Reading and Writing No. 4

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Weekly Home Learning Plan

Quarter 3 – LAS No. 4

March 7 – March 14, 2022

Learning Day/Time Title of Module/LAS Learning Tasks Mode and Date of Submission
Area and MELC

In your previous worksheets, you have
learned to distinguish a good writing from a bad
one by knowing the properties of a well-written
text. By now, you should be aware that a well-
written text should be organized, coherent and
LAS No. 4 cohesive, expressed in clear and correct
Monday language and mechanics.
Reading and Properties of Written
Writing 7:30 AM- Text
11:30 AM Practice Task 1. REASON TO SUPPORT
(GAS JUDGMENT! To be submitted during the release
MELC - Evaluate a Carefully read the paragraph then pick out the
11,HUMSS written text based of new modules on
sentence/s that do not contribute to the Monday, March 14, 2022
11- A, on its properties development of the text.
HUMSS 11-B, (organization, 8 AM-10 AM
ICT 11, HE coherence and Practice Task 2. SELECTING THE BEST TEXT!
11, ABM 11) cohesion, language In each item are three sets of
use, and sentences/paragraphs. Select which paragraph is
mechanics) a well-written one then give a brief explanation to
support your choice.

Practice Task 3. IS IT WELL-WRITTEN?

Judge the text below based on the properties of a well-
written text discussed in the activity sheets.
Read the text carefully then evaluate it using the
checklist that follows.

Every Monday is scheduled for getting new module.
Write your answers in your notebook.
Always keep yourself updated on our GC for some additional instructions.
If you have anything to clarify about the acitivities in the module, feel free to raise it on our GC or you can reach me via:

EMAIL: MESSENGER: Judy Anne Borabo Taller CP NO. 09755080382

Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher Principal I

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