MTS 361 - Metric Space
MTS 361 - Metric Space
MTS 361 - Metric Space
Department of Mathematics
Federal University of Agriculture
Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria
National Mathematical Centre, Abuja, Nigeria
Metric Spaces
Course Outline
Metric Spaces: De…nition and examples
Open sets, closed sets, Cantor set. Neighbourhoods, Limit points,
Closure, Dense subset
Interior, exterior, frontier,
Convergence in Metric spaces
Continuity, compactness and connectedness.
Heine-Borel theorem, Bolzano–Wierstrass theorem.
De…nition 1.1. The sequence fxn gn=1 of real numbers is said to be convergent if
there exists a real number x (called the limit of the sequence) such that, given > 0;
a positive integer n0 can be found with the property that
n n0 =) jxn xj < :
That is, xn ! x as n ! 1 or limn!1 xn = x:
De…nition 1.2. A real-valued function f de…ned on a non-empty subset X of the
real line is said to be continuous at x0 in X if for each > 0 there exist a > 0
such that
x in X and jx x0 j < =) jf (x) f (x0 )j < ;
and f is said to be continuous if it is continuous at each point of X:
The above de…nitions are dependent for their meaning in the concept of the ab-
solute value of the di¤erence between two real numbers. We observe that the de…n-
itions also hold for complex sequences and complex-valued functions with complex
domain. It is therefore necessary to de…ne some notion of distance which will be
applicable to the elements of arbitrary sets.
Thus, a metric space is an initial point to start. It is a non-empty set equipped
with a concept of distance which is suitable for the treatment of convergent se-
quences in the set and continuous functions de…ned on the set. The basic facts
about metric spaces and the motivation they provide for development of topologi-
cal spaces will be well examined. First, we make the following de…nition:
A non empty set X endowed with a metric d is denoted by (X; d) and is called a
metric space. Usually, we simply say that X is a metric space, if we need to specify
the metric, we say that (X; d) is a metric space.
Remark 1.1. (i) Di¤ erent metrics could be de…ned on the same set giving rise to
di¤ erent metric spaces.
(ii) Note that if distances are generally greater going via an additional point,
then they are greater going via any number of additional points z1 ; z2 ; :::; zn : for,
by repeated use of M 4:
d(x; y) d(x; z1 ) + d(z1 ; y)
d(x; z1 ) + d(z1 ; z2 ) + d(z2 ; y)
d(x; z1 ) + d(z1 ; z2 ) + d(z2 ; z3 ) + d(z3 ; y)
d(x; z1 ) + d(z1 ; z2 ) + d(z2 ; z3 ) + ::: + d(zn ; y):
Theorem 1.1. (Rearrangement of the Triangle Inequality) Suppose X is a metric
space and x; y; z 2 X: Then jd(x; y) d(y; z)j d(x:z):
Proof. The triangle inequality for d yields …rst d(x; y) d(x; z)+d(z; y) and second
d(z; y) d(z; x) + d(x; y): Using the symmetry, rearrangement of the …rst of these
inequalities gives d(x; y) d(y; z) d(x; z) and rearrangement of the second gives
d(y; z) d(x; y) d(x; z): These two together prove the theorem.
its metric. The fact that this is a metric space follows directly from the properties
of absolute values above. To see this, we have
For M1 We have by (i) that for any x; y 2 R;
d(x; y) = jx yj 0
thus verifying M1
For M2: We have by (ii) that for any x; y 2 R;
d(x; y) = jx yj = 0 () x y = 0 () x = y:
For M2 We have by (iii),
d(x; y) = jx yj = j (y x)j = jy xj = d(y; x):
For M4, we have by (iv),
d(x; y) = jx yj
= j(x z) + (z y)j
jx zj + jz yj = d(x; z) + d(z; y):
Example 1.4. Let X = C the set of complex numbers. Note that z 2 C is of the
form z = a + ib; where a; b 2 R and i2 = 1: De…ne d : C C ! R by
d(z; w) = jz wj ; z; w 2 C:
Then (C; d) is a metric space.
