Techwrit Syllabus

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Course Syllabus

COURSE TITLE: Technical Writing

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course will teach students on how to write accounting and auditing reports efficiently, self-edit their own work confidently, offer competent feedback
to their peers, master a number of document requirements and structures and write strategically for a variety of audiences.

OUTCOMES: After successful completion of this course, the student should be able to:

1. prepare different forms of business communication;

2. explain the procedure for auditing;
3. develop an audit report in accordance to Philippine Standards for Auditing; and
4. present an audit report.

CREDIT: 3 units (3 hours lecture per week)

PRE-REQUISITE: COMART2- Communication Arts 2

1. Abulencia, E. (2014). Fundamentals of Business Communnication. Manila: Rex Bookstore, Inc.
2. De Belen, A.T., Bobis-Enriquez, B. (2015). Elements of Business and Technical Writing.Quezon City: Wiseman’s Books Trading.
3. Eilefsen, A., Messier, W.F., Glover, S.M., Prawitt, D.F. (2007). Auditing and Assurance Services, International Edition: McGraw-Hill .
4. Saenz, M.B. (2007). Introduction to Audit Report Writing. Excellence in Government Accountability and Performance Practices .
5. Philippine Standards on Auditing.

1. Lecture Discussion/Recitation
2. Quizzes/Seat Works/Assignment
3. Group Work
4. Major Examination

APPROVED BY: Lu, Kristine E.

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GRADING SYSTEM: The following percentage distribution shall be followed:

Prelims 20%
Midterms 20%
Pre-finals 20%
Finals 40%

The following are the recommended periodical grade components for this course:


Class Participation and Requirements 20%

Task Performance 50%
Periodical Examination 30%

APPROVED BY: Lu, Kristine E.

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Course Outline
Lec Student Strategy/ Evaluation of
Learning Objectives Wk TOPICS Slides I-Guide Student Output
Ses Hrs Handouts Methodology Learning

1 Describe the 1 1-3 3 Business Communication 1-8 1-7 1-2 Discussion Explain the communication Students must be
process of Communication as a Process process able to:
communication Business Communication Recitation 1. Explain the
2 Identify the Enumerate the elements of communication
elements of Seatw ork communication process
communication 2. Differentiate the
3 Explain the Determine the elements of
characteristics, characteristics, criteria, communication
criteria, and goals and goals of business 3. Describe business
of business communications communications
communications 4. Explain their
Letter learnings through a
4 Explain the 2 4-6 3 Principles of Writing 1-8 1-7 1-2 Discussion Revised letter Students must be
principles of w riting The Writing Process able to:
5 Enumerate the The Revision Process Recitation Describe the principles of 1. Identify the
steps involved in w riting principles of w riting
the w riting process Seatw ork 2. List the steps
6 Describe the basic Identify the steps involved involved in the
revision strategies in the w riting process w riting process
3. Revise their letters
Use the basic revision from the previous
strategies meeting
4. Obtain a score of at
least 75% in the
seatw ork
7 Identify the parts of 3 7-9 3 Business Letters 1-16 1-12 1-4 Discussion Enumerate the parts of a Students must be
a business letter Parts of a Business Letter business letter able to:
8 Differentiate the Credit and Collection Letters Recitation 1. Explain parts of a
types of business Audit Engagement Letters Describe the types of a business letter
letter and formats Quiz business letter 2. Enumerate the
9 Determine the Task Performance types of business
purpose of credit Identify the purpose of a letter
and collection credit and collection letter 3. Rationalize the
letter purpose of a credit
10 Explain the steps List the steps in creating and collection letter

APPROVED BY: Lu, Kristine E.

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Lec Student Strategy/ Evaluation of

Learning Objectives Wk TOPICS Slides I-Guide Student Output
Ses Hrs Handouts Methodology Learning

in w riting audit an audit engagement letter 4. Describe the steps

engagement in creating an audit
letters engagement letter
5. Obtain a score of
at least 75% in the
11 Identify and 4 10-12 3 Other Forms of Business 1-17 1-10 1-5 Discussion Describe the parts of a Students must be
explain parts of a Com munication memo able to:
memorandum Writing Memos Recitation 1. Enumerate the
12 Enumerate the Preparing the Minutes of the List the advantages of parts of a memo
advantages of Meeting Quiz memos 2. Identify the
memoranda Digital Communication in Business advantages of
13 Justify the Explain the importance of memos
importance of the the minutes of the meeting 3. Determine the
minutes of the importance of the
meeting Compare emails w ith the minutes of the
14 Differentiate other forms of meeting
emails from other communication 4. Characterize emails
forms of business from other forms of
communication communication
5. Obtain a score of at
least 75% in the
5 13 1 PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION and Pen and paper exam At least 75 % in the exam Students must be
SUBMISSION OF TASK and the task performance able to obtain a score
PERFORMANCE Audit engagement letter of at least 75% in the
task performance and
the preliminary
15 Explain technical 6 14-16 3 Introduction to Technical Writing 1-17 1-11 1-5 Discussion Identify technical w riting Students must be
w riting and its Definitions and Classifications and its purposes able to:
purposes Stages in Technical Writing Recitation 1. Describe technical
16 Describe the Techniques in Technical Writing Enumerate the stages in w riting and its
stages in technical Seatw ork technical w riting purposes
w riting 2. Identify the stages
17 Differentiate the List the definition in technical w riting
definition techniques in technical 3. Use the definition
techniques in w riting techniques in
technical w riting technical w riting
A score of at least 75% in 4. Obtain a score of at

APPROVED BY: Lu, Kristine E.

