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1-34 : aga Zea Us fate feet MIL-R4 : IT TOOLS & BUSINESS SYSTEMS 3 cufiraran sie : 100 DURATION :03 Hours MAXIMUM MARKS: 100 airarer vite Hi. : OMR Sheet No. aa: a-afican & Rell No. Answer Sheet No. cata ara: afar wee Name of Candidate : Signature of Candidate : cat fr Per: Instructions for Candidat Ber ae yeaa, ae ae we ae eae TE fai at ore Carefully read the instructions given on Question Paper, OMR Sheet and Answer Sheet, yer after feet wa sitet aren A 1 attend ser fora Ferg fared tae aI aaa aR Te (sais, aaah Feet aati) (Question Paper is in Hindi and English language. Candidate can choose to answer in any one ofthe language. (ie, either Hindi or English) aCe a ae Te aT a te ATT at afer aes Thereare TWO PARTS in this Module/Paper. PART ONE contains FOUR questions and PART TWO contains FIVE questions, MrT a Santen” ware a1 foe Ga ake 40 € eT srr 2h oafaraca” war & ah eh get ke 60 PART ONE is Objective type and carries 40 Marks. PART TWO is Subjective type and carries 60 Marks. UOT Ue om, SeoMT sae yeaa wa a aA srr a aye era a SACRE A a} ARE PART ONE is to be answered in the OMR ANSWER SHEET only. PART ONE is NOT to be answered in the answer book for PART TWO. ‘aT Fre ra ere eo er er Peta a tam dt at ame gfeon, et Um at ae year ae was an vay, Faliea UH ee @ wee aya a TS eet eT a a Tg Pers ated a gia are, ord at see yfiaaT S wea ‘Maximum time allotted for PART ONE is ONE HOUR. Answer book for PART TWO will be supplied at the table when the Answer Sheet for PART ONE is returned. However, Candidates who complete PART ONE earlier than one hour, can collect the answer book for PART TWO immediately after handing over the Answer Sheet for PART ONE to the Invigilator. street ees fl fa art Pages oat far, atta ey aa AE TS Beeken Ser ad we Sime al ye eee adie ta a Pee TET ‘Candidate cannot leave the examination hall/room without signing on the attendance sheet and handing over his/her Answer Sheet to the Invigilator. Failing in doing so, will amount to disqualification of Candidate in this Module/Paper. et afer a eA Fede re aa ea ee Sree BC a Tea Seige aha HE Gea a a he wee aioa ae gfe 8 ile ‘Alter receiving the instruction to open the booklet and before starting toanswer the questions, the candidate should ensure that the Question Booklet is complete in all respect. eas fet dearer ah afe/fereinferarg sich % a ae sree offrat deaeor & at Ge Note: In case of any discrepancy found in Hindi version, English version will be treated as final, a wes OTe eT A TY, Wa ew WEA afer aT | DO NOT OPEN THE QUESTION BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO sO. ‘NTT UH / PART ONE 13° frafefad 98 am ar vie fae ae Pree (ait weet & gat Z/ Answer all the questions) wom tat ger at He Fara aT e? (A) ater 1. Atue were ores og fares far (8) Stsitet Sl Ue aad sage faa Gi ait wa (© wae Wer Ua Sh Ure STAT TA TT STAT” (Do) wert satura #, sal faq ae Fede & agar, Which of the following file extensions watt indicate file created in Paint ? Each question below gives a multiple (A) BMP choice of answers. Choose the most (8) boc appropriate one and enter in the “OMR” (© stk answer sheet supplied with the question () PPT paper, following instructions therein. (1x10) . 11 aiden aaaaat: 14 frafefad #8 a a Ue gig fears 8? (A) ataeet farer () . (8) Saadeh fern ©) Bree (©) tame fren © we S (D) seat foes © . Numbers in base 16 are called as : Which of the following is an input (A) Octal System “ ereen (B) Hexadecimal System (8) Speakers (©) Decimal System (©) Keyboard (D) Binary System (0) Printer 1.2 Bet ALA art =B2+C3 Fa fer Se 1s whew den aa at Coa aie orien a: amapeh (A) =D3+E4 (8) =D2+E3 (a) ae (C) =D2+E4 ®) @ (D) =D3+E3 (C vfaret The formula in cell A2 is =B2+C3 on (b) yaaa fer copying this formula in cell C2 the formula Ne wilbee cost of storing a bit is minimum in (A) =Doer (A) Cache (8) =D2+E3 @) RAM (CQ =D2+E4 (©) Register (D) D343 (D) Magnetic disc Page 2 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK M1-R4-01-21 16 7 18 is known as high level language. (A) Windows 7 (8) Operating System (© Tava (D) Apple ROUND (1363.45, —2) #1 Swe @ = (A) -1364 (8) 1400 (C) 1363.45 (D) 1300 ROUND (1363.45, —2) returns : (A) -1364 (8) 1400 (C) 1363.45 (D) 1300 uaa 8 sta wreeratall at aa sr for frrafatian 4 8 at a oH ara s? (A) @e-ee (B) Aaa (Q tad (D) afer Which of the following