A Descriptive Study On Literal Reading Comprehension Achievement of The

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A Descriptive Study on Literal Reading Comprehension Achievement of the

Seventh Grade Students of SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Rambipuji in the

2017/2018 Academic years

Rawipa Manlee
Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember
Jember, Jawa Timur
Email: [email protected]

The location of this research was SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Rambipuji that was chosen
purposively. The population of this research was the seventh grade students of SMP
Muhammadiyah 3 Rambipuji in the 2017/2018 academic year that were divided into 3
classes. The population of the research was homogenous, so that one class was determined
as the participants of the research which were determined by cluster random sampling by a
lottery. The data of this research were collected from the students’ score of reading
comprehension test, and documentation. The reading comprehension test was administered
to obtain primary data about the students’ reading comprehension, and documentation were
collection to obtain supporting data. The primary data was analyzed statistically in the form
of percentage. Based on the calculation, the seventh grade students reading comprehension
achievement on literal reading was 71.21% and the result could be categorized as “good”.

KeyWords: Descriptive study, Literal Reading Comprehension Achievement.


Reading a text always relates text and exploring the organization of

to comprehension. McMeans (2004: 2) a text are essential for good
states that reading comprehension comprehension (Grabe in Richards
means the act of making sense out of and Renandya, 2002: 277). It means
what you read. In other words, reading that the students should be able to
comprehension is the activity to know the main idea and the
elaborate the content of the text which organization of the text to comprehend
has been read by someone. In addition, what they read.
reading for comprehension is the Pinker (2007) as written in
primary purpose for reading; raising Lems, et al (2010) says. “Language is
student awareness of main ideas in a an instinct, but reading is not”. People

are able to acquire language and identifying supporting details of
unconsciously, but they cannot acquire the descriptive text and increase the
the ability of reading unconsciously. students’ achievement in reading
That is why reading needs to be taught descriptive text.
and practiced. Reading is useful not Reading comprehension is an
only for mastering the reading skills active cognitive process which
required in reading activities but also involves reasoning to construct
for giving pleasure for the students meaning from a written text and
who learn English. It was important to understanding it effectively and
conduct this research because the comprehensively Nakamoto & Lindse
researcher was curious to know how (Ed.2008: 38). Enabling EFL learners
well the seventh grade students’ to deeply and adequately understand
reading comprehension achievement the written language, necessitate
especially to get the evidence whether teaching them the reading
the students’ ability in identifying comprehension skills that comprises
main idea and identifying supporting reading proficiency.
details of the descriptive text was good Besides, reading texts provide
or not because those aspects were good models of English writing for the
important for good comprehension in students in arranging sentences,
reading text (Grabe in Richards and paragraphs, and texts. According to
Renandya. 2002: 277). Later, the Harmer (2007) the reading texts also
findings of this research can be useful provide opportunities to study the
for the future researchers as an other language components such as
information or reference for vocabulary, grammar and punctuation.
conducting further research, such as Reading and reading
giving a certain treatment to obtain comprehension are closely related to
whether that treatment can give an each other Reading comprehension
effect or not on the students’ reading involves highly complex process and
comprehension achievement interaction between the readers and
(experimental research) or a treatment what they are reading. As Lems et al
that can overcome the students’ (2010: 75) states that decoding is not
difficulties in identifying main idea really reading if it does not include

comprehension. So, if readers only particular thing, animal, person, place
focus on decoding process, the and so on (Garot et al, 1994 in
comprehension is difficult to get. Mursyid, 2011).
Further McNamara et al (2007: xi)
agree that comprehension refers to the Method
ability to go beyond the words, to
The research design used is
understand the ideas and the
descriptive quantitative. According to
relationships among the ideas
Syaodih (2008: 72) a descriptive
conveyed in the text.
research is the research intended to
Literal reading comprehension
describe image or phenomena,
is reading skills in which the reader
because this research aims to describe
must understand what the author is
the students’ literal reading
actually saying before he or she can
comprehension test. The research will
draw inference or make an evaluation.
be conducted using the following
It is stated by Kustaryo (1988: 12) that
procedure: a). finding the research
literal reading refers to the ideas and
design and the research problem. b).
facts that are directly stated on the
formulating the research problem and
printed page. The literal reading
objective. c). determining the data
comprehension is considered as the
sources. d). constructing the data
easiest level of reading comprehension
instrument to get the data. e).
because the students are only required
collecting the primary data. f).
to read what are written.
analyzing the collected data. g).
A descriptive text is a text which lists
drawing conclusion to answer the
the characteristics of something Loos
research problem, and h). writing
et al (in Anggun, 2016: 149). The
generic structure of this text consists
The collecting data is through
of, identification and description. The
the reading test. The data will be
language features of this text are the
obtained in the form of the students’
common use of simple present tense,
reading score on reading
third person pronoun and the topic is
comprehension achievement test. The
usually about attributes of a thing. The
quality of the instrument used by the
context of this text is the description of
researcher is very important.

Concerning with the person who Result and Discussion
constructs the test, test can be dived
The students’ mean score
into two kinds, namely: teacher-made
literal reading comprehension test was
test and standardized test (Arikunto,
71.21% with the percentage value was
2006: 227). Standardized test is a test
created by testing institution and 71.21%. After that the result was

where validity and reliability have consulted to the table classification of

been validated. the score level.
In this research a teacher-made The table above showed that
test will be used. The test is in the form there were 11 students belonged to
of multiple choices with four options. excellent category with the percentage
It is an objective test, because there is of the frequency was 34.10%. For the
only one fixed answer. The reason to good category, there were 37.20% of
use multiple choice item is because
students belonged to it, in which 12 of
according to Hughes (2003: 76), it has
31 students belonged to that category.
some the advantages, among others:
Each frequency for poor and failed
the scoring is rapid and economical,
category consisted 4 students or
the students have only to make a mark
12.40%. From the tabulation data also
on the paper, and the scoring can be
found not have student was fair.
done easily in the short time.
The students’ literal reading
The reading test is constructed
test covered general information and
based on the English syllabus used at
specific information. The percentage
the SMP Muhammadiyah 3
of the two indicators were the general
Rambipuji. The test consists of 40
information with the percentage
items with 17 questions of finding
79.21%, and the specific information
main idea and 23 questions of finding
was 73.81%.
specific idea. Each correct answer is
scored 2.5 points, maling total score of Based on the description from

100. The time allocation to do the test the data analysis, there were 11

is 90 minutes. students belonged to excellent

category with the percentage of the
frequency was 34.10%. For the good

category, there were 37.20% of Table 1 The Classification of score level
Score Level Category
students belonged to it, in which 12 of
80-100 Excellent
31 students belonged to that category. 70-79 Good
60-69 Fair
Each frequency for poor and failed
50-59 Poor
category consisted 4 students or 0-49 Failed
12.40%. From the tabulation data also
Following the calculation
found not have student was fair.
above, the students’ mean score literal
From the result of data analysis
reading comprehension test was
of students’ literal reading
71.21% with the percentage value was
comprehension based on the
71.21%. After that the result was
indicators, it can be seen the
percentages in each indicator. The consulted to the table classification of

percentage of the two indicators were the score level.

the general information with the After consulting the mean

percentage 79.21%, and the specific score of students’ Literal reading

comprehension test, it was known that
information was 73.81%.
it belonged to the category of Good
The students’ highest score in
because it was in the range of 70-79.
literal reading comprehension test was
The frequency of and the
90. The students’ middle score was 75
percentage of students based on the
and the lowest score was 40. This
classification of score level can be
provided a warning to the English
seen in the table tabulation data.
teacher of the seventh grade students
of SMP Muhammadiyah3 Rambipuji
to give more practice in literal reading.
There were a few students who got
score under the standard score from
the school.

Table 2 The Number of The Students’ Score Percentage of literal reading Comprehension Test
Based on The Classification of The Score Level

No Score Level Frequency % Category

1 80-100 11 34,10% Excellent
2 70-79 12 37,20% Good
3 60-69 0 0% Fair
4 50-59 4 12,40% Poor
5 0-49 4 12,40% Failed
Total 31 100.00%

The following table presents the result of the students’ score of literal
reading test.

Table 3 The students’ score percentage reading test based on the classification of the score

No Indicators Score (%) Classification

1 General Information 79.21% Good

2 Specific Information 73.81% Good

Conclusion on literal reading was 71.21% and the

result could be categorized as “good”.
Based on the study, it was
Because it was in the range of 70-79.
found test the reading comprehension
The research results concluded that the
test was administered to obtain
seventh grade students at SMP
primary data about the students’
Muhammadiyah 3 Rambipuji in the
reading comprehension, and
2017/2018 academic year had
documentation were collection to
standard requirement score of the
obtain supporting data. The primary
school that was 75. Besides, it is
data was analyzed statistically in the
suggested had standard requirement
form of percentage. Based on the
score of the school that was 75. There
calculation, the seventh grade students
was the possibility of the students’
reading comprehension achievement

reading achievement was caused Students. Jakarta: PPTK.
because they had been learning
Lems, K., Miller, L. D., and Soro,
without many media. Therefore, it was T.M. (2010). Teaching
reading to English Language
suggested for the English teacher to
Learners: Insights from
give more new texts in teaching Linguistics. New York: The
Guilford Press.
reading of descriptive text. It will
widen the seventh grade students’ McMeans, J. (2004). Teacher’s
Guide: Reading
knowledge in order to comprehend
comprehension. Schlesinger
what they read. Media. Available
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