8 Week Butt Camp
8 Week Butt Camp
8 Week Butt Camp
COM #1
The health and fitness information presented in this book is an educational resource and is not intended as a substitute for medical advice.
Consult your doctor or healthcare professional before performing any of the exercises described in this book or any other exercise programme,
particularly if you are pregnant, or if you are elderly or have chronic or recurring medical conditions. Do not attempt any of the exercises while
under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Discontinue any exercise that causes you pain or severe discomfort and consult a medical expert. Neither
the author of the information nor the producer nor distributors of such information make any warranty of any kind in regard to the content of the
information presented in this book.
CONTENTS Click on the section title below to
jump straight to that section
How does the 8 Week Butt Camp work? 12 Meal Plan Notes 53
Training Structure 21
Equipment Needed 23
Training Schedule 24
Cardio Overview 28
Cardio Schedule 32
Supplements 33
Nutrition Overview 37
Well hey there!
For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Kim Constable, more commonly known
as The Sculpted Vegan. I have competed for the last four years, on stage as a physique
athlete. But before 2016 I had never stepped foot in a gym. Well, I had stepped foot in a gym,
but usually only to pass through it to get to the yoga studio to teach yoga! One day in April
2016, I passed through my little home yoga studio wearing only a thong and tank top. The
sun was streaming in through the window so I turned to examine my glutes in the mirror. I
had never been happy with my glutes and always obsessed over them every summer when
bikini season was upon us. This particular day, as the light streamed in through the window,
it illuminated what can only be described as my sad and saggy butt cheeks. I was 37 and a
mother of four young kids, and my skin had lost a lot of its elasticity. Although it was small, it
was also very flat. The skin had started to soften with age and it was beginning to resemble
that of an old woman. I think in your 20s you take skin elasticity for granted as you don’t
have any wrinkles on your knees or saggy skin on your belly. But as you hit your 30s and
approach your 40s, the tell-tale signs of ageing creep in very slowly. So it was on this day,
when I examined my butt from all angles in the mirror, I realised that the appearance of my
glutes was only going to get worse as I aged. The reason my glutes were so sad looking was
that I had been living on a semi-starvation diet for several years. My normal calorie intake
was about 1200 cal per day, which contributed to me staying quite lean, but also meant that I
held stubborn body fat in areas where I didn’t want to hold it, due to a slow metabolism. As I
examined my glutes in the mirror I had an epiphany.. I realised that I couldn’t lose any more
weight because I was already eating far too little as it was. Nor did I want to get fat, cause
nobody wants a fat ass, right?
It seemed therefore that the only thing left to do was fill my glutes up with muscle.
I think I had always assumed that women with
good glutes were born that way. And while genetics
do play a large part in body composition, you can
make incredible changes to your physique by
shaping it with muscle. I decided to start training
in the gym and focus on growing my glutes to see
if I could transform this area and actually begin to
like what I saw. I went to the Internet and googled
“fitness models”, looking for those with great
glutes and purchased the first program that caught
my eye, that looked effective. Of course I had no
idea what I was looking for, never mind whether
or not the program would actually work. But the
fitness model of said program had a great ass, so I
trusted she knew what she was talking about. The
program was four weeks long so I assumed that in
four weeks, my glutes we’re going to look like hers.
How wrong I was! The training, although focusing
on glutes, was not highly specialised. There was
only one focused glute training day per week
and the rest of the time was focused on multi-
joint, compound exercises designed to improve
the size and shape of the whole body. Every day
I examined my butt in the mirror to see if it was
getting any shapelier. At the end of the four weeks
I had made some progress but it certainly didn’t
look like I expected! So I went on a mission to find
out what caused the glutes to grow, and what were
the most effective exercises I could perform to
achieve my goal. I bought several anatomy books
and learned for the first time what the glutes are
actually for and how to effectively activate them.
I was surprised to learn that the glutes were the
largest muscle in the body and were designed to
“turn off” with inactivity or injury. I realised that
mine had certainly turned off, which was probably
why squatting was giving me back pain. I had
suffered back pain from the time I first gave birth
and no matter what I did, I couldn’t seem to get
rid of it. My research suggested, that my lower
back was picking up the work that my glutes were
supposed to be doing in a way that was not good
for it. This alone spurred me on to further develop
my glute training.
Four years after I first started my research, I can tell you a couple of things for certain. The
first one is that my butt looks completely different. It is full, round and most importantly
strong! I can glute bridge 660lbs and squat 400lbs. Secondly, I have zero back pain.
Strengthening my glutes and back muscles has completely eradicated what was a daily and
persistent nagging pain in my lower back. Women write to me every day asking how they can
get rid of cellulite and shape their butt. My answer is always the same: consistent, persistent
effort. Where your thoughts go, energy flows. If you want to achieve a goal in life then you
must build a plan to achieve that goal and apply focused and disciplined effort. Learning the
principles of glute training enabled me to build my own gym program that gave me a
fabulous ass.
There are two things that every woman in the world seems to want: a flatter stomach and
smoother, shaplier thighs and butt. This program is the first one that I have ever created
designed to specifically target these areas. The highly specialised glute training will lift your
butt cheeks like never before and the intensely focused nutrition and cardio plan will shred
fat in a way that you have probably never experienced. And even better, it can all be done
from home with minimal equipment! It is the ultimate Butt Camp Program. If you apply
yourself with dedication and discipline you will see results that you previously thought
Thank you once again for trusting me to help you shape and build your best body ever. I
could not do what I do without you. And I simply cannot wait to see your results!
What is the 8 Week
Butt Camp Program?
The 8 Week Butt Camp Program is designed
to build maximum muscle in the glutes, while
simultaneously maintaining or building muscle in
the rest of the body. It combines the elements
of strength training and cardio with precise
nutrition to get a sculpted and shredded body.
Normally, I would never create a home program
as I believe that the best way to build muscle is
to add resistance in the form of load. However, it
is entirely possible to build muscle in other ways
for those unable or unwilling to lift very heavy
weights. When COVID-19 hit, I found myself
having to pivot hard in the business and do things
that I swore I would never do, such as create
challenging and effective programs that could be
done from home. The first program we created
in response to the coronavirus lockdown was a
Jailhouse Shred designed to build muscle using
callisthenics, whilst burning fat. It was a massive
success, selling more than 2000 copies in the first week. However, when I realised that
many gyms were not opening for months more, I decided to pivot again and create another
program that could be done from home or in the gym, specifically designed to target the
glutes. Quite honestly, it has been hard for me to create home programs, because for many
years I have preached the benefits of progressive overload through resistance training in the
gym, believing it to be far superior to volume training at home. And while I still believe this
to be true, I have acknowledged that when the gym is not available and you cannot add load,
you need to figure out another way to achieve your goal. This is what a true athlete does.
If you have weights at home or have access to a gym, then that is 100% the best way to
achieve your goal. If you do not have load, then overloading the muscles with higher reps
and less rest between sets will work well. This program hits the glutes six times a week. It’s
the frequent and targeted glute training, using specific volume techniques, that works the
glutes in the same way as squatting a huge load. And because the glutes are such a large
muscle group, you can stimulate them in many ways, targeting the gluteus maximus, medius
and minimus. In fact, specifically targeting each group with a wide range of exercises, will
cause a huge amount of growth in a short space of time.
Even if you have been doing incredibly heavy
hip thrusts in the gym, this program will still
work for you, because it targets the muscles
in a completely different way. Muscles
always look better when not covered with
a layer of fat because their size, shape and
definition is more visible.. This program will
not only increase the size of the glutes but
will also shred body fat at the same time.
There are many women who don’t actually
want to have a bigger butt, but prefer to have
a more shapely one. Mine was so tiny in the
beginning that I wanted it to be bigger. But I
never wanted it to be “fat and lumpy bigger”,
which is what can happen if it just gets fat. I
didn’t want it to just look good in jeans, I also
wanted it to look good in a bikini - preferably
a skimpy one! I wanted it to be round, firm
and pert, which it is now. How did I achieve
this goal? By reducing body fat and building
muscle at the same time. And that’s exactly
what this program is designed to do for you.
These programs will certainly burn fat, but they will never build the muscle that is needed
for long term metabolic enhancement. Muscle is what gives your body shape and curves. If
you diet all the time you will simply end up looking skinny. I have managed to completely
transform the shape of my body with muscle, creating the illusion of an hourglass figure that I
was not blessed with at birth. I eat like a horse and train like a bitch.
