A 4.5 FM Notes UNIT 1-2-3
A 4.5 FM Notes UNIT 1-2-3
A 4.5 FM Notes UNIT 1-2-3
— Financial management refers to the strategic planning, organizing, directing, and controlling of
financial undertakings in an organization or an institute.
- It also includes applying management principles to the financial assets of an organization, while
also playing an important part in fiscal management [1].
Financial management, is that branch of general management, which has grown to provide
specialized and efficient financial services to the whole enterprise; involving, in particular, the timely
supplies of requisite finances and ensuring their most effective utilization-contributing to the most
effective and efficient attainment of the common objectives of the enterprise.
Some prominent definitions of financial management are cited below:
- “Financial management is concerned with managerial decisions that result in acquisition and
financing of long-term and short-term credits for the firm. As such, it deals with situations that
require selection of specific assets and liabilities as well as problems of size and growth of an
enterprise. Analysis of these decisions is based on expected inflows and outflow of funds and
their effects on managerial objectives.” Philppatus
The above definitions of financial management could be analyzed, in terms of the following points:
a) Financial management is a specialized branch of general management.
b) The basic operational aim of financial management is to provide financial services to the whole
c) One most important financial service by financial management to the enterprise is to make
available requisite (i.e. required) finances at the needed time. If requisite funds are not made
available at the needed time; significance of finance is lost.
A 4.5: Financial Management 2021 I
d) Another equally important financial service by financial management to the enterprise is to
ensure the most effective utilization of finances; but for which finance would become a liability
rather than being an asset.
e) Through providing financial services to the enterprise, financial management helps in the most
effective and efficient attainment of the common objectives of the enterprise [2].
Nature of Finance Management:
Finance management is a long term decision making process which involves lot of planning,
allocation of funds, discipline and much more. Let us understand the nature of financial management
with reference of this discipline.
1) Primary nature of financial management focus towards valuation of company. That is the reason
where all the financial decisions are directly linked with optimizing / maximization the value of a
company. Finance functionality like investment, distribution of profit earnings, rising of capital,
etc. are the part of management activities.
2) Nature of financial management basically involves decision where risk and return are linked with
investment. Generally high risk investment yield high returns on investments. So, role of financial
manager is to effectively calculate the level of risk company is involve and take the appropriate
decision which can satisfy shareholders, investors or founder of the company.
3) Finance is a foundation of economic activities. The person who Manages finance is called as
financial manager. Important role of financial manager is to control finance and implement the
plans. For any company financial manager plays a crucial role in it. Many times it happens that
lack of skills or wr ong decisions can lead to heavy losses to an organization.
4) Financial Management is an important function in company’s management. Financial factors are
considered in all the company’s decisions and all the departments of an organization. It affects
success, growth and volatility of a company. Finance is said to end up being the lifeline of a
5) Finance management is realized as important education word wide. Now a day’s people are
undergoing through various specialization courses of financial management. Many people have
chosen financial management as their profession.
6) The nature of financial management is never a separate entity. Even as an operational manager or
functional manager one has to take responsibility of financial management.
7) Nature of financial management is multi-disciplinary. Financial management depends upon
various other factors like: accounting, banking, inflation, economy, etc. for the better utilization
A 4.5: Financial Management 2021 I
8) Approach of financial management is not limited to business functions but it is a backbone of
commerce, economic and industry
Objectives of Financial Management:
Objectives of financial management may be multiple; as this branch of general management
encompasses the entire organizational functioning.
For sake of analysis and better comprehension, the objectives of financial management might be
classified into certain categories-as depicted in form of the following chart:
Basic Objectives Operational Objectives
Profit Maximization Timely availability of requisite finances
Wealth Maximization Most effective utilization of finance
Safety of investment
Growth of the enterprise
Following is a brief account of each one of the above objectives of financial management:
Basic Objectives:
Since time immemorial, the primary objective of financial management has been held to be profit-
maximization. That is to say, that financial management ought to take financial decisions and
implement them in a way so as to lead the enterprise along lines of profit maximization. The support
for these objectives could be derived from the philosophy, that ‘profit is a test of economic
Though, there could be little controversy over profit maximization, as the basic objective of financial
management - yet, in the modem times, several authorities on financial management criticizes this
objective, on the following grounds:
(i) Profit is a vague concept, in that; it is not clear whether. ..
