Final Research Please
Final Research Please
Final Research Please
I Introduction
Background of the Study 1
Statement of the Problem 3
Objectives of the Study 3
Theoretical Framework 4
Research Paradigm 4
Significance of the Study 5
Definition of Terms
Locale of the Study 15
Research Design 15
Respondents of the Study 16
Sampling Procedure 16
Data Gathering Procedure 16
Statistical Treatment
Demographic Profile 18
Aspects of Grammar 18
Grammar Proficiency
Action Plan
Summary 23
Conclusion 24
Recommendation 24
A Letter of Request
B Cover Letter
C Diagnostic/Pre-Test
D Post- test
E Evidences/ Documentation
F- Curriculum Viate
The researchers are very grateful to almighty God who helped the
researchers accomplish this research paper and never failed to show the
researchers all His blessings and protection, especially the knowledge, will,
strength, and wisdom that has been given while conducting this research.
The researchers want to acknowledge the people who also spend their time,
help, and contributions to this research. To the Laura Vicuna foundation which
its Dean, Dr. David R. Perez for his approval for conducting an extension service,
and to the rest of the College of Education faculty that facilitate this event.
To Ms. Karen Salve Meorom-Maute, the subject instructor that guides the
researchers in conducting this research paper. She has shared her knowledge and
built the foundation of this paper through her guidelines and instructions which
To the YS-8 learners of the Laura Vicuna Foundation, the researchers are
thankful for your gratitude and kindness. The researchers thank you for giving
your time in answering our questions and listening to our lessons. The
The Researchers
speech. Moreover, two sets of questionnaires were used in the study. The first
questionnaire was a 50-items diagnostic test and the Pos-test which consist of 50
The study revealed that students already have an idea about the part of
speech, but they get confused about its usage. They are also exposed to different
kinds of lessons regarding the parts of speech based on their statement during the
team-teaching program. Moreover, this study concludes that YS-8 Junior High
School students need more heed regarding the identification of parts of speech to
about the accurate usage of the parts of speech. The merits and essentials of the
Nowadays, more and more people are dedicating time to studying English as a
second language. Many countries include English in their school syllabus and
children are starting to learn English at a young age. Children should be sensitive
in learning the English language, especially grammar, because every day, they
interact with many people such as friends, peers, and family, also, the English
Writer (2018) stated in his article that every student is different. There
will be subjects that are easier to understand than others. Grammar, with all its
rules, can be challenging. When a child consistently uses incorrect word order or
verb tenses, parents may overlook it. There is a direct correlation between
skills become more complex, their ability to understand what they are reading
also increases if they have the right building blocks. Grammar instruction
provides that structure. Understanding the proper use of grammar not only helps
your child read and understand written and oral material, but it also helps them
to communicate more clearly. As your child moves into higher grades, having the
tools of proper grammar and punctuation becomes even more important. They
they are asked to write a book report, they will need to be able to communicate
their thoughts on the subject, as well as their perception of author’s intended
meaning. Without the solid foundation, this will be challenging for them.
According to Silva (2022), a child will start paying closer attention to how
they construct their thoughts in both verbal and written forms as they become
more familiar with various grammar rules and develop their general English
grammar skills.
use it in the streets, at work, in school, and at home. Regardless of one's culture,
D., Warner, & Waugh R., 2021; Nordquist R., 2019; 21K School, 2022).
language learning, learners will get more problems and difficulties, in terms of
been well stated the importance of learning grammar to young learners. However,
the researchers wanted to know if teaching grammar to the young learners of YS-
8 in Laura Vicuna Center would help the children improve their vocabulary and
The researchers have seen the difficulties of the learners in grammar and
this study aims to identify in which part of the grammar do they experience
difficulties often to provide empirical data about the different needs of the
learners which can be used as an input to feed the larger areas that experiencing
focused on to ensure that the present situation needs, and grammatical deficiency
of the learners will be addressed and help learners to be knowledgeable in
deepen their knowledge about the topic for them to be able to address the needs
of the learners and make use the gained knowledge to design the best strategies in
meeting the needs of the learners. Further, good grammar is key to effective
is to build a bridge between what speaker mean and what the reader or listeners
basically the parts of speech, the structure of the sentence, and even the spelling
of the word. Overall, the intention of this study is to reveal and propose a method
The primary focus of this study is the grammar competence of the YS-8
a. age and
b. gender?
