Iso 22675
Iso 22675
Iso 22675
First edition
T l S l Library
~ ~ r n y m u i r s j i u
------- -
IS0 22675:2006(E)
pahlasar s14W IIV 9002 OSI d
'Ja)smW ayl 40 -03 W U! Ap0q leguRuJ S-I
JO woleq sswppe aw UB OSI J W lllay
~ WM u! u w u u e d ~noc~lm
' w w m w pue &I~d0301olld&r!pnpu! '~wulelpeurJO quo~pe(e
'sueau h e Aq m wj Aue U! paqlw JO ~ m p o x l w
eq Aew uow!W olw 40 ved ou 'pawads v w o sselun p ~ ~ e s a wrq ~ w
'molaq um!B ssaJpPew) te ~euel-s 1 e 4 wari) uuo~u!aseald 'pun04 s! 1! 08 &I!talw lualqard e tew t m a Mwlun w
ul 'sqpoq Jaqwaw OSI Aq asn J O ~qqw!ns q sly aq) )ew wnsua o) uaye) uaaq sell wer, K1m3 B ~ g u @ JOJ paz!~w~do a~emslalawmed
u w e a m - ~ dWI:alu aw 01 aA!Jelw owl IWWW aw u! pun04 eq urn aly ~d q w weax, 01 pasn spnpoxf aremyos aw 40 sl!elea
' p a ~ e ~ o &swa)sr(s
m~ eqopv4o yleuapeJt e s! aqow
'ewe s!w u! &!pqe!l ou s @ a e
We)- lWJa3 OSI W 'k!ldw!suWl s,WPV Wwlyu! 40 &lMlurodsw ayl UWWl WtJd 'Ws!W y)&ypeolumop
UI .&rmpa aqt Gu!uuo@ l a m d m aw uo Paflew! pup 01 pasu-!I we pappeqwa we w!w saoe)W ayl sselun p a w aq IOU seyo
)nq pemav JO paluud eq Aew aly s!w 'bid &I!suw s,eqopv ww aouepmme ul .sae)adb pappaqua u!e)um k w akt ad
Jew%"'P dad
( 3 ) 9 0 0 ~ : 9 ~ 9OSI
Contents Page
Foreword VI
Introduction VII
1 Scope .....................................................................................................................................................
2 Normative references ...........................................................................................................................
3 Terms and definitions........................................................................................................................... 2
4 Designations and symbols of test forces ..........................................................................................2
5 Strength and related performance requirements and conditions of use ........................................
6 Coordinate system and test configurations ......................................................................................
6.1 General 4
6.2 Origin and axes of the coordinate system ......................................................................................
6.3 Reference points ...................................................................................................................................
6.4 Test force F .........................................................................................................................................
6.5 Line of application of test force F ...................................................................................................
6.6 Lines of action of resultant referenceforces FR1and Fw ...............................................................
6.7 .
Lonaitudinal axis of the foot and effective ankle joint centre ..........................................................
6.7.1 General ...................................................................................................................................................
6.7.2 Longitudinal axis of the foot .............................................................................................................
6.7.3 Effective anklejoint centre. CA ............................................................................................................
7 Test loading conditions and test loading levels ..............................................................................
7.1 Test loading conditions ........................................................................................................................
7.2 Test loading levels ................................................................................................................................
8 Values of test forces, dimensions and cycles ................................................................................
9 Compliance ..........................................................................................................................................
9.1 General ..............................................................................................................................................
9.2 Particular arrangements and requirements concerning the part required to connect an
ankle-foot device or foot unit to the remainder of a prosthetic structure ....................................
Arrangements for testing ...................................................................................................................
Requirements for claiming compliance ............................................................................................
Number of tests and test samples required to claim compliance with this International
Standard ..............................................................................................................................................
Multiple use of test samples ..............................................................................................................
General .................................................................................................................................................
Restriction ...........................................................................................................................................
Testing at particular test loading levels not specified in this International Standard 18 .................
Test samples .......................................................................................................................................
Selection of test samples .................................................................................................................
General ..............................................................................................................................................
Selection of ankle-foot devices and foot units of appropriate size of foot ...................................
Types of test sample ........................................................................................................................
Complete structure .............................................................................................................................
Partial structure ..................................................................................................................................
Preparation of test samples ...............................................................................................................
Identificationof test samples ............................................................................................................
Alignment of test samples .................................................................................................................
Worst-case alignment position of test samples ..............................................................................
Responsibility for test preparation ................................................................................................
Test submission document ..............................................................................................................
General requirements ......................................................................................................................
Informationrequiredfor test samples ..............................................................................................
Information required for tests ...........................................................................................................
General .................................................................................................................................................
For all tests ..........................................................................................................................................
For the static proof test and the static ultimate strength test .......................................................
lnternational Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISOllEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft lnternational Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
8 lnternational Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. IS0 shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
IS0 22675 was prepared by Technical Committee ISOrrC 168, Prosthetics and ofthotics.
a) the inconsistency of the lines of application of the heel and forefoot test forces with those of the test forces
of test loading conditions I and II for the principal structural tests specified in 16.2 (static tests) and 16.3
(cyclic test) of IS0 10328:2006;
b) the unrealistic course and magnitude of loading in the phase between the instants of maximum heel and
forefoot loading during the cyclic test;
c) the effect of periodical 'stepping in a hollow" during the cyclic test, resulting from simultaneous heel and
forefoot loading at different angles.
In this relation it is important to note that the complexity of the test equipment required for the testing of ankle-
foot devices and foot units specified in this lnternational Standard is low, comparable to that of the test
equipment required for the corresponding separate structural tests specified in IS0 10328. Apparently, basic
components of both types of test equipment are similar and can be re-used in a modified design.
Finally, it has to be noted that the potential of the general concept applied to the test procedures specified in
this lnternational Standard allows other applications directed to the assessment of specific performance
characteristics of ankle-foot devices and foot units that may be of relevance in the future.
In order to allow continuity of testing by checking the test methods for ankle-foot devices and foot units
specified in this lnternational Standard against those specified in 17.2 of IS0 10328:2006, a transition period
win be established, during which &&I test methods are valid. For practical reasons, this transition period will
be adapted to the period of time after which the systematic review of IS0 10328:2006 and this International
Standard is indicated. The systematic review of both standards is expected to result, among other outcomes,
in the finding on whether the test methods specified in this lnternational Standard have demonstrated their
NOTE Further guidance on the specification of the test loading conditions and test loading levels and on the design
of appropriate test equipment is given in a separate document, published as a Technical Report (see Bibliography).
