet MS/TP or BACnet IP. However, via LONW ORKS and Modbus protocols always write at Priority 8.
Although they are commandable, it is recommended not writing to these points. If any priority is commanded to a 1 and the object is used
for Intrinsic Alarming, the object generates an alarm via BACnet, and the alarm is visible on the unit controller keypad/display, even if the
alarm is not present in the chiller. The chiller will continue to function as if the alarm does not exist. If any priority is commanded to a 0 and
the object is used for Intrinsic Alarming, the alarm never appears via BACnet nor is it visible on the keypad/display, even though it
may be an active chiller alarm.
Denotes alarms required for typical minimum integration.

D-EOMOC0001(21)09-15EN - 52/119
Detailed Protocol Alarm Points Information

Alarm Digital Output

This read only output network variable indicates whether an alarm condition has occurred. This variable must be
polled for alarm notification.
Measurement Units Data Type Usable Range Default Value
NA NA Integer Enumerated NA

Object Identifier Property Identifier

Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Binary Input 3 10 Present Value 85
Object Name
Property Values
0 = No Alarm
1 = Alarm

Alarm/Limit Controller Communication Failed

This commandable BACnet object is setup to generate Alarm/Limit Controller Communication Failed alarm. The
purpose of this object is for Intrinsic Alarming, and although it is commandable, writing to it will interfere with this
Measurement Units Data Type Usable Range Default Value
NA NA Binary Enumerated N/A

Object Identifier Property Identifier

Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Binary Value 5 17 Present Value 85
Object Name
Property Values

Ambient Temperature Low Problem

This commandable BACnet object indicates whether the START INHIBITED - Ambient Temperature Low
Problem is active (1) or not (0).
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Object Identifier Property

Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 533 Present_Value 85
Object Name

D-EOMOC0001(21)09-15EN - 53/119
Bad Current Limit Input Warning
This commandable BACnet object indicates whether the Bad Current Limit Input Warning is active (1) or not
active (0). The purpose of this object is for Intrinsic Alarming, and although it is commandable, writing to it may
interfere with this function.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Object Identifier Property

Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 918 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Bad Demand Limit Input Warning

This commandable BACnet object indicates whether the Bad Demand Limit Input is active (1) or not active (0).
The purpose of this object is for Intrinsic Alarming, and although it is commandable, writing to it may interfere
with this function.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Object Identifier Property

Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 513 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Bad Setpoint Override Input Warning

This commandable BACnet object indicates whether the Bad Setpoint Override Input alarm is active (1) or not
active (0). The purpose of this object is for Intrinsic Alarming, and although it is commandable, writing to it may
interfere with this function.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Object Identifier Property

Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 512 Present_Value 85
Object Name

D-EOMOC0001(21)09-15EN - 54/119
Circuit #n Failed Pumpdown Warning
This commandable BACnet object indicates whether the Circuit #n Failed Pumpdown Warning is active (1) or not
active (0). There is one BACnet object for each circuit. The purpose of this object is for Intrinsic Alarming, and
although it is commandable, writing to it will interfere with this function.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Circuit #1
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 516 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #2
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 517 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #3
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 518 Present_Value 85
Object Name

CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Condenser Pressure Sensor Circuit #n Fault

This commandable BACnet object indicates whether CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Condenser Pressure Sensor
Circuit #n Fault is active (1) or not active (0). There is one BACnet object for each circuit. The purpose of this
object is for Intrinsic Alarming, and although it is commandable, writing to it may interfere with this function.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Circuit #1
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 668 Present_Value 85
Object Name

D-EOMOC0001(21)09-15EN - 55/119

Circuit #2
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 670 Present_Value 85
Object Name

CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Condenser Pressure High Trip Circuit #n Fault

This commandable BACnet object indicates whether CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Condenser Pressure High Trip
Circuit #n Fault is active (1) or not active (0). There is one BACnet object for each circuit. The purpose of this
object is for Intrinsic Alarming, and although it is commandable, writing to it may interfere with this function.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Circuit #1
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 676 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #2
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 678 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 675 Present_Value 85
Object Name

D-EOMOC0001(21)09-15EN - 56/119
CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Evaporator Pressure Sensor Circuit #n Fault
This commandable BACnet object indicates whether CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Evaporator Pressure Sensor
Circuit #n Fault is active (1) or not active (0). There is one BACnet object for each circuit. The purpose of this
object is for Intrinsic Alarming, and although it is commandable, writing to it may interfere with this function.

Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value

Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Circuit #1
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 711 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #2
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 713 Present_Value 85
Object Name

CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Gas Leakage Fault Circuit #n

This commandable BACnet object indicates whether CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Gas Leakage Fault is active (1) or
not active (0). There is one BACnet object for each circuit. The purpose of this object is for Intrinsic Alarming,
and although it is commandable, writing to it may interfere with this function.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Circuit #1
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 967 Present_Value 85
Object Name
C1 OffGasLeakage

Circuit #2
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 968 Present_Value 85
Object Name
C2 OffGasLeakage
D-EOMOC0001(21)09-15EN - 57/119

CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN- Evaporator 1 Freeze Protection Fault

This commandable BACnet object indicates whether the CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN- Evaporator 1 Freeze Protection
Fault alarm is active (1) or not active (0).
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Object Identifier Property

Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 751 Present_Value 85
Object Name

CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN- Evaporator 2 Freeze Protection Fault

This commandable BACnet object indicates whether the CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN- Evaporator 2 Freeze Protection
Fault alarm is active (1) or not active (0).
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Object Identifier Property

Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 752 Present_Value 85
Object Name

CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Low Evaporator Pressure Trip Circuit #n Fault

This commandable BACnet object indicates whether CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Low Evaporator Pressure Trip
Circuit #n Fault is active (1) or not active (0). There is one BACnet object for each circuit. The purpose of this
object is for Intrinsic Alarming, and although it is commandable, writing to it may interfere with this function.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Circuit #1
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 704 Present_Value 85

D-EOMOC0001(21)09-15EN - 58/119
Object Name

Circuit #2
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 706 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 703 Present_Value 85
Object Name

CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Over Voltage Circuit n#Fault

This commandable BACnet object indicates whether the CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN- Over Voltage Circuit #n Fault is
active (1) or not active (0). There is one BACnet object for each circuit. The purpose of this object is for Intrinsic
Alarming, and although it is commandable, writing to it may interfere with this function.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Circuit #1
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 978 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #2
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 982 Present_Value 85
Object Name
D-EOMOC0001(21)09-15EN - 59/119
This commandable BACnet object indicates whether the CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN- PVM GFP Circuit #n Fault is
active (1) or not active (0). There is one BACnet object for each circuit. The purpose of this object is for Intrinsic
Alarming, and although it is commandable, writing to it may interfere with this function.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Circuit #1
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 968 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #2
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 969 Present_Value 85
Object Name

CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN- Under Voltage Circuit #n Fault

This commandable BACnet object indicates whether the CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN- Under Voltage Circuit #n Fault
is active (1) or not active (0). There is one BACnet object for each circuit. The purpose of this object is for
Intrinsic Alarming, and although it is commandable, writing to it may interfere with this function.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Circuit #1
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 979 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #2
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 981 Present_Value 85
Object Name

D-EOMOC0001(21)09-15EN - 60/119

Clear Alarm - Network

This read/write input network variable clears all active alarms. Many alarms are automatically clearing alarms. Of
the alarms that need to be manually cleared, only those listed below can be cleared from the network:

UNIT SHUTDOWN - Evaporator Water Flow Loss

UNIT SHUTDOWN–Evaporator Leaving Water Temp Low (Freeze)
CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Evaporator 1 Freeze Protection
CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Evaporator 2 Freeze Protection

Measurement Units Data Type Usable Range Default Value

NA NA Integer Enumerated 0=Normal

Object Identifier Property Identifier

Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Binary Value 5 8 Present Value 85
Object Name
Property Values
1=Clear Alarms

Compressor Controller Communication Failed

This commandable network variable is used to generate the Compressor Controller Communication Failed –
Circuit #n alarm. The purpose of this object is for Intrinsic Alarming, and although it is commandable, writing to it
may interfere with this function.
Measurement Units Data Type Usable Range Default Value
NA NA Integer Enumerated N/A

Circuit #1
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Binary Value 5 9 Present Value 85
Object Name
Property Values

Circuit #2
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Binary Value 5 10 Present Value 85
Object Name
Property Values

D-EOMOC0001(21)09-15EN - 61/119
Circuit #3
Object Identifier Property Identifier
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Property Name Property Enumeration
Binary Value 5 11 Present Value 85
Object Name
Property Values

COMPRESSOR LOCKOUT - Number of Allowed Re-Starts Exceeded Circuit #n

Compressor #n Fault
This commandable BACnet object indicates whether the COMPRESSOR LOCKOUT - Number of Allowed Re-
Starts Exceeded Circuit #n Compressor #n Fault is active (1) or not active (0). There is one BACnet object for
each circuit/compressor combination. The purpose of this object is for Intrinsic Alarming, and although it is
commandable, writing to it may interfere with this function.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Circuit #1, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 742 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #2, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 744 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #3, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 746 Present_Value 85
Object Name

D-EOMOC0001(21)09-15EN - 62/119
COMP SHUTDOWN - Com Error With Compressor VFD Circuit #n Comp #n
This commandable BACnet object indicates whether the COMP SHUTDOWN - COM ERROR With
COMPRESSOR VFD Circuit #n Comp #n Fault is active (1) or not active (0). There is one BACnet object for
each circuit/compressor combination.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Circuit #1, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 948 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #2, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 950 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #3, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 952 Present_Value 85
Object Name

COMP SHUTDOWN - COMP VFD Fault Circuit #n Comp #n

This commandable BACnet object indicates whether the COMP SHUTDOWN - COMP VFD Fault Circuit #n
Comp #n Fault is active (1) or not active (0). There is one BACnet object for each circuit/compressor
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Circuit #1, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 886 Present_Value 85
Object Name

D-EOMOC0001(21)09-15EN - 63/119

Circuit #2, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 888 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #3, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 890 Present_Value 85
Object Name

COMP SHUTDOWN-COMPRESSOR VFD Over Heat Fault Circuit # Comp #

This commandable BACnet object indicates whether the COMP SHUTDOWN-COMPRESSOR VFD Over Heat
Fault Circuit # Comp # Fault is active (1) or not active (0). There is one BACnet object for each
circuit/compressor combination.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Circuit #1, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 942 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #2, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 944 Present_Value 85
Object Name

D-EOMOC0001(21)09-15EN - 64/119
Circuit #3, Compressor #1
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 946 Present_Value 85
Object Name

COMP SHUTDOWN - Condenser Pressure High Circuit #n Compressor #n Fault

This commandable BACnet object indicates whether the COMP SHUTDOWN - Condenser Pressure High Circuit
#n Compressor #n Fault is active (1) or not active (0). There is one BACnet object for each circuit/compressor
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Circuit #1, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 676 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #2, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 678 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #3, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 680 Present_Value 85
Object Name

COMP SHUTDOWN - Condenser Pressure Sensor Circuit #n Compressor #n Fault

This commandable BACnet object indicates whether the COMP SHUTDOWN - Condenser Pressure Sensor
Circuit #n Compressor #n Fault is active (1) or not active (0). There is one BACnet object for each
circuit/compressor combination.

