Amhara National Regional State Amhara de
Amhara National Regional State Amhara de
Amhara National Regional State Amhara de
List of Table
List of Figures
Figure 1 Project Area Location....................................................................................................3
Figure 2.2 Topography of Kimer Dengay ....................................................................................4
Figure 9.1 Organizational structures for Kimer Dengay ............................................................. 32
DN =Nominal Diameter
GI = Galvanized Iron
km = kilo meter
m = meter
mm = millimetre
OD = Outer Diameter
PN = Nominal Pressure
In the Background; location, accessibility and climate of the area is described. Kimer Dengay is one of
the towns in Farta Woreda of South Gonder Zone. There is a serious problem of water supply both in
quantity and quality. Under the population and water demand all the population projection and water
demand analysis of the area is executed.
Study of the present/base population and future/projected population is taken to be the first task to know
the water demand in designing any water supply project. The population data try to be taken from the
central Statics Agency (CSA) and/or from the local administration and then to be counter checked with
that of the CSA. Our growth rate is fall under Medium growth variant (urban) and Population projection
is then calculated based on the growth rate set by the CSA using geometrical progression in which a
constant percentage of growth assumed for a certain period of time. For this project phase I and phase II
i.e. 20 years design period (2016-2036) is considered since as an urban town.
According to the socioeconomic data, the base population that the project integrates is 15,130 and
accordingly the total projected population at the end of the design period is calculated to be 35,189.
Demand projections were also made throughout the design periods. The major modes and levels of
services considered are public fountains (PF), Yard connection (YC) and House tap user (HTU). The
maximum day demand and peak hour demand at the end of the design period is estimated to be 21.0l/s
and 32.30l/s respectively. The water source for this system project is Borehole, located around 7.6km far
from 300m3 service reservoir.
In the description of proposed schemes part all the recommended civil works and electromechanical
works are described in detail. The proposed water supply structures for the project, service reservoir,
distribution pipe, Generator room and public fountains. Water from the well pumped to booster station
then to service reservoir after that it distributes by gravity system to the communities.
The raising main pipe is GI medium class DN 100mm from Bore Hole to Booster station and 752m
beyond Booster station till 300m3 service reservoir and GI heavy class DN 100mm with a total length of
The estimated Costs for various items of works have been also calculated with grand total investment cost
of the project to implement the system is about Birr; 16,610,392.25ETB.
1.1 General
The provision of safe drinking water supply and sanitation facilities is a basic necessity of life and a
crucial input in achieving healthy population. All living things on the earth like human beings, animals
and plants make use of water for their survival. For example, human beings use water for drinking,
washing, sewer flushing, firefighting, etc.
Therefore, Cities, Town, or Villages, necessary to carry out the necessary designing of water supply
scheme. This requires the knowledge to determine the total quantity of water required for the various
purposes and then finding out the source which satisfy the demand.
The main objectives of any public water supply systems are as follows;
To supply safe and wholesome water to the consumers:-A safe and wholesome
water is one which is unpolluted, free from disease producing bacteria, toxic substances
as well as excessive amounts of mineral and organic matter that may impair the quality of
The objective of the project is to increase access to sustainable water supply and sanitation service for
Kimer Dengay town. The project is designed to improve the living standard of people living in the project
area and its growing population through the provision of adequate and safe water supply for the coming 20
This report presents engineering part of the detailed design of different components of proposed water
supply system.
The report includes sections covering the following principal issues.
General background
Population and water demand
Existing water supply system
Description of the proposed scheme
Design of Transmission Main, Electro Mechanical , distribution main, distribution
systems including service reservoirs, layout & size of pipes and all the works required to
deliver the water from its source to the community
Preparation of appropriate drawings, bill of quantities and specifications for each
specified volume of work
Environmental Aspects.
Geotechnical information
Water tariff analysis
Manage mental and organizational setup
2.1 General
Kimer Dengay is one of the town in Frta Woreda in South Gonder Zone, Amhara National Regional State
and it is located 120km far from Bahir Dar, the region capital of Amhara National Regional state, 30km
from Debere Tabor towards the East, with UTM 1305606.735.m N ,415162.863m E at an average altitude
of 2986.6m a.m.s.l.
2.2 Topography
The project area is characterized by highly variable topography the mean altitude of Kimer Dengay area is
about 2986.6 m a.m.s.l, it actually varies between 2960.7 and 3028.1 a.m.s.l.
2.3 Climate
Agro-climatically, Kimer Dengay micro-watershed is grouped under Dega. It is characterized by a mono
modal rainfall. It receives rainfall only from May to September. According to monthly rainfall distribution,
Kimer Dengay area is commonly known as having relatively longer growing period from June to
The livelihood of the majority of the population in Kimer Dengay town is based on agricultural production
and government employees, small businesses.The main crops growing in the Woreda are; wheat, maize,
Bean, Niger seed (Noug), Pepper, Teff e.t.c.
2.5.2 Education
There are two Elementary school (Grade 1-8) and one High school located in the vicinity of the project
There is health centre that provides medical services for the town and the nearby villages as well.
Most households in the project area have their own pit latrines constructed from locally available materials
(wood and mud). There are few shower facilities and solid waste disposal mechanisms in the town.
The ten most prevalent diseases in the area as reported by the health centre are Malaria, pneumonia, AFI
(acute febrile illness), Helminthiasis, HIV/AIDS, parasitic diseases, Trachoma, Dysentery, Infection of skin,
non bloody Diharea.
Table 2. 2 The top ten diseases for the year 2006EC.
Item No Type of Diseases
1 Malaria
2 Pneumonia
4 Helminthiasis
5 Acute Bronchitis
6 Parasitic diseases
7 Trachoma
8 Dysentery
9 Infection of skin
10 Non bloody Diharea,
Adequate provision of sanitary facilities such as both private and public toilets, properly sited, carefully
made and managed solid waste disposal facilities will reduce the spread of contagious diseases and will
also make the village dirt free and smart. As observed in during study, there are no enough sanitary
facilities and hence, they are using the open field for defecation. Besides, most of the existing Pit latrines
do not have water supply access.
Generally, the existing water supply system of the Town is inadequate due to unwise use of the Existing
Water Supply System and also it is unable to satisfy the requirements of good water supply system owing to
the rapid increase of the town population.
Water is delivered by the sumriseble pump from the Bore Hole to the 50m3 capacity sandwich service
reservoir through a raising main of a total length of about 600m by GI Pipe diameter 2 1/2".
2.7.3 Storage
The town’s storage is provided by the existing 50m3 Sandwich Servece Reservoir. The distribution network
is connected with a 50m3 service reservoir and water is delivery to the town by gravity.
This report is prepared mainly based on the field assessment. During the preparation of detail engineering
design report, the following points were followed and modified to suit into the actual condition;
Studying the current population information of the town.
Conducting detailed surveying work
Assessing the water demand of the Town based on the current and projected population
Reviewing surveying reports of the distribution and transmission lines, reservoirs sites.
Studying distribution of the water users by category, and setting the nodal demand.
Designing of each scheme components based on the basic related design criteria.
Preparation of working drawings for each scheme components.
Preparation of the cost estimates of the project by using the current market prices
The design horizon of the system is taken to be for 20 years (up to the end of 2035GC.).
4.1 Population
Even though, the central statistics Agency (CSA) is recognized body in Ethiopia to determine the official
population figures and growth rates that should be taken for any development activity throughout the
country, Town Administrator and concerned Woreda professionals also count population periodically. The
data obtained from Woreda Water Resource development office and other concerned parts of the project
area are tabulated below. This data is used for design.
Table 4. 1 Population data obtained from Developing Town administrators (2014)
No of Total
No. Town Household
1 Kimer Dengay 3026 15130
Total 3026 15,130
Generally the design period of water supply system is determined by considering the following facts:-
Funds available for the construction of the project
Useful Life span of materials that are used in the water supply system
Rate of interest on the loans taken to complete the project
Operation & maintenance cost
Anticipated expansion of the population
Since the Project area are urban town and based on the above-mentioned facts, 20 years design period is
After the design period has been fixed, the population of the study area in various periods has to be
determined based on CSA’s population growth rates. For such developing town, population geometric
progress method is adopted as if it is the commonly used method to forecast the population at the end of n
Pn= Pp (1 +r)n
Pn= population at the target year
Pp = present population
r = Annual growth rate in%
n = design period, in year
Growth rate
Table 4.2 projected annual growth rates,
Source: Source: The 1994 Population and Housing Census of Ethiopia Results for Amhara
Region, Volume II Analytical Report.
Therefore the projected population at the end of the design year (2035) is 35,189.
The major types of water consumptions considered for Kimer Dengay town water supply project design
purposes are discussed below.
This demand category includes the water requirement for drinking, washing, and cooking, bathing,
cleaning& personal hygiene. Generally, for these town piped system, the modes and levels of services can
be categorized as public fountains /PF/, Yard connection/YC/ and house tap user (HTU).
The implementation of the project will result in change of the per capita water demand through each mode
of service. To estimate the projected per capita demand using the initial demand of 35/40l/c/d for house tap
user (HTU),25/30l/c/d for yard connection and 15/20 l/c/d for public tap users for phase I and phase II
respectively (Source: Cost effective design guideline June 2006) , the water demand to grow at growth
rates of 1% per annum for public, 2% for yard and 3% for house tap user is considered.
Table 4. 4 Projected Average Per Capita domestic Water demand
Demand Category 2016 2021 2026 2031 2036
HTU 35 40.6 40 46.4 53.8
YTU 25 27.6 30 33.1 36.6
PTU 15 15.8 20 21.0 22.1
Based on the socio-economic survey carried out during study and cost effective design guideline June
2006, it is reasonable to assume and adopt that about 70/48 percent for public tap user, 29.5/50 percent for
yard tap user and 0.5/2 percent for house tap user for phase I and phase II respectively at the inception of
the project.
Table 4.5 Projected Percentage of Mode of Service
Demand Category 2016 2021 2026 2031 2036
HTU 0.5% 1.25% 2% 3% 4%
YTU 29.5% 40% 50% 55% 60%
PTU 70% 59% 48% 42% 36%
100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
The project area has an altitude between 2300-3300, which falls under group B. Therefore an adjustment
factor of 0.9 to refine the average per capita domestic water demand is considered.
Socio-economic activities have a role in determining the degree of development of the town under study
which in turn determines water consumption. Considering their development, it is classified under group C
with appropriate adjustment factor of 1.0.
Source: Planning of Water Supply Minster of Water Resources (JICA), CSA 1999
The following table presents summary of the results on population projection, percentage of population
served by different mode of services, Water demand determination and its growth in the expected service
year of the new system and the calculated adjusted average domestic demand in litter per second.
Table 4.10 Summary of Adjusted Domestic Demand
Demand Category Unit 2016 2021 2026 2031 2036
m3/day 297.09 416.13 612.91 830.95 1127.65
Average Day Demand l/s 3.44 4.82 7.09 9.62 13.05
Climatic Adjustment factor 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9
Socio Economic
Adjustment Factor 1 1 1 1 1
m3/day 267.38 374.52 551.62 747.85 1014.88
Adjusted domestic demand l/s 3.09 4.33 6.38 8.66 11.75
The ratio of the maximum daily consumption to the mean annual daily consumption is the maximum day
factor. This demand is used to design source capacity, riser mains, and service reservoir.
The peak hour demand is one of the highest water demands within any one hour over the year and
estimated taking in to account the possible water collection hours. Previous studies and experiences
clearly demonstrate that peak hour factor is greater for a smaller population. According to water supply
design criteria prepared by ministry of water resource and tropics studies the proposed maximum day and
peak hour factor are summarized below
Table 4. 12 Maximum Daily and peak hour factor
N0. Population range Maximum day factor Peak hour factor
1 0- 20,000 1.3 2
2 20,001-50,000 1.25 1.9
3 5001and above 1.2 1.7
Source: Planning of Water Supply, Minster of Water Resources (JICA), CSA 1999
Therefore, Maximum day factor of 1.3 and Peak hour factor of 2 are adopted for consistent and
economical design of this water supply system.
Table 4.13 Summery of water demand projection
Description unit 2016 2021 2026 2031 2036
m3/day 326.47 469.64 716.00 995.39 1395.47
Total Average Day Demand l/s 3.78 5.44 8.29 11.52 16.15
Maximum Day Coefficient 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3
Peak Hour Demand
Coefficient 2 2 2 2 2
m3/day 424.41 610.54 930.80 1294.01 1814.11
Maximum Day demand l/s 4.91 7.07 10.77 14.98 21.00
m3/day 652.94 939.29 1432.00 1990.78 2790.93
Peak Hour Demand l/s 7.56 10.87 16.57 23.04 32.30
5.1 General
A design period of 20years is considered for the design of the proposed scheme as it is town water supply
system. The proposed water supply structures for this project is one service Reservoir for phase I (300m3)
and another (300m3) for phase II, one Booster Station (100m3), public fountains, Generator house, pump
house and guard house. Water from the borehole is pumped to 100m3 Booster station then distribute by
gravity. The service reservoir and public taps should be constructed at the selected site and fenced
The Borehole is located 6km far from the project area Location and other necessary borehole data are
shown below.
Table 5.1 Data of Drilled borehole
Depth of Pump
East North Elevation Q(L/s) Well(m) position(m)
Well 408,657.00 1,303,929.00 2,807.00 5.5 180 158
To determine the economic diameter for pressure line between the bore holes and service reservoir, the
following equation is adopted.
To 1
Where Q=Discharge in m3/se
Q=5.5*(24/24*1000)l/s, =0.0055m3/s
D=0.071m to 0.090m, checked for velocity.
Take Diameter 100mm GI pipe.
Checking the permissible velocity
V= (0.0055)/ (3.14*0.12/4)
V=0.7 m/s OK
Diameter Pipe type PN10 Length(m) Remark
1 32 HDPE ,PE100 289 Distribution
2 50 HDPE ,PE100 8830 Distribution
3 63 HDPE ,PE100 5224 Distribution
4 75 HDPE, PE100 1047 Distribution
5 90 HDPE, PE100 2153 Distribution
6 110 HDPE, PE100 761 Distribution
7 DN 150 GI Medium class 22 Distribution
8 200 HDPE, PE100 770 Distribution
Total 19,096 Distribution
Capacity of reservoir for Kimer Dengay Town is determined using simplified empirical method
commonly practiced in many water supply projects. This is simply taking one third of the maximum day
demand at the end of the design period. Therefore, 600m3 i.e. each 300m3 for Phase I and Phase II to
minimize current investment cost is recommended at UTM Easting 414,200.79, Northing 1,305,284.44,
Elevation of 3,071.30 a.m.s.l is proposed.
5. 7 Pumps
The primary function of a pump is to add hydraulic energy to certain values of fluid. A pump serves to
transfer energy from a power source to a fluid, thereby creating flow or simply creating greater pressures
on the fluid. Many types and sizes of pumps are available, ranging in power from a fraction of one horse
power to the several thousand horse power. There are reliability of the service that will be given, the first
cost of the equipment, and the operating cost. Pump in this project is used to lift raw water to service
In the selection of a particular pump, the capacity, reliability, Cost, power, maintenance and efficiency
factors are taken in to account.
Kimir dingay town water supply project electro-mechanical design head calculation
Frictional Head losses
1. From borehole to booster
A) Riser pipe head loss(HL1)
Using Hazzen william’s formula
Where c is coefficient of friction take 120 for GI pipe
Q is flow rate 5.5l/s
L=Riser pipe length 3” GI(DN=80mm) L=160m
B) Rising main pipe head loss(HL2)
Using Hazzen william’s formula
Where c is coefficient of friction take 120 for GI pipe
Q is flow rate 5.5l/s
L=Rising main pipe length(DN=100mm) L=5353m
C) Minor loss HL3
HL3=0.1*(HL1 +HL2)=4.3m
D) Total head loss HTL
HTL=HL1+HL2 + HL3 =47.6m
Total Dynamic head=ED+DWL+HTL+height of reservoir water hammer (free head)
=265.5m, take 266m head.
