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Dae Cit 3nd Year Outline Course Design by Fayaz Tareen

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Design By Fayaz Tareen

Swedish College Design By Fayaz Tareen

DAE Electronics Technology

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Design By Fayaz Tareen
Swedish College Design By Fayaz Tareen

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Design By Fayaz Tareen
Swedish College Design By Fayaz Tareen

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Design By Fayaz Tareen
Swedish College Design By Fayaz Tareen

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Design By Fayaz Tareen
Swedish College Design By Fayaz Tareen

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Design By Fayaz Tareen
Swedish College Design By Fayaz Tareen

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Swedish College Design Design
By Fayaz
By FayazTareen

Course Code: Eng 311 T P C

Course Title: Technical Report Writing 1 0 1

Third English course in this technology program. It aims to provide students with opportunity to
sharpen their skills in using the English language through writing technical reports. It covers the
basics of technical writing, techniques, document design, applications of technical writing and oral
reports. It is theory class.

Course Objectives

At the end of the course the students are expected to be able to

 Understand the basic techniques of technical writing.
 Use these techniques to write readable technical report
 Compose and write technical reports
 Present effective oral reports
 Write legibly in English language
 Integrate English language as second language


Contents Hours

1. Introduction to Technical Writing 2

1.1. Substance of Technical Writing
1.2. Nature of Technical Writing
1.3. Qualities of Good Technical Writers
1.4. Qualities of Good Technical Writing

2. Fundamentals of Technical Writing 6

2.1. Composing
2.2. Cooperative Writing
2.3. Readers of Technical Writing
2.4. Collecting and Verifying Information
2.5. Readable Style

3. Techniques of Technical Writing 6

3.1. Informing
3.2. Defining
3.3. Describing
3.4. Arguing

4. Document Design in Technical Writing 6

4.1. Document Design
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By FayazTareen

4.2. Design Elements of Reports

4.3. Graphical Elements of Reports

5. Application of Technical Writing 8

5.1. Correspondence
5.2. Instructions
5.3. Proposals
5.4. Progress Report
5.5. Feasibility Report

6. Oral Reports 4
6.1. Preparations
6.2. Delivery Techniques
6.3. Presentation
6.4. Visual Aids
Total Hours: 32


 Reporting Technical Information, 7Ed., K. Houp, T. Pearsall, et. al., MacMillan

 Writing by Design, A Handbook for Technical Papers, M. Greene, J. Ripley, Prentice Hall
 Strategies for Technical Writing, A Handbook with Readings, M. Lay, Holt Rinehart

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Eng 311 – Technical Report Writing


1. Introduction to Technical Writing

1.1. Differentiate technical writing from other forms of writing
1.2. Describe the nature of technical writing
1.3. List the characteristics of good technical writer
1.4. Describe the qualities of good technical writing

2. Fundamentals of Technical Writing

2.1. Compose good technical report
2.2. Identify the topic and purpose of a technical writing
2.3. Draft and revise technical report
2.4. Use fundamentals of technical writing to write good report
2.5. Plan a technical writing with several writers
2.6. Identify different readers of technical writers
2.7. Search literature for topics in technical writing
2.8. Write letter of inquiry
2.9. Write report with list and tables
2.10. Compose technical report that is grammatically correct and readable

3. Techniques of Technical Writing

3.1. Write readable report that informs
3.2. Use visual language, analogy, and process description to write technical report
3.3. Write readable report that define and describe
3.4. Write readable report that describe a process
3.5. Write readable and persuasive report that argue
3.6. Compose technical writing that persuade

4. Document Design in Technical Writing

4.1. Use correct formatting for technical writing
4.2. List the elements of a report
4.3. Describe each element of a report
4.4. Write report that has all the elements of report
4.5. Use correctly documentation formats in technical writing

5. Application of Technical Writing

5.1. Identify different forms of technical writing
5.2. Write readable correspondence
5.3. Write readable Instructions
5.4. Write readable proposals
5.5. Write readable progress report
5.6. Write feasibility report

6. Oral Reports
6.1. Describe elements in preparing an oral report
6.2. Identify different techniques of oral delivery of report
6.3. Present report with visual aids

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Swedish College Design Design
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By FayazTareen

Course Code: Mgt 331 T P C

Course Title: Management 1 0 1

Introductory course on business management. It aims to prepare students to work effectively in

business and industry. It discusses basic economics principles and organization management as well
as skills in becoming an entrepreneur. It is pure class discussion.

Course Objectives

At the end of the course the students are expected to be able to

 Understand the basic concepts and principles of economics, business management and
 Apply management concepts in business organization
 Use economic principles and business management to organize own business
 Recognize the importance of economics and management in daily life


Contents Hours

1. Economics 2
1.1. Definition: Adam Smith, Alfred Marshall, Prof. Robins
1.2. Nature and scope
1.3. Importance for Technicians

2. Basic Concepts of Economics 1

2.1. Utility
2.2. Income
2.3. Wealth
2.4. Saving
2.5. Investment
2.6. Value.

3. Demand and Supply 2

3.1. Definition of Demand
3.2. Law of Demand
3.3. Definition of Supply
3.4. Law of Supply

4. Factors of Production 2
4.1. Land
4.2. Labour
4.3. Capital
4.4. Organization

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By FayazTareen

5. Business Organization 3
5.1. Sole Proprietorship
5.2. Partnership
5.3. Joint Stock Company

6. Entrepreneurial Skills 4
6.1. Preparing, Planning, Establishing, Managing, Operating and Evaluating
6.2. Relevant Resources in Small Business
6.3. Business Opportunities, Goal Setting
6.4. Organizing, Evaluating and Analyzing Opportunity and Risk Tasks

7. Scale of Production 2
7.1. Meaning and its Determination
7.2. Large Scale Production
7.3. Small Scale Production

8. Economic System 3
8.1. Free Economic System.
8.2. Centrally planned economy.
8.3. Mixed Economic System

9. Money 1
9.1. Barter System and its Inconveniences
9.2. Definition of Money and its Functions

10. Bank 1
10.1. Definition
10.2. Functions of a Commercial Bank
10.3. Central Bank and its Functions

11. Cheque 1
11.1. Definition
11.2. Characteristics and Kinds of cheque
11.3. Dishonour of Cheque

12. Financial Institutions 2

12.1. IMF
12.2. IDBP
12.3. PIDC

13. Trade Union 2

13.1. Introduction and Brief History
13.2. Objectives, Merits and Demerits
13.3. Problems of industrial Labour

14. International Trade 2

14.1. Introduction
14.2. Advantages and Disadvantages

15. Management 1
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15.1. Meaning
15.2. Functions

16. Advertisement 2
16.1. The Concept, Benefits and Draw-Backs
16.2. Principal Media Used In Business World

17. Economy of Pakistan 1

17.1. Introduction
17.2. Economic Problems and Remedies

Total Hours: 32


 Business Organization, Nisar-ud-Din, Aziz Publisher, Lahore

 Introduction to Business, M. Saeed Nasir, , Ilmi Kitab Khana, Lahore.
 An Introduction to Modern Economics, S.M. Akhtar, , United Limited, Lahore.

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Mgt 331 - Management


1. Economics
1.1. Understand the Importance of Economics.
1.2. State definition of economics
1.3. Explain nature and scope of economics.
1.4. Describe importance of study of economics for technicians.