The more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn, and the more food you can eat.
When I started training I was only eating 1200 calories a day and was terrified to eat more
in case I put on fat. Now I eat 3000 calories a day and maintain 17% body fat in off season,
dropping to 10-12% when dieting for a show. How do I eat so much and still stay lean? A fast
metabolism. I was not born with a naturally fast metabolism, but instead had to build one.
Just like you can change your shape with muscle, so you can change your metabolism. A
body with more muscle will naturally have a faster metabolism because muscle is very calorie
hungry. It requires a constant supply of nutrients to keep it alive, drawing from either food or
fat energy. A body with more muscle will also naturally burn fat more quickly than a skinny
body with no muscle. When you are skinny fat (slim with very little muscle tissue), your
body doesn’t want to give up its fat stores as it knows that they may be needed for energy at
some point in the future. So it will be more likely to convert muscle tissue into amino acids
for energy, than risk burning off precious fat stores. This is why many people put on all the
weight they have lost after an extreme period of dieting. The body has no muscle to feed
with the extra calories, as not only was no muscle built during dieting, but more was probably
burned off because of dieting. When your body has no muscle to feed with the food you eat,
it simply dumps the extra calories into fat stores.
How to use
this program
There are 3 ways you can use this program.
This is because the focused glute training will cause a huge overload in this area, so all the
food you eat will go to repairing and building muscle in your butt. To build muscle over the
whole body requires that you eat at your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) or in a calorie
surplus, and train each body part in split sessions. This just isn’t possible with this kind of
program, that is hammering the glutes ever session. You may uncover the muscle in your
upper body that you already had, when the body fat falls away, which makes you think you’ve
built more, but in reality, the muscle gains you make will be minimal.
After the challenge is over, you could continue the program if you wish, replacing the glute
burn days with upper body days, working more deeply into your delts, back, shoulders
and abs.
If you keep the glute focused days, you will continue to develop and grow this area.
How does the
8 Week Butt Camp work?
This program focuses on building muscle
(predominantly in the glutes) and burning
fat, at the same time.
program is designed to work the entire body, if not billions — on anti-cellulite treatments,
with the strongest emphasis being on the despite the glaring lack of evidence that
glutes. As we are not always training with any of them work. (Which makes perfect
heavy load, recovery time will be optimal, sense, of course, because you cannot treat a
meaning that we can hit this huge muscle condition that doesn’t actually exist.) Vogue
group every day we train. In fact, we must became the first English-language magazine
hit this muscle group hard in every single to print the term “cellulite,” creating both a
session if we are to cause adequate damage new word and a fashionable new way for
to stimulate new muscle growth. Rather women to hate their bodies. The original and
than split body part training (which many accurate definition of cellulite had nothing
of you will have come to expect from my to do with dimples or fat, but rather was a
programs), this program will use strength medical term applied to cells or tissues in a
training exercises to work the entire body state of inflammation or infection.
in every session, with the bulk of the focus
on the glutes. But while strength training
is for building muscle, it is not for burning
fat. That’s what cardio is for. So while you’ll
be working hard on strength training at
home, you’ll also be working hard on cardio,
causing your body to burn fat. Cardio not
only pushes the body into a calorie deficit,
stimulating fat loss, it also helps the muscles
to recover faster. When you perform slow
steady cardio, increased blood flow carries
oxygen and nutrients to the muscles. Faster
recovery means you can work hard in every
session with little or no downtime after.
It was closely related to cellulitis, which is
still used today when referring to pelvic
The cellulite myth
infections. In fact, the term cellulite was
first printed in the Dictionnaire de Medecine
Most (if not all) women have cellulite
in 1873 by french doctors Emile Littre and
somewhere on their body, but most
Charles-Philippe Robin and had nothing
commonly on the backs of their legs and
to do with what we associate with cellulite
butts. But what most women don’t know
today. In those days, body fat was a sign
is that cellulite was invented by Vogue
of prosperity and of energy storage in the
magazine in 1968 and has since spawned a
body. Women did not know to hate being
billion dollar industry of cellulite treatments,
fat - they loved it! It all changed after World
products and cures. And the crazy thing
War I when women’s roles were redefined
is that it doesn’t actually exist. Cellulite is
and they were called into the workplace. This
simply subcutaneous fat and fibrous tissue
meant that they had more freedom, more
beneath your skin. And indeed, on the
power and more disposable income. So what
majority of human bodies, there are areas on
did patriarchy decide to do? Tell them how
which skin appears dimpled or bumpy. But
to spend that extra cash. Think about this
until relatively recently, there was no word to
for a second. Who would stand to gain from
define it, because “it” was not a thing. Half
women hating their bodies and believing they
a century ago, no one had even heard of
have a problem? Not women, that’s for sure!
cellulite, let alone identified it as a problem to
be gotten rid of. Today, we spend millions —
So what actually IS cellulite?
Beneath your skin, there is a layer of fat, held in place by fibrous tissue, which forms a kind of
net. Sometimes, fat cells get clumped together and pushed through the holes in this netting,
creating those visible bumps and dimples on your skin. The more fat you have, the more
is likely to get pushed through. Cellulite can affect both men and women, but it is more
common in females, due to the different distributions of fat, muscle, and connective tissue.
In women, the fat cells and connective tissue in this layer are arranged vertically. If the fat
cells protrude into the layer of skin, this gives the appearance of cellulite. In men, the tissue
has a criss-cross structure, which may explain why they are less likely to have cellulite than
women. Hormones also likely play an important role in cellulite development. Estrogen,
insulin, adrenaline, thyroid hormones, and prolactin are part of the cellulite production
process. One theory is that as estrogen in women decreases, in the approach to menopause,
blood flow to the connective tissue under the skin also decreases. Lower circulation means
less oxygen in the area, resulting in lower collagen production. Fat cells also enlarge as
estrogen levels fall.
These factors combine to make the fat deposits more visible, as the fat under the skin
protrudes through weakening connective tissue, the familiar dimpling effect results. Age
also causes the skin to become less elastic, thinner, and more likely to sag, which seems
to increase the chance of cellulite developing. There is virtually no way to honestly market
a cure for cellulite, because there is nothing to cure. The only way to reduce cellulite is to
reduce your fat. Reducing subcutaneous fat (fat under the skin) will mean having less fat
to push through the tissues. Fascia blasting could potentially help to break up the fat cells
that clump together, but only if this is what is causing your fat to protrude in the first place,
and which is why it only seems to work on a select number of people. To get rid of visible
cellulite, and make the skin seem smoother, you need to build up the muscles in your glutes,
hamstrings and legs. This will visibly smooth out the legs and make the area appear less
dimpled and wrinkled.
How does strength
training build muscle?
Strength training causes muscle damage in different ways. When a muscle is lengthened
and stretched, it suffers damage. This is most evident in a full squat position. When
you squat ass to the grass, the fibres on the glutes are stretched to the max, causing
microscopic tears to the muscle and connective tissues. This causes the body to react
in a similar way it would to infection, trying to heal and repair as fast as possible. The
result is more muscle tissue (kind of like scar tissue) which makes the muscle bigger. If
you were to rub a piece of sandpaper over the palm of your hand for a few minutes,
the skin would soon become raw and bloody. But when you stopped, the body would
immediately start healing the wound by creating scar tissue. This is what happens to
your muscles when they are damaged through training. Greater scar tissue equals bigger
muscles. If you continued to rub the sandpaper over your hand lightly every day, more
scar tissue would form. If you rubbed it harder, then stopped for a few days, more scar
tissue would form. The scar tissue would only continue to form if the damage continued
to be inflicted. This is how muscles are built through repeatedly training them.
The Sciency Bit
There are two main ways that muscle is damaged:
1. Metabolic stress
2. Mechanical stress
Metabolic Stress
Muscles respond to stimulus. Metabolic stress is caused by higher rep training with lower
rest periods. The more stimulus you apply to the muscle, the more damage will occur and
the more fibres will be built. Glute exercises that cause a deep burn in the muscles through
multiple repetitions will cause a huge amount of metabolic stress. These types of exercises
usually consist of short and fast movements that cause a burn in the glutes while they’re in
their shortened range and squeezing. A lot of reps can be performed, and you will really
feel your glutes being activated. This creates metabolic stress and cellular swelling, which
causes a muscle pump. Due to the lactic acid that is released into the muscle, you will feel a
huge burn. But metabolic stress doesn’t really cause a huge amount of muscle damage or
tearing of fibres, leaving you sore after training. The more muscles you tear, the greater the
DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) you will feel in the next day or two. This program is
designed to cause a lot of metabolic stress to the muscles, causing maximum damage over
the course of the training sessions, rather than inflicting a huge amount of damage in one
hard and heavy session.