D-EOMOC0001(21)09-15EN - 65/119
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Circuit #1, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 668 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #2, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 670 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #3, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 672 Present_Value 85
Object Name

COMP SHUTDOWN - Current Overload Trip #n Fault

This commandable BACnet object indicates whether the COMP SHUTDOWN - Current Overload Trip #n Fault is
active (1) or not active (0). There is one BACnet object for each circuit/compressor combination.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Circuit #1, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 606 Present_Value 85
Object Name

D-EOMOC0001(21)09-15EN - 66/119
Circuit #2, Compressor #1
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 608 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #3, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 610 Present_Value 85
Object Name

COMP SHUTDOWN - Discharge Temperature Sensor Circuit #n Compressor #n Fault

This commandable BACnet object indicates whether the COMP SHUTDOWN - Discharge Temperature Sensor
Circuit #n Compressor #n Fault is active (1) or not active (0). There is one BACnet object for each
cicruit/compressor combination.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Circuit #1, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 688 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #2, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 690 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #3, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 692 Present_Value 85
D-EOMOC0001(21)09-15EN - 67/119
Object Name

Circuit #1, Compressor #2 (PFS)

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 689 Present_Value 85
Object Name

COMP SHUTDOWN - Discharge Temp High Circuit #n Compressor #n Fault

This commandable BACnet object indicates whether the COMP SHUTDOWN - Discharge Temp High Circuit #n
Compressor #n Fault is active (1) or not active (0). There is one BACnet object for each combination of circuits
and compressors.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Circuit #1, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 694 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #2, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 696 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #3, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 698 Present_Value 85
Object Name

D-EOMOC0001(21)09-15EN - 68/119

Circuit #1, Compressor #2 (PFS)

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 695 Present_Value 85
Object Name

COMP SHUTDOWN - Evaporator Pressure Low Circuit #n Compressor #n Fault

This commandable BACnet object indicates whether the COMP SHUTDOWN - Evaporator Pressure Low Circuit
#n Compressor #n Fault is active (1) or not active (0). There is one BACnet object for each circuit/compressor
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Circuit #1, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 704 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #2, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 706 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #3, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 708 Present_Value 85
Object Name

D-EOMOC0001(21)09-15EN - 69/119
COMP SHUTDOWN - Evaporator Pressure Sensor Circuit #n Compressor #n Fault
This commandable BACnet object indicates whether COMP SHUTDOWN - Evaporator Pressure Sensor Circuit
#n Compressor #n Fault is active (1) or not active (0). There is one BACnet object for each circuit/compressor
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Circuit #1, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 711 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #2, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 713 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #3, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 715 Present_Value 85
Object Name

COMP LOCKOUT - Number of Allowed Re-Starts Exceeded Circuit #n Compressor #n

This commandable BACnet object indicates whether COMP LOCKOUT - Number of Allowed Re-Starts
Exceeded Circuit #n Compressor #n Fault is active (1) or not active (0). There is one BACnet object for each
circuit/compressor combination.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Circuit #1, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 742 Present_Value 85

D-EOMOC0001(21)09-15EN - 70/119
Object Name

Circuit #2, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 744 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #3, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 746 Present_Value 85
Object Name

COMP SHUTDOWN – Low Discharge Superheat Circuit #n Compressor #n Fault

This commandable BACnet object indicates whether the COMP SHUTDOWN – Low Discharge Superheat
Circuit #n Compressor #n Fault is active (1) or not active (0). There is one BACnet object for each
circuit/compressor combination.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Circuit #1, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 961 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #2, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 963 Present_Value 85
Object Name

D-EOMOC0001(21)09-15EN - 71/119
Circuit #3, Compressor #1
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 965 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #1, Compressor #2 (PFS)

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 962 Present_Value 85
Object Name

COMP SHUTDOWN – Low Pressure Ratio #n Fault

This commandable BACnet object indicates whether the #n Fault is active (1) or not active (0). There is one
BACnet object for each circuit/compressor combination. The purpose of this object is for Intrinsic Alarming, and
although it is commandable, writing to it may interfere with this function.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Circuit #1, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 599 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #2, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 601 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #3, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 603 Present_Value 85

D-EOMOC0001(21)09-15EN - 72/119
Object Name

COMP SHUTDOWN - Mechanical Low Pressure Trip Circuit #n Compressor #n

This commandable BACnet object indicates whether the COMP SHUTDOWN - Mechanical Low Pressure Trip
Circuit #n Compressor #n Fault is active (1) or not active (0). There is one BACnet object for each
circuit/compressor combination. The purpose of this object is for Intrinsic Alarming, and although it is
commandable, writing to it may interfere with this function.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Circuit #1, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 876 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #2, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 878 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #3, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 880 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 877 Present_Value 85
Object Name

D-EOMOC0001(21)09-15EN - 73/119
COMP SHUTDOWN - Mechanical High Pressure Trip Circuit #n Compressor #n Fault
This commandable BACnet object indicates whether the COMP SHUTDOWN - Mechanical High Pressure Trip
Circuit #n Compressor #n Fault is active (1) or not active (0). There is one BACnet object for each
circuit/compressor combination. The purpose of this object is for Intrinsic Alarming, and although it is
commandable, writing to it may interfere with this function.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Circuit #1, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 760 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #2, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 762 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #3, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 764 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #1, Compressor #2 (PFS)

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 761 Present_Value 85
Object Name

D-EOMOC0001(21)09-15EN - 74/119
COMP SHUTDOWN – Motor Protector Circuit #n Compressor #n
This commandable BACnet object indicates whether COMP SHUTDOWN – Motor Protector Circuit #n
Compressor #n Fault is active (1) or not active (0). There is one BACnet object for each compressor/circuit
combination. The purpose of this object is for Intrinsic Alarming, and although it is commandable, writing to it
may interfere with this function.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Circuit #1, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 625 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #2, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 627 Present_Value 85
Object Name

COMP SHUTDOWN – Motor Temp Sensor Circuit #n Compressor #n

This commandable BACnet object indicates whether COMP SHUTDOWN – Motor Temp Sensor Circuit #n
Compressor #n Fault is active (1) or not active (0). There is one BACnet object for each compressor/circuit
combination. The purpose of this object is for Intrinsic Alarming, and although it is commandable, writing to it
may interfere with this function.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Circuit #1, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 899 Present_Value 85
Object Name

D-EOMOC0001(21)09-15EN - 75/119
Circuit #2, Compressor #1
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 901 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #3, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 903 Present_Value 85
Object Name

COMP SHUTDOWN - Motor Temperature High Circuit #n Compressor #n Fault

This commandable BACnet object indicates whether COMP SHUTDOWN Motor Temperature High Circuit #n
Compressor #n Fault is active (1) or not active (0). There is one BACnet object for each compressor/circuit
combination. The purpose of this object is for Intrinsic Alarming, and although it is commandable, writing to it
may interfere with this function.

Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value

Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Circuit #1, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 637 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #2, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 639 Present_Value 85
Object Name

D-EOMOC0001(21)09-15EN - 76/119
Circuit #3, Compressor #1
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 641 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #1, Compressor #2 (PFS)

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 638 Present_Value 85
Object Name

COMP SHUTDOWN - No Pressure Change After Start Circuit #n

This commandable BACnet object indicates whether COMP SHUTDOWN - No Pressure Change After Start
Circuit #n Fault is active (1) or not active (0). There is one BACnet object for each circuit. The purpose of this
object is for Intrinsic Alarming, and although it is commandable, writing to it may interfere with this function.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Circuit #1
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 905 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #2
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 906 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #3
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 907 Present_Value 85

D-EOMOC0001(21)09-15EN - 77/119
Object Name

COMP SHUTDOWN - No Pressure at Startup Circuit #n

This commandable BACnet object indicates whether COMP SHUTDOWN - No Pressure at Startup Circuit #n
Fault is active (1) or not active (0). There is one BACnet object for each circuit. The purpose of this object is for
Intrinsic Alarming, and although it is commandable, writing to it may interfere with this function.

Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value

Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Circuit #1
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 911 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #2
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 912 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #3
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 913 Present_Value 85
Object Name

COMP SHUTDOWN - Oil Delta Pressure High Circuit #n Compressor #n Fault

This commandable BACnet object indicates whether COMP SHUTDOWN - Oil Delta Pressure High Circuit #n
Compressor #n Fault is active (1) or not active (0). There is one BACnet object for each compressor/circuit
combination. These objects are used for Intrinsic Alarming. The purpose of this object is for Intrinsic Alarming,
and although it is commandable, writing to it may interfere with this function.

