b1 Wordlist Unit 3
b1 Wordlist Unit 3
b1 Wordlist Unit 3
Page 29 3.8 marine (adj) /məˈriːn/
of the sea ● He studies marine life in the
3.1 natural (adj) /ˈnætʃrəl/ Pacific Ocean. ❖
from nature and not made by people ● This
3.9 biologist (n) /baɪˈɒləʤɪst/
furniture is made of natural materials, including
sb who studies living things ● She’s interested
cotton and wood. ➣ nature (n), naturally (adv)
in plants and animals and wants to be a
biologist when she grows up. ➣ biology (n),
3.2 aurora borealis (n) /əˌrɔːrə ˌbɔːriˈælɪs/ biological (adj) ❖
coloured light that appears sometimes in the
3.10 fascinated (adj) /ˈfæsəneɪtɪd/
sky in the most northern countries ● On our
very interested ● I'm fascinated by whales.
visit to Norway, we saw the colourful aurora
They're such beautiful creatures. ➣ fascinate
borealis in the sky one night. ❖
(v), fascinating (adj) ❖
✎ Syn: the Northern Lights
3.11 coral reef (n) /ˈkɒrəl riːf/
3.3 cause (v) /kɔːz/
a long narrow line of coral, rocks and other
to make sth happen ● The storm caused a lot of
substances near the surface of the sea
serious problems. ➣ cause (n) ❖
● You can swim in the sea and look at the
beautiful coral reef. ❖