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Lec Student Strategy/ Evaluation of

Learning Objectives Wk TOPICS Slides I-Guide Student Output
Ses Hrs Handouts Methodology Learning

the seatw ork least 75% in the

seatw ork
18 Enumerate the 7 17-19 3 Technical Reports 1-16 1-11 1-4 Discussion Explain the types of Students must be
types of technical Types of Technical Reports technical reports able to:
reports Parts of a Technical Report Recitation 1. Describe the types
19 Identify the parts of Documenting References List the parts of a technical of technical reports
a technical report Quiz report 2. Enumerate the
20 Determine how parts of a technical
references are Identify how references are report
w ritten and cited in w ritten and cited in a 3. Explain how
a technical report technical report references are
w ritten and cited in a
A score of at least 75% in technical report
the quiz 4. Obtain a score of at
least 75% in the
21 Explain the tools of 8 20-22 3 Writing Technical Reports 1-16 1-12 1-4 Discussion Describe the tools of Students must be
technical w riting Tools of Technical Writing technical w riting able to:
22 Describe the Technical Report Design Recitation 1. Enumerate the tools
design of a Instructional Technical Reports Identify the design of a of technical w riting
technical report Quiz technical report 2. Explain the design
23 Determine how of a technical report
instructional Task Performance Explain how instructional 3. Identify how
technical reports technical reports are made technical reports are
are made made
A score of at least 75% in 4. Obtain a score of at
the quiz least 75% in the
9 23-25 3 TASK PERFORMANCE Research and group w ork LMS Manual
10 26 1 MIDTERM EXAM and At least 75 % in the exam Students must be
SUBMISSION OF LMS MANUAL and the task performance able to obtain a score
of at least 75% in the
task performance and
the midterm
24 Describe the 11 27-29 Auditing 1-16 1-11 1-4 Discussion Identify the concepts and Students must be
concepts and Concepts and Objectives objectives of auditing able to:
objectives of Functions of Auditing Recitation 1. Explain the
auditing Auditing, Accounting and Determine the functions of concepts and
25 Identify the Investigation Quiz auditing objectives of

APPROVED BY: Lu, Kristine E.

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Lec Student Strategy/ Evaluation of

Learning Objectives Wk TOPICS Slides I-Guide Student Output
Ses Hrs Handouts Methodology Learning

functions of auditing
auditing List the advantages and 2. Enumerate the
26 Enumerate the disadvantages of auditing functions of
advantages and auditing
disadvantages in Characterize accounting, 3. Identify the
auditing auditing and investigation advantages and
27 Differentiate disadvantages in
accounting, A score of at least 75% in auditing
auditing, and the quiz 4. Compare and
investigation contrast
auditing and
5. Obtain a score of
at least 75% in the
28 Determine the 12 30-32 Philippine Standards on Auditing 1-15 1-14 1-4 Discussion Identify the scope and Students must be
scope and Philippine Standards on Auditing definitions included in the able to:
definitions included Fraud in Auditing Recitation PSA 1. Describe the scope
in the Philippine The Audit Process and definitions
Standards on Quiz Describe the ethical included in the
Auditing requirements in auditing Philippine
29 Explain the ethical financial statements Standards on
requirements in Auditing
auditing financial Explain fraud in auditing 2. Identify the ethical
statements requirements in
30 Describe fraud in Discuss the audit process auditing financial
auditing statements
31 Describe the audit A score of at least 75% in 3. Determine fraud in
process the quiz auditing
4. Explain the audit
5. Obtain a score of
at least 75% in the
32 Identify the criteria 13 33-35 Audit Evidence and 1-16 1-11 1-4 Discussion List the criteria for audit Students must be
for audit evidence Docum entation evidence able to:
33 Enumerate the Tools of Technical Writing Recitation 1. Enumerate the
methods used to Technical Report Design Determine the methods criteria for audit
gather audit Instructional Technical Reports Seatw ork used to gather audit evidence

APPROVED BY: Lu, Kristine E.

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Lec Student Strategy/ Evaluation of

Learning Objectives Wk TOPICS Slides I-Guide Student Output
Ses Hrs Handouts Methodology Learning

evidence evidence 2. Explain the

34 Determine the methods used to
purpose of audit Identify the purpose of gather audit
documentation audit documentation evidence
35 List the contents of 3. Rationalize audit
a permanent and Enumerate the contents of documentation
current audit file a permanent and current 4. Identify the contents
36 Identify the audit file of a permanent and
benefits and current audit file
limitations of Determine the benefits and 5. Enumerate the
internal auditing limitations of internal benefits and
auditing limitations of internal
At least 75% in the 6. Obtain a score of at
seatw ork least 75% in the
seatw ork
14 36 PREFINAL EXAM and At least 75 % in the exam Students must be
SUBMISSION OF CASE STUDY and the task performance able to obtain a score
ANALYSISs of at least 75% in the
task performance and
the prefinal

APPROVED BY: Lu, Kristine E.

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