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An integration of sensor, embedded, computing, and communication

technologies is known as the Internet of Things (IoT). The Internet of Things is
designed to offer seamless services to anything, at any time, everywhere. IoT
technologies are essential everywhere, bringing about the fourth disruptive
technologies developed since the advent of the internet and ICT (ICT). The IoT
will have a greater impact on society than the internet and ICT, which will benefit
both sectors and society, according to the research and development community.
The usage of a prospective IoT system result from addressing the common system-
level design issues such energy efficiency, robustness, scalability, interoperability,
and security concerns. In this study, the functional pillars of the Internet of Things
(IoT) and its applications that inspire researchers and academics to create real-
time, energy-efficient, scalable, reliable, and secure IoT applications.
This paper provides a brief overview of IoT designs and their current state. The
key IoT system-level concerns for creating more sophisticated real-time IoT
applications have been covered. Interoperability between the millions of devices
that share information using various communication standards is a serious
problem. This paper presents the current state of the application layer protocols and
communication standards used in the Internet of Things along with a thorough
analysis. Data offloading, resource and device management, and other services are
made possible by computing paradigms like Cloud, Cloudlet, Fog, and Edge
computing. This paper provides a thorough examination of edge computing in the
Internet of Things using several edge computing architectures and existing Status
decisions are made. IoT security and privacy concerns have arisen as a result of the
broad deployment of IoT throughout society. The focus of this article is on
examining security difficulties, privacy and security concerns, traditional
mitigating strategies, and potential future developments in IoT security. The
creation of time-sensitive IoT applications is made possible by real-time operating
systems (RTOS), which have features including smaller memory footprints,
scheduling, real-time task execution, fewer interrupts, and lower thread switching
Additionally, this research provides an examination of RTOSs that are appropriate
for IoT with regard to their current status and networking stack. The discussion
concludes with open research questions in IoT system development.
Keywords - IoT, pillars of IoT, emerging IoT applications, IoT application
requirements, IoT architecture, IoT application layer protocols, computing
paradigms (edge, fog, cloudlets & cloud), privacy & security, and platforms for
AES Advanced Encryption Standard
BS Base Stati
CART Classification and Regression Tree
CHAID Chi-squared Automatic Interaction Detector
DTLS Datagram Transport Layer Security
CoAP Constrained Application Layer Protocol
DDS Data Distribution Services
AMQP Advanced Message Queuing Protocol
APIs Application Interfaces
BAN Body Area Networks
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol
XMPP Extensible Messaging and Presence Proto
IDPs Intrusion Detection and Prevention System
IoT Internet of Things
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
ISO International Standard Organization
LTE Long-Term Evolution
ITU International Telecommunication Union
MAC Medium Access Control
ML Machine Learning
PDR Packet Delivery Ratio
MQTT Message Queuing Telemetry Transport
ITS Intelligent Transportation System
OS Operating System
RSSI Received Signal Strength Indicator
KNN K-Nearest Neighbor
NS3 Network Simulator-3
QUEST Quick, Unbiased, Efficient, Statistical Tree
QoS Quality of Services
SVM Support Vector Machine
TLS Transport Layer Security
TIS Traveler Information System
WiFi Wireless Fidelity
WWW World Wide Web
What is iot?
The network of physical items, or "things," that are implanted with sensors,
software, and other technologies for the purpose of communicating and exchanging
data with other devices and systems through the internet is referred to as the
Internet of Things (IoT). These gadgets include anything from common domestic
items to high-tech industrial gear. Today, there are more than 7 billion connected
IoT devices, and according to analysts, there will be 10 billion by 2020 and 22
billion by 2025. Device partners are part of Oracle's network.
Information transmission is significantly aided by the Internet [1]. IoT, a new
technology, is the outcome of the shift in technology toward data collecting,
analysis, and remote device control over the Internet rather than merely
information sharing. To gather, control, analyse, and share data in real-time,
numerous physical objects are connected through the Internet of Things (IoT) [2]–
[4]. The goal of IoT is to improve quality of life [5]. The majority of the
manufacturing, service, and software sectors are investing more and implementing
IoT technologies more quickly, which is the driving force behind their rapid
According to Forbes, the transition from the iot concepts' hypothetical state to
reality began in 2015 [6].
According to the report, there will probably be 75.44 billion internet-connected
things [7] and the IoT industry will grow economically by $2.7 to $6.2 trillion by
2025 [8], demonstrating the influence of IoT technology on society.
