Flicker Noise and Offset Suppression in Symmetric Hall Plates
Flicker Noise and Offset Suppression in Symmetric Hall Plates
Flicker Noise and Offset Suppression in Symmetric Hall Plates
Zen0 Stoessel
La&s & Gyr Corp, Corporate Research and Deoelopment, Zug (Swrtzerland)
Markus Resch
KTH, Department of Apphed Phyxs, Stockholm (Sweden)
For stable measurements of permanent or low-frequency magnetic fields, it LScmc~al to have a very good
signal-to-noise ratio and low offset voltage in Hall sensors Flicker noise and offset m Hall plates are suppressed by
orthogonal switching of a single symmetric Hall plate The supply current alternates at 0” and 90” through the Hail
plate The Hall voltage alternates its sign, while the fhcker-noise voltage and offset voltage do not With high-pass
filtermg, one gets suppression of the flicker noise and offset voltage A lower cut-off frequency for the flicker noise
of the order of 10% of the swtchmg frequency IS introduced
voltage can be described as kZB, “, where Bf n IS the Fig 1 D&&on of the two states A and B of a symmetnc Hall
‘eqmvalent flicker-noise field strength’ plate
State B the Hall current, Z, flows from contact (4) to The temporal order of events 1s swltchmg to state A,
contact (2) and the Hall voltage, U,, 1s measured delay to allow setthng of the electromcs, measurement
between contacts (3) and (1) of signal A, s\lrltchmg to state B, delay to allow settling
In both states, the magnetic-field strength, B, 1s per- of the electronics, measurement of slgnal B, switching
pendicular to the Hall plate to state A, and so on Filtering is achieved by takmg
Switching between the two states A and B changes the difference of signal A and the following slgnal B
the sign of the Hall voltage but does not change the
u, - u, = kZ[B(t, _ ,) + B(tJ
sign of the offset voltage and ficker-notse voltage An
approptlate model for these effects 1s a resistor bridge, +kZ[&,(t,-1) -B,.(tJ
where the offset voltage is described by an Imbalance of
the bridge and flicker noise by fluctuations of the + 1% “(h - 1)- % “(bJ1 (5)
resistor values These resistors are replaced by ‘eqmva- The time of the kth sample 1s t, = k/fs As we can see,
lent field strengths’ we get two transfer functions, one for a sum and one
for a difference [6],
State A u, = k*Z(B + B,z,,rt-+ B,c, f .) + #A tt, ,, (2)
Fig 2 Calculated spectral power density of flicker nose Sohd Orthogonal s\Nltchmg of a symmetnc Hall plate,
he, swtched system, dashed Ime, unswltched system measurmg the two states and taking the difference of