D-EOMOC0001(21)09-15EN - 78/119
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Circuit #1, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 796 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #2, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 798 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #3, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 800 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #1, Compressor #2 (PFS)

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 797 Present_Value 85
Object Name

COMP SHUTDOWN - Oil Feed Pressure Sensor Circuit #n Compressor #n Fault

This commandable BACnet object indicates whether COMP SHUTDOWN - Oil Feed Pressure Sensor Circuit #n
Compressor #n Fault is active (1) or not active (0). There is one BACnet object for each compressor/circuit
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

D-EOMOC0001(21)09-15EN - 79/119
Circuit #1, Compressor #1
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 802 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #2, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 804 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #3, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 806 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #1, Compressor #2 (PFS)

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 803 Present_Value 85
Object Name

COMP SHUTDOWN - Outside Air Temperature Sensor Fault

This commandable BACnet object indicates whether the COMP SHUTDOWN - Outside Air Temperature Sensor
Fault is active (1) or not active (0).
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Object Identifier Property

Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 605 Present_Value 85

D-EOMOC0001(21)09-15EN - 80/119
Object Name

COMP SHUTDOWN – Slide Position Sensor #n Fault

This commandable BACnet object indicates whether the COMP SHUTDOWN – Slide Position Sensor #n Fault is
active (1) or not active (0). There is one BACnet object for each compressor/circuit combination.
The purpose of this object is for Intrinsic Alarming, and although it is commandable, writing to it will interfere with
this function.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Circuit #1, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 930 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #2, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 932 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #3, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 825 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #1, Compressor #2 (PFS)

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 931 Present_Value 85
Object Name
D-EOMOC0001(21)09-15EN - 81/119
COMP SHUTDOWN – Starter Fault Compressor #n Fault
This commandable BACnet object indicates whether the COMP SHUTDOWN – Starter Fault Compressor #n
Fault is active (1) or not active (0). There is one BACnet object for each compressor/circuit combination. The
purpose of this object is for Intrinsic Alarming, and although it is commandable, writing to it may interfere with
this function.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Circuit #1, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 821 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #2, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 823 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #3, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 825 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #1, Compressor #2 (PFS)

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 822 Present_Value 85
Object Name

D-EOMOC0001(21)09-15EN - 82/119
COMP SHUTDOWN - Suction Temperature Sensor Circuit #n Compressor #n Fault
This commandable BACnet object indicates whether the COMP SHUTDOWN - Suction Temperature Sensor
Circuit #n Compressor #n Fault is active (1) or not active (0). There is one BACnet object for each
compressor/circuit combination.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Circuit #1, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 857 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #2, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 859 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #3, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 861 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #1, Compressor #2(PFS)

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 858 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Condenser Entering Water Temperature Sensor Fault

This commandable BACnet object indicates whether the Condenser Entering Water Temperature Sensor Fault
alarm is active (1) or not active (0).

D-EOMOC0001(21)09-15EN - 83/119
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Object Identifier Property

Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 500 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 700 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Condenser Leaving Water Temperature Sensor Fault

This commandable BACnet object indicates whether the Condenser Leaving Water Temperature Sensor Fault
alarm is active (1) or not active (0).
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Object Identifier Property

Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 503 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Controller Board #n Offline Fault

This commandable BACnet object indicates whether the Controller Board #n Offline Fault is active (1) or not
active (0). There is one BACnet object for each circuit.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 925 Present_Value 85
D-EOMOC0001(21)09-15EN - 84/119
Object Name

Circuit #1
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 882 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #2
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 883 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #3
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 884 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Evaporator Entering Water Temperature Sensor Fault

This commandable BACnet object indicates whether the Evaporator Entering Water Temperature Sensor Fault
alarm is active (1) or not active (0).
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Object Identifier Property

Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 917 Present_Value 85
Object Name

D-EOMOC0001(21)09-15EN - 85/119
Evaporator Leaving Water Temperature 1 Sensor Fault
This commandable BACnet object indicates whether the Evaporator Leaving Water Temperature 1 Sensor Fault
alarm is active (1) or not active (0).
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Object Identifier Property

Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 749 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Evaporator Leaving Water Temperature 2 Sensor Fault

This commandable BACnet object indicates whether the Evaporator Leaving Water Temperature 2 Sensor Fault
alarm is active (1) or not active (0).
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Object Identifier Property

Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 750 Present_Value 85

Object Name

External Event
This commandable BACnet object indicates whether the External Event Warning is active (1) or not active (0).
The purpose of this object is for Intrinsic Alarming, and although it is commandable, writing to it will interfere with
this function.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Object Identifier Property

Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 924 Present_Value 85
Object Name

D-EOMOC0001(21)09-15EN - 86/119
EXV Controller Communication Failed
This commandable BACnet object is used to generate the EXV Controller Communication Failed - Circuit #n
alarm. The purpose of this object is for Intrinsic Alarming, and although it is commandable, writing to it may
interfere with this function.

Measurement Units Data Type Usable Range Default Value

NA NA Integer Enumerated N/A

Circuit #1
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 13 Present Value 85
Object Name
Property Values

Circuit #2
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 14 Present Value 85
Object Name
Property Values

Circuit #3
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 15 Present Value 85
Object Name
Property Values

Fan Controller Communication Failed

This commandable BACnet object is used to generate the Fan Controller Communication Failed alarm. The
purpose of this object is for Intrinsic Alarming, and although it is commandable, writing to it may interfere with
this function.
Measurement Units Data Type Usable Range Default Value
NA NA Integer Enumerated N/A

Circuit #1 & Circuit #2

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 18 Present Value 85
Object Name
Property Values

D-EOMOC0001(21)09-15EN - 87/119
Circuit #3
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 19 Present Value 85
Object Name
Property Values

Fault Alarm Code

This object allows individual notification of the active fault alarm. The alarms are not ordered based on any
priority. If multiple fault alarms are present at one time, this object will be set to the alarm that has the highest
alarm code. This object is set to zero if no fault alarms are active.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarms N/A Real Enumerated N/A

Object Identifier Property

Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Analog Value 2 905 Present_Value 85
Object Name
Property Value
Refer to the Table 8 on page 43 for possible

Fault Alarm Index

This object allows individual notification of the active fault alarm. The alarms are not ordered based on any
priority. If multiple fault alarms are present at one time, this object will be set to the alarm that has the highest
alarm index. This object is set to zero if no fault alarms are active.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarms N/A Real Enumerated N/A

Object Identifier Property

Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Analog Value 2 901 Present_Value 85
Object Name
Property Value
Refer to the Table 8 on page 43 for possible

INHIBIT LOAD – Compressor Motor Current High #n Problem

This commandable BACnet object indicates whether the INHIBIT LOAD – Compressor Motor Current High #n
Problem is active (1) or not active (0). There is one BACnet object for each circuit. This object only applies to
AWS application software version 2507500204 or earlier. This point will always read 0 in subsequent versions of
the AWS application.

Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value

Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

D-EOMOC0001(21)09-15EN - 88/119
Circuit #1, Compressor #1
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 578 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #2, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 580 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #3, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 582 Present_Value 85
Object Name

INHIBIT LOAD – Condenser Pressure High Circuit #n Problem

This commandable BACnet object indicates whether the INHIBIT LOAD – Condenser Pressure High Circuit #n
Problem is active (1) or not active (0). There is one BACnet object for each circuit. This object only applies to
AWS application software version 2507500204 or earlier. This point will always read 0 in subsequent versions of
the AWS application.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Circuit #1
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 535 Present_Value 85
Binary Value 5 534 (PFS) Present_Value 85
Object Name

D-EOMOC0001(21)09-15EN - 89/119
Circuit #2
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 536 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #3
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 537 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 534 Present_Value 85
Object Name

INHIBIT LOAD - Evaporator Pressure Low #n Problem

This commandable BACnet object indicates whether the INHIBIT LOAD - Evaporator Pressure Low Problem is
active (1) or not active (0). There is one BACnet object for each circuit. This object only applies to AWS
application software version 2507500204 or earlier. This point will always read 0 in subsequent versions of the
AWS application.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Circuit #1
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 556 Present_Value 85
Object Name

D-EOMOC0001(21)09-15EN - 90/119
Circuit #2
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 557 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #3
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 558 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 555 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Notification Class - Faults

These read/write properties allow subscription to alarm notifications The Recipient_List conveys a list of one or
more recipients to which notifications will be sent. The Ack_Required property defines whether or not
acknowledgment is required for notifications generated due to To-OffNormal, To-Fault, and To-Normal event
transitions. The Priority conveys the priority to be used for event notifications to To-OffNormal, To-Fault and To-
Normal events. Refer to the Alarms section for additional information, including a list of objects that report events
to this notification class.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Notification N/A List of BACnetDestination N/A N/A

Object Identifier Property

Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Notification Class 15 1 recipient_list 102
Object Name
NC1-Faults1, 2
If the BACnet Workstation is unable to subscribe to the recipient_list, you can still subscribe to alarms using the unit controller
keypad/display. Navigate to the IP Setup or MSTP Setup menu and enter the Device Instance of the device to receive the alarms in the “NC
Dev 1=” or “NC Dev 2=” entries. You must cycle power to the unit controller after changing these properties via the keypad/display.
Maximum of 20 recipients at one time.
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Notification Class 15 1 Ack_Required 1
Object Name

D-EOMOC0001(21)09-15EN - 91/119
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Notification Class 15 1 Priority 86
Object Name
A lower number indicates a higher priority.

Table 9. Fault Alarms Supported by Intrinsic Reporting

Notification Class 1 (Faults)
Event_Enable (Default)
Object Object
Alarm To- To-Fault To-
Type Instance
OffNormal Normal
COMP SHUTDOWN - Low pressure ratio Circuit 1 Comp1 BV 599 X X
COMP SHUTDOWN - Low pressure ratio Circuit 2 Comp1 BV 601 X X
COMP SHUTDOWN - Low pressure ratio Circuit 3 Comp1 BV 603 X X
UNIT SHUTDOWN - Outside Air Temperature Sensor Fault AI 5 X X
COMP SHUTDOWN - Current Overload Trip Circuit 1 Comp 1 AI 9 X X X
COMP SHUTDOWN - Current Overload Trip Circuit 1 Comp 1 AI 12 X X X
COMP SHUTDOWN - Current Overload Trip Circuit 1 Comp 1 AI 15 X X X
COMP SHUTDOWN– Motor Protector Trip Circuit 1 Comp 1 BV 625 X X
COMP SHUTDOWN– Motor Protector Trip Circuit 2 Comp 1 BV 627 X X
CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Low Evaporator Pressure Trip Circuit 1 Fault AI 141 X X X
CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Low Evaporator Pressure Trip Circuit 2 Fault AI 142 X X X
CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Condenser Pressure High Trip Circuit 1 Fault AI 99 X X X
CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Condenser Pressure High Trip Circuit 2 Fault AI 100 X X X
CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Evaporator Pressure Sensor Circuit 1 Fault AI 141 X X X
CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Evaporator Pressure Sensor Circuit 2 Fault AI 142 X X X
CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Condensor Pressure Sensor Circuit 1 Fault AI 99 X X X
CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Condensor Pressure Sensor Circuit 2 Fault AI 100 X X X
COMP SHUTDOWN–Motor Temperature High Circuit 1 Comp 1 BV 637 X X
COMP SHUTDOWN–Motor Temperature High Circuit 2 Comp 1 BV 639 X X
COMP SHUTDOWN–Motor Temperature High Circuit 3 Comp 1 BV 641 X X
COMP SHUTDOWN–Motor Temp Sensor Fault Circuit 1 Comp 1 BV 899 X X
COMP SHUTDOWN–Motor Temp Sensor Fault Circuit 2 Comp 1 BV 901 X X
COMP SHUTDOWN–Motor Temp Sensor Fault Circuit 3 Comp 1 BV 903 X X
COMP SHUTDOWN - Condenser Pressure Sensor Fault Circuit 1 Comp 1 AI 99 X X X
COMP SHUTDOWN - Condenser Pressure Sensor Fault Circuit 2 Comp 1 AI 100 X X X
COMP SHUTDOWN - Condenser Pressure Sensor Fault Circuit 3 Comp 1 AI 101 X X X
COMP SHUTDOWN-Condenser Pressure High Circuit 1 Comp 1 AI 99 X X X
COMP SHUTDOWN-Condenser Pressure High Circuit 2 Comp 1 AI 100 X X X
COMP SHUTDOWN-Condenser Pressure High Circuit 3 Comp 1 AI 101 X X X
COMP SHUTDOWN-Discharge Temperature Sensor Fault Circuit 1 Comp 1 AI 63 X X X
COMP SHUTDOWN-Discharge Temperature Sensor Fault Circuit 2 Comp 1 AI 66 X X X
COMP SHUTDOWN-Discharge Temperature Sensor Fault Circuit 3 Comp 1 AI 69 X X X
COMP SHUTDOWN-Discharge Temp High Circuit 1 Comp 1 AI 63 X X X
COMP SHUTDOWN-Discharge Temp High Circuit 2 Comp 1 AI 66 X X X
COMP SHUTDOWN-Discharge Temp High Circuit 3 Comp 1 AI 69 X X X
UNIT SHUTDOWN - Evaporator Water Flow Loss BV 701 X X
UNIT SHUTDOWN - Evaporator LWT or EWT Low (Freeze) BV 702 X X
COMP SHUTDOWN-Evaporator Pressure Sensor Fault Circuit 1 Comp 1 AI 141 X X X
COMP SHUTDOWN-Evaporator Pressure Sensor Fault Circuit 2 Comp 1 AI 142 X X X
COMP SHUTDOWN-Evaporator Pressure Sensor Fault Circuit 3 Comp 1 AI 143 X X X
COMP LOCKOUT-Number of Allowed Re-Starts Exceeded Circuit 1 Comp 1 BV 742 X X
COMP LOCKOUT-Number of Allowed Re-Starts Exceeded Circuit 2 Comp 1 BV 744 X X