Figure 1 shows how many devices are expected to be online by 2025, and these
devices will produce about 80 Zettabytes of data [9]. The development of IoT
research is seen in Figure 2 [10]. When doing the search and selection process,
IEEE Digital Library (IEEE Xplore) is taken into account. The Internet of Things,
or IoT, is utilised for searches.
FIGURE 1 shows how many devices are expected to be online by 2025.
FIGURE 2: Trend in IoT research from 2015 (Source: IEEE digital library).
keyword. By restricting the IEEE Xplore's year field, the number of conferences
and journal papers can be found.
The majority of applications, including healthcare, smart homes, smart agriculture,
industry 4.0 and factory automation, intelligent transport systems, smart cities,
infrastructure monitoring, the retail sector, environmental monitoring, smart water,
and power grids, among others, are impacted by IoT [11].
The diversity of IoT applications is depicted in Figure 3.
IoT technology has come a long way (almost ten years) and presents a wide range
of opportunities. There are numerous Internet of Things (IoT) components and
devices being developed with a variety of message protocols, compute
technologies, and security techniques. The main manufacturers of IoT
components/chips and development tools with associated standards, for instance,
include many suppliers including ARM, Atmel, Silicon Labs, Texas Instruments,
Intel, NVIDIA, Samsung, etc. The short- and long-range communication
technologies utilised by IoT devices include BLE, ZigBee, WiFi, Z-wave, Sigfox,
NB-IoT, 5G, etc. IoT applications send and receive messages using
application/messaging protocols as MQTT, CoAP, DDS, XMPP, RESTful
APIs/HTTP. Additionally, to store, process, and analyse the data, IoT applications
use computing technologies including Edge, Fog, Cloudlets, and Cloud. Data is
used extensively in IoT to make judgments that are extremely sensitive and private.
The hybrid architecture of the IoT ecosystem is shown in Figure 4. Figure 4 shows
that the two main technologies needed for an IoT system are compute and
communication. Additionally, it demonstrates how the aforementioned
technologies facilitated the creation and introduction of IoT systems. The entire
IoT deployment scenario is shown in Figure 5. End-node, Edge, Fog, Cloudlets,
and Cloud computing technologies are included in IoT technology, which gives it
intelligence. The end-nodes, which are employed when an application needs to
deploy a large number of high-density sensors to collect the physical
characteristics from the environment, are typically coupled to sensors and signal-
conditioning circuits. Typically, a cluster is formed by several end-nodes.
The edge nodes serve as the cluster head, gathering and preprocessing the raw data
from the end nodes. Additionally, edge-nodes are in charge of ensuring that data is
transmitted accurately via short- and long-range communication standards. The
introduction of edge-nodes at the network's edge offers many deployment
scenarios dependent on the services that the application needs. In Scenario 1, the
edge node sends the data to the gateway (which serves as the fog node) for
additional processing. In Scenario 2, mobile edge nodes have access to the
cloudlets' services, while in Scenario 3, the edge nodes directly access the cloud.
Additionally, Gateway or BS does fog computing as a fog node. The more frequent
operations at the fog level are data processing and information extraction. The
estimation of optimum communication costs is one of the critical services that
these data are utilised to deliver to the underlying devices (Edge and end nodes).
Additionally, it establishes the connection to cloudlets and cloud infrastructure to
store and transmit higher-level value(s) that are more service-oriented.
When IoT devices are highly mobile, cloudlets services are typically deployed. As
an illustration, consider streaming an HD film or movie in an autonomous vehicle.
IoT devices (end nodes, edge nodes, fog nodes, and cloudlets) can communicate
effectively over short or long distances using short-range (RFID, BLE, Zigbee, Z-
Wave, Thread) or long-range (LoRaWAN, NBIoT, Sigfox, 5G, Telensa, Ingenu)
communication protocols.
Since IoT devices are resource-constrained and present a number of difficulties,
both compute and communication resources must be used effectively and wisely.
While realising the potential and mature IoT system, it is important to take into
account system-level factors like energy-efficiency, resilience, heterogeneity &
interoperability, as well as other factors like data & device management and QoS
The IoT system design process should also address privacy and security concerns.
Some of these problems can, however, be resolved using conventional internet
technologies. However, because IoT systems use a variety of different
technologies, it is impractical to implement those solutions or methods directly.