Mechanical Stress
Mechanical stress is another form of hypertrophy (muscle growth) and is caused when a
muscle is either stretched or contracted. Combining both stretch and contraction causes
the greatest mechanical stress. The fastest and most efficient way to cause stress is to add
load and move it through a full range of motion with perfect form. Exercises like squats,
Bulgarian split squats, walking lunges etc, can all be performed with quite a heavy weight at
a full and large range of motion. In these exercises, the glutes work hardest at the bottom of
the rep in their lengthened and stretched position. These kinds of exercises need less reps as
they are performed with a heavier weight. So even though the glutes are working hard, you
won’t feel the burn as much, even though they will exert the most muscle damage and leave
you feeling the sorest, requiring much more rest between sessions. Many of the members
in the 18 Month Sculpt & Shred Program complain that they can’t feel their glutes working
during heavy hip thrusts. They expect to feel the “burn”. Mechanical stress rarely burns, but
does create the most damage to the muscle. You’ll feel metabolic stress the most during
the exercise, and you’ll feel mechanical stress the most after the exercise. The 8 Week Butt
Camp Program combines exercises that use both metabolic and mechanical stress, exerting
as much stress on the muscles as possible, to stimulate the greatest amount of growth. By
focusing on all parts of the glutes (upper, middle and lower) we will sculpt a damn near
perfect set of cheeks and a hot, shredded bod to flaunt in a tiny bikini.
The single most important factor in getting
results from any type of workout is challenging
your muscles and pushing them to a new
level at all times. It’s this lack of progressive
overload that is the #1 reason most of the
people who workout look pretty much the
same today as they did when they first started
working out. It is the main reason people fail
to see results, because they are no longer
challenging themselves. Doing the same
thing and expecting a different result is the
definition of insanity. Muscles grow bigger
and stronger in response to training stimulus.
What exactly is
progressive overload?
Simply put, in order to get bigger and
stronger, you must continually make your
muscles work harder than they’re used
to. Most often, that means increasing the
resistance, otherwise known as weight.
But that is not the only way to increase the
overload. Let’s say when you start lifting
you realise that, with a lot of effort, you can
squat 3 sets of 10 reps with 20, 30 & 40kg
on the bar. You’re proud of your efforts and
feel strong. Over time, you’ll get stronger
and your muscles will grow as a result. Soon
you realise that completing ten reps is no
longer a struggle. In the beginning, in your
final set, you introduced a weight (known as
an overload) of 40kg. But your muscles have
now adapted accordingly to this weight. If
you continue performing squats at 40kg
for 10 repetitions, don’t expect any further
gains. There’s no reason for your muscles
to grow larger or stronger as they’re already
capable of handling the force put upon
The 5 Main Types of Progressive Overload
1. Increased resistance
Probably the most obvious way to increase the demands you place on your muscles is
to increase the load, or weight. If single leg glute bridges are relatively easy, try placing a
dumbbell on top of your hips, in subsequent sets. If you find modified handstand push ups
too easy, try for a harder variation. Same with pull ups and rowing movements. There is
always a way to increase the resistance, even if it means balancing your partner or child on
you while you hip thrust! Remember though, there’s an inverse relationship between load
and reps. So when you increase the weight, your reps are going to decrease to some degree.
That’s OK, because soon enough, you’ll get stronger with that weight and be able to repeat
the cycle over again.
2. Increased reps
Even though load is king and the most effective way to progressively overload, you don’t
necessarily have to always add more weight to grow muscle tissue. You can switch it up by
simply doing more repetitions. Never stop a movement when you reach an arbitrary rep
count. Keep going until you can’t complete any more on your own with good form. You must
hit concrete muscle failure in the final set of every exercise. Ask yourself, if someone put a
gun to your head and instructed you to perform 10 or 20 more reps, could you? If the answer
is yes, then keep going. Exercise science indicates that at some point you will plateau in your
muscle gains if you focus solely on adding reps as progressive overload. So you wouldn’t
want to indefinitely keep adding reps as you get stronger, because those incremental gains at
some point would improve muscle endurance rather than muscle size. As soon as you can,
you should increase the resistance rather than simply trying to do more reps. Your reps
will come down, but it’ll keep you in that ideal range for hypertrophy.
3. Increased volume
Volume is simply sets multiplied by reps multiplied by resistance. By adding more sets (either
by doing more exercises or adding another set to your existing exercises), you’re making
progressively greater demands on your muscle tissue. That may mean adding in extra sets
for all the exercises in your routine. Another way to add more volume is to add more sets
from a slightly different angle, to emphasize a different area of the muscle.
Increasing the frequency with which you train a muscle group can increase the overload.
This technique works particularly well when targeting a lagging or weak body part such as
the glutes. The traditional approach to training a muscle group is to train it once or twice in
a seven day period. But the glutes are such a huge muscle group they actually benefit from
being trained more frequently, especially when used as a short-term strategy, switching up
the exercises so we are hitting them from all angles. In this program you will be training
glutes six days a week, which you’ve likely never done before. This is a huge form of
progressive overload, which will stimulate fabulous booty growth.
Lastly, to progressively overload you can decrease the amount of time you rest between
sets, asking more of your muscles and giving them less time to recover. This allows you to do
the same amount of work but in less time forcing your body to become more metabolically
efficient in weightlifting.
Training Structure
The training in this program is carried out over
six days, with the seventh day being an active
rest day. On this day you will still perform
cardio, but you will not strength train. The
glutes are such a huge muscle group that they
need to be worked several times per week
to stimulate growth. So instead of split body
parts, this program will use full body training,
allowing us to focus hard on the glutes. Full
body training will also push you into the fat
burning zone, meaning a greater calorie burn
per session. I have chosen five exercises per
session that place the most stress on the
muscle and work multiple muscle groups at
the same time. All the upper body exercises
are compound, multi joint exercises, meaning
that they give maximum bang for your buck.
The lower body exercises will primarily focus on glutes, hamstrings and quads, recruiting
other secondary muscle groups such as the abs and calves. Days 1, 3 and 5 will be full body
training, using mechanical stress to recruit and tear as many muscle fibres as possible,
exerting maximum damage. Days 2, 4 and 6 will focus solely on glutes, using metabolic stress
to burn out the muscle, stimulating growth. Training this way will mean you’ll get stronger
due to training frequency, without completely annihilating your central nervous system,
causing fatigue and extreme DOMS.
The breakdown is as follows:
Day Focus
1 Full body
3 Full body
5 Full body
7 Active rest
1 Quads
2 Upper body
3 Hamstrings/Glutes
4 Upper body
6 Upper body
These workouts will focus on hitting the glutes through the vertical, horizontal and diagonal
plains working the gluteus maximus, medius, and minimus muscles from all angles.
Equipment Needed
The equipment you need for this program is minimal. If you are training in the gym you can
certainly use a free bar or Smith machine for the hip thrusts, squats and lunges, or you can
switch up the equipment for variety. It is designed primarily to be done at home and the
exercise videos and equipment reflect this. If you have access to more equipment, then I
would encourage you to use it. The more load you can add to your exercises,
the better your results.
Here is a list of the equipment you will need to complete this program:
Optional Extras
Hip Thrust Machine
Thruster Bar
Weight Plates
Training Schedule
Strength Days
Days 1,3 & 5 are designed to be done in sets. This means that you perform one set of 12
reps then rest for a minute, then perform the next set of 12 reps. Repeat until all the sets are
complete. On the last set of the exercise, if you have not reached failure, keep going. Do not
stop because it says 12 reps. If you can perform 25, 30 or 50 reps, do it! You must reach total
muscle failure on the final set of each exercise.
Circuit Days
Days 2,4 & 6 are designed to be done as a circuit. Perform one set of the first exercise before
moving swiftly onto the next exercise with no rest. Perform all the exercises on the list for
the allocated number of reps, then rest for one minute. Repeat this 3-5 times. You do not
need to hit failure in the final exercise of this circuit. Stop once you’ve reached the allocated
number of reps. Always perform the maximum number of rounds that you can, working up
to completing five rounds as soon as possible as you work through the program.