is a tool to send letter to many recipients in MS-Word ? (A) Whatif (8) Mailmerge (C) Goal seeking (D) Sorting 19 1.10 TRA ARAM We fafere sere @1 (A) aa wefaa a nar au (B) (©) fra aren safer (D) sata arg Tet Airline reservation example of jem is a typical (A) Batch processing () (©) Real time processing Online processing (D) None of the above faren aaa a8 at Rafe a weet at oe att aa & fay, oe at @ (A) fer GET (B) (©) aver recite (D) Renee ‘0 create a copy of files in the event of system failure, you create a : (A) (B) (©) backup restore file firewall (D)_ redundancy Page 3 ‘SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK M1-R4-01-21 2. AR far ae wee face a at wat & steET Hea | ae waa Saya Paeer yi site wa Wer Wah re Serer aera Te STS" ‘gar wae, sail few me Padutt & arqere wat (1x10) 24 hha fra eee are ea tsa rea aa wea aT es! 2.2 tema far UH Siest ¢ ot aR-aR wir ah re eH fae UH APT aM Wert ame! 2.3 aMs-fadr arate sik sre erates TAT a 2.4 daatie weft 9 oath, sited frre ate Witter efi fa st aaa eI 25 alge den at waa wel garg F 2.6 aaelte & faa amw fear 2 arch for we femtee dae viel, wie, vies onfe ta B1 Faw Oa ai fet ae 2.7 Herth at gear a ae aah Ae 2.8 Witt fee mr ait I seu eI 2.9 ais dda avin 8 cada @ sah oa ert Sra aati frit SI 2.10 ae amt tH Ga F 345A Cet ath Tt ae wage Stevie ¥ den art seth, ei ae sim % are aH ST eI 24 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.6 27 2.8 2.9 2.10 Each statement below is either TRUE or FALSE. Choose the most appropriate one and ENTER in the “OMR” answer sheet supplied with the question paper, following instructions therein, (1x10) The Language that the computer can understand is called Machine Language. The Recycle Bin is a folder that provides a convenient place to store frequently used documents, graphics and other files. Paperless office & Virtual office are same. PowerPoint Presentation can be embed with sound, video clips and animations. A byte is the smallest unit of storage. The tabs appearing below at the bottom on the worksheet carry the default labeling of Sheet, Sheet2, Sheet3 etc. These tabs cannot be renamed. Cache Memory is faster than Main Memory. Floppy Disk is plug and play device Machine Language is machine independent while Higher Level Languages are machine dependent. If you enter 345A in a cell it will be treated as number in the electronic spreadsheet as it starts with digit. Page 4 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK M1-R4-01-21 3. wie X A few me veel site areal ar fea, aie YF feu me Premeda waitin atelyeredly areit @ at) srat fecned wer wa & ara few me“ singene” sae uae H, see far TT orqaet ar ret ara ey, aot wt (1x10) x Y 3.1 eg at di ng Gen apart UH aT (A) leeitarer ata [para & fera fraser wa Be 3.2 bur fied ae A & are fea 23 are |B) loretiftey [FoF SHIA SI [Race 8 aie Fre F aryae HA fore 3.3 taza (©) jaa leer seit stra ga fan wea a fare fare 34 (D) jar [sat 1 3.5. [ete va A wate fear a aren wie | (B)_ [Serer Jom fates ard aml pol ae & fore wa fara] 5 98 | arash TG 22 ® 3.7 [eR Seer tom FH A TH (G) [eecrex 38 fadi969 Faq sates | OD) feud reach ares fare en fey eT [are 1 laroqex infin a war fa Hi fares are 3.9 farara aR St arte wan S aie fore] () fsteTET fare fora 1 [acaer stray H firs Frater st en st wefia 3.10 O) |# [at aa aaa B1 (kK) [ier (L) [eer (mM) |@ Page 5 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK Mi-R4-01-21 3. Match words and phrases in column X with the closest related meaning/word(s)/phrases in column Y. Enter your selection in the “OMR” answer sheet supplied with the question paper, following instructions therein. (x10) x Y ga [Asttof rules for solving a problem ina | (4) |) ication software given number of steps. 32 | ibe first screen that appears after the (8) [Algorithm lcomputer is switched on [Software to translate HILL to Machine = 33 (©) JARPANET Code 3.4 |Itis used to create Curriculum Vitae (D) [Bug 3.5. |Symbol used in email address (B) [Programmer A set of sed f ish gg [Peete programs used toaccomplsha [Ih ie specific task 3.7 |A hidden error in a computer program | (G) |Interpreter in the year 1969, Department of Defense 3.8 |of the United States started a network | (H) [MS-Word called [Specialist in one area of computer 3.9. |programming or to a generalist who (1) [Resolution lwrites code for many kinds of software. [The number of distinct pixels in each 3.10 wo |# dimension that can be displayed (Kk) Program (L) |Screen (™ |e Page 6 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK M1-R4-01-21 4. Awe aren dtd get Oe we oT aa at feet & feng flat ear 1 waa saa faaea ai ait 2a we wa & are feu ae siqreM” sat uae 8, sed fag ae area STIR, at att (1x10) (A) |Chown (B) jay, (©) faethe (D) Rea (E) fers are (B) [1024 (G) arr (4) |arees ) few 0) |fiex (K) [rary (L) [2048 (M) |ctFE 41 a afi are ays de 8 atfad ea & fore cH en-e 71 42, fad hoee ar aferee”” ait ser ote &, Ser Hehe & fore fateR z1 4.3 1KB_____age & ARV) 44 wr feaga toh varia ofall, aig Sar, ferarae, a wh aifenae cia @ ait za fefaen ofa # uftafia am 1 45 a maa a oe aegis ge 21 460 a refer eh & es A ora ore F1 47 afraa ants ¢ fra we a arf acer & fore wen fee ore eI 48 iter aieeds a goes tan aifinae st oH ta a1 49 ear Via & Sera Hie F an wie & Sar wl aaa F veka He Th 4.10 feted rat a wreia F sik gam farts geet & fre ww fearga 71 Page 7 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK MI-R4-01-21 4. _ Each statement below has a blank space to fit one of the word(s) or phrase(s) in the list below. Enter your choice in the “OMR” answer sheet attached to the question paper, following instructions therein. (x10) (A) |Chown (B) \cpu (C) [Transpose (D) [Modem (E) [Clip Art (® fo24 (G) |Scanner (4) [RAM () [slide () [Printer (k) JALU (L) [2048 (M) [Cure 41 is a short-cut to align all the selected sentences in center of the page. 4.2 The also called the “brains” of the computer, is responsible for processing data. 4.3 The 1 KB equals bytes. 44 is a device that takes optically images, printed text, handwriting, or an object and converts it to a digital image. 45 is an electronic page in a presentation 4.6 is known as a primary memory. 47 Unix command is used to change ownership of the file. 48 is a gallery of ready-made graphics available in presentation software. 49 function displays row data in a column or column data in a row. 4.10 is a device to convert digital signal to analog & vice versa. Page 8 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK M1-R4-01-21 ‘um at / PART TWO (fardt on weit & are / Answer any FOUR Questions) aaae aiatfén fares & wed F frofefad wedi 1 caren Ft : @ a (i) fan Ra (i) Fa ad ater at fare 8 fertrmsi & ar wand ait Saat are FE | Explain following terms in the context of Linux Operating System () Kernel (i) System Library (ii) Shell List and explain any 8 features of Word Processor. (8+7) ) ) © weiter ate er 8? weiter “aiveae & fatiea wae aa #7 wi aaatte F sie at FA foot ©) ew wewata 8 ties at Sag al RS warhfara aea F7 uftads fea war wart fren oe 3? What is Application Software ? What are the different types of application software ? How do we hide columns in a worksheet ? How do we adjust row height in MS-Excel ? How slide transition is used inside a PowerPoint Presentation ? (5+5+5) Page 9 ‘SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK M1-R4-01-21 7. (a) Wm Fey fare Fi aR araiers a) Awe (UREA) eT ard a fia =a eae ats |” = zr are ait sam an ard S? () Teter die ent? Seen ome ait eefan fecte st scree arr (ob) Sate fren a8? goat en fara RST Ft | ® (Q) -aetifen st ofern asad) fen H aedhifen a1 arin fea ver fren (c) Serta faeera & fore ayers fatter Set rae 8? isea a1 €? {a) Draw a block diagram depicting the © feurnetonel entwof scomputer | (@) What is Financial Information system. System (FIS) and what are its (b) What is Referential Integrity ? functions ? Explain cascading update and cascading delete with an example (b) What is a Database System ? What (©) Define multimedia. How can are its features ? multimedia be used in education ? (+644) (©) What are the various data models 8. (a) fairs Aoi A ects Bartels & fare, available for Database Systems ? (64545) agri at fem # are 1 (b) Feet H aire seal Te UH aera -o0o- feoroft fer (©) Wheqes, tess tet sik fee te wei at ren #1 (a) Explain in detail the diverse application of Internet technology in various domains. (b) Write a short note on storage devices ‘of computer, (c) Explain the terms resolution, aspect ratio and refresh rate. (5+5+5) Page 10 ‘SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK M1-R4-01-21 ‘SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK Page 11 MI-R4-01-21 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK Page 12 MI-R4-01-21

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