In a limited environment, sensors, communication standards, protocols, and
computer technologies are combined with demand-driven services. IoT devices
require innovative lightweight algorithms with reduced memory needs and
processing complexity. In order to construct an IoT system that is interoperable,
secure, scalable, dependable, and energy-efficient, this article discusses system-
level design issues.
Knowledge, which is frequently mistaken for power, is a priceless intangible
resource and the basis for competitive advantage (Davenport and Prusak 1998;
Grant 1996). The proliferation of online collaboration platforms in our knowledge
economy is becoming increasingly reliant on people's information sharing (IS)
behaviours. To encourage and enable information exchange, organisations, for
instance, invest in technology and knowledge management systems. However,
many knowledge-sharing initiatives fall short because people frequently choose to
keep significant knowledge to themselves (Akhavan, Jafari, and Fathian 2005),
distributing information that is broadly accepted more frequently (e.g. Stasser and
Titus 1985). We contend that this is the case since IS is strategic behaviour that is
impacted by incentives, and we want to find out if technology can help resolve this
The information pooling game was created by Steinel, Utz, and Koning (2010) to
examine the effect of social incentive on strategic information sharing (SIS), which
involves sharing a number of seemingly inconsequential pieces of information
while keeping the crucial private information to oneself. They discovered that
people with prosocial motivation shared more private and important information
than people with pro-self motivation, who strategically shared public and
unimportant information to appear cooperative and concealed or even lied about
their private and important information. They did this by using different reward
systems to manipulate social motivation (Steinel, Utz, and Koning 2010). First, by
examining the generalizability of these results from an abstract lab experiment to a
more complex setting involving more and actual information, we hope to further
this line of inquiry into the function of motivational processes. The second thing
we want to do is look at how time pressure affects situations. In our fast-paced
society, people frequently have to make decisions under time pressure, and it
would be especially relevant at those times to share tacit or private information.
This is the practical justification for taking time pressure into consideration.
Theoretically, prior studies have demonstrated that time pressure reduces decision
quality in groups, both in the lab and in real teams (Bowman and Wittenbaum
2012; Chong et al. 2012; De Dreu 2003), ostensibly because it increases the need
for cognitive closure (NFCC), or the desire to make decisions quickly in
ambiguous situations (Webster and Kruglanski 1994). In addition, the motivated
information processing in groups (MIP-G) model (De Dreu, Nijstad, and Van
Knippenberg 2007) makes the prediction that social and epistemic motivations,
such as NFCC, have an impact on information processing and sharing in groups
both separately and, most crucially, in interaction.
1.1 Applications of IoT
 IoT Applications in Agriculture
IoT enables monitoring and managing microclimate conditions for indoor planting
a reality, which in turn boosts output. IoT-enabled devices can monitor soil
moisture, nutrients, and meteorological information to better manage irrigation and
fertiliser systems for outdoor planting. For instance, this prevents resource waste if
sprinkler systems only release water when necessary.
 IoT Applications in Consumer Use
IoT gadgets like wearables and smart homes make life simpler for average people.
Accessories like Fitbit, cellphones, Apple watches, and health monitors, to mention
a few, fall under the category of wearables. These gadgets enhance network
connectivity, health, and fitness as well as enjoyment.
 IoT Applications in Healthcare
First and foremost, wearable IoT devices enable hospitals to keep tabs on their
patients' health while they are away from the hospital, cutting down on length of
stay while still supplying up-to-the-second real-time information that could save
lives. Smart beds reduce the wait time for available space in hospitals by keeping
the personnel informed of availability. The addition of IoT sensors can make the
difference between life and death by reducing malfunctions and boosting
 IoT Applications in Insurance
The Internet of Things revolution can even help the insurance sector. Insurance
firms may provide discounts to policyholders for IoT wearables like Fitbit. Fitness
tracking enables the insurance to provide personalised coverage and promote better
lifestyle choices, which ultimately benefits both the insurer and the consumer.
 IoT Applications in Manufacturing
Another significant winner in the IoT competition is the manufacturing and
industrial automation sectors. RFID and GPS technology can assist a manufacturer
in tracking a product from its initial placement on the factory floor to its final
placement in the target retailer, or the entire supply chain. These sensors can
collect data on the distance traveled, the state of the product, and the environmental
factors the product was exposed to.
 IoT Applications in Retail
The retail industry has a lot to gain from IoT technology. Sales data from both
online and offline retail can manage warehouse robotics and automation using data
from Internet of Things sensors. This is dependent in large part on RFIDs, which
are currently widely used.
