10sep2022 - Consti Law I
10sep2022 - Consti Law I
10sep2022 - Consti Law I
What is Political Law? Law on Public Offices – deals with public office
Macariola vs Asuncion – Political Law is the and public officers.
branch of public law which deals with the
organization and operation of the government Law on Municipal Corporations / Law on Public
organs of the State, and it defines the relation of Corporations – deals with local government units;
the state with the inhabitants of its territory. local autonomy (Sec 25, Art. 2, and Art. 10 of 1987
People vs Perfecto – Political Law are the laws Constitution)
regulating the relations sustained by the
inhabitants to the sovereign. Election Law – all laws pertaining to elections,
e.g., Omnibus Election Code, Absentee Voting Act,
Constitutional Law – is the study of the Party-list System, Voter Registration, right to
maintenance of the proper balance between the suffrage (Art. 5, 1987 Constitution), etc.
authority as represented by the three inherent
powers of the State and liberty as guaranteed by Why is there a need to study Constitutional
the bill of rights. Law?
Art 14, Sec. 3, Par.1 states that “All
Fundamental and Inherent Powers of the State: educational institutions shall include the
1. Police power study of the Constitution as part of the
2. The power to tax curricula.”
3. Imminent domain In the study of law, it is required by the
Legal Education Board through LEB
Hierarchy of Rights: Life, Liberty, and Property Memorandum No. 25, series of 2021.
Art. 2, Sec. 1, Sen. 2 states that
IMPT: There will always be a clash between the “Sovereignty resides in the people and all
exercise of the fundament and inherent powers of government authority emanates from them.”
the State and the guarantees under the bill of
rights. Basis in the Study of the Constitution
All Constitution of the Philippines
Constitutional Law deals with the guarantees of 1935 Constitution
the Constitution to individual rights and the 1973 Constitution also known as the Marcos
limitations of on governmental actions. Constitution
1987 Constitution which is inspired by the
Constitution is both a legal document and a US Constitution
political plan. It embodies legal rules as well as Other organic laws that are applied in the
political principles. When we speak of Philippines
Constitutional Law in the strict sense of the term, o Philippine Bill of 1902
we actually refer to the legal rules of the o Jones Law of 1916
Constitution in the sense in which the concept is o Tydings-McDuffie Law
understood in American and Philippine Statutes, executive orders, and decrees
jurisprudence, Constitutional Law is a term used to promulgated
designate the law embodied in the Constitution and Judicial decisions along with relevant rulings
the legal principles growing out of the interpretation of the Supreme Court
and application made by the Courts of the proper Current political events
provision of the Constitution in specific cases.
Constitution, In General
Constitutional Law forms a distinct branch of Constitution is a body of rules and maxims in
jurisprudence dealing with the legal principles accordance with which the power and the
affecting the nature, the adoption, the amendment, sovereignty are habitually exercised. The
and the operation of the Constitution. Constitution prescribes the permanent framework
of a system of government to assign to the several
Administrative Law is that branch of public law branches or department the respective powers and
which fixes the organization of the government; it duties and also to establish certain principles on
determines the competence of the administrative which the government is founded.
may be changed via and in the same
manner as changing ordinary legislation.
Classification of Constitution
As to its adoption Factors affecting the Stability of a Constitution:
1. Written Constitution – one where precepts 1. Rigidity and Flexibility
are embodied in one document or set of 2. General temperament of the leaders and
documents (e.g., US Constitution). It can the people
either be democratic or monarchial. 3. Degree of a nation’s political maturity and
a. Democratic Constitution – springs homogeneity
from the authority of the people
b. Monarchial Constitution – granted IMPT: The Philippine Constitution is written,
by a monarch as an act of grace to conventional, and rigid.
his subjects
These kinds of constitution are also called Essential Elements of a Good, Written
octroyed constitution because they Constitution
belong to past age. 1. Broad – not just because it provides for the
2. Unwritten Constitution – consists of rules organization of the entire government and
which have not been integrated into a single covers all persons and things within the
concrete form but are scattered in various territory of the State but because it must be
sources such as statutes of a fundament comprehensive enough to provide for every
character, judicial decisions, commentaries contingency.
from publicists, customs, and traditions. It is 2. Brief – it must confine itself to basic
one which has not been committed to principles to be implemented with the
writing at any specific time but is the legislative details more adjustable to change
accumulated product of gradual political and and easier to amend.
legal development (e.g., English 3. Definite – to prevent ambiguity in its
Constitution). provisions which could result in confusion
3. Conventional Constitution – an enacted and divisiveness among the people.
Constitution; formally struck off at a definite
time and place following a conscious effort Essential Parts of a Good, Written Constitution
taken by a constituent body. This is the 1. Constitution of Liberty – series of
same with written constitution because they prescription setting forth the fundamental
are given a definite form by a steadily civil and political rights of the citizens and
constituted body such Con-Con and Con- imposing limitations on the powers of the
Ass. government as a means of securing the
4. Cumulative Constitution – the result of employment of those rights (Art. 3, 1987
political evolution; not inaugurated at any Constitution).
specific time but changing by accretion 2. Constitution of Government – a series of
rather than a systematic method. This is the provisions outlining the organization of the
same with the unwritten constitution government, enumerating its powers, laying
because they are not formulated at any down certain rules relative to its
definite time but rather an outcome of a administration and defining the electorate
political evolutionary process. (Art. 6-9, 1987 Constitution).
3. Constitution of Sovereignty – provides for
As to its Amendment provisions pointing out to the mode or
1. Rigid Constitution – one that can be procedure in accordance with which formal
amended only by a formal and usually changes in the fundamental law may be
difficult process. A constitution is classified brought about (Art. 17, 1987 Constitution).
as rigid when it may not be amended except
through a special process distinct from and
more involved than the method in changing
ordinary laws. It is supposed that by such a
special procedure, the constitution is
rendered difficult to change so that it will
acquire a greater degree of stability.
2. Flexible Constitution – one that can be
changed by ordinary legislation. A
constitution is classified as flexible when it