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First edition

Space systems — Functional and

technical specifications
Systèmes spatiaux — Cahier des charges fonctionnel et spécification
technique de besoin

Reference number
ISO 21351:2005(E)

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ISO 21351:2005(E)

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Copyright International Organization for Standardization © ISO 2005 – All rights reserved
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ISO 21351:2005(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.

International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.

The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.

ISO 21351 was prepared by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) in collaboration with
Technical Committee ISO/TC 20, Aircraft and space vehicles, Subcommittee SC 14, Space systems and
operations, in accordance with the Agreement on technical cooperation between ISO and CEN (Vienna

Throughout the text of this document, read “...this European Standard...” to mean “...this International


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ISO 21351:2005(E)


Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................vii
1 Scope ......................................................................................................................................................1
2 Normative references ............................................................................................................................1
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations ..................................................................................................1
3.1 Terms and definitions ...........................................................................................................................1
3.2 Abbreviated terms .................................................................................................................................3
4 Functional specification and technical specification purpose and description .............................3
4.1 Functional specification purpose and description ............................................................................3
4.2 Technical specification purpose and description ..............................................................................3
4.3 FS and TS content .................................................................................................................................3
5 Process for establishing a functional specification and a technical specification ........................4
5.1 General....................................................................................................................................................4
5.2 Process for establishing a functional specification...........................................................................6
5.3 Process for establishing a technical specification ............................................................................7
6 Technical requirements description ....................................................................................................8
6.1 General description ...............................................................................................................................8
6.2 Identification of attributes assigned to technical requirements.......................................................8
6.2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................8
6.2.2 Functional requirements description ..................................................................................................9
6.2.3 Mission requirements description .......................................................................................................9
6.2.4 Interface requirements description......................................................................................................9
6.2.5 Environmental requirements description ...........................................................................................9
6.2.6 Physical requirements description ......................................................................................................9
6.2.7 Operational requirements description...............................................................................................10
6.2.8 Human factor requirements description ...........................................................................................10
6.2.9 (Integrated) logistics support requirements description ................................................................10
6.2.10 Product assurance (PA) requirements description..........................................................................10
6.2.11 Configuration requirements description ...........................................................................................11
6.2.12 Design requirements description.......................................................................................................11
7 Requirements and recommendations for functional specifications and technical
specifications .......................................................................................................................................11
7.1 Requirements and recommendations common to FS and TS ........................................................11
7.1.1 General..................................................................................................................................................11
7.1.2 Responsibility ......................................................................................................................................11
7.1.3 Technical requirements organisation................................................................................................11
7.1.4 Unique technical reference.................................................................................................................12
7.1.5 Configuration management ................................................................................................................12
7.1.6 Format ...................................................................................................................................................12
7.1.7 Supplementary information ................................................................................................................12
7.1.8 Restrictions ..........................................................................................................................................12
7.1.9 Severity classification .........................................................................................................................12
7.2 Requirement specific to the functional specification ......................................................................12
8 Requirements and recommendations for characterizing the technical requirements.................12
8.1 Requirements and recommendations for the characteristics of a technical requirement
common to FS and TS .........................................................................................................................12
8.1.1 Performance .........................................................................................................................................12

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ISO 21351:2005(E)

8.1.2 Justification .........................................................................................................................................13

8.1.3 Configuration management and traceability ....................................................................................13
8.1.4 Ambiguity .............................................................................................................................................13
8.1.5 Uniqueness ..........................................................................................................................................13
8.1.6 Identifiability ........................................................................................................................................13
8.1.7 Singularity ............................................................................................................................................13
8.1.8 Completeness ......................................................................................................................................14
8.1.9 Prioritization.........................................................................................................................................14
8.2 Requirements and recommendations for the characteristics of a technical requirement in
the FS....................................................................................................................................................14
8.2.1 Flexibility ..............................................................................................................................................14
8.2.2 Severity.................................................................................................................................................14
8.2.3 Maturity.................................................................................................................................................14
8.3 Requirements and recommendations for the characteristics of a technical requirement in
the TS....................................................................................................................................................14
8.3.1 Verification ...........................................................................................................................................14
8.3.2 Attainability ..........................................................................................................................................15
8.3.3 Tolerance..............................................................................................................................................15
8.3.4 Risk .......................................................................................................................................................15
8.4 Requirements and recommendations for the wording....................................................................15
8.4.1 General format .....................................................................................................................................15
8.4.2 Required verbal form ..........................................................................................................................15
8.4.3 Format restrictions..............................................................................................................................16