' ~ Z C O COSI u! paypads qun $004pue s=!~ap tw*lyue uo slsa~I U ~ P aayl ~~
~oalarolw e laaq a c 40~ -16ue a1140 aw 6u!6uew I n o w ' ~ Z E O C u! P ~ Y W
osi slsatSIWWNP ~ledpuud
aw JOJ 11 pue I suo!~~pucx,
Gu!peol i s 3 aw 40 6u!peol weld lew6es all$Bu!u!uualap asow tpeclldde pepuels 1euq)walul
s!w u! paypads a n m d ~sa):,gels aw hq pa)e~w& s-~ol J O O ~ ~ Jpue O ~ IW a1140 w!pe 40 saw a u z LON
.sasowo (ewaycapue sawq~so~d
qu!~(ewaycaOJ-qqwldde are I e q l 3 3 ~ z ~ l C 6
w!w!a ao!~aal m ! m ueadan3
aI1 40 IXwuV u! Pa1s!l qua~a!nbatlle!tuass3 W P asolll SassaJPPe (CZSZCN3 4Jauuo4) EZSZZ OSI 1 %ON
.peal Japun a3ueuuopad lenp!n!pu! sg dolanap 01 aay 'ssalaquanau 's! pa) J O ~ paU!wqns Nun
loo) JO -!nap looj-alyue 40 aldwes w e a 'pJepuqS leuo!teurajul s!qllo s1sa) a q 40 jda:,uo:, aq1 o l 6 u ! p ~ 0 3 3 ~
'pa) JO) pawwqns gun 1004 JO aqnap poj-alyue 40 aldwes w e a
o) s a ~ n p m d
p a l 3!ge)s pue :,!pk aqj Aq pa!ldde r(luuo~!unaq 01 'salyard u q ~ o wpue~ (6uipeq asaq 40
sleuuoj paqpJepuqs Aq pazpapweq:, aJe pJepuelg 1euogeuJa)uls!q) u! paypads suog!puo:, 6u!peol pa$a q l
-a16uee!qg aq1Aq pau!wJalap
a l w ~ duo!~ouromle Aq pue s a ~ ouo!peaJ
j p u m 6 (d-v) lejuozuoq pue p ! u a n aqj 40 lopan JuqlnsaJ a%
Aq pau!uua)ap alyad 6u!peol e Aq pazuape~eq:, aJe qde~6e~ed p~!q)a q u! passaJppe suo!#pum 6u!peo( a q l
p a ) 343A3 aql 6uunp 6u!peol joo4aJoj pue (aaq wnw!xew p quqsu! a q 1e 6up~n330a s w
01 6 u ! ~ u muo!pe 40 saw1 )e saao) 1oo)a~qpue laaq aleJaua6 08 (eguajod a q Aq 3j.0~ aas) ' s a ~ p 4 (z
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pue sa3!nap lool-alyue ~ R ~ W S lol ~
O J a~npamJd 1sa1q l q s e saypads pJepuqs (euo!leua1ul s!q$ 'uoi~ppeUI
suo!l(puw 3!ls!lea~Japun dolanap Aluo llyn Jew s:,!lspape~eq:, 3y!%ds qyn squn 1004 pue sa!Aap pojalyue 40
su6!sap 1uam 40 hauen e p a~ueuuopadaq) 40 Juawssasse aql JO) a3ugrodw! ~e(n3yed p s! le!$ua)od s!ql
'a)!l a q ~ ~ pue
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suo!)!pw 6u!peol asoq aIelnw!s Allws!lea~01 le!gua)od aqj Aq paqs!n6up!p 'sasaqpo~dqw!l J~MOI letuayca
aJtIpa30Jd lsal3!pA:, e saypads Aluewud plepuels leuogewalul s!ql
)o s)!un 1004 pule saqnap )oo4-alyue ~q
-smndure JO) ysu A~oe~ese u! qnser us3 B u ! w e ~s ! p~pleSms!p
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I S 0 22675:2006(E)
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
IS0 8549-1, Prosthetics and orthotics - Vocabulary- Part 1: General terms for external limb prostheses
and external orthoses
IS0 10328:2006, Prosthetics - Structural testing of lower limb prostheses -Requirements and test methods
IS0 22523:2006, External limb prostheses and external orthoses - Requirements and test methods
proof strength
static load representing an occasional severe event, which can be sustained by the ankle-foot device or foot
unit and still allow it to function as intended
ultimate strength
static load representing a gross single event, which can be sustained by the ankle-foot device or foot unit but
which could render it thereafter unusable
fatigue strength
cyclic load that can be sustained by the ankle-foot device or foot unit for a given number of cycles
set of test samples of an ankle-foot device or foot unit submitted together to a test IaboratoryRacili to
undertake tests to demonstrate compliance with one or more requirements of this International Standard
6.1 General
The test configurations of this International Standard are defined in a manner similar to that applied in
IS0 10328.
Each test configuration shall be defined in a two-dimensional, rectangular coordinate system (see Figure 1).
Each test configuration specifies reference parameters both for the position of the line of application of the test
force and for the alignment of test samples within the coordinate system.
If a test sample is not in the vertical position, the axes of the coordinate system shall be rotated to correspond.
a) The origin 0 of the coordinate system is located in the bottom plane B.
b) The u-axis extends from the origin 0 perpendicular to the bottom plane B and passes through the effective
ankle-joint centre CA, specified in 6.7.3 (see Figure 1). Its positive direction is upwards (in the proximal
NOTE The u-axis also passes through the effective kneejoint centre CK (see Figure 1). This may be relevant to
the setting-up of test samples of specific designs of ankle-foot devices or foot units which extend towards the knee
unit of a lower limb prosthesis and which, therefore, may also requite the knowledge of the position of the effective
knee joint centre.
c) The faxis extends from the origin 0 perpendicular to the u-axis (see Figure 1). Its positive direction is
forward towards the toe (in the anterior direction).
A l l rights resenred
bottom plane (see 6.2)
origin of coordinate system [see 6.2 a)]
(upward) axis of coordinate system [see 6.2 b)]
(forward) axis of coordinate system [see 6.2 c)]
effective ankle-joint centre [see 6.2 b) and 6.7.31
effective kneejoint centre [see NOTE of 6.2 b)]
top load application point (see 6.3)
knee load reference points (see 6.3)
ankle load reference points (see 6.3)
bottom load application points (see 6.3)
line of application of test force F (see 6.5)
line of action of resultant reference force FR1(heel loading) (see 6.6)
line of action of resultant reference force FR2(forefoot loading) (see 6.6)
The only reference point to be defined and specified for the application of the test principles outlined in 15.1 is
the top load application point PT, at which the test force F (see 6.4) is applied to the test sample (see Fgure I).
IMPORTANT - In the subsequent clauses of this International Standard, the f-coordinates are also
referred to as OFFSETS.
NOTE 1 If appropriate, the dependence of the position of the top load application point PT VT,uT) On the foot length L is
indicated by the additional suffix 'C in the form PT VT,L, uT,L) (see 10.5, 16.1.l , A.2.2.3, A.2.4.1, E.3.4.2, Figures 4 and 5
and Table 7). If appropriate, general suffix 'C may be replaced by speafic values (see Figures A.2 and E.4).
NOTE 2 If the ankle load reference point PA (rA, uA)describes the position of specific lines of action as illustrated in
Figure 1 for heel loading by resultant reference fore FRi and forefoot loading by resultant reference force F,, this may
be indicated by the additional suffixes '1' for heel loading and '2' for forefoot loading in the form PA, VA,,u,,) or
P, &, u,), if appropriate (see A.2.2). The additional suffixes '1' and '2' are also used to identify the fB-o%ets addressed
in and listed in Table 4.
NOTE During testing, a force component, FH, perpendicular to the line of application of the test force F develops as
shown in Figure A. 1 on the test machine.
6.7.1 General
In order to align the test sample within the coordinate system (see 6.1 and 6.2) it is necessary to locate
a) the longitudinal axis of the foot (see 6.7.2);
If the lacation of the longitudinal axis of the foot or the effective ankle-joint centre is not straightforward, the
manufacturerlsubmitter shall provide a diagram or instructions, with justification, identifying its location in
relation to the test sample.
Unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer/submiier, the longitudinal axis of the foot shall be taken to
pass through the centre of the widest part of the forefoot and equidistant between the medial and lateral
bo&rs of the foot at a quarter of the length of the foot from the most posterior part of the foot with the foot
placed as specified in and illustrated in Figure 2.
NOTE The position of a mechanical axle for plantar- and dorsiflexion (if present) is irrelevant to the alignment of the
test sample within the coordinate system. Locate the longitudinal axis of the foot as described in 6.7.2 or in accordance with any specific
instruction from the manufacturerlsubmitter. Place the foot on a horizontal surface with a block of the manufacturer'slsubmitter's
recommended heel height h, placed under the heel of the foot (see Figure 2).
c) a quarter of the length of the foot from the most posterior part of the foot.
Dimensions in millimetres
1 block of recommended heel height, hr (see
2 longitudinal axis of foot (see 6.7.2)
CA effective ankle-joint centre (see 6.7.3)
L foot length (see 7.1)
NOTE The recommended heel height for the ankle-foot device or foot unit under test is taken as h, = 20 mm unless
otherwise specified by the manufadurerlsubmitter. (See also Figures 4 and 5.)
Figure 2 -Determination of longitudinal axis of foot (see 6.7.2) and effective anklejoint centre CA
(see 6.7.3)
8 I S 0 2006 All rights resenred 7
7 Test loading conditions and test loading levels
The single test loading condition of the cyclic test is characterized by a specific profile of pulsating test force,
F,..(t) or F,(d, applied to the top of the test sample while this is supported by a foot platform which performs
angular movement following a specific profile of tilting angle, At).
The two different test loading conditions of the static tests are characterized by a specific test force, F,applied
to the top of the test sample while this is supported either on the heel or on the forefoot by a foot platform
which is fixed at a specific tilting angle, y.
Each test loading condition produces compound loadings typical of the stance phase of walking or other single
events of loading occurring in the daily use of a lower limb prosthesis by the amputee.
Each test loading condition is applicable to test samples of ankle-foot devices and foot units of any size, due
to the establishment of a relationship between the position of the top load application point PT and the foot
length L (see Figures 2, 4 and A.2).
The test loading condition(s) of each type of test are addressed in Table 12 together with their manner of
application and specified in the relevant Tables 3 to 11 of Clause 8. Further information is given in Clauses 15
and 16.
