12 - Psychology - Psychological Disorders-Notes and Video Link
12 - Psychology - Psychological Disorders-Notes and Video Link
12 - Psychology - Psychological Disorders-Notes and Video Link
Abnormal literally means “away from normal”. It implies deviation from some clearly-defined
norms or standards. There emerges two basic and conflicting views:
The first approach views abnormal behaviour as deviation from social norms.
The second approach views abnormal behaviour as maladaptive which states the best criterion for
determining the normality of behaviour is not whether society accepts it but whether it fosters
the well being of the individual and eventually of the group to which s/he belongs. Well being is
not simply maintenance and survival but also includes growth and fulfilment.
For each disorder, a description of the main clinical features or symptoms, and of other associated
features including diagnostic guidelines is provided in this scheme.
2. Genetic Model: Genetic model have been linked to mood disorders, schizophrenia, intellectual
disability and other psychological disorder. Researchers, however, have not been able to identify
the specific genes that are culprits. It appears that in most cases, no single gene is responsible for a
particular behaviour or a psychological disorder.
3. Psychological Model: There are several models which provide a psychological explanation of
mental disorders. These models maintain that psychological and interpersonal factors have a
significant role to play in abnormal behaviour. These factors include:
• Maternal deprivation
• Faulty parent-child relationship
• Faulty discipline
• Maladaptive family structure
• Severe stress
a) Psychodynamic Model:
• This is the oldest and most famous of the modern psychological models.
Psychodynamic theorists believe that the behaviour, whether normal or abnormal, is
determined by psychological forces within the person of which s/he is not
consciously aware. These internal forces are considered dynamic, i.e. they
interact with one another and their interaction gives to -shape, thoughts and
• Abnormal symptoms are viewed as the results of conflicts between these forces. The
model was first formulated by Freud who believed that three central forces shape
personality – instinctual needs, drives and impulses (id), rational thinking (ego), and
moral standards (superego).
• Freud stated that abnormal behaviour is a symbolic expression of unconscious
mental conflicts that can be generally traced to early childhood or infancy.
b) Behavioural Model:
• This model states that both normal and abnormal behaviours are learned and
psychological disorders are result of learning maladaptive ways of behaving.
The model concentrates on behaviours that are learnt through conditioning and proposes that what
has been learned can be unlearned.
• Learning can take place by classical conditioning (temporal association in which
two events repeatedly occur close together in time), operant conditioning
(behaviour is followed by a reward) and social learning (learning by imitating
others’ behaviour). These three types of conditioning account for behaviour
whether adaptive or maladaptive.
c) Cognitive Model: This states that abnormal functioning can result from cognitive
problems. People may hold assumptions and attitudes about themselves that are irrational
and inaccurate. People may also repeatedly think in illogical ways and make
overgeneralisations, that is, they may draw broad, negative conclusions on the basis of a
single insignificant event.
d) Humanistic-existential Model: This model focuses on broader aspects of human
existence. Humanists believe that human beings are born with a natural tendency to be
friendly, cooperative and constructive, and are driven to self-actualise i.e. to fulfil this
potential for goodness and growth. Existentialists believe that from birth, we have total
freedom to give meaning to our existence or to avoid that responsibility. Those who shirk
from this responsibility would live empty, inauthentic and dysfunctional lives.
4. Sociocultural Model: Sociocultural factors such as war and violence, group prejudice and
discrimination, economic and employment problems, and rapid social change, put stress on most of
us and can also to psychological problems in some individuals. According to sociocultural
model, abnormal behaviour is best understood in light of the social and cultural forces that
influence an individual.
As behaviour is shaped by societal forces, factors such as family structure and communication,
social networks, societal labels and roles become more important.
It has been found that certain family systems are likely to produce abnormal functioning individual
members. Some families have an enmeshed structure in which the members are overwhelmed in
each other’s activities, thoughts and feelings. Children from this type of family may have difficulty
in becoming independent in life.
The broader social networks in which people operate include their social and professional
relationships. Studies have shown that people who are isolated and lack social support. i.e. strong
and fulfilling interpersonal relationships in their lives are to become more depressed and remain
depressed longer than those who have good friendships.
Sociocultural theorists also believe that abnormal functioning is influenced by the societal
labels and roles assigned to troubled people. When people break the norms of their society, they are
called deviant and “mentally ill”. Such labels tend to stick so that the person may be viewed as
“crazy” and encouraged to act sick. The person gradually learns to accept and play the sick role,
the functions in a disturbed manner.
5. Diathesis-stress Model: This model states that psychological disorders develop when a
diathesis (biological predisposition to the disorder) is set off by a stressful situation. This model
has three components:
• The first is the diathesis or the presence of some biological aberration which may be
• The second component is that the diathesis may carry a vulnerability to develop a
psychological disorder. This means that the person is “at risk” or “predisoposed” to
develop the disorder.