Where: Gp is power of the generator.
Step 4: consider altitude effect.
However, the generator power is affected by the altitude above sea level. In general for 1000m elevation the
generator power is reduced by 10 %.
∗ 10%
= ∗ = 10.9
1000 100
Where: palt is power reduced by the altitude; Al is altitude above sea level. Now the total the generator
power is the sum of the two powers.
Gp total=39kw+10.9kw=49.9kw.By taking power factor of 0.8 for the motor, the generator power required
is 70 kva generator including other loads.
Note: autotransformer starting system, soft starting system and impedance starting system may be used with
the above generator and motor capacity.
Cable size determination: for three phase motor of submersible pump power cable, the voltage drop at the
motor terminal point should not be greater than 3%.
For a given motor with appropriate rated current the minimum cable size can be calculated by using the
following formula
q= L*I*1.73*100*cosφ*ρ
Formula designations
U = Rated voltage [V]= 400v
ΔU = Voltage drop [%]=3%
I = Rated current of the motor [A]=57A
L=3 phase power cable from control panel to motor terminal =175m
cos φ = Power factor~=0.8
ρ = Specific resistance: 0.025 [Ω mm2]
q = minimum Cross-section of 3ø drop cable[mm2]
sin φ =√( 1 − 2φ) =0.6
XL = Inductive resistance: 0.078 x 10-3 [Ω/m].
From the calculation the minimum required size of cable is 24.7mm2, by taking the standard & maximum
current carrying capacity the minimum drop cable size should be 3x35mm2
1. Pump power=26kw
2. Generator power=70kva
Where: p is power of the pump, Q is the amount of flow rate, H is the total head and ηmis efficiency of the
Step2: the electric motor power can be determined by divide the pump power to the electric motor
= = = 22
ᶯ 0.8
Assume that efficiency of the electric motor is 0.8.
Where: pm is the power of the electric motor, p is power of the pump, ηm is efficiency of the motor.
Therefore, the self prime surface pump electric motor power is 22kw by taking the standard.
Step 3: determine the generator power.
The generator power should exceed from 30% to 50% of the electric motor power as general.
Where: Gp is power of the generator.
Step 4: consider altitude effect.
However, the generator power is affected by the altitude above sea level. In general for 1000m elevation the
generator power is reduced by 10 %.
∗ 10%
= ∗ = 9.5
1000 100
Where: palt is power reduced by the altitude; Al is altitude above sea level. Now the total the generator
power is the sum of the two powers.
Gp total=33kw+9.5kw=42.5kw. By taking power factor of 0.8 for the motor, the generator power required
is 60 kva generator including other small loads.
Cable size determination: for three phase motor of surface pump power cable the voltage drop at the motor
terminal point should not be greater than 3%.
For a given motor with appropriate rated current the minimum cable size can be calculated by using the
following formula
q= L*I*100*cosφ*ρ
Formula designations
U = Rated voltage [V]= 400v
ΔU = Voltage drop [%]=3%
I = Rated current of the motor [A]=45A
L=3 phase power cable from control panel to motor terminal =25m
cos φ = Power factor~=0.8
ρ = Specific resistance: 0.025 [Ω mm2]
q = minimum Cross-section of 3ø drop cable[mm2]
sin φ =√( 1 − 2φ) =0.6
XL = Inductive resistance: 0.078 x 10-3 [Ω/m].
From the calculation the minimum required size of cable is 1.5mm2, by taking the maximum current
carrying capacity the minimum drop cable size should be 3x10mm2
1. Pump power=22kw (1+1 pumps)
2. Generator power=60kva
Suction and delivery side pipe sizes and velocity in booster station
Location Booster station remark
Destination Service reservoir
Station discharge, l/sec (m3/hr) 5.5(19.8)
No of standby pumps 1
Total no of pumps 2
Single pump discharge, l/sec (m3/hr) 5.5(19.8)
nearby, the second approach, is preferred and hence a total of 17 water points including the schools, health
center and religious institutions.
The locations of public fountains are decided together with the presence of local communities, Kebele
administrative and Woreda water resource Office experts.
5.13 Disinfection
All water supplies should be disinfected in order to protect public health. Disinfections inactivates any
remaining bacteria in the water after previous treatment steps and provides a residual disinfectants to
inactivate bacteria introduced by any subsequent entrance of contaminated water during storage or
distribution. Hence all water supplied through distribution system should be disinfected to provide a
residual disinfectant, which provides ongoing protection from bacterial growth and survival.
At present, the principal disinfectant used worldwide is chlorine. Chlorine in its various forms is
invariably and almost universally used for disinfecting public water supplies. It is cheap, reliable, easy to
handle, easily measurable, and above all, it is capable of providing residual disinfecting effects for long
periods, thus affording complete protection against future recontamination of water in the distribution
system. Its only disadvantage is that when used in greater amounts, it imparts bitter and bad taste to the
water, which may not be liked by consumers.
Generally chlorine gas and chlorine compounds are used to disinfect water before distribution. Chlorine
gas needs more expensive feeding equipment, difficult to operate & maintain, and requires skilled
supervisor so, use of chlorine compounds is preferred to chlorine gas. Among the chlorine compounds,
calcium hypochlorite is selected to sodium hypochlorite, as the available chlorine in calcium hypochlorite
is greater.
The calcium hypochlorite solution will be prepared in a tank provided with motor driven paddles to
thoroughly mix the chemical. The solution will then be directed to a constant head regulator to keep
constant head then will be dosed in to the clean water reservoir through plastic tube fitted with flow
regulating tap. Two solution tanks with mixers will be employed to ensure uninterrupted operation while
one tank is being filled for solution preparation.
This chlorine dosing facilities will be installed at the top of the clean water reservoir. The equipment will
be provided with simple shade to protect it from the attack of direct sunlight and rain.
6.1 Introduction
Environment is a system which consists of Hydrological, Biophysical, Atmospherically, Cultural and
Social condition. EIA provides the answer for impact during construction and after construction. It is used
as an instrument for sustainable development by minimizing the adverse effects and maximizing the
benefits that is obtained as result of the project. In addition to these it identifies the problems which exist
in the environment and select alternatives that mitigate the impact.
Water supply service is a mechanism that delivers adequate, clean and safe water to a community
according to their present and forecasted demand. Presently this is one of the characteristics of this water
supply project. The abundant quantity with high storing capacity as build from locally found materials to
supply adequate safe and clean water at proximal delivery distance to the user with cost effective and
efficient operation mechanism are some of the principles in the water supply. Environmental study shall
respect these principles to conceive a mitigation measure and devise a monitoring plan.
The main mission of the initial environmental impact examination and evaluation in this study is needed to
assess the existing condition. Furthermore, to observe preliminary cases and predicted effects that can be
noticed due to the project on natural and physical resources and human-environment of the proposed water
supply sites. The observed results will be used in improving the design, decision- making and community
participation to ensure sustainable and environmentally sound water supply to this town.
Thus, the study will thoroughly focus on existing situations that have impacts on the project and other
likelihood effects or impacts that may arise due to the project on the immediate sites and on the
subsequent water delivering mechanisms to the beneficiaries. The finding will further enhance the positive
impacts and provide protective devices and mitigation measures for negative impacts. It further assists to
formulate the monitoring and the follow-up procedures for some immediate and long term adverse effects.
Save time and energy saving in fetching of drinking water. Especially the burden of women
and child in fetching of water from other sources can be reduced.
Improve the Water Supply and Sanitation coverage
Improve health, life standard and productivity of the communities
Provide better quality and sustainable water supply for project area communities.
Easy control of hazards (like fire).
Create job opportunities
There is no as such considerable negative impact in this urban town piped water supply and sanitation
project. But some of expected impacts are:
Disturbance of a small amount of agricultural land and vegetations during lying of pipelines.
land Loss of farmers for construction
Most of the negative impacts caused by the project are accomplished in the construction period of pipe
laying .This can be reduced by proper planning of the construction activities such as making the
construction work to begin in non-farming and non- harvesting season.
The Water Supply Schemes Kimer Dengay town project is to be implemented in two phase. The phase
will cover the period from the year 2016 - 2036. In this phase all the civil works of the proposed system
will be carried out in 2016. The construction activities that are going to be implemented are described
Rising ,Gravity Main and distribution pipe Laying
Construction of reservoir
Construction of Public fountains.
Construction of Generator and Guard House.
Pump installation
7. Geotechnical information
7.1 scopes
The scope of this geo-technical information includes: Information about the availability and suitability of
construction materials in the project area.
7.3.1 Sand
The sand deposit site which is suitable for civil work construction is suggested for all water supply system
construction components.
Rock for aggregates can be found Debere Tabor town around 30km from the project site.
8.1 Introduction
One of the most important issues in designing and implementing a water supply system is how to ensure the
financial sustainability of the project.
A common occurrence on village/small town water supply projects is that once the scheme is constructed,
then those responsible for operation and maintenance do not invest sufficient money in this important task,
so water services eventually deteriorate. To increase the prospects of sustainable schemes, reasonable and
accurate operation & maintenance and depreciation cost estimates based on good operation and
maintenance practice should inform future water tariff increase. It is also necessary to explain to key
stakeholders why the proposed operation and maintenance expenditures are necessary. Time and effort is
therefore well spent on predicting reasonably accurate cost estimates so that people have some confidence
in the validity of the estimates for future financial planning.
The following table shall be used in the estimation of the maintenance cost for different types of works.
Table 8.1 Estimating operation maintenance cost of water supply system components
It. Water supply scheme component Percent of yearly maintenance cost out of
No. the physical investment cost of the
1 Civil works (buildings, generator house, 0.3 - 0.7
valve boxes etc.)
2 Pipelines 0.6 - 0.8
3 Reservoirs 0.3 - 0.7
4 Public fountains and water meters 1–5
5 Electrical and mechanical equipment 3–5
Table 8.2 Water tariff analysis with investment, operation and maintenance Cost
Amount of Amount of
water water Water Water
Total Cost produced produced tariff tariff
Year (Birr/year) m3/day m3/year birr/m3 cents/20lit
9.1 Introduction
Most water supply schemes in our region suffer from sustainability due to unfortunate Management system
right from the commencement till the operation stage. To alleviate the dilemma, the Federal and Regional
Governments issued Policies and regulations to upgrade and improve the institutional and technical capacity
of those major actors in the sector. This section of the document is intended to prepare Manage mental
Models and Organizational structure for Kimer Dengay piped water supply system to operate efficiently and
As we can see in the above diagram, a person titled manger and accountant is accountable to the Board and
subordinated by other hired people with different experience and assignments. The Woreda Water office
shall follow and monitor the overall performance of the scheme instead of taking over other routine
activities like water point source rural schemes Woreda Water Office did. The Woreda water Office with
the assistance of Woreda board team shall give to employees a clear description of tasks which they perform
regularly. By doing so every employee will accomplished what is expected from him/her and ensures
The collection of money for operation and maintenance will be carried out by the kebele water office
formed in each fountain as per the tariff set based on the analysis done in the design document.
9.4 Procurement
The procurement of spare parts, fuel& oil and other materials is the duty and responsibility of the
subordinate staffs that will be hired. Spare parts which will be easily damaged and frequently changed have
to be available at stock.
9.6 Audit
The Woreda water office team will send an auditor to monitor the proper collection, handling and use of
money and other property of the community annually or less can be audited under the request of board.
A report consists of all works executed throughout the reporting period and encountered problems, it can be
prepared by the scheme manger. All community members shall involve in finding the solutions to ensure
ownership of the scheme.
Currently there is deficiency of pure water supply system at the project area. Therefore at the right
time constructing the project is needed to solve the shortage of water, public health improvement,
time and energy saving for women and children.
The Bore hole yield is unable to meet the community demand, therefore the client should find
further source that could meet the need of the society.
Around five water point's stand are present and need to be connected with the new supply network
laid near the future.