Most of the metric spaces we will consider are also linear spaces. In particular,
most of these cases, the metric is generated by a simpler function called a norm
which assigns a length to each vector in the linear space.
De…nition 1.4. Given a liner space X over R (or C); a norm k:k for X is a
function on X which assigns to each element a real number, (or formally, k:k :
X ! R); satisfying the following properties:
(i): kxk 0;
(ii): kxk = 0 () x = 0;
(iii): k xk = j j kxk for any scalar
: and for all x; y 2 X;
(iv): kx + yk kxk + kyk (the triangle inequality)
A linear space X with a norm k:k is denoted by (X; k:k) is called a normed linear
space. Observe that di¤erent norms can be de…ned on the same linear space giving
rise to di¤erent normed linear spaces.
Remark 1.2. Given a normed linear space (X; k:k); it is clear that the function
d : X X ! R de…ned by
d(x; y) = kx yk
is a metric for X; and we call this the metric generated by the k:k : So, every
normed linear space is a metric space under the metric generated by its norm.
Example 1.5. (R; j:j) and (C; j:j):The set ofreal numbers R (the set of complex
numbers C) is a normed linear space with norm given by the modulus, that is,
kxk = jxj :
We call this the usual norm for R (or C) and it generates the usual metric
d(x; y) = jx yj :
These are the spaces we are familiar with in real and complex analysis respectively.
Example 1.6. The n dimensional Eucleadean space Rn whose points are the
n tuples x = (x1 ::::; xn ) of real numbers and
h i1
2 2 2
d(x; y) = (x1 y1 ) + ::: + (x ; yn ) :
Then ( Rn ; d) is a metric space
Example 1.7. The set of all n tuples of real numbers R with metric given by
(x; y) = jx1 y1 j + ::: + jxn yn j :
Then (R; ) is a metric space.
Example 1.8. If (X; d) and (Y; ) are metric spaces, then thier Cartesian product
X Y = f(x; y) : x 2 X; y 2 Y g whose metric is given by
h i1
2 2 2
((x1 ; y1 ) ; (x2 ; y2 )) = d (x1 ; x2 ) + (y1 ; y2 ) :
Then (X Y; ) is a metric space.
Example 1.9. Let B[0; 1] = ff : [0; 1] !! R jf is bounded g : Note that f : [0; 1] !
R is bounded if 9k > 0 such that jf (x)j k 8x 2 [0; 1]: Now de…ne f g by
(f g) (x) = f (x) g(x) whenever f; g 2 B[0; 1] and x 2 [0; 1]:
Also let Z 1
kf k = jf (x)j dx
be the norm of f; then k:k induces a metric d on B[0; 1] where
Z 1
d(f; g) = jf (x) g(x)j dx:
Then (B[0; 1]; d) is a metric space.
Example 1.10. Let C[0; 1] be the set of all bounded continuous real functions in
[0; 1]. De…ne
kf k = sup fjf (x)j : x 2 [0; 1] g ;
where f 2 C[0; 1]: Then the k:kinduces a metric d on C[0; 1] de…ned by
d(f; g) = sup fjf (x) g(x)j : f; g 2 C[0; 1] and x 2 [0; 1] g :
Then (C[0; 1]; d) is a metric space.
The veri…cation that the above are metric spaces are easy and left as exercises
to the readers.
Remark 1.3. If we relax the condition that d(x; y) = 0 if and only if x = y with
the condition d(x; y) = 0 for some x 6= y; we call d a pseudometric. Thus the Lp
norms are pseudometrics on the spaces of measurable functions whose pth power
are integrable.
(1) Given a metric space (X; d); prove that for all x; y; z 2 X; jd(x; z) d(y; z)j
d(x; y):
(2) Given a non-empty set X and a function d : X X ! R with properties
(i): d(x; y) = 0 ; x = y;
(ii): d(x; y) d(x; z) + d(y; z):
Prove that d is a metric for X:
(3) Use the fact that d(x; x) d(x; y) + d(y; x) for any x; y in a metric space
(X; d) to deduce that d(x; y) 0:
(4) Let X = R2 and for x; y 2 X de…ne d(x; y) by
jx1 y1 j if x2 = y2
d(x; y) = d((x1 ; x2 ); (y1 ; y2 )) =
jx1 j + jx2 y2 j + jy1 j if x2 =
6 y2 :
Then, prove that (X; d) is a metric space.