2. Basic Concepts of Economics

2.1. Understand Basic Terms Used in Economics
2.2. Define basic terms, utility, income, wealth, saving, investment and value.
2.3. Explain the basic terms with examples

3. Demand and Supply

3.1. Understand Law of Demand and Law of Supply
3.2. Define Demand and Supply
3.3. Explain law of demand with the help of schedule and diagram.
3.4. State assumptions and limitation of law of demand.
3.5. Explain law of Supply with the help of schedule and diagram.
3.6. State assumptions and limitation of law of supply.

4. Factors of Production
4.1. Understand the Factors of Production
4.2. Define the four factors of production.
4.3. Explain labour and its features.
4.4. Describe capital and its peculiarities.

5. Business Organization
5.1. Understand Forms of Business Organization
5.2. Describe sole proprietorship, its merits and demerits.
5.3. Explain partnership, its advantages and disadvantages.
5.4. Describe joint stock company, its merits and demerits.
5.5. Distinguish public limited company and private limited company.

6. Entrepreneurial Skills
6.1. Understand Entrepreneurial Skills
6.2. Explain preparing, planning, establishing and managing small business
6.3. Explain evaluating all relevant resources
6.4. Describe organizing analyzing and innovation of risk of task

7. Scale of Production
7.1. Understand Scale of Production
7.2. Explain scale of production and its determination.
7.3. Describe large-scale production and it merits.
7.4. Explain small scale of production and its advantages and disadvantages.

8. Economic System
8.1. Understand Different Economic Systems
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8.2. Describe free economic system and its characteristics.

8.3. Explain centrally planned economic system, its merits and demerits.
8.4. State mixed economic system and its features.

9. Money
9.1. Understand What Is Money
9.2. Define money
9.3. Explain barter system and its inconveniences.
9.4. Explain functions of money.

10. Bank
10.1. Understand Bank and Its Functions
10.2. Define bank.
10.3. Describe commercial bank and its functions.
10.4. State central bank and its functions.

11. Cheque
11.1. Understand Cheque and Dishonor of Cheque
11.2. Define cheque.
11.3. Enlist the characteristics of cheque.
11.4. Identify the kinds of cheque.
11.5. Describe the causes of dishonor of a cheque.

12. Financial Institutions

12.1. Understand Financial Institutions
12.2. Explain IMF and its objectives.
12.3. Explain organizational set up and objectives of IDBP.
12.4. Explain organizational set up and objectives of PIDC.

13. Trade Union

13.1. Understand Trade Union, Its Background and Functions
13.2. Describe brief history of trade union.
13.3. State functions of trade union.
13.4. Explain objectives, merits and demerits of trade unions.
13.5. Enlist problems of industrial labour.

14. International Trade

14.1. Understand International Trade
14.2. Explain international trade.
14.3. Enlist its merits and demerits.

15. Management
15.1. Understand Management
15.2. Explain meaning of management.
15.3. Describe functions of management.
15.4. Identify the problems of business management.
16. Advertisement
16.1. Understand Advertisement
16.2. Explain the concept of advertisement.
16.3. Enlist benefits and drawbacks of advertisement.
16.4. Describe principal media of advertisement used in business world.
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17. Economy of Pakistan

17.1. Understand the Economic Problems of Pakistan.
17.2. Describe economy of Pakistan
17.3. Explain economic problems of Pakistan
17.4. Explain remedial measures for economic problems of Pakistan

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Swedish College Design Design
By Fayaz
By FayazTareen

Course Code: CIT -303 T P C

Course Title: Web Development with JAVA 1 6 3

A course introducing the design and development of a Web page with JAVA. It intends to provide
the trainees with working knowledge on creating a Web page using JAVA programming language.
It covers the discussion on the WWW and the Internet, HTML and CSS basics, JAVA Script,
JQuery, JAVA Servlets, JSP, Session Management, JDBC Programming, JSF, tools, linking,
FrontPage basics, formatting, multimedia, and site creation and maintenance. Java has strong
support for web development. While Java on the desktop, with the notable exception of Eclipse RCP
based application was never a huge success, Java is frequently used at the server side. This has a
laboratory component to enhance learning.

Course Objectives

At the end of the course the students are expected to be able to

 Describe Web development technologies
 Describe the concepts and methods of designing a Web page for the World Wide Web.
 Use any text editor to create an HTML code.
 Use the elements of the HTML to format a Web page
 Install necessary software for Setting up development Environment
 Explain and apply HTML and CSS tags
 Apply Java Script in webpages
 Apply JQuery within webpages
 Describe and use Java servlets
 Explain and apply Java Server Pages elements
 Explain and use Session Management applications and techniques
 Explain JDBC, configure MySQL and use its methods
 Customize Tags
 Explain and apply use Java Server Faces


Contents Hours
1. Introduction to Web Development 2

1.1 What is a Web Application?

1.2 HTTP Basics
1.3 Types of HTTP Requests
1.4 Server Side Programming
1.5 Client Side Programming
1.6 Web Application Layers

2. Setting up Development Environment 2

2.1 Installation of Apache Tomcat Server

2.2 Installation of IDE (Eclipse / NetBeans)
2.3 Standard Directory Structure of Java Web Application
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2.4 Development of Web Application

3. HTML and CSS 2

3.1 Describe Html Document Structure and Tags
3.2 Describe CSS Styles
3.3 Designing Tables
3.4 Designing Forms
3.5 Advance Page Layout

4. Javascript 3
4.1 Introduction to Javascript
4.2 Hiding and Showing Elements
4.3 Styling Elements
4.4 Using Jquery
4.5 Jquery Selectors
4.6 Validating Forms

5. Java Servlets 4
5.1 What is a Servlet?
5.2 Advantages of Servlet
5.3 Servlet Types
5.4 Writing Basic Hello World Servlet
5.5 Servlet Life Cycle
5.6 Servlet and Forms
5.7 Servlet and Input Validation

6. Java Server Pages 3

6.1 Introduction
6.2 Life Cycle of JSP
6.3 JSP Elements
6.4 JSP Standard Actions

7. Session Management 2
7.1 What is a Session?
7.2 What is a Cookie?
7.3 URL Rewriting
7.4 Hidden Field
7.5 Working with HTTP Session

8. JDBC Programming 8
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Configure MySQL
8.3 Connecting to the Database
8.4 Accessing Data
8.5 The execute Query Method
8.6 The execute Update Method

9. Custom Tags 2
9.1 Custom Tags Overview
9.2 Custom Tag Handlers
9.3 Customizing Tag behavior with attributes
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10. Java Server Faces 4

10.1 Introduction
10.2 Using JSF with JSP
10.3 JSF Life Cycle
10.4 Events Handling
10.5 JSF Tag Library

Total Hours: 32

 Learning Web Design: A Beginner’s Guide to (X)HTML, Stylesheet and Web by Jennifer
Niederst Robbins
 Beginning JSP, JSF and Tomcat by Giulio Zambon

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Web Development with JAVA


16. Installation of Apache Tomcat Server

17. Installation of IDE (NetBean)
18. Deploy simple website in Apache Tomact Server
19. Design a Page Layout using Html and CSS
20. Install ODBC Driver
21. Install and Configure MySQL
22. Design User Registration Form and Store User in Database
23. Design Login User Form and Validate User
24. Show All Registered Users in a grid
25. Search users by name and show in grid.
26. Update User Profile
27. Form Validation using JQuery
28. Create a form using Java Servlet
29. Store and Retrieve data from Session
30. Create address book application

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CIT -303 Web Development with Java