Figure 1  Model presentations ..........................................................................................................................4

Figure 2  Relationship between the FS and the TS ..........................................................................................5

Figure 3  Process to establish the first issue of the FS ....................................................................................6

Figure 4  Process to establish the final issue of the FS....................................................................................7

Figure 5  Process to establish the TS..............................................................................................................8


© ISO 2005 – All rights reserved

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ISO 21351:2005(E)

This document (EN ISO 21351:2005) has been prepared by European Cooperation for Space Standardization
(ECSS), the secretariat of which is held by CMC, in collaboration with Technical Committee ISO/TC 20
“Aircraft and space vehicles”.

This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical
text or by endorsement, at the latest by November 2005, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn
at the latest by November 2005.

It is based on a previous version1) originally prepared by the ECSS Functional and Technical Specification
Working Group, reviewed by the ECSS Engineering Panel and approved by the ECSS Steering Board. The
ECSS is a cooperative effort of the European Space Agency, national space agencies and European industry
associations for the purpose of developing and maintaining common standards.

This European Standard is one of the series of space standards intended to be applied together for the
management, engineering and product assurance in space projects and applications.

Requirements in this document are defined in terms of what shall be accomplished, rather than in terms of
how to organize and perform the necessary work. This allows existing organizational structures and methods
to be applied where they are effective, and for the structures and methods to evolve as necessary without
rewriting the standards.

The formulation of this document takes into account the existing EN ISO 9000 family of documents.

This document includes a Bibliography.

According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following
countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic,
Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland
and United Kingdom.

1) ECSS-E-10 Part 6.


Copyright International Organization for Standardization © ISO 2005 – All rights reserved
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ISO 21351:2005(E)

This document introduces the strategy of establishing and positioning the Functional Specification (FS) and
the Technical Specification (TS) in a project process to improve the effectiveness of its management in terms
of performance, cost, schedule and risk.

These two specifications are recommended in ISO 14300-1 in order to focus to customer (or user) needs and
to allocate proper time and resources for investigating and comparing a sensible range of candidate concepts,
and selecting a preferred solution to be developed or to be purchased.

The FS is the baseline for investigating and comparing candidate concepts, while the TS is the baseline of the
business agreement to develop or purchase the selected solution.

NOTE Functional Specification is also referred as “Functional Performance Specification (FPS)” in EN 1325-1.

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Copyright International Organization for Standardization

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ISO 21351:2005(E)

1 Scope
This document provides an overview of the respective purposes and positions of functional and technical
specifications, their required contents, and the process for developing these documents.

This document is applicable to all types of space systems, all product elements, and projects.

2 Normative references

The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.

EN 13701:2001, Space systems — Glossary of terms.

EN ISO 17666:2003, Space systems — Risk management (ISO 17666:2003).

3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations

3.1 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in EN 13701:2001 and the following apply.

characteristic, result or design feature which is made compulsory or has been prohibited for any reason

NOTE 1 Constraints are generally restrictions on the choice of solutions in a system.

NOTE 2 Two kinds of constraints are considered, those which concern solutions, and those which concern the use of
the system.

NOTE 3 For example constraints can come from environmental and operational conditions, law, standards, market
demand, investments and means availability, or the organization’s policy.

NOTE 4 Adapted from EN 1325-1.

environment, noun
<product> natural conditions (such as weather, climate, ocean conditions, terrain, vegetation, dust, light and
radiation) and induced conditions (such as electromagnetic interference, heat, vibration, pollution and
contamination) that constrain the design definitions for end products and their enabling products

environment, noun
<project> external factors affecting an enterprise or project

environment, noun
<development> external factors affecting development tools, methods, or processes

intended effect of a system, subsystem, product or part

NOTE 1 Adapted from EN 1325-1.

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ISO 21351:2005(E)

NOTE 2 Functions should have a single definite purpose. Function names should have a declarative structure
(e.g. “Validate Telecommands”), and say “what” is to be done rather than “how”. Good naming allows design components
with strong cohesion to be easily derived.

functional analysis
technique of identifying and describing all functions of a system

NOTE Adapted from EN 1325-1.

functional specification
document by which the customer establishes the intended purpose of a product, its associated constraints
and environment, the operational and performances features, and the permissible flexibility

NOTE 1 This document contains a complete set of provisional technical requirements for a product.