S1 (1) = fy 2 R : d(y; 1) < 1g = fy 2 R : d(y; 1) = 0g
Again, since d is a metric, we have that for each pair x:y 2 R; d(x; y) = 0 ()
x = y: In particular, d(y; 1) = 0 =) y = 1: Hence
S1 (1) = fy 2 R : d(y; 1) = 0g = fy 2 R : y = 1g = f1g :
S 23 (4) = :
y 2 R : d(y; 4) <
But d(x; y) = 0 or 1 for all x; y 2 R: In either case, d(x; y) is always less than 2
for all x; y 2 R: Hence,
S 23 (4) = y 2 R : d(y; 4) < = fy 2 Rg = R:
(iii) (v) are left as exercises.
De…nition 2.2. A subset G of a metric space (X; d) is open if given any point
x 2 G; 9 r > 0 such that Sr (x) G:
Remark 2.2. On R = ( 1; 1) :
(i) fxg is not open since for r > 0; Sr (x) * fx0 g
(ii) [0; 1] is not open since 0 2 [0; 1] and r > 0; Sr (0) * [0; 1]: Also for r >
0; Sr (1) * [0; 1]:
(iii) (0; 1) is open.
(iv) any open interval in R; bounded or not is an open set in R: Furthermore,
the open intervals are the only intervals of R which are open sets.
Theorem 2.1. In any metric space (X; d); ; and X are open.
Proof. Since ; has no point, each point in ; is the centre of an open sphere which
is contained in ;: This implies that ; is open. Clearly X is open since every open
sphere centred at each points of X is contained in X:
Remark 2.3. A set is open or not only with respect to a speci…c metric space
containing it and not on its own. For example, with respect to the metric space R;
[0; 1] is not open. However, with respect to the metric space ([0; 1]; d) it is open.
Theorem 2.2. In any metric space (X; d), each open sphere is an open set.
Proof. Let Sr (x0 ) be an open sphere in X; and let x 2 Sr (x0 ): Then we shall
produce an open sphere centred at x and contained in Sr (x0 ): Since d(x; x0 ) < r;
set r1 = r d(x; x0 ) > 0: Then, we shall show that Sr1 (x) Sr (x0 ): Now, let
y 2 Sr1 (x); then d(y; x) < r1: Then by triangle inequality we obtain that
Remark 2.4. In any metric space, the class of open sets is closed under the
formation of arbitrary unions and …nite intersections However, if we take arbi-
trary intersection of open sets, the set obtained is not necessarily open. To see
1 1
this, consider the class n ; n : n = 1; 2; ::: of open intervals in R: Observe that
1 1
\1n=1 n ; n = f0g ; is closed since a singleton set is closed.
Sr [x0 ] = fx : d(x; x0 ) rg :
Remark 2.5. (i) Sr [x0 ] is not empty because it contains only its centre when r = 0:
(ii) Closed spheres on R are precisely the closed intervals.
(iii) Observed that though open spheres on R are open intervals, there are open
intervals which are not open spheres, e.g., ( 1; +1):
Theorem 2.7. In any metric space (X; d); each closed sphere is a closed set.
Proof. Let Sr [x0 ] be a closed sphere in X: By Theorem 2.6, it su¢ ces to show that
its complement X Sr [x0 ] is open. If X Sr [x0 ] = ;; it is clearly open since ;
is open. Next, assume X Sr [x0 ] 6= ;: Let x 2 X Sr [x0 ]: Since d(x; x0 ) > r;
set r1 = d(x; x0 ) r > 0: Take r1 as the radius of an open sphere Sr1 [x] centred
on x; and we show that X Sr [x0 ] is open by showing that Sr1 [x] X Sr [x0 ]:
Let y 2 Sr1 [x] so that d(y; x) < r1 : Because of this and the fact that d(x0 ; x)
d(x0 ; y) + d(y; x), we see that
d(y; x0) d(x; x0 ) d(y; x)
> d(x; x0 ) r1
= d(; x0 ) [d(x; x0 ) r]
= r;
so that y 2 X Sr [x0 ]:
Remark 2.6. Observe that in Theorem 2.8 (ii) the …niteness condition is important
because the union of an in…nite family of closed sets need not necessarily be closed:
In R with the usual metric, consider the family of closed intervals
1 k k 1 1 k k 1
; :k2N : Now [1
k=1 ; = ( 1; 1)
k k k k
an open interval which is not a closed set.