1. Introduction to Web Development

1.1. Define Web Application
1.2. Explain HTTP Basic
1.3. Describe Types of HTTP Request
1.4. Discuss Server Side Programming Languages
1.5. Describe Client Side Programming Languages
1.6. Explain Web Application Layers

2. Setting up Development Environment

2.1. Install of Apache Tomcat Server
2.2. Install of IDE (Eclipse / NetBeans)
2.3. Explain the Standard Directory Structure of Web Application
2.4. Develop a Web Application

3. Html and CSS

3.1. Describe Html document structure
3.2. Describe Html Elements
3.3. Implement CSS styles
3.4. Design Tables
3.5. Design Forms
3.6. Use Page Layout

4. Javascript
4.1. Explain what is Javascript
4.2. Hide and Show Elements
4.3. Apply styles on elements
4.4. Define JQUERY
4.5. Explain the JQUERY Selectors
4.6. Apply validation on HTML form

5. Java Servlets
5.1. Define Servlets
5.2. Describe the advantages of Servlets
5.3. Describe different types of a Servlets
5.4. Describe Servlet Life Cycle
5.5. Create Forms using Servlet
5.6. Add Validation on Form

6. Java Server Pages

6.1. Define JSP
6.2. Describe Life Cycle of JSP
6.3. Explain JSP Elements
6.4. Explain JSP Standard Actions

7. Session Management
7.1. Define a ‘Session’
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7.2. Define a ‘Cookie’

7.3. Explain URL Rewriting
7.4. Explain Hidden Field
7.5. Use HTTP Session

8. JDBC Programming
8.1. Define JDBC
8.2. Configure MySQL
8.3. Connect the Database
8.4. Access Data
8.5. Implement execute Query Method
8.6. Implement execute Update Method

9. Custom Tags
9.1. Explain Custom Tags
9.2. Describe Custom Tag Handlers
9.3. Customize Tag behavior with attributes

10. Java Server Faces

10.1. Define JSF
10.2. Use JSF with JSP
10.3. Describe JSF Life Cycle
10.4. Explain Events Handling
10.5. Explain JSF Tag Library

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Course Code: CIT- 324 T P C

Course Title: Network Administration 2 6 4

The Course on Network Administration using Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Operating System
aims to provide students with practical exercise and knowledge on installing and operational
administration of connected system. It covers all major topics of Microsoft Windows Server 2008.
This comes with practical component to complement classroom discussion.

Course Objectives

At the end of the course, the students are expected to be able to

 Describe the basic concepts, architecture, organization and operational principles of
Windows Server 2008.
 Install and configure Windows Server 2008
 Manage the resources network users using Windows Server 2008
 Troubleshoot Windows Server 2008 faults and correct them
 Run application programs in Windows Server 2008
 Demonstrate motivation in managing users in a network
 Describe the basic concepts, steps, configuration and application of Microsoft Exchange 2013 to
provided enterprise level email service.
 Demonstrate and describe the basic concepts, steps, configuration and application of Microsoft
TMG server for controlled internet provision.


Contents Hours
1. Introduction 2

1.1 What is a network

1.2 The concept of a network
1.3 Types of Network
1.4 Major Functions of a Network
1.5 Uses of a Network

2. Microsoft Windows Client-End 5

1.6 Introduction to Microsoft Windows
1.7 Introduction to Client – Server Environment
1.8 Installation / Deployment of Windows Client end
1.9 Client End basic settings
1.10 Basic Components of a Network
1.11 Joining a domain
1.12 Client End troubleshooting and maintenance

3. Installation and Configuration 6

3.1 Hardware Requirements

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3.2 Installation of a server and Configuration

3.3 Installation and De-Installation process of Active Directory
3.4 Network Address Translation (NAT) Services
3.5 Print Server Management

4. Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Active Directory Infrastructure 7

4.1 Function and features of an Active Directory

4.2 Installation of Active Directory
4.3 Configuration of Active Directory
4.4 Role of an Active Directory
4.5 Users, Groups and Computers in ADDS

5. Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Network Infrastructure 8

4.6 Server’s Network Infrastructure
4.7 Major Features and Functions
4.8 Understanding and Configuring IP
4.9 Configuring Name Resolution
4.10 Configuring a DNS Zone Infrastructure
4.11 Creating a DHCP Infrastructure
4.12 Connecting to Networks
4.13 Monitoring Computers
4.14 Managing Files
4.15 Managing Printers

6. Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 8

6.1 Exchange Server 2013 Prerequisites, Requirements and Deployment

6.2 Overview of the Mailbox Server Role
6.3 Plan, Deploy and configure the Mailbox Server
6.4 Managing Exchange Server 2013 Mailboxes and Other Exchange Recipients
6.5 Planning and Implementing Public Folder Mailboxes, Address Lists and Policies

7. Managing Exchange Server 8

7.1 The Exchange Management Shell

7.2 Role-based access control
7.3 Mailbox management
7.4 Addressing Exchange

8. Microsoft Threat Management Gateway Server (TMG) 8

8.1 Installation of TMG Standard Edition and Enterprise Edition

8.2 Enabling Access to Internet Resources
8.3 Configuring TMG as a Firewall, Advanced Application and Web Filtering
8.4 Integrating TMG and Microsoft Exchange Server 2013

9. Managing and Implementing TMG Server 6

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9.1 Understanding Access Rules

9.2 Configuring Load-Balancing Capabilities
9.3 Network Inspection System
9.4 Integrating Domain users with TMG server

10. Troubleshooting 6

10.1 Troubleshooting of Auditing User Access of Files, Folders and Printers

10.2 Event Viewer
10.3 Hardware Troubleshooting
10.4 Troubleshooting of Disk Management
10.5 Connectivity and Communication

Total Hours: 64

 MSCE Study Guide, Alan R. Carter, Comdex Computer Publishing
 Supporting Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Microsoft Press
 Administering Microsoft Windows VISTA, Microsoft Press
 TCP/IP Training, Microsoft Press
 Networking Essentials, Microsoft Press
 Microsoft Windows Exchange Server, Microsoft Press
 Microsoft TMG Server, Microsoft Press

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CIT- 324 – Network Administration

1. Windows VISTA/Windows 7.0 Client End Installation
2. Windows Server 2008 Installation and Configuration
3. Hard Disk Partition Management
4. Exploring Control Panel for Task Scheduling
5. Local Printer Creation and Sharing
6. User and Group Account Management
7. Audit Implementation
8. Account Policy and User Rights Management
9. User Profile Implementation
10. System Policy Configuration
11. Active Directory Installation, Configuration and Maintenance
12. Resource Sharing and Security
13. File and Folder Auditing
14. Setting File and Folder Permissions
15. Resource Access and Permission Problems Troubleshooting
16. Backup and Restore the Data
17. DNS and WINS Installation, Configuration and Maintenance
18. TCP/IP Configuration
19. DHCP Configuration and Maintenance
20. IIS Installation with its services
21. RAS Installation and Configuration
22. VPN Configuration and Maintenance
23. FTP Services configuration
24. Distributed File System Installation and Maintenance
25. NAT Services Configuration and Maintenance
26. Deploying and Managing Exchange Server 2010 / 2013
27. Configuring Mailbox Servers
28. Managing Recipient Objects
29. Installation of TMG Server
30. Configuration of TMG Server

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CIT 324– Network Administration


