Klipping Grup 10
Klipping Grup 10
Klipping Grup 10
Thanks to Allah the Lord of the world. We prayed to you, because of his grace
blessings we can complete this paper entitled “Englih Book Evaluation for MA Class XI
Based on Curriculum 2013 and 2017 Revision Version” in a timely manner.
The paper is structured to meet the task in subject “ELT Materials Development” as
a replacement of our mid-test. We evaluate this book because we feel that this activity needs
to be practiced directly by prospective teachers as a form of awareness that many books are
not worthy of being marketed and published so that there are many criteria that we must
understand before evaluating books and of course all of this aims to ensure equality in
Group 10
ELT Coursebook Evaluation Checklist
Yes No
Does the content serve as a window into learning about the target
language culture (American, British, etc.)? (23)
Are the subject and content of the coursebook interesting? (2)
Is the content of the coursebook challenging enough to foster new
learnings? (5)
Are the subject and content of the coursebook motivating? (2)
Subjects & Contents
language? (1)
Listening Does the coursebook have appropriate listening tasks
with well-defined goals? (8)
Is the listening material well recorded, as authentic as
possible? (9)
Is the listening material accompanied by background
information, questions and activities which help
comprehension? (9)
Speaking Does the coursebook include speech situations
relevant to student’s background? (10)
Are the activities developed to initiate meaningful
communication? (8)
Does the coursebook include adequate individual and
group speaking activities? (5)
Writing Are models provided for different genres? (11)
Do the tasks have achievable goals and take into
considerations learner capabilities? (8)
Is practice provided in controlled and guided
composition in the early stages? (10)
Vocabulary Does the vocabulary load (i.e. the number of new
words introduced every lesson) seem to be reasonable
for the students of that level? (12)
Is there is a good distribution (simple to complex) of
vocabulary load across chapters and the whole book?
Do the vocabulary exercises promote internalization
of previously and newly introduced items? (13)
Are the new vocabulary words repeated in subsequent
lessons to reinforce their meaning and use? (1)
Is the new vocabulary integrated in varying contexts
and situations? (14)
Grammar Are the grammar points presented with brief and easy
examples and explanations? (15)
Is the primary function of new structures for
interaction and communication? (14)
Do the structures gradually increase in complexity to
suit the growing reading ability of students? (12)
Are the new structures presented systematically and
in a meaningful context? (16)
Are the grammar points recycled in the following
units? (4)
Pronunciatio Is there sufficient work on recognition and production
n of stress patterns, intonation and individual sounds?
Are the pronunciation points repeated and reinforced
in subsequent lesson? (13)
Does the coursebook cover other sub-skills like note-taking, skimming,
scanning, inferring meaning, listening for gist, etc.? (4, 2)
Do the size and weight of the coursebook seem convenient for students
to handle? (14)
After doing the calculation, the result that we get is 76,45%. That is why this book
need more adaptation.
Does the coursebook have appropriate listening tasks with well-defined goals? (8)
Answer : No, the book has no listening task.
Does the coursebook include speech situations relevant to student’s background? (10)
Answer : YES
Reason : every single material in this book, it present the conversation that can be read
by students and the conversation relevant with the students background, for example in
conversation 1, the picture talking about watching movie
Are the activities developed to initiate meaningful communication? (8)
Answer : YES
Reason : all the conversation in this book is meaninful for students because it can
train and stimulate students to speak.
Does the coursebook include adequate individual and group speaking activities? (5)
Answer : NO
Reason : in this book the instructional of the conversation just told the students to pair
with chairmate not in group
Are models provided for different genres? (11)
Answer : YES
Reason : this book is provided for different genres because the material present in this
book not focus not only to one genres but for evergenres
Do the tasks have achievable goals and take into considerations learner capabilities? (8)
Answer : YES
Reason : in this book, the task have achievable goals because its related with the
material which present in every single chapter
Is practice provided in controlled and guided composition in the early stages? (10)
Answer : YES
reason: the practice part in this book can guided composition in the early stages because
the material its easy to understand and can help the early stages to doing the practice part
Does the vocabulary load (i.e. the number of new words introduced every lesson) seem
to be reasonable for the students of the level? (12)
Answer : YES
Reason : the vocabulary in this book is reasonable for the students of that level
because the vocabulary presents that related with everyday life of students, so the
students can implemented the vocabulary in this book
Is there is a good distribution (simple to complex) of vocabulary load across chapters
and the whole book? (11)
Answer : YES
Reason : in this book every chapter explain from the simple context to complex
context, because in every chapter there is show pre activity and then present about the
material and in the last there is practice that can help students to understand a whole of
the material
Do the vocabulary exercises promote internalization of previously and newly introduced
items? (13)
Answer : NO
Reason : there is no relation with previously chapter and newly chapter because in
this book in one chapter only present the material related with the title of the chapter
Are the new vocabulary words repeated in subsequent lessons to reinforce their meaning
and use? (1)
Answer : YES
Reason : the new vocabulary words always repeated in practice part
Is the new vocabulary integrated in varying contexts and situations? (14)
Answer : YES
Reason : in this book there is many new vocabulary present and every vocabulary
Are the grammar points presented with brief and easy examples and explanations? (15)
Answer : NO
Reason : in this book there is no detail explanation about grammar and not focus with those
sub skills
Is the primary function of new structures for interaction and communication? (14)
Answer : YES
Reason : Cause new structures is for interaction and communication.
Do the structures gradually increase in complexity to suit the growing reading ability of
students? (12)
Answer : YES
Reason : because in the first chapter the material is not too difficult until in the next chapter for
example in the first chapter the material is about active conversation and then in the next chapter
about opinions & thoughts.
Are the new structures presented systematically and in a meaningful context? (16)
Answer : YES
Reason : the structures presented systematically and in a meaningful context.
Are the grammar points recycled in the following units? (4)
Answer : no
Reason : theres no grammar review in each chapter
Is there sufficient work on recognition and production of stress patterns, intonation and
individual sounds? (17)
Answer : yes
Reason : in the book there is a pre-activity where students are required to read a
conversation with their partner.
Are the pronunciation points repeated and reinforced in subsequent lesson? (13)
Answer : no
Reason : theres no repeated and reinforced material in the next chapter and
continuing the next material.
Does the coursebook cover other sub-skills like note-taking, skimming, scanning,
inferring meaning, listening for gist, etc.? (4,2)
Answer : yes
Reason : theres a pre-activity like do a conversation with friend, complete the
transactional conversations and also writing connection, active conversation
Practical Consideration
20) Is the coursebook up-to-date (e.g. published within the past 10 years)?
Answer : Yes, it is. Because the cover of the book clearly show us the year when the
book was published it is 2017.
2) Is the coursebook easily accessible?
Answer : Yes, it is. Because we can buy it in online market and also find it in the internet
as a softcopy.
21) Is the coursebook affordable?
Answer : Yes, it is. The price is quite inexpensive. It costs Rp.16.000,-. It is also easily
find at online market.
5) Does the coursebook have supplementary materials (tapes, visual, etc.)?
Answer : No, it does not.
5) Does the coursebook have supporting online materials/tests and e-format?
Answer : No, it does not.
4) Does the book address different learning styles and strategies?
Answer : Yes, it does. Because there are two
22) Do the activities and exercises introduce the main principle of CLT?
Answer : Yes, they do.
5) Does the coursebook include self-assessment parts?
Answer : Yes, it does.
11) Can the activities be exploited fully and embrace various methodologies in ELT?
Answer : Yes, it can because it is quite applicable for any methodologies.
4) Is/are the type/s of syllabus design used in the book appropriate for learners?
Answer : Yes, it is. Because the book has revised by the experts.
5) Can the coursebook easily be integrated into technology. Thereby allowing for individual
study outside the school?
Answer : Yes, it can. It can take as a guided book for students who want to focus on
speaking skill because it is dominantly filled by conversation for each chapter.
3) Does the coursebook fit curriculum/goals?
Answer : Yes, it does. It is clearly stated at book cover.
22) Are the objectives specified explicitly in the coursebook?
Answer : No, it does not.
5) Is the coursebook designed by taking into account the learner’s socially and historically
English-free status?
Answer : No, it is not. Because there is KD that guided students to learn it according to
with the KD.
The conclusion that can be drawn after reviewing the various categories of this book is that it
is honest that this book is eligible for distribution, with the note that teachers in schools need to
adapt some parts of this book to the context and circumstances in their respective schools.
Considering it seems that the cultural values that exist in our respective regions, it is better if
some of the dialogues have the names of the characters or events discussed in the dialogues
changed. In addition, this book also needs supporting materials such as worksheets made by
each teacher and additional audio is also needed as a form of exercise to improve the listening
skills of students in their respective schools. It's a good idea from time to time the dialogue in
the form of text is made in audio form and then tested on students. Or it could be that the
dialogue is practiced directly by the students in front of the class.