The series P test loading levels designated as given in 7.2.3 shall apply to lower limb prostheses for adults.
7.2.2 The specification of the test loading conditions of each of the test loading levels listed in 7.2.3 is
governed by a safety concept, characterized in the following manner (see also Tables 3 and 9).
- The corresponding values of the test forces F , . , and FZspof the static proof test according to 16.2.1 and
the test forces F1, and F2, of the static ulttmate strength test according to 16.3.1 are calculated by
application of factors as speclfied in Table 3.
- The specification of all test forces takes account of records on component failures of lower limb
prostheses, taken in clinical or technical service.
NOTE 2 The values of the dimensions and loads of test loading levels P3, P4 and P5 are specified in separate tables
in Clause 8. As an interim measure, pending validation, it is suggested that the values of the dimensions and loads
specified in C.3 and Table C.2 are appropriate for test loading level P6. Further test loading levels will be defined, if
Figure 3 illustrates thresholds for the loading profile of the cyclic test.
Annex E indicates how the adjustment of the tilting axis, TA, of the foot platform in
dependence on the foot length, L, specified by the values listed in Table 7, can be avoided or limited
by transposing the top load application point PT(see E.3.4).
f ~ l L, = f B l . 2 d r n 6 )
f B 1 . ~ ~ mm
-32 -33 -35 -36 -38 -39 -41 -43 -44 -46 -47 -49 -50
f ~ 2 L, = f ~ 226'(L/26)
fB2, L a mm
105 110 115 120 126 131 136 141 146 152 157 162 167
" The Values of& ,
are determined by the condition (f ,
-fT I U, =, (fAas -A) , I(uT,28 - uA.),
For the values df4
f, see A.2.2.1 d); for the values o$.u4, dnd u
,, see Tables 6 and 7.
Table 5 -Test forces of the proof test of end attachments for test loading levels P5, P4 and P3
(see 13.2.1)
Foot length L
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
n Related values off and ueffsets of PTCand TA
Direction Numerical value
location mm
f ~ ,=fT, 26'(W26)
Position of J;. L
17 18 19 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 26 27
top load All tests
application uT, L 'UT, 26'(u26)
point, PTC u ~L ,
445 467 489 511 534 556 578 ;
600 622 645 667 689 711
f&,, L = 0,365.L
Position of 'T~'L
73 1 7 7 1 8 0 1 8 4 1 8 8 1 9 1 1 9 5 1 9 9 ~ 1 0 2 ~ 1 0 6 ~ 1 1 0 ~ 1 1 3 ~ 1 1 7
tiMW axis ~ 1 tests
TA of food' UTA, L = 0.1.L
platform .
U ~ ~ , ~
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
NOTE The spedfied dimensions also apply to tha additional test loading level P6,specified in Annex C [see C.3 a)].
The foot length L is specified in an,taking into account that in many countries the foot size determining the foot length k measwed
in an.
The seledion of appropriate sizes of ankle-foot devices and foot units for test pwposea is not limited by the range given in this
table. The fmnulae allow the calarlatlon off- and uoffsets of P, and TA relating to any foot length L.
See 6.3 and Figures 1.4 and 5. (For fwVler information see 16.1.1 and A.2.2.3.)
See and Figure 5. (For futher information see 16.1.1, E.3.2 and E.3.3.)
Table 8 -Angles of toe-out position of foot and specific tilting positions of foot platform,
for all test loading levels
Subject Test procedure
Event a Numerical
Toeout position of foot
(see Figure 4)
All tests - r 7
Ist maximum value, Fl- YI - 15
positions of foot platform Cydic test Intermediateminimum value, Fmn *min 0
2nd maximum value, F- Y2 20
NOTE The sp& dimensions ako apply to the additional test loading level P6,s p e M in Annex C [seaC.3 a)].
a The posithre direction of the angles rand y is shown in Figures 4 or 5, respectively.
IS0 22675:2006(E)
Table 9 -Test forces for all tests and prescribed number of cycles for the cyclic test,for test loading
levels P5, P4 and P3 (see 16.2, 16.3 and 16.4)
g -eri 6
e -4a d
- 2
Test procedure and test force 2 Bc.x 2 " Bfi
x ( 6 O(6
s4 b4 2 c 2s k
a e 2 e 2
g x s x g
F2w. -t kwd
3297 - 3039 - 2 369
Static ultimate test force
8 F1w, upper levd 4454 - 4106 - 3201 -
Frn.",,, N - 4 396 - 4052 - 3 159
1st maximum value of pulsating
test force
Intermediate minimum value of
pulsating test force
- 1173
- 915
test force F2cmax
Final static test force
F ~ f i n(= hy) 2227
- 2 053
- 1601
0" Fan (' F*) 2198 2026 1580
Prescribed number of cycles 1 2x lo6
NOTE The specific values of the different test forces are based on refarence values desaibed in A.2.3 and specified in TaMe A.1.
a For the additioneltest loading level P6 the vahres of the test forces and the pmcribed number of cydes are specified in Table C.2.
X time in milliseconds
Y force in newtons
1 test force F
NOTE 1 The loading period of 600 ms corresponds to the average stance phase time of a typical walking cyde of 1 s
duration. (The m i n i n g time of 400 rns of the walking cyde corresponds to the swing phase.)
Figure 3 -Illustration of reference points for the establishment of thresholds listed in Table 10 for
specification of the loading profile of the cyclic test
9.2 Particular arrangements and requirements concerning the part required to connect an
ankle-foot device or foot unit to the remainder of a prosthetic structure
Batches of the part required to connect an ankle-foot device or foot unit to the remainder of a prosthetic
structure, such as an ankle-unit, ankle attachment, alignment device or pylon base, shall be tested in either of
the ways described in a) and b), depending on its combination with ankle-foot devices or foot units intended to
be allowed by the manufacturerlsubmitter.
a) If the type of connecting part is intended to be allowed for use in combination with one or several
smcified type(s) of ankle-foot device or foot unit, then batches of samples of assemblies of this part and
each specified type of ankle-foot device or foot unit shall be subjected to the tests specified in this
b) If the type of connecting part is intended to be allowed for use in combination with anv
type of ankle-foot
device or foot unit, then batches of samples of this part shall be subjected to the principal structural tests
specified in IS0 10328 in a test sample set-up in which the foot unit is replaced by a rigid lever arm, in
order to apply the longest effective lever arm possible.
a) In the case of 9.2.1 a), the manufacturerlsubmitter can claim compliance with this lntemational Standard
for each specified assembly of connecting part and ankle-foot device or foot unit passing the tests of this
standard, as certified by the test laboratoryffacility (see 2nd paragraph of 9.1).
b) In the case of 9.2.1 b), the manufacturerlsubmitter can claim compliance with IS0 10328 for the
'universal" connecting part passing the principal structural tests of that standard, as certified by the test
Iaboratoryffacility(see 2nd paragraph of 9.1).
NOTE Based on this daim of compliance, the manufacturer/submitter can allow the use of the 'universal"
connecting part in combination with any ankle-foot device or foot unit In order to daim compliance for such
assemblies, it is, however, necessary that the ankle-foot devices or foot units involved pass the tests of this
International Standard. (See NOTE of 9.1 .)
9.3 Number of tests and test samples required to claim compliance with this International
The minimum number of tests required for each type of test in the prescribed loading conditions in order to
claim compliance with this InternationalStandard is shown in Table 12.
The tests shall be conducted on test samples from the batch specified in Table 12 for each type of test.
The minimum number indicates, how many test samples of an anklefoot device or foot unit submitted for test
shall complete the tests without failing.
If appropriate, the tests shall be conducted in the worst-case alignment position of the test samples (see 10.6).
NOTE The total number of test samples actually needed for the conduct of all tests required may differ from the total
cfhlated by addition of the number of test samples y>ecified in Table 12 for each type of test, since the number of
substitubs needed may vary, and since test samples that have completed a specific test without failing may be used for
another test (see9.4, 16.2.1 and 16.3.1).
9.4.1 General
Test samples, which have demonstrated compliance with the requirements of any of the tests specified in this
lnternational Standard, may be subjected to other tests of this lnternational Standard, except as stated in 9.4.2.
Any decision on the multiple use of test samples shall be based on a corresponding indication in the test
submission document (see Clause 12) andlor the agreement between the manufacturerlsubmitter and the test
As a general rule, any failure occurring during a test on a test sample that has previously been subjected to
another test justifies the repetition of the failed test on a substitute test sample (see Table 12).