Remember, the more you overload the muscle, the more it will grow! Always aim to do more.
More load, more reps, more volume or less rest.
Training VIDEOS
To view the training videos, please click on the name of the exercise. An
instructional video will open, showing you how to perform the exercise.
Handstand Push Up
4 12
Frog Pumps 3 30
Notes: Aim to progressively overload the muscles every week by either increasing
resistance (load) or adding more reps. Always perform the final set to total failure.
Notes: Do not rest between sets. Move swiftly from one exercise to the next. Rest no more
than 60 seconds between rounds. Be sure to move through the full range of motion every
DAY 3 - Click here to view the playlist for these exercises
Banded Lunge 4 15
Decline Press Up 3 10
Australian Pull Up 3 10
Notes: Aim to progressively overload the muscles every week by either increasing
resistance (load) or adding more reps. Always perform the final set to total failure.
Notes: Do not rest between sets. Move swiftly from one exercise to the next. Rest no
more than 60 seconds between rounds. Be sure to move through the full range of motion
every rep.
Day 5 - Click here to view the playlist for these exercises
Pulse Squats 3 20
Conventional Push Up 3 10
Notes: Aim to progressively overload the muscles every week by either increasing
resistance (load) or adding more reps. Always perform the final set to total failure.
Notes: Do not rest between sets. Move swiftly from one exercise to the next. Rest no more
than 60 seconds between rounds. Be sure to move through the full range of motion every
Day 7
Active Rest
Notes: Perform both sets of cardio on rest days, but do not strength train.
Cardio Overview
Although training with weights is important for building muscle and raising the
metabolism, it will not cause you to lose body fat.
Cardio (and nutrition) creates the calorie burn on this program, and it’s important that you
do it consistently and correctly to get the best results. It’s really not important what type of
cardio you do, as they will all burn calories. But it’s important that if you can, you choose slow
steady cardio for the duration of the program. When you perform slow steady cardio you not
only preserve muscle tissue, but burn fat effectively. HIIT style cardio can trigger the body’s
fight or flight response which causes it to release cortisol. If this happens, your body shuts
down fat burning and starts to break down muscle tissue into amino acids for energy, instead
of burning fat. The more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism. Muscle also gives
your body shape and muscular curves. You never want to risk burning off muscle tissue as it
takes far too long to build, and you’ll end up “skinny fat”. Slow steady cardio is more effective
because when you first start exercising, your body burns muscle glycogen as its first energy
source. However, very quickly it registers that the demands on your muscles aren’t great
enough to warrant using muscle glycogen, and it switches to its secondary energy source (fat
store) and you don’t risk your body releasing cortisol and breaking down muscle tissue. So
for about 50 mins of a 60 minute workout, you are burning pure fat. During cardio, especially
if you perform it fasted, it’s good (but not necessary) to drink water mixed with branched
chain amino acids (BCAA). Branched chain amino acids are made up from three important
aminos - Leucine, Isoleucine and Valine. As mentioned previously, if your body registers
stress, it will preserve fat stores for future energy, and break down muscle tissue. Muscle is
calorie hungry and unnecessary for long term survival. It breaks the muscle tissue down into
amino acids which are a very usable source of energy. Drinking BCAAs in your water means
that there is always a usable source of energy floating around your bloodstream,
should the body need it.
Recommended Cardio Options
Below is a list of the most effective cardio options. Any of these options is fine and it’s
also completely fine to mix and match your cardo. Personally, when shredding, I prefer to
do a stairmaster session in the morning and a big outdoor walk in the evening. However,
as I come close to the end of the shred, and closer to my goal, I often switch out the walk
for another stairmaster session. The reason for this is that my average heart rate when
walking fairly briskly, is 110 BPM which is below my fat burning zone. To bring it up into
the fat burning zone of 120-140 BPM, I would need to power walk, which I find to be quite
hard on my knees. It’s much easier to get into the fat burning zone if you are climbing stairs
(such as on the stairmaster) or walking uphill on a treadmill. This is due to the repetitive
nature of these exercises, and because they place less demand on your attention. If you are
walking outside you need to have your wits about you, and be thinking about traffic, other
passengers, your dog (if walking one) etc. When you are on a stationary exercise machine
you can watch an episode of something enjoyable and zone out. For me personally, it makes
a much more enjoyable session. I would rather make the arduous task of cardio as enjoyable
as possible.
Cardio Options
As long as your heart rate stays in the fat burning zone (of between 120-140BPM), your cardio
sessions can be any of the following:
Whatever cardio you choose, try to keep it the same every day. Even if, up until this point,
you have led a reasonably sedentary lifestyle, you’ll still be perfectly safe to follow this
program to the letter. A high intensity training session would leave you so sore that you
cannot move without pain for days. But with slow steady cardio it’s easy to perform, even if
you are sore from a workout. While interval training might be the superior cardio modality
for fat loss, it’s also extremely hard to motivate yourself to do. Are you honestly going to get
up and do your morning cardio session if you dread doing it? First and foremost, you need
to remember that the key role of exercise is to try and enjoy it as much as you possibly can,
or at least not make it so difficult that you dread doing it. This isn’t to say you should never
do an exercise that you don’t love. But try not to despise every second of a training session
because you will never stick with it if this is the case.
How to calculate your fat burning heart rate zone
While it is commonly believed that the range of 120 to 140 BPM is the best fat burning zone
for slow steady cardio, every person is different. Your particular fat burning zone depends
largely on your age and fitness level. It’s very easy to calculate the best heart rate zone for
you to effectively burn fat in slow steady cardio.
Your heart rate is best measured using some kind of wearable such as an Apple Watch or
a Fitbit. If you don’t have one of these and you’re not sure of your heart rate simply ask
yourself this question. Is it difficult to hold a conversation and do I have a thin film of sweat
on my back? If the answer is yes, then you are in the fat burning zone. Most people who walk
outside, simply don’t walk briskly enough. If your dog stops to sniff, pee and poop on your
cardio walks, leave him at home (sorry pooch). If you would like to be more precise with your
heart rate calculations, use the formula below to calculate your best heart rate.
Heart Rate Formula
To identify how hard you are working in your slow steady cardio workouts, we use the follow
Use these heart rate zones during training to adhere to prescribed intensities.
A 38 year old individual, attempting a workout intensity of 70%
MHR = 220 – 38 = 182
Multiply MHR by the Desired Intensity (70%)
182 X 0.70 = 127 BPM
If you don’t have a heart rate monitor, don’t panic. It’s very easy to determine if you’re in the
fat burning zone. Use this checklist to determine if you’re working hard enough:
Cardio Schedule
Week Cardio Duration
*Note - Most amino acids are made from animal hair and feathers. Make sure when
you search for supplements to purchase that you look for ones that are labelled vegan.
If you buy capsules, make sure they are free from gelatine.
Supplements are not essential, but science suggests that can give you the edge on getting
better results. Food and exercise are the most critical components in bodybuilding and will
get 99% of the results. But I’ve always used intelligent supplementation to give me the edge
in burning fat, and recovering quicker. There is very little science to back up the supplements
claims and a lot of it is anecdotal evidence. However, when I am pursuing a goal, if there
is even a small chance that supplements will help me to achieve results better or faster,
I’m there with bells on. None of the supplements I recommend are stimulants, apart from
caffeine and green tea extract. And if you have to leave them out, that is totally fine. Caffeine
isn’t designed to give you energy for your workout, it’s designed to boost the metabolism.
In the beginning you may feel a little giddy on caffeine if you’re not used to it. But you will
very quickly acclimate if you persist in taking it. You can even start with smaller doses than
recommended here and build up over time. Or you can leave it out completely. However,
for the best possible results, I recommend sticking as closely to the protocol as possible.
Nothing here is harmful to the body and all of the aminos are naturally occuring in the body
or in food. Everything I teach has been tested on my own body, which has been the product
of hundreds of hours of research and training. Every single part of it is intended to help you
achieve your best physique.
Protein Powder
Protein powder is always a sticking point with those who come into my programs and are
new to bodybuilding. People mistakenly assume that if a program is marketed as vegan, that
it naturally fits their definition of healthy. Note, I said “their” definition of healthy because
healthy is subjective, and everyone’s definition is different. Every time we launch a program,
we get customers who say they don’t want to take protein powder because it “isn’t real food”.