2. What is the grammar proficiency level of the YS-8 learners based on the
diagnostic test?
4. Based on the findings, what instructional activities, teaching strategies, and
a. age;
b. gender;
diagnostic test.
Theoretical Framework
International Peer Reviewed Journal 130 words that form sentences in a given
language. He further stated in his Information Processing Theory (1986) that for
Processability Theory when he stated that the process of grammar has access to
keeps on increasing. He also reiterates that the process of learning language and
learning grammar is universal. Chomsky believes that all the languages of the
With the mode of data gathering, the researchers concluded to use the
includes that the more the learners are exposed to face-to-face learning the more
they learner able to comprehend with the ability of the teacher to facilitate please
see the locale of the study and the research procedure of this paper for your
Research Paradigm
Figure 1
This figure shows the input, process, and output that provides the pattern
Demographic profile of the YS- 8 learners in the aspect of sex and age and
the YS-8 English language needs in terms of grammar specifically the parts of
speech are the input of this study. The researchers secured the waiver first to
conduct the study at Laura Vicuna Center. The researchers conduct diagnostic
and team teaching with the expert teachers. After the data was obtained, the
become more critical thinkers and responsible concerning the subject of English
for Specific Purposes (ESP). It allows the researchers to become more proficient
The findings generated from this study may provide information and will
that will aid and guide various teachers in teaching the eight parts of speech to the
Teachers. The result of this study will help them raise their awareness of what
strategies and interventions they could adopt and utilize effective teaching
strategies to cope with this kind of situation with their present and future
Learners. The study will provide knowledge about the existing condition of their
grammar competence in terms of the eight parts of speech. This way, they will
realize the essential learning attitudes and responses toward learning the eight
parts of speech.
Parents. The parents serve as the first-line responding agent for the child’s
survival, care, and learning. Thus, the result taken from this study will give them
such needs.
Future researchers. This research paper will serve as proof and reference for
Definition of Terms
this study:
Laura Vicuña Center refers to the place where the researchers conducted the
English for Specific Purposes (ESP) refers to teaching the English language
or topic in grammar.
how the teacher and students will participate and how they will interact with
Needs analysis pertaining to the step and process the researchers undergo to
This chapter presents the related literature and studies both from foreign
and local sources. This also synthesis the available literature regarding
grammatical competence.
combines words to form longer units of meaning. There is a set of rules which
govern how units of meaning may be constructed in any language: one may say
that a learner who knows grammar is one who has mastered and can apply these
rules to express him or herself in the acceptability of the language forms (Chung
the way ideas are grouped and related, and the purposes of utterances such as
statement, question, request, etc. Grammar may also serve to express time
There are rules which govern how words must be manipulated and organized so
will be able to apply these rules so as to convey his or her chosen meaning
The study of Parts of speech by Sharma (2018) affirms that Knowing the
grammar of a language will not enable fluency in your speaking or writing, but it
Moreover, grammar may speak even louder and more insistently than
those of its denotation; most of the connotations carry a negative overtone, and
associated with the subject of grammar may help English teachers to understand
that grammar is essentially about the systems and patterns people use to select
and combine words. By studying grammar people come to recognize the structure
and regularity which is the foundation of language and people gain the tools to
Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University, Mid-La Union Campus, have
mastered the fundamentals of English grammar usage and students are proficient
prepositions, determine the possessive form of nouns, and check verb tenses, but
they have not mastered the bare minimum skills in the use of rules on pronoun-
utilized to enhance their basic grammar skills. The study of grammar should not
be the ultimate end but also must meet its role in the actual use of language, that
Watching the students, you will notice that the best results are obtained when the
language patterns are explained with the help of rules. (R.P. Millrood, 2014).
speakers’ knowledge of the forms and meanings that exist in grammar, and a
the grammar rules. In other words, competence is in the head. Tasks that are
and Summer (2012) state that not only has grammatical competence focus long
been considered a necessary part of language instruction; it has also even to this
day often been considered a sufficient condition for successful language learning.
mainly based on analysis of language forms, rather than language functions and
real communication. The language is often divided into parts and taught in
has a different starting point than formal grammar, and the focus is mainly on
social interactions, communication and why some forms are more appropriate
than others. Some say that language is not considered to be a set of rules, since
have to do with rules and the structure of the language. It cannot be claimed that
grammar is purely functional, although it has functions, and these functions are
anything the learners are asked to do that produces a clear outcome and that the
function of the task is simply to activate the learners in such a way as to get them
to engage with the material to be practiced in an interesting and challenging way.