Base Pressure
Easting Northing Elevation
Label Flow Head
(m) (m) (m)
(l/s) (m)
241 414,233.08 1,305,308.65 3,064.64 0 6.66
242 414,247.11 1,305,325.91 3,055.62 0 15.68
243 414,254.60 1,305,344.03 3,049.13 0 22.17
246 414,287.58 1,305,413.31 3,016.69 0 27.59
WP CH 414,981.70 1,305,696.64 3,016.19 0 28.08
244 414,265.09 1,305,365.59 3,039.54 0 31.76
871 414,954.12 1,305,691.93 3,011.98 0 32.3
J-303 416,004.63 1,305,599.77 3,011.08 0 33.2
J-304 415,998.12 1,305,590.86 3,011.06 0 33.21
WP2 414,847.00 1,305,583.28 3,009.90 0 34.38
J-856 414,809.36 1,305,571.29 3,009.46 0 34.82
872 414,935.71 1,305,686.91 3,009.28 0 35
247 414,300.60 1,305,438.31 3,009.27 0 35.01
305 415,959.74 1,305,613.10 3,009.24 0 35.03
J-861 414,844.05 1,305,591.58 3,009.24 0 35.04
302 415,964.20 1,305,623.38 3,009.12 0 35.16
866 414,899.33 1,305,653.32 3,008.93 0 35.35
854 414,797.97 1,305,564.52 3,008.93 0 35.35
865 414,879.73 1,305,633.96 3,008.91 0 35.37
864 414,863.59 1,305,621.16 3,008.90 0 35.37
857 414,838.09 1,305,585.76 3,008.84 0 35.44
853 414,778.73 1,305,551.31 3,008.67 0 35.61
J-863 414,839.48 1,305,608.70 3,008.45 0 35.83
852 414,758.81 1,305,540.04 3,008.33 0 35.95
J-851 414,742.07 1,305,531.63 3,008.10 0 36.18
867 414,909.29 1,305,670.92 3,007.82 0 36.46
WP M 414,795.48 1,305,588.86 3,007.61 0 36.67
J-873 414,924.45 1,305,684.90 3,007.27 0 37.01
850 414,739.41 1,305,539.45 3,007.10 0 37.18
306 415,911.50 1,305,640.77 3,006.63 0 37.65
868 414,933.39 1,305,694.63 3,006.21 0 38.07
WP3 415,436.38 1,305,742.70 3,006.15 0 38.13
301 415,909.39 1,305,654.78 3,006.13 0 38.15
869 414,938.17 1,305,705.92 3,005.86 0 38.42
849 414,732.38 1,305,556.19 3,005.45 0 38.83
859 414,823.23 1,305,635.47 3,005.32 0 38.96
848 414,720.05 1,305,578.52 3,004.70 0 39.58
Base Pressure
Easting Northing Elevation
Label Flow Head
(m) (m) (m)
(l/s) (m)
300 415,863.18 1,305,681.26 3,003.73 0 40.54
183 414,742.24 1,305,615.82 3,003.68 0 40.6
307 415,854.57 1,305,673.49 3,003.60 0 40.68
186 414,772.41 1,305,634.83 3,003.48 0 40.8
182 414,711.23 1,305,597.09 3,003.46 0 40.82
263 414,749.09 1,305,646.68 3,003.24 0 41.04
J-847 414,715.18 1,305,600.15 3,003.17 0 41.11
187 414,806.91 1,305,653.56 3,003.11 0 41.17
J-858 414,813.25 1,305,657.71 3,002.99 0 41.29
J-320 414,724.50 1,305,630.64 3,002.90 0 41.38
264 414,797.74 1,305,672.55 3,002.84 0 41.44
J-318 414,803.66 1,305,651.63 3,002.81 0 41.47
188 414,840.44 1,305,676.70 3,002.76 0 41.52
181 414,683.48 1,305,581.56 3,002.67 0 41.61
J-334 414,709.98 1,305,621.63 3,002.60 0 41.68
J-319 414,793.21 1,305,670.19 3,002.58 0 41.7
299 415,828.15 1,305,700.97 3,002.23 0 42.05
265 414,838.57 1,305,696.85 3,002.19 0 42.09
189 414,883.47 1,305,702.82 3,002.11 0 42.17
321 414,717.97 1,305,648.08 3,001.98 0 42.3
J-757 415,426.37 1,305,777.82 3,001.87 0 42.41
262 414,676.00 1,305,601.95 3,001.74 0 42.54
190 414,925.25 1,305,729.66 3,001.65 0 42.63
180 414,658.33 1,305,567.87 3,001.55 0 42.73
333 414,704.63 1,305,646.07 3,001.35 0 42.93
308 415,799.03 1,305,704.31 3,001.33 0 42.95
266 414,904.70 1,305,737.57 3,001.17 0 43.11
322 414,715.44 1,305,674.72 3,000.68 0 43.59
191 414,972.61 1,305,757.74 3,000.64 0 43.64
298 415,774.64 1,305,730.64 3,000.59 0 43.69
J-560 414,879.47 1,305,722.24 3,000.57 0 43.71
309 415,768.98 1,305,722.54 3,000.54 0 43.74
179 414,633.47 1,305,557.13 3,000.47 0 43.81
310 415,763.91 1,305,725.50 3,000.46 0 43.82
297 415,770.35 1,305,733.55 3,000.42 0 43.86
J-332 414,705.05 1,305,670.40 3,000.28 0 44
248 414,320.12 1,305,482.67 3,000.03 0 44.25
825 415,399.45 1,306,430.86 3,000.02 0 44.26
267 414,957.03 1,305,771.13 2,999.96 0 44.32
Base Pressure
Easting Northing Elevation
Label Flow Head
(m) (m) (m)
(l/s) (m)
296 415,750.06 1,305,744.99 2,999.93 0 44.35
824 415,389.23 1,306,411.57 2,999.69 0 44.59
401 414,700.27 1,305,680.38 2,999.61 0 44.67
192 415,022.75 1,305,785.70 2,999.57 0 44.71
261 414,628.49 1,305,578.92 2,999.57 0 44.71
268 414,996.63 1,305,792.27 2,999.36 0 44.92
323 414,716.76 1,305,703.91 2,999.25 0 45.03
835 415,482.62 1,306,272.32 2,999.24 0 45.04
295 415,703.29 1,305,771.48 2,999.17 0 45.11
311 415,706.37 1,305,756.15 2,999.10 0 45.18
269 415,025.53 1,305,805.75 2,998.99 0 45.29
195 415,058.37 1,305,799.91 2,998.96 0 45.31
834 415,464.75 1,306,288.54 2,998.92 0 45.36
890 414,611.44 1,305,669.26 2,998.66 0 45.62
889 414,636.46 1,305,689.40 2,998.58 0 45.7
331 414,705.45 1,305,708.99 2,998.50 0 45.78
WP1 414,589.82 1,305,535.73 2,998.46 0 45.82
178 414,605.28 1,305,547.10 2,998.45 0 45.83
270 415,075.19 1,305,825.17 2,998.39 0 45.89
312 415,656.12 1,305,785.50 2,998.39 0 45.89
325 414,718.00 1,305,725.81 2,998.32 0 45.96
J-561 415,095.35 1,305,831.12 2,998.32 0 45.96
362 414,772.29 1,306,287.80 2,998.30 0 45.97
361 414,756.07 1,306,292.43 2,998.21 0 46.07
360 414,747.86 1,306,255.62 2,998.20 0 46.08
833 415,434.08 1,306,308.18 2,998.17 0 46.11
359 414,769.78 1,306,257.11 2,998.12 0 46.16
888 414,657.94 1,305,703.23 2,998.05 0 46.23
891 414,582.54 1,305,647.79 2,998.03 0 46.25
402 414,662.58 1,305,719.47 2,997.97 0 46.31
196 415,104.90 1,305,816.33 2,997.94 0 46.34
J-887 414,667.75 1,305,711.76 2,997.92 0 46.36
574 414,858.52 1,305,761.51 2,997.85 0 46.42
829 415,499.80 1,306,200.71 2,997.77 0 46.51
J_803 415,501.64 1,306,202.44 2,997.75 0 46.53
823 415,375.09 1,306,387.42 2,997.74 0 46.54
271 415,122.85 1,305,838.64 2,997.61 0 46.67
595 415,085.98 1,305,857.51 2,997.51 0 46.77
313 415,605.72 1,305,813.73 2,997.45 0 46.83
Base Pressure
Easting Northing Elevation
Label Flow Head
(m) (m) (m)
(l/s) (m)
804 415,472.04 1,306,222.19 2,997.44 0 46.84
892 414,562.87 1,305,635.37 2,997.43 0 46.85
294 415,614.46 1,305,823.61 2,997.41 0 46.87
J-895 414,587.48 1,305,542.56 2,997.25 0 47.02
260 414,589.04 1,305,563.06 2,997.14 0 47.14
197 415,146.50 1,305,826.99 2,997.04 0 47.24
399 414,607.52 1,305,735.50 2,996.96 0 47.32
771 415,466.90 1,306,224.97 2,996.95 0 47.33
403 414,650.78 1,305,737.71 2,996.94 0 47.34
365 414,756.75 1,306,334.37 2,996.89 0 47.39
756 415,419.52 1,305,814.52 2,996.87 0 47.41
400 414,592.15 1,305,726.56 2,996.84 0 47.43
J-772 415,459.13 1,306,230.03 2,996.80 0 47.47
366 414,776.36 1,306,340.67 2,996.79 0 47.48
893 414,550.41 1,305,627.79 2,996.74 0 47.54
416 414,561.73 1,305,710.25 2,996.73 0 47.55
357 414,740.23 1,306,215.01 2,996.73 0 47.55
293 415,577.33 1,305,843.43 2,996.72 0 47.55
314 415,576.52 1,305,829.65 2,996.71 0 47.57
J-611 414,849.93 1,305,778.10 2,996.68 0 47.6
411 414,620.36 1,305,743.77 2,996.57 0 47.71
501 414,696.00 1,306,309.24 2,996.55 0 47.73
830 415,488.16 1,306,184.09 2,996.52 0 47.76
J-832 415,411.11 1,306,320.25 2,996.50 0 47.78
397 414,665.65 1,305,757.85 2,996.46 0 47.82
326 414,717.76 1,305,763.10 2,996.42 0 47.86
330 414,705.09 1,305,758.93 2,996.40 0 47.88
WP10 415,185.03 1,305,864.18 2,996.37 0 47.91
367 414,775.08 1,306,365.98 2,996.35 0 47.93
292 415,547.58 1,305,856.28 2,996.20 0 48.08
358 414,762.50 1,306,209.34 2,996.18 0 48.1
177 414,572.39 1,305,538.46 2,996.16 0 48.12
272 415,170.72 1,305,847.77 2,996.15 0 48.13
315 415,541.77 1,305,843.62 2,996.14 0 48.14
J-822 414,637.35 1,305,753.65 2,996.13 0 48.15
J-821 414,640.96 1,305,750.52 2,996.13 0 48.15
J-404 414,639.45 1,305,752.33 2,996.13 0 48.15
805 415,440.69 1,306,243.46 2,996.01 0 48.26
J-841 415,184.18 1,305,850.02 2,995.98 0 48.3
Base Pressure
Easting Northing Elevation
Label Flow Head
(m) (m) (m)
(l/s) (m)
291 415,520.53 1,305,864.12 2,995.94 0 48.34
502 414,697.86 1,306,347.54 2,995.93 0 48.35
500 414,696.43 1,306,272.12 2,995.86 0 48.42
280 415,491.09 1,305,867.87 2,995.85 0 48.43
J-666 415,200.11 1,305,850.41 2,995.82 0 48.46
575 414,842.27 1,305,788.30 2,995.79 0 48.49
417 414,539.46 1,305,703.54 2,995.76 0 48.52
J-396 414,704.72 1,305,772.57 2,995.74 0 48.54
198 415,200.35 1,305,835.84 2,995.72 0 48.56
499 414,694.60 1,306,233.51 2,995.68 0 48.6
503 414,682.59 1,306,357.90 2,995.64 0 48.64
610 414,895.41 1,305,804.56 2,995.63 0 48.65
369 414,753.96 1,306,371.49 2,995.55 0 48.73
316 415,499.18 1,305,853.84 2,995.52 0 48.75
J-826 415,424.54 1,306,251.97 2,995.50 0 48.78
281 415,482.21 1,305,857.90 2,995.48 0 48.8
279 415,456.89 1,305,870.25 2,995.42 0 48.86
418 414,531.32 1,305,698.44 2,995.28 0 49
894 414,520.49 1,305,617.60 2,995.22 0 49.06
412 414,598.30 1,305,774.77 2,995.21 0 49.06
405 414,641.29 1,305,785.43 2,995.17 0 49.11
806 415,417.96 1,306,258.42 2,995.16 0 49.12
427 414,523.14 1,305,711.20 2,995.16 0 49.12
317 415,469.04 1,305,858.15 2,995.16 0 49.12
608 414,977.12 1,305,846.67 2,995.09 0 49.18
286 415,230.81 1,305,841.45 2,995.01 0 49.27
609 414,938.71 1,305,825.20 2,994.96 0 49.32
371 414,775.29 1,306,402.31 2,994.95 0 49.33
282 415,447.88 1,305,858.52 2,994.94 0 49.34
607 415,031.59 1,305,875.15 2,994.94 0 49.34
428 414,530.33 1,305,747.95 2,994.93 0 49.35
273 415,224.43 1,305,854.17 2,994.87 0 49.41
426 414,518.20 1,305,680.80 2,994.77 0 49.5
259 414,550.26 1,305,551.47 2,994.77 0 49.51
425 414,513.90 1,305,653.61 2,994.76 0 49.52
370 414,754.15 1,306,400.51 2,994.72 0 49.56
174 414,546.70 1,305,531.85 2,994.70 0 49.58
249 414,331.62 1,305,503.44 2,994.67 0 49.61
J-559 414,718.67 1,305,802.26 2,994.63 0 49.65
Base Pressure
Easting Northing Elevation
Label Flow Head
(m) (m) (m)
(l/s) (m)
329 414,703.98 1,305,799.78 2,994.58 0 49.7
773 415,444.06 1,306,206.39 2,994.53 0 49.75
504 414,670.47 1,306,395.71 2,994.52 0 49.76
801 415,397.23 1,306,301.17 2,994.44 0 49.84
337 414,701.51 1,305,809.86 2,994.44 0 49.84
J-278 415,412.64 1,305,868.41 2,994.40 0 49.88
J-419 414,519.78 1,305,691.49 2,994.39 0 49.89
665 415,182.92 1,305,885.92 2,994.38 0 49.9
328 414,718.77 1,305,808.97 2,994.31 0 49.97
274 415,273.33 1,305,855.65 2,994.31 0 49.97
606 415,059.69 1,305,889.83 2,994.29 0 49.99
576 414,829.15 1,305,812.66 2,994.27 0 50.01
275 415,275.88 1,305,845.72 2,994.27 0 50.01
429 414,536.21 1,305,780.19 2,994.23 0 50.05
755 415,414.07 1,305,852.18 2,994.18 0 50.1
338 414,719.79 1,305,817.94 2,994.18 0 50.1
285 415,284.11 1,305,846.62 2,994.15 0 50.13
498 414,688.09 1,306,199.15 2,994.10 0 50.18
J-605 415,070.27 1,305,894.75 2,994.07 0 50.21
276 415,286.78 1,305,856.23 2,994.05 0 50.23
J-835 414,508.21 1,305,617.17 2,994.01 0 50.27
596 415,072.58 1,305,890.88 2,994.00 0 50.28
505 414,657.54 1,306,418.06 2,993.98 0 50.3
759 415,412.51 1,305,871.61 2,993.97 0 50.31
J-283 415,413.22 1,305,856.23 2,993.96 0 50.32
788 415,542.28 1,306,105.79 2,993.88 0 50.4
675 414,774.17 1,306,447.95 2,993.85 0 50.43
424 414,506.42 1,305,605.38 2,993.84 0 50.44
372 414,773.72 1,306,439.89 2,993.82 0 50.46
519 414,716.67 1,306,457.13 2,993.79 0 50.49
789 415,504.61 1,306,129.17 2,993.77 0 50.51
420 414,491.84 1,305,694.06 2,993.75 0 50.53
570 414,750.93 1,305,815.61 2,993.73 0 50.55
880 414,875.06 1,306,667.79 2,993.72 0 50.56
