T01 05 Unity L2
T01 05 Unity L2
T01 05 Unity L2
Lesson 2 • التوحيد
• Understand that Allah is Our Cherisher • God is Just- Al-‘Adl
• Allah is the Creator and Cherisher of the Universe, and He
is One, without Partner • العدل
Lesson 3 • God sent us Prophets to guide us- Nubuwwah
Lesson 5 • االمامة
• Understand the importance of gratefulness to Allah (SWT) • The Hereafter: after we die, we will be brought
back to life and face the consequences of our
actions – al-Ma’Ád
• المعاد
The first and most important of these five beliefs is that
we believe there is One God, who is Unique- meaning
there is nothing like Him. In the next five lessons, we will
learn more about the belief in the Unity of God.
“Allah is the Creator of everything” (Al Zumar 39:62) AL-RABB (THE CHERISHER)
Review Questions: We have learnt that Allah is our Creator and our
Cherisher. The Arabic word for the Cherisher, who looks
Q1. We can’t see Allah (SWT), but we know He after all the needs of the world is rabb.
exists because Memorisation Activity
a) His Signs and creations are everywhere for us to
see Between now and next lesson, try your best to memorise
b) He tells us in the Qur’an that He exists the following ayah from the Qur’an, in English and Arabic.
c) The Prophets tell us that He exists
ي ِ ُّ اَّلل ر
َ ب الْ َعالَمَ ُ…فَتَ بَ َارَك ه
Q2. Explain to your teacher why you believe in
“…blessed be Allah, the Cherisher of the Worlds”
Allah. (Ghafir: 64)
Brainstorming Activity
Make a ‘Rules for having a Good Life Poster’. These
rules should not be your own. List as many rules
you can think of that Allah (SWT) has given us to The fact that everything is connected, and works together
lead a healthy life. in such a perfect system, is a sign that there is one Creator
who created this world alone, and He is the one looking
Following the rules set by Allah is called Worship or
after all it’s different parts and managing them.
‘IbÁdah. We follow His rules so that we can live the best
life possible, and also to thank Him for all the blessings He
Review Questions
has given us.
Q1: Allah:
b) Is the Creator and Cherisher who looks after
So far, we have learnt that Allah (SWT) created the world everything
and looks after it. Some people might ask: ‘why can’t c) Is the Cherisher
there be more than one Creator?’ or ‘why can’t there
more than one cherisher?’ Q2: Worship means to:
a) Thank Allah
The answer to this is that Allah (SWT) is Unique and there b) Follow the rules God has set for us in our life
is nothing like Him. He is infinite- meanings He has no c) Only praying and fasting
beginning and no end. As God is infinite, it is not possible
for there to be any other ‘god’ like Him. Q3. Explain to your teacher why there can only be
One God
We also see that there is one order in the world that we
live in, and everything is connected and works together
perfectly. For example, we can see from the ‘water cycle’
that the sea, the clouds, the mountains, the lakes and
Lesson 3: The Names of Allah
rivers, the trees and the wind all work together to In our last lesson, we learnt about Allah (SWT) and that
produce rain and water for life to continue on Earth. He is our Creator who created everything and our
Cherisher, who looks after everything. In this lesson, we
will learn some of the names of Allah and what they
mean. Allah (SWT) introduces Himself to us through some
of His Names. Each of these Names tells us something
different about Allah.
This name tells that Allah (SWT) is kind towards all of His
creatures. He provides all of them with what they need to
live comfortably and survive. He is especially kind to
people. No matter how bad a person may be, Allah (SWT),
because He is Beneficent, continues to provide Him with be with her. One day, she removed her ring from the
food, drink, air and all the other things he needs to live. finger and put it in the cupboard as usual.
