Building Personal Identity in The Presence of Wealth
Building Personal Identity in The Presence of Wealth
Building Personal Identity in The Presence of Wealth
DENNIS T. JAFFE Get to know two things about a man. How of inheritance and succession in their families,
is a partner at Relative he earns his money and how he spends it. and how people raise their children. In under-
Solutions LLP in You will then have the clue to his character. standing these issues, an advisor can help clients
San Francisco, CA.
djaffe @
You will have a searchlight that shows up and their families move toward a more satis-
the inmost recesses of his soul. You know fying and productive relationship with wealth,
JAMES A. GRUBMAN all you need to know about his standards, something that is often missing in the lives of
is a psychologist his motives, his driving desires, his real the rich.
and wealth consultant in religion.
Turners Falls, MA.
- Robert]. McCracken
If you want to know what God thinks of
money, just look at the people he gave it to. Much has been written in recent decades
about the experiences ofthe very rich. In the
— Dorothy Parker
popular literature, in biographies and personal
hen a professional advisor sits accounts, in psychology, and in family therapy
down with a wealthy client to and family business consulting, views of the
discuss money management, wealthy have been largely negative until very
the focus is typically on the recently. Beginning with the 1960s rejection
money, not on the person who owns it. Yet of wealth and privilege, some Inheritors began
personal wealth is never truly impersonal. It has to question their upbringing and their culture
powerful emotional meanings influencing the through their accounts of self-destructive
choices, relationships, and life goals of the behavior and confusion about handling inher-
owner and his or her family. itances. The mid-1980s brought several land-
This article looks at the experience of mark studies of Inheritors, drawing back the
the very wealthy family, particularly its mem- curtain on many ofthe difficulties experienced
bers' growth and development in relating to by those raised with wealth. With the great
their wealth and its role in their lives. We will financial gains ofthe 1980s and 1990s, the
look at how various origins of wealth can be newly affluent (many of them young and prod-
a source of internal conflict, how individuals ucts ofthe 1960s) began to articulate a more
struggle to come to terms with great wealth, reflective view about success and sudden
and how the quality of their adjustment can wealth. Most recently, there has been a shift
influence what happens with the money. This toward positive aspects of wealth as exempli-
life experience looms large over many areas— fled by the turn toward social responsibility
fmancial choices, how individuals face issues and active philanthropy. Time magazine's
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