• The third component is the factors/stressors that may lead to psychopathology. If such “at
risk” persons are exposed to these stressors, their predisposition may actually evolve into a
disorder. This model has been applied to several disorders including anxiety, depression
and schizophrenia.
1. Anxiety Disorder
The term anxiety is defined as diffuse, vague and very unpleasant feeling of fear and
apprehension. The anxious individual shows combination of following symptoms: Rapid heart
rate, shortness of breath, diarrhea, loss of appetite, fainting, dizziness, sweating, sleeplessness,
frequent urination and tremors.
Generalised Anxiety Panic Phobia Separation Anxiety Disorder
Disorder Disorder
People with OCD are unable to control their preoccupations with specific ideas or are unable to
prevent themselves from repeatedly carrying out a particular act, which affect their ability to
carry out normal activities.
Obsessive Behaviour- inability to stop thinking about a particular idea or topic.
Compulsive Behaviour- is the need to perform certain behaviours over and over again. For eg.
Counting, touching, checking, washing etc.
E.g. Hoarding Disorder, Trichotillomania (hair pulling disorder), Excoriation (skin
People who are caught in natural disasters, bomb blasts, or have been in a serious accidents, or
in a war situation, experience post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Are conditions in which there are physical symptoms in the absence of a physical diseases. The
individual has psychological difficulties & complains of physical symptoms, for which there is
no biological cause.
a) Somatic Symptom Disorder:
Persistent body-related symptoms which may or may not be related to any serious medical
People with this disorder tend to be overly preoccupied with their symptoms and they
continually worry about their health and make frequent visits to doctors.
As a result, they experience significant distress and disturbances in their daily life.
b) Illness Anxiety Disorder:
Involves persistent preoccupation about developing a serious illness and constantly
worrying about this possibility. This is accompanied by anxiety about one’ s health.
Individuals with illness anxiety
Overly concerned about undiagnosed disease, negative diagnostic results, do not respond to
assurance by doctors, and are easily alarmed about illness such as on hearing about someone
else's ill-health or some such news.
In the case of somatic symptom disorder, this expression is in terms of physical
complaints while in case of illness anxiety disorder, as the name suggests, it is the
anxiety which is the main concern.
c) Conversion Disorders:
Reported loss of a body part or some basic bodily functions. For e.g Paralysis, blindness,
deafness, difficulty in walking etc.
These symptoms often occur after stressful experience & may be quite sudden.
5. Dissociative Disorders
One of the most widely prevalent and recognised of all mental disorders is depression. Depression
covers a variety of negative moods and behavioural changes. Depression can refer to a symptom or a
In day-to-day life, we often use the term depression to refer to normal feelings after a significant loss,
such as the break-up of a relationship, or the failure to attain a significant goal.
8. Schizophrenia Disorders
Schizophrenia is the descriptive term for a group of psychotic disorders in which personal, social and
occupational functioning deteriorates as a result of disturbed thought processes, strange perceptions,
unusual emotional states and motor abnormalities.
Symptoms: can be grouped into 3 categories- Positive ( i.e. excesses of thought, emotion and
behaviour), Negative ( deficit of thought, emotion and behaviour) and psychomotor symptoms.
1. Positive Symptoms: pathological excesses or bizarre additions to a person’s behaviour.
Symptoms: Delusions, disorganized thinking and speech, heightened perception and hallucinations.
Q: What are Delusions:
Delusions – false belief that is firmly held on inadequate grounds.
Delusions of persecution- They believe plotted against, spied on, slandered, threatened, attacked or
deliberately victimized.
Delusions of reference- in which they attach personal meaning to the actions, objects and events
Delusions of grandeur-They believe themselves to be specially empowered.
Delusions of control- They believe their thoughts, feelings and actions are controlled by others.
Q: What are Hallucinations?
A: Perceptions that occur in absence of external stimuli.
Auditory Hallucinations: Patients hear sounds or voices that speak directly to them.
Tactile Hallucinations: Tingling, burning sensations.
Somatic: Something happening inside the body, such as snake crawling inside stomach.
Visual: Distinct visions of people and objects.
Gustatory: Food or drink taste strange.
Olfactory: Smell of poison or smoke.
1. Negative symptoms: are pathological deficits and include Alogia (reduction in speech content
or poverty of speech), Blunted effect– Less expression of sadness, joy, anger and other
Flat effect- No emotions and feelings
Loss of volition- Apathy or inability to start or complete any work.
Social withdrawal- become focused on their own ideas and fantasies.
1. Psychomotor symptoms: Less spontaneous, make odd grimaces and gestures. Types:
Catatonic stupor: remain motionless and silent for long durations.
Catatonic rigidity: maintain a rigid upright posture for hours.
Catatonic posturing: assuming odd, awkward positions.
9.Disruptive, Impulse-Control and Conduct Disorder
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