D-EOMOC0001(21)09-15EN - 92/119
Notification Class 1 (Faults)
Event_Enable (Default)
Object Object
Alarm To- To-Fault To-
Type Instance
OffNormal Normal
COMP LOCKOUT-Number of Allowed Re-Starts Exceeded Circuit 3 Comp 1 BV 746 X X
UNIT SHUTDOWN-Evaporator Leaving Water Temperature Sensor Fault AI 2 X X
UNIT SHUTDOWN-Evaporator Entering Water Temperature Sensor Fault AI 1 X X
COMP SHUTDOWN - Mechanical High Pressure Trip Circuit 1 Comp 1 BV 760 X X
COMP SHUTDOWN - Mechanical High Pressure Trip Circuit 2 Comp 1 BV 762 X X
COMP SHUTDOWN - Mechanical High Pressure Trip Circuit 3 Comp 1 BV 764 X X
COMP SHUTDOWN - Oil Delta Pressure High Circuit 1 Comp 1 BV 796 X X
COMP SHUTDOWN - Oil Delta Pressure High Circuit 2 Comp 1 BV 798 X X
COMP SHUTDOWN - Oil Delta Pressure High Circuit 3 Comp 1 BV 800 X X
COMP SHUTDOWN – Oil Feed Pressure Sensor Fault Circuit 1 Comp 1 AI 165 X X
COMP SHUTDOWN – Oil Feed Pressure Sensor Fault Circuit 2 Comp 1 AI 166 X X
COMP SHUTDOWN – Oil Feed Pressure Sensor Fault Circuit 3 Comp 1 AI 167 X X
SHUTDOWN – Phase Voltage Protection – Unit BV 820 X X
SHUTDOWN – Phase Voltage Protection Circuit 1 BV 926 X X
SHUTDOWN – Phase Voltage Protection Circuit 2 BV 927 X X
SHUTDOWN – Phase Voltage Protection Circuit 3 BV 928 X X
COMP SHUTDOWN - Starter Fault COMP Circuit 1 Comp 1 BV 821 X X
COMP SHUTDOWN - Starter Fault COMP Circuit 2 Comp 1 BV 823 X X
COMP SHUTDOWN - Starter Fault COMP Circuit 3 Comp 1 BV 825 X X
COMP SHUTDOWN - Suction Temp Sensor Fault Circuit 1 Comp 1 AI 105 X X
COMP SHUTDOWN - Suction Temp Sensor Fault Circuit 2 Comp 1 AI 108 X X
COMP SHUTDOWN - Suction Temp Sensor Fault Circuit 3 Comp 1 AI 111 X X
COMP SHUTDOWN – Mechanical Low Pressure Trip Circuit 1 Comp 1 BV 876 X X
COMP SHUTDOWN – Mechanical Low Pressure Trip Circuit 2 Comp 1 BV 878 X X
COMP SHUTDOWN – Mechanical Low Pressure Trip Circuit 3 Comp 1 BV 880 X X
COMP SHUTDOWN – No Pressure Change After Start Circuit 1 BV 905 X X
COMP SHUTDOWN – No Pressure Change After Start Circuit 2 BV 906 X X
COMP SHUTDOWN – No Pressure Change After Start Circuit 3 BV 907 X X
COMP SHUTDOWN – No Pressure at Startup Circuit 1 BV 911 X X
COMP SHUTDOWN – No Pressure at Startup Circuit 2 BV 912 X X
COMP SHUTDOWN – No Pressure at Startup Circuit 3 BV 913 X X
COMP SHUTDOWN – Slide Position Sensor Circuit 1, Comp 1 BV 930 X X
COMP SHUTDOWN – Slide Position Sensor Circuit 2, Comp 1 BV 932 X X
COMP SHUTDOWN – Slide Position Sensor Circuit 3, Comp 1 BV 934 X X
UNIT STOP – Emergency Stop Alarm BV 921 X X
UNIT STOP – Evaporator Water Temperatures Inverted BV 922 X X
UNIT STOP – External Alarm BV 923 X X
Evaporator Leaving Water Temperature 1 Sensor Fault AI 151 X X X
Evaporator Leaving Water Temperature 2 Sensor Fault AI 152 X X X
CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Evaporator 1 Freeze Protection AI 151 X X X
CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Evaporator 2 Freeze Protection AI 152 X X X
COMP SHUTDOWN - COMPRESSOR VFD Fault Circuit 1 Comp 1 BV 886 X X
COMP SHUTDOWN - COMPRESSOR VFD Fault Circuit 2 Comp 1 BV 888 X X
COMP SHUTDOWN - COMPRESSOR VFD Fault Circuit 3 Comp 1 BV 890 X X
COMP SHUTDOWN-COMPRESSOR VFD Over Heat Fault Circuit 1 Comp 1 AI 178 X X X
COMP SHUTDOWN-COMPRESSOR VFD Over Heat Fault Circuit 2 Comp 1 AI 179 X X X
COMP SHUTDOWN-COMPRESSOR VFD Over Heat Fault Circuit 3 Comp 1 AI 180 X X X
Comp 1
Comp 1
Comp 1
COMP Controller Communication Failed Circuit 1 BV 9 X X

D-EOMOC0001(21)09-15EN - 93/119
Notification Class 1 (Faults)
Event_Enable (Default)
Object Object
Alarm To- To-Fault To-
Type Instance
OffNormal Normal
COMP Controller Communication Failed Circuit 2 BV 10 X X
COMP Controller Communication Failed Circuit 3 BV 11 X X
EXV Controller Communication Failed Circuit 1 BV 13 X X
EXV Controller Communication Failed Circuit 2 BV 14 X X
EXV Controller Communication Failed Circuit 3 BV 15 X X
Alarm/Limit Controller Communication Failed BV 17 X X
Fan Controller Communication Failed Circuit 1 & 2 BV 18 X X
Fan Controller Communication Failed Circuit 3 BV 19 X X
COMP SHUTDOWN – Low Pressure Start Fail Circuit 1 AI 169 X X
COMP SHUTDOWN – Low Pressure Start Fail Circuit 2 AI 170 X X
COMP SHUTDOWN – Low Pressure Start Fail Circuit 3 AI 171 X X
COMP SHUTDOWN–Evaporator (or Suction) Pressure Low Circuit 1 Comp 1 AI 141 X X X
COMP SHUTDOWN–Evaporator (or Suction) Pressure Low Circuit 2 Comp 1 AI 142 X X X
COMP SHUTDOWN–Evaporator (or Suction) Pressure Low Circuit 3 Comp 1 AI 143 X X X

Notification Class - Problems

These read/write properties allow subscription to alarm notifications. The Recipient_List conveys a list of one or
more recipients to which notifications will be sent. The Ack_Required property defines whether or not
acknowledgment is required for notifications generated due to To-OffNormal, To-Fault, and To-Normal event
transitions. The Priority conveys the priority to be used for event notifications to To-OffNormal, To-Fault and To-
Normal events. Refer to the Alarms section for additional information, including a list of objects that report events
to this notification class.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Notification N/A List of BACnetDestination N/A N/A

Object Identifier Property

Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Notification Class 15 2 recipient_list 102
Object Name
NC1-Problems1, 2
If the BACnet Workstation is unable to subscribe to the recipient_list, you can still subscribe to alarms on the unit controller keypad/display
Navigate to the IP Setup or MSTP Setup menu and enter the Device Instance of the device to receive the alarms in the “NC Dev 1=” or “NC
Dev 2=” entries. You must cycle power to the unit controller after changing these properties via the unit controller keypad/display.
Maximum of 20 recipients at one time.

Object Identifier Property

Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Notification Class 15 2 Ack_Required 1
Object Name

Object Identifier Property

Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Notification Class 15 2 Priority 86
Object Name
A lower number indicates a higher priority.