- Profit means - short-run or long-run profits. Or
- Profit before tax or profits after tax Or
- Rate of profits or the amount of profits .
(ii) The profit maximization objective ignores, what financial experts call the time value of money’.
To illustrate, this concept, let us assume that two financial courses of action provide equal benefits
(i.e. profits) over a certain period of time. However, one alternative gives more profits in earlier
years; while the other one gives more profits in later years.
A 4.5: Financial Management 2021 I
Based on profit maximization criterion, both alternatives are equally well. However, the first
alternative i.e. the one which gives more profits in earlier years is better; as some part of the profits
received earlier could be reinvested also.
Modem financial experts call this philosophy, the earlier the better principle’. The second alternative
which gives more profits only in later years is inferior; as the time-value of profits is more in the case
of the first alternative.
(iii) The profit maximization objective ignores the quality of benefits (i.e. profits). The factor implicit
here, is the risk element associated with profits. Quality of benefits (profits) is the most when risk
associated with their occurrence is the least. According to modem financial experts, less profit with
less risk are superior to more profits with more risk.
(iv) Profit-maximization objective is lop-sided. This objective considers or rather over-emphasizes
only on the interests of owners. Interests of other parties like, workers, consumers, the Government
and the society as a whole are ignored, under this concept of profit-maximization.
Discarding the profit-maximization objective; the real basic objective of financial management, now-
a-days, is considered to be wealth maximization. Wealth maximization is also known as value-
maximization or the net present worth maximization.
Since wealth of owners is reflected in the market-value of shares; wealth maximization means the
maximization of the market price of shares. Accordingly, wealth maximization is measured, by the
market value of shares.
According to wealth maximization objective, financial management must select those decisions,
which create most wealth for the owners. If two or more financial courses of action are mutually
exclusive (i.e. only one can be undertaken at a time); then that decision-which creates most wealth,
must be selected.
The wealth arising from a financial course of action could be stated as follows:
Wealth = Gross present value of a financial course of action minus amount of capital invested which
is required to achieve the benefits ie. cash flows.
Operational Objectives:
(i) Timely Availability of Requisite Finances:
A very important operational objective of financial management is to ensure that requisite funds are
made available to all the departments, sections or units of the enteiprise at the needed time; so that the
operational life of the enterprise goes smoothly.
(ii) Most Effective Utilization of Finances:
A 4.5: Financial Management 2021 I
Throughout the enterprise, the finances must be utilized most effectively. This is yet another
important operational objective of the financial, management.
To ensure the attainment of this objective, the financial management must:
— Formulate plans for the most effective utilization of funds, among channels of investment, which
create most wealth for the company.
- Exercise and enforce ‘financial discipline’ to prevent wasteful expenditure, by any department, or
branch or section of the enterprise.
(iii) Safety of Investment:
The financial management must primarily look to the safety of investment i.e. the channels of
investment might bring in less returns; but investment must be safe. Loss of investment, in any one
line, might lead to capital depletion; and ultimately tell upon the financial health of the enterprise.
(iv) Grow th of the Enterprise:
The financial management must plan for the long-term stability and growth of the enterprise. The
limited finances of the enterprise must be so utilized that not only short run benefits are available; but
the enterprise grows slow and steady, in the long run also [4].
Scope of Financial Management:
The introduction to financial management also requires you to understand the scope of financial
management. It is important that financial decisions take care of the shareholders‘interests.
Further, they are upheld by the maximization of the wealth of the shareholders, which depends on the
increase in net worth, capital invested in the business, and plowed-back profits for the growth and
prosperity of the organization.
The scope of financial management is explained in the diagram below:
Financial Management
Investment Decisions: Managers need to decide on the amount of investment available out of the
existing finance, on a long-term and short-term basis. They are of two types:
A 4.5: Financial Management 2021 I
- Long-Term Investment Derisions or Capital Budgeting mean committing funds for a long
period of time like fixed assets. These decisions are irreversible and usually include the ones
pertaining to investing in a building and/or land, acquiring new plants/machinery or replacing the
old ones, etc. These decisions determine the financial pursuits and performance of a business.