NOTE 2 This term is equivalent to "functional performance specification” as defined in EN 1325-1.

life cycle
time interval between the conceptual exploration of the product introduction to its withdrawal from service

what is necessary for, or desired by, the user

NOTE 1 A need can be declared or undeclared; it can be an existing or a potential one.

NOTE 2 The user is a person or an organization for which the product is designed and which exploits at least one of its
functions at any time during its life cycle.

NOTE 3 For the space community, the needs are often called mission statement.

NOTE 4 Adapted from EN 1325-1.

document stating requirements

NOTE 1 A specification can be related to activities (e.g. procedure document, process specification and test
specification), or products (e.g. functional specification, technical specification)

NOTE 2 Adapted from ISO 9000:2000.

technical specification
specification expressing technical requirements for designing and developing the solution to be implemented

NOTE The technical specification evolves from the functional specification and defines the technical requirements for
the selected solution as part of a business agreement.

verification matrix
matrix that defines the verification strategy for each product technical requirement in terms of methods, level
and stages

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ISO 21351:2005(E)

3.2 Abbreviated terms

The following abbreviated terms are defined and used within this document:

Abbreviation Meaning

IEC International Electrotechnical Commission

FS functional specification

PA product assurance

TS technical specification

4 Functional specification and technical specification purpose and description

4.1 Functional specification purpose and description

A functional specification is a document through which a customer expresses his needs (or those that he is
responsible for expressing) and the related environment and constraints in terms of technical requirements.

The FS is used for searching for possible concepts, evaluating them and selecting a preferred solution.

The technical requirements contained in the FS provide flexibility to:

• allow potential suppliers to propose the best technical and programmatic solutions;
• facilitate the adjustment among the need or mission statement, the context (e.g. programmatic elements
and environmental constraints) and possible solutions.
NOTE The intention of the functional specification is not to assume or refer to specific solutions.

4.2 Technical specification purpose and description

The technical specification evolves from the functional specification and defines the technical performances
for the proposed solution as part of a business agreement.

The TS is the technical reference for the acceptance of the definition and for the acceptance of the end

In that scope, the technical requirements contained in the TS have no flexibility. They are attainable and
verifiable, and for each technical requirement, the method of verification (e.g. by test, by analysis) is specified.

4.3 FS and TS content

A specification (FS or TS) is typically composed of three major sets of information:

• General information related to the context of the document (e.g. administrative information, normative
documents and informative documents);
• General information related to the context of the project, the product or system;
• Technical requirements (described in Clauses 6 and 8).
The specification provides the general information related to its context:

• Administrative information: to provide all the information regarding, for example, the owner, status,
identification, distribution list, and management rule;

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• Scope: to define without ambiguity the subject of the FS and TS and aspects covered, thereby indicating
limits of applicability;
• References: to list all the normative (applicable) documents and standards, with titles, issue revision, and
dates that are referred to in the FS;
• Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms: to list the specific terms and abbreviated terms used in the FS.
It also provides general information related to the context of the project, product or system:

• to provide a clear and rapid understanding of the project and the main needs or mission statements;
• to give indications of the market as additional information, as well as information about the context of the
project and the objectives (situation of the project in a larger programme, further developments);
• to provide information on the environment and its constraints;
• to detail the different situations of the product or system life cycle.

5 Process for establishing a functional specification and a technical specification

5.1 General

The management of a programme necessitates the establishment of a set of successive states of a product
and a network of customer and supplier relationships. At any intermediate level, the supplier of an item acts as
customer in specifying components towards its suppliers.

The two first states - the functional state and the specified state - are expressed in a FS and in a TS.

The procurement of products is governed by business agreements constituting the contract between two
parties - the customer and the supplier.

A business agreement results from a negotiation process between a customer with a problem to solve, and a
supplier with potential solutions. This results in a set of requirements that engages both parties. The list of
requirements constitutes an important part of the business agreement and is adapted to the nature of the
expected outcome.

Figures through 2 to 5 are provided to help supporting the understanding of a process for establishing a
functional specification and a technical specification. The model used for these figures is presented in Figure 1.

Figure 1  Model presentations

• The box represents the task to be performed;
• The left– and top–side arrows represent the necessary inputs to the task;
• An arrow on the right–side represents the output produced by the task;
• An arrow coming from below represent the actor involved in performing the task.

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Figure 2 presents the macro-process that generates the functional and technical specifications.

This principle can be used at different system levels.