They usually come from a whole food background, or a “no oil” diet, or some other fad that
has been sweeping the world. In my life, I’ve always worked by a few guiding principles.
Don’t cut out any macro groups (such as fat “no oil” or carbs “keto”)
Don’t buy into any “fad” diets such as intermittent fasting, Keto, Paleo, celery juicing
Eat to serve my goals, whilst never knowingly sacrificing my health
Don’t become hung up on “my way” being the “only way”
Eat as much whole food as possible, and supplement where not possible
Fat Burning - Caffeine
Although caffeine can help to stimulate you
during your workout, working with the central
nervous system to increase alertness and focus,
it also causes your body to burn more calories by
raising the metabolism. Even more interesting,
caffeine can stop the body from storing fat by
attaching to the receptors on fat cells, while at
the same time encouraging it to release energy
from fat tissue to use as fuel. This is why I love
caffeine as a fat burner. Like any stimulant, it
might take a few days to get used to it. But the
stimulant effects soon wear off and you won’t
even notice the effects. At the end of the shred
you can usually just cut the caffeine out again
with no side effects. Contrary to what you might
think, there is usually no withdrawal period. Take
1-2 caffeine tablets in the morning or before
Muscle repair - Branched Chain General health - Vitamin B
Amino Acids (BCAA) Complex
Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) are a Vitamin B Complex improves energy levels,
group of three essential amino acids: Leucine, nerve conduction, concentration and much
Isoleucine and Valine. BCAA supplements are more! I recommend that everyone take this
commonly taken in order to boost muscle supplement for general health as it is easily
growth and enhance exercise performance. depleted with stress, caffeine and alcohol.
They may also help with weight loss and Your supplement should have 100% of the
reduce fatigue after exercise. Try to purchase RDA of each of the B Vitamins. Take 100mg
this as a separate supplement. You never per day.
want to purchase supplements that are pre-
mixed as you’re never sure of the amounts
General health - Magnesium
you’re getting per scoop. Take 2-3 scoops
Magnesium helps to regulate muscle
(or as directed on the packet) in 1 litre of
contraction and relaxation for muscle cramps
water and sip while you work out, and
and spasms. It regulates blood pressure
throughout the day. You can also drink
and cholesterol and strengthens the bones
during morning cardio.
by improving bone mineral density. It also
plays an important role in carbohydrate
Muscle repair - L Glutamine metabolism as it influences the release and
L Glutamine minimizes the breakdown activity of cortisol and insulin, the hormone
of muscle tissue and improves protein that helps control blood glucose sugar levels.
metabolism for use after prolonged exercise. It also supports the adrenals, production
Glutamine can also be taken first thing in of hormones, regulates nerve conduction
the morning to help rebuild the lining of by maintaining the myelin sheath around
the digestive system. This helps to maintain the nerves, activates vitamins C and E, and
the gut barrier function, intestinal cell is used for protein synthesis. If you are
proliferation and differentiation, as well as constipated, taking magnesium before bed
generally reducing the symptoms of leaky gut will draw water into the bowel and make you
or irritable bowel. Take 5-10g post workout more regular. Take 1000-3000mg per day
or before bed. (before bed preferably).
Nutrition Overview
and so must work a little harder in 8 weeks,
to achieve similar results. However, you
should also be realistic about the weight you
will expect to lose over 8 weeks. It would not
be unreasonable for someone who was quite
overweight to lose around 20-30lbs of fat or
more in 8 weeks, if they worked extremely
hard. For someone around 25% body fat,
you could easily expect to get down to about
16-20% on this program, if you follow the
nutrition to the letter. I’m not going to sugar
coat it for you. The food you will be eating on
this plan will be repetitive and boring.
A story from the winner of the Jailhouse Shred
The winner of the Jailhouse Shred program recently shared a story. She joined a previous
four week shred program and when she read it over, thought that she wouldn’t follow the
nutrition plan exactly, and instead just eat less. She didn’t think it would affect her results
that much when she saw how much exercise she would be doing on the plan (which was
a huge amount in comparison to what she was currently doing). Yet, when she compared
her before and after photos after 4 weeks, she had made very little progress, especially in
comparison to those who reached the final ten. She realised that the mistake she had made
was not following the nutrition plan. She had underestimated its importance, choosing
instead to focus on the cardio and strength aspects, believing that this would be enough to
give her great results. When she entered the Jailhouse Shred competition, which was a similar
four week program, she vowed that she would follow the plan 100% to the letter. She did
not deviate from one single morsel of food, nor miss one training or cardio session, And her
results were quite simply astounding. In four weeks she lost 20lbs of fat and her body looked
completely and utterly different. She didn’t train any more intensely and in fact, was doing
one hour less slow steady cardio per day than she had been doing in the other program! She
ended up making the biggest transformation and winning the $5000 prize money.
Never underestimate the importance of nutrition. A 7km brisk walk, which takes around 1
hour 20 minutes, will only burn around 350 cal. Yet, you could eat 350 cal in a handful of nuts
or one cookie, without even realising it! Our Jailhouse Shred winner above decided to do her
first competition by eating intuitively and not following the meal plan. But unless you truly
understand the calorie content of food, which only comes from years of weighing, measuring
and tracking, you will never be able to eat intuitively because you simply do not have the
experience. Eating intuitively means that rather than counting every calorie, you know from
experience how many calories you are consuming at each meal and how many calories you
need to eat to lose fat. If you are not an experienced dieter (and very few are), then
tracking nutrition is of paramount importance and you must weigh everything.
Calories & macros on this plan
When I create a meal plan, the first thing I do is decide how many calories I will eat and
what the macro split will be. I always choose a higher protein and lower carbohydrate
macro split when dieting, simply because this has always worked well for me. Protein is
thermogenic meaning that it creates work for the body to digest, ultimately burning more
calories. Carbohydrates are much more likely to be converted to fat if not used as energy
straight away. It is extremely difficult (if not impossible) for the body to convert protein to
fat. Protein also keeps you feeling fuller for longer so you will not actually feel like you are
dieting. The macro split on this plan is set at 45% protein, 25% fat and 30% carbohydrate.
I don’t like cutting too much fat out of my diet unless I am on a very strict and short shred
timeline. Higher protein also keeps you feeling fuller for longer. I have created the meal plan
for this program in such a way that you should aim to eat your largest carbohydrate meals
before and after training. (Training meaning strength training, not cardio.) Cardio does
not use muscle glycogen when done in a slow steady state. This is because after about 10
minutes your body recognises that the energy demand is not great enough to risk wasting
precious muscle glycogen, so it switches over to its secondary energy source which is fat. So
even though the meal plans are structured with five meals per day, it’s up to you to change
the order of the food to suit your own training schedule. If you prefer to train in the morning
I would recommend eating carbs after your morning cardio session - but before strength
training - and then again after your strength training session. For the rest of the day you can
fill up on green cruciferous vegetables with your meals as this will keep you feeling full but
not risk conversion to fat.
Green cruciferous veg and carbs
Many people who are new to my shred programs get worried by the lack of white, starchy
carbohydrates, but this is simply a case of misinformation and inexperience. You can
get adequate carbohydrates from green cruciferous vegetables and carbs do not need to
come from bread, pasta, rice and grains. People panic and think that they are going to be
hypoglycemic, low on energy or starving, but this is just social conditioning. We are not used
to vegetables being the star of the show when we eat. But when you change this mindset and
fill 50% of your plate with green cruciferous vegetables and the other 50% with plant-based
protein, your whole perspective changes. You realise that you are not hypoglycemic, you have
heaps of energy and you are not starving all the time. Actually it is the overconsumption of
white starchy carbohydrates that makes us hungry. Green cruciferous vegetables are full of
fibre. Fibre is not broken down by the small intestine and converted into energy via the liver,
because the small intestine cannot digest fibre as it is designed to create poop. That’s why it
is known as roughage. Something only makes it into your bloodstream if it is broken down in
the small intestine and absorbed through the intestinal wall. And if it does not make it into
your bloodstream then it cannot be converted into energy and used or stored as fat. That is
why low calorie drinks or sugar free drinks do not cause you to store body fat, because the
calories are not absorbed into the bloodstream. Calorie free drinks contain sugar alcohols
which cannot be broken down in the small intestine and so are passed through to the large
colon, where they are fermented. The side-effect of this fermentation is that they cause a lot
of gas and persistent bloating if consumed regularly.