1.1 Describe a network
1.2 Describe the concept of a network
1.3 Enlist Types of Network
1.4 Explain Functions of a Network
1.5 Describe the uses of a Network

2.Microsoft Windows Client-End

1.6 Give introduction of Microsoft Windows

1.7 Describe Client – Server Environment
1.8 Apply on a computer Installation / Deployment of Windows Client end
1.9 Configure Client End basic settings
1.10 Design a Basic Network using Components of a Network
1.11 Demonstrate how to join a domain
1.12 Describe Client End troubleshooting and maintenance

3. Installation and Configuration

3.1 Explain and enlist Hardware Requirements

3.2 Apply on a computer Installation of a server and Configuration
3.3 Apply on a server Installation and De-Installation process of Active Directory
3.4 Describe Network Address Translation (NAT) Services
3.5 Explain a Print Server Management

4. Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Active Directory Infrastructure

4.1 Explain Function and features of an Active Directory
4.2 Describe the steps of Installation of an Active Directory
4.3 Configure an Active Directory
4.4 Describe Role of an Active Directory
4.5 Define Users, Groups and Computers in ADDS

5. Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Network Infrastructure

5.1 Describe Server’s Network Infrastructure
5.2 Explain Major Features and Functions
5.3 Apply in real environment Understanding and Configuring IP address
5.4 Configure Name Resolution
5.5 Configure a DNS Zone Infrastructure
5.6 Apply the setting by Creating a DHCP Infrastructure
5.7 Explain steps of Connecting to Networks
5.8 State the steps of Monitoring Computers
5.9 Explain the Managing Files
5.10 Describe Managing Printers

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6.Microsoft Exchange Server 2013

6.1 Explain Exchange Server 2013 Prerequisites, Requirements and Deployment

6.2 Describe the Mailbox Server Role
6.3 Display the methods to Plan, Deploy and configure the Mailbox Server
6.4 Use different settings/Managing Exchange Server 2013 Mailboxes and Other Exchange
6.5 Plan and Implement Public Folder Mailboxes, Address Lists and Policies
7. Managing Exchange Server
7.1 Describe the Exchange Management Shell
7.2 Apply the Role-based access control
7.3 Show how the Mailbox management is applied
7.4 Use Addressing technique in MS Exchange
8. Microsoft Threat Management Gateway Server (TMG)
8.1 Install TMG Standard Edition and Enterprise Edition
8.2 Apply and exercise to enable Access to Internet Resources
8.3 Configure TMG as a Firewall, Advanced Application and Web Filtering
8.4 Integrate TMG and Microsoft Exchange Server 2013
9. Managing and Implementing TMG Server
9.1 State the understanding of Access Rules
9.2 Configure Load-Balancing Capabilities
9.3 Apply Network Inspection System
9.4 Integrate Domain users with TMG server
10. Troubleshooting

10.1 Explain Troubleshooting of Auditing User Access of Files, Folders and Printers
10.2 State the feature of Event Viewer
10.3 Hardware Troubleshooting
10.4 Troubleshooting of Disk Management
10.5 Connectivity and Communication

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DAE in Computer Information Technology

Course Code: CIT 333 T P C

Course Title: Operating System 2 3 3

Operating System is a course on the main system software that manages the resources of the
computer system. It aims to provide students with the understanding and operational principles of
operating system. The course covers the issues of managing the resources of a computer by an
operating and the implementation and techniques used by Unix/Linux system to address the issues.
This comes with laboratory to enhance the classroom discussion.

Course Objectives

At the end of the course the students are expected to be able to

 Understand the concepts and issues of managing the resources of a computer by an operating
 Understand the operational principles and implementation of Unix/Linux/Linux operating system
 Use shell commands to administer the system.
 Run application programs in Unix/Linux/Linux environment
 Perform system administer
 Demonstrate motivation to use and administer systems in Unix/Linux/Linux platform


Contents Hours

1. Computer System Structures 4

1.1. Computer System Operation
1.2. I/O Structure
1.3. Storage Structure and Hierarchy
1.4. Hardware Protection

2. Operating System Structures 10

2.1. System Components
2.1.1. Process Management
2.1.2. Memory Management
2.1.3. Disk and Storage Management
2.1.4. File System
2.2. OS Services and System Calls
2.3. System Programs and Structure
2.4. System Design and Implementation

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3. Unix/Linux Implementation 6
3.1. Logging In and Logging Out to the System
3.2. Configuring the Environment and Managing the Password
3.3. Unix/Linux Manual System
3.4. Unix/Linux File System and File System Organization
3.5. File Types, Names and Directories
3.6. Managing Directories: File and Directory Permissions

4. Unix/Linux Commands 16
4.1. User-Related, Locating and Search
4.2. Usage Determination and Process-related Commands
4.3. File and Directory Manipulation
4.4. File Content and File Content Search
4.5. Printing and Scheduling
4.6. Storage and Status
4.7. Miscellaneous Commands

5. Text Processing 6

6. Bourne Shells 6
6.1. Introduction
6.2. Bourne Shell Basics

7. System Administration 16
7.1. System Administration Tasks
7.2. Unix/Linux Installation Basics
7.3. Resource and User Administration
7.4. File System and Disk Administration
7.5. System Accounting and Performance Monitoring
7.6. Device and Mail Administration
7.7. UUCP and FTP Services Administration
7.8. Backing Up and Restoring the System

Total Hours: 64

 Operating System Concepts, 5Ed., A. Silverschatz and P. Galvin, Addison-Wesley Publishing
 Unix/Linux Unleashed, 3Ed, Robin Burk, et al., Sams Publishing
 The Linux User’s Guide, Larry Greenfield
 Unix System Management, Robert King Ables
 Red Hat Linux 6.0, Red Hat Software, Inc.
 Hand-on Unix: A Practical Guide with the Essentials, Sobell
 The Linux Users’ Guide, Larry Greefield
 UNIX-The Text Book by Mansoor Sarwar

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1. Logging On and Logging Out in Unix/Linux System

2. Setting the password
3. Configuration of Own Environment
4. Using Manual Pages
5. Using User-related Commands login, rlogin, telnet, passwd, exit, which, whence, where, man
6. Using Process-related Commands: kill, nice, ps, jobs, wait, nonup, sleep,
7. Using File and Directory Commands: touch, chmod, chgrp, chown, rm, mv, cp, cat, rcp, ln, mkdir, rmdir,
ls, find, file
8. Using File Content and Search Commands: more, less, tail, head, wc, read, od, pg, tee, vi, egrep, fgrep,
9. Using Printing and Scheduling Commands: cancel, lp, pr, lpstat, at, atq, crontab
10. Using Storage and Status Commands: compress, cpio, dd, pack, pcat, tar, uncompress, unpack, zcat, date,
env, iostat, sar, uname, uptime, vmstat
11. Using Text Processing Commands: cut, ex, fmt, fold, join, paste, sort, tr, uniq, sed
12. Using Miscellaneous Commands: banner, bc, cal, clear, time
13. Text Editing Using vi
14. Installing Unix/Linux
15. Adding New User
16. Mounting and Unmounting File System
17. Creating and Repairing File System
19. Manual System Accounting Setup
20. System Accounting Report Generation
22. Connecting and Setting Up Printers
23. Backing up and Restoring System

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CIT 333 – Operating System


1. Computer System Structures

1.1. Describe the general operations of computer
1.2. Describe interrupts
1.3. Identify different I/O devices
1.4. Describe the structure of input/output system
1.5. Describe different storage devices
1.6. Explain the hierarchy of storage devices
1.7. Identify the protection issues encountered in a computer system
1.8. Describe protection methods of computer operation