277 415,329.06 1,305,861.45 2,993.65 0 50.63
J-373 414,753.60 1,306,446.40 2,993.64 0 50.64
J-522 414,702.01 1,306,461.95 2,993.62 0 50.66
621 414,812.76 1,306,212.88 2,993.59 0 50.69
406 414,643.44 1,305,825.57 2,993.54 0 50.74
Base Pressure
Easting Northing Elevation
Label Flow Head
(m) (m) (m)
(l/s) (m)
881 414,880.27 1,306,684.97 2,993.54 0 50.74
374 414,762.20 1,306,488.21 2,993.53 0 50.75
284 415,329.55 1,305,849.55 2,993.52 0 50.75
506 414,647.66 1,306,432.68 2,993.48 0 50.8
J-520 414,678.15 1,306,474.07 2,993.44 0 50.84
577 414,821.30 1,305,829.40 2,993.41 0 50.87
508 414,656.12 1,306,466.48 2,993.40 0 50.88
413 414,569.62 1,305,809.98 2,993.36 0 50.92
571 414,793.77 1,305,832.30 2,993.35 0 50.93
749 414,882.06 1,306,696.51 2,993.32 0 50.96
874 414,779.55 1,306,495.03 2,993.28 0 51
879 414,868.10 1,306,645.07 2,993.26 0 51.01
604 415,093.45 1,305,905.81 2,993.14 0 51.14
430 414,541.73 1,305,809.71 2,993.13 0 51.15
676 414,797.45 1,306,451.63 2,993.13 0 51.15
597 415,062.37 1,305,906.92 2,993.06 0 51.22
375 414,765.55 1,306,506.56 2,993.00 0 51.28
J-554 414,474.59 1,305,699.56 2,992.98 0 51.3
WP4 414,473.37 1,305,696.72 2,992.98 0 51.3
J-507 414,623.12 1,306,434.82 2,992.93 0 51.35
509 414,643.50 1,306,489.72 2,992.86 0 51.42
339 414,700.25 1,305,851.10 2,992.86 0 51.42
J-572 414,818.06 1,305,842.47 2,992.83 0 51.45
822 415,349.94 1,306,349.30 2,992.82 0 51.46
497 414,684.06 1,306,182.23 2,992.80 0 51.48
252 414,027.32 1,305,513.70 2,992.78 0 51.5
376 414,770.14 1,306,526.85 2,992.74 0 51.54
523 414,705.56 1,306,498.37 2,992.73 0 51.55
878 414,855.82 1,306,609.09 2,992.71 0 51.57
340 414,718.86 1,305,854.38 2,992.69 0 51.59
J-790 415,468.90 1,306,151.08 2,992.66 0 51.62
407 414,645.47 1,305,858.01 2,992.53 0 51.75
831 415,463.68 1,306,144.40 2,992.41 0 51.87
584 414,842.01 1,305,857.21 2,992.39 0 51.89
J _807 415,383.33 1,306,281.19 2,992.33 0 51.95
875 414,795.70 1,306,518.81 2,992.29 0 51.99
379 414,774.75 1,306,558.74 2,992.28 0 52
677 414,830.68 1,306,453.43 2,992.24 0 52.04
439 414,465.92 1,305,752.17 2,992.23 0 52.05
Base Pressure
Easting Northing Elevation
Label Flow Head
(m) (m) (m)
(l/s) (m)
524 414,707.44 1,306,527.36 2,992.22 0 52.06
748 414,883.30 1,306,725.84 2,992.22 0 52.06
876 414,828.89 1,306,567.57 2,992.19 0 52.09
510 414,622.51 1,306,500.85 2,992.18 0 52.1
J-436 414,463.74 1,305,721.39 2,992.07 0 52.21
579 414,810.38 1,305,859.30 2,992.04 0 52.24
414 414,554.77 1,305,826.77 2,992.03 0 52.24
440 414,469.27 1,305,790.59 2,992.01 0 52.27
484 414,556.64 1,305,853.07 2,992.01 0 52.27
791 415,446.51 1,306,166.23 2,992.00 0 52.27
WP7 414,879.91 1,306,932.09 2,992.00 0 52.28
670 414,877.00 1,306,350.25 2,991.99 0 52.29
827 415,407.19 1,306,224.66 2,991.98 0 52.29
877 414,840.68 1,306,592.37 2,991.98 0 52.3
747 414,886.87 1,306,749.17 2,991.94 0 52.34
525 414,711.75 1,306,560.35 2,991.91 0 52.37
J-431 414,546.26 1,305,833.27 2,991.84 0 52.44
585 414,865.44 1,305,875.24 2,991.84 0 52.44
620 414,829.98 1,306,184.61 2,991.81 0 52.47
J-555 414,461.22 1,305,702.95 2,991.80 0 52.48
598 415,049.89 1,305,927.56 2,991.76 0 52.52
380 414,785.31 1,306,596.52 2,991.73 0 52.55
390 414,852.52 1,306,901.93 2,991.58 0 52.7
J-389 414,861.11 1,306,930.68 2,991.58 0 52.7
423 414,501.80 1,305,573.64 2,991.57 0 52.71
760 415,413.80 1,305,903.01 2,991.57 0 52.71
J-783 415,506.32 1,306,066.46 2,991.55 0 52.73
808 415,367.21 1,306,292.12 2,991.54 0 52.74
J-251 413,946.20 1,305,506.77 2,991.53 0 52.75
496 414,680.28 1,306,157.84 2,991.52 0 52.76
258 414,507.77 1,305,543.38 2,991.50 0 52.78
800 415,377.13 1,306,271.32 2,991.47 0 52.81
J-587 414,893.24 1,305,890.76 2,991.45 0 52.83
603 415,123.81 1,305,921.07 2,991.45 0 52.83
341 414,718.44 1,305,891.03 2,991.45 0 52.83
511 414,597.66 1,306,513.52 2,991.40 0 52.88
586 414,885.35 1,305,887.50 2,991.36 0 52.92
435 414,458.20 1,305,681.08 2,991.35 0 52.93
441 414,473.35 1,305,819.97 2,991.31 0 52.97
Base Pressure
Easting Northing Elevation
Label Flow Head
(m) (m) (m)
(l/s) (m)
664 415,168.74 1,305,914.90 2,991.30 0 52.98
173 414,497.57 1,305,522.91 2,991.23 0 53.05
754 414,945.07 1,306,915.73 2,991.23 0 53.05
415 414,539.46 1,305,843.44 2,991.23 0 53.05
730 414,921.65 1,306,580.17 2,991.23 0 53.05
782 415,477.48 1,306,087.69 2,991.23 0 53.05
495 414,673.68 1,306,144.34 2,991.19 0 53.09
WP6 414,907.63 1,306,758.53 2,991.17 0 53.11
253 414,136.75 1,305,520.10 2,991.12 0 53.16
387 414,860.66 1,306,925.74 2,991.11 0 53.17
342 414,700.21 1,305,898.98 2,991.07 0 53.21
408 414,647.87 1,305,900.05 2,991.07 0 53.21
746 414,893.09 1,306,774.33 2,991.07 0 53.21
J-422 414,496.47 1,305,541.27 2,991.07 0 53.21
381 414,796.11 1,306,645.53 2,991.05 0 53.23
671 414,875.86 1,306,377.94 2,991.05 0 53.23
J-792 415,424.49 1,306,180.34 2,991.00 0 53.28
588 414,948.20 1,305,917.04 2,991.00 0 53.28
J-745 414,904.78 1,306,770.36 2,990.95 0 53.33
684 414,919.36 1,306,561.78 2,990.95 0 53.33
580 414,800.79 1,305,881.85 2,990.92 0 53.36
J_838 415,413.97 1,305,936.16 2,990.83 0 53.45
J-728 414,918.82 1,306,558.14 2,990.82 0 53.46
447 414,525.58 1,305,856.58 2,990.76 0 53.52
J-743 414,912.35 1,306,766.81 2,990.76 0 53.52
526 414,716.25 1,306,597.82 2,990.71 0 53.57
353 414,748.29 1,306,124.62 2,990.64 0 53.64
729 414,946.08 1,306,547.75 2,990.63 0 53.65
354 414,736.22 1,306,125.41 2,990.59 0 53.69
678 414,853.01 1,306,457.07 2,990.58 0 53.7
WP11 415,423.60 1,305,936.40 2,990.53 0 53.75
437 414,432.39 1,305,727.34 2,990.51 0 53.77
J-612 414,974.48 1,305,928.86 2,990.51 0 53.77
750 414,910.13 1,306,790.16 2,990.39 0 53.89
600 415,036.14 1,305,957.42 2,990.38 0 53.9
382 414,801.07 1,306,697.25 2,990.35 0 53.93
599 415,039.42 1,305,949.77 2,990.34 0 53.94
590 415,002.80 1,305,943.60 2,990.33 0 53.94
J-562 415,034.29 1,305,960.00 2,990.30 0 53.98
Base Pressure
Easting Northing Elevation
Label Flow Head
(m) (m) (m)
(l/s) (m)
448 414,512.40 1,305,867.48 2,990.29 0 53.99
343 414,705.91 1,305,950.52 2,990.22 0 54.05
623 414,879.45 1,305,913.78 2,990.22 0 54.06
254 414,239.29 1,305,524.74 2,990.17 0 54.11
J-556 414,706.25 1,305,955.56 2,990.15 0 54.13
J-635 414,745.75 1,306,110.45 2,990.12 0 54.16
753 414,935.25 1,306,878.62 2,990.09 0 54.18
591 415,038.00 1,305,961.97 2,990.07 0 54.21
J-602 415,154.32 1,305,934.99 2,990.07 0 54.21
J-785 415,442.32 1,306,109.75 2,990.05 0 54.23
J_809 415,341.55 1,306,307.50 2,990.05 0 54.23
774 415,418.35 1,306,166.58 2,990.04 0 54.24
434 414,457.94 1,305,663.30 2,990.01 0 54.26
383 414,809.51 1,306,746.24 2,989.96 0 54.32
344 414,723.72 1,305,947.73 2,989.90 0 54.38
386 414,845.72 1,306,872.36 2,989.89 0 54.39
742 414,928.09 1,306,763.17 2,989.87 0 54.41
821 415,333.10 1,306,323.08 2,989.87 0 54.41
409 414,648.36 1,305,939.30 2,989.86 0 54.42
761 415,414.61 1,305,945.76 2,989.86 0 54.42
512 414,560.71 1,306,527.50 2,989.86 0 54.42
672 414,875.36 1,306,408.54 2,989.84 0 54.44
735 414,951.92 1,306,717.41 2,989.83 0 54.45
731 414,928.58 1,306,609.16 2,989.82 0 54.46
697 414,959.02 1,306,545.08 2,989.81 0 54.46
793 415,397.22 1,306,199.43 2,989.81 0 54.47
752 414,926.76 1,306,848.52 2,989.81 0 54.47
485 414,564.44 1,305,912.25 2,989.78 0 54.49
619 414,844.59 1,306,160.99 2,989.78 0 54.5
751 414,920.20 1,306,824.58 2,989.78 0 54.5
634 414,760.13 1,306,093.48 2,989.76 0 54.52
581 414,787.61 1,305,914.27 2,989.74 0 54.54
488 414,663.19 1,305,958.31 2,989.72 0 54.56
J-626 414,724.97 1,305,953.46 2,989.68 0 54.6
494 414,660.86 1,306,112.03 2,989.66 0 54.62
384 414,822.07 1,306,790.93 2,989.65 0 54.63
351 414,729.78 1,306,085.59 2,989.64 0 54.64
732 414,932.17 1,306,629.45 2,989.63 0 54.65
348 414,731.68 1,305,992.32 2,989.61 0 54.67
Base Pressure
Easting Northing Elevation
Label Flow Head
(m) (m) (m)
(l/s) (m)
J-167 414,256.09 1,305,511.13 2,989.60 0 54.68
350 414,720.37 1,306,049.26 2,989.59 0 54.69
352 414,743.40 1,306,083.72 2,989.57 0 54.71
349 414,739.68 1,306,042.82 2,989.53 0 54.75
683 414,914.79 1,306,532.73 2,989.52 0 54.76
627 414,756.46 1,305,961.11 2,989.51 0 54.77
347 414,708.75 1,305,992.14 2,989.50 0 54.78
J-649 414,737.32 1,306,032.15 2,989.50 0 54.78
442 414,477.44 1,305,854.35 2,989.42 0 54.85
582 414,779.80 1,305,941.75 2,989.37 0 54.91
527 414,547.51 1,306,532.81 2,989.36 0 54.92
172 414,450.61 1,305,523.36 2,989.31 0 54.97
J-828 415,392.51 1,306,202.56 2,989.30 0 54.98
J-410 414,649.64 1,305,957.45 2,989.27 0 55
462 414,631.04 1,305,959.50 2,989.23 0 55.05
491 414,649.20 1,305,982.16 2,989.21 0 55.07
J-250 414,337.86 1,305,517.52 2,989.13 0 55.15
385 414,833.51 1,306,833.24 2,989.12 0 55.16
592 415,072.21 1,305,978.08 2,989.11 0 55.17
J-836 414,769.85 1,305,964.59 2,989.10 0 55.18
J-674 414,874.26 1,306,457.34 2,989.10 0 55.18
786 415,419.99 1,306,124.23 2,989.09 0 55.19
J _820 415,327.16 1,306,314.75 2,989.06 0 55.22
734 414,942.92 1,306,685.55 2,989.06 0 55.22
762 415,416.03 1,305,985.30 2,989.06 0 55.22
673 414,875.45 1,306,437.71 2,989.05 0 55.23
168 414,298.21 1,305,513.68 2,989.01 0 55.27
433 414,454.56 1,305,645.14 2,989.01 0 55.27
171 414,445.44 1,305,522.95 2,988.98 0 55.29
733 414,939.59 1,306,673.60 2,988.92 0 55.36
493 414,649.61 1,306,068.60 2,988.90 0 55.38
628 414,780.06 1,305,967.46 2,988.89 0 55.38
257 414,444.65 1,305,534.89 2,988.89 0 55.38
583 414,777.06 1,305,951.30 2,988.82 0 55.45
799 415,358.16 1,306,240.61 2,988.77 0 55.51
492 414,649.11 1,306,020.37 2,988.77 0 55.51
741 414,947.92 1,306,754.48 2,988.72 0 55.56
601 415,186.33 1,305,950.68 2,988.68 0 55.6
443 414,483.31 1,305,880.73 2,988.67 0 55.6
Base Pressure
Easting Northing Elevation
Label Flow Head
(m) (m) (m)
(l/s) (m)
J-727 414,940.07 1,306,657.67 2,988.67 0 55.61
J-449 414,483.51 1,305,886.00 2,988.64 0 55.64
648 414,752.52 1,306,018.47 2,988.63 0 55.65
775 415,403.97 1,306,144.15 2,988.61 0 55.67
255 414,362.71 1,305,530.75 2,988.59 0 55.69
663 415,147.42 1,305,960.58 2,988.57 0 55.71
460 414,412.14 1,305,802.76 2,988.51 0 55.77
647 414,774.85 1,305,996.10 2,988.51 0 55.77
763 415,415.21 1,306,029.03 2,988.51 0 55.77
633 414,786.69 1,306,065.12 2,988.49 0 55.79
794 415,364.22 1,306,218.56 2,988.47 0 55.8
810 415,329.02 1,306,288.88 2,988.38 0 55.9
J-766 415,400.93 1,306,135.82 2,988.37 0 55.91
528 414,525.51 1,306,540.94 2,988.36 0 55.91
J_836 415,314.11 1,306,323.48 2,988.35 0 55.93
682 414,909.64 1,306,506.04 2,988.32 0 55.96
169 414,360.55 1,305,515.88 2,988.27 0 56.01
256 414,423.31 1,305,534.12 2,988.26 0 56.02
787 415,407.77 1,306,132.92 2,988.24 0 56.04
J-776 415,399.28 1,306,137.44 2,988.23 0 56.05
613 414,955.95 1,305,967.37 2,988.23 0 56.05
463 414,592.45 1,305,965.11 2,988.19 0 56.09
624 414,866.76 1,305,951.54 2,988.17 0 56.11
438 414,406.57 1,305,731.34 2,988.13 0 56.15
531 414,543.32 1,306,588.02 2,988.05 0 56.22
764 415,410.61 1,306,065.45 2,988.05 0 56.23
