Division Special Supplement: Hong Kong
Division Special Supplement: Hong Kong
Division Special Supplement: Hong Kong
Division Special
Focus on
Y. K. Cheng November 2005 at the Holiday Inn
Golden Miles, and enjoyed by all
Our Annual Visit to Beijing from 23-
s Chairman of the Joint Institute of Surveyors, and the HK decided by the Judging Panel after thor-
Structural Division, I am very Institute of Planners. We also run the ough consideration. The Awards include
pleased to introduce to you this IStructE China Awards, the Joint Special Award of China Projects and
Special Issue on Hong Kong, where we Structural Division Special Awards. Hong Kong Projects, and one
have 5263 members. Committee members and senior Commendation Award.
The main activities of the Joint members also represented the Joint
Structural Division include monthly Structural Division on various boards Thanks are due to Professional recognition and
committee meetings, technical meetings and committees of the HK Institution of Professor K. F. training
and technical visits, the Annual General Engineers and government depart- Chung who co- The assessment for the Reciprocal
Meeting, Annual Visit, the Annual ments. ordinated the Recognition Agreement between the
seminar and the Annual Dinner as well With strong support from 400 material for this Hong Kong Institution of Engineers and
as the Joint Institute Conference with members and guests, the Annual supplement. the National Administration Board of
the HK Institute of Architects, HK Dinner was successfully held on 25 Engineering Registration (Structural),
he Joint Structural Division tures in the last two years. The first aesthetics, engineering approach, inte-
Special Awards aims to promote award was held in 1998/1999 and this is gration, economy, innovation, buildabil-
excellence in structural engineer- the eighth event. Since 2004/2005, the ity, unusual features, energy efficiency
ing demonstrated through the design award has extended to include a Special and environmental friendliness, sustain-
and construction of buildings and struc- Award for China Projects in recognition ability and serviceability
Ove Arup & Partners Hong Kong Limited for Steel trusses cantilevered from the core wall are
the Three Pacific Place, Hong Kong used to support the plant room level on the roof to
create double storey height on Level 38. The tower
Three Pacific Place is recognised as a successful rests on a 3 to 3.5m thick reinforced concrete raft
urban redevelopment project in Wanchai District, on Grade III Rock.
which comprises of a 38-Storey Grade A+ office Due to the phased possession of the site in five
tower on top of two levels of podium and three parcels and the future extension requirement, the
levels of basement in Phase 1 with structural overall building structures are to be designed for
provision for a future extension, a pedestrian three different cases namely the phase 1, the future
subway connecting to MTRC Admiralty Station and extension and the construction stage.
a provision of pedestrian footbridge. The completion of the foundation and core wall
A highly eccentric reinforced concrete core wall construction under Wing Fung Street West prior to
abutting the eastern façade provides the overall the superstructure construction was rendered due
lateral stability of the tower. State of the art to the sequential site acquisition. Back calculation
structural optimisation has been carried out to method to determine the maximum height of the
reduce the concrete volume by 3502m3 and curtain wall could be erected without extra
increase the total usable floor area by 606m2. strengthening works to the permanent structures as
A 350mm thick post-tensioning flat slab with a well as retrofit construction technique for
maximum span of 16m (simply supported) and foundation and core wall of the concerned portion
4.5m (cantilevered) is adopted as the office floor were adopted.
system. The storey height and clear height of the The first three-dimensional tensioned cable-net
office floor are 3950mm and 2750mm respectively. glass wall system in Hong Kong has been installed
Structural provision for possible inter-storey on the podium to create a very transparent view.
staircase openings on the office floor has been The height of the cable nets are 21m and 10m at
allowed for on the post-tensioning slab to suit the Queen’s Road East and Star Street.
tenancy possible requirements. There are eight major interrelated tender
Ten composite columns located around the packages: Demolition, Excavation and Lateral
perimeter at 9m to 13.5m c/c and the core wall Support, Advance Foundation, Advance Steelwork,
provide the gravity load support system. Due to the Main Contact, External works and Pedestrian
requirement of maintaining the distance of the Subway. Very detail collaboration of the tendering
exterior column face to the façade constant, the strategy as well as structural design warranted the
composite columns have been eccentrically tower completion on time and within budget.
transferred seven times from 1800mm diameter on
Structural, Tunnel, Geotechnical and Civil Engineer: Architect & M&E Engineer:
G/F to 800mm x 800mm on Level 37.
Ove Arup & Partners Hong Kong Ltd Wong & Ouyang (HK) Ltd.
Main Contractor:
Gammon Construction Ltd
Structural Engineer: Frank C.Y. Feng Architect & Associates (HK) Ltd.
Maunsell Structural Consultants Ltd. LM2 Consortium, Singapore
East China Architectural Design & Research Institute
Client : Co., Ltd. (ECADI)
Shanghai Kong Hui Property Development Co. Ltd.
Architects: Fujita Corporation Ltd.
Callison Architecture Inc., USA Shanghai Construction Co. Ltd.
How to apply: submit a paper titled 'The Appeal of Bridge Engineering to Structural Engineers' of no more than 4 sides of A4 including images
to IStructE by 31 December 2006. Points will be awarded for originality, the value of the paper to the profession of structural engineering and
clarity of presentation. The winning paper will be published in The Structural Engineer (subject to appropriate review) and the author will
receive a prize of £500 and the Kenneth Severn Diploma.
Entrants for the Kenneth Severn Award must be 28 years of age or under from 29th September 2006. Entry is NOT restricted to membership of the Institution.
Please send entries to: Sarah Okoye, Senior Administrator, IStructE, 11 Upper Belgrave Street, London SW1X 8BH, United Kingdom
T +44(0)20 7235 4535, F +44(0)20 7235 4294, E [email protected] W www.istructe.org