Figure 2  Relationship between the FS and the TS

• F1 task: the customer expresses the need in a FS (see 4.2);
• F2 task: each bidder analyses this FS and establishes one or more proposals. This task is presented
to ensure a consistent approach between the bidders and the customer;
• F3 task: the customer select the supplier/solution and releases the TS (see 4.3).
As part of a business agreement, the customer establishes his needs for the development of a product or a
system in a technical specification.

The FS clarifies the global needs (mission statement) and is the technical reference for invitations to tender
and consultations.

An FS is also used when a design–to–cost process applies to help in defining the best compromized solution.
Moreover, it facilitates the selection of “off–the–shelf” items because it forces to define the needs and
constraints even if solutions are preselected.

The technical specification derives from the FS and is compatible with the proposed baseline solution. It is the
result of the business negotiation process. It is the baseline for the product or system development.

A TS defines the related set of technical requirements established and used to develop or procure a product
or a system as part of the business agreement.

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The TS is the technical reference for the design definition and the end product acceptance.

The technical requirements are usually negotiated with the customer and take into account the technical
feasibility, availability and cost of the proposed solution.

5.2 Process for establishing a functional specification

For space projects, this process can be divided into two steps:

• establishment of the first issue of the FS;

• identification, evaluation of the different possible concepts to establish the final issue of the FS.
The first step consists of an initial assessment of the project and results in the first issue of the FS, as
illustrated in Figure 3. The purpose of this first issue of the FS is to express the customer’s need, mission
statement, associated environmental constraint and programmatic element in terms of technical requirements
(i.e. the problem to solve). This document serves as a basis to initiate the next step.

NOTE A functional analysis can be performed to capture the FS requirements (see EN 12973).

Figure 3  Process to establish the first issue of the FS

• The F1.1 task: The customer identifies and captures the user’s needs or mission statements,
associated environments and constraints. He expresses these in terms of technical requirements;
• The F1.2 task: The customer structures, classifies and justifies (see 8.1.1) individual technical
• The F1.3 task: The customer assesses the entire set of technical requirements for correctness,
consistency and suitability for the intended use;
• The F1.4 task: The customer establishes the first issue of the FS and releases it.
The second step consists of the exploration among the different possible concepts ensuring the conformity to
the defined needs, then the selection of one concept and results in the final issue of the FS. This final version


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ISO 21351:2005(E)

is progressively drafted from the first issue of the FS and takes into account the induced constraints from the
possible concepts. Figure 4 illustrates this process.

Figure 4  Process to establish the final issue of the FS

• The F1.5 task: Each candidate supplier reviews the first issue of the FS, identifies and proposes
possible concepts;
• The F1.6 task: The customer evaluates and selects preferred concepts;
• The F1.7 task: The customer identifies the need for changes to the first issue of the FS taking into
account the limitations and possibilities induced by the selected preferred concepts. Then, he
expresses the adjusted or new individual technical requirements;
• The F1.8 task: The customer structures, classifies and justifies (see 8.1.1) the individual technical
• The F1.9 task: The customer assesses the entire set of technical requirements for correctness,
consistency and suitability for the intended use;
• The F1.10 task: The customer establishes the final issue of the FS and releases it.

5.3 Process for establishing a technical specification

A technical specification is a contractual document drafted under the customer’s responsibility. As a result of
the negotiation process, it expresses the technical requirements in terms compatible with the FS and the
capabilities of the selected solution, taking into account the performances, costs and schedule constraints.

Figure 5 presents the TS establishment process. This process takes into account environmental and
suppliers’ constraints and programmatic elements (including the cost and schedule) and the FS. It allows the
customer and the supplier to find a compromise and agree upon the TS.

The process described is independent of the point where the solution to be developed is chosen.


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The outcome of this process is an agreed set of technical requirements to be included in the business
agreement for development.

Figure 5  Process to establish the TS

• The F3.1 task: Both the customer and each candidate supplier negotiate to establish amendments to
the technical requirements;
• The F3.2 task: The technical requirements are adjusted and completed according to the result of the
negotiation step;
• The F3.3 task: Both the customer and each candidate supplier agree upon the technical requirements
contained in the draft issue of the TS;
• The F3.4 task: The technical specification is established as a baseline for the solution to be developed
by the signature of the business agreement.