J-795 415,351.25 1,306,227.55 2,987.96 0 56.32
765 415,406.51 1,306,096.51 2,987.95 0 56.33
459 414,416.27 1,305,840.26 2,987.89 0 56.39
J-646 414,802.59 1,305,968.67 2,987.79 0 56.49
WP12 415,308.96 1,306,319.48 2,987.78 0 56.5
530 414,583.15 1,306,607.00 2,987.72 0 56.56
461 414,408.68 1,305,774.86 2,987.71 0 56.57
629 414,824.38 1,305,978.19 2,987.71 0 56.57
777 415,382.93 1,306,148.90 2,987.62 0 56.66
170 414,399.15 1,305,518.17 2,987.58 0 56.7
632 414,813.99 1,306,037.05 2,987.57 0 56.71
432 414,450.92 1,305,611.44 2,987.57 0 56.71
J-736 414,961.95 1,306,747.01 2,987.57 0 56.71
Base Pressure
Easting Northing Elevation
Label Flow Head
(m) (m) (m)
(l/s) (m)
593 415,110.13 1,305,995.67 2,987.55 0 56.73
811 415,318.31 1,306,271.88 2,987.51 0 56.77
532 414,512.49 1,306,569.95 2,987.48 0 56.79
740 414,963.52 1,306,752.22 2,987.45 0 56.83
681 414,902.54 1,306,477.07 2,987.45 0 56.83
J-679 414,899.91 1,306,458.16 2,987.44 0 56.84
798 415,344.87 1,306,221.10 2,987.42 0 56.86
444 414,504.06 1,305,910.61 2,987.38 0 56.9
618 414,870.70 1,306,115.57 2,987.32 0 56.96
486 414,569.15 1,305,960.03 2,987.21 0 57.06
625 414,858.52 1,305,972.41 2,987.11 0 57.17
517 414,604.84 1,306,624.04 2,987.07 0 57.21
662 415,130.90 1,305,991.56 2,987.05 0 57.23
737 414,969.21 1,306,772.35 2,987.00 0 57.28
450 414,457.40 1,305,901.31 2,986.95 0 57.33
J-614 414,945.42 1,305,988.31 2,986.95 0 57.33
631 414,837.76 1,306,013.90 2,986.94 0 57.34
797 415,336.53 1,306,210.85 2,986.90 0 57.38
636 414,861.93 1,306,001.46 2,986.88 0 57.4
817 415,287.93 1,306,341.01 2,986.87 0 57.41
J-557 414,569.40 1,305,969.72 2,986.81 0 57.47
J-630 414,851.56 1,305,994.50 2,986.76 0 57.52
651 414,958.27 1,305,996.41 2,986.73 0 57.55
617 414,875.20 1,306,107.71 2,986.68 0 57.59
J-661 415,125.94 1,306,000.34 2,986.68 0 57.6
562 414,507.82 1,306,621.18 2,986.66 0 57.62
563 414,535.67 1,306,635.39 2,986.66 0 57.62
J-529 414,615.11 1,306,631.69 2,986.64 0 57.64
458 414,424.25 1,305,879.69 2,986.62 0 57.66
738 414,977.28 1,306,792.95 2,986.62 0 57.66
655 415,039.97 1,306,034.43 2,986.60 0 57.68
464 414,545.61 1,305,974.26 2,986.59 0 57.69
667 415,140.28 1,306,005.69 2,986.51 0 57.77
719 414,971.31 1,306,559.05 2,986.35 0 57.93
J-652 414,977.97 1,306,006.83 2,986.29 0 57.99
645 415,008.93 1,306,033.29 2,986.26 0 58.02
812 415,302.99 1,306,247.69 2,986.25 0 58.03
778 415,357.21 1,306,164.34 2,986.24 0 58.04
J-533 414,485.85 1,306,554.46 2,986.19 0 58.08
Base Pressure
Easting Northing Elevation
Label Flow Head
(m) (m) (m)
(l/s) (m)
J-839 414,972.12 1,306,542.36 2,986.19 0 58.09
561 414,484.64 1,306,607.36 2,986.15 0 58.12
726 414,963.49 1,306,652.69 2,986.14 0 58.14
J-739 414,984.48 1,306,811.42 2,986.11 0 58.17
616 414,895.10 1,306,072.05 2,986.06 0 58.21
637 414,892.54 1,306,018.76 2,985.97 0 58.31
J-654 415,013.27 1,306,024.70 2,985.96 0 58.32
564 414,559.85 1,306,650.00 2,985.94 0 58.34
615 414,925.54 1,306,025.72 2,985.81 0 58.47
689 414,922.05 1,306,358.56 2,985.71 0 58.57
WP9 414,973.51 1,306,016.07 2,985.68 0 58.6
J-680 414,923.69 1,306,457.47 2,985.62 0 58.66
445 414,520.37 1,305,964.90 2,985.60 0 58.67
J-638 414,920.22 1,306,034.12 2,985.58 0 58.7
779 415,330.13 1,306,181.93 2,985.45 0 58.83
534 414,472.43 1,306,540.78 2,985.44 0 58.84
688 414,924.57 1,306,385.82 2,985.43 0 58.85
660 415,113.35 1,306,025.02 2,985.39 0 58.89
J-465 414,522.02 1,305,979.18 2,985.39 0 58.89
687 414,923.90 1,306,410.85 2,985.38 0 58.9
J-558 414,476.74 1,306,545.36 2,985.34 0 58.94
J-796 415,322.75 1,306,186.40 2,985.27 0 59.01
WP5 414,467.16 1,306,547.81 2,985.20 0 59.08
698 414,976.15 1,306,541.41 2,985.19 0 59.09
639 414,953.58 1,306,046.50 2,985.10 0 59.18
686 414,926.11 1,306,433.20 2,985.02 0 59.26
457 414,429.77 1,305,905.50 2,985.00 0 59.28
560 414,461.85 1,306,594.66 2,984.96 0 59.32
780 415,307.64 1,306,195.30 2,984.88 0 59.39
J-565 414,582.81 1,306,665.06 2,984.85 0 59.43
668 415,168.18 1,306,020.16 2,984.82 0 59.45
818 415,252.52 1,306,363.37 2,984.75 0 59.53
656 415,063.30 1,306,049.51 2,984.64 0 59.64
J-644 414,999.13 1,306,049.95 2,984.62 0 59.66
J-451 414,430.73 1,305,918.57 2,984.60 0 59.68
643 415,020.30 1,306,066.03 2,984.51 0 59.77
J-550 414,451.01 1,306,587.07 2,984.40 0 59.88
659 415,102.59 1,306,049.27 2,984.26 0 60.02
J_813 415,281.18 1,306,213.47 2,984.16 0 60.12
Base Pressure
Easting Northing Elevation
Label Flow Head
(m) (m) (m)
(l/s) (m)
456 414,444.07 1,305,935.20 2,984.12 0 60.16
J-566 414,597.00 1,306,672.83 2,984.10 0 60.17
J_554 414,442.51 1,306,588.03 2,984.07 0 60.21
718 414,976.38 1,306,589.61 2,984.07 0 60.21
717 414,982.77 1,306,621.95 2,983.86 0 60.42
J-725 414,987.71 1,306,645.81 2,983.85 0 60.43
551 414,435.17 1,306,610.83 2,983.79 0 60.49
SCH2 414,562.60 1,306,691.77 2,983.67 0 60.61
482 414,362.86 1,305,859.66 2,983.58 0 60.7
715 414,992.42 1,306,666.37 2,983.50 0 60.78
481 414,366.66 1,305,878.28 2,983.49 0 60.79
466 414,495.77 1,305,984.75 2,983.36 0 60.92
696 414,973.29 1,306,523.68 2,983.35 0 60.93
J-657 415,092.05 1,306,067.52 2,983.35 0 60.93
J-669 415,204.06 1,306,030.75 2,983.32 0 60.96
536 414,442.29 1,306,515.09 2,982.99 0 61.29
455 414,458.56 1,305,965.34 2,982.93 0 61.34
714 414,998.40 1,306,693.06 2,982.93 0 61.35
642 415,051.70 1,306,083.68 2,982.86 0 61.42
WP8 414,964.84 1,306,483.02 2,982.85 0 61.43
695 414,969.36 1,306,506.43 2,982.82 0 61.46
J-690 414,967.15 1,306,492.63 2,982.80 0 61.47
467 414,470.05 1,305,988.94 2,982.69 0 61.58
713 415,006.13 1,306,715.79 2,982.65 0 61.63
705 414,998.04 1,306,643.44 2,982.64 0 61.64
552 414,418.57 1,306,639.46 2,982.63 0 61.65
712 415,013.27 1,306,737.36 2,982.62 0 61.65
J-882 415,004.83 1,306,708.90 2,982.60 0 61.68
480 414,372.97 1,305,920.84 2,982.57 0 61.71
452 414,393.58 1,305,943.84 2,982.25 0 62.03
J-454 414,470.91 1,305,993.16 2,982.20 0 62.07
555 414,417.47 1,306,573.88 2,982.19 0 62.09
658 415,124.66 1,306,086.36 2,981.60 0 62.68
J-453 414,375.75 1,305,953.83 2,981.52 0 62.76
641 415,085.83 1,306,103.37 2,981.49 0 62.79
553 414,403.63 1,306,667.59 2,981.39 0 62.89
J_559 414,430.22 1,306,503.51 2,981.32 0 62.96
699 414,988.44 1,306,539.73 2,981.19 0 63.09
Base Pressure
Easting Northing Elevation
Label Flow Head
(m) (m) (m)
(l/s) (m)
883 415,015.17 1,306,705.39 2,981.13 0 63.15
691 414,989.70 1,306,486.61 2,981.09 0 63.19
479 414,381.22 1,305,964.07 2,981.01 0 63.26
711 415,020.08 1,306,759.60 2,980.92 0 63.36
640 415,108.35 1,306,115.22 2,980.89 0 63.39
557 414,404.43 1,306,543.91 2,980.68 0 63.6
723 415,014.78 1,306,636.89 2,980.66 0 63.62
558 414,423.23 1,306,516.54 2,980.55 0 63.73
537 414,415.43 1,306,493.12 2,980.42 0 63.85
J_556 414,394.66 1,306,564.15 2,980.35 0 63.93
483 414,392.49 1,305,989.43 2,980.18 0 64.1
J_819 415,194.10 1,306,401.35 2,979.91 0 64.36
710 415,032.08 1,306,793.83 2,979.79 0 64.48
692 415,008.72 1,306,482.74 2,979.37 0 64.91
J-468 414,398.92 1,306,013.75 2,979.30 0 64.98
700 415,015.53 1,306,536.84 2,979.15 0 65.13
884 415,032.56 1,306,701.51 2,978.51 0 65.77
SCH1 414,342.06 1,306,010.50 2,978.41 0 65.87
J-539 414,396.79 1,306,479.67 2,978.24 0 66.04
538 414,394.04 1,306,477.93 2,977.81 0 66.47
J-693 415,038.57 1,306,480.57 2,977.77 0 66.51
722 415,040.48 1,306,631.94 2,977.67 0 66.61
540 414,381.62 1,306,501.19 2,977.61 0 66.67
547 414,399.38 1,306,407.65 2,977.59 0 66.69
J-469 414,357.90 1,306,036.97 2,977.50 0 66.78
701 415,047.81 1,306,529.62 2,976.97 0 67.31
546 414,390.63 1,306,421.54 2,976.95 0 67.33
885 415,053.85 1,306,698.86 2,976.91 0 67.37
541 414,362.89 1,306,531.36 2,976.53 0 67.75
471 414,322.14 1,306,062.18 2,976.44 0 67.84
548 414,378.04 1,306,469.34 2,976.37 0 67.9
720 415,066.59 1,306,624.14 2,975.35 0 68.93
545 414,367.36 1,306,454.57 2,975.31 0 68.97
J-544 414,362.29 1,306,461.97 2,975.08 0 69.2
472 414,276.74 1,306,096.98 2,974.76 0 69.52
886 415,076.10 1,306,695.12 2,974.45 0 69.82
474 414,201.92 1,306,151.10 2,974.13 0 70.15
473 414,241.28 1,306,122.73 2,973.88 0 70.39
Base Pressure
Easting Northing Elevation
Label Flow Head
(m) (m) (m)
(l/s) (m)
543 414,341.76 1,306,490.01 2,973.53 0 70.74
475 414,178.01 1,306,167.66 2,973.52 0 70.76
476 414,160.58 1,306,185.01 2,973.34 0 70.94
WP HC 414,142.84 1,306,205.01 2,972.77 0 71.51
542 414,325.53 1,306,513.14 2,971.82 0 72.46
Length Velocity
Label Diameter Material
(m) (m/s)
P-335 41.76 66 HDPE 0
P-859 25.6 66 HDPE 0
P-578 25.6 44 HDPE 0
P-577 13.11 44 HDPE 0
P-582 14.63 44 HDPE 0
P-580 35.97 44 HDPE 0
P-581 23.16 44 HDPE 0
P-579 32 44 HDPE 0
P-583 31.7 44 HDPE 0
P-586 12.19 44 HDPE 0
P-563 17.68 44 HDPE 0
P-407 23.47 55.4 HDPE 0
P-381 39.01 55.4 HDPE 0
P-380 18.59 55.4 HDPE 0
P-367 32 44 HDPE 0.04
P-368 56.69 44 HDPE 0.04
P-403 14.33 44 HDPE 0.04
P-603 39.62 44 HDPE 0.05
P-401 33.53 44 HDPE 0.06
P-400 26.21 44 HDPE 0.06
P-399 4.27 44 HDPE 0.06
P-402 21.34 44 HDPE 0.06
P-803 27.13 44 HDPE 0.06
P-804 26.21 44 HDPE 0.06
P-790 9.14 44 HDPE 0.09
P-793 2.44 44 HDPE 0.09
P-792 35.66 44 HDPE 0.09
P-795 38.1 44 HDPE 0.09
P-794 20.42 44 HDPE 0.09
P-791 5.79 44 HDPE 0.09
P-398 11.58 44 HDPE 0.11
P-396 25.3 44 HDPE 0.11
P-397 27.74 44 HDPE 0.11
P-331 18.59 44 HDPE 0.11
P-589 32.31 55.4 HDPE 0.11
P-657 13.72 55.4 HDPE 0.11
P-522 28.96 66 HDPE 0.11
P-521 60.96 66 HDPE 0.11
Length Velocity
Label Diameter Material
(m) (m/s)
P-782 32.61 44 HDPE 0.12
P-781 15.85 44 HDPE 0.12
P-526 41.76 66 HDPE 0.12
P-525 37.8 66 HDPE 0.12
P-614 16.46 66 HDPE 0.12
P-528 4.27 66 HDPE 0.12
P-449 31.39 44 HDPE 0.12
P-448 28.35 44 HDPE 0.12
P-447 27.43 44 HDPE 0.12
P-452 13.11 44 HDPE 0.12
P-451 26.21 44 HDPE 0.12
P-450 27.13 44 HDPE 0.12
P-616 31.39 66 HDPE 0.13
P-615 15.24 66 HDPE 0.13
P-617 37.49 66 HDPE 0.13
P-767 32.31 44 HDPE 0.14
P-768 26.52 44 HDPE 0.14
P-788 32.61 44 HDPE 0.15
P-789 28.04 44 HDPE 0.15
P-594 12.5 55.4 HDPE 0.16
P-598 31.7 55.4 HDPE 0.16
P-595 35.05 55.4 HDPE 0.16
P-523 32 66 HDPE 0.16
P-527 35.36 66 HDPE 0.16
P-592 23.77 55.4 HDPE 0.17
P-593 31.7 55.4 HDPE 0.17
P-358 20.42 66 HDPE 0.18
P-357 44.81 66 HDPE 0.18
P-205 53.34 55.4 HDPE 0.19
P-189 13.11 55.4 HDPE 0.19
P-188 21.03 55.4 HDPE 0.19
P-204 63.09 55.4 HDPE 0.19
P-190 17.37 55.4 HDPE 0.19
P-192 37.49 55.4 HDPE 0.19
P-191 43.89 55.4 HDPE 0.19
P-512 35.66 55.4 HDPE 0.19
P-193 33.22 55.4 HDPE 0.19
P-211 103.02 55.4 HDPE 0.19
P-212 42.06 55.4 HDPE 0.19
P-213 32.31 55.4 HDPE 0.19
Length Velocity
Label Diameter Material
(m) (m/s)
P-208 5.18 55.4 HDPE 0.19
P-209 23.16 55.4 HDPE 0.19
P-210 53.64 55.4 HDPE 0.19
P-214 28.04 55.4 HDPE 0.19
P-207 61.26 55.4 HDPE 0.19
P-206 40.23 55.4 HDPE 0.19
P-187 34.75 55.4 HDPE 0.19
P-215 29.57 55.4 HDPE 0.19
P-216 34.14 55.4 HDPE 0.19
P-217 44.2 55.4 HDPE 0.19
P-199 63.4 55.4 HDPE 0.19
P-198 35.05 55.4 HDPE 0.19
P-200 65.53 55.4 HDPE 0.19
P-202 44.5 55.4 HDPE 0.19
P-201 55.47 55.4 HDPE 0.19
P-599 35.66 55.4 HDPE 0.19
P-194 57.91 55.4 HDPE 0.19