Other terms used in relation to grammar tasks are exercise and activity. The term
exercise often refers to the conventional textbook procedure, which focuses much
on correct forms, and can be done correctly without much understanding and
On the other hand, Hymes’ (1972 as cited by Mojabi, 2014) view was
the students are able to use it accurately in communication. Ellis further argues
that the first sense of grammatical difficulty relates to explicit knowledge, while
nouns and pronouns which are aforementioned in the findings of this paper. One
of the factors that cause students to commit this error is the shift of a singular
learning process or they are familiar with the needs of the learners because they
can develop their own materials to achieve their objectives. However, she advises
that materials that are appropriate for a particular class need to have an
Similarly, Kellough (2009) states that the detailed planning for teaching
and learning is carried out for several reasons, but the most important one is to
serves as an agenda for the teacher, a helpful aid for substitute teachers and a
useful record for use in the future when teaching similar lessons and classes.
Further, it provides information on the quality of teaching and learning, and what
the teacher and students could do to improve the standard of their performance.
1993. According to him, with the increase in the recognition of the importance of
indicate how a student can learn, which is generally defined as learning style [8].
The presence of various learning styles is related to the different ability and
students and teachers regarding either their strengths or their weaknesses in both
higher education was female during the years 1996-1997.Torres (2011) as cited by
Few (2013) when he found out that the functional literacy rates of Filipino boys
are lower than those of Filipino girls. It is also reported that boys'
parents’ and teachers’ low academic expectations for boys, the economic viability
schools throughout the United States of America, but college students are still
colleges in October and found that for almost every type of schoolwork, students
According to Andrea T (2009), Boys and girls tend to use different parts of
study "Sex has been virtually ignored in studies of the learning, representation,
processing and neural bases of language," said lead author Michael Ullman, a
(Singleton & Munoz, 2011), the influence of the age of exposure on second
exposure to a target language happens beyond this phase – termed as the Critical
Period – the ultimate attainment in the target language will remain deficient.
Among several factors that enrich this debate over the effects of age of exposure
pivotal position. Researchers generally believe that age effects are limited to
naturalistic second language settings, where the target language is used as the
first language in the society, for example, English in the US. Hence, if learners are
context like the US where there are unlimited opportunities to be exposed to and
those who are exposed to it at a later age (e.g., 16 years; DeKesyer, Alfi-Shabtay &
relationship between age and the level of interaction whilst filling out a survey.
To further research this subject and rule out other possible causes multiple angles
should be included. This research would also benefit from examining other fields
where age and the level of participation are put together. To summarize; it
the books was thus a heavily and unnecessarily burdened activity. Waiting time to
read in the library was long for many. Few students could afford to buy their own
books. The learning process was more difficult just from the scarcity of supplies of
reading materials. Today, the photocopy machine, the internet and electronic
editions of standard books are available more cheaply. The technology for copying
is easily at hand.
necessary information that will be used in the entire study. The researchers
presented the methods that will attempt to present some of the specific tools and
experiences that will be utilized to communicate the design of the research, the
locale, the respondents/ population, the instrumentation, and the data collection
that accommodates children to stay and learn. This place was selected for this
Research Design
Research design refers to the overall strategy that the researchers choose
to integrate the different components of the study in a coherent and logical way,
Research design constitutes the blueprint or the roadmap for the collection,
used to determined how broad that the respondents know about grammar.
According to Williams (2021), that they are designed to make predictions,
Foundation. They are the YS- 8 learners from the said foundation consisting of 8
learners which total of two (2) males and six (6) females.