D-EOMOC0001(21)09-15EN - 94/119
Table 10. Problem Alarms Supported by Intrinsic Reporting
Notification Class 2 (Problems)
Object Object Event_Enable (Default)
Type Instance To-OffNormal To-Fault To-Normal
Power Loss While Running #1 BV 529 X X
Power Loss While Running #2 BV 530 X X
Power Loss While Running #3 BV 531 X X
Power Loss While Running #4 BV 532 X X
PUMP #2 START ATTEMPTED - Evaporator Pump #1 Failure BV 575 X X
PUMP #1 START ATTEMPTED - Evaporator Pump #2 Failure BV 576 X X
START INHIBITED - Ambient Temperature Low AI 149 X X
INHIBIT LOAD – Condenser Pressure High #11 AI 157 X X
INHIBIT LOAD – Condenser Pressure High #21 AI 158 X X
INHIBIT LOAD – Condenser Pressure High #31 AI 159 X X
INHIBIT LOAD – Condenser Pressure High #4 AI 160 X X
UNLOAD – Condenser Pressure High #1 AI 161 X X
UNLOAD – Condenser Pressure High #21 AI 162 X X
UNLOAD – Condenser Pressure High #31 AI 163 X X
UNLOAD – Condenser Pressure High #41 AI 164 X X
INHIBIT LOAD - Evaporator Pressure Low #1 AI 173 X X
INHIBIT LOAD - Evaporator Pressure Low #21 AI 174 X X
INHIBIT LOAD - Evaporator Pressure Low #31 AI 175 X X
INHIBIT LOAD - Evaporator Pressure Low #41 AI 176 X X
UNLOAD - Evaporator Pressure Low #11 AI 153 X X
UNLOAD - Evaporator Pressure Low #2 AI 154 X X
UNLOAD - Evaporator Pressure Low #31 AI 155 X X
UNLOAD - Evaporator Pressure Low #41 AI 156 X X
UNLOAD - Compressor Motor Current High Circuit #1 Comp #11 AI 181 X X
UNLOAD - Compressor Motor Current High Circuit #2 Comp #11 AI 182 X X
UNLOAD - Compressor Motor Current High Circuit #3 Comp #1 AI 183 X X
INHIBIT LOAD - Compressor Motor Current High Circuit #1 Comp #11 AI 184 X X
INHIBIT LOAD - Compressor Motor Current High Circuit #2 Comp #11 AI 185 X X
INHIBIT LOAD - Compressor Motor Current High Circuit #3 Comp #11 AI 186 X X

Notification Class - Warnings

These read/write properties allow subscription to alarm notifications. The Recipient_List conveys a list of one or
more recipients to which notifications will be sent. The Ack_Required property defines whether or not
acknowledgment is required for notifications generated due to To-OffNormal, To-Fault, and To-Normal event
transitions. The Priority conveys the priority to be used for event notifications to To-OffNormal, To-Fault and To-
Normal events. Refer to the Alarms section for additional information, including a list of objects that report events
to this notification class.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Notification N/A List of BACnetDestination N/A N/A

Object Identifier Property

Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Notification Class 15 3 recipient_list 102
Object Name
NC1-Warnings1, 2
If the BACnet Workstation is unable to subscribe to the recipient_list, you can still subscribe to alarms on the unit controller keypad display.
Navigate to the IP Setup or MSTP Setup menu and enter the Device Instance of the device to receive the alarms in the “NC Dev 1=” or “NC
Dev 2=” entries. You must cycle power to the unit controller after changing these properties via the keypad/display.
Maximum of 20 recipients at one time.

D-EOMOC0001(21)09-15EN - 95/119
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Notification Class 15 3 Ack_Required 1
Object Name

Object Identifier Property

Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Notification Class 15 3 Priority 86
Object Name
A lower number indicates a higher priority.

Table 11. Warning Alarms Supported by Intrinsic Reporting

Notification Class 3 (Warnings)
Object Object Event_Enable (Default)
Type Instance To-OffNormal To-Fault To-Normal
Evaporator Entering Water Temperature Sensor Warning AI 1 X X
Bad Setpoint Override Input BV 512 X X
Bad Demand Limit Input BV 513 X X
Unit Power Restore BV 515 X X
Circuit 1 Failed Pumpdown BV 516 X X
Circuit 2 Failed Pumpdown BV 517 X X
Circuit 3 Failed Pumpdown BV 518 X X
External Event BV 924 X X
Bad Current Limit Input BV 918 X X
Option Controller Communication Failed BV 919 X X

Option Controller Communication Failed Warning

This commandable BACnet object indicates whether the Option Controller Communication Failed Warning is
active (1) or not active (0). The purpose of this object is for Intrinsic Alarming, and although it is commandable,
writing to it may interfere with this function.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Object Identifier Property

Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 919 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Power Loss While Running Circuit #n Problem

This commandable BACnet object indicates whether the Power Loss While Running Circuit #n Problem is active
(1) or not active (0). There is one BACnet object for each circuit. The purpose of this object is for Intrinsic
Alarming, and although it is commandable, writing to it may interfere with this function.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A
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Circuit #1
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 529 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #2
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 530 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #3
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 531 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Problem Alarm Code

This object allows individual notification of the active problem alarm. The alarms are not ordered based on any
priority. If multiple problem alarms are present at one time, this object will be set to the alarm that has the highest
alarm code. This object is set to zero if no problem alarms are active.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarms N/A Real Enumerated N/A

Object Identifier Property

Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Analog Value 2 904 Present_Value 85
Object Name
Property Value
Refer to the Table 8 on page 43 for possible

Problem Alarm Index

This object allows individual notification of the active problem alarm. The alarms are not ordered based on any
priority. If multiple problem alarms are present at one time, this object will be set to the alarm that has the highest
alarm index. This object is set to zero if no problem alarms are active.

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Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarms N/A Real Enumerated N/A

Object Identifier Property

Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Analog Value 2 900 Present_Value 85
Object Name
Property Value
Refer to the Table 8 on page 43 for possible

PUMP #2 START ATTEMPTED - Evaporator Pump #1 Failure

This commandable BACnet object indicates whether the PUMP #2 START ATTEMPTED - Evaporator Pump #1
Failure alarm is active (1) or not active (0).
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Object Identifier Property

Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 575 Present_Value 85
Object Name

PUMP #1 START ATTEMPTED - Evaporator Pump #2 Failure

This commandable BACnet object indicates whether the PUMP #1 START ATTEMPTED - Evaporator Pump #2
Failure alarm is active (1) or not active (0).
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Object Identifier Property

Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 576 Present_Value 85
Object Name

SHUTDOWN – Phase Voltage Protection Fault

This commandable BACnet object indicates whether SHUTDOWN – Phase Voltage Protection Fault is active (1)
or not active (0). The purpose of this object is for Intrinsic Alarming, and although it is commandable, writing to it
may interfere with this function.

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Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 820 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #1
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 926 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #2
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 927 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #3
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 928 Present_Value 85
Object Name

UNIT Power Restore Warning

This commandable BACnet object is used for Intrinsic Alarming. It indicates whether the UNIT Power Restore
Warning is active (1) or not active (0). The purpose of this object is for Intrinsic Alarming, and although it is
commandable, writing to it will interfere with this function. This object only applies to AWS application software
version 2507500204 or earlier. This point will always read 0 in subsequent versions of the AWS application.

Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value

Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

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Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 515 Present_Value 85
Object Name

UNIT SHUTDOWN - Evaporator Leaving Water Temperature Low (Freeze) Fault

This commandable BACnet object indicates whether the UNIT SHUTDOWN - Evaporator Leaving Water
Temperature Low (Freeze) Fault is active (1) or not active (0). The purpose of this object is for Intrinsic Alarming,
and although it is commandable, writing to it may interfere with this function.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Object Identifier Property

Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 702 Present_Value 85
Object Name

UNIT SHUTDOWN - Evaporator Leaving Water Temperature Sensor Fault

This commandable BACnet object indicates whether the COMP SHUTDOWN - Evaporator Leaving Water
Temperature Sensor Fault is active (1) or not active (0).
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Object Identifier Property

Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 748 Present_Value 85
Object Name

UNIT SHUTDOWN - Evaporator Water Flow Loss Fault

This commandable BACnet object indicates whether the UNIT SHUTDOWN - Evaporator Water Flow Loss Fault
is active (1) or not active (0). The purpose of this object is for Intrinsic Alarming, and although it is commandable,
writing to it may interfere with this function.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

D-EOMOC0001(21)09-15EN - 100/119
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 701 Present_Value 85
Object Name

UNIT STOP - Emergency Stop Alarm

This commandable BACnet object indicates whether the UNIT STOP - Emergency Stop Alarm Fault is active (1)
or not active (0). The purpose of this object is for Intrinsic Alarming, and although it is commandable, writing to it
may interfere with this function.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Object Identifier Property

Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 921 Present_Value 85
Object Name

UNIT STOP – Evaporator Water Temperatures Inverted

This commandable BACnet object indicates whether the UNIT STOP – Evaporator Water Temperatures Inverted
Fault is active (1) or not active (0). The purpose of this object is for Intrinsic Alarming, and although it is
commandable, writing to it may interfere with this function.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Object Identifier Property

Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 922 Present_Value 85
Object Name

UNIT STOP – External Alarm

This commandable BACnet object indicates whether the UNIT STOP – External Alarm Fault is active (1) or not
active (0). The purpose of this object is for Intrinsic Alarming, and although it is commandable, writing to it may
interfere with this function.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

D-EOMOC0001(21)09-15EN - 101/119
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 923 Present_Value 85
Object Name

UNLOAD – Compressor Motor Current High #n Problem

This commandable BACnet object indicates whether the UNLOAD – Compressor Motor Current High #n
Problem is active (1) or not active (0). There is one BACnet object for each compressor. This object only applies
to AWS application software version 2507500204 or earlier. This point will always read 0 in subsequent versions
of the AWS application.

Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value

Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Circuit #1, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 565 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #2, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 567 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #3, Compressor #1

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 569 Present_Value 85
Object Name

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UNLOAD – Condenser Pressure High #n Problem
This commandable BACnet object indicates whether the UNLOAD – Condenser Pressure High #n Problem is
active (1) or not active (0). There is one BACnet object for each circuit. This object only applies to AWS
application software version 2507500204 or earlier. This point will always read 0 in subsequent versions of the
AWS application.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Circuit #1
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 540 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #2
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 541 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #3
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 542 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 539 Present_Value 85
Object Name

UNLOAD - Evaporator Pressure Low #n Problem

This commandable BACnet object indicates whether the UNLOAD - Evaporator Pressure Low #n Problem is
active (1) or not active (0). There is one BACnet point for each circuit. This object only applies to AWS
application software version 2507500204 or earlier. This point will always read 0 in subsequent versions of the
AWS application.
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Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Circuit #1
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 561 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #2
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 562 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #3
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 563 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 560 (PFS) Present_Value 85
Object Name

VFD Low Temperature Fault

This commandable BACnet object indicates whether the VFD Low Temperature Circuit #n Comp #n Fault is
active (1) or not active (0). There is one BACnet object for each circuit. The purpose of this object is for Intrinsic
Alarming, and although it is commandable, writing to it may interfere with this function.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

D-EOMOC0001(21)09-15EN - 104/119
Circuit #1
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 969 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #2
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 974 Present_Value 85
Object Name

VFD Over Temperature Fault

This commandable BACnet object indicates whether the VFD Over Temperature Circuit #n Comp #n Fault is
active (1) or not active (0). There is one BACnet object for each circuit. The purpose of this object is for Intrinsic
Alarming, and although it is commandable, writing to it may interfere with this function.
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Circuit #1
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 970 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Circuit #2
Object Identifier Property
Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 975 Present_Value 85
Object Name


This commandable BACnet object indicates whether the UNIT STOP - PVM GFP Fault is active (1) or not active
(0). The purpose of this object is for Intrinsic Alarming, and although it is commandable, writing to it may interfere
with this function.
D-EOMOC0001(21)09-15EN - 105/119
Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value
Alarm N/A Enumerated 0-1 N/A

Object Identifier Property

Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Binary Value 5 967 Present_Value 85
Object Name

Warning Alarm Code

This object allows individual notification of the active warning alarm. The alarms are not ordered based on any
priority. If multiple warning alarms are present at one time, this object will be set to the alarm that has the highest
alarm code. This object is set to zero if no warning alarms are active.

Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value

Alarms N/A Real Enumerated N/A

Object Identifier Property

Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Analog Value 2 903 Present_Value 85
Object Name
Property Value
Refer to the Table 8 on page 43 for possible

Warning Alarm Index

This object allows individual notification of the active warning alarm. The alarms are not ordered based on any
priority. If multiple warning alarms are present at one time, this object will be set to the alarm that has the highest
alarm index. This object is set to zero if no warning alarms are active.

Measurement Units Data Type Valid Range Default Value

Alarms N/A Real Enumerated N/A

Object Identifier Property

Object Type Type ID Instance Name ID
Analog Value 2 902 Present_Value 85
Object Name
Property Value
Refer to the Table 8 on page 43 for possible

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BACnet Device Management
The following functions are specific to the BACnet device. These functions are used for maintenance and testing.
A network management tool such as VTS is typically used to issue the network commands.
The sequence of operation for a MicroTech III Chiller Unit Controller depends on the control type. Refer to the
MicroTech III Chiller Unit Control Operating Manual for sequence of operation details, including keypad

DeviceCommunicationControl - Disable
The purpose of this command is to reduce network traffic for diagnostic testing of the BACnet network. When the
BACnet Communication Module receives a network command to Disable communications, it stops passing
information to the network. It is possible to specify an optional length of time that communication is suspended.
The unit continues to operate during the Disabled state.

DeviceCommunicationControl - Enable
When the BACnet Communication Module receives a network command to Enable communications, chiller
communication to the BACnet network is restored.

ReinitializeDevice (Reset)
When the BACnet Communication Module is capable of receiving a network ReinitializeDevice command to
reboot itself (cold start or warm start). The functionality of a cold and warm start is the same and simply reboots
the BACnet.
Communication Module. No password is required.

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Appendix A – Overall Network Properties Table
This section summarize all the network properties table discussed above in the document. They are listed by Object Type and then by Object Instance. The
availability for each Chiller Model is shown.

Object Instance
Object Type







Network Control Property

Evaporator Entering Fluid Temperature AI 1 33 X X X X X X X X X X

Evaporator Leaving Fluid Temperature AI 2 33 X X X X X X X X X X

Outside Air Temperature AI 5 38 X X X X X X X

Chiller Current AI 6 21 X X X X X X

Compressor Current - Circuit #1 Compressor #1 AI 9 24 X X

Compressor Current - Circuit #2 Compressor #1 AI 12 24 X X

Compressor Current - Circuit #3 Compressor #1 AI 15 25 X

Compressor Voltage - Circuit #1 Compressor #1 AI 27 30 X

Compressor Voltage - Circuit #2 Compressor #1 AI 30 30 X

Compressor Voltage - Circuit #3 Compressor #1 AI 33 30 X

Compressor Power - Circuit #1 Compressor #1 AI 45 27 X X

Compressor Power - Circuit #2 Compressor #1 AI 48 27 X X

Compressor Power - Circuit #3 Compressor #1 AI 51 27 X

Compressor Discharge Refrigerant Temperature - Circuit #1 Compressor #1 AI 63 25 X X X X X X X

Compressor Discharge Refrigerant Temperature - Circuit #1 Compressor #2 AI 64 26 X

Compressor Discharge Refrigerant Temperature - Circuit #2 Compressor #1 AI 66 25 X X X X X X

Compressor Discharge Refrigerant Temperature - Circuit #3 Compressor #1 AI 69 26 X

Condenser Refrigerant Pressure - Condenser #1 AI 99 31 X X X X X X X X X X

Condenser Refrigerant Pressure - Condenser #2 AI 100 31 X X X X X X X

Condenser Refrigerant Pressure - Condenser #3 AI 101 31 X

Compressor Suction Refrigerant Temperature - Circuit #1 Compressor #1 AI 105 29 X X X X X X X X X X

Compressor Suction Refrigerant Temperature - Circuit #1 Compressor #2 (PFS) AI 106 30 X

Compressor Suction Refrigerant Temperature - Circuit #2 Compressor #1 AI 108 29 X X X X X X X X

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Object Instance
Object Type







Network Control Property

Compressor Suction Refrigerant Temperature - Circuit #3 Compressor #1 AI 111 29 X

Evaporator Refrigerant Pressure - Evaporator #1 AI 141 35 X X X X X X X X X X

Evaporator Refrigerant Pressure - Evaporator #2 AI 142 35 X X X X X X X

Evaporator Refrigerant Pressure - Evaporator #3 AI 143 33 X

Heat Recovery Leaving Water Temp AI 150 37 X

Evaporator Refrigerant Pressure - Evaporator #1 - Unload AI 153 35 X X X X X X X

Evaporator Refrigerant Pressure - Evaporator #2 - Unload AI 154 35 X X X X X X X

Evaporator Refrigerant Pressure - Evaporator #3 - Unload AI 155 35 X

Condenser Refrigerant Pressure - Condenser #1 - Inhibit Load AI 157 31 X X X X

Condenser Refrigerant Pressure - Condenser #2- Inhibit Load AI 158 31 X X X X

Condenser Refrigerant Pressure - Condenser #3- Inhibit Load AI 159 31 X

Condenser Refrigerant Pressure - Condenser #1 - Unload AI 161 31 X X X X X X X

Condenser Refrigerant Pressure - Condenser #2 - Unload AI 162 31 X X X X X X X

Condenser Refrigerant Pressure - Condenser #3- Unload AI 163 31 X

Oil Feed Pressure - Circuit #1 Compressor #1 AI 165 38 X X X X X

Oil Feed Pressure - Circuit #2 Compressor #1 AI 166 38 X X X X X

Oil Feed Pressure - Circuit #3 Compressor #1 AI 167 38 X

Evaporator Refrigerant Pressure - Evaporator #1 - Start Fail AI 169 35 X X X X

Evaporator Refrigerant Pressure - Evaporator #2 - Start Fail AI 170 35 X X X X

Evaporator Refrigerant Pressure - Evaporator #3 - Start Fail AI 171 35 X

Evaporator Refrigerant Pressure - Evaporator #1 - Inhibit Load AI 173 35 X X X X X X X

Evaporator Refrigerant Pressure - Evaporator #2 - Inhibit Load AI 174 35 X X X X X X X

Evaporator Refrigerant Pressure - Evaporator #3 - Inhibit Load AI 175 35 X

Heat Recovery Entering Water Temp AI 177 36 X

VFD Temp - Circuit #1 Compressor #1 AI 178 40 X X

VFD Temp - Circuit #2 Compressor #1 AI 179 40 X X

VFD Temp - Circuit #3 Compressor #1 AI 180 40 X

Compressor Current - Circuit #1 Compressor #1 - Unload AI 181 24 X X

Compressor Current - Circuit #2 Compressor #1- Unload AI 182 24 X X

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Object Instance
Object Type







Network Control Property

Compressor Current - Circuit #3 Compressor #1 - Unload AI 183 25 X

Compressor Current - Circuit #1 Compressor #1 - Hold AI 184 24 X X

Compressor Current - Circuit #2 Compressor #1 - Hold AI 185 24 X X

Compressor Current - Circuit #3 Compressor #1 - Hold AI 186 25 X

Active Capacity Limit Output AV 1 19 X X X X X X X X X X

Actual Capacity AV 2 19 X X X X X X X X X X

Capacity Limit Setpoint - Network AV 3 21 X X X X X X X X X X

Cool Setpoint - Network AV 4 32 X X X X X X X X X X

Active Setpoint AV 5 20 X X X X X X X X X X

Heat Setpoint - Network AV 6 37 X X X X X X

Ice Setpoint - Network AV 7 37 X X X X X X X X X X

Compressor Percent RLA - Circuit #1 Compressor #1 AV 8 26 X X

Compressor Percent RLA - Circuit #2 Compressor #1 AV 11 26 X X

Compressor Percent RLA - Circuit #3 Compressor #1 AV 14 26 X

Condenser Saturated Refrigerant Temperature - Condenser #1 AV 44 32 X X X X X X X X

Condenser Saturated Refrigerant Temperature - Condenser #2 AV 45 32 X X X X X X X

Condenser Saturated Refrigerant Temperature - Condenser #3 AV 46 32 X

Evaporator Saturated Refrigerant Temperature - Evaporator #1 AV 68 36 X X X X X X X X X

Evaporator Saturated Refrigerant Temperature - Evaporator #2 AV 69 36 X X X X X X X