P-203 46.94 55.4 HDPE 0.19
P-195 58.22 55.4 HDPE 0.19
P-197 5.79 55.4 HDPE 0.19
P-196 65.23 55.4 HDPE 0.19
P-354 34.75 44 HDPE 0.19
P-355 27.13 44 HDPE 0.19
P-356 5.18 44 HDPE 0.19
P-351 30.78 44 HDPE 0.19
P-352 38.71 44 HDPE 0.19
P-353 29.57 44 HDPE 0.19
P-365 30.18 55.4 HDPE 0.21
P-366 24.08 55.4 HDPE 0.21
P-364 32.92 55.4 HDPE 0.21
P-362 20.12 55.4 HDPE 0.21
P-363 37.49 55.4 HDPE 0.21
P-386 74.98 55.4 HDPE 0.21
P-388 43.89 44 HDPE 0.22
P-389 57.3 44 HDPE 0.22
P-279 4.88 44 HDPE 0.22
P-277 30.48 44 HDPE 0.22
P-278 25.3 44 HDPE 0.22
P-393 24.69 44 HDPE 0.22
P-394 26.82 44 HDPE 0.22
Length Velocity
Label Diameter Material
(m) (m/s)
P-392 28.96 44 HDPE 0.22
P-390 43.89 44 HDPE 0.22
P-391 48.46 44 HDPE 0.22
P-276 40.84 44 HDPE 0.22
P-269 32.31 44 HDPE 0.22
P-270 39.32 44 HDPE 0.22
P-268 20.73 44 HDPE 0.22
P-266 42.67 44 HDPE 0.22
P-267 18.59 44 HDPE 0.22
P-274 46.33 44 HDPE 0.22
P-275 43.89 44 HDPE 0.22
P-273 49.68 44 HDPE 0.22
P-271 50.29 44 HDPE 0.22
P-272 51.82 44 HDPE 0.22
P-739 4.27 44 HDPE 0.22
P-740 38.1 44 HDPE 0.22
P-741 37.49 44 HDPE 0.22
P-559 32.31 44 HDPE 0.23
P-560 8.23 44 HDPE 0.23
P-408 24.08 55.4 HDPE 0.23
P-383 24.08 55.4 HDPE 0.23
P-409 9.75 55.4 HDPE 0.23
P-406 48.16 55.4 HDPE 0.23
P-405 59.74 55.4 HDPE 0.23
P-404 22.25 55.4 HDPE 0.23
P-315 9.75 44 HDPE 0.23
P-311 15.24 44 HDPE 0.23
P-312 17.68 44 HDPE 0.23
P-316 13.41 44 HDPE 0.23
P-862 19.51 44 HDPE 0.23
P-314 23.16 44 HDPE 0.23
P-313 34.44 44 HDPE 0.23
P-772 9.14 44 HDPE 0.24
P-771 13.11 44 HDPE 0.24
P-770 28.04 44 HDPE 0.24
P-808 18.29 44 HDPE 0.24
P-807 22.86 44 HDPE 0.24
P-612 33.83 44 HDPE 0.25
P-610 28.35 44 HDPE 0.25
P-611 27.74 44 HDPE 0.25
Length Velocity
Label Diameter Material
(m) (m/s)
P-758 32 55.4 HDPE 0.25
P-757 17.68 55.4 HDPE 0.25
P-385 26.21 55.4 HDPE 0.25
P-384 26.82 55.4 HDPE 0.25
P-783 5.79 44 HDPE 0.26
P-784 33.22 44 HDPE 0.26
P-488 46.02 66 HDPE 0.27
P-487 35.05 66 HDPE 0.27
P-489 26.21 66 HDPE 0.27
P-600 15.24 44 HDPE 0.28
P-601 22.25 44 HDPE 0.28
P-509 25.6 55.4 HDPE 0.29
P-510 33.83 55.4 HDPE 0.29
P-511 33.53 55.4 HDPE 0.29
P-462 22.56 44 HDPE 0.29
P-461 33.22 44 HDPE 0.29
P-460 14.94 44 HDPE 0.29
P-463 24.69 44 HDPE 0.29
P-464 28.65 44 HDPE 0.29
P-500 43.89 55.4 HDPE 0.29
P-499 47.85 55.4 HDPE 0.29
P-498 52.73 55.4 HDPE 0.29
P-502 31.7 55.4 HDPE 0.29
P-503 11.58 55.4 HDPE 0.29
P-501 61.57 55.4 HDPE 0.29
P-344 30.18 66 HDPE 0.29
P-345 31.7 66 HDPE 0.29
P-375 13.72 55.4 HDPE 0.29
P-379 43.28 55.4 HDPE 0.29
P-570 13.11 44 HDPE 0.3
P-359 33.22 44 HDPE 0.3
P-815 10.36 44 HDPE 0.3
P-360 42.98 44 HDPE 0.3
P-571 12.19 44 HDPE 0.3
P-361 18.9 44 HDPE 0.3
P-735 21.34 44 HDPE 0.3
P-717 29.87 44 HDPE 0.3
P-802 41.76 44 HDPE 0.3
P-734 17.68 44 HDPE 0.3
P-715 23.47 44 HDPE 0.3
Length Velocity
Label Diameter Material
(m) (m/s)
P-801 44.2 44 HDPE 0.3
P-856 52.12 44 HDPE 0.3
P-716 19.51 44 HDPE 0.3
P-819 21.95 44 HDPE 0.3
P-350 28.04 44 HDPE 0.3
P-817 45.72 44 HDPE 0.3
P-818 28.04 44 HDPE 0.3
P-347 26.52 44 HDPE 0.3
P-736 22.56 44 HDPE 0.3
P-349 37.8 44 HDPE 0.3
P-348 40.23 44 HDPE 0.3
P-607 35.97 44 HDPE 0.3
P-606 26.52 44 HDPE 0.3
P-816 31.09 44 HDPE 0.3
P-608 39.32 44 HDPE 0.3
P-346 13.11 44 HDPE 0.3
P-597 45.42 44 HDPE 0.3
P-605 19.2 44 HDPE 0.3
P-604 9.75 44 HDPE 0.3
P-814 69.8 44 HDPE 0.3
P-456 32 44 HDPE 0.3
P-455 33.22 44 HDPE 0.3
P-483 33.22 44 HDPE 0.3
P-484 37.8 44 HDPE 0.3
P-731 26.21 44 HDPE 0.3
P-454 24.08 44 HDPE 0.3
P-729 10.67 44 HDPE 0.3
P-730 17.98 44 HDPE 0.3
P-482 28.96 44 HDPE 0.3
P-471 8.84 44 HDPE 0.3
P-472 40.54 44 HDPE 0.3
P-469 28.35 44 HDPE 0.3
P-470 34.75 44 HDPE 0.3
P-480 35.66 44 HDPE 0.3
P-481 36.58 44 HDPE 0.3
P-473 16.46 44 HDPE 0.3
P-479 26.21 44 HDPE 0.3
P-544 52.43 44 HDPE 0.3
P-545 27.74 44 HDPE 0.3
P-542 40.84 44 HDPE 0.3
Length Velocity
Label Diameter Material
(m) (m/s)
P-543 9.14 44 HDPE 0.3
P-805 41.45 44 HDPE 0.3
P-813 41.76 44 HDPE 0.3
P-546 33.22 44 HDPE 0.3
P-806 35.97 44 HDPE 0.3
P-733 10.97 44 HDPE 0.3
P-151 42.06 44 HDPE 0.3
P-726 33.22 44 HDPE 0.3
P-812 31.39 44 HDPE 0.3
P-150 39.93 44 HDPE 0.3
P-723 4.27 44 HDPE 0.3
P-732 27.13 44 HDPE 0.3
P-725 27.13 44 HDPE 0.3
P-724 12.5 44 HDPE 0.3
P-696 35.97 44 HDPE 0.3
P-322 33.83 44 HDPE 0.3
P-695 20.42 44 HDPE 0.3
P-656 25.91 44 HDPE 0.3
P-653 11.58 44 HDPE 0.3
P-654 29.26 44 HDPE 0.3
P-655 23.47 44 HDPE 0.3
P-327 26.21 44 HDPE 0.3
P-330 21.95 44 HDPE 0.3
P-665 23.77 44 HDPE 0.3
P-326 32 44 HDPE 0.3
P-323 18.59 44 HDPE 0.3
P-324 17.68 44 HDPE 0.3
P-694 8.23 44 HDPE 0.3
P-702 23.16 44 HDPE 0.3
P-645 47.24 44 HDPE 0.3
P-650 38.1 44 HDPE 0.3
P-651 23.77 44 HDPE 0.3
P-646 28.65 44 HDPE 0.3
P-649 22.56 44 HDPE 0.3
P-648 27.43 44 HDPE 0.3
P-647 58.83 44 HDPE 0.3
P-699 38.4 44 HDPE 0.3
P-652 17.98 44 HDPE 0.3
P-701 36.27 44 HDPE 0.3
P-698 31.39 44 HDPE 0.3
Length Velocity
Label Diameter Material
(m) (m/s)
P-776 24.38 44 HDPE 0.3
P-777 23.47 44 HDPE 0.3
P-697 24.69 44 HDPE 0.3
P-689 22.25 44 HDPE 0.3
P-240 21.34 44 HDPE 0.3
P-704 7.01 44 HDPE 0.3
P-243 102.72 44 HDPE 0.3
P-242 123.44 44 HDPE 0.3
P-241 60.66 44 HDPE 0.3
P-779 36.27 44 HDPE 0.3
P-780 24.08 44 HDPE 0.3
P-613 37.8 44 HDPE 0.3
P-778 25.91 44 HDPE 0.3
P-687 5.49 44 HDPE 0.3
P-688 21.03 44 HDPE 0.3
P-244 109.73 44 HDPE 0.3
P-668 30.48 44 HDPE 0.3
P-609 25.3 44 HDPE 0.3
P-690 19.81 44 HDPE 0.3
P-703 22.86 44 HDPE 0.3
P-666 19.81 44 HDPE 0.3
P-667 29.26 44 HDPE 0.3
P-669 27.74 44 HDPE 0.3
P-673 27.43 44 HDPE 0.3
P-672 24.99 44 HDPE 0.3
P-671 22.56 44 HDPE 0.3
P-245 81.38 44 HDPE 0.3
P-670 24.38 44 HDPE 0.3
P-720 16.76 44 HDPE 0.31
P-710 31.09 44 HDPE 0.31
P-709 32.92 44 HDPE 0.31
P-708 24.38 44 HDPE 0.31
P-181 54.56 55.4 HDPE 0.33
P-182 31.09 55.4 HDPE 0.33
P-183 45.42 55.4 HDPE 0.33
P-174 50.29 55.4 HDPE 0.33
P-827 33.22 55.4 HDPE 0.33
P-178 38.4 55.4 HDPE 0.33
P-180 42.98 55.4 HDPE 0.33
P-186 83.82 55.4 HDPE 0.33
Length Velocity
Label Diameter Material
(m) (m/s)
P-185 45.42 55.4 HDPE 0.33
P-177 57.3 55.4 HDPE 0.33
P-176 55.17 55.4 HDPE 0.33
P-175 49.68 55.4 HDPE 0.33
P-179 49.38 55.4 HDPE 0.33
P-184 8.23 55.4 HDPE 0.33
P-796 8.53 44 HDPE 0.33
P-797 40.84 44 HDPE 0.33
P-540 42.37 44 HDPE 0.35
P-596 10.06 44 HDPE 0.35
P-518 29.57 66 HDPE 0.35
P-517 28.04 66 HDPE 0.35
P-519 23.47 66 HDPE 0.35
P-520 8.53 66 HDPE 0.35
P-439 30.78 44 HDPE 0.35
P-441 44.2 44 HDPE 0.35
P-442 27.74 44 HDPE 0.35
P-443 12.8 44 HDPE 0.35
P-440 35.66 44 HDPE 0.35
P-445 16.15 44 HDPE 0.35
P-444 44.81 44 HDPE 0.35
P-372 42.06 55.4 HDPE 0.35
P-371 32.61 55.4 HDPE 0.35
P-374 18.29 55.4 HDPE 0.35
P-373 39.32 55.4 HDPE 0.35
P-370 40.23 55.4 HDPE 0.35
P-369 33.22 55.4 HDPE 0.35
P-773 14.63 44 HDPE 0.35
P-774 35.97 44 HDPE 0.35
P-775 11.58 44 HDPE 0.35
P-765 41.45 44 HDPE 0.38
P-766 9.14 44 HDPE 0.38
P-340 12.19 66 HDPE 0.39
P-343 34.44 66 HDPE 0.39
P-342 17.07 66 HDPE 0.39
P-341 19.2 66 HDPE 0.39
P-761 20.12 44 HDPE 0.4
P-762 22.56 44 HDPE 0.4
P-760 28.65 44 HDPE 0.4
P-759 40.54 44 HDPE 0.4
Length Velocity
Label Diameter Material
(m) (m/s)
P-756 8.53 55.4 HDPE 0.4
P-753 20.12 55.4 HDPE 0.4
P-754 29.87 55.4 HDPE 0.4
P-755 32.31 55.4 HDPE 0.4
P-799 14.94 55.4 HDPE 0.4
P-800 7.32 55.4 HDPE 0.4
P-798 26.52 55.4 HDPE 0.4
P-861 44.5 66 HDPE 0.41
P-339 10.67 66 HDPE 0.41
P-337 45.42 66 HDPE 0.41
P-338 22.56 66 HDPE 0.41
P-332 13.72 44 HDPE 0.41
P-415 14.94 55.4 HDPE 0.43
P-414 34.75 55.4 HDPE 0.43
P-417 17.37 55.4 HDPE 0.43
P-416 24.69 55.4 HDPE 0.43
P-411 38.1 55.4 HDPE 0.43
P-410 24.69 55.4 HDPE 0.43
P-413 44.81 55.4 HDPE 0.43
P-412 48.16 55.4 HDPE 0.43
P-418 35.05 55.4 HDPE 0.43
P-424 25.91 55.4 HDPE 0.43
P-423 39.62 55.4 HDPE 0.43
P-428 23.16 55.4 HDPE 0.43
P-425 17.68 55.4 HDPE 0.43
P-420 37.19 55.4 HDPE 0.43
P-419 38.71 55.4 HDPE 0.43
P-422 18.59 55.4 HDPE 0.43
P-421 38.4 55.4 HDPE 0.43
P-737 24.69 55.4 HDPE 0.43
P-738 45.72 55.4 HDPE 0.43
P-237 40.54 79.2 HDPE 0.43
P-238 43.28 79.2 HDPE 0.43
P-855 11.58 79.2 HDPE 0.43
P-234 39.32 79.2 HDPE 0.43
P-235 52.73 79.2 HDPE 0.43
P-236 42.67 79.2 HDPE 0.43
P-624 24.69 44 HDPE 0.43
P-623 32.31 44 HDPE 0.43
P-622 39.32 44 HDPE 0.43
Length Velocity
Label Diameter Material
(m) (m/s)
P-763 29.87 44 HDPE 0.43
P-764 19.51 44 HDPE 0.43
P-635 20.42 44 HDPE 0.44
P-631 39.01 44 HDPE 0.44
P-632 31.7 44 HDPE 0.44
P-658 10.67 55.4 HDPE 0.45
P-591 22.56 55.4 HDPE 0.45
P-387 47.24 44 HDPE 0.45
P-552 18.29 44 HDPE 0.45
P-852 22.25 44 HDPE 0.45
P-551 25.6 44 HDPE 0.45
P-553 8.23 44 HDPE 0.45
P-556 23.47 44 HDPE 0.45
P-557 13.11 44 HDPE 0.45
P-554 18.59 44 HDPE 0.45
P-555 22.86 44 HDPE 0.45
P-785 14.94 44 HDPE 0.47
P-786 26.52 44 HDPE 0.47
P-787 8.23 44 HDPE 0.47
P-263 37.19 79.2 HDPE 0.47
P-256 58.22 79.2 HDPE 0.47
P-378 36.58 79.2 HDPE 0.47
P-262 42.06 79.2 HDPE 0.47
P-261 37.8 79.2 HDPE 0.47
P-264 28.96 79.2 HDPE 0.47
P-258 40.23 79.2 HDPE 0.47
P-257 37.49 79.2 HDPE 0.47
P-265 46.02 79.2 HDPE 0.47
P-260 41.45 79.2 HDPE 0.47
P-259 89.61 79.2 HDPE 0.47
P-220 13.41 96.8 HDPE 0.47
P-219 42.67 96.8 HDPE 0.47
P-221 48.77 96.8 HDPE 0.47
P-218 83.82 96.8 HDPE 0.47
P-620 24.69 96.8 HDPE 0.47
P-467 49.07 44 HDPE 0.47
P-860 2.44 66 HDPE 0.52
P-562 31.39 44 HDPE 0.52
P-828 24.38 44 HDPE 0.52
P-532 22.56 44 HDPE 0.52
Length Velocity
Label Diameter Material
(m) (m/s)
P-530 26.82 44 HDPE 0.52
P-531 39.93 44 HDPE 0.52
P-636 23.16 44 HDPE 0.52
P-721 18.59 44 HDPE 0.53
P-567 27.43 44 HDPE 0.53
P-810 15.85 44 HDPE 0.53
P-568 20.12 44 HDPE 0.53
P-712 17.68 44 HDPE 0.53
P-569 20.73 44 HDPE 0.53
P-692 21.64 44 HDPE 0.53
P-713 14.02 44 HDPE 0.53
P-691 15.85 44 HDPE 0.53
P-565 27.13 44 HDPE 0.53
P-566 20.73 44 HDPE 0.53
P-693 16.15 44 HDPE 0.53
P-748 43.59 79.2 HDPE 0.54
P-751 39.62 79.2 HDPE 0.54
P-747 39.62 79.2 HDPE 0.54
P-750 31.39 79.2 HDPE 0.54
P-749 36.58 79.2 HDPE 0.54
P-746 9.75 79.2 HDPE 0.54
P-639 39.01 44 HDPE 0.54
P-640 38.71 44 HDPE 0.54
P-637 23.77 44 HDPE 0.54
P-638 33.22 44 HDPE 0.54
P-643 22.25 44 HDPE 0.54
P-630 21.03 44 HDPE 0.55
P-629 26.52 44 HDPE 0.55
P-628 27.74 44 HDPE 0.55
P-619 15.85 96.8 HDPE 0.56
P-659 15.24 55.4 HDPE 0.56
P-535 35.05 55.4 HDPE 0.56
P-534 24.38 55.4 HDPE 0.56
P-533 18.59 55.4 HDPE 0.56
P-536 28.65 55.4 HDPE 0.56
P-537 10.06 55.4 HDPE 0.56
P-626 35.05 44 HDPE 0.58
P-627 10.06 44 HDPE 0.58
P-625 26.52 44 HDPE 0.58
P-453 8.53 44 HDPE 0.59
Length Velocity
Label Diameter Material
(m) (m/s)
P-727 24.08 44 HDPE 0.6
P-728 25.3 44 HDPE 0.6
P-618 13.72 96.8 HDPE 0.6
P-223 48.77 96.8 HDPE 0.6
P-506 28.65 96.8 HDPE 0.6
P-705 17.07 44 HDPE 0.61
P-706 27.43 44 HDPE 0.61
P-707 21.03 44 HDPE 0.61
P-476 3.35 44 HDPE 0.61
P-475 18.29 44 HDPE 0.61
P-474 17.37 44 HDPE 0.61
P-745 33.22 79.2 HDPE 0.61
P-744 31.39 79.2 HDPE 0.61
P-743 3.35 79.2 HDPE 0.61
P-251 10.36 79.2 HDPE 0.61
P-250 40.84 79.2 HDPE 0.61
P-253 47.85 79.2 HDPE 0.61
P-254 51.82 79.2 HDPE 0.61
P-252 41.15 79.2 HDPE 0.61
P-249 49.99 79.2 HDPE 0.61
P-377 5.18 79.2 HDPE 0.61
P-248 38.71 79.2 HDPE 0.61
P-458 39.62 44 HDPE 0.62
P-459 16.76 44 HDPE 0.62