NOTE The multiple use of test samples is speafically addressed in the static proof test (16.2.1) and the static
ultimate strength test (16.3.1 ).
Unless otherwise indicated in the test submission document andlor agreed between the
manufacturerlsubmitter and the test IaboratorytfacilQ, this lnternational Standard does not stipulate that the
tests required to claim compliance for the ankle-foot device or foot unit submitted for test be conducted in a
particular order, with the exception of the restriction specified in 9.4.2.
9.4.2 Restriction
Compliance of any test sample with the performance requirements of the cyclic test of this International
Standard can not be claimed if the test sample has previously been subjected to the static ultimate strength
test of this lnternational Standard.
9.5 Testing at particular test loading levels not specified in this lnternational Standard
For different reasons the intended use of a particular design of ankle-foot device or foot unit may require the
tests of this standard to be applied at a particular test loading level not specified in this lnternational Standard,
derived from the next lower regular test loading level of this lnternational Standard by increasing its test loads
by x %.
In this case compliance with this lnternational Standard cannot be claimed for that particular test loading level.
However, compliance with this lnternational Standard can be claimed for the next lower regular test loading
level of this lnternational Standard, from which that particular test loading level has been derived.
Reference to this lnternational Standard may also be given by stating that the prescribed batch (or batches) of
test samples of ankle-foot device or foot unit submitted for test hasl(have) been tested
b) by applying the tests of this lnternational Standard at test loads set x % above test loading level P,.
peJussar W@ IH- 9002 OSI Q
.a- lua~agp40 l a a ~
uo papnpuoo spat heu!ylad qeudadde40 q [ n m aw uo ~o~pue
~uacua8euewy+ 40 s&llpuy
uo 'samrqeq u&sap uo paseq aq Aew Bu!peq ase3.wam aq? &r!wwd ?oq lo az9 aln 40 uogeu!uualap atu =ON
.(ZC asnel3 aas) luawnmp uo!ss!wqns Jsa) aq) u! ' u o ~ ~ sq h a !l~' p q q s aq
lleqs pue JaMwqnslJaJnpejnuew at.g Aq pau!urra)ap aq lleqs Bu!peol ase3-ISJM a q Gu!pyod 1004 40 aqs aql
~ seD!Aep 1ooJ-elque 4 0 uo93eleS
1004 40 ez!s qeudordde 40 q u n p o pue Z' rob
pawaju! Aue Aq qsaj 3 y W J O ~pawwqns aq oqe Aew wun JWpue sawap tool-al~ue40 saldwes l s a l =ON
.poqaw 6u!@u1es
aw 40 s p p p q p ~aqla6oj
~ 'luawnmp uo!sqwqns lsal a q u! papnpu! aq lleqs alwgycm s!q) 'au!( u o w p o ~ d
leurrou aw woy uayq uaaq seq aldwes p a l at# et.g 6u9e~sa l w g y w e sa!lddns JaNwqnslJaJnpepwew
aw 41 '(ZC asnela aas) luawnaop uqss!wqns )sal a@ u! papJo3aJ aq Ileqs u o p l a s aql 40 s l ! q q
. u o ! p n p ~ ~(eurrou
d wo4 uaye) aq lleqs pq J O ~papalas s#un loo4 pue saqhap lookalyue l o saldwes 1- a q l
Iueue9 C' C'OC
saidwes asel 0 c
.sqdde .aoumau. Jepun petql sasnepqns
aqi p s u o ~ p u mayi 40 hue w!w te uo!smo w a ot patelaJ q s+ures tsat awwsqns alqpsod 40 ~ a q m uWL .
.t'c eas meq l o UORW%~P. w
'suog!pum ame!ldum
eqt h s ~ e s01 Dessaeu aq hew saldtues )w a ~ s q n spemolle uo slsat p uo9@ada1ayi Jew selwpu! wnW!U!W uuel Wl e
t o o ~ ~pue
o ) law
- - ~ )
uo q s q qtms leuy Aq P ~ I I 'aldwes ( L - V ' 1~-6)
z z 1-1 p e a ol pe~dde A~paleada J
-I' lsel 9 ~ A 3
q Pe)UW leal4 luay ~ U ! P snonu!?uo3
(uo!ldo) L1'1'6'91
PUe '91'1'6'91 1 Z Z 6u!pe01too~ao440 u o w ! a
JolPueGC'L'C'91 Pue tsal W J W S
( U ~ ! J ~ ~ ) L L ' C ' € 1' ~ C 6u!peo1laaq 40 uo!pa!a atew~n 3 ~ ~ s
Pue 91'1'6'91
aldwes $sattpea (C'Z'91~)
Cl'l'Z'91 1 Z Z Jo~
oj paydde Ala~!sswns' ~ u ! ~ E ? o ~ ~ o o ) ~lsal
lo uo!pa!p pue 6u!peol laaq 40 u o w ! a loold q e l s
a3uarqea 'ON
saldues la) pw~nbarolsw uosm(ldde40
*ow *n)!WnS WWSod lelnB8~
401WUJnu ,auueru pue uo~puo3B , , ~ ~ ~ ~lSW
~ 40 M l
e WnUlulW
vsw 40 ad4 104
Pmolle oatdrum 8- 4 0 q IlW8
PJePuWS leuo!JeUJ~uls!4t WlM
a3ue!lduro3 ur!e13 01piu!nbw seldures ~ s pue
w q s w 40 JequrnN - ZL a l q e l
( 3 ) 9 0 0 t : S ~ 9 tOSI
An appropriate measure for the worstase loading is the direction and magnlude of the ankle (A-P) bending moment,
generated by the test forces applied to the heel and forefoot of the ankle-foot device or foot unit and determined by the
lengths of the effective lever arms on which these test forces ad.
Although there is a fundamental relationship between the lengths of the effective lever arms and the size of the foot, the
worst-case loading need not necessarily be provided in each case by the largest size of foot available for the test loading
level to be applied, but can also be influencedby other design parameters.
Test samples representing a complete structure consist of the ankle-foot device or foot unit and the part
required to connect it to the remainder of the prosthetic structure.
If the type of connecting part used in a complete structure submitted for test according to this International
Standard has already been subjected, as a universal connecting part, to the principal structural tests of
IS0 10328 and complies with the requirements of that standard [see 9.2.1 b) and 9.2.2 b), this does not affect
the conduct or the results of the tests of this International Standard, unless the connecting part fails.
Test samples representing a partial structure consist of an ankle-foot device or foot unit as a single
component, intended by the manufacturerlsubmitter to. be connected to the remainder of the prosthetic
structure by any appropriate type of universal connecting part.
The manufacturerlsubmitter shall specify in the test submission document or agree with the test
laboratorylfacility, which type of connecting part shall be used in the set-up of test samples of this type and
shaU supply the necessary number of parts.
Types of universal connecting parts used shall comply with the requirements of IS0 10328.
103.1 The samples shall include all parts normally fitted. This also applies to foot covers.
10.3.2 Where any test sample includes any end fittings, then it shall be assembled in accordance with
Clause 11 and the test submission document.
10.3.3 All test sample types according to 10.2 shall be given a fixed total length, using end attachments, as
required [see 13.2 and NOTE].
NOTE Figure 4 illustrates a specific test sample set-up corresponding to the combination specrfied in cdumn C of
Table 7 and also marks the reasonable area for the arrangement of alternative end attachments in consideration of the
a r m t specbum of foot designs.
10.3.4 The ankle-foot device or foot unit, selected in accordance with 10.1.2, shall be submitted assembled
by the manufacturerlsubmitter at least to the part connected to the remainder of the prosthesis such as an
ankle unit, alignment device, pylon base, compliant structure or exoskeletal member. The type and
identification of the part connected shall be recorded.
The manufacturer/submitter may also attach end attachments, as required (see 11.4).
NOTE The specific set-up illustrated in Figure 4 corresponds to the combination specified in column C of Table 6.
Figure 4 -Illustration of specific set-up of left-sided test sample with top load application point PT
11.3 The manufacturerlsubmitter shall be responsible for preparing the test submission document in
accordance with Clause 12.
11.4 The manufacturerlsubmitter or the test laboatorytfacility shall be responsible for the attachment of
the end attachments required (see 13.2). Whoever assembles them shall be responsible for their static
alianment in accordance with 10.5.