The reason you can eat a lot of green vegetables and not put on body fat is because a large
amount of the vegetable is passed through the small intestine into the large intestine and
then passed out as poop. So not only will you feel full, you will also have a very healthy
digestive system. Unfortunately, the side-effect of eating a lot of green cruciferous vegetables
is gas, especially in the early days. This is because anything that is not digested in the small
intestine and is passed through to the large intestine, can only be broken down through
fermentation. And everybody knows that fermentation causes gas! It does pass after a week
or two, so I would encourage you to stick with it and not panic. Your gut will create a whole
new and healthy microbiome, which will improve your digestion, skin, hair, nails, energy levels
and so much more! Many people start to worry when they first join one of my programs,
thinking that they are doing something incorrectly or that they are damaging their digestive
system. The reality is that your body has to adjust to a whole new way of eating and digesting
food, and you can always expect that there will be side-effects. Bloating, gas and either
constipation or frequent pooping are very common side-effects in the first few weeks. That’s
why it is imperative that you also drink a huge amount of water to keep everything flowing
The food on this plan will consist of whole, nutritious foods that are calorically light but
nutritionally dense. For accuracy, it’s imperative that the food is simple and trackable. We
will not be cooking a lot of casseroles, stews or other “one pot” foods (apart from simple
ingredient soups) because they do not make for accurate tracking. You cannot know how
many calories are in each serving because each serving is not equal and there will always be
slight variations. Instead, I have chosen foods for energy, fat loss and digestion. Beans and
lentils, which are an incredible source of both protein and carbs, are broken down very slowly
due to how much of the bean is fibre (and therefore not absorbed by the small intestine).
They are filling and nutritious, without promoting fat gain. Green cruciferous (already
discussed) will bulk out all your meals and give you energy, without spiking blood sugar.
White carbs will be reserved for pre and post workout as they are broken down quickly as
energy and fed to the muscles. Fats will be limited to very healthy fats such as olive oil,
avocados and sugar free nut butters.
Why no fruit?
The Importance of Water
On this program you should aim to drink 2-3L of water daily. This will help your digestive
system to function efficiently and also help your body to flush out extra water that
may accumulate in fat cells once your body has depleted them of fat. Many people get
disheartened if they step on the scale after a week and realise they haven’t lost any weight.
Firstly, quite often their expectations are not in line with what’s realistic. Secondly, they don’t
realise that when the body uses fat stores as energy, it fills the fat cells with water to replace
the fat and keep the cells plump and ripe for more storage. It takes around 10-12 days for
this water to dissipate and the fat cells to shrink. Fat cells very rarely die, but simply shrink.
But they will first fill up with water, which makes your scale weight the same, or even more,
than it was when you started. Do not be disheartened by this, and try not to weigh yourself.
No matter how much I say this everyone always weighs themselves because we are a nation
of scale addicts.
It’s a nasty habit that will cause you untold misery and actually, means very little in the world
of bodybuilding. But if you ignore my advice and insist on weighing yourself, know that
you shouldn’t expect to lose any scale weight in the first week or two. The magic happens
in weeks three and four. Drinking 2-3L of water daily will also keep your digestive system
functioning efficiently. It is common on this shred to experience flatulence caused by
increased protein and fibre consumption. It can be uncomfortable for a few days as your
body adjusts, but it does pass with time. Drinking a huge amount of water will keep the
digestive system flushed with fluid and help things to move along through the colon. Adding
Liquid Ionic Magnesium to your water, or taking a magnesium supplement before bed
each night will also draw water into the bowel, stop any constipation, and help to eliminate
bloating. The shorter time food stays in your large intestine (where it is fermented, which
causes the gas), the least amount of discomfort you will experience.
Prescriptive Meal Plans
or Create Your Own?
This program offers you two different options when it comes to planning your food. You can
follow the prescriptive meal plans for simplicity and ease, or you can create your own using
the calculations provided. Please choose only ONE option (don’t try to combine the two).
Only choose the prescriptive meal plans if: Only choose to calculate your own macros
if any of the following apply:
1. If you are completely new to macros,
calories and tracking. 1. You are an experienced athlete who is
2. You are 28-30% body fat or more. familiar with macros and calories.
3. You like a “done for you” resource. 2. You are under 18% body fat (as your
4. You know you’ll be more likely to follow macros should be more precise).
through and remain consistent, if it’s 3. You are an under eater, and have been
planned out for you already. consistently eating less than 15o0 calories.
5. You are prone to bingeing, snacking or are 4. You want to learn the fundamentals of
a perpetual “failed” dieter. tracking.
5. You have allergies or intolerances which
prohibit you from using the meal plan.
Again, these are just guidelines and you may choose whatever suits you best. Even if you are
under 18% body fat, the prescriptive meal plans will still work very well for you. If you are
over 180lbs however, I would not recommend that you calculate your own macros. The
calculations are designed for someone who is relatively lean already, and not carrying a lot of
fat. Those who are lean but relatively heavy on the scale, have more muscle than those who
are are overweight. The more muscle you have the more calories your body can consume,
simply because muscle is calorie hungry. A woman weighing 150lbs who is 17% body fat will
have a much higher calorie intake than a woman who weighs 150lbs and is 30% body fat.
This is because the lower body fat woman has more muscle to feed. If you weigh 180lbs and
are 5’2, calculating your own macros will push your calories up too high, meaning you will not
be eating in a calorie deficit and will not get the results you deserve.
What if you are overweight and have allergies?
What should you do if you are very overweight, but also have allergies and cannot use the
meal plan, nor follow the macro calculations? Follow this formula:
Macro percentages:
Protein 45%
Carbohydrate 30%
Fat 25%
Simply enter the calories into My Fitness Pal and change the percentage macro split to
45% protein, 30% carbs and 25% fat and use that as the basis of creating your meal plans.
Unfortunately, as much as we try to cater to all needs, this is not a personalised program and
we simply could not provide separate calculations for every single person, taking into account
food choices and allergies. One thing I do know however, is that where there is a will, there
is a way. So if you find that you need further help that is not given here in the PDF, I invite
you to ask advice in the Facebook Group, where the coaches are on hand to assist you. Just
keep in mind though, that although they are there to advise, they are not there to create
personalised plans for members.
How to create your own meal plan calculations
Your success on this program will largely be due to your willingness to eat the same food
every day. The reason that bodybuilders don’t eat recipes that combine a lot of ingredients
is that it makes it very hard to track. You can certainly weigh all of the food that goes into
a recipe and divide it into six portions, but you will never know the exact macros of that
portion. Bodybuilding and shredding is a science. It’s also mathematical in nature. You
must consistently burn more calories than you consume. The bigger the deficit, the bigger
the fat loss, as long as you keep the metabolism roaring along with regular meals and re-
feed days. For best results on this program simply eat whole, nutritious foods that are easy
to track. Weigh absolutely everything that goes into your mouth. Don’t guess a teaspoon of
something, weigh it (especially peanut butter!). Measure the plant milk that you put in your
coffee and track the calories. Avoid Starbucks or takeaway coffee, unless it is black, don’t eat
sandwiches from the local deli.
Use the following formulas to calculate your exact macronutrient requirements. Sit down
with a pen, paper and a calculator to work this out. Then, download an app on your device
called My Fitness Pal, This app will allow you to track all your food daily. If you are new to
tracking, this can seem very daunting at first. DO NOT PANIC. Read and re-read this section
again until you understand it. Commit to playing around with the numbers and plan your
food in advance, for maximum success.
Daily Macro Requirements
Weeks 1-8: 1 g per pound of body weight
Weeks 1-8: 0.3 g per pound of body weight
Weeks 1-2: 1 g per pound of body weight
Weeks 3-4: 0.8g per pound of body weight
Weeks 5-6: 0.7 g per pound of body weight
Weeks 7-8: 0.6 g per pound of body weight
Kim weighs: 148lbs
Protein: 148 g daily
Fat: 44 g daily
Carbs: Weeks 1-2 148 g daily
Weeks 3-4 118 g daily
Weeks 5-6 103 g daily
Weeks 7-8 89 g daily
* I have listed the calories here only because everyone always asks what they are set at when
they choose this option. It’s important not to focus on calories, but to focus on the macros
above. The macros will keep you feeling full for longer due to the high protein content, and
will keep you burning fat. It’s the macros that are important, not the calories on this plan.
