56 Writing University Education Ver 2

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There is an increasing number of university dropouts. Why?

Do you think university is the best

way to get a good job?
Society is witnessing a decline (no! It is the opposite, it is witnessing an increase) in the number
of dropouts from university. The cause of this trend seems to be a financial one. In this essay, I
am going to discuss why people are dropping out of not completing university before
presenting my opinion on why university is the best choice when it comes to getting a good job
a desirable career.
There seems to be a rising trend in the number of university dropouts which can be simply
explained. The most apparent reason is that universities have changed the way they operate,
they have become more profit-oriented. This means that students are charged exorbitant fees
to study at these places. However, most students do not come from wealthy families,
therefore, they have to finance their own education through part-time jobs. Unfortunately for
them, the minimum wage of these jobs cannot possibly foot the bill for a college education. As
a result, most students become discouraged and ultimately leave school prematurely. (much
better, although it would be perfect if you split this into two ideas being the unaffordability, and
then having a part-time job interfering with study, and ultimately forcing them to drop out
because of failing grades etc)
On the other hand, I believe that going to university is by far the best way to ensure a
successful career in the future because of a number of reasons. Firstly, a college degree is a
testament to a person’s knowledge in a particular field of study. It speaks to the fact that
graduates have been tested on their fundamental understanding in their field of choice. This
creates a good impression on potential employers. Furthermore, universities have an extensive
network of alumni, who are usually devoted to help their alma mater and other alumni. In
other words, graduates will have more support when they go job hunting, and given that there
already exists a bond between alumni, job offers can be more lucrative.
In conclusion, I believe that higher education is necessary to get a good job because of the
professional contacts as well as a proof of knowledge from the universities. In addition, the
reason for people dropping out of college stems mainly from the lack of money.


Task Response 7 250 -320 words

 all parts of the topic are responded to well

 all parts of the question are responded to well
I think paragraph 3 in the conclusion are a band eight level
however, I cannot ignore the glaring error in the introduction highlighted in
also, I believe paragraph 2 should have two clear ideas if you want to achieve a
band eight, see my suggestion on how that could happen
 main ideas are clear

 explanation/examples of main ideas are clear

Cohesion and 8  good overall structure

 the first paragraph clearly introduces the essay

 topic sentences introduce paragraphs well / clear central topic

 paragraph development is logical

Vocabulary 7-8 x appropriate word choices / control of word endings/forms

errors and changes in yellow

some good use of topical higher level language

 spelling

 repetition is avoided

Grammar 8 errors
excellent control of grammar

Overall 7.5 Apart from a poor start in the introduction, this is an excellent essay. It shows
you really have potential to be writing at a high band level. Well done!

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