6 Technical requirements description

6.1 General description

The management of the technical requirements is based upon recognition of the attributes of technical

6.2 Identification of attributes assigned to technical requirements

6.2.1 Introduction

The differing types of technical requirements contained in the FS and in the TS are as follows

• functional requirements,
• mission requirements,
• interface requirements,

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• environmental requirements,
• physical requirements,
• operational requirements,
• human factor requirements,
• (integrated) logistics support requirements,
• product assurance (PA) requirements,
• configuration requirements, and
• design requirements.
NOTE These different technical requirements used for the FS are called “user related functions” and constraints in
EN 1325-1

6.2.2 Functional requirements description

Functional requirements are statements that define a function that the product shall perform, in order to
conform to the needs and requirements of the user.

EXAMPLE 1 The product shall be able to put a satellite into orbit.

EXAMPLE 2 The product shall analyse the surface of Mars and transmit the data so that it is at the disposal of the
scientific community.

6.2.3 Mission requirements description

Requirements related to a task, a function or an action performed by a product that yields a specified and
observable result.

EXAMPLE The product shall be designed to be put in its final position after a transfer duration shorter than 90 days.

6.2.4 Interface requirements description

Requirements related to the interconnection or relationship characteristics between the product and other

NOTE This includes different types of interfaces (e.g. physical, thermal, electrical, and protocol).

EXAMPLE The product shall dialogue with the ground segment using telemetry.

6.2.5 Environmental requirements description

Requirements related to a product or the system environment during its life cycle; this includes the natural
environments (e.g. planet interactions, free space and dust) and induced environments (e.g. radiation,
electromagnetic, heat, vibration and contamination).

EXAMPLE The product shall operate within the temperature range from 30 ºC to 50 ºC.

6.2.6 Physical requirements description

Requirements that establish the boundary conditions to ensure physical compatibility and that are not defined
by the interface requirements, design and construction requirements, or referenced drawings.

NOTE This includes requirements related to mechanical characteristics, electrical isolation and chemical composition
(e.g. weight and dimensional limits).

EXAMPLE The product shall have a mass of (30 ± 0,1) kg.

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6.2.7 Operational requirements description

Requirements related to the system operability.

NOTE This includes operational profiles and the utilization environment and events to which the product shall
respond (e.g. autonomy, control and contingency) for each operational profile.

EXAMPLE The product shall be designed to accept control of the viewing function from the ground segment.

6.2.8 Human factor requirements description

Requirements related to a product or a process adapted to human capabilities considering basic human

NOTE This includes the following basic human capability characteristics:

• decision making,

• muscular strength, coordination and craftsmanship,

• body dimensions,

• perception and judgement,

• workload, and

• comfort and freedom from environmental stress.


EXAMPLE The product shall display the information with no more than two windows on the screen at the same time.

6.2.9 (Integrated) logistics support requirements description

Requirements related to the (integrated) logistics support considerations to ensure the effective and
economical support of a system for its life cycle.

NOTE This includes the following subjects:

• the constraints concerning the maintenance (e.g. minimum periodicity, intervention duration,
infrastructure, tooling, intervention modes),

• packaging, transportation, handling and storage,

• training of product users,

• user documentation,

• implementation of the product at the user’s site, and

• reuse of the product or its elements.

EXAMPLE The product shall be designed to be installed at the customer’s site within two days.

6.2.10 Product assurance (PA) requirements description

Requirements related to the relevant activities covered by the product assurance.

NOTE This can include the following subjects:

• Reliability, availability, maintainability,

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• Safety, and

• Quality assurance.

EXAMPLE The product shall conform to the preferred parts list (PPL).

6.2.11 Configuration requirements description

Requirements related to the composition of the product or its organization.

EXAMPLE The product shall have 7 power modules with 2 power outlets per engine.

6.2.12 Design requirements description

Requirements related to the imposed design and construction standards such as design standards, selection
list of components or materials, interchangeability, safety or margins.

EXAMPLE The receiver shall use a phase–lock loop (PLL).

7 Requirements and recommendations for functional specifications and technical


7.1 Requirements and recommendations common to FS and TS

7.1.1 General

a) Technical requirements in the FS (respectively the TS) shall be formulated as defined in Clause 8 as
applicable to the FS (respectively the TS).

b) The specification shall be identifiable, referable and related to a product or a system.

7.1.2 Responsibility

a) An entity shall be identified to be responsible for the specification.

b) The responsible entity shall define access policy and rights, and distribution list for the specification.

c) The responsible entity of the specification shall define the content and format of the attributes listed in
Clause 8.