 IoT Applications in Utilities/Energy
IoT sensors can be used to keep an eye on things like temperature, humidity, and
illumination. IoT sensor data can help with the development of algorithms that
control energy usage and make the necessary adjustments, doing away with the
need for humans (since, let's face it, who among us hasn't forgotten to turn off the
lights in a room or lower the thermostat?).
 IoT Applications in Wearables
Wearables have a variety of uses, from GPS tracking to fitness tracking to medical
monitoring. In the previous three years, these IoT have more than doubled.
The fitness bands track a variety of metrics, including calories burned, distance
travelled, heart rate, and blood oxygen saturation. The majority of these IoT
devices are watches or wristbands. However, they can also take the form of smart
fabric, clip-on gadgets, or earphones.
 IoT Applications in Traffic Monitoring
The Internet of Things, a key component of the idea of smart cities, helps huge
cities manage their automobile traffic. IoT is used in applications like Google
Maps or Waze to collect and exchange data from our cars utilising mobile phones
as sensors. In addition to aiding in traffic monitoring, it provides information on
the various routes' traffic conditions, expected arrival times, and distances to
1.2 Challenges of IoT
The Internet of Things (IoT) has quickly expanded to play a significant role in how
people live, interact, and conduct business. Web-enabled devices are transforming
our universal rights into a larger switched-on area to live in all over the world.
There are various types of challenges in front of IoT.
 Security challenges in IoT:
 Lack of encryption –
Encryption is one of the biggest IoT security challenges even if it is a great
technique to stop criminals from obtaining data.
These drives are accustomed to the processing and storage power offered by a
conventional computer.
The end outcome is an increase in attacks where hackers may quickly change the
security algorithms.
 Insufficient testing and updating –
IoT (internet of things) makers are more eager to develop and deliver their gadget
as quickly as possible without giving security much thought as the number of IoT
(internet of things) devices rises.
The majority of these IoT products and gadgets do not receive enough testing or
updates, making them vulnerable to hackers and other security risks.
 Brute forcing and the risk of default passwords –
Nearly all IoT devices are susceptible to password hacking and brute force attacks
due to weak credentials and login information.
Any firm that leaves the factory default passwords on its devices exposes not only
its own assets but also the sensitive information of its customers to the possibility
of a brute force assault.
 IoT Malware and ransomware –
increases as the number of devices rises.
While retaining access to a user's important data and information, ransomware uses
encryption to effectively lock out users from a variety of devices and platforms.
 Design challenge in IoT :
 Battery life is a limitation –
issues with the packaging and integration of small chips that are light in weight and
use little power. If you've been paying attention to the mobile market, you've
probably noticed how every year it seems like there are no limitations on display
screen size. Consider the increasing popularity of "phablets," which are essentially
large-screen phones. Although they are useful, larger monitors aren't always just
for comfort; rather, they are getting bigger to accommodate bigger batteries.
Although computers are becoming more compact, battery energy has not changed.
 Increased cost and time to market –
Cost is only a minimal constraint on embedded systems.
To manage cost modelling or cost optimally with digital electronic components
while creating IoT devices, there is a need to push improved techniques.
In order to release the embedded device on the market at the appropriate time,
designers also need to address the issue of design time.
 Security of the system –
Systems need to be secure with cryptographic algorithms and security protocols in
order to be created and implemented.
It uses a variety of techniques to secure every element of embedded systems, from
the prototype to the finished product.
 Deployment challenges in IoT :
 Connectivity –
It is the main issue when integrating devices, programmes, and cloud platforms.
Connected devices that offer helpful information and front are quite valuable.
However, when IoT sensors are needed to monitor process data and provide
information, weak connectivity becomes a problem.
 Cross platform capability –
IoT applications must be created with future technology advancements in mind.
Its creation necessitates a balance between software and hardware operations.
The optimal performance of the device and IoT platform drivers despite high
device rates and fixes is a challenge for IoT application developers.
 Data collection and processing –
Data is crucial to the growth of the Internet of Things. The processing of the
recorded data or its usefulness is more important in this situation.
Development teams must make sure they plan well for how data is gathered,
stored, or processed within an environment in addition to security and privacy.
 Lack of skill set –
Only if there is a qualified resource working on the IoT application development
will all of the aforementioned development problems be overcome.
The proper talent will always help you overcome the biggest obstacles and will be
a valuable advantage while developing IoT applications. Challenges
1.3Architecture of IoT
There are different phases in the IoT architecture, but they can change depending
on the circumstances. Generally speaking, there are these four phases.