Example 2.4. Closed intervals in R are closed sets and closed spheres (balls) in
Rn are closed sets in Rn : To prove the latter assertion, consider the closed sphere
Sr [x0 ]: Let x be an arbitrary point in Rn Sr [x0 ]: We shall construct an open sphere
with x as centre which is entirely contained in Rn Sr [x0 ]: Now d(x0 ; x) > r and
hence r0 = d(x; x0 ) r is a positive real number. We construct the open sphere with
x as the centre and r0 as radius. We shall show that Sr0 (x) is contained entirely in
Rn Sr [x0 ]: In fact, let y 2 Sr0 (x): Then we have
d(x; y) < d(x0 ; x) r
and hence
d(x0 ; y) = d(x0 ; y) + d(y; x) d(x; y)
> d(x0 ; x) d(x; y)
> r:
Thus y 2 Rn Sr [x0 ] and hence Sr [x0 ] is closed.
2.3. The Cantor Set. One important example of a closed set on R is the
famous set …rst studied by George Cantor (1845-1918)
Example 2.5. We denote by F0 the closed interval [0; 1]: From F0 ; we remove the
open middle interval ( 13 ; 23 ); that is the open middle thierd of F0 : Let the remaining
closed set be denoted by F1 ; thus F1 = [0; 31 ] [ [ 23 ; 1]: From each of the two disjoint
closed sets [0; 13 ]; [ 23 ; 1]; we next remove the open middle third i.e. ( 19 ; 29 ) and ( 97 ; 89 )
and denote the remaining closed set by F2 ; i.e.
1 2 1 2 7 8
F2 = [0; ] [ [ ; ] [ [ ; ] [ [ ; 1]:
9 9 3 3 9 9
We continue in this way in…nitum, at each stage, removing the open middle
third of each of the closed intervals remainig from the previous stage. In this way
we obtain an in…nite sequence of closed sets fFn g such that Fn Fn+1 for all
n = 0; 1:2; :::: Write F = Fn : Then F is known as Cantor’s set, Since each Fn
is closed, it follows from Theorem 2.8 that F is closed.
Note that F is the set that remains when we have removed the open intervals
1 2 1 2 7 8
( ; ); ( ; ); ( ; ); ::::
3 3 9 9 9 9
To see this, denote by Mn the union of the open middle thirds removed at the
nth stage; thus
1 2 1 2 7 8
M1 = ( ; ); M2 = ( ; ); ( ; ); etc.
3 3 9 9 9 9
F1 = F0 M1 ; F2 = F0 M2 ; :::; Fn = F0 Mn ; ::::
\ [1 1
F = Fn = (F0 Mn ) = F0 Mn :
n=1 n=1 n=1
2.4. Neighbourhoods.
De…nition 2.6. Let X be a metric space with metric d and let p 2 X: A subset N
of X is called a neighbourhood of p if N contains an open set G which contains p:
That is, 9 an open set G such that p 2 G N:
Example 2.6. Let (X; d) be any metric space and let p 2 X: Then X is a neigh-
bourhood of p:
Example 2.7. Let X = R and for x; y 2 X; de…ne d(x; y) = jx yj : Write
I = [ 1; 1] and let 0 2 R; then I is a neighbourhood of 0:
Theorem 2.9. A subset A of a metric space (X; d) is open () A contains a
neighbourhood of each of its points.
Proof. First, let us assume that A contains a neighbourhood of each of its points.