7.1.3 Technical requirements organisation

a) The technical requirements should be grouped by type or in accordance with the different situations of the
product or system life cycle in regard of the needs, the environmental conditions and the constraints.

b) The technical requirements shall be unambiguous and not in conflict with the other associated
requirements in contractual documentation.

c) The technical requirements shall be consistent (e.g. not in conflict with the other requirements within the

d) Compounded technical requirements should be avoided.

e) Abbreviated terms used in requirements shall be defined in a dedicated section of the specification.

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7.1.4 Unique technical reference

a) The specification shall be complete in terms of applicable requirements and reference to applicable

b) A technical requirement shall not call for more than one technical requirement in an applicable referred

c) The link to an applicable document shall be stated in the technical requirements.

d) The reference number of the applicable documents cited in the specification shall contain the revision

7.1.5 Configuration management

The specification shall be under configuration management.

7.1.6 Format

The specification shall be established to be readily exchanged according to the established access policy and

7.1.7 Supplementary information

If a (sub)clause is stated to be informative or descriptive, then this (sub)clause shall not contain any
requirement or recommendation.

7.1.8 Restrictions

Functional and technical specifications shall only include technical requirements and exclude requirements
such as cost, methods of payment, quantity required, time or place of delivery.

7.1.9 Severity classification

The specification shall provide the scoring scheme for the severity of risk consequences according to
EN ISO 17666.

7.2 Requirement specific to the functional specification

In order to allow potential suppliers to propose the best technical and programmatic solutions, a functional
specification shall provide flexibility on requirements to facilitate the adjustment of the need, mission statement,
programmatic and any possible solutions.

NOTE Good practice avoids proposing or referring to a specific solution in the FS.

8 Requirements and recommendations for characterizing the technical


8.1 Requirements and recommendations for the characteristics of a technical requirement

common to FS and TS

8.1.1 Performance

a) Each technical requirement shall be described in quantifiable terms.

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b) Each technical requirement should include an attribute that defines the method used to determine the
required performance.

8.1.2 Justification

a) Each technical requirement shall be justified.

b) The entity responsible of the technical requirement shall be identified.

c) The entity responsible of the specification shall define what part of the justification shall be included in the
specification as informative material.

d) The justification of every technical requirement shall be collected and recorded in a requirement
justification file.

NOTE Only requirements that are necessary to meet the customer’s need are justified

8.1.3 Configuration management and traceability

a) Each technical requirement shall be under configuration management.

b) All technical requirements shall be backwards–traceable.

c) All technical requirements shall be forwards–traceable.

NOTE 1 A technical requirement is traceable when it is possible to trace the history, application, or location of a
requirement by means of recorded identification.

NOTE 2 The backward traceability is the process to trace back the source of each requirement to the requirement from
which it derives.

NOTE 3 The forward traceability is the process to establish that each level requirement is implemented at the
appropriate phase of the design and that all requirements are implemented.

8.1.4 Ambiguity

Any detected ambiguity in a technical requirement shall be removed.

8.1.5 Uniqueness

Each technical requirement shall be unique.

8.1.6 Identifiability

a) A technical requirement should be identified in relation to the relevant product or system.

b) A unique identifier shall be assigned to each technical requirement.

c) The unique identifier should reflect the type of the technical requirement.

NOTE In general a technical requirement is identified by a character or a string of characters, a number, or a name
tag or hypertext, for example.

8.1.7 Singularity

Each technical requirement shall be separately stated

NOTE Technical requirements are single or separately stated when they are not the combination of two or more
technical requirements.

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8.1.8 Completeness

A technical requirement shall be self–contained.

NOTE A technical requirement is self–contained when it is complete and not referring to other requirement

8.1.9 Prioritization

a) A priority should be identified for each technical requirement.

b) Every technical requirement should include an attribute to characterize the priority.

NOTE 1 A technical requirement is prioritized when it has been associated with a level of interest to the user and his
commitment to the constraints.

NOTE 2 Priority is the ranking of the different technical requirements in accordance to different levels of interest for the

8.2 Requirements and recommendations for the characteristics of a technical requirement

in the FS

8.2.1 Flexibility

A FS technical requirement should be flexible, according to the maturity of the project.

NOTE A technical requirement is flexible when a set of indications is given by the owner regarding the possibility of
adjusting the level sought for a performance.