 Networked Devices
These are the actual objects, such as transducers, actuators, and sensors. These are
the actual machinery used in data collection and transmission. They can convert
physical quantities into electrical signals that can be sent over a network and can
receive real-time data.
 Data Aggregation
It is a crucial stage since it involves turning the unprocessed sensor data into
information that can be used to take action. Internet gateways and data acquisition
systems are also included. It changes the analogue signals that sensors provide into
digital signals.
 Final Analysis
In this stage, data is processed to increase its effectiveness and readiness for use, as
well as edge IT analytics. It also includes managing and locating all the devices
 Cloud Analysis
Here, the final data is obtained and carefully and precisely analysed in data centres.
To remove all errors and missing numbers, they process and clean the data. The
data is now prepared to be transmitted back and executed to carry out operations.
♦ Now let us see the basic fundamental architecture of IoT which consists of
four stages

 Sensing Layer
Sensors, devices, actuators, and other components are part of the IoT's initial stage.
These components gather data from the physical world, process it, and then
transfer it over the network.
 Network Layer
Network Gateways and Data Acquisition Systems make up the IoT's second level.
The analogue data (gathered from sensors) is transformed into digital data using
DAS. Additionally, it manages data and detects infections.
 Data Processing Layer
The most crucial stage of the Internet of Things is the third. Data is pre-processed
here according to its variety and separated as necessary. It is then delivered to data
centres. Edge IT is used in this situation.
 Application Layer
Cloud/Data Centers are the fourth stage of the Internet of Things, where data is
maintained and used by applications for agriculture, defence, healthcare, and other
“N. Bălău and S. Utz” in [1] The purpose of this study is to comprehend how
communication technology and human incentives combine to influence IS. In
particular, we broaden the understanding of IS as a strategic behaviour by (1)
examining the interaction between social motivation (prosocial vs. pro-self) and
time pressure (high vs. low). as well as (2) how technical elements (pull versus
push information display) may encourage the exchange of sensitive data. Over the
course of two tests, we discovered that push-information displays encourage the
exchange of personal data. This was true in particular for those with prosocial
motivation. We also discovered that actual time pressure, not imagined time
pressure, affects (private) IS. Knowledge management and its implications for
technology design are examined.
“H. Liu, D. Han, and D. Li” in [2] The mobility, performance limitations, and
distributed deployment of IoT devices make it challenging for standard centralised
access control systems to accommodate them. access management in the present
industrial IoT ecosystem. This paper suggests a fabric-iot access control system for
IoT that is based on the Hyperledger Fabric blockchain framework and uses
attribute-based access control to address these issues. The system includes Device
Contracts (DC), Policy Contracts (PC), and Access Contracts, three different types
of smart contracts. DC offers both a way to query the URL of resource data
produced by devices as well as a way to store it. IoT devices have several unique
qualities, such as mobility, low performance, and PC functions that allow admin
users to maintain ABAC policies. The main programme used to establish an access
control strategy for common users is called AC. IoT fabric-iot can offer
decentralised, granular, and dynamic access control management when combined
with ABAC and blockchain technology. Two sets of simulation experiments are
created to test the system's performance. The findings demonstrate that fabric-iot
can maintain high throughput in large-scale request environments and efficiently
reach consensus in a distributed system to guarantee data consistency.
“P. Sethi and S. R. Sarangi” in [3] IoT devices have certain unique qualities, like
mobility, performance limitations, and
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a paradigm in which things having sensors,
actuators, and processors interact with one another in order to accomplish a useful
task. We review the most recent techniques, protocols, and applications in this
newly developing field in this study. In addition to highlighting some of the most
significant technologies and outlining certain applications that have the potential to
significantly improve human life, particularly for the elderly and others with
special needs, this survey report suggests a novel taxonomy for IoT technologies.
When compared to other survey papers in the field, this one is significantly more
thorough and includes all important technologies, from sensors to application.