Refeed Day Macro Requirements
Once a week, on any day of your choice, you will have a higher carbohydrate refeed day
to maintain leptin levels and boost the metabolism. I like to have my refeed day on my rest
day from strength training, but you can have it whenever you choose. You have the choice to
follow the refeed meal plan below or create your own. This is a day when you can be a little
more relaxed and I don’t want you to stress or micro manage it. Try to hit your protein and
carb requirement, and don’t worry too much about fat. Also, don’t be tempted to skip the
refeed day thinking that you’ll enhance your results. Conversely, skipping the refeed day or
cutting back on the recommended carbs will actually hinder your progress, not help it. You
need the carbs to keep leptin levels high and keep the metabolism roaring along. The years
when I have skipped big refeed days when prepping, are the years when I have suffered the
most emotionally and physically. You always have a fear that a refeed day will undo all your
hard work. It wont, trust me. It will give you exactly what you need, when you need it, both
physically and emotionally. So please just follow the plan exactly as laid out and trust the
Weeks 1-8: 1 g per pound of body weight
Weeks 1-8: 0.3 g per pound of body weight
Weeks 1-8: 2 g per pound of body weight
Kim weighs 148lbs
Protein: 148 g on refeed day
Fat: 44 g on refeed day
Carbs: 296 g on refeed day
Calories: 2172 cal
How to Meal Plan
The best way to get results on this program is to plan and cook a full week’s worth of meals
on a weekend. This may take you 2-3 hours but it will save you 10 hours during the week and
countless headaches. When you are hungry, you will make bad food choices. You will find
it hard to resist the urge to snack while you prepare yourself food. Or you may find yourself
stuck in a place outside the home where you do not have access to food options that suit
your diet, and so you’ll cheat on your diet and then beat yourself up afterwards.
Here are the exact steps to create a meal plan a-la-athlete style:
1. Open the app My Fitness Pal and plan one day’s food to hit your macros. Enter first your
protein for each meal including protein shakes, then add the carbs, and finally add in
the fats. Add and take away amounts until you hit your macros. Save this one day in
2. Multiply the amounts needed of each ingredient for that day by seven days. So if in your
day you planned to eat 200g of sweet potato, write 1400g sweet potato on your shopping
list. Continue to do this for each item.
3. Go shopping and purchase all the items needed.
4. Lay out all the ingredients and weigh them to ensure you have the correct amounts.
Weigh EVERYTHING, even fats used to cook with. Do not guess. Weigh vegetables after
they have been chopped and peeled.
5. Batch cook the food by steaming, baking or sauteing until you have seven days worth of
each food.
6. Lay out containers for breakfast, lunch and dinner for seven days. There will be twenty-
one containers in total.
7. Divide the food evenly between the containers. You do not need to re-weigh them at this
point, although you can if you wish as it’s good practice.
8. Allow to cool and put 3 days worth of food in the fridge and the rest in the freezer.
9. Defrost the food as needed, the day before.
10. Buy a meal prep bag to carry with you, and pack it each morning before you leave.
When you plan one week of nutrition you do not need to track every morsel of food that
passes your lips, and you also do not need to track daily. Eating the same food everyday for
one week may seem boring, but with the intensity of the training in this program you will
actually be thankful for the simplicity. The last thing you want to be thinking about is creating
new meals every day and preparing food on top of your already busy schedule. Remember,
this program is not designed to be exciting, it’s designed to be effective. Most athletes eat
the same boring food every day because they are eating for results, not pleasure. Consider
this program to be like your job. You get up everyday and go to work even if you don’t enjoy it
because you know that it is essential for your success in life. Try to reframe your nutrition in
the same way and you will enjoy incredible levels of success.
Proteins, Carbs
and Fat
The food on this program will be simple and Protein
repetitive. You will learn to appreciate simple
flavours and whole, nutritious food. Use this • Tofu
time to experiment with different ways to • Tempeh
cook the simple ingredients without adding • Seitan
extra calories. If creating your own meal • Soy meat subs
plan, try to stick to the following foods: • Sunflower mince/hache
Carbohydrates Fats
The Meal Plans
I have never been a fan of prescriptive meal plans.
I believe that you are better to learn how to track yourself so that you can fall back on
this skill in the future. However, I know that many of you are super busy and just want to
be told what to do. With this in mind, I have created four meal plans that you can follow
to the letter, with no planning or tracking. What you cannot do is mix and match
the meal plans. They are created very specifically to macros and calories, and mixing
and matching would create a mutant meal plan that might be too high in calories for
what you need to get results. Meal planning is an exact science. You add and subtract
proteins, carbs and fats until you have a perfect balance of what you need. The meal
plans are based on four calorie counts: 1500 for weeks one and two, 1400 for weeks
three and four, 1300 for weeks five and six, and 1200 for weeks seven and eight. These
quantities seem low, but they need to be to get results. Also, don’t forget two things.
First is that you’re getting a higher calorie refeed day per week where your calories
will be around 2100. Second, green cruciferous vegetables from the list above, are
considered free foods. You can eat as many of these as you like to combat hunger and
keep energy levels high.
Will it be boring? Quite possibly. But I’m not here to entertain you,
I’m here to get you results.
Keep a big box of steamed green vegetables and salad greens in the fridge, and snack on
them when hungry. They may seem unappetising when you’re hungry, but you’ll soon learn
to appreciate and enjoy them. Lightly dip veg in mustard or sprinkle with salt, spices and
lemon juice. Stay away from high sugar hot sauces, oils and marinades as these will have
too many calories. The meal plans are created in such a way that it doesn’t matter if you’re
110lbs or 220lbs, they will work across the board. Obviously the food will vary depending on
where you live in the world and what is available. The important thing is not to worry if you
can get the exact product or hit the exact macros. Consistency is important, not perfection. If
you are a few grams out it’s not going to make a huge amount of difference in the long run.
Progress on this program and any other is about consistently staying within a close
range of your macros, not hitting them perfectly every single day.
Because the timing of nutrients is important for strength and recovery I have included the
recommended training times with meal plans below. Of course, if these do not suit your
schedule you are free to ignore them. The times are only suggestions as to what might work
best in a perfect schedule. However it’s not important that you perform this perfectly but that
you perform it consistently. Consistency beats perfection every single time. Try to adhere
as closely as possible to the food plan and exercise timings as listed below. But please do
not panic or stress if you are not able to. Just do the best you can with what you’ve got and
whatever you do, aim to do it consistently.
Meal Plan Notes
1. Where a recipe calls for a vegan protein macros are excellent. It’s very low in
such as tofu, tempeh or seitan, you can calories with a very high protein content.
replace with any lean meat substitute. If your budget does not allow you to
The substitute must have more than 15g purchase this protein powder, simply look
protein and less than 5g carbs and fat per for one with similar macros per scoop
100g. This is a general rule of thumb. (25g weight per scoop). Those lower
calories really do make all the difference.
2. Different countries will have different
options available, and it’s impossible to Average Wondershake Macros
create a meal plan that suits every single • 21g protein
person in the world. Use your smarts, do • 0.7g fat
a bit of research into the macros of foods, • 1.3g carbs
and substitute as best you can. • 89 calories
3. Some appropriate subs for tofu (or any 7. Where the meal plans call for vegan
other protein on this plan) would be: burger patties, look for one that has
similar macros to the Naked Glory ones in
• Quorn/soya chicken chunks or strips the UK.
• Sunflower mince
• Tempeh Average Burger Macros per Patty
• Seitan • 16g protein
• 8.7g fat
4. When choosing tofu, always use extra • 9.9g carbs
firm, unless stated otherwise. Silken • 191 calories
tofu is much higher in fat than extra firm
tofu. Choose organic where possible for 8. Always follow the meal plans, not the
everything you consume. recipes. If the recipe makes 280g but the
meal plan states you should eat 200g,
5. I have created 8 different meal plans at follow the meal plan. The quantities of
four different macro and calorie counts. protein will change depending on the
If you like one more than the other, balance of the macros. If the meal plan
simply eat that one for both weeks that states the name of the recipe, eat one
you are at those calories. All the meals portion of that recipe.
are designed to be simple and can be
prepared in advance and either reheated 9. Always weigh food uncooked, unless the
or eaten cold. recipe states otherwise. 100g of cooked
rice is weighed after cooking. 50g dried
6. The protein recommended on this plan lentils is weighed before cooking. Tofu is
is Wondershake by The Protein Works. always weighed before cooking and after
The reason I recommend this is that the draining/pressing.