P-431 26.82 55.4 HDPE 0.62
P-538 42.67 44 HDPE 0.63
P-539 23.47 44 HDPE 0.63
P-504 4.57 44 HDPE 0.63
P-508 28.04 44 HDPE 0.63
P-505 35.97 44 HDPE 0.63
P-516 8.23 44 HDPE 0.64
P-515 24.69 44 HDPE 0.64
P-514 24.08 44 HDPE 0.64
P-513 14.63 44 HDPE 0.64
P-529 3.05 44 HDPE 0.64
P-329 17.98 44 HDPE 0.64
P-328 28.04 44 HDPE 0.64
P-333 3.05 26 HDPE 0.64
P-549 7.32 26 HDPE 0.64
P-446 33.53 26 HDPE 0.64
Length Velocity
Label Diameter Material
(m) (m/s)
P-395 30.78 26 HDPE 0.64
P-468 8.84 26 HDPE 0.64
P-572 11.58 26 HDPE 0.64
P-558 22.25 26 HDPE 0.64
P-700 9.45 26 HDPE 0.64
P-564 8.84 26 HDPE 0.64
P-820 9.75 26 HDPE 0.64
P-573 19.2 26 HDPE 0.64
P-602 10.36 26 HDPE 0.64
P-811 6.4 26 HDPE 0.64
P-621 14.33 26 HDPE 0.64
P-280 18.9 26 HDPE 0.64
P-742 36.58 26 HDPE 0.64
P-574 28.04 26 HDPE 0.64
P-714 9.75 26 HDPE 0.64
P-826 7.62 55.4 HDPE 0.66
P-822 3.66 55.4 HDPE 0.66
P-584 36.88 55.4 HDPE 0.68
P-318 27.43 55.4 HDPE 0.68
P-317 10.67 55.4 HDPE 0.68
P-585 11.89 55.4 HDPE 0.68
P-320 32 55.4 HDPE 0.68
P-321 32.92 55.4 HDPE 0.68
P-752 2.44 55.4 HDPE 0.69
P-292 36.58 79.2 HDPE 0.72
P-293 36.58 79.2 HDPE 0.72
P-587 5.79 79.2 HDPE 0.72
P-291 9.14 79.2 HDPE 0.72
P-294 57 79.2 HDPE 0.72
P-486 6.71 79.2 HDPE 0.72
P-507 21.03 96.8 HDPE 0.73
P-225 53.34 96.8 HDPE 0.73
P-495 29.57 96.8 HDPE 0.73
P-228 62.18 96.8 HDPE 0.73
P-227 44.81 96.8 HDPE 0.73
P-226 32 96.8 HDPE 0.73
P-575 45.11 66 HDPE 0.76
P-306 10.97 66 HDPE 0.76
P-858 2.44 66 HDPE 0.76
P-576 9.14 66 HDPE 0.76
Length Velocity
Label Diameter Material
(m) (m/s)
P-857 16.15 66 HDPE 0.76
P-308 21.64 66 HDPE 0.76
P-588 39.32 79.2 HDPE 0.77
P-633 40.23 79.2 HDPE 0.77
P-430 15.54 55.4 HDPE 0.81
P-429 38.4 55.4 HDPE 0.81
P-809 16.15 44 HDPE 0.83
P-683 15.85 44 HDPE 0.83
P-686 31.39 44 HDPE 0.83
P-684 12.5 44 HDPE 0.83
P-685 33.22 44 HDPE 0.83
P-466 6.4 44 HDPE 0.84
P-493 12.8 55.4 HDPE 0.88
P-490 13.41 55.4 HDPE 0.88
P-492 27.74 55.4 HDPE 0.88
P-491 18.59 55.4 HDPE 0.88
P-681 20.73 55.4 HDPE 0.9
P-680 29.87 55.4 HDPE 0.9
P-678 3.66 55.4 HDPE 0.9
P-682 29.26 55.4 HDPE 0.9
P-679 18.59 55.4 HDPE 0.9
P-854 31.39 176.2 HDPE 0.9
P-821 35.36 176.2 HDPE 0.9
P-171 35.66 176.2 HDPE 0.9
P-641 26.82 79.2 HDPE 0.9
P-297 41.15 79.2 HDPE 0.9
P-634 10.97 79.2 HDPE 0.9
P-289 37.19 79.2 HDPE 0.91
P-285 18.59 79.2 HDPE 0.91
P-286 26.82 79.2 HDPE 0.91
P-287 29.26 79.2 HDPE 0.91
P-288 21.95 79.2 HDPE 0.91
P-485 39.32 79.2 HDPE 0.91
P-477 22.86 44 HDPE 0.91
P-478 17.98 44 HDPE 0.91
P-548 18.29 176.2 HDPE 0.93
P-167 27.13 176.2 HDPE 0.93
P-166 29.87 176.2 HDPE 0.93
P-168 28.65 176.2 HDPE 0.93
P-853 4.88 176.2 HDPE 0.93
Length Velocity
Label Diameter Material
(m) (m/s)
P-169 31.7 176.2 HDPE 0.93
P-162 46.94 176.2 HDPE 0.94
P-161 5.18 176.2 HDPE 0.94
P-160 46.63 176.2 HDPE 0.94
P-547 15.54 176.2 HDPE 0.94
P-164 26.52 176.2 HDPE 0.94
P-163 49.99 176.2 HDPE 0.94
P-159 38.71 176.2 HDPE 0.94
P-158 22.86 176.2 HDPE 0.94
P-141 22.25 176.2 HDPE 0.96
P-142 19.51 176.2 HDPE 0.96
P-140 40.23 176.2 HDPE 0.96
P-144 24.99 176.2 HDPE 0.96
P-143 24.08 176.2 HDPE 0.96
P-148 23.77 176.2 HDPE 0.96
P-149 15.54 176.2 HDPE 0.96
P-147 48.46 176.2 HDPE 0.96
P-145 27.74 176.2 HDPE 0.96
P-146 28.04 176.2 HDPE 0.96
P-233 17.07 96.8 HDPE 1.05
P-433 23.77 55.4 HDPE 1.05
P-432 38.1 55.4 HDPE 1.05
P-436 14.33 55.4 HDPE 1.05
P-434 28.04 55.4 HDPE 1.05
P-435 39.62 55.4 HDPE 1.05
P-437 23.47 55.4 HDPE 1.05
P-438 41.76 55.4 HDPE 1.05
P-301 30.78 79.2 HDPE 1.07
P-299 85.95 79.2 HDPE 1.07
P-642 14.33 79.2 HDPE 1.07
P-300 48.46 79.2 HDPE 1.07
P-644 7.92 79.2 HDPE 1.07
P-304 36.27 79.2 HDPE 1.07
P-305 37.49 79.2 HDPE 1.07
P-303 25.3 79.2 HDPE 1.07
P-302 53.04 79.2 HDPE 1.07
P-496 48.16 96.8 HDPE 1.12
P-230 47.55 96.8 HDPE 1.12
P-824 5.18 96.8 HDPE 1.12
P-247 24.38 79.2 HDPE 1.14
Length Velocity
Label Diameter Material
(m) (m/s)
P-246 24.99 79.2 HDPE 1.14
P-719 13.11 44 HDPE 1.14
P-718 29.26 44 HDPE 1.14
P-722 13.41 44 HDPE 1.14
P-825 21.34 150 1.15
P-494 18.59 55.4 HDPE 1.17
P-497 44.5 55.4 HDPE 1.17
P-465 12.8 44 HDPE 1.31
P-675 29.87 55.4 HDPE 1.62
P-674 19.2 55.4 HDPE 1.62
P-677 25.6 55.4 HDPE 1.62
P-676 27.13 55.4 HDPE 1.62
P-823 49.99 96.8 HDPE 1.65
P-232 29.26 96.8 HDPE 1.65
P-664 25.6 55.4 HDPE 1.81
P-662 22.56 55.4 HDPE 2
P-661 33.22 55.4 HDPE 2
P-660 23.47 55.4 HDPE 2
P-663 21.34 55.4 HDPE 2
No. DESCRIPTION Unit Qty Unit Rate Amount
1 Allow for Mobilization Ls 1
2 Demobilization Ls 1
1 Excavation
1.1 Excavation of top soil up to 250mm depth m³ 24
Disposal of surplus excavated material to tip
1.2 (>1.5km away) m³ 108
Excavation of normal material below the strip level
1.3 depth i.e.2m and set aside spoil for re-use m³ 134
1.4 Ditto but in soft rock formation m3 38
1.5 Ditto but in hard rock formation m3 19
2 Filling and Compacting
Back fill using excavated material as directed by the
2.1 engineer to stated depth , including compaction m³ 84
Fill with hard-core 300 mm thick, including
2.2 compaction m³ 24
2.3 Drainage gravel under slab 200mm thick m³ 19
3 Concrete work
Concrete C-10 blinding layer, 50 mm thick
3.1 Reinforced concrete C-30 m³ 5
In floor slab, wall foundation, drain sump and
3.2 column bases m³ 29
3.3 Ditto in circular reservoir wall and columns m³ 31
Ditto in reservoir roof including parapet, access
3.4 manhole and increased thickness of column m³ 24
4 Formwork
4.1 Formwork vertical forms to floor slab m² 10
4.2 Formwork wall m² 237
4.3 Formwork columns, beams and lintels m² 17
4.4 Formwork horizontal and vertical forms to roof slab m² 102
4.5 Formwork baffle type wall m² 64
5 High yield Reinforcement bars
5.1 Φ8 kg 31.2
5.2 Φ10 kg 3471
5.3 Φ12 kg 2614
5.4 Φ14 kg 2812
5.5 Φ16 kg 602
5.6 Φ20 kg 117
6 Construction Joints
Supply and construct surface expansion joint
including 20x20 mm polysulphide and R20 dowels
6.1 and approved joint filler m 24
Supply and construct joint between reservoir wall
and foundation and between wall to wall consisting
6.2 of 220 mm PVC water stop or equivalent joint m 59
7 Surface treatment on unformed hor. Surfaces
7.1 U2 finish for roof slab m² 79
7.2 U3 finish for floor slab m² 79
7.3 Bitumen coating on buried part of wall m² 22
8 Box-outs
8.1 Box-out DN 200mm pipe with puddle flange no 2
9 Water Proofing
9.1 Water proof sheeting of 500 gauge polythene m² 85
10 Miscellaneous works
Floor cement screed average 40 mm thick, floated
10.1 finish m² 79
Supply and install aluminum manhole cover for
opening 1000x1000 mm with vent pipe and fly
10.2 screen no 1
Supply and install aluminum ladder inside the
10.3 reservoir, including safety cage m 3
Supply and install steel ladder outside the reservoir,
including safety cage and extension to internal
10.4 ladder m 3
Leakage test for reservoir and pipe work including
10.5 supply of water L.S. 1
10.6 Disinfection of the reservoir 1
Construction of stone pavement & drain ditch
around the building as per the standard drawing
10.7 details. m 30
Supply and install perforated drain pipes DN100
10.8 under the reservoir as per the Engineer's instruction m 24
Valve Chamber
11 Excavation
11.1 Excavation of top soil up to 250mm depth m³ 4
12 Filling and Compacting
Fill up to 0.45 m with well compacted selected
12.1 material as directed by the engineer m³ 3
Fill with hard-core 250 mm thick, including
12.2 compaction m³ 3
13 Concrete work
13.1 Concrete C-10 blinding layer, 50 mm thick m³ 1
Kimer Dengay Tow n Final Water Supply Design Repor t 91
Amhara Regional State Water Resources Development Bureau Amhara Design & Supervision Works Enterprise
Reinforced concrete C-30
13.2 Floor slab, 100 mm thick m³ 1
13.3 Roof slab, 150 mm thick m³ 2
14 Formwork
14.1 Formwork vertical forms to floor slab m² 1
14.2 Formwork horizontal forms to roof slab m² 12
15 Surface treatment on unformed hor. Surfaces
15.1 U2 finish for roof slab m² 9
15.2 U3 finish for floor slab m² 9
16 Reinforcement bars
High yield reinforcement steel bars to
16.1 specifications kg 240
17 Masonry work
Masonry work with 1:5 cement/sand mortar above
17.1 ground m³ 12
18 Miscellaneous works
Metal door size 1000x2100mm, SEIKO profile,
frame, glazing and complete with all accessories as
18.1 per the drawing no 1
19 Pipe Work
Installation of all pipes and fittings including
concrete anchor blocks and secondary works for
inlet, outlet overflow and drains, as per the
reservoir pipe installation drawing and/or the
Engineer's order
19.1 Inlet pipe and fittings
19.1.1 GI DN 100mm flanged spigot No 1
19.1.2 GI DN 100mm flanged 900 bend No 2
19.1.3 GI DN 100mm Flanged float valve No 1
19.1.4 GI DN 100mm medium class pipe m 5
19.1.5 GI DN 100mm union No 1
19.2 Outlet pipe and fittings
19.2.1 DCI DN 200mm double flanged puddle with L=1m No 1
19.2.2 DCI DN 200mm double flanged 900 elbow No 2
19.2.3 GI DN 200mm flanged gate valve No 1
19.2.4 GI DN 200mm flanged water meter No 1
19.2.5 GI DN 200m dismantling joint No 1
19.2.6 GI DN 200mm flanged spigot No 1
19.2.7 Stab flange adapter with backing ring welded with No 1
HDPE OD 200mm pipe
19.3 Over flow and drain pipe and fittings no 2
19.3.1 GI DN 100mm flanged spigot with anchoring piece No 2
19.3.2 GI DN 100mm double flanged 90 0bend No 2
19.3.3 GI DN 100mm flanged spigot No 1
19.3.4 GI DN 100mm flanged gate valve No 1
GI DN 100mm double flanged short piece pipe
19.3.5 L=3.5m No 1
19.4 Vent pipe and fittings
19.4.1 GI DN 100mm pipe m 1
19.4.2 GI DN 100mm tee No 2
19.4.3 GI DN 100mm nipples No 4
19.4.4 GI DN 100mm 900 elbow No 4
20 Electrical Installation
Supply and install surface sub distribution board
(SDB-R) at the reservoir site (inside the valve
20.1 chamber ) consisting of :
1 pc ACB of 25A/1P; pcs 1
2 pcs ACB of 16A/1P;
complete with mounting and wiring accessories
Supply and install light fittings type Philips
TMS012 1X36 watt or equivalent complete with 36
20.2 watt fluorescent lamp no 1
21 Site work
Spread, level and compact to the satisfaction of the
21.1 engineer m³ 78
Construct vehicle access and hard standing to
21.2 spread and leveled ground m³ 78
21.3 Planting of trees as per the Engineer's instruction no 20
21.4 Precast concrete curb stone 150x300 mm m 12
Construct masonry ditch with 40 cm internal width
and depth not exceeding 1 m including cement
mortar plastering and 5 cm thick C-10 lean concrete
21.5 along the floor m 30
Fencing with galvanized wire mesh as detailed
including all intermediate straining, concrete posts
and struts C-25, 12x12 cm in concrete foundation
C-20 including earth work and all associated works
21.6 of Type III fence as shown on the drawing m 79
Supply and erect gate type III as per the drawing,
21.7 including all associated works no 1
22 Soak Away Pit
Construct soak-away-pit as per the drawing
22.1 including all associated works L.S. 1
No. Unit Qty Unit Price price
Site clearing & excavation
Trench excavation in ordinary soil to a depth of 80 cm and
width of 60cm.