One day, a man came to Prophet Musa and said to him: She said: الرحِ ِيم
َّ من
ِ ْالرح ِ ِبس ِْمbefore putting it away. She
َّ هللا
‘tell your God that I don’t believe in Him and I don’t want was sure her ring would remain safe. Her husband took
anything from Him ever again’. The next time Prophet the ring and threw it away in the river. He wanted to
Musa spoke to Allah, he was too shy to mention to this, prove to her that only saying: الرحِ ِيم َّ ِ بِس ِْم هللاwould not
َّ الرحْ م ِن
but Allah (SWT) asked him what that man had said. When keep it safe. He thought that at dinner time he would ask
Prophet Musa explained, Allah (SWT) said: ‘he may stop her where her ring was, because he knew it would not be
being my slave, but I will never stop being His Cherisher there.
who looks after him’.
That morning, the
AL-RAÍÏM- THE MERCIFUL lady went to the
market to buy some
This name tells us that Allah shows Mercy to all creatures
fish. When she was
and people, but especially for people who believe in Him
cleaning the fish at
and worship Him. You remember that we talked about
home, she saw her
worship in our last lesson? Well, when we worship God,
ring inside the
we get a special Mercy from Him. For example, if we do
stomach of the fish!
one good deed for the sake of Allah, He (SWT) will not
She wondered how it got there. She calmly went to the
only gives us the reward for one good deed, but for ten
cupboard and saying: الرحِ ِيم
َّ من َّ ِ بِس ِْم هللاput the ring back
ِ ْالرح
good deeds.
in there.
BEGINNING IN THE NAME OF ALLAH When her husband returned from work, they sat down to
Now that we know the meanings of the names ‘RaÎmÁn’ eat. He asked her where her ring was. She went to the
and ‘RaÎÐm’, let us learn how important they are. These cupboard and saying Allah’s name opened the cupboard
two names are so important that Allah (SWT) uses them and brought the ring back. He was amazed! He told her
at the beginning of every Òurah of the Qur’Án. Also, He has what he had done and apologized for it. He also started
ordered us to use these names before we perform any believing earnestly in Allah (SWT).
action, especially eating and at the beginning of our day.
Saying these beautiful words helps us to remember Allah ALLAH IS ALL-HEARING, AND ALL-
(SWT) and not forget that we should always be
worshipping Him.
Another two of the names of Allah are:
Memorisation Activity • al-SamÐ’: the One who hears everything
• al-BaÒÐr: the One who sees everything
This is what we should say before we start any activity.
We should especially say it before we start eating and at Wherever we are, whatever time of day it is, and no
the beginning of our day. Try to memorise it by next week. matter who we’re with, Allah (SWT) is always there
BismillÁhil RaÎmÁnil RaÎÐm watching us and hearing us. Therefore, we have to be
careful what we do, and make sure we follow the rules
بِ ْس ِم هللاِ الهر ْْح ِن الهرِحي ِم Allah set for us.
an apple each and said: “Enjoy eating your apple where Q2-When is the most important time to say
no one can see you.” ‘bismillahil rahmanil rahim ‘?
The children were pleased. Some of them went into the a) Before starting our day
reading corner; some went behind the bookshelf; Ali and b) Before eating
Hamad crawled under their desks. Naz went out and sat c) Before anything that we do
behind a big tree trunk. Poor Kumail was still standing by
his desk in the classroom looking at his apple. Lesson 4: The Signs of Allah
“Are you alright, Kumail?” asked Ms. Fatima. “Aren’t you As we talked about in our first lesson, Allah (SWT) shows
going to find a place to eat your apple?” Himself to us through signs. All of the creatures of Allah
are His signs. They each show that He is Kind, Merciful,
Before Kumail could say anything, other children started
Knowledgeable and Powerful.
walking back into the room. They laughed at him.