Evaporator Saturated Refrigerant Temperature - Evaporator #3 AV 70 36 X

Compressor Run Hours - Circuit #1 Compressor #1 AV 74 27 X X X X X X X X X X

Compressor Run Hours - Circuit #1 Compressor #2 AV 75 27 X X X X X X

Compressor Run Hours - Circuit #1 Compressor #3 AV 76 27 X X X

Compressor Run Hours - Circuit #2 Compressor #1 AV 77 27 X X X X X X X X X

Compressor Run Hours - Circuit #2 Compressor #2 AV 78 28 X X X X

Compressor Run Hours - Circuit #2 Compressor #3 AV 79 28 X X X

Compressor Run Hours - Circuit #3 Compressor #1 AV 80 28 X

Compressor Starts - Circuit #1 Compressor #1 AV 92 28 X X X X X X X X X X

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Object Instance
Object Type







Network Control Property

Compressor Starts - Circuit #1 Compressor #2 AV 93 28 X X X X X X

Compressor Starts - Circuit #1 Compressor #3 AV 94 28 X X X

Compressor Starts - Circuit #2 Compressor #1 AV 95 29 X X X X X X X X

Compressor Starts - Circuit #2 Compressor #2 AV 96 29 X X X X

Compressor Starts - Circuit #2 Compressor #3 AV 97 29 X X X

Compressor Starts - Circuit #3 Compressor #1 AV 98 29 X

Condenser Pump Run Hours AV 110 30 X X

Evaporator Pump Run Hours - Pump #1 AV 112 34 X X X X X X X X X X

Evaporator Pump Run Hours - Pump #2 AV 113 34 X X X X X X X X

Problems Alarm Index AV 900 97 X X X X X X X X X X

Fault Alarm Index AV 901 88 X X X X X X X X X X

Warning Alarm Index AV 902 106 X X X X X X X X X X

Warning Alarm Code AV 903 106 X X X X X X X X X X

Problem Alarm Code AV 904 97 X X X X X X X X X X

Fault Alarm Code AV 905 88 X X X X X X X X X X

Active Energy AV 990 19 X X X X X X

Power Factor AV 991 39 X

Average Voltage AV 992 20 X

Average Current AV 993 20 X

Active Power AV 994 20 X X X

Evaporator Flow Switch Status BI 2 33 X X X X X X X X X X

Chiller Local/Network BI 3 22 X X X X X X X X X X

Chiller On/Off BI 4 23 X X X X X X X X

Run Enabled BI 5 39 X X X X X X X X X X

Chiller Capacity Limited BI 6 21 X X X X X X X X X X

Chiller Enable Output BI 7 21 X X X X X X X X X X

Evaporator Pump Status - Pump #1 BI 8 34 X X X X X X X X

Evaporator Pump Status - Pump #2 BI 9 34 X X X X X X X X

Alarm Digital Output BI 10 53 X X X X X X X X X X

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Object Instance
Object Type







Network Control Property

Chiller Enable Setpoint BV 2 22 X X X X X X X X X X

Clear Alarm - Network BV 8 61 X X X X X X X X X X

Compressor Controller Communication Failed - Circuit #1 BV 9 61 X X X X X X

Compressor Controller Communication Failed - Circuit #2 BV 10 61 X X X X X X X X

Compressor Controller Communication Failed - Circuit #3 BV 11 62 X

EXV Controller Communication Failed - Circuit #1 BV 13 87 X X X X X X X X

EXV Controller Communication Failed - Circuit #2 BV 14 87 X X X X X X X X

EXV Controller Communication Failed - Circuit #3 BV 15 87 X

Alarm/Limit Controller Communication Failed BV 17 53 X X X X

Fan Controller Communication Failed - Circuit #1 & Circuit #2 BV 18 87 X X X X

Fan Controller Communication Failed - Circuit #3 BV 19 88 X

Condenser Entering Water Temperature Sensor Fault BV 500 83 X

Evaporator Entering Water Temperature Sensor Fault BV 501 85 X

Condenser Leaving Water Temperature Sensor Fault BV 503 84 X X

Bad Setpoint Override Input Warning BV 512 54 X X X X X X X X X X

Bad Demand Limit Input Warning BV 513 54 X X X X X X X X X X

UNIT Power Restore Warning BV 515 99 X X X X X

Circuit #1 - Failed Pumpdown Warning BV 516 55 X X X X X X X X X

Circuit #2 - Failed Pumpdown Warning BV 517 55 X X X X X X X

Circuit #3 - Failed Pumpdown Warning BV 518 55 X

Power Loss While Running Problem - Circuit #1 BV 529 97 X X X X

Power Loss While Running Problem - Circuit #2 BV 530 97 X X X X

Power Loss While Running Problem - Circuit #3 BV 531 97 X

Ambient Temperature Low Problem BV 533 53 X X X X X X X X

INHIBIT LOAD – Condenser Pressure High Problem - PFS BV 534 90 X

INHIBIT LOAD – Condenser Pressure High Problem - Circuit #1 BV 535 89 X X X X

INHIBIT LOAD – Condenser Pressure High Problem - Circuit #2 BV 536 90 X X X X

INHIBIT LOAD – Condenser Pressure High Problem - Circuit #3 BV 537 90 X

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Object Instance
Object Type







Network Control Property

UNLOAD – Condenser Pressure High Problem - PFS BV 539 103 X

UNLOAD – Condenser Pressure High Problem - Circuit #1 BV 540 103 X X X X

UNLOAD – Condenser Pressure High Problem - Circuit #2 BV 541 103 X X X X

UNLOAD – Condenser Pressure High Problem - Circuit #3 BV 542 103 X

CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN - Minimim Delta Pressure Circuit #1 BV 551 X

CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN - Minimim Delta Pressure Circuit #2 BV 552

CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN - Minimim Delta Pressure Circuit #3 BV 553

INHIBIT LOAD - Evaporator Pressure Low Problem - PFS BV 555 91 X

INHIBIT LOAD - Evaporator Pressure Low Problem - Circuit #1 BV 556 90 X X X X

INHIBIT LOAD - Evaporator Pressure Low Problem - Circuit #2 BV 557 91 X X X X

INHIBIT LOAD - Evaporator Pressure Low Problem - Circuit #3 BV 558 91 X

UNLOAD - Evaporator Pressure Low Problem - PFS BV 560 104 X

UNLOAD - Evaporator Pressure Low Problem - Circuit #1 BV 561 104 X X X X

UNLOAD - Evaporator Pressure Low Problem - Circuit #2 BV 562 104 X X X X

UNLOAD - Evaporator Pressure Low Problem - Circuit #3 BV 563 104 X

UNLOAD – Compressor Motor Current High Problem - Circuit #1 Compressor #1 BV 565 102 X X

UNLOAD – Compressor Motor Current High Problem - Circuit #2 Compressor #1 BV 567 102 X X

UNLOAD – Compressor Motor Current High Problem - Circuit #3 Compressor #1 BV 569 102 X

PUMP #2 START ATTEMPTED - Evaporator Pump #1 Failure BV 575 98 X X X X X X X

PUMP #1 START ATTEMPTED - Evaporator Pump #2 Failure BV 576 98 X X X X X X X

INHIBIT LOAD - Compressor Motor Current High Problem - Circuit #1 Compressor #1 BV 578 89 X X

INHIBIT LOAD - Compressor Motor Current High Problem - Circuit #2 Compressor #1 BV 580 89 X X

INHIBIT LOAD - Compressor Motor Current High Problem - Circuit #3 Compressor #1 BV 582 89 X

COMP SHUTDOWN – Low Pressure Ratio Fault - Circuit #1 Compressor #1 BV 599 72 X X X X

COMP SHUTDOWN – Low Pressure Ratio Fault - Circuit #2 Compressor #1 BV 601 72 X X X X

COMP SHUTDOWN – Low Pressure Ratio Fault - Circuit #3 Compressor #1 BV 603 72 X

COMP SHUTDOWN - Outside Air Temperature Sensor Fault BV 605 80 X X X X X X X

COMP SHUTDOWN - Current Overload Trip Fault - Circuit #1 Compressor #1 BV 606 66 X X

COMP SHUTDOWN - Current Overload Trip Fault - Circuit #2 Compressor #1 BV 608 67 X X

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Object Instance
Object Type







Network Control Property

COMP SHUTDOWN - Current Overload Trip Fault - Circuit #3 Compressor #1 BV 610 67 X

Circuit #1 - Failed Pumpdown Hi Press Warning BV 611 X

Circuit #2 - Failed Pumpdown Hi Press Warning BV 612

Circuit #3 - Failed Pumpdown Hi Press Warning BV 613

COMP SHUTDOWN – Motor Protector - Circuit #1 Compressor #1 BV 625 75 X X X

COMP SHUTDOWN – Motor Protector - Circuit #2 Compressor #1 BV 627 75 X X X

COMP SHUTDOWN – Motor Temperature High Fault - Circuit #1 Compressor #1 BV 637 76 X X X X X

COMP SHUTDOWN – Motor Temperature High Fault - Circuit #1 Compressor #2 (PFS) BV 638 77 X

COMP SHUTDOWN – Motor Temperature High Fault - Circuit #2 Compressor #1 BV 639 76 X X X X

COMP SHUTDOWN – Motor Temperature High Fault - Circuit #3 Compressor #1 BV 641 77 X

CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Condenser Pressure Sensor Fault - Circuit #1 BV 668 55 X X X X X X X X

CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Condenser Pressure Sensor Fault - Circuit #2 BV 670 55 X X X X X X X

COMP SHUTDOWN - Condenser Pressure Sensor Fault - Circuit #3 Compressor #1 BV 672 66 X

CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Condenser Pressure High Trip Fault - PFS BV 675 56 X

CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Condenser Pressure High Trip Fault - Circuit #1 BV 676 56 X X X X X X X X

CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Condenser Pressure High Trip Fault - Circuit #2 BV 678 56 X X X X X X X

COMP SHUTDOWN - Condenser Pressure High Fault - Circuit #3 Compressor #1 BV 680 65 X

COMP SHUTDOWN - Discharge Temperature Sensor Fault - Circuit #1 Compressor #1 BV 688 67 X X X X X X X X

COMP SHUTDOWN - Discharge Temperature Sensor Fault - Circuit #1 Compressor #2 (PFS) BV 689 68 X

COMP SHUTDOWN - Discharge Temperature Sensor Fault - Circuit #2 Compressor #1 BV 690 67 X X X X X X

COMP SHUTDOWN - Discharge Temperature Sensor Fault - Circuit #3 Compressor #1 BV 692 67 X

COMP SHUTDOWN - Discharge Temp High Fault - Circuit #1 Compressor #1 BV 694 68 X X X X X

COMP SHUTDOWN - Discharge Temp High Fault - Circuit #1 Compressor #2 (PFS) BV 695 69 X

COMP SHUTDOWN - Discharge Temp High Fault - Circuit #2 Compressor #1 BV 696 68 X X X X

COMP SHUTDOWN - Discharge Temp High Fault - Circuit #3 Compressor #1 BV 698 68 X

Condenser Entering Water Temperature Sensor Fault (PFS) BV 700 84 X

UNIT SHUTDOWN - Evaporator Water Flow Loss Fault BV 701 100 X X X X X X X X X

UNIT SHUTDOWN - Evaporator Leaving Water Temperature Low (Freeze) Fault BV 702 100 X X X X X X X X X X

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CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Low Evaporator Pressure Trip Fault - PFS BV 703 59 X

CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Low Evaporator Pressure Trip Fault - Circuit #1 BV 704 58 X X X X X X X X

CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Low Evaporator Pressure Trip Fault - Circuit #2 BV 706 59 X X X X X X X