1.1 3097
Trench excavation in soft rock for pipe lines to a depth of
80cm and a width of 60cm
1.2 365
Trench excavation in hard rock for pipe lines to a depth of
80cm and a width of 60cm
1.3 183
Back filling with Native soil material m 3
1.4 3462
Back filling with selective material m 3
1.4 183
Structural Works
1.4mx1.4m masonry Valve chamber construction as
shown in the drawing including 80cmX80cm metal sheet
for manhole cover with thickness 4mm with all accessory.
2.1 No 2
reinforced concrete class C-20 for thrust blocks as per
construction standard drawing, price include formwork,
excavation not exceeding 1m , reinforcement and backfill
2.3 m3 10
RC class C-20 for pipe gully crossings as per standard
drawings, price includes excavation not exceeding 1m,
reinforcement ,formwork and backfill
2.4 m3 3.79
Supply and Installation of Pipes and Fittings
GI DN 100mm, medium class pipe with bedded type
coupling (Total length L=6838m)
3.1 m 6838
GI DN 100mm, heavy class pipe with bedded type
coupling (Total length L=752m)
3.2 m 752
Unite Total
No. Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 Earth Work
Trench excavation in ordinary soil for pipe lines to
a depth of 90 cm and a width of 60 cm and
1.1 disposal of surplus excavated material m3 8766
3 Masonry Works
1.2mx1.2 m masonry Valve chamber construction
as shown in the drawing including 80cmX80cm
metal sheet for manhole cover with thickness 4mm
3.1 and all accessories. No. 18
4 Concrete Work
RC class C-20 for pipe encasement for road
crossings as per standard drawings, price includes
excavation not exceeding 1m, reinforcement
4.1 ,formwork and backfill m3 1.98
Sub Total
Sub Total
5.1 2mm thick sheet metal doors, size 2.00 x 1.00m Pcs 1.00
5.2 2mm thick sheet metal doors, size 1.50 x 2.45m Pcs 1.00
5.4 2mm thick sheet metal window, size 1.20 x 1.00m Pcs 1.00
Sub Total
6 Finishing
1 Earth Work
Clearing of site to remove top soil to a depth of 200
1.1 m2 59.00
b) R.C. tie beams kg 563.00
Sub Total
2.3 Provide, cut and fix formwork
2.3.1 To grade beam m2 18.00
2.3.2 To tie beam m2 25.00
2.3.3 To Pump seat m2 7.00
2.3.4 To column m2 62.40
Sub Total
3 Block work
Sub Total
4 Carpentry and Roofing
4.1 Eucalyptus truss of
a. Lower chord 100mm dia m 158.00
b. Upper chord 100mm dia m 192.00
Sub Total
Sub Total
6 Finishing
Sub Total
7 Electrical Installation
Supply and install the required electrical
7.1 LS 1
Sub Total
8.0 Miscellaneous
8.1 Supply and fix anchor bolt in the R.C. Pump seats No 8.00
Sub Total
Item Description Unit Qty Unit rate Amount
1 well electro mechanical
supply and installation of Electric
submersible pump for 8" PVC type
production casing well with a motor of
380V/400V, 50hz impedance type starting,
complete with non-return valve, 3" threaded
outlet( if the pump outlet is >3" the reducer
must be heavy duty GS), power cable, level
control electrode, pressure switch, control
panel board & all other accessories required
1.1 Set 1
for installation with Q=5.5 l/s, H=266m,
motor power =26kw, pump position=158m
below ground(OGL) (blind casing interval
@pump position from 156.28m to162.21m),
pump efficiency at duty point >= 70%, power
cable made of copper conductor of size
3*35sqmm, length =175 meter, control cable
of copper wire 1*1.5sqmm length =400
supply and installation of diesel generator set,
continuous rating, as per the technical
specification, engine & alternator pre-
installed on a common rigid frame,
switchgear panel, day tank incorporated into
1.2 the frame, exhaust piping system, including set 1
manufacturer working, service &
maintenance manual, spare part catalogue and
all accessories required for installation : prime
power =70 kva, 3 phase, 400V, 50hz, 1500
Sub Total
Item Description Unit Qty Unit rate Amount
1.3.6 Double flanged GS Elbow 900 DN 80,PN 16 Pcs 3
Pressure gauge, glycerine filled 0-16 bar with
1.3.7 Pcs 1
isolating cock & 1/2" male socket outlet
Double flanged 3"GS medium class piece
1.3.8 Pcs 1
pipe, L=4000mm
double flanged Dismantling joint,
1.3.9 Pcs 2
1.3.10 Double flanged GS Tee,DN80/50/80 PN16 Pcs 2
Double flanged 3" GS medium class piece
pipe with two 1/2" coupling welded (for
1.3.11 Pcs 1
pressure gauge & pressure switch),
1.3.12 single flanged GS 900elbow, DN50, pn16 Pcs 1
GS Well head cover 14 1/2" flange, with
1.3.13 internal DN 89mm hole at the center to be Pcs 1
welded with the riser pipe
double orifice Flanged Air release
1.3.14 Pcs 1
valve,DN50 PN16
Double flanged 2" GS medium class piece
1.3.15 Pcs 1
pipe, L=1200mm
Double flanged 3" GS medium class piece
1.3.16 Pcs 1
pipe, L=1500mm
pipe support with pipe clamp, foot plate and
1.3.17 ls 3
anchor bolts
GS flange adapter DN80, PN16 to be welded
1.3.18 Pcs 1
with the riser pipe
Double flanged 3" GS medium class piece
1.3.19 Pcs 2
pipe with puddle, L=1000mm
Double flanged 3" GS medium class piece
1.3.20 Pcs 2
pipe, L=500mm
1.3.21 GS Double flanged reducer DN100/80, PN16 Pcs 1
GS flanged adapter DN100, PN16 to be
1.3.22 Pcs 1
welded with the pressure line pipe
Sub Total
1.4 well head Electrical Equipment
1.4.1 Cabling between the change over switch and
panel board 4x35sqmm m 5
1.4.2 Cabling between the change over switch and
the Generator 4x35sqmm m 15
1.4.3 Cabling between the change over switch and
the EEPCO power 4x35sqmm m 10
Item Description Unit Qty Unit rate Amount
1.4.4 Earthing materials, including all inspection
chambers, copper rods, tape bonding straps
etc. as necessary for the earthing requirements
within the borehole compound set 1
1.4.5 Cable tray, cable trunking, cable supports
cable lags, anchor bolts etc. as required within
the well compound Set 1
1.4.6 Manual change over switch with Rating=
80A no 1
Sub Total
2 Booster electro mechanical
self prime side or end suction & radial or side
discharge multistage, horizontal, surface
pump with Q=5.5 l/s, H=212m , pump motor
power =22kw, 3phase, squirrel cage,
induction type, 380/400v, 50hz,2900rpm with
power cable made of copper conductor of
size 4x16mm2 having a length of L=20m for
each pump, float switch cable size of
1x1.5mm2, with total length=100m,
including star delta starting control panel
board, pressure switch, float switch and all
other accessories necessary for the complete
2.1 installation and operation of the pump. set 2
supply and installation of diesel generator set,
continuous rating, as per the technical
specification, engine & alternator pre-
installed on a common rigid frame,
switchgear panel, day tank incorporated into
the frame, exhaust piping system, including
manufacturer working, service &
maintenance manual, spare part catalogue and
all accessories required for installation : prime
power =60 kva, 3 phase, 400V, 50hz, 1500
2.2 RPM Set 1
Sub Total
3 pipe and fittings in booster station
3.1 Suction side pipes and fittings
GS Double flanged eccentric reducer, DN80,
3.1.1 PN16 with one side to fit pump suction flange pcs 2
3.1.2 flanged dismantling joint DN 80 PN 16 pcs 2
Double flanged gate valve, wedge, short type,
3.1.3 DN 80 PN 16 with wheel pcs 2
3.1.4 GS blaind flange DN 100 PN 16 pcs 2
Item Description Unit Qty Unit rate Amount
GS Double flanged 4" medium class pipe
with two 3" medium class on the same side
and one 4" with opposite side single flanged
3.1.5 piece pipes welded on it L=3500mm pcs 1
GS Double flanged 4" medium class short
3.1.6 piece pipe, L=1500mm pcs 2
GS double flanged 90 degree bend DN 80 PN
3.1.7 16 pcs 2
GS Double flanged 4" medium class short
3.1.8 piece pipe, L=3000mm pcs 1
GS double flanged 90 degree bend DN 100
3.1.9 PN 16 pcs 1
Double flanged gate valve, DN 100 PN 16
3.1.10 with wheel pcs 1
3.1.11 GS flanged foot valve DN100, PN16 pcs 1
3.1.12 flanged dismantling joint DN 100 PN 16 pcs 1
3.2 Delivery Side pipes and fittings
GS double flanged concentric reducer DN 65,
PN 25 with one side to fit pump delivery pcs 2
3.2.1 flange
3.2.2 Double flanged check valve DN 65, PN 25 pcs 2
3.2.3 Flanged dismantling joint DN 65, PN 25 pcs 2
3.2.4 Double flanged gate valve DN 65, PN 25 pcs 4
GS double flanged 90 degree bend DN 65,
pcs 2
3.2.5 PN 25
GS double flanged 3" heavy class pipe with
two 2 1/2" heavy class flanged piece pipes
pcs 1
with equal spacing as suction side manifold
3.2.6 pipe welded on it, L=3500mm
Pressure gauge, glycerin filled 0-25 bar with
Pcs 1
3.2.7 isolating cock & 1/2" male socket outlet
GS double flanged 90 degree bend DN 80,
pcs 4
3.2.8 PN 25
GS Double flanged 3" heavy class short piece
pcs 2
3.2.9 pipe, L=500mm
Double flanged turbine type water meter DN
pcs 1
3.2.10 80, PN 25
3.2.11 Double flanged check valve DN 80, PN 25 pcs 1
3.2.12 Flanged dismantling joint DN 80, PN25 pcs 1
Double orifice Flanged air release
Pcs 1
3.2.13 valve,DN65, PN25
GS Double flanged Reduced Tee DN 80
pcs 2
3.2.14 /65/80 PN 25( for AVR & washout system)
Item Description Unit Qty Unit rate Amount
Double flanged gate valve, wedge, short
pcs 1
3.2.15 type, DN 80 PN 25 with wheel
GS Double flanged 3" heavy class short piece
pcs 1
3.2.16 pipe with puddel, L=750mm
GS Double flanged 3" heavy class short piece
Pcs 3
3.2.17 pipe, L=1000mm
3.2.18 GS blaind flange DN 80 PN 25 Pcs 1
3.2.19 GS double flanged reducer DN100/80, PN25 pcs 1
pipe support with pipe clamp, foot plate and
3.2.20 anchor bolts ls 3
3.2.21 anchor blocks as per the engineer order ls 3
GS flanged adapter DN100, PN25 to be
Pcs 1
3.2.22 welded with the 4" pressure line pipe
Sub Total
3.3 Booster Electrical Equipment
Cabling between the change over switch and
3.3.1 each panel board 4x25sqmm m 15
Cabling between the change over switch and
3.3.2 the Generator 4x25qmm m 15
Cabling between the change over switch and
3.3.3 the EEPCO power 4x25sqmm m 10
Earthing materials, including all inspection
chambers, copper rods, tape bonding straps
etc. as necessary for the earthing requirements
3.3.4 within the booster compound set 1
Cable tray, cable trunking, cable supports
cable lags, anchor bolts etc. as required within
3.3.5 the booster compound Set 1
Manual change over switch with Rating=
3.3.6 80A no 1
Sub Total
1 Excavation
1.1 Excavation of top soil up to 250mm depth m³ 24
Disposal of surplus excavated material to tip
1.2 (>1.5km away) m³ 108
Excavation of normal material below the strip level
1.3 depth i.e.2m and set aside spoil for re-use m³ 134
1.4 Ditto but in soft rock formation m3 38
1.5 Ditto but in hard rock formation m3 19
2 Filling and Compacting
Back fill using excavated material as directed by the
2.1 engineer to stated depth , including compaction m³ 84
Fill with hard-core 300 mm thick, including
2.2 compaction m³ 24
2.3 Drainage gravel under slab 200mm thick m³ 19
3 Concrete work
Concrete C-10 blinding layer, 50 mm thick
3.1 Reinforced concrete C-30 m³ 5
In floor slab, wall foundation, drain sump and
3.2 column bases m³ 29
3.3 Ditto in circular reservoir wall and columns m³ 31
Ditto in reservoir roof including parapet, access
3.4 manhole and increased thickness of column m³ 24
4 Formwork
4.1 Formwork vertical forms to floor slab m² 10
4.2 Formwork wall m² 237
4.3 Formwork columns, beams and lintels m² 17
4.4 Formwork horizontal and vertical forms to roof slab m² 102
4.5 Formwork baffle type wall m² 64
5 High yield Reinforcement bars
5.1 Φ8 kg 31.2
5.2 Φ10 kg 3471
5.3 Φ12 kg 2614
5.4 Φ14 kg 2812
5.5 Φ16 kg 602
5.6 Φ20 kg 117
6 Construction Joints
Supply and construct surface expansion joint
6.1 including 20x20 mm polysulphide and R20 dowels m 24
Kimer Dengay Tow n Final Water Supply Design Repor t 123
Amhara Regional State Water Resources Development Bureau Amhara Design & Supervision Works Enterprise