- Short-Term Investment Decisions or Working Capital Management means committing funds
for a short period of time like current assets. These involve decisions pertaining to the investment
of funds in the inventory, cash, bank deposits, and other short-term investments. They directly
affect the liquidity and performance of the business.
Financing Decisions: Managers also make decisions pertaining to raising finance from long-term
sources (called Capital Structure) and short-term sources (called Working Capital). They are of two
- Financial Planning decisions which relate to estimating the sources and application of funds. It
means pre-estiuiating financial needs of an organization to ensure the avaiiability of adequate
finance, the primary objective of financial planning is to plan and ensure that the funds are
available as and when required.
- Capital Structure decisions which involve identifying sources of funds. They also involve
decisions with respect to choosing external sources like issuing shares, bonds, borrowing from
banks or internal sources like retained earnings for raising funds.
Dividend Decisions: These involve decisions related to die portion of profits that will be distributed
as dividend. Shareholders always demand a higher dividend, while the management would want to
retain profits for business needs. Hence, this is a complex managerial decision
| Managing
| Treasurer |
|Controller |
Financial Cash
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planning and manager manager exchange manager accounting
fund-raising manager manager
itself to enhance growth. The practices of a financial manager directly impact the operation in capital
market -10'.
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The funds invested in current assets are termed as working capital. It is the fund that is
needed to run the day-to-day operations. It circulates in the business like the blood circulates
in a living body. Generally, working capital refers to the current assets of a company that are
changed from one form to another in the ordinary course of business, i.e. from cash to
inventory, inventory to work in progress (WIP), WIP to finished goods, finished goods to
receivables and from receivables to cash.
A 4.5: Financial Management 2021 I
Classification of Working Capital:
Working capital may be of different types as follows:
Gross Working Capital:
Gross working capital refers to the amount of funds invested in vari-ous components of
current assets. It consists of raw materials, work in progr ess, debtors, finished goods, etc.
Net Working Capital:
The excess of current assets over current liabilities is known as Net working capital. The
principal objective here is to learn the composition and magnitude of current assets requir ed
to meet current liabilities.
Positive Working Capital:
This refers to the surplus of current assets over current liabilities.
Negative Working Capital:
Negative working capital refers to the excess of current liabilities over current assets.
Permanent Working Capital:
The minimum amount of working capital which even required dur-ing the dullest season of
the year is known as Permanent working capital.
Temporary or Variable Working Capital:
It represents the additional current assets required at different times during the operating year
to meet additional inventory, extra cash, etc.
It can be said that Permanent working capital represents minimum amount of the current
assets required throughout the year for normal production whereas Temporary working
capital is the addi-tional capital required at different time of the year to finance the
fluctuations in production due to seasonal change. A firm having constant annual production
will also have constant Permanent work-ing capital and only Variable working capital
changes due to change in production caused by seasonal changes. (See Figure 3.1.)
A 4.5: Financial Management 2021
. Variable Working
I’cmiancnl Working
Figure 3.1: Variable & Permanent Working Capital for Firm haying constant sales.
Similarly, a growth firm is the firm having unutilized capacity, however, production and
operation continues to grow naturally. As its volume of production rises with the passage of
time so also does the quantum of the Permanent working capital. (See Figure 3.2.)
A y
Variable Working
\ I J
V Permanent Working
( tpiul
Figure 3.2: Variable & Permanent Working Capital for Growth Firm
Bills Payable
- Accrued Expenses
- Bank Overdrafts
- Bank Loans (short-term)
Proposed Dividends
- Short-term Loans
- Tax Payments Due
Significance of Working Capital:
Working capital plays a vital role in business. This capital remains blocked in raw materials,
work in progress, finished products and with customers. The needs for working capital are as
given below:
1. Adequate working capital is needed to maintain a regular supply of raw materials, which
hi turn facilitates smoother running of production process.
2. Working capital ensures the regular and timely payment of wages and salaries, thereby
improving the morale and efficiency of employees.