For this launch we have teamed up with The Protein Works to bring
you some epic discounts.
Enter the code below at checkout to save 50% on all Protein Works products!
8 Week Meal Plans
Week 1 1500 calories
Post Workout 2 scoops protein powder, blended with ice and water
Week 3 1400 calories
Week 6 1300 calories
Refeed Day 2172 calories
8 Week Meal
• 3 scoops TPW Strawberries & Cream • 20g dried weight quick cook oatmeal (not
Wondershake steel cut or jumbo oats)
• 10g oatmeal • 1 scoop TPW vanilla wondershake protein
• 60g banana powder
• 6 pecan nuts • 50g blueberries
• 200ml light soya milk • Sprinkle of cinnamon
• 2 medium strawberries
• 6 cubes ice Method
Place the oats in a saucepan and cover with
Method water. Cook over a medium heat until soft
Place all the ingredients in a high speed and creamy, then add the protein powder.
blender and blend until smooth. Serve Stir well and add more water little by little,
immediately or keep in the fridge for later. until smooth and creamy. You can use a
whisk to make sure the powder is broken
down well. Once cooked, pour into a bowl,
top with the blueberries and cinnamon and
eat immediately. *Note - 20g might seem like
a very small amount, but once cooked with
the protein powder added, it makes a much
larger quantity.
Post Workout Fuel Smoothie
Serves 1
Blend together in a high speed blender and
serve immediately, or keep in the fridge for
Vegan Cauliflower Curry Soup Method
Serves 3 Have all your veggies chopped and
ingredients ready to go. The first few steps
• 1 red onion, diced are quick. Add the onion and ginger to a
• 1 ½ inch peeled and minced fresh ginger medium pot with a splash of water over
• 5 large cloves garlic, minced medium heat. Bring to a simmer and cook
• 1 tablespoon curry powder 5-8 minutes until tender, stirring often. Add
• ½ teaspoon garam masala (optional) the garlic and cook for another couple of
• 600ml water minutes. Add the curry powder and garam
• 400ml canned “lite” coconut milk masala (if using) and cook about 30 seconds,
• 4 tbsp tomato paste stirring constantly, until fragrant and they
• 450g frozen cauliflower florets absorb the moisture.
• 1 teaspoon salt Add the tomato paste, water, coconut milk
• 100g frozen chopped spinach and salt and stir well until all the paste is
evenly dissolved. Stir in the cauliflower.
Bring to a high boil, cover and reduce the
heat to medium and simmer for 10-15
minutes until the cauliflower is tender.
Add the spinach and cook for another 3-5
minutes, stirring until wilted. Allow the soup
to sit for about 10 minutes. The soup is
piping hot, so letting it sit this time allows it
to cool a bit and also it will thickens up more
as it sits to the perfect consistency. Taste and
add any salt if needed or a squeeze of lemon,
if desired.
Blended Broccoli Soup Lentil Soup
Serves 4 Serves 4 (Makes 8 cups)
Method Method
In a large pan heat the oil and sauté the Warm the oil in the soup pan over a medium
onions and garlic for 1-2 minutes. Stir in heat and add the onion and celery. Fry for
the broccoli and salt and sauté until bright about 3-4 minutes until soft and translucent,
green in colour, then cover and cook over a then add the garlic and cook for 1 minute
medium heat for 5 minutes. Add the spinach more.
and basil and recover for another 5 minutes. Add the lentils and stir well, then pour in the
Transfer to a food processor, or blender, stock. Reduce the heat and simmer, covered
with one cup of stock and blend until smooth. for around 20 minutes or until the lentils are
Return to the pan and add the remaining almost tender. Add the tomato, cover and
stock and the almond milk. cook for another 15 minutes. Remove from
the heat and stir in the vinegar and salt to
taste. Stir the coriander through and serve in
warmed bowls.
Tofu Quinoa Scramble Simple Scrambled Tofu
Method Method
Cook the quinoa by placing the dried quinoa Pour the water into a non stick skillet and
into a saucepan and covering with double heat over a medium heat. Add the shallots or
the amount of vegetable broth to water onion and garlic and cook until translucent.
ratio. Bring to the boil, turn the heat down
Sprinkle over the turmeric. Squeeze the tofu
to a gentle simmer, and allow to simmer for
in between your hands to get rid of excess
10 minutes. Take off the heat and tip into a
sieve, then rinse under cold water. Set aside. water then crumble into the hot pan. Cook
for about 5-7 minutes over a very high heat
Pour the garlic oil into a non stick skillet. to crisp up the outsides. Sprinkle over the
Squeeze the tofu in between your hands to nutritional yeast and black salt. Stir well and
get rid of excess water then crumble into serve.
the hot oil. Sprinkle over the tamari. Cook
for about 5-7 minutes over a very high heat
to crisp up the outsides. Sprinkle over the
nutritional yeast. Add the frozen peas and
cook for 2 minutes more, before adding
the cooked quinoa. Stir well until quinoa is
cooked through then serve. Add more tamari
if required.
Chili & Coriander Tofu Method
Serves 2 Heat ½ the oil in a large, non-stick skillet or
frying pan with deep sides until hot, but not
• 280g extra firm tofu smoking. Add the onions, garlic and chilli
• 6 spring (green) onions, finely sliced
and cook for around 5 minutes until soft.
• 2 chillies, sliced with seeds intact
Remove from the pan and set aside. Add the
• 1 clove garlic, chopped
• 30g coriander (cilantro), stalks and leaves rest of the oil to the pan and turn the heat up
finely chopped high (but do not let it smoke).
• 1 tbsp oil (or garlic oil)
• 2 tbsp light soy sauce or liquid aminos Slice the tofu packet around three sides, and
• 2 tbsp nutritional yeast squeeze the excess liquid out over a sink,
• Lime wedge, to serve using your hands. Remove from the packet
and still using your hands, crumble the tofu
into the hot oil, breaking up a little more
with a wooden spoon. Sprinkle over the light
soy sauce (or aminos if using) and stir well.
Continue to cook the tofu, turning frequently
until it crisps up on all sides. When cooked
well, return the onion, garlic and chilli
mixture to the pan and combine with the
tofu. Sprinkle over the nutritional yeast and
stir well, Add the coriander and cook for a
further 2-3 minutes. Serve with a lime wedge
to squeeze over.
Teriyaki Tempeh and Broccoli Method
Serves 4 Whisk together all ingredients for the teriyaki
sauce in a small bowl and set aside. In a
• 2 tbsp olive oil large skillet over medium-low heat brown the
• 225g tempeh, cut into ¼ inch strips tempeh strips in a small amount of oil, adding
• 2 tbsp nutritional yeast flakes more oil, a little at a time, as necessary to
• 225 broccoli florets keep the pan from drying out.
• 4 garlic cloves, sliced thin
Once tempeh is golden brown in color, add
Teriyaki Sauce teriyaki sauce and nutritional yeast and mix
• 1 tbsp olive oil to coat tempeh. Add broccoli and garlic to the
• 3 tbsp tamari or soy sauce pan. Simmer mixture for about 10 minutes,
• ½ tbsp maple syrup turning occasionally. Remove from heat
• 2 cloves of garlic, minced once broccoli is tender-crisp and bright in
• ½ teaspoon fresh ginger, grated or minced color. Serve immediately with steamed green
Chickpea and Spinach Curry
Serves 4
Put the onion, garlic, ginger and tomatoes in
a food processor, or blender, and whizz to a
purée. Heat oil in a large pan. Add the spices,
fry for a few secs and add purée and yeast
extract. Bubble together for 2 mins, then add
lentils and coconut cream. Cook until lentils
are tender, then add the broccoli and cook
for 4 mins. Stir in chickpeas and spinach
and squeeze over lemon. Serve with a large
green salad or green vegetables.
Serves 4
Combine the carrot and cabbage and store in
an airtight container. Just before serving, add
the vegan mayo, If you add the mayo at the
time of prep, it will split and go runny. Only
add when serving.
Congratulations! You have reached the end of 8 weeks of intense work and
shredding. It’s phenomenal that you’ve come this far. So what do you do now?
Definitely it’s time to put your feet up and enjoy some time with family, delicious
food, a celebratory glass of wine (if that is your thing) and a lot of sleep. But
what about when that loses it’s sparkle?