In today’s lesson, we are going to watch a video which
”You still haven’t found a place to eat? “Bader shouted.
will teach us more about the signs of Allah (SWT). This
Ms. Fatima asked again: “What’s the matter?” video is about the amazing solar system. It shows us that
we are a small part of a beautiful, huge and amazing
“I thought of all the spots; but I cannot think of any place universe, created by Allah (SWT). The sun, as great as it
where Allah (SWT) does not see me!” replied Kumail. is, is only a small part of a vast universe. It also shows us
“You are right! Very right!” exclaimed the teacher. how the planets in the solar system are so different to
each other, even though they are made of the same
Allah (SWT) is everywhere. We cannot hide from Him. He basic material. It also shows us the amazing beauty in
can see us from everywhere. That is why we say Allah this universe. All these are signs that there is a Wise and
(SWT) is All-Seeing. He can see us all the time: He is Beautiful Creator for our amazing universe.
watching us even when we are asleep in our closed
bedroom. We should, therefore always be careful to say Video
and do the right things; Allah sees and knows what we do;
This video can be found at:
good or bad.
Practical Activities
Review Questions/ Video Activity Sheet
Choose one of the names of Allah (SWT) from a
1. Is the sun a planet or a star?
container your teacher has prepared earlier. The 2. How many planets are there in the solar system?
name should also have the meaning. Creatively 3. What colour is the planet Earth?
write this name on a paper plate and decorate it. 4. What does this amazing universe tell us about its
Once completed attach a string to the plate and
hang it in your classroom or at home.
Memorisation Activity
Memorise these two names of Allah:
Review the Nasheed: Attributes of Allah
Al-KhÁliq اخلالق
This means the Creator, who created everything.
Review Questions
Al-muÒawwir املصور
Q1-Which of Allah’s Names are mentioned at the
beginning of every Surah in the Qur’an? This means the Fashioner of Forms, who made everything
a) Al-RaÎmÁn and Al-RaÎÐm in the most perfect shape.
b) Al-SamÐ’ and Al-BaÒÐr
Allah (SWT) created the world in which we live, with all One way is to say words of thanks to Allah, such as
its beauty and wonder. He also looks after us and all our AlÎamdulillah. This is an expression that we should all
needs. He has made the world in a way that makes us remember, and to use whenever we remember one of
humans as comfortable as possible. the blessings that Allah (SWT) has given us.
Look at all the different types of animals in the world More important than this is to remember and be aware
that humans benefit from. The milk we drink comes in our hearts that the blessings we have are really from
from cows, the eggs come from chickens, and we eat the Allah and no one else, and to feel grateful to Him in our
meat of so many different animals. Look at all the hearts.
different types of fruit and vegetables that we can
choose to eat from. Bananas, strawberries, nectarines, The most important way to thank Allah is to be thankful
tomatoes, cucumbers…each of these had a different in our actions. This means using the blessings God gave us
flavour and texture that God created for us to enjoy. in the way He has asked us to use them. For example, God
has given us the ability to speak and a tongue. We should
When it comes to the things we use on a daily basis, we use these blessings to read the Qur’an and to say nice
can see that we use horses and camels for transport and words to people. If we use the blessings of Allah in the
fun and we use the fur and skin of certain animals for wrong way, such as by swearing at people or insulting
clothing. We use the wood from the big trees in the them, then we are being ungrateful to Allah.
forests to build homes and schools.
If we are grateful to Allah (SWT), then He has promised us
Look at how God has made the sea usable for humans. that He will give us more and more blessings and increase
We use the sea for transport: big ships carry our heavy our success.
loads from one part of the world to another without
sinking. The water from the sea evaporates and makes Memorisation Activity
clouds which send down rain that keeps the animals and
Class Activity
Sit around in a circle. Each student should mention 1
blessing that he/she is sincerely thankful for, and if
he/she didn’t have that, their life would be difficult. (No
repetitions). After each student shares their blessing, say
Class Activity
Can you think of some different ways of thanking Allah for
the blessings He has given us? Draw 2 ways that we can
thank Allah (swt). Be creative in your thoughts. We will
look to see if anyone has drawn something no one else