SINGER Practical Ethics
SINGER Practical Ethics
SINGER Practical Ethics
I. About Ethics
A. Ethics is not
- « stop people from having fun » (1)
- So the first thing to say about ethics is that it is not a set of prohibitions particularly
concerned with sex.
Second, ethics is not an ideal system that is noble in theory but no good in practice. The
reverse of this is closer to the truth: an ethical judgment that is no good in practice must
suffer from a theoretical defect as well, for the whole point of ethical judgments is to guide
Some people think that ethics is inapplicable to the real world because they regard it as a
system of short and simple rules like 'Do not lie', 'Do not steal', and 'Do not kill'. It is not
surprising that those who hold this view of ethics should also believe that ethics is not suited
to life's complexities. In unusual situations, simple rules conflict; and even when they do not,
following a rule can lead to disaster. It may normally be wrong to lie, but if you were living in
Nazi Germany and the Gestapo came to your door looking for Jews, it would surely be right to
deny the existence of the Jewish family hiding in your attic. (2)
Consequentialists start not with moral rules but with goals. They assess actions by the
extent to which they further these goals. The best-known, though not the only,
consequentialist theory is utilitarianism. The classical utilitarian regards an action as right if it
produces as much or more of an increase in the happiness of all affected by it than any
alternative action, and wrong if it does not.
Relativity of ethics?
Subjectivism of ethics?
Ethics can’t be subjective: if I say that I am against torture, I simply say that I disapprove, I
do not make an ethical point, and I cannot account for ethical disagreement: I am against,
you are for = we disagree, but both statements may be true.
Ethics is practical, is not about stopping to have fun, is not linked to religion, is not
relative and is not subjective.
B. Ethics is
Ethics has to be somehow universal, and must not express the desires of one particular
this does not mean that an ethical judgment must be universally applicable :
circumstances alter causes
But is universality enough? Many theories are “universal”, some of them quite
Singer argues for a utilitarian approach to ethics, though accepting that ethical judgments
must be made from a universal point of view.
Moral attitudes have changed over the centuries. Some faster than others
Racism for example is universally rejected
All humans are equal = political and ethical orthodoxy.
But what exactly does that mean?
Humans are not equal, and the differences apply to so many characteristics that there
simply is no factual basis upon which to erect a principle of equality.
One must hence look elsewhere.
Humans may differ as individuals, but there is no morally significant difference between
races and sexes
The claim to equality does not rest on the possession of intelligence, moral personality,
rationality or the alike.
Equality is a basic ethical principle, not an assertion of fact.
We can make this more concrete by considering a particular interest, say the interest we
have in the relief of pain. Then the principle says that the ultimate moral reason for relieving
pain is simply the undesirability of pain as such, and not the un desirability of X's pain, which
might be different from the un desirability of V's pain. Of course, X's pain might be more
undesirable than V's pain because it is more painful, and then the principle of equal
consideration would give greater weight to the relief of X's pain. Again, even wftere the
pains are equal, other factors might be relevant, especially if others are affected. If there has
been an earthquake we might give priority to the relief of a dpctor's pain so she can treat
other victims. But the
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