c 2001 Mineral Data Publishing, ver sion 1.2
Crystal Data: Hexagonal. Point Group: 6: As stout six- or twelve-sided prisms, terminated
by dominant f0001g, typically poorly formed, to 10 cm. Also granular, compact, massive.
Twinning: On f1010g, f3365g, and f1122g.
Physical Properties: Cleavage: Poor on f1010g, f0001g. Fracture: Subconchoidal.
Tenacity: Brittle. Hardness = 5.5{6 D(meas.) = 2.55{2.66 D(calc.) = [2.64]
Optical Properties: Transparent to nearly opaque, from inclusions or alteration.
Color: Colorless, white, gray, yellowish; variously colored by impurities; colorless in thin section.
Luster: Vitreous to greasy.
Optical Class: Uniaxial ({). ! = 1.529{1.546 ² = 1.526{1.542
Cell Data: Space Group: P 6 3 : a = 9.993(2) c = 8.374(3) Z=8
Chemistry: (1)
SiO 2 43.55
Al 2 O3 34.66
MgO 0.05
CaO 4.44
Na 2 O 12.09
K 2O 4.87
H2 O+ 0.25
H2 O¡ 0.25
Total 100.16
(1) Monte Somma, Italy; corresponds to (Na 0:56 K0:15 Ca 0:11) §=0:82 Al 0:97Si 1:04 O 4 :
Occurrence: Characteristic of alkalic rocks as nepheline syenites and gneisses, alkalic gabbros;
in sodium-rich hypabyssal rocks, tu®s and lavas, and pegmatites; as a product of sodium
Association: Potassic feldspar, plagioclase, sodic pyroxenes, sodic amphiboles, leucite, olivine,
augite, diopside.
Distribution: Wide-spread; only a few prominent localities can be mentioned. In Italy, at
Vesuvius and Monte Somma, Campania. On the Katzenbuckel, Odenwald, Baden-WÄurttemberg,
Germany. In the Langesundsfjord area, Norway. In Portugal, from the Sierra de Monchique.
Around the Tunugdliar¯k Fjord and on the Kangerdluarssuk Plateau, in the Il¶³maussaq intrusion,
southern Greenland. In the Lovozero massif, Kola Peninsula, Russia. From the Nyiragongo
volcano, Kivu Province, Congo (Zaire). In the USA, at Litch¯eld, Kennebec Co., Maine;
near Magnet Cove, Hot Spring Co., and on Granite Mountain, near Little Rock, Pulaski Co.,
Arkansas; from Iron Hill, Gunnison Co., Colorado; at Point of Rocks, Colfax Co., New Mexico.
In Canada, in the Bancroft district, Ontario, especially large crystals from Davis Hill; from Mont
Saint-Hilaire, Quebec.
Name: From the Greek for cloud, as it becomes cloudy when treated with strong acid.
Type Material: Natural History Museum, Paris, France, HaÄuy collection.
References: (1) Dana, E.S. (1892) Dana's system of mineralogy, (6th edition), 423{426, 1042.
(2) Deer, W.A., R.A. Howie, and J. Zussman (1963) Rock-forming minerals, v. 4, framework
silicates, 231{270. (3) Smith, J.V. and F. Tuttle (1957) The nepheline-kalsilite system: I. X-ray
data for the crystalline phases. Amer. J. Sci., 255, 282{305. (4) Foreman, N. and D.R. Peacor
(1970) Re¯nement of the nepheline structure at several temperatures. Zeits. Krist., 132, 45{70.
(5) Gregorkiewitz, M. (1984) Crystal structure and Al/Si ordering of a synthetic nepheline.
Bull. Min¶eral., 107, 499{507.
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