For each p 2 A; 9 Np such that p 2 Np A: Hence 9 open set Gp such that
p 2 Gp Np A:
Write [
G= fGp : p 2 Ag :
We shall show that G = A:
To see this, …rst let x 2 G; then x 2 Gp for some p: This implies that x 2 Gp
Np A: Hence, x 2 A and so G A: i.e. 9 open set Gx 3 x 2 Gx Nx A:
Therefore, x 2 G and so G = A:
Conversely, let A be open. We shall show that A contains a neighbourhood
of each of its points. But since A is open and contains itself, we take A as a
The set of all frontier points of A X is denoted by F r(A) or @A and is called the
frontier or boundary of A:
The following theoren is left as exercise
Theorem 2.13. Let (X; d) be a metric space and let A; B; C be subsets of X; then
1. @A = A Int(A)
2. B is closed () F r(B) B
3 C is both open and closed () @C = ;
4 @A is a closed set.
(ii) for each open sphere S (f (x0 )) centred on f (x0 ) 9 an open sphere S (x0 )
centred on x0 such that f (S (x0 )) S (f (x0 )):
Remark 4.1. Observe that the condition (i) is a generalization of the de…nition
of convergence ealier given while condition (ii) translates condition (i) into the
language of open spheres.
Example 4.1. Every mapping on a discrete metric space is continuous. To see
this, consider a map f from a discrete metric space (X; d) into a metric space (Y; ):
For x0 2 X; S1 (x0 ) = fx0 g so, given > 0 (f (x); f (x0 ) < when d(x; x0 ) < 1:
Theorem 4.1. Let (X; d) and (Y; ) be metric spaces and f is a mapping of X
into Y: Then f is continuous at x0 if and only if xn ! x0 =) f (xn ) ! f (x0 ):
Proof. First, assume that f is continuous at x0 : We shall show that if fxn g is a
sequence in X such that xn ! x0 ; then f (xn ) ! f (x0 ):
Let S (f (x0 )) be an open sphere centred at f (x0 ): By our assumption, 9 an open
sphere S (x0 ) centred at x0 such that f (S (x0 )) S (f (x0 )): Since xn ! x0 ; all
x0n s from some place on lie in S (x0 ) . But since f (S (x0 )) S (f (x0 )); all f (xn )0 s
from some place on lie in S (f (x0 )): From this it follows that f (xn ) ! f (x0 ):
Conversely, assume that f is not continuous at x0 : We shall show that xn ! x0 ;
f (xn ) ! f (x0 ): By assumption, 9 an open sphere S (f (x0 )) with the property
that the image under f of each open sphere centred on x0 is not contained in it.
Now consider the sequence of open spheres S1 (x0 ); S 21 (x0 ); :::; S n1 (x0 ); :::: Form a
sequence fxn g such that xn 2 S n1 (x0 ) and f (xn ) 2
= S (f (x0 )): Clearly xn ! x0 and
that f (xn ) 9 f (x0 ):
Example 4.2. (i) Consider the real function on (R2 ; kk2 ) de…ned by
2+ 2 ; ( ; ) 6= (0; 0)
f( ; ) =
0 ( ; ) = (0; 0):
Now the sequence n1 ; n1 converges to (0; 0) but f n1 ; n1 = 21 8n 2 N: So f is
not continuous at (0; 0):
(ii) Consider the scalar function p0 on (C[0; 1]; kk1 ) de…ned by p0 (f ) = f (0):
Now the sequence ffn g where
1 nt 0 t n
fn (t) = 1
0 n <t 1:
satis…es kfn k1 = 2n! 0 as n ! 1; so ffn g converges to the zero function, but
p0 (fn ) = 1 8n 2 N: So p0 is not continuous at the zero function.
De…nition 4.2. A mapping of one metric space into another is said to be contin-
uous if it is continuous at each point in the domain.
Theorem 4.2. Let (X; d) and (Y; ) be metric spaces and f is a mapping of X
into Y: Then f is continuous if and only if xn ! x =) f (xn ) ! f (x):
Proof. This follows from the proof of Theorem 4.1.
Remark 4.2. Observe that the above Theorem shows that convergence is preserved
under continuous mapping.
Our next result characterizes continuous mapping in terms of open spheres.