2. Operating System Structures

2.1. List functions of an operating system
2.2. Describe the functions of an operating system
2.3. Explain memory management techniques.
2.4. Describe virtual memory
2.5. Describe hierachical directory system.
2.6. Describe UNIX file system
2.7. Explain disk management system
2.8. Explain how the operating system manages the resources of a computer
2.9. Enumerate OS services and explain the service
2.10. Define system calls
2.11. Identify system programs that come with the operating system
2.12. Describe the functions of these system programs
2.13. Describe the general structure and architecture of an operating system
2.14. Illustrate the structure by diagrams
2.15. Discuss design goals of the operating system

3. Unix/Linux Implementation
3.1. Discuss the development of Unix/Linux development
3.2. Explain the design principles of Unix/Linux
3.3. Log in and log out in the system
3.4. Configure the user own environment
3.5. Change and manage own password
3.6. Use Unix/Linux help system (Manual System)
3.7. Characterize Unix/Linux file system and its organization
3.8. Name correctly file and directory
3.9. Create and delete files and directories
3.10. Set the permissions of files and directories

4. Unix/Linux Basic Commands

4.1. Invoke correctly Unix/Linux commands used in user and user-determination and file search
4.2. Invoke correctly Unix/Linux commands used in administration of own environment and
process-related job
4.3. Use correctly Unix/Linux commands to manipulate files and directories
4.4. Use correctly Unix/Linux commands to search and view at contents of files
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4.5. Print files using Unix/Linux commands

4.6. Use correctly Unix/Linux scheduling commands
4.7. Use correctly Unix/Linux storage and status commands
4.8. Invoke correctly text processing command
4.9. Use other miscellaneous commands available to Unix/Linux

5. Text Processing
5.1. Invoke vi editor
5.2. Compose text using vi editor
5.3. Describe different mode of vi editor

6. Unix/Linux Shells
6.1. Define Unix/Linux shells
6.2. Explain the functions of shell
6.3. Describe Bourne Shell of Unix/Linux
6.4. Use Bourne shell in Unix/Linux

7. System Administration
7.1. Describe Unix/Linux system administration
7.2. Describe tasks of Unix/Linux system administration
7.3. Identify hardware requirements of Unix/Linux system
7.4. Plan and Install Unix/Linux
7.5. Start up and shutdown Unix/Linux
7.6. Add and maintain new users in the system
7.7. Set permission to users
7.8. Manage and repair file systems
7.9. Create file systems
7.10. Describe Unix/Linux system basic accounting
7.11. Set up accounting system in Unix/Linux
7.12. Describe performance monitoring in Unix/Linux
7.13. Use tools for monitoring performance of the system
7.14. Describe services facility provided by Unix/Linux
7.15. Describe device administrative tasks
7.16. Install printer to Unix/Linux system
7.17. Describe email facility of Unix/Linux
7.18. Describe mail transfer agents
7.19. Explain UUCP and FTP services
7.20. Describe FTP protocol
7.21. Setup and administer FTP services
7.22. Explain purpose of backup
7.23. Back -up and restore Unix/Linux system

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Course Code: CIT - 344 T P C

Course Title: Graphic Designing 2 6 4

Course on Graphic Designing using Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw, AutoCAD and Wilcom. It aims
to provide students with practical exercise and knowledge on designing graphics, designing websites
and drawing computer embroidery. It covers all major topics of Graphic layers. This comes with
practical component to complement classroom discussion.

Course Objectives

At the end of the course, the students are expected to be able to

 Understand basic concepts to design websites and embroidery industry design.
 What tools or knowledge will help you get to the next phase in your career?
 Moving beyond branding and starting our own businesses.
 Building our own brand.
 How to design in a broader sense than fonts and paper (i.e., traditional graphic design)
 Seeking employment as a Graphic Designer to use skills with computers and the visual arts.
 More experience and more learning


Contents Hours

1. Introduction 2
1.1. Thinking Design
1.2. The Concept of Graphic Designing
1.3. What does a designer do?
1.4. What is the difference between a graphic designer and an illustrator?
1.5. What is it like being a graphic designer?
1.6. What are the applications of graphic design?

2. Introduction to Adobe PhotoShop 2

2.1. Adobe Photoshop Tools Overview
2.2. What are pixels?
2.3. Why Use Adobe Photoshop Layers?
2.4. What is a Layer?
2.5. Layers Panel
2.6. Types of Layers
2.7. Layers Short Keys

3. Adobe PhotoShop 3
3.1. Use Magic Wand tool.
3.2. Use Polygonal Lasso Tool.
3.3. Use Pen Tool
3.4. Change Colors with Edit in Quick Mask Mode
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3.5. Shining Face

3.6. Brightness Face
3.7. Photo Retouching

4. Advanced Adobe PhotoShop 10

4.1. Adding Eye Lashes
4.2. Use Brush tool
4.3. Makeup to a girl
4.4. Smudge tool
4.5. Filter
4.6. Sponge tool
4.7. Light Effects on an Image & Cloth
4.8. Oil Paint conversion
4.9. Convert image into sketch
4.10. Glamour Effect
4.11. Fabric Folds
4.12. Reflections
4.13. 3D Box Design
4.14. Use pen tool
4.15. Layer Style
4.16. Gradient Effect
4.17. Type Text
4.18. Shapes Tool Draw some Shapes on the box and some effects

5. Adobe PhotoShop– Designing Website 6

5.1. Web site Design
5.2. Project Web site Design

6. Introduction to Corel draw 6

6.1. What is CorelDRAW?
6.2. Kind of Designing
6.3. Kind of Media
6.4. Pick Tool Overview
6.5. Reshaping objects using Nodes
6.6. Aligning Objects
6.7. The duplicate command
6.8. Welding objects, Trimming objects
6.9. Intersecting objects
6.10. Simplify and Back Minus Front — Front Minus Back
6.11. Smudge Brush
6.12. Roughen Brush
6.13. Crop Tool
6.14. Knife and Erase
6.15. Virtual segment Delete
6.16. Convert outline object

7. Advanced Corel draw 10

7.1. Freehand Tool, Bezier Tool, Artistic Media Tool, Pen
7.2. Poly Line Tool, 3 Point Curve
7.3. Connector and Dimension Tools
7.4. Spiral Tool, Polygon Tool
7.5. Graph Paper Tool ,Complex Shape tools
7.6. Basic Shapes
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7.7. Symbol Character

7.8. Text Tool
7.9. Interactive Tools for Fast Changes
7.10. Interactive Bend
7.11. Interactive Contour
7.12. Interactive Distort
7.13. Interactive Drop Shadow
7.14. Interactive Envelope
7.15. Interactive Extrude
7.16. Interactive Transparency
7.17. Eyedropper Tool Flyout
7.18. Outline Tool Flyout
7.19. Fill Tool Flyout