“J. Lin, W. Yu, N. Zhang, X. Yang, H. Zhang, and W. Zhao” in [4] IoT devices
have certain unique qualities, like mobility, performance limitations, andTo enable
computing services devices deployed at network edges and improve user
experience and service resilience in the event of failures, fog/edge computing has
been proposed to be connected with the Internet of Things (IoT). Fog/edge
computing can deliver a faster reaction time and higher quality of service for IoT
applications thanks to the benefits of distributed architecture and proximity to end
users. Fog/edge computing-based IoT therefore becomes future IoT development
infrastructure. It is important to first analyse the architecture, enabling
technologies, and IoT-related problems before considering how to integrate
fog/edge computing and IoT. This will help to create IoT infrastructure based on
fog/edge computing. In order to achieve this, this article provides a thorough
review of IoT, including information on system design, enabling technologies,
security and privacy concerns, as well as the integration of fog/edge computing
with IoT. It also presents IoT applications. This research specifically examines the
interaction between IoT and cyber-physical systems, both of which are crucial to
the realisation of an intelligent cyber-physical world.
Then, to further clarify the state of the art in IoT development, existing
architectures, enabling technologies, and security and privacy challenges are
discussed. This study examines challenges in fog/edge computing-based IoT as
well as the interaction between IoT and fog/edge computing in order to better
understand the fog/edge computing-based IoT. Finally, a number of applications
are presented, including smart grid, smart cities, and smart transportation, to show
how fog/edge computing-based IoT can be used in practical applications.
“V. Miori and D. Russo” in [5] The average age of the global population is rising,
and by 2050, life expectancy will have increased by an additional 10 years. The
burden on public health services and associated expenses rise as the population of
elderly people does. Reducing these costs can be significantly aided by the use of
information and communication technologies (ICT) to support integrated
healthcare services in elderly homecare. In order to improve the quality of life of
the elderly, the SOCIALIZE AAL project aims to establish a new reference
platform for them by implementing technological solutions that make it easier for
them to go about their daily lives and access specialised services. The Elderly
Monitoring service, an IoT module of the SOCIALIZE platform, is described in
this paper. Its goal is to gather environmental and physical user data so that it may
be monitored by medical and caregiver staff. The system has been created to make
it simple to add and/or replace new services and equipment in the environment. In
order to do this, the service develops a framework that enables disparate devices
using various domotic systems and protocols to directly communicate data,
creating an infrastructure suited for the realisation of a true Social IoT.

1. Improved productivity of staff and reduced human labor
IoT solutions enable monotonous chores to be completed automatically, freeing up
human resources for more complicated tasks that call for unique abilities,
particularly creative problem-solving. By doing this, the number of employees may
be kept to a minimum, which lowers operating costs for the company.
2.Efficient operation management
The automated control of numerous operational areas, including, among others,
inventory management, shipping tracking, fuel and spare parts management, is
another important advantage provided by the connectivity of smart devices. For
instance, this strategy employs RFID tags and an associated network of sensors to
track the whereabouts of machinery and cargo.
3. Better use of resources and assets
The automatic scheduling and monitoring made possible by networked sensors
allows for greater resource efficiency, including reduced water and power usage.
For instance, inexpensive motion detectors could result in significant electricity
and water bill savings, increasing the efficiency and environmental friendliness of
both small and large organisations.
4. Cost-effective operation
The equipment may have a greater production rate leading to increased
profitability because of the decreased downtime times, guaranteed by
autonomously scheduled and regulated maintenance, supply of raw materials, and
other manufacturing requirements. Once more, IoT devices significantly improve
administration across the entire company structure as well as within specific
5. Improved work safety
In addition to the previously mentioned benefits, periodic maintenance is also very
helpful for guaranteeing operational safety and adherence to the necessary laws.
Safe working conditions also increase the enterprise's appeal to partners, partners,
and employees, which improves the company's reputation and brand trust. In
addition to increasing safety, smart technology lowers the possibility of human
error at many points in corporate operations. Additionally, an enterprise's security
may be guaranteed and thefts and even corporate espionage prevented by using a
network of IoT devices like surveillance cameras, motion sensors, and other
monitoring devices.
6. Thorough marketing and business development
Voice assistants and other smart home products that may regularly engage in direct
communication with end customers are particularly helpful as sources of data for
business research. IoT supports businesses by collecting massive amounts of user-
specific data used for creating corporate plans, focusing advertising, adjusting
price policy, and other management and marketing tasks.
7. Improved customer service and retention
Businesses can better understand customer expectations and behaviour by
employing the aforementioned user-specific data collecting made possible by smart
devices. IoT facilitates post-sale follow-ups such as automatic tracking and
informing clients about required maintenance of acquired equipment after its
predetermined duration of use, the expiration of warranty periods, etc., which
further improves customer service.