Sampling Procedure
that is most useful for the purpose of the research. According to Arikunto (2010:
specific purpose. Thus, the purpose of this research is to know whether the
selected respondents from Laura Vicuna center have enough knowledge about the
and Llamson (1997). The study implemented purposive sampling where students
are chosen for inclusion in the sample based on their characteristics. The
questionnaire checklists are then validated by the subject's professor then the
respondents the significance of their responses to the survey and clarifies some
terms for the respondents in order for them to answer the given questionnaire
with full knowledge and understanding of their responsibility as the subject of the
The formal gathering of data about the respondents’ profiles and the rest of
the procedure was in written form. The researchers select the respondents based
on the specific purpose of the study. The respondents were asked to answer a pre-
and literature. It was then followed by the conducting of teaching which the
The data and information gathered from the respondents will be analyzed,
Statistical Treatment
use of the data in the right form. Raw data collection is only one aspect of any
To interpret the data effectively, the researchers will employ the following
statistical treatment. The frequency, percentage and weighted mean are the tools
observations that exist for each data point or grouping of data points.
N P= Percentage
F= Frequency
This chapter presents the research findings of the data collected in this
paper. The main source of data is the pre-test and post-test of the respondents.
stated in the study. The method used to analyze the data is already discussed in
This study sought to know the demographic profile of the YS- 8 Learners in
terms of their age and gender, enable for the researchers to know if the
demographic profile of the learners can affect their scores in the pre-test and
The Table 1 shows that there are 8 participants that consists of six (6)
females which is 75% of the participants and 25% for the males that consists of
two (2). 62.5% of the participants are 13 years old, while the 25% are 15 years old,
and lastly the remaining 12.5% are 14 years old.
people or a person such as age, gender, ethnicity, or income. This study used
students as junior, while third-, fourth-, and fifth-year students are considered
highlights that Boys and girls tend to use different parts of their brain to learn
some fundamental parts of grammar, according to a new study "Sex has been
Georgetown University. This study shows that differences between males and
Race, ethnicity, address, and family status were not included o the study
due to a lack of time and the capacity to obtain the learner's other demographic
profile. The researchers only collected sex and age for the demographic
the students, all of the components observed in the demographic profile must be
included, as it may be one of the factors affecting and influencing the learner's
grammar competence.
Aspects of Grammars
researchers used a sampling frame for data gathering in which the respondents
consist of 6 females and 2 males. The data are gathered through surveys and
8 with a total of eight (8) respondents was given a pre-test to identify the
individually by giving them a fifty (50) items pre-test. The researchers presented
researchers. The chart above is the result of the learners’ assessment which the
high score is twenty-nine (29) and the lowest score is sixteen (16). The following
The Table 2 shows the result that YS-8 learners aren’t familiar with the basic
parts of grammar. Upon analyzing the table 2, the researchers conclude that they
got a prior knowledge or high score in the parts of speech Conjunction, Verb and
Pronoun, and they got a lowest score in Noun, Adjective and Preposition. The
grade of 75%, based on the curriculum a grade that is 74% below is considered
In fine, none of the YS-8 learners passed the standard grading system which
Upon analyzing the diagnostic result of the learners, it has been revealed that
the learner’s foundation in Parts of speech are poor that leads them to get
and would provide imperative insights for students and teachers regarding either
Due to the limited time and lacked of resorts to be used during the team
they have a poor knowledge specifically the eight (8) parts of speech because
aspects of grammar.
As indicated in the data above, the result of test results of the participants, the
researchers proposed that the teacher should be focused on the different aspects
of grammar to broaden the knowledge of the YS-9 learners as well as use a variety
of teaching methods to make the lesson more interesting to the learners
Additionally, YS-8 learners of Laura Vicuna Center are really in need of teaching
Grammar Proficiency
The following table below presents the results pre-test and post-test of the
learners in Laura Vicuna Center in their Diagnostic and Post-test. Based on the
learners in terms of parts of speech, the researchers found out that the learners’
examination, and the data shows that the parts of speech that the learners got a
high score on their post-test are conjunction (59.93%), Adjective (45.83%), and
The researchers evaluated the result of the learners’ test based on the
grading system of Dep-ed which is 75% of the total number of their test are
evaluating their score on the test given by the researchers, it shows that none of
Based on the scores of the YS-8 learners the researchers concluded that 5
out of 8 students were not yet familiar with identifying what in these grammatical
As observed on the table presented above it reveals that the learners are
poor in identifying the usage of each part of speech. In which it concludes that it
utilizing students’ background knowledge and first language. This can be done,
with the use of visuals, props, facial expressions, and gestures (Ace, 2014).