8. Introduction To AutoCAD 4

8.1. Introduction to Systems

8.2. Startup Command
8.3. Unit Set Command
8.4. Drawing Commands
8.5. Basic Commands
9. AutoCAD 2D 6
9.1. Creating Commands(Circle)
9.2. Creating Commands(Arc)
9.3. Apply Commands
9.4. Draw Commands -I
9.5. Layers
9.6. Draw Commands -II
9.7. Hatch and Blocks Commands
9.8. Elevation Drawing
10. AutoCAD 3D 6
10.1. 3D Drawing
10.2. 3D Commands
10.3. Creating a Building in 3D
10.4. AutoCAD Keyboard Shortcuts
11. Introduction to Computerized Embroidery 4
11.1. Introduction to Toolbars
11.2. View, Outline and Control Points
11.3. Vectors & Images Sketching Designing
11.4. Input Tools
11.5. Pointer Tools
11.6. Shaping Tools
12. Advanced Computer Embroidery 4
12.1. Duplicating Designs
12.2. Stitches Types
12.3. Travel
12.4. Generate
12.5. Automatic Digitizing
12.6. Creating Embroidery Lettering

Total Hours: 64

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 Adobe Photoshop CC Classroom in a Book (2015 release), Andrew Faulkner and Conrad
 Photoshop Elements 14 For Dummies, Barbara Obermeier and Ted Padova
 CorelDRAW X7: The Official Guide, Gary David Bouton
 Coreldraw! for Dummies (For Dummies Computer Book Series), Deke McClelland
 AutoCAD 2016 For Beginners, CADFolks
 Mastering AutoCAD 2016 and AutoCAD LT 2016, George Omura and Brian C. Benton,
Autodesk Official Press
 AutoCAD 2016 Instructor, James Leach
 Digitizing Made Easy: Create Custom Embroidery Designs Like a Pro, John Deer
 Fashion Design for Living, Alison Gwilt

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CIT-344 Graphic Designing


1. Adobe Photo-Shop 2.34. Assignment of Graphic Design

1.1. Editing Face beauty using Photo tools 2.35. Girl Face Design
1.2. Convert an image into sketch and apply
light effects 3. AutoCAD
1.3. Project Website Design 3.1. Define a measuring system with five
2. Corel draw: examples
2.1. Write different kinds of Designing & 3.2. Draw a Line of size 20’x5’
3.3. Convert a line to Polyline
2.2. Draw rectangular objects of equal size
3.4. Create a smooth curve that passes
2.3. Reshaping objects like Fruits and Face
parts through or near specific points
2.4. Designing a house or a building 3.5. Draw a rectangle, circle based on a
2.5. Aligning an object center point, radius and three point
2.6. Transformation of and object circle
2.7. Designing a flower 3.6. Draw an arc using three points
2.8. Draw Pakistan flag 3.7. Draw angular 45 angle, 5 inch
2.9. Design a tree 3.8. Draw all 450 angles
2.10. Draw rectangle and round it 3.9. Draw a door
using crop tools 3.10. Create and angled corner between two
2.11. Designing a tea pot lines
2.12. Draw a thing and clone it 3.11. Create repeating pattern of an object
2.13. Design a leap 3.12. Building a wall showing bricks
2.14. Design cloths of a baby 3.13. Create and ellipse or an elliptical arc
2.15. Designing a coat 3.14. Draw a table with 4 chairs
2.16. Design a rose flower 3.15. Draw a box, wedge, cone sphere and
2.17. Design paper borders
2.18. Draw a polygon object
3.16. Draw a single story house in 3D effect
2.19. Draw stars using complex star
2.20. Desning a spiral shape
2.21. Design a flower using basic
2.22. Write the name of the institute
in a circle
2.23. Design a logo of your institute
2.24. Draw an object having showing
shadow & transparency
2.25. Designing a neckles
2.26. Design an Interactive Envelope
2.27. Draw pipe of a house using
interactive tools
2.28. Create a mango & apply Mesh
2.29. Export of Files
2.30. Assignment to import files and
2.31. Assignment to Logo and
Visiting Card
2.32. Assignment to Flex sign Design
2.33. Assignment of Embroidery
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Course Code: CIT 352 T P C

Course Title: PC System and Peripheral Repair 1 3 2

A major course dealing with the main component of the microcomputer motherboard, its internally
attached components and the peripherals. It is designed to provide student with skills and
knowledge to maintain, diagnose and repair computer main system board and peripherals. It covers
concepts and methods of preventive maintenance, fault diagnose of motherboard, power supply,
memory, storage device, PCB, printers, monitors and other externally attached component of
computer system. This has laboratory component.

Course Objectives

At the end of the course the students are expected to be able to

 Understand the concepts and methods of computer system maintenance
 Apply skills and knowledge to maintain PC main system component and peripherals.
 Understand the operational principles PC power supplies.
 Assemble and disassemble printers, scanners, monitor, mouse, keyboard and cards.
 Diagnose and repair faulty PC main system board and peripherals.
 Demonstrate patience and motivation in repairing minute computer components.


Contents Hours

1. Preventive and Practical Maintenance 2

1.1. Contributors to Failures
1.2. Scheduled Maintenance and Error/Fault Record
1.3. Engineer’s Toolbag and Use of Testing/Measuring Instruments
1.4. Maintenance through Replacement
1.5. Introduction of Input / Output Devices
1.6. Second Level of Maintenance
1.7. Hardware Diagnostic Routines and Diagnostic Software

2. Troubleshooting and Repair of Motherboard 3

2.1. Introduction to Motherboard
2.2. Motherboard and CPU Architectures
2.3. CPU Socket Types
2.4. Expansion Bus and alternatives
2.5. Motherboard Connectors and BIOS / CMOS
2.6. Commonly Occurring Faults and Important Signals for Fault Tracing
2.7. Diagnostic Tests
2.8. Preventive Measures


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3. Troubleshooting and Repair of Power Supply 2

3.1. Operating Principle of a Power Supply
3.2. Power Supply Connectors
3.3. Power Supply Safety
3.4. Troubleshooting Procedures and Commonly Occurring Faults
3.5. Repair Techniques and Replacing a Power Supply

4. Troubleshooting Memories and Storage Devices 4

4.1. Overview of RAM Module Types
4.2. DDR Speeds
4.3. Installation of RAM
4.4. Troubleshooting Routines
4.5. Storage Technology and Types (PATA / SATA / SSD etc)
4.6. Backup Storage and RAID Levels

5. Maintenance and Repair of Printers

5.1. Ink Jet Printer 2

5.1.1. Jet Ink Printer: An Introduction
5.1.2. User Level Preventive and Corrective Maintenance
5.1.3. Disassembly and Assembly of Jet Ink Printer
5.1.4. Common Faults and Repairing Jet Ink Printer

5.2. Laser Printer 2

5.2.1. Introduction of Laser Printing
5.2.2. Common Faults and Safety Measures
5.2.3. Preventive maintenance and Corrective Maintenance

5.3. Network Printer 2

5.3.1. Introduction of Laser Printing
5.3.2. Common Faults and Safety Measures
5.3.3. Preventive maintenance and Corrective Maintenance

5.4. Plotters 2
5.4.1. Introduction of Plotter
5.4.2. Common Faults and Safety Measures
5.4.3. Preventive maintenance and Corrective Maintenance

6. Maintenance and Repair of Scanners 2

6.1. Types of Scanners (Flatbed vs Sheetfed)
6.2. An Overview: Image Reading
6.3. Disassembly and Assembly of Scanner
6.4. Common Faults: Steps of Preventive and Corrective Maintenance

7. Maintenance and Repair of Display Devices 3

7.1. Overview of Monitors
7.2. Overview of LCDs
7.3. Overview of Multimedia Projectors
7.4. Common Faults and troubleshooting

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7.5. Diagnostics, Preventive and Repairs of Monitors