8. Better business opportunities
The company that employs IoT solutions is able to offer a greater selection of
services or products, or raise the quality of those items, in contrast to its rivals,
while maintaining the same pricing. Such a corporation may instead take on jobs
that are more complex in terms of production difficulty, time, or quantity. An
organisation becomes more competitive and appealing as a potential business
partner when smart solutions are used across the board.
9. More trustworthy image of the company
Customers, investors, and other business partners who are aware of the many
benefits provided by the Internet of Things tend to have a favourable opinion of a
firm that uses high-tech solutions, and IoT in particular. Moreover, if a business
offers a secure working environment supported by a network of smart devices, it
will be simpler to recruit highly sought-after expert workers.
10. Real-Time Access to Information
We can all agree that having access to real-time data is quite beneficial for both
business and everyday uses based on the growing popularity of real-time analytics
and heatmap technologies. The constant flow of information is one of the main
benefits of the internet of things. Data can be transferred between internet-
connected devices at the speed of light, resulting in fewer delays and less chance of
1. Security flaws
The most pervasive issue impeding IoT development as a whole is insufficient
security measures. Because smart gadgets capture and transmit private information
that may have serious repercussions if revealed, there is always a concern about
data leaks. However, IoT solutions rarely adhere to all applicable data protection
standards, encryption protocols, and other laws and technologies intended to
prevent unwanted access to sensitive data. They also rarely have sufficient anti-
tampering measures. Inadequate data protection may have expensive, terrible, or
even tragic results, such as identity theft, the theft of company secrets, the loss of
tools or products, sabotage, etc. Because of this, experts who can guarantee that the
installed hardware and software systems have no vulnerabilities and are well-
protected against any hacking attempts must develop and implement IoT solutions
in business.
2. Associated costs
Implementing IoT infrastructure in a corporate firm entails creating a sizable
network made up of numerous smart devices and the technical infrastructure that
goes along with them, such as the power grid and the communication network. As
a result, such an endeavour necessitates large financial outlays for the installation,
upkeep, and progressive network expansion required to meet future demands. IoT
solutions offer a variety of advantages, but it takes a while for them to start making
money, even while their financial advantages outweigh the costs of their first
3. Power supply dependence
Even while IoT suggests that numerous devices would operate independently, a
network of this kind is still very dependent on outside factors that must be taken
into account in order to successfully apply it in a corporate setting. Smart gadgets
must first and foremost have a consistent and ample supply of electricity, which
necessitates the provision of additional infrastructure that has been carefully
thought out. It must contain an adequate number of UPS units, surge protectors,
and other devices with the necessary ingress protection (IP) ratings.
4. Network dependence
The extensive network of connections between different devices and accessibility
to the global network are the essential components of the Internet of Things. IoT
devices consequently also need an infrastructure that guarantees continuous cable
and wireless connection with high throughput, low latency, and ongoing Internet
access. Therefore, in order to take use of IoS, a corporate firm must first offer the
full complement of necessary networking hardware, including cables, routers,
hubs, local data storage devices, etc.
5. High skill requirements
IoT solutions need for responsible, knowledgeable experts who are well aware of
the scope and potential repercussions of their job. IoT solution deployment, setup,
upkeep, and scale changes in a commercial operation require highly trained
administrators, who may be difficult to discover and hire given their high salary
expectations. All staff members should obtain the appropriate training and manuals
before dealing with the implemented network of smart devices. Therefore, even
though IoT decreases the need for human resources, the staff that is still on-site
must be well-trained to avoid interfering with the operation of smart devices and
causing a "snowball effect."
6. Connectivity and power dependence
For many devices to operate successfully, the internet and constant power are
required. Both the device and anything connected to it cease to function when
either one fails. Given how ingrained IoT devices are in today's businesses, when
they go down, everything can come to a screeching halt.
7. Integration
IoT protocols and standards are still up for debate, therefore devices made by
various manufacturers may not be compatible with current hardware. It may be
challenging to deploy effectively because each one may need various hardware
connections and setups.
8. Higher costs (time and money)
IoT device deployment frequently requires a significant time and financial
investment. There are numerous devices that must be acquired and setup, as well as
staff members who must install them, others who must integrate them into the
network, and calls for support to the vendor. Businesses can swiftly recoup their
investment if they are all going to one place. Expect the cost to increase
enormously if the company is dispersing them.
9. Complexity
There are greater chances for failure, just as there are with any complex systems.