8.2.2 Severity

a) A severity indicator shall be identified for each FS technical requirement.

b) The technical requirement should include an attribute to quantify the consequence of failure to fulfil a
technical requirement.

NOTE The technical requirement severity is the indicator (score) according to the magnitude of its possible
consequences in case of failure or undesired event.

8.2.3 Maturity

a) A maturity indicator shall be identified for each technical requirement.

b) The technical requirement should include an attribute to characterize the maturity step of the technical

NOTE 1 The technical requirement maturity is a progress indicator in the requirement establishment process. It can be
“verbatim”, “tbc”, “tbd”, “in analysis”, or “analyzed”

NOTE 2 The customer can include the attribute in the specifications, for internal use.

8.3 Requirements and recommendations for the characteristics of a technical requirement

in the TS

8.3.1 Verification

a) A TS technical requirement shall be verifiable using one or more approved verification methods.

b) The template for the verification matrix should be annexed to the TS (see EN 14725 for relevant
information concerning the content of the verification matrix).

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ISO 21351:2005(E)

NOTE 1 A technical requirement is verifiable when the means to evaluate if the proposed solution meets the
requirement are known.

NOTE 2 The attribute of verification concerns the agreed methods for each technical requirement. The attribute is an
input for the verification matrix.

8.3.2 Attainability

A technical requirement shall be attainable taking into account the context of the project.

NOTE 1 A technical requirement is attainable when the capability of being reached or obtained is demonstrated taking
into account an identified context such as planning, funding, technology status, skills availability, facilities availability, or
procurement availability.

NOTE 2 An attainable requirement can, nevertheless, be at the limit of possibilities.

8.3.3 Tolerance

The tolerance shall be specified for each parameter/variable.

NOTE The technical requirement tolerance is a range of values within which the conformity to the requirement is

8.3.4 Risk

A risk indicator shall be identified for each TS technical requirement.

NOTE 1 The technical requirement risk is the indicator (index) to measure the effect of an undesirable situation or
circumstance that has both a likelihood of occurring and a potentially negative consequence on the project.

NOTE 2 The risk analysis techniques are used to determine a grading for technical requirements. The grading depends
on the severity defined by the customer in the FS and on the likelihood of not fulfilling the technical requirement
determined by the proposed solution.

8.4 Requirements and recommendations for the wording

8.4.1 General format

a) Technical requirements should be stated in performance or “what–is–necessary” terms, as opposed to

telling a supplier “how to” perform a task, unless the exact steps in performance of the task are essential
to ensure the proper functioning of the product.

b) Technical requirements should be expressed in a positive way, as a complete sentence (with a verb and a

8.4.2 Required verbal form

a) The verbal form “shall” shall be used whenever a provision is a requirement.

b) The verbal form “should” shall be used whenever a provision is a recommendation.

c) The verbal form “may” shall be used whenever a provision is a permission.

d) The verbal form “can” shall be used to indicate possibility or capability.


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8.4.3 Format restrictions

List of terms that shall not be used in a TS requirement

• “and/or”,
• “etc”,
• “goal”,
• “shall be included but not limited to”,
• “relevant”,
• “necessary”,
• “appropriate”,
• “as far as possible”,
• “optimize”,

• “minimize”,
• “maximize”,
• “typical”,
• “rapid”,
• “user–friendly”,
• “easy”,
• “sufficient”,
• “enough”,
• “suitable”,
• “satisfactory”,
• “adequate”,
• “quick”,
• “first rate”,
• “best possible”,
• “great”,
• “small”,
• “large”, and
• “state of the art”.

Copyright International Organization for Standardization © ISO 2005 – All rights reserved
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ISO 21351:2005(E)


[1] EN 1325-1:1996, Value Management, Value Analysis, Functional Analysis vocabulary - Part 1: Value
Analysis and Functional Analysis.

[2] EN 12973:2000, Value management.

[3] EN 13290-2:2001, Space project management - General requirements - Part 2: Project breakdown

[4] EN 13290-4:2001, Space project management - General requirements - Part 4: Project phasing and

[5] EN 13292:1999, Space engineering standards - Policy and principles.

[6] EN 14725:2003, Space engineering — Verification.

[7] EN ISO 9000:2000, Quality management systems - Fundamentals and vocabulary (ISO 9000:2000).

[8] ISO/IEC Guide 2:1996, Standard and related activities - General Vocabulary.

[9] ISO 14300-1:2001, Space systems - Programme management - Part 1: Structuring of a programme.


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