Lesson 6
Lesson 6
Lesson 6
First Semester / SY: 2022 - 2023
1) Introduction.
Our topic for this day is waste pipe and soil branch. It is important for the student to know the difference
of the waste pipe and soil pipe for them to have a proper lay-out and design and also to calculate the
size of the said waste pipe and soil pipe.
1) Activity 2: Content Notes (13 mins)
The drainage installation of a plumbing (DWV) system composed of three major parts:
a. Drainage
b. Waste
c. Vent
First Semester / SY: 2022 - 2023
Drainage pipe
Refers to an installation that receives and conveys discharges from water closet with or without waste
coming from other fixtures.
Waste pipe
Any pipe in a drainage installation that receives the discharges of any fixture except water closet and
conveys the same to the soil pipe.
Vent pipe
In plumbing system functions as air passage or conduit to ventilate the drainage and waste pipe
Soil branch
Refers to horizontal pipe affixed by the word soil. The word soil connotes a pipe receiving discharge
from water closet.
Soil stack
It is a vertical pipe installation where the soil branches terminate.
Direct waste – is one with terminal directly connected to the plumbing system.
Different types if fixtures served by direct waste:
1. Urinals
a. Pedestal
b. Stall
c. Through
2. Bathtub
a. Silts
b. Foot
c. Bidet
3. Lavatories
a. Wall hung
b. Pedestal
First Semester / SY: 2022 - 2023
c. Two pieces
4. Sink
a. Kitchen
b. Pantry
c. Slop
5. Showers
a. Single stall
b. Gang
6. Drinking fountains
7. Laboratory
8. Hospital fixture
9. Laundry
Indirect waste:
1. Soda fountain
2. Bar waste
3. Refrigeration
4. Drinking fountain
Soil Pipe is any pipe that receives and conveys discharges of water closet, with or without the
discharge coming from other fixtures to the house drain or house sewer.
1. That, at least one of the vertical stacks in the plumbing system must extend full size through the
roof for the following purpose:
a. To ventilate and dispose of sewer gas above the roof.
b. To prevent siphoning of the water trap seal by force suction.
c. To prevent the possibility of back pressure which may force the water seal off the fixture
2. Any structure with a house drain installed, must have at least one soil stack or stack vent,
extended full size above the roof not less than 30cm long and should not be less than 75mm
diameter or the size of the drain whichever is smaller.
3. As a general rule, vent stack must be extended and terminate through the roof of the building.
When the roof is to be used other than protection from the elements of weather, the vent stack
should be extended not less than 2m above the roof.
Discharge Fixture Unit is the discharge of waste water of 1 cubic foot(30liters) interval 1 minute.
First Semester / SY: 2022 - 2023
1 Bath tubs 38 2
2 Bidets 38 2
3 Clothes washers* 51 2
4 Dental units and cuspidors 32 1
5 Drinking fountain 31 1
6 Floor drains 51 2
7 Interceptors* for grease, oil, etc. 51 3
8 Interceptors* for auto-wash, etc. 76 6
9 Laundry tubs 38 2
10 Mobile home park traps (one for each trailer) 76 6
Receptors* (floor sinks) indirect waste receptors for refrigerators,
38 1
11 coffee urns, water stations, etc.
Receptor* indirect waste receptors for commercial sinks,
51 3
12 dishwasher, air washer, etc.
13 Shower, single stall 51 2
14 Showers*, gang (one per head) 51 2
15 Sinks, and/or dishwashers (residential) 51mm min waste 38 2
16 Sinks, bar, commercial 51mm min waste 38 2
17 Sinks, bar, private 38mm min waste 38 1
Sinks, commercial or industrial, school, etc. including dishwasher,
38 8
18 wash up sinks, and wash fountains 50.8mm waste
19 Sink, flushing rim, clinic 76 6
20 Sink, service, slop sink 51 3
21 Urinal, pedestal, trap arm only 76 6
22 Urinal, stall, separate trap 51 2
23 urinal, wall mounted, integral trap, trap arm only 51 3
24 Urinal, wall-mounted, blowout, integral trap, tram arm only 76 6
Urinal, wall mounted, washdown or siphon jet, integral trap, trap arm
51 2
25 only
First Semester / SY: 2022 - 2023
Sample Problem:
1. Determine the size of a horizontal waste pipe to serve 5 urinals(wall mounted, integral trap, trap arm
only), 3 lavatories(single), 8 showers(single stall), and 2 slop sinks.
a. Find the total fixture unit using Table A.
5 urinals x 3units = 15 units
3 lavatories x 1unit = 3 units
8 showers x 2 units = 16 units
2 slop sink x 3 units = 6 units
Total = 40 units
b. Referring to Table B, under the column of one horizontal branch, 40 units could be well served
First Semester / SY: 2022 - 2023
by 100mm (4”).
2. Determine the size of a horizontal waste pipe to serve 3 water closet(public), 5 urinals (wall
mounted, integral trap, trap arm only), 3 lavatories(single), 4 showers (single stall), and 2 slop sinks,
2 floor drains.
a. Find the total fixture unit using Table A.
3 water closet x 6units = 18 units
5 urinals x 3units = 15 units
3 lavatories x 1unit = 3 units
4 showers x 2 units = 8 units
2 slop sink x 3 units = 6 units
2 Floor drain x 2 units = 4 units
Total = 54 units
b. Referring to Table B, under the column of one horizontal branch, 54 units could be well served
by 100mm (4”).
Note: “No water closet shall discharge into a drain less than 75mm (3”)
3. Determine the size of stack pipe for four typical floor plan (2nd to fifth floor) that will served: 3 water
closet(public), 5 urinals (wall mounted, integral trap, trap arm only), 3 lavatories(single), 4 showers
(single stall), and 2 slop sinks, 2 floor drains in each floor level.
a. Find the total fixture unit using Table A.
3 water closet x 6units = 18 units
5 urinals x 3units = 15 units
3 lavatories x 1unit = 3 units
4 showers x 2 units = 8 units
2 slop sink x 3 units = 6 units
2 Floor drain x 2 units = 4 units
Total = 54 units
c. Referring to Table B. under Total in Stack 216 units is in between 60 and 500 fixture units which
could be served by 100mm (4”)
2. Activity 3: Skill-building Activities (with answer key) (18 mins + 2 mins checking)
Exercise A. Identification.
1. Refers to horizontal pipe affixed by the word soil. The word soil connotes a pipe
receiving discharge from water closet.
2. Fixture unit of bath tub.
3. It is a vertical pipe installation where the soil branches terminate.
4. Refers to an installation that receives and conveys discharges from water closet
with or without waste coming from other fixtures.
5. Fixture unit of water closet (private installation).
6. In plumbing system functions as air passage or conduit to ventilate the drainage
and waste pipe installation.
7. Fixture unit of shower (single stall).
8. Any pipe in a drainage installation that receives the discharges of any fixture
except water closet and conveys the same to the soil pipe.
9. Fixture unit of kitchen sink (residential).
10. Minimum waste pipe for urinal.
11. Minimum waste pipe for sink.
12. Minimum waste pipe for drinking fountain.
13. Minimum waste pipe for lavatory.
14. Fixture unit of floor drain.
15. It is the discharge of waste water of 1 cubic foot in one minute interval.
Exercise B. Given Floor plan, determine the size of the soil branch that runs on X-X.
First Semester / SY: 2022 - 2023