11.5 The manufacturerlsubmiir or the test laboratorylfacility shall be responsible for the provision of a
specific heel block (specific heel blocks) to be mounted on the foot platform(s) of the test equipment in
accordance with and
Whoever provides them shall be supported by the other in the following manner:
- If the manufacturerlsubmitter provides the heel block(s), the test laboratorylfacility shall contribute the
particular dimensions (and other relevant details) related to its (their) mounting and correct positioning on
the foot platform(s) of the test equipment.
- If the test laboratory/facillty provides the heel block(s), the manufacturerlsubmitter shall contribute the
particular dimensions (and other relevant details) related to its (their) shape, specified in accordance with and This informationshall be included in the test submission document [see 12.3.2 f)].
If appropriate, the manufacturer/submitter shall specify in the test submission document the positiin of the
heel block relative to the position of the ankle-foot device or foot unit in the test set-ups in accordance with c) 2) and [see 12.3.2 e)].
11.6 The test laboatorylfacility shall be responsible for the verification that the test sample is assembled in
accordance with Clause 10, the test submission document (see Clause 12) and the manufacturer'slsubmitter's
written instructions supplied with every component of the type.
11.7 The test laboratoryhcility shall be responsible for adjustment of the alianment to give the correct
dimensions during test in accordance with 10.5 (see also 16.2.1. , and
11.8 The test Iaboratorytfacility shall be responsible for the verification that the design of the heel block(s)
is in accordance with the requirements of, and the test submission document [12.3.2 e) and
12.3.2 91.
If the design of the heel block(s) is not correct, the test laboratorylfacility shall consult with the
manufacturer/submitter to decide who alters it (them) to the specified design.
11.9 The test laboratoryhcility shall be responsible for the mounting and correct positioning of the heel
Mock(s) on the foot platform(s) of the test equipment in accordance with, and the test
submission document [12.3.2 e) and 12.3.2f)].
12.1.4 The manufacturerlsubmitter shall provide a unique and traceable identification for the test submission
document which shall also be indelibly marlted on the test sample. The manufacturerlsubmittershall maintain
a record of such identification.
12.1.5 The manufacturerlsubmitter shall dearly indicate the test laboratorytfacility required to condud
the test.
12.1.6 The manufacturerlsubmitter shall clearly indicate the date of submission or dispatch to the test
9 information related to particular arrangements concerning the part required to connect the ankle-foot
device or foot unit submitted for test to the remainder of the test sample, in accordance with 9.2.1;
I 12.3.1 General
The information addressed in 12.3.2 to 12.3.5 for each test sample shall be included in the test submission
12.3.2 For all tests
a) the particular test requested (Clauses 9 and 16) and the test loading condition(@and test loading levels
[Clauses 7 and 8 (and Annex C)];
b) particular values of dimensions and forces for the conducting of the test (Clause 8);
c) the worst-case alignment of the test sample (10.6);
d) information related to particular arrangements concerning the part required to connect the ankle-foot
device or foot unit submitted for test to the remainder of the test sample (9.2.1);
e) the position of the heel block relative to the position of the ankle-foot device or foot unit submitted for test
in the test set-ups (11.5);
9 the dimensions (and other relevant details) of the design of the heel block that are related to the shape of
the foot sole of the ankle-foot device or foot unit submitted for test [only if the test laboratorylfacility
provides the heel block(s) (1131.
I 123.3 For the static proof test and the static ultimate strength test
The request to proceed with the test procedure in the second direction of loading on the occurrence of failure
in the test procedure in the first direction of loading in accordance with and
I 12.3.4
For the static ultimate strength test
if appropriate, request for continuation of the test until failure actually occurs in accordance with
and 16.3.1 .I 1 and recording of ttie value of the failure load and any further instructions concerning the
documentation of test results;
a) the test frequency called for in accordance with and;
b) replacement intervals of service items in accordance with a) and;
c) if appropriate, request for visual examination with specification of magnification in accordance with c) and This request shall include instructions concerning the documentation of test
results. General
The test shall be carried out on end attachments required for the application of the test loading condiions
specified in this lnternational Standard. End attachments which satisfy the stiiess requirements of this test
for proof test forces Fw = 1,2 F,,, up kw, of a specific test loading level (see Tables 3, 9 and C.2) are
suitable for all static and cyclic tests &is lnternational Standard carried out at this specific test loading level
and at all lower levels.
OPTION -If it is intended to use different sets of end attachments, individually designed to the specific
requirements of the test loading conditions of the static and cyclic tests of this lnternational Standard (see
EXAMPLE) and/or to the specific requirements of the ankle-foot devices or foot units submitted for test, the
proof test of end attachments shall be applied to each of these sets. In this case each set shall satisfy the
stiffness requirements of the proof test of end attachments at values of test force F a relating as shown in
Table 13 to the highest value of test force F, Fsp or F,, (see Tables 3. 9 and C.2) $ be applied during the
test for which this set has been designed.
EXAMPLE A particular reason for the use of a specific set of (light-weight) end attachments for the cyclic test is the
reduction of inertia effects caused by the mass of (heavy-weight) universal end attachments suitable for all tests.
It is not necessary to repeat the proof test of end attachments if earlier results for previously tested relevant
combinations of end attachments are available and are suitable.
Measure and record the displacement, 6of the moving load application point from its reference position in the
test equipment as 6,. Increase the test force F smoothly at a rate of between 100 Nls and 250 Nls to the proof test
force F or FRpa(see of the relevant (test loading condition and) test loading level, specified in
Table F o r Table C.l (but see the OPTION described in, and maintain it until the measurement
specified below is completed.
Measure and record the displacement, 6of the moving load application point from its reference position in the
test equipment as 4.
Record the application of a specific value of proof test force Fpaor FRpa,determined in accordance with the
OPTION described in
Measure and record the displacement, 6 of the moving load application point from its reference position in the
test equipment as 4. Calculate and record the deflection, D l , at FPaor FRpaand the permanent deformation, D2,
at Fab or FRstab
as follows: Do not use the end attachment if the calculated values exceed the following limits:
ig may be used to facilitate the setting-up of test samples before mounting them in the test equipment.
Aj The test equipment shall be capable of producing static test forces at a loading rate of between
100 N/s and 250 Nls (but see NOTE) up to the values specified in Table 9 or Table C.2 for the relevant test
procedure, test loading condition and test loading level.
NOTE For the alternative static ultimate strength test according to Annex B, inmased loading rates of bebeen
1 kN/s and 5 kNls are considered to be appropriate.
The test equipment shall allow the adjustment of the position of the top load application point PT to thef and
mflsets relevant to the foot length L of the ankle-foot device or foot unit of the test sample, specified in
Table 7 and illustrated in Figures 4 and 5. (For further background information see A.2.2.3.)
'[(a z ' g ' z ~aas] juawnmp uo!ss!wqns )sat aq) u! Ja)#wqnslJaJnpwnuew
aq) Aq pagpads s! s!xe-n aq) way )asuo ue ssalun 's!xe-n a q uo a!l Ileqs u w s l a j u ! 40 ~u!oda q ( 1
:s~o1104se pau!asnalap aq lleqs
dn-)as pa) a q u! )!un )wjJO aa!hap )ooj-alyue a q jo uoysod a q ) q ahgelaJ ym(q laaq aq 40 uo!$sod a q l (a
aq) Aq pa$w!l aq lleqs sn!pw aqljo anlen wnw!xew aq) I! q@ual
'(p ~olpue(1 (q 40 guawa~!nba~
t o q aql p ~ayenbe ueql ~ayea~6aq lleqs aaeyns do1 aql p uo!pas 1ua4 ~=upu!lAa aqj jo sn!peJ aw ((E
fuopas aueld a q 0) uo!i!suw) le!)ua6ue)
e uo!ms (~oualue)) u o ~lesupu!Na
j e pue u o m (~oua~sod)
leal meld e jo p a s o d m aq lleqs g (1
(wogoq) umgeld pue alos loo4 uaaqaq a e d s aa4 a q 40 p o w 6uyly s n q w l q laaq aq) 'a@wes
pa) aq p gun )oo) JO =!nap )ooHlyue papeolun a q p alos $004a q p Jnqum aq) q3eo~ddeIleqs g ( C
se pau6!sap aq lleqs ~ X N
laaq a q 40 aaeyns do) a q l (q
-aidcuespa) a q p gun jooj JO =!nap )oql
-alyue a q p 'y )q6!aq laaq papuaww-J a q o) 6u!puodsaum ssauyqq e ap!hOJd lleqs m q laaq aql (e
'(9 a~n6!