Theorem 4.3. Let (X; d) and (Y; ) be metric spaces and f is a mapping of X
into Y: Then f is continuous if and only if f 1 (G) is open in X whenever G is
open inY:
Proof. First assume that f is continuous. If G is open in Y; we shall show that
f 1 (G) is open in X: If f 1 (G) = ; it is clearly open, so assume f 1 (G) 6= ;: Let
x 2 f 1 (G); then f (x) 2 G:
Since G is open, 9 an open sphere S (f (x)) centred at f (x) and contained in
G: By de…nition of continuity, 9 an open sphere S (f (x)) such that f (S (x))
S (f (x)): Since S (f (x)) G; we also have f (S (x)) G and from this we easily
see that S (x) f 1 (G): S (x) is therefore an open sphere centred on x and
contained in f (G); so f 1 (G) is open.
limit point x; and we can extract from fxn g a subsequence which converges to
Theorem 5.2. Every compact metric space has the Bolzano-Weierstrass property.
Proof. Let X be a compact metric space and A an in…nite subset of X. Assume
that A has no limit point, and from this we shall arrive at a contradiction. By
assumption, each point of X is not a limit point of A; and so each point of X is the
centre of and open sphere which contains no point of A di¤erent from its centre.
The class of all these spheres is an open cover, and by compactness there exists
a …nite subcover. Since A is contained in the set of all centres of spheres in this
subcover, A is clearly …nite. This contradicts the fact that A is in…nite, and the
proof is complete.
Theorem 5.3. (Lebesgue’s Covering Lemma) In a sequentially compact metric
space, every open cover has a Lebesgue number.
Proof. Omitted.
Theorem 5.4. Every sequentially compact metric space is totally bounded.
Proof. Let X: be a sequentially compact metric space, and let > 0 be given.
Choose a point a1 2 X and form the open sphere S (a1 ): If S (a1 ) contains every
point of X; then the single- element fa1 g is an net. If there are points outside of
S (a1 ); let a2 be such a point and form the two-element set S (a1 ) [ S (a2 ): If this
union contains every point of X, then the two=element set fa1 ; a2 g is an net. If
we continuue in this way, some union of the form
S (a1 ) [ S (a2 ) [ ::: [ S (an )
will necessarily contain every point of X; for if this process could be continued
inde…nitely, then the sequence fa1 ; a2 ; :::; an ; :::g would be a sequence with no con-
vergent subsequence, contrary to the assumed sequential compactness of X: We see
by this that some …nite set of the form fa1 ; a2 ; :::; an g is an net, so X is totally
Finally, we shall now show that compactness is implied by sequential compact-
Theorem 5.5. Every sequentially compact metric space is compact
Proof. .Let X be a sequentially compact metric space, and let fGi g be an open
cover. By Theorem , this open cover has a Lebesgue number a: We put = a3 ; and
use Theorem 5.4 to …n an net
A = fa1 ; a2 ; :::; an g :
For each k = 1; 2; :::; n; we have d(S (ak )) 2 = 2a 3 < a: By the de…nition of
Lebesgue number, for each k we can …nd a Gik such that S (ak ) Gik : Since every
point of X belongs to one of the S (ak )0 s; the class fGi1 ; Gi2 ; :::; Gin g is a …nite
subcover of fGi g : X is therefore compact.
We have so far shown that if X is a metric space, the the following three condi-
tions are all equivalent to one another
(1) X is compact;
(2) X is sequentially compact;
6. Connectedness
De…nition 6.1. A metric space (X; d) is said to be connected if it can not be
represented as the union of two disjoint non-empty open sets. That is, there do not
exist non=empty open sets A and B such that
X =A[B and A \ B = ;:
Also observe that there do not exist two disjoint non-empty closed sets whose
union is X: If such A and B exist, we say that X is disconnected and that A and
B are said to give a disconnection.
Theorem 6.1. A metric space (X; d) is disconnected i¤ X has a non-empty proper
subset that is both open and closed.
Proof. If A X is both open and closed, then X = A [ (X A) gives a discon-
nection. Conversely, if X = A [ B; A \ B = ; and A; B are open and non-empty,
then B = X A and A = X B: Thus X = A [ (X A): This implies that A is
both open and closed.