Krashen’s third hypothesis suggests the lower a student’s affective filter (or
anxiety) the more likely they are to acquire new langue skills. Creating an inviting
However, analyzing the results of Table 3, shows that the learners need
more attention and foundation regarding the parts of speech to increase their
about the English for Specific Purposes (ESP) topic is improved by this study. It
which motivates them to carry out this kind of study. known as "A Needs
Analysis." The research aims to determine the knowledge among students with
pupils were still unfamiliar with determining what in these grammatical features,
The researchers conclude that the YS- 8 learners of Laura Vicuna Center
1. The demographic profile of the YS- 8 learners in terms of their age and
gender, does not affect the scores of their pre-test and post-test. It shows
that both females and males the level of their proficiency are all the same,
which is Beginner.
2. Based on the results and finding of the pre-test that the YS-8 learners of
Laura Vicuna Center only know the basic parts of speech. They are most
familiar with Verb, Adverb, Noun, and Pronoun but the rest of the parts of
3. The result of the post-test and pre-test is the proof that the students
having a hard time knowing and learning about parts of speech. The result
still got a score lower than they got in their pre-test. It appears that they
4. Lastly, the researchers assumed that the lower post-test scores of the
students were due to the lack of time spent in teaching to the learners and
the absence of learning materials during the discussion with the learners.
make the learners more aware of the use of the English language.
For the students, after knowing the results of the study, for them to become
competent in grammar we suggest that you read more books, that contains story
or poem or anything that may help you improve your grammar. Be familiar with
the basic types of grammar like the part of speech as you will encounter them in
your everyday life, specifically at your school as they use English as the medium
For the Parents, guide your children in their education, assess them if they
needed help in their study. Help them address their weakness and guide them to
For the Teachers, help the student to enhance their ability about language
learning, help them have self - confidence to actively interact in your classes.
Used different method that matches the learning style of your students. As you
the scaffolding that the learners need as they grow up. The community should
guide the learners in learning and tutor them in anything related to language
such as reading textbooks perhaps could help the young learners to be interested
providing books at the right level, rereading to build fluency, asking questions,
supplementing their class reading, talk about what they're reading could help the
learners to strengthen their comprehension which could help grammar
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Learning English: Importance of Grammatical Competence. Retrieved from:
Rohmah, E., (2019) Chapter II, Review of Related Literature. Retrieved from:
Sharma, Hemant & Ranjan, Pooja. (2016). Enhancing student interest in English
Language via multimedia presentation. International Journal of Applied
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Shahidan, N., et. al. (2015). GRAMMAR THEORIES TO ENHANCE
Writer, S. (2018, July 26). The importance of grammar, the building blocks of
reading comprehension. Online & In person Math, Reading Writing & Coding
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Silva, A. (2022, December 10). Why is grammar important for children to Learn?:
Night zookeeper - fantastically fun learning. Night Zookeeper Blog. Retrieved
Nordquist, R. (2019, August 2). What can grammar do for you, whether you study
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Appendix A
Letter of Request
Cover Letter
Dear Respondents;
Good day!
competence, we respectfully want to ask questions to you about this matter, the
information that you will provide will be beneficial for our study.
With that, we would like to ask for your utmost cooperation, pure honesty,
and sincerity in answering the questions with all your best. In return, we assure
In connection with this, we would like to ask for your help with our Pre-
assessment questions.
Sincerely yours,
The Researchers
Appendix C
This document is in a
separate file.
Evidences/ Documentation
Curriculum Vitae
BIRTHDAY: November 12, 2002
BIRTHPLACE: Maranlao, El Nido, Palawan
AGE: 20 years old
RELIGION: Roman Catholic
MOTHER’S NAME: Kristine Espeña
BIRTHDAY: May 17, 2002
BIRTHPLACE: Brgy. Pianaglaban, Quezon,
AGE: 20 years old
RELIGION: Roman Catholic
FATHER’S NAME: Noel Lingating
MOTHER’S NAME: Alma Nalica
New Guinlo, Taytay, Palawan
Cell Number: 09197699383
E-mail Address: [email protected]
BIRTHDAY: July 15, 2002
BIRTHPLACE: New Guinlo Taytay Palawan
AGE: 20 years old
RELIGION: Born-Again
FATHER’S NAME: Marocel Panuncio
MOTHER’S NAME: Marilou Panuncio