3. Working capital is needed for the efficient use of fixed assets.
A 4.5: Financial Management 2021 I
4. In order to enhance goodwill a healthy level of working capital is needed. It is necessary
to build a good reputation and to make payments to creditors in time.
5. Working capital helps avoid the possibility of under-capitalization.
6. It is needed to pick up stock of raw materials even during economic depression.
7. Working capital is needed in order to pay fair rate of dividend and interest in time, which
increases the confidence of the investors in the firm.
8. It helps measure profitability of an enterprise. In its absence, there would be neither
production nor profit.
9. Without adequate working capital an entity cannot meet its sliort-tenn liabilities in time.
10. A firm having a healthy working capital position can get loans easily from the market due
to its high reputation or goodwill.
11. Sufficient working capital helps maintain an uninterrupted flow of production by
supplying raw materials and payment of wages.
12. Sound working capital helps maintain optimum level of investment in current assets.
13. It enhances liquidity, solvency, credit worthiness and reputation of enterprise.
14. It provides necessary funds to meet unforeseen contingencies and thus helps the
enterprise run successfully during periods of crisis C3l
Sources of Working Capital:
1. Bank Overdraft / Cash Credit:
Bank overdraft or cash credit is the most useful as well as right sources of working capital
finance used by all the small as well as larger businesses. It’s offered by banks by which your
borrower is sanctioned a specified amount that can be utilized for his business repayments.
Borrower has to ensure that he does not exceed the lnnrt sanctioned. The greatest advantage
is that the interest is actually billed towards level the funds utilized rather than the sanctioned
2. Trade Credit:
This really is only by way of extending credit period by your creditor associated with your
business. Mostly trade credit is extended by creditors based on the creditworthiness
associated with the company. This can be reflected by its liquidity position, earning records
and more.
A 4.5: Financial Management 2021 I
3. Working Capital Loan:
Working capital loan are best for short term requirement. These types of working capital
finance can be paid back at monthly installment payments or even as a lumpsum amount. The
debtor / borrowers should definitely opt for such financing to finance permanent working
capital needs.
4. Factoring:
Factoring is actually excellent arrangement for the companies to raise funds simply by selling
his or her invoices to third party at a lower price or discounted price. That the thir d party the
following is known as the factor who provides factoring provider s in order to business. Your
factor would offer you financing by buying your invoices.
5. Bank Guarantee:
It is recognized as non-fund structured sources of working capital finance. Bank guarantee is
actually acquired with a buyer or seller towards reduce the threat of loss towards other party
task that might be repaying or offering services. Working capital finance example: A buyer
can opt for bank guarantee when purchasing products from sellers against risk of poor quality
or late delivery of goods. Bank charges some commission as well as ask for security deposit
as well.
Loan-Term Sources of Working Capital Finance / Loan:
6. Equity Capital:
Equity capital refers to the portion of the company’s equity that has been received or are
going to be acquired simply by investing in stock as a shareholder for cash or perhaps
equivalent capital worth. Equity comprises their nominal values of all of the equity granted,
which is known as par values. Stock capital defined as their amount of capital received by the
company from investors when investing in stocks.
7. Long Term Working Capital Loan:
A loan is a type of finance which it involves their redistribution of assets over time,
anywhere between the lender as well as the debtor. When opting for loan, you initially gets or
bonows an amount of cash through the lender, and is obligated to repay an equal money of
cash along with interest to your lender. For the most part, the money is paid back in monthly
installments, where every installment is the same. Lender can be either non-fmancial
organizations or banking institutions. Secured loan is a loan where borrower pledges an asset
A 4.5: Financial Management 2021 I
(Working capital finance example: Car, House, Land, etc.) as collateral. Unsecured loans is
financial loans that does not require borrower to pledge any assets but such loans have higher
interest rates [4].
1.2 Factors Affecting to Working Capital:
Length of Operating Cycle:
The amount of working capital directly depends upon the length of operating cycle.
Operating cycle refers to the time period involved in production. It starts right from
acquisition of raw material and ends till payment is received after sale.
The working capital is very important for the smooth flow of operating cycle. If operating
cycle is long then more working capital is required whereas for companies having short
operating cycle, the working capital requirement is less.