8. Maintenance and Repair of Keyboard 2

8.1. Basic Working of Keyboard and Keyboard Installation
8.2. Disassembly/Assembly of a Keyboard
8.3. Interface Problems
8.4. Diagnostics, Preventive and Repair techniques

9. Maintenance and Repair of Mouse 2

9.1. Working of a Mouse and Installation
9.2. Disassembly and Assembly of a Mouse
9.3. Cleaning and Preventive Measures

10. Troubleshooting Basic I/O Interface Card and Surface Mount PCB 2
10.1. Theory of Basic Input and Output Ports
10.2. Construction of an I/O card
10.3. Fault Diagnosis and Repairs.
10.4. Use of Special Tools for Soldering
10.5. Troubleshooting an IC and SMD

11. Customized Systems 2

11.1. Introduction to Customized Systems
11.2. Thick Clients
11.3. Virtualization Workstation
11.4. Audio Video Editing Station
11.5. Gaming Systems
11.6. Types of Servers
11.7. Troubleshooting an IC and SMD

Total Hours: 32


 CompTIA A+ 220-801 and 220-802 Authorized Cert Guide, Third Edition, Mark Edward
Soper, David L. Prowse and Scott Mueller.
 Microprocessors And Interfacing 2E, DOUGLA V Hall by McGraw-Hill Education
 The Complete A+ Guide to PC Repair Fifth Edition Update (5th Edition), Cheryl Schmidt
 A Guidebook in PC Hardware, Maintenance And Repair Ent 284, William A. Lloyd by
 Computer Hardware Technicians CH111, 5 CD-ROM set by NCSA Academy USA
Computer Hardware Technicians


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CIT 352 – PC System and Peripherals Repair 96 Hrs.


1. Use of Testing and Measuring Instrument

2. Disassembly and Identification of Motherboard Components
3. Diagnostic Test of Motherboard
4. Disassembly and Identification of Power Supply Parts
5. Troubleshooting Power Supply
6. Troubleshooting Memory
7. Disassembly and Identification of Floppy Disk Parts
8. Preventive Maintenance and Troubleshooting of Floppy Disk Drive
9. Identification of Hard Disk Parts
10. Identification and Troubleshooting of Surface Mount PCB
11. Installation and Setup of Dot Matrix Printer
12. Identification and Disassembly/Assembly of Dot Matrix Printer
13. Fault Diagnosis and Preventive and Corrective Maintenance of Dot Matrix Printer
14. Installation and Setup of Line Printer
15. Identification and Disassembly/Assembly of Line Printer
16. Fault Diagnosis, Preventive and Corrective Maintenance of Line Printer
17. Installation and Setup of Jet Ink Printer
18. Identification and Disassembly/Assembly of Jet Ink Printer
19. Fault Diagnosis, Preventive and Corrective Maintenance of Jet Ink Printer
20. Installation and Setup of Laser Printer
21. Identification and Disassembly/Assembly of Laser Printer
22. Fault Diagnosis, Preventive and Corrective Maintenance of Laser Printer
23. Installation and Setup of a Scanner
24. Identification and Disassembly/Assembly of Scanner
25. Fault Diagnosis, Preventive and Corrective Maintenance of Scanner
26. Identification and Disassembly/Assembly of Monitor and its Interface Card
27. Troubleshooting, Preventive and Corrective Maintenance of Monitor
28. Identification, Disassembly and Assembly of Keyboard and its Interface Card

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Swedish College Design Design
By Fayaz
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29. Fault Diagnosis, Preventive and Corrective Maintenance of Keyboard

30. Identification and Disassembly/Assembly of Mouse and its Interface Card
31. Troubleshooting, Preventive and Corrective Maintenance of Mouse
32. Identification and Disassembly/Assembly of Common Interface Cards
33. Troubleshooting, Preventive and Corrective Maintenance of Common Interface Cards


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CIT 352 – PC System and Peripherals Repair


1. Preventive maintenance
1.1. List the contributors to failures of system
1.2. Describe the effects of corrosion and magnetism to system performance
1.3. Handle correctly peripherals
1.4. Describe Virus and prescribe measures to prevent virus attacks
1.5. Schedule maintenance
1.6. List tools used for system maintenance
1.7. Use correctly testing and measuring instruments
1.8. Make error or fault records
1.9. Describe fault-finding flowchart
1.10. Perform system maintenance by replacement
1.11. Describe second level maintenance
1.12. Describe hardware diagnostic routines
1.13. Use diagnostic software
1.14. Describe the limitation of diagnostic software

2. Troubleshooting and Repair of a Motherboard

2.1. Describe motherboard
2.2. Describe system board and planar board
2.3. Identify motherboard components and functional block using block diagram
2.4. Enumerate types and characteristics of CPU
2.5. Differentiate types of bus and slots
2.6. Describe daughter boards
2.7. Identify common video, I / O types
2.8. List of commonly occurring motherboard faults
2.9. Identify important signals for fault tracing
2.10. Isolate the area of fault probability
2.11. Describe diagnostic tests and perform fault preventive measures
2.12. Perform card substitution method for repairs and replacement of motherboard

3. Troubleshooting and Repair of a Power Supply

3.1. Describe regulation of power supply.
3.2. Explain operating principle of power supply
3.3. Interpret block diagram or schematics of power supply
3.4. Describe switch mode and transformer-based unit of power supply
3.5. Explain block diagram of a switching power supply.
3.6. Describe battery type power supply
3.7. Determine different output voltages of power supply
3.8. Test good signal power supply
3.9. Explain how a power good signal is produced
3.10. Perform troubleshooting procedures of power supply
3.11. Localize the fault into a narrow region of the circuit


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3.12. Identify commonly occurring faults of power supply

3.13. Explain causes of faults in power supply itself
3.14. Use essential tools and test equipment
3.15. Explain concept of a dummy load for testing a power supply in no load condition
3.16. Describe various repairing techniques
3.17. Perform soldering/desoldering, chip/component replacement
3.18. Perform replacement of power supply

4. Troubleshooting Memories and Storage Devices

4.1. Describe RAM and ROM
4.2. Enumerate different types of memories
4.3. Describe each type of memory
4.4. Describe parity error in memory
4.5. Perform troubleshooting routines of memory
4.6. Replace memory chip
4.7. Describe the operational principles of floppy and hard disk drives
4.8. Identify parts of floppy and hard disk drives
4.9. Describe the IDE and SCSI setup of drives
4.10. Install and setup floppy and hard disk drives
4.11. Describe operational principles of tape, compact, Bernoulli and Zip drives
4.12. Install and setup tape, compact, Bernoulli and Zip drives

5. Peripherals
5.1. Describe peripherals configuration
5.2. Describe CONFIG.SYS file and its significance
5.3. Explain configuring techniques
5.4. Describe auto-configuration and Plug and Play devices

6. Maintenance and Repair of Printers

6.1. Dot Matrix Printer
6.1.1. Maintain and Repair Dot Matrix Printer
6.1.2. Identify parts of dot matrix printer
6.1.3. Describe operation of dot matrix printer.
6.1.4. Describe steps to install a dot matrix.
6.1.5. Explain the significance of a test print / Self- Testing.
6.1.6. Interpret the information given on a test page.
6.1.7. Demonstrate the cleaning of the printer.
6.1.8. Explain schedule for Technician Level Maintenance.
6.1.9. Disassemble and assemble dot matrix printer
6.1.10. Diagnose faulty dot matrix printer.
6.1.11. Repair faulty dot matrix printer

6.2. Line Printer

6.2.1. Explain print mechanism of line printer to print a complete line at a time.
6.2.2. Describe Installation steps for a line printer
6.2.3. Explain every indicator especially the engineer’s fault indicator of line printer control
6.2.4. Test line printer
6.2.5. Explain the significance of result of test.