De…nition 6.2. A subset S of a metric space (X; d) is disconnected if there exists
two non-empty open sets A and B of X such that A \ S and B \ S are disjoint
non-empty open sets whose union is S. i.e.,
A \ S 6= ;; B \ S 6= ;
(A \ S) \ (B \ S) = ;
(A \ S) [ (B \ S) = S:
If S is disconnected, then the open sets A and B with the above properties are
said to form a disconnection of S:
De…nition 6.3. A subset S of a metric space is said to be connected if it is not
Example 6.1. The set N of natural numbers is disconnected in R: To see this, take
13 13
A= x2R:x< ; .....B = x 2 R : x > :
12 12
Example 6.2. The set Q+ of all positive rational numbers is disconnected. To see
this, take
A = fx 2 R : x < 2g ; .....B = fx 2 R : x > 2g :
We may ask, are there any connected subsets of R or Rn ?: The answer is given
in the following result:
Theorem 6.2. A subspace of the real line R is connected if and only if it is an
interval. In particular, R is connected.
Proof. Assume X is connected subspace of R: We shall show that X is an interval.
Suppose X is not an interval, then 9 x; y; z such that x < y < z with x; z 2 X but
y2= X: We shall show that this gives a disconnection of X: In fact, consider the sets
[X \ ( 1; y)] [ [X \ (y; +1)] :
Then we see that
X = [X \ ( 1; y)] [ [X \ (y; +1)] :
This gives a disconnection of X and so X is disconnected. This is a contradiction.
Hence, X is an interval.
Conversely, assume that X is an interval. Then we shall show that X is con-
nected. Suppose not, then 9 a disconnection X = A [ B: Since A and B have to
be non-empty, we can choose x 2 A; z 2 B and since A \ B = ;:
We cannot have x = z; hence we have x 6= z: There are two possibilities, either
x < z or z < x: Take x < z and so 9 y such that x < y < z:
X = A [ B =) that 9 x; z such that x 2 A; z 2 B: Since X is an interval,
[x; z] X: Now, de…ne
y = sup f[x; z] \ Ag for …xed x; z:
Then y exist as a real number. Since A is closed, we must have y 2 A because
y is a point of accumulation for A:
[Note: if K is a bounded in…nite set of real numbers and = sup K; then
is a point of accumulation for K: Similarly, if = inf K; then is a point of
accumulation for K ].
Hence, y < z (note that we cannot have equality because z 2 B). Again, by the
de…nition of y, we have the following:
y + 2 B for every > 0 such that y + z (use de…nition of sup). Thus we
must have y 2 B: This is because if we choose a sequence f n g such that n > 0
and y + n z and n ! 0; then y + n ! y and since all such must be in B since
B is closed.
But we have shown earlier that y 2 A which is disjoint from B: This is a con-
tradictiong arising out of our assumption that X is disconnected. Therefore, X is
Theorem 6.3. The image of a connected metric space under a continuous maps
is connected.
Proof. Let (X; d) and (Y; ) be metric spaces where (X; d) is connected and let
f : X ! Y: We shall show that f (X) is a connected subspace (Y; ): Suppose not,
then 9 two non-empty disjoint open sets G; H in Y such that
f (X) [f (X) \ G] [ [f (X) \ H] :
We choose G and H so that their union contains f (X) and their intersection
with f (X) are disjoint and non-empty. This leads to a contradiction because
1 1
X=f [G] [ f [H]
will give a disconnection of X:
[1] Mícheál Ó. Searcóid, Metric Spaces, Springer-Verlag, London, 2007.
[2] J. R. Giles, Introduction to the Analysis of Metric Spaces, Cambridge University Press, Cam-
bridge, Great Britain„ 1989.
[3] Victor Bryant, Metric Spaces: iteration and applications, Cambridge University Press, New
York, 1985
[4] G. F. Simmons, Introduction to Topology and Modern Analysis, McGraw-Hill, London, 1963.
[5] Charles E. Chidume, Functional Analysis: an introduction to metric spaces, Longman, Nigeria,