With the Internet of Things, errors could increase dramatically. Let's imagine, for
example, that you and your husband both receive notifications that your milk has
run out and that you both decide to stop at a supermarket on the way home to buy
milk. As a result, you and your husband have spent twice as much as is necessary.
Or perhaps a software flaw causes your printer to automatically order a new ink
cartridge every hour for a few days, or at the very least after each power outage,
even though you only require a single replacement.
10. Lesser Employment of Menial Staff
The automation of daily tasks may result in the loss of employment for unskilled
workers and assistants. This may cause problems with unemployment in the
community. Any new technology will cause problems like this, but they can be
solved with education.
As you can see, the Internet of Things (IoT) is recognised as one of the most
promising digital technologies and will undoubtedly grow in popularity and use
over the coming years. IoT systems have tremendous capabilities even in their
current condition, and their benefits are alluring. It's crucial to understand, though,
that successful IoT integration in an organisation takes a lot of work and expertise
in order to reap the benefits without experiencing any negative effects. In order to
obtain a successful IoT solution, it is therefore most logical to employ the help of
trustworthy and knowledgeable experts. Contact us, and one of our talented
developers will deliver to you the effective software products created specifically
for the Internet of Things integration in your company.
5. Future Scope of IoT
 A course called "The Internet of Things" examines how objects are linked to
the web and how this might keep people in touch. People can learn how to
use the Internet to stay connected and how the Internet of Things can help
them in their daily life. People who successfully complete an Internet of
Things course can find job in this sector as IoT Engineers, IoT Experts,
Development Engineers in IoT Applications, and in a number of other
positions. Students can have a greater understanding of the subject thanks to
the course's overview of the topic and all of its elements. The course gives
students excellent practical skills as well as a theoretical foundation for
professional understanding. The Internet of Things includes cloud
computing, software development, statistical data analysis, and dissertation.
 IOT will have a good impact on the automation industry since data can be
sent from one place to another. This will also allow for data analysis, which
will allow us to forecast future values by comparing them to past and present
 It can be used in cities for more than just locating traffic; it can also be used
to analyse data and take wise decisions to reduce vehicle traffic.
 IOT and cloud computing will work hand in hand.
 The IOT industry will present a chance for business owners who want to
launch technical ventures, and it will undoubtedly aid many people in
finding employment.
 In the future years, IOT will experience a huge increase in demand.
 The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of connected computing devices,
mechanical and digital machines, items, animals, or people that can
exchange data over a network without requiring human-to-human or
human-to-computer interaction.
 However, it has also found use cases for organisations within the
agriculture, infrastructure, and home automation industries, leading some
organisations toward digital transformation. In general, IoT is most
prevalent in manufacturing, transportation, and utility organizations, using
sensors and other IoT devices.
 There are many job opportunities because there are more than 300 tech
start-ups working on IoT-related projects in India alone.
 A cloud computing platform for IoT called Amazon Web Services (AWS) IoT
was introduced by Amazon. With the help of this framework, smart devices
will be able to securely connect to and communicate with other connected
devices as well as the AWS cloud.
 The Arm Mbed IoT platform allows for the creation of IoT applications using
Arm microcontrollers. By incorporating Mbed tools and services, the Arm
Mbed IoT platform aims to give IoT devices a scalable, connected, and
secure environment.
 The Azure IoT Suite from Microsoft is a platform made up of a number of
services that let users interact with and receive data from their IoT devices
as well as perform different operations on that data, like multidimensional
analysis, transformation, and aggregation, and visualise those operations in
a way that's appropriate for business.
 A platform for the quick implementation of IoT applications is Google's
Brillo/Weave. Brillo, an Android-based operating system for the creation of
embedded low-power devices, and Weave, an IoT-focused communication
protocol that acts as the device and cloud's common language, make up the
platform's two main pillars.
 Calvin is an open source Internet of Things (IoT) platform created by
Ericsson for creating and managing distributed applications that let devices
communicate with one another. Calvin comes with a runtime environment
for managing applications that are already running as well as a
development framework for programmers creating new applications.
 Organizations can gain a number of advantages from the internet of things.
 The Internet of Things has become a dominant technology globally. In a
short period of time, it has become extremely popular. In addition, the
automation of IoT devices has become simple thanks to advancements in
artificial intelligence and machine learning.
 In essence, IoT devices are combined with AI and ML programmes to
properly automate them. As a result, the IoT has broadened the range of
industries in which it can be applied. We'll talk about the uses and potential
of IoT in the healthcare, automotive, and agricultural industries in this
section .
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