COMP SHUTDOWN - Evaporator Pressure Low Fault - Circuit #2 Compressor #1 BV 706 69 X X X X X X X

COMP SHUTDOWN - Evaporator Pressure Low Fault - Circuit #3 Compressor #1 BV 708 69 X

CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Evaporator Pressure Sensor Fault - Circuit #1 BV 711 57 X X X X X X X X

CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Evaporator Pressure Sensor Fault - Circuit #2 BV 713 57 X X X X X X X

COMP SHUTDOWN - Evaporator Pressure Sensor Fault - Circuit #3 Compressor #1 BV 715 70 X

COMP LOCKOUT - Number of Allowed Re-Starts Exceeded Fault - Circuit #1 Compressor #1 BV 742 62 X X X X X X X X X

COMP LOCKOUT - Number of Allowed Re-Starts Exceeded Fault - Circuit #2 Compressor #1 BV 744 62 X X X X X X X

COMP LOCKOUT - Number of Allowed Re-Starts Exceeded Fault - Circuit #3 Compressor #1 BV 746 62 X

UNIT SHUTDOWN - Evaporator Leaving Water Temperature Sensor Fault BV 748 100 X X X X X X X X X X

Evaporator Leaving Water Temperature 1 Sensor Fault BV 749 86 X X X X

Evaporator Leaving Water Temperature 2 Sensor Fault BV 750 86 X X X X

CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN- Evaporator 1 Freeze Protection Fault BV 751 58 X X X X

CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN- Evaporator 2 Freeze Protection Fault BV 752 58 X X X X

COMP SHUTDOWN - Mechanical High Press Trip Fault - Circuit #1 Compressor #1 BV 760 74 X X X X X X X X X X

COMP SHUTDOWN - Mechanical High Press Trip Fault - Circuit #1 Compressor #2 (PFS) BV 761 74 X

COMP SHUTDOWN - Mechanical High Press Trip Fault - Circuit #2 Compressor #1 BV 762 74 X X X X X X X

COMP SHUTDOWN - Mechanical High Press Trip Fault - Circuit #3 Compressor #1 BV 764 74 X

COMP SHUTDOWN – Oil Delta Pressure High Fault - Circuit #1 Compressor #1 BV 796 79 X X X X X

COMP SHUTDOWN – Oil Delta Pressure High Fault - Circuit #1 Compressor #2 (PFS) BV 797 79 X

COMP SHUTDOWN – Oil Delta Pressure High Fault - Circuit #2 Compressor #1 BV 798 79 X X X X

COMP SHUTDOWN – Oil Delta Pressure High Fault - Circuit #3 Compressor #1 BV 800 79 X

COMP SHUTDOWN - Oil Feed Pressure Sensor Fault - Circuit #1 Compressor #1 BV 802 80 X X X X X

COMP SHUTDOWN - Oil Feed Pressure Sensor Fault - Circuit #1 Compressor #2 (PFS) BV 803 80 X

COMP SHUTDOWN - Oil Feed Pressure Sensor Fault - Circuit #2 Compressor #1 BV 804 80 X X X X

COMP SHUTDOWN - Oil Feed Pressure Sensor Fault - Circuit #3 Compressor #1 BV 806 80 X

SHUTDOWN – Phase Voltage Protection Fault - Unit BV 820 99 X X X X X

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COMP SHUTDOWN – Starter Fault Fault - Circuit #1 Compressor #1 BV 821 82 X X X X X

COMP SHUTDOWN – Starter Fault Fault - Circuit #1 Compressor #2 (PFS) BV 822 82 X

COMP SHUTDOWN – Starter Fault Fault - Circuit #2 Compressor #1 BV 823 82 X X X X

COMP SHUTDOWN – Starter Fault Fault - Circuit #3 Compressor #1 BV 825 82 X

COMP SHUTDOWN - Suction Temp Sensor Fault - Circuit #1 Compressor #1 BV 857 83 X X X X X X X X X X

COMP SHUTDOWN - Suction Temp Sensor Fault - Circuit #1 Compressor #2 (PFS) BV 858 83 X

COMP SHUTDOWN - Suction Temp Sensor Fault - Circuit #2 Compressor #1 BV 859 83 X X X X X X X

COMP SHUTDOWN - Suction Temp Sensor Fault - Circuit #3 Compressor #1 BV 861 83 X

COMP SHUTDOWN – Mechanical Low Pressure Trip - Circuit #1 Compressor #1 BV 876 73 X X X X X

COMP SHUTDOWN – Mechanical Low Pressure Trip - Circuit #1 Compressor #2 (PFS) BV 877 73 X

COMP SHUTDOWN – Mechanical Low Pressure Trip - Circuit #2 Compressor #1 BV 878 73 X X X X

COMP SHUTDOWN – Mechanical Low Pressure Trip - Circuit #3 Compressor #1 BV 880 73 X

Controller Board Offline Fault - Circuit #1 BV 882 85 X X X X X X X X X

Controller Board Offline Fault - Circuit #2 BV 883 85 X X X X X X X X

Controller Board Offline Fault - Circuit #3 BV 884 85 X

COMP SHUTDOWN - COMP VFD Fault - Circuit #1 Compressor #1 BV 886 63 X X

COMP SHUTDOWN - COMP VFD Fault - Circuit #2 Compressor #1 BV 888 64 X X

COMP SHUTDOWN - COMP VFD Fault - Circuit #3 Compressor #1 BV 890 64 X

COMP SHUTDOWN – Motor Temp Sensor - Circuit #1 Compressor #1 BV 899 75 X X X X X

COMP SHUTDOWN – Motor Temp Sensor - Circuit #2 Compressor #1 BV 901 76 X X X X

COMP SHUTDOWN – Motor Temp Sensor - Circuit #3 Compressor #1 BV 903 76 X

COMP SHUTDOWN – No Pressure Change After Start - Circuit #1 BV 905 77 X X X X X X X X X X

COMP SHUTDOWN – No Pressure Change After Start - Circuit #2 BV 906 77 X X X X X X X X

COMP SHUTDOWN – No Pressure Change After Start - Circuit #3 BV 907 77 X

COMP SHUTDOWN – No Pressure at Startup - Circuit #1 BV 911 78 X X X X X

COMP SHUTDOWN – No Pressure at Startup - Circuit #2 BV 912 78 X X X X

COMP SHUTDOWN – No Pressure at Startup - Circuit #3 BV 913 78 X

Evaporator Entering Water Temperature Sensor Fault BV 917 85 X X X X X

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Network Control Property

Bad Current Limit Input Warning BV 918 54 X X X X

Option Controller Communication Failed Warning BV 919 96 X X X X X

UNIT STOP – Emergency Stop Alarm BV 921 101 X X X X X

UNIT STOP – Evaporator Water Temperatures Inverted BV 922 101 X X X X X

UNIT STOP – External Alarm BV 923 101 X X X X X X X X X X

External Event BV 924 86 X X X X X X X X X X

Unit Board Offline BV 925 84 X X X X

SHUTDOWN – Phase Voltage Protection Fault - Circuit #1 BV 926 99 X X X X

SHUTDOWN – Phase Voltage Protection Fault - Circuit #2 BV 927 99 X X X X

SHUTDOWN – Phase Voltage Protection Fault - Circuit #3 BV 928 99 X

COMP SHUTDOWN – Slide Position Sensor Fault - Circuit #1 Compressor #1 BV 930 81 X X X X X

COMP SHUTDOWN – Slide Position Sensor Fault - Circuit #1 Compressor #2 (PFS) BV 931 81 X

COMP SHUTDOWN – Slide Position Sensor Fault - Circuit #2 Compressor #1 BV 932 81 X X X X

COMP SHUTDOWN – Slide Position Sensor Fault - Circuit #3 Compressor #1 BV 934 81 X

COMP SHUTDOWN- Compressor VFD Over Heat Fault - Circuit #1 Compressor #1 BV 942 64 X X

COMP SHUTDOWN- Compressor VFD Over Heat Fault - Circuit #2 Compressor #1 BV 944 64 X X

COMP SHUTDOWN- Compressor VFD Over Heat Fault - Circuit #3 Compressor #1 BV 946 65 X

COMP SHUTDOWN - Com Error With Compressor VFD - Circuit #1 Compressor #1 BV 948 63 X X

COMP SHUTDOWN - Com Error With Compressor VFD - Circuit #2 Compressor #1 BV 950 63 X X

COMP SHUTDOWN - Com Error With Compressor VFD - Circuit #3 Compressor #1 BV 952 63 X

COMP SHUTDOWN – Low Discharge Superheat - Circuit #1 Compressor #1 BV 961 71 X X X X

COMP SHUTDOWN – Low Discharge Superheat - Circuit #1 Compressor #2 (PFS) BV 962 72 X

COMP SHUTDOWN – Low Discharge Superheat - Circuit #2 Compressor #1 BV 963 71 X X X

COMP SHUTDOWN – Low Discharge Superheat - Circuit #3 Compressor #1 BV 965 72 X

CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Gas Leakage Fault - Circuit #1 BV 967 57 X X X X X X

CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Gas Leakage Fault - Circuit #2 BV 968 57 X X X X

VFD Low Temperature Fault - Circuit #1 Compressor #1 BV 969 105 X X X X

VFD Over Temperature Fault - Circuit #1 Compressor #1 BV 970 105 X

VFD Low Temperature Fault - Circuit #2 Compressor #1 BV 974 105 X

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VFD Over Temperature Fault - Circuit #2 Compressor #1 BV 975 105 X

CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Over Voltage Fault - Circuit #1 BV 978 59 X

CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Under Voltage Fault - Circuit #1 BV 979 60 X

CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Under Voltage Fault - Circuit #2 BV 981 60 X

CIRCUIT SHUTDOWN – Over Voltage Fault - Circuit #2 BV 982 59 X X

CIRCUIT STOP – Circuit Global Alarm Circuit #1 BV 991 X

CIRCUIT STOP – Circuit Global Alarm Circuit #2 BV 992

CIRCUIT STOP – Circuit Global Alarm Circuit #3 BV 993

Chiller Status MSV 1 24 X X X X X X X X X X

Chiller Mode Output MSV 2 23 X X X X X X X X X X

Chiller Mode Setpoint – Network MSV 3 23 X X X X X X X X X X

Units MSV 4 39 X X X X X X X X X X

Notification Class - Faults NC 1 91 X X X X X X X X X X

Notification Class - Problems NC 2 94 X X X X X X X X X X

Notification Class - Warnings NC 3 95 X X X X X X X X X X

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