Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA)
Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA)
Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA)
Case Reports
Misdiagnosed Chronic Pelvic Pain: Pudendal
Neuralgia Responding to a Novel Use of
Palmitoylethanolamide pme_823 781..784
Rocco Salvatore Calabrò, MD, Giuseppe Gervasi, frequency, erectile dysfunction, and pain after sexual
Pudendal neuralgia (PN) is a cause of chronic, disabling, Urinalysis with culture, semen analysis, sexual hormones
and often intractable perineal pain and it is mostly due to blood level, pelvic, and transrectal prostatic ultrasounds
pudendal nerve entrapment. were normal. As chronic pelvic pain syndrome was
supposed, he was treated with several drugs such
Neuropathic pain is referred as burning, tearing, sharp as antibiotics (ciprofloxacin, levofloxacine, gentamicin,
shooting, and foreign body sensation in the distribution azitromycine, and trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole), antimi-
of the pudendal nerve and it is often associated with cotics (fluconazole), and anti-inflammatories (nimesulid,
multiple, perplexing functional symptoms (i.e., urinary corticosteroids) with only transient mild relief.
Calabrò et al.
At our evaluation, the patient’s physical and neurological Table 1 Nantes criteria, September 23–24, 2006
examinations were unremarkable with the exception of a
mild hyperesthesia in the perineal area during the pinprick Diagnostic Criteria for Pudendal Neuralgia by
sensory test. Interestingly, digital rectal exploration evi- Pudendal Nerve Entrapment
denced unilateral perineal and rectal pain after pressure on
the left ischial spine. The personal history (the patient was A. Essential criteria
an amateur bicycler and regularly attended a fitness/body- Pain in the territory of the pudendal nerve: from
building center) and the neuropathic pain features, also the anus to the penis or clitoris
reproduced during rectal exam, led us to the diagnosis of Pain is predominantly experienced while sitting
PN probably secondary to nerve compression. Pain was The pain dose not wake the patient at night
rated by the patient at 8 on the 0–10 visual analog scale Pain with no objective sensory impairment
Pain relieved by diagnostic pudendal nerve block
In the absence of pathognomonic imaging, laboratory, specificity as it remains particularly useful for assessing
and electrophysiology criteria, the diagnosis of PN is pri- motor innervations in the pudendal nerve territory before
marily clinical and empirical. Indeed, in the presence of the surgical decompression, but not for localizing the site of
essential clinical diagnostic criteria validated by a multidis- compression [5]. In our patient, ENMG of the anal sphinc-
ciplinary working party in Nantes (France) and shown in ter was abnormal confirming the diagnosis of pudendal
Table 1, PN secondary to nerve entrapment should be nerve compression.
suspected. The penile thermal threshold test could more-
over be useful to evaluate the somatosensory and auto- Indications for surgery includes a diagnosis of pudendal
nomic system functions through the sensitive small fibers entrapment failed conservative treatment (i.e., behavioral
stimulation [4]. modifications such as avoiding offending factors that
cause pain, physical therapy with specific stretches and
Diagnostic techniques, including computed tomography- exercises, and pharmacologic treatment such as anti-
guided nerve block and electroneuromyographic (ENMG) epileptics and tricyclic antidepressants) and no long-
studies can confirm the diagnosis. lasting improvement after steroid pudendal block [6].
Perineal ENMG may provide various clues in favor of the In the described case, the patient was administered pre-
diagnosis. Nevertheless, it has a limited sensitivity and gabalin for a short time, withdrawn because of significant
Misdiagnosed Chronic Pelvic Pain
Our report suggests the hypothesis that PEA, an endog- 12 Darmani NA, Izzo AA, Degenhardt B, et al. Involve-
enous mediator potentially affording protection against ment of the cannabimimetic compound, N-palmitoyl-
neuropathic pain, could be a valuable alternative to the ethanolamine, in inflammatory and neuropathic
most commonly used treatments. Further studies should conditions: Review of the available pre-clinical data,
be carried out in humans to investigate the potential use of and first human studies. Neuropharmacology 2005;
PEA as therapeutic drug. 48(8):1154–63.
Calabrò et al.
13 Farquhar-Smith WP, Jaggar SI, Rice AS. Attenuation palmitoylethanolamide upon the inactivation of
of nerve growth factor-induced visceral hyperalgesia the endocannabinoid anandamide. Br J Pharmacol
via cannabinoid CB(1) and CB(2)-like receptors. Pain 2001;133(8):1263–75.