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6.2.6. Explain these with the help of the technical service manual, which accompanied the
6.2.7. Explain with the help of user manual of the printer. Emphasis is given to constantly
followed cleaning printer as well as the environment. Air-conditioning plus very
accurate supply line.
6.2.8. Use the technical service manual

6.3. Jet Ink Printer

6.3.1. Explain the operational principles of jet ink printer
6.3.2. Identify working parts of jet ink printer
6.3.3. Describe the function of each part of jet ink printer
6.3.4. Install a jet ink printer
6.3.5. Identify common faults occurring in jet ink printer
6.3.6. Disassemble and assemble jet ink printer
6.3.7. Perform preventive and corrective maintenance of jet ink printer
6.4. Laser Printer
6.4.1. Explain the operational principles of laser diode.
6.4.2. Describe the working of a photocopier for comparison with working of a laser
6.4.3. Identify the laser printer Parts
6.4.4. Install toner cartridge, connecting printer’s Cable and cord, loading paper. customize
6.4.5. Use online help
6.4.6. Installing memory cards.
6.4.7. Explain the front panel information: Error, Data, Ready, On/Off, and Blinking.
6.4.8. Describe the laser printer common faults
6.4.9. Explain the danger against laser beam exposure of eyes and skin etc.
6.4.10. Explain the steps for preventive maintenance with the help of a user manual.
6.4.11. Perform corrective maintenance

7. Maintenance and Repair of Scanners

7.1. Explain image reading
7.2. Explain optical character recognition mechanism.
7.3. List the top software available in the market and describe their salient features.
7.4. List kinds of scanners
7.5. Explain the usage and technical difference
7.6. Install and operate scanner
7.7. Explain the physical connection, the loading of software, setting up the configuration
(theory only) etc.
7.8. Use a scanner.
7.9. Disassemble/Assemble a scanner
7.10. Describe common scanner faults
7.11. Perform preventive maintenance
7.12. Perform corrective maintenance

8. Maintenance and Repair of Monitors

8.1. Describe CRT, Power Supply, Scan Board
8.2. Define pixels, dot pitch, aspect ratio, power indicator, contrast, brightness, -/+ buttons, and
other adjustment buttons

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8.3. Describe horizontal position/size, vertical position/size, 15-Pin D-Subtype connector, non-
glare screen, tinted screen, and tilt/swivel stand.
8.4. Describe video controller chip, video RAM, video image chip, digital to analog converter,
port to monitor, signal assignment, factory preset timing signals
8.5. Describe display adapters: MDA, CGA, EGA, VGA, SVGA, XGA, 8514.
8.6. Differentiate color monitor diagram from monochrome monitor diagram.
8.7. Enumerate common faults of a monitor
8.8. Classify various faults: Power Supply-based, deflection faults, horizontal hold, vertical
hold, and alignment faults, supply line faults, interface-based faults.
8.9. Diagnose common monitor faults
8.10. Describe preventive measures for monitors.
8.11. Identify the field reparable parts of the card.
8.12. Describe predetermined fault.
8.13. Diagnose monitor interface card fault.
8.14. Repair reparable interface card
9. Maintenance and Repair of Keyboard
9.1. Describe basic working of a keyboard
9.2. Define concept of rows and columns to form a matrix of key positions.
9.3. Disassemble keyboard
9.4. Identify keyboard matrix, controller chip, 5-pin connector.
9.5. Describe functions of signals between the CPU and keyboard
9.6. Assemble keyboard
9.7. Clean dirty key contacts

10. Maintenance and Repair of Mouse

10.1. Describe operating principle of mouse
10.2. Describe GRU interface/ Pointing device.
10.3. Disassemble mouse
10.4. Identify mouse parts such rollers, ball, photo diode, LED
10.5. Describe different mouse: serial, BUS type, two buttons, three buttons, wireless type, and
laptop type mouse.
10.6. Show restriction on mouse movement
10.7. Clean mouse as a preventive measure

11. Troubleshooting Basic I/O Interface Card and Surface Mount PCB
11.1. Interpret schematic diagram of various cards
11.2. Identify functional blocks of I/O card
11.3. Describe a multi I/O card.
11.4. Design an I/O card to control a motor moving in counterclockwise/counterclockwise
11.5. Describe working of I/O card
11.6. Identify flow of circuit through block diagram
11.7. Diagnose faults
11.8. Describe 74244 as basic input interface and 74374 as a basic output interface.
11.9. Describe working of 8255 and PPI chip.
11.10. Describe various application chip such as 8279, 8254, 8251.
11.11. Identify replaceable parts of a card
11.12. Replace replaceable parts of I/O card


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Swedish College Design Design
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Course Code: CIT 362 T P C

Course Title: Project 0 6 2

An end-term laboratory course where the students apply the concepts and principles of electronics,
computer hardware and software to construct and device prototypes of simple products. It aims to
provide students with opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills learned in the program. It is all
practicals course.

Course Objectives

At the end of the course the students are expected to be able to construct and device simple
electronics or computer hardware/software devices.


1. Organization

2. Research of Project

3. Project Proposal with Write Up

4. Evaluation of Project Proposal for Feasibility

5. Fabrication/Construction of Project

6. Consultation

7. Presentation


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Swedish College Design Design
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Proposed Minimum Qualification of Teacher/ Instructor

 M.Sc./ Master in Computer Science with 2-Years’ relevant experience in

teaching/ industry


 B.Sc. in Computer Engg. with 2-Years’ relevant experience in teaching/



 B.Sc. in Electrical/ Electronics Engg. with 2-Years’ relevant experience in

teaching/ industry


 DAE in Computer Information Technology with 6-Years’ relevant

experience in teaching/ industry


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Swedish College Design Design
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This course carries much value and recognized in the private, semi government and
government sector as well as abroad for jobs as:-

 Assistant Programmer
 Web Developer
 Computer Hardware Engineer
 Assistant Network Administrator
 Graphic Designing Assistant
 Data-Base Assistant


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Swedish College Design Design
By Fayaz
By FayazTareen

Sr. No Name & Designation Status

Mr. Muhammad Arif Butt
1. Assistant Professor, Punjab University College of I.T, Old (Allama Convener
Iqbal) Campus, The Mall, Lahore
Mr. Imran Ashraf
2. Chief Instructor, Govt. College of Technology, Multan Member
Mr. Salman Tariq,
3. HoD/ Sr. Instructor (I.T) Member
GCT-Raiwind Road, Lahore
Ms. Tayyaba Amin
4. HoD / Instructor(CIT), GCT (W) Lytton Road, Lahore Member

Mr. Tahir Ameen

5. Manager (I.T) / Head of Department Member
House No. 430, Block-3, sector B-2 Township, Lahore
Mr. Muhammad Ali Butt, Instructor (I.T)
6. GTTI-Mughalpura, Lahore Member
Mr. Irfan Sarwar,
Network Engineer, MIS Wing, TEVTA Member
Muhammad Imran Rashid
8. Software Engineer, M/S Systems (Pvt.) Ltd. 97-Aziz avenue, Member
Canal Bank, Gulberg-5, Lahore


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