Nature of Business:
The type of business, film is involved in, is the next consideration while deciding the
working capital. In case of trading concern or retail shop the requirement of working capital
is less because length of operating cycle is small.
The wholesalers as compared to retail shop require more working capital as they have to
maintain large stock and generally sell goods on credit which increases the length of
operating cycle. The manufacturing company requires huge amount of working capital
because they have to convert raw material into finished goods, sell on credit, maintain the
inventory of raw material as well as finished goods.
The firms operating at large scale need to maintain more inventory, debtors, etc. So they
generally require large working capital whereas firms operating at small scale require less
workmg capital.
Business Cycle Fluctuation:
During boom period the market is flourishing so more demand, more production, more stock,
and more debtors which mean more amount of working capital is required. Whereas during
depression period low demand less inventories to be maintained, less debtors, so less
working capital will be required.
Seasonal Factors:
The working capital requirement is constant for the companies which are selling goods
throughout the season whereas the companies which are selling seasonal goods require huge
A 4.5: Financial Management 2021 I
amount during season as more demand, more stock has to be maintained and fast supply is
needed whereas during off season or slack season demand is very low so less working capital
is needed.
Technology and Production Cycle:
If a company is using labour intensive technique of production then more working capital is
required because company needs to maintain enough cash flow for making payments to
labour' whereas if company is using machine-intensive technique of production then less
working capital is required because investment in machinery is fixed capital requirement and
there will be less operative expenses.
In case of production cycle, if production cycle is long then more working capital will be
required because it will take long time for converting raw material into finished goods
whereas when production cycle is small lesser funds are tied up in inventory and raw
materials so less working capital is required.
Credit Allowed:
Credit policy refers to average period for collection of sale proceeds. It depends on number
of factors such as creditworthiness, of clients, industry norms etc. If company is following
liberal credit policy then it will require more working capital whereas if company is
following strict or short term credit policy, then it can manage with less working capital also.
Credit Avail:
Another factor related to credit policy is how much and for how long period company is
getting credit from its suppliers. If suppliers of raw materials are giving long term credit then
company can manage with less amount of working capital whereas if suppliers are giving
only short period credit then company will require more working capital to make payments to
Operating Efficiency:
The fhm having high degree of operating efficiency requires less amount of working capital
as compared to firm having low degree of efficiency which requir es more working capital.
Firms with high degree of efficiency have low wastage and can manage with low level of
inventory also and during operating cycle also these firms bear less expense so they can
manage with less working capital also.
A 4.5: Financial Management 2021 I
Availability of Raw Materials:
If raw materials are easily available and there is ready supply of raw materials and inputs
then firnis can manage with less amount of working capital also as they need not maintain
any stock of raw materials or they can manage with very less stock, hi case, the supply of
raw materials is not smooth then films may require more working capital.
If there is increase or rise in price then the price of raw materials and cost of labor will rise, it
will result in an increase in working capital requirement.
But if company is able to increase the price of its own goods as well, then there will be less
problem of working capital. The effect of rise in price on working capital will be different for
different businessmen.
Level of Competition:
If the market is competitive then company will have to adopt liberal credit policy and to
supply goods on time. Higher inventories have to be maintained so more working capital is
requited. A business with less competition or with monopoly position will require less
working capital as it can dictate terms according to its own requirements.
Growth Prospects:
Firms planning to expand their activities will require more amount of working capital as for
expansion they need to increase scale of production which means more raw materials, more
inputs etc. so more working capital also [5].
Manufacturing Cost
The manufacturing cost is another factor that determines how much working capital is
For example, if production cost of a product is high then working capital required is also
more and vice versa.
Rate of Turnover
The working capital requirements of a business depend on the rate of turnover or sales. If the
sales are very fast, then less working capital is required and vice versa [6).
The objectives of preparing Income statement / Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet
are to supply the financial information to the users. The Balance Sheet exhibits the financial
position at the end of the period through the assets (which show the development of
resources in various types of properties) and liabilities (which present how these resources
were taken).
Hie Income Statement, on the other hand, measures the results of the operation at the end of
the period, i.e., the change in the owner’s equity as a result of the productive and commercial
activities for the period.