j pue 3 1 0 '~3 1 d n m osle aas) s)uawa~!nba~
all1 SaysBes W!W 'YmIq laaq e LRlM Padd!nba aq llWs 6u!peol laaq le Pasn UJJogeld1004 all1 9'b'VEb
-6u!peq jo suoypum a!)s!leaJun p!ohe o) h e s s m u s! yoddns laaq )eq) )uay<a ue qans 0) aldwes Isat aq)
s u q a p a ~ opa)
j a q Aq 6u!peol JocyaJoJg 'laaq aw woddns 6u!peol JoqaJoj)e pasn asnogeld p o j a g (q
p suo!gpum a!p!lea~unp!oAe o) hessasu s! yoddns JoojaJoj )eq) juay<a ue 4311s 0) aldwes )sat
suuojap r.g m ~ pa)
q aq) Aq 6u!peol laaq fl ')ocya~oja q woddns 6u!peo1 laaq )e pasn twogeld 1004 a q (e
)eq) pau6!sap os aq lleqs 6u!peol loo4aJqpue laaq )e aldwes )sa) a q
jo )!un loo4 JO =!hap loo)-alyue a q 40 yoddns aq) JO) suuogeld loo4 )uaJau!p 6u!sn )uawd!nba p a l 9b-v~~
-yoddns )oojaJoj pue laaq snoauqnw!s
Molle o) q@ual luapgns aheq (q3ea) ((eqs luawd!nba )sa) aq) 40 (s)ulroge~d)ooj a q l vb'v~b
.aldwes )sat
O g sgdwbwed
aw 0) albue 6u!~!t40 sanleA paypads ql Aldde pue A~lquozyoqpaxy uuofield poj e asn Aew ( C ' S Cp~pue
aas) plepuejs leuo!jeu.iajul s!qt u! oj p a u q a JO paqwsap 'passaJppe jaw uew Jagjo )uawd!nba p a l 310~
'8 alqel u! pay!mds lZA pue '6u!peol )wjaJo4 pue laaq JO)
al6ue 6u!llg 40 sanleh aqlo) (s)asnogeld p o j a* 40 luauqsnrpe aq) Molle lleqs )uawd!nba Fa) a q l g'b'vgb
'(9 a~n6!josle aas) saxe le!)eds g aq) p qaea inoqe aldwes )sa) a q p uo!)e)oJ ~ o l l e
lleqs I d )u!od uo!)=!ldde peol do) aq) )e aldwes pa) aq) pue juawd!nba pa) aqj uaaqaq uogmuum a q l
EXAMPLE For a foot of length L = 27 an and a recommended heel height of h, = 10 mm, a heel block with a
cylindrical front section defined by a radius of R = 120 mm has been shown to be appropriate.
NOTE For the provision of specific heel blocks see Clause 11.
The test equipment shall allow the adjustment of the position of the top load application point PT to they and
U-offsets relevant to the foot length L of the ankle-foot device or foot unit of the test sample, specified in
Table 7 and illustrated in Figures 4 and 5. (For further background information see A.2.2.3.)
The connection between the test equipment and the test sample at the top load application point PT shall
allow rotation of the test sample about each of the 3 spatial axes (see also Figure 5). The test equipment shall incorporate a tiltable foot platform capable of supporting the ankle-foot
device or foot unit of the test sample when the pulsating test force referred to in is applied
(see Figure 5). The test equipment shall allow the adjustment of the position of the tilting axis TA of the foot
platform (see Figure 5) to the values of fTA and UTA relevant to the foot length L of the ankle-foot device or foot
unit of the test sample, specified in Table 7. (For further background information see E.3.2 and E.3.3.) The foot platform shall support the ankle-foot device or foot unit at values of tilting angle y
oscillating through the range from heel contact to toe-off specified in Table 11 and illustrated in Figure 6.
NOTE Test equipment other than that addressed, described or referred to in this International Standard
(see paragraphs 3 and 4 of 15.1) may use a foot platform fixed horizontally and apply the specified values of tilting angle
to the test sample. The foot platform shall be equipped with a heel block that satisfies the same requirements as the
heel block of test equipment to perform static heel and forefoot loading (see
In addition, the test equipment shall satisfy the following requirements:
The test equipment shall be capable of lifting the test sample off the foot platform for the period of
unloading corresponding to the swing phase of walking, during which the foot platform returns to its
starting position for the next loading cycle (see Figure 5).
NOTE The example illustrated in Figure 5 produces a lifting force Fm, the magnitude of which depends on the
W i n of the test equipment and the mass of the test sample set-up.
b) The test equipment shall incorporate a means to ensure that the foot of the test sample contacts the foot
platform in the correct position for the next loading cycle.
NOTE This is important, since foot contact on the platform in an incorrect position will change the test loading
conditions. For example, foot contact on the platform in an incorrect position in the f-u-plane will change the
relationship between the test force F applied to the test sample in the top load appliitiin point PT and the forces
acting between foot and platform, comprising the perpendicular and tangential force components Fp and FT and their
resultant FR [* A.2.2.1 a)]. Consequently, foot contact in i n c o w position may impair the conformity of tests and
the comparablllty of test results.
Appropriate means to ensure foot contact on the platform in the correct position are flexible elements,
which act during the lift-off phase of the test sample to compensate dislocation of the foot that may have
occurred during the previous loading cycle and to stabilize the foot in the correct position by resisting
dislocation in the manner specified below [see also NOTE and EXAMPLE in 3) as well as Figure 51.
(-3x w w ass uo~euuo4u!punm6weq JWY JOA) ' ~ L ~ UUOSI u! passwwe
aJe -04 Isa) pue 4 al6ue 6u!qg jo salgo~daqj 40 uo!)m!ldde 40 Aem ay) o) palela1 sJaqew J a w n j
al6ue 6u!qg w 40 uo!pury e se pa!ldde
s! aw 40 alyo~da y l (q
acixq )sa) aq) 40 algo~da q pue (1)I aw!))o uo!punJ e se pajldde s! 4 a16ue6~919
- ( ~ )pue
~ d(1)I aw!y p suo!pury paz!uo~y3ukse pa!ldde aJe a ~ Isa)
o pueA
~ a16ue6uglg jo salyo~da y l (e
' L pue g sa~n6!ju! pa)eJjsnll! pue (q pue (e u! p a y d s d m aw p Jayga u! paydde aq
lleqs a ~ pa)
o 6ugeslnd
~ aq) pue uuofield )oql6uge1(psoaqj4oA a16ue6u!q!~aq) 40 salyo~da y l L'Z'VEC
.ajeudadckeeq o) umoqs uaaq meq '(c u! paq-p
Jauuew a q u! la~q-nawes a q je wldde ' w . ~6'0 pue w-N 9'0 u w e q sapngubw 40 q u w w 6u@waua6
saldncw, aom 6u!q1!qqs pue '(z pue ( c u! pawsap ~auuetuaqt u! uu 002 P l a w n e le pa!~dde'N sc pue N oc
u w a q sapn~u6etu40 sacuoj 6u!z!(!qqs 'qdwes )sat pue juawd!nbe pa) 40 juaua6uwe aypads e ul 3 1 d w m
' p a w e aq 0) S W ! # W W!WI Pal w P!oAe 01 alq!ssod ss
W lu!od uo!jwldde peol dog eq
m q se eq plnoqs s m o j JO quawow 6umyqqs aw 'alru lwaua6 e sv * A I ~ A $ I ~ ~'Id
u! wtgeuucw, Iequelpeur J!W40 uo!pl?l JO qdwes Isat a q 40 dn-jas a q pue juewd!nba jsq a y 40 u6!sap a q uo
puadap qdwes jsaj aw 40 aseqd fio-u!l a q 6uunp pq a y 40 uo!jmoys!p oj )s!se~A q j tp!w 4w saoJqJO q u w o w
6u!ql!qqs aqj 40 sapnp6ew at# pue quawala alqpay ateudo~dde40 j u ~ u e u e pue uo!palas a u 310~
-suogce~!p6u!soddo o ~ l yaW jo yaea u! aldwes lsa) aq) 40 s!xe 6 w 1aq) voqe 6u93e
pue la~al-najeudo~ddeAue )e aldwes jsa) ay)o$ paydde saldno:, a~q JO sjuawow Gu!z!l!qep Aq -
suo!paJ!p Gu!soddo onnl a q jo y3ea u! s!xe-n a q 01 (alle~ed
s!xe ue )noqe 6 u p e
pue Id )u!od uogm!ldde peol do) aw u! aldues jsa1 aq3 01 paydde sjuawow 6u!z!l!qqs Aq J a y a -
.suogaa~!p6u!soddo o w aq) 40 tpea u! aueld-njaq 01mnqpuad~aduo!)m!ldde p
au!l e 6uole 6ug3e pue la~a(-naje!~do~dde Aue $e aldwes p a l a q o ) pa!ldde s a ~ o 4
6u!z!(~ejsAq -
suogm!p 6u!soddo 0f.q aq) 40 q3ea u! s!xejaq) o j lallwed aueld-njay) u! s!xe ue jnoqe 6u93e
pue Id )u!od uo!)m!ldde peol do) a q u! aldwes isat aq) o) pa!~ddes)uawow Gu!z!l!qes Aq Jaq!a -
.suo!paJ!p 6u!soddo o w aq) jo q3ea u! s ! x e j a q o) lalleled aueldagay) u! uo~e3!lddejo
auy e 6uole 6ug3e pue 1anal-n aje!~do~dde Aue 1e aflwes )sal aw 01 paydde s a ~ oBu!z!l!qejs
j Aq -
suo!w~!p6u!soddo w a q jo y3ea u! aueld-njaq) o) ~eln3!puadrads!xe ue voqe 6ugae
pue Id )u!od uogm!ldde peal do) aw u! aldwes Isat aylo) pa!ldde sjuauraw 6u!z!l!qe1s Aq Jaq)!a -
( 3 ) 9 0 0 z : ~ ~ 9OSI
z~ The profile of the tilting angle fit) is primarily specified by the instantaneous tilting positions y,,
smin and (see Table 8) occurring at , , lF (1st maximum), Fmin (intermediate minimum) and F2an,
(2nd maximum) of the loading profile (see
The profile of the tilting angle fit) can also be specified with sufficient accuracy by a polynomial of 5th degree.
For the period of 0 ms G t G 600 ms corresponding to a loading period of 600 ms (see NOTE I), the
polynomial reads:
NOTE I The loading period of 600 ms corresponds to the average stance phase time of a typical walking cycle of 1 s
duration. (The remaining time of 400 ms of the walking cyde corresponds to the swing phase.) Simulating this stance
phase time-swing phase time-relationship in a cyclic test, a loading period of 600 ms corresponds to a test frequency
f = 1 Hz.
NOTE 2 For other test frequencies, preferably between 0,5Hz and 3 Hz (see and, Equation (3)can
be adapted by multiplyingeach coefficient of the polynomial by (600ms/x msy, the value of x corresponding to the loading
period related to a different frequency, and the value of y corresponding to the exponent of the time t related to each
coefficient, i.e. for the adaptation of the polynomial to a loading period of x = 900 ms the coefficients had to be multiplied
by (6001900)"= (213)"as follows: 2,450 74 x1V12x (2/3)=;3,759 84x lo4 x (213)" etc.
Further guidance on the application of the profile of the tilting angle fit) is given in Table 11. The pulsating test force Fc(t) according to a) and Figure 6 is primarily specified by the
following data (see Table 9):
- the test force Fminat the intermediate minimum of the loading profile, occurring at 50 % of the loading
period (see NOTE I )
- the test force F2an, at the 2nd maximum of the loading profile, occurring at 75 % of the loading period
(see NOTE I).
NOTE 1 For a loading period of 600 ms, as shown in Figures 3 and 6 and Tables 10 and 11, the percentiles 25 %,
50 % and 75 % of the loadii period correspond to instants of 150 ms, 300 ms and 450 ms after the beginning of the
loading period (see also NOTE 1 of
The profile of the pulsating test force F,(t) can also be specified with sufficient accuracy by a polynomial of
6th degree. For the period of 0 ms s t s 600 ms corresponding to a loading period of 600 ms (see NOTE Iof, the polynomial reads:
NOTE 2 For the adaptation of Equation (4) to other loading periods related to diirent test frequencies, the method
desaibed in NOTE 2 of applies.
Further guidance on the application of the profile of the test force Fc(t) is given in Tables 10 and 11 and
Figure 3. The waveforms of the pulsating test force Fc(t) or F,()j and the tilting angle fit) of the oscillating
foot platform generated by the test equipment'shall be smooth with no overshoot spikes, characterized by a
course corresponding to the descriptions given in and If the test equipment control mechanism used to generate the pulsating test force F,(t) or F,(fi
requires a number of cycles to achieve the prescribed loading profile, during this settling in period the
waveform of the test force shall be smooth with no overshoot spikes, and the highest force applied to the test
sample shall not exceed the maximum test force F,,, by more than 10 %.
NOTE Experience has shown that the repeated loading at values exceeding the maximum test force F,,, by more
than 10 % can cause an early deterioration of the test sample.
- periodically oscillating with fit) within the range specified for progressive heel and forefoot loading from heel contact
to toe-off (see
7 means of locking the foot platform at the values of tilting angle y, and y, specified for static heel and forefoot loading
(option - see NOTE of 13.4.2)
Fm lifting force to lift the test sample off the foot platform during the period corresponding to the swing phase of walking
[see NOTE of a)]
WI stabilizing forces at specific u-level according to b) I ) (sameeffect as stabilizing moments MIin PT)
MI stabilizing moments in PT according to b) 2) (corresponding stabilizing forces at specific u-level not shown)
M,,, stabilizing moments in PTaccording to b) 3) (correspondingstabilizing moments or force couples at specilic
devel not shown)
PT top load application point, allowing rotation of the test sample about each of the 3 spatial axes (see, and also Figure 4)
Figure 5 -Diagrammatic view of test equipment according to 13.4.1 and 13.4.2 with test sample
Figure 7 -Test force F,(y) of test loading level P5 as function of tilting angle At) of foot platform
14 Accuracy
14.1 General
The test equipment, any jig used for the setting-up of test samples and any devices used to measure loads
and dimensions shall be calibrated at least annually and whenever any part is replaced. Records of the
calibration shall be maintained.
In order to meet the accuracy of procedure specified in 14.3, the test equipment, any jig used for the
setting-up of test samples and any measuring devices should be capable of measuring a) to d) to the
accuracy specified.
c) test forces to an accuracy off 1 % of the highest value required in the test;
d) the frequency of cyclic tests to an accuracy of within 1 % of the test frequency used.
Q IS0 2006 All rights m e n d
14.3 Accuracy of procedure
1 mm.
dimensions, except segment lengths, shall be initially set and finally adjusted with a tolerance of
c) Angular dimensions, except the angular toe-out position of feet, shall be set with a tolerance of + 1"
d) The angular toe-out position of feet shall be set with a tolerance of i 3".
e) Static test forces shall be applied with a tolerance of i 2 % of the highest value prescribed for the test.
f) The pulsating test force Fc(t) or FC(dshall be applied with a tolerance of i 3 % of the value prescribed for
, at the instants of:
g) The tilting angle At) of the oscillating foot platform shall be applied with a tolerance of
*2 O at the instants
h) The frequency of cyclic tests shall be controlled with a tolerance of i 10 % of the test frequency used.
15 Test principles
15.1 General
The static and cyclic test procedures for prosthetic ankle-foot devices and foot units addressed in the scope
Clause 1 and specified in this International Standard use static and cyclic strength tests that simulate the
loading condiiins typical of normal use as described in a) to d).
The static tests relate to the worst loads generated in any activity. The cyclic tests relate to normal walking
activities where loads occur regularly with each step.
The description of the test principles given in a) to d) is closely related to a specific type of test equipment as
described in 13.4.1 and 13.4.2, which is considered to require the lowest complexity possible. (See also
16.1.1, 16.1.2 and Annex E.)
This relationship between test principle and test equipment is, however, not imperative. Moreover, any other
type of test equipment may be used, provided it is capable of applying the forces and displacements in
accordance with the requirements specified in clauses 7,8, 13, 14, 15 and 16.
a) The test sample, consisting of the ankle-foot device or foot unit and the end attachments required for the
test sample set-up, is set up in the test equipment in a position determined by its suspension in the top
load application point PT and the placement of its foot on the foot platform, allowing
deflectionJdeformationunder load.
c) The loading exerted on the ankle-foot device or foot unit of the lower limb prosthesis by the amputee
during the stance phase of walking is simulated by a single test force, applied at the top load application
point PT of the test sample, while this is supported by the tiltable foot platform of the test equipment.
d) The top load application point PT is the point of intersection of the lines of action of the resultant reference
forces FR1and FR2,determining the directions of the static and the maximum cyclic heel and forefoot
reference loading.
According to the concept applied to the static and cyclic test procedures of this lnternational Standard,
the position of the top load application point PT, determined by itsf- and u-coordinates, is only dependent
on the foot length L of the ankle-foot device or foot unit submitted for test. It is not dependent on the test
loading level. This allows the application of the static and cyclic test procedures of this International
Standard at any of the test loading levels specified to test samples of ankle-foot devices or foot units of
any size of foot.
The static test procedure consists of a proof test (16.2) and an ultimate strength test (16.3). This test
procedure is carried out to determine the performance of the load bearing structures under typical severe
loading conditions that can occur during use by users as occasional single events.
The cyclic tbst procedure (16.4) consists of repeated applications of a prescribed load to a test sample with
loading conditions typical of normal walking, followed by a final static test ( 1) for which the loading and
unloading procedures of the static proof test (16.2) apply.
16 Test procedures
NOTE 1 For test equipment other than that addressed, described or referred to in this lnternational Standard
(see paragraphs 3 and 4 of 15.I),the steps of preparation for test loading may differ from those described in a) and b).
a) For the static test ~rocedure[see 15.2 and 16.1.2 a)] prepare the test equipment as follows.
1) Set the foot platform to a position that allows it to support the entire foot of the test sample when this
is mounted in the test equipment in accordance with d).
3) Mount the specific heel block on the foot platform and position it so that
- the line of transition from the plane rear section to the cylindrical front section of its top surface
intersects thef-u plane perpendicularly [see c) I ) ] and
- the point of intersection lies on the u-axis of the test sample [see d)] or is offset from the u-axis
[see c) 2)] as specified by the manufacturerlsubmitter in the test submission document
[see 12.3.2 e)].
4) If appropriate (see NOTE 3), set the top load application point, PT horizontallv, to a distance from the
tilting axis, TA, determined by the difference of theirf-offsets fiA,-fT,L) relevant to the foot length
L of the test sample (see Table 7 and Figure 5).
NOTE 3 The static test procedure is carried out with the foot platform set to a fixed tilting angle [see a) 2)],
hence, the position of the test sample set-up in the test equipment set with step d) 2) will not be changed by
oscillation of the foot platform typical of the cyclic test procedure. Therefore, the position of the tilting axis, TA of
the foot platform determined by the offsets fTA, and *A, is less important than for the cyclic test procedure.
This aspect is relevant in particular, if the static and the cydic test procedures are carried out on different test
5) Set the top load application point, PT m, to a position that allows the offset u, relevant to the
foot length L of the test sample (see Table 7) to be established when setting /t up in the test
equipment [seed)], the offset u ~ , to be measured from the u-level of that point on the contact
surface of the foot platform tilted at yl or y2 (see Table 8), at which the posterior heel edge or the
point of the foot of the test sample will be positioned upon its correct setting-up in the test equipment
[see d), Figure 8 and NOTE 41, and which provides sufficient travel for the moving part of the
NOTE 4 As illustrated in Figure 8, in the setting-up described in the foregoing paragraph the straight line
passing through the top load application point PTparallel to the u-axis intersects the contact surface of the foot
platform at a distance (uT+ h T ) . This distance can be calculated by factoring the value of ,u, relevant to the
foot length L as specified in Figure 8 for static heel and forefoot loading at y, or y,. The vertical setting of the top
load application point at this distance is considered to be one appropriate way of preparing the test equipment
for static loading as required.
b) For the cvclic test ~rocedure[see 15.3 and 16.1.2 b)] prepare the test equipment as follows.
1) Establish a distance between the tilting axis, TA, and the contact surface of the foot platform
corresponding to the value of UTA, relevant to the foot length L (see Table 7, Figure 5 and E.3.2.2).
2) Set the foot platform to a position which allows it to support the entire foot of the test sample when
this is mounted in the test equipment in accordance with d).
3) Temporarily fix the foot platform in its neutral tilting position ( y = 0) so as to simulate the ground.
4) Mount the specific heel block on the foot platform and position it so that
- the line of transition from the plane rear section to the cylindrical front section of its top surface
intersects thefu plane perpendicularly [see c) I)]
- the point of intersection lies on the u-axis of the test sample [(see d)] or is offset from the u-axis
[see c) 2)] as specified by the manufacturerlsubmitter in the test submission document
[see 12.3.2 e)].
5) Set the top load application point, PT horizontally, to a distance from the tilting axis, TA, determined
by the difference of their f-offsets fiA - fT relevant to the foot length L of the test sample
(see Table 7 and Figure 5).
c) Assemble the test sample to a fixed length, using end attachments consisting of extension pieces and any
appropriate top load application adaptor or lever relevant to the test sample set-up (see 10.2 and 10.3
and Table 6), and align it to the values specified in Tables 7 and 8 as described in 10.5 and illustrated in
Figure 4.
1) with the ankle-foot device or foot unit placed on the foot platform in either of the ways referred to in a)
and b) and in the toe-out position specified in Table 8 and illustrated in Figure 4 and
2) with the u-axis extending parallel to the line of action of the moving part of the actuator at a horizontal
distance from the tilting axis TA of the foot platform determined by fTA, relevant to the foot length L
of the test sample (see Table 7) when the top load application point, PT of the test sample is
matching the top load application point, PTof the test equipment (see Figure 5).
NOTE 5 For some designs of ankle-foot devices and foot units it may not be possible to set up a test sample in
accordance with these requirements. Special test set-ups may then be used in certain cases.
e) Arrange the means to resist dislocation of the test sample during its lift-off phase, in accordance with b) and Figure 5. Adjust the means so that the foot of the test sample contacts the foot platform
for the next loading cycle in the position determined by the test set-up according to d).
f) Do not alter the set-up described in a) to e) if the test sample deflects under the test loading conditions
specified in Clause 8 during the tests specified in 16.2, 16.3 and 16.4.
The test loading shall be applied in different conditions, described in a) and b).
NOTE 1 For test equipment other than that addressed, described or referred to in this International Standard
(see paragraphs 3 and 4 of 15.I),the application of the test loading may differ from that described in a) and b).
a) The static tests shall apply separate heel and forefoot loading to the test sample of ankle-foot device or
foot unit in directions and at magnitudes relating to the maxima occurring early and late in the stance
phase of normal walking respectively.
With the test sample set-up according to 16.1.1, these loading conditions are determined by the values of
the test forces F, and F2specified in Table 9, to be applied at the top load application point, P , and by
the tilting angles y, and y2 of the foot platform, specified in Table 8.
NOTE 2 The conditions of heel and forefoot loading specifed for the static tests shall also apply for the instants of
maximum heel loading (1st maximum) and maximum forefoot loading (2nd maximum) during the cydic test
addressed in b).
b) The cyclic test shall apply progressive loading to the sample of ankle-foot device or foot unit in directions
and at magnitudes representative of the full stance phase of walking from heel contact to toe-off.
With the test sample set-up according to 16.1.I, this loading condition is determined by the profile of the
test force F, to be applied at the top load application point, PT, and by the profile of the tilting angle, yof
the foot platform, the profiles of test force, F
, and tilting angle, y to be applied either as synchronized
functions of time F,(t) and At), or the profile of the tilting angle y to be applied as a function of time At)
and the profile of the test force Fcto be applied as function of the tilting angle FC(d (see and
Figures 6 and 7).
The profile of the test force F,(t) is determined by the instantaneous values of test force, ,1 F
(1st maximum), Fmin (intermediate minimum) and FZm, (2nd maximum), specified in Table 9, by
additional 'thresholds" illustrated in Figure 3 and specified in Table 10, by discrete values specified in
30 ms time increments in Table 11 and also by equation (4) of
The profile of the tilting angle, At), is determined by the instantaneous values of tilting angle, n. y~~~~
and at the instants,of, ,F (1st maximum), Fmi,! (intermediate minimum) and FZm, (2nd maximum),
specified in Table 8, by discrete values specified in 30 ms time increments in Table 11 and also by
equation (3) of
NOTE 3 The lines of application of the static and maximum cydic heel and forefoot reference loading are intended to
approach those determining the sagittal plane loading of the corresponding test loading conditions I and II of the principal
structural tests of IS0 10328, while the values of tilting angle of the foot plafform are adually identical with those specified
for heel and forefoot loading of the separate structural tests on ankle-foot devices and foot units of IS0 10328 (For fumer
b8ckground information see Annex A). The static proof test for ankle-foot devices and foot units shall be conