Water Cement Ratio (Gate60 Short Notes)

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Water Cement Ratio

What is Water Cement Ratio?

Water Cement Ratio means the ratio between the weight of water to the weight of
cement used in concrete mix.

Normally water cement ratio falls under 0.4 to 0.6 as per IS Code 10262 (2009) for
nominal mix (M10, M15 …. M25)

We all know that water cement ratio will directly affect the strength of concrete.
Either it increases the strength if used in correct proportion or decrease it.

But have you ever thought about it why we are using water if it has so much difficulty?

Role of Water in Concrete

Concrete is a macro content.

It contains micro ingredients such as cement, sand, fine aggregate & Coarse
aggregate. In order to acquire high strength concrete which withstands up to our
desired compressive strength, We need correct proportion of admixture to combine
these materials.

Here comes the Water which will initiate this chemical process by adding 23%-25% of
the cement volume. This initiates the chemical process and makes 15% of water
cement paste also known as a gel to fill the voids in the concrete.

Effects of too much water in concrete

As stated above we need 23% of water to initiate the chemical process on cement.

Adding more water than this allowable Water cement limit will affect the strength.

If we keep on adding water to increase the workability, then the concrete has lots of
fluid materials where the aggregates will settle down. Once the water evaporated it
leaves lots of voids in concrete which affects the concrete strength.

But if we follow the guidelines to maintain the strength of the concrete then it will
affect the concrete workability and make us hard to handle and place them.

Do you know what is Workability Of Concrete?

Workability means the ability of concrete to handle, transport and placing without
any segregation. The concrete said to be workable if it can be easily handled, placed
and transported without any segregation while placing it in site.

That’s why we are using plasticisers & superplasticizers which will increase the
workability without affecting the W/C Ratio.

How to calculate Water Cement Ratio? – W/C Ratio Calculation

We don’t actually calculate the Water Cement Ratio.

It is selected from various workability test based on the structural members, concrete
strength, transportation, selection of aggregation etc.

At Site Level, we can make use of the below calculation for the nominal mix.

It is a guide so make your own judgment.


Water Cement Ratio IS 10262 (2009) Code Chart

Calculation of Water Quantity for Concrete

As you can see from the Chart, the W/C Ratio varies from 0.4 to 0.7 depending on
exposure conditions.
If we need to calculate Water quantity for concrete, first find the cement content for
the volume.
If we Assume the required cement volume as 50kg,
Required amount of water = W/C Ratio X Cement Volume
Therefore, Required amount of water = 0.5 X 50 kg = 25 litres / 50 kg cement bag.
For Design mix, the W/C Ratio will depend upon the workability, strength
In IS 10262-2009 ANNEX A. they have explained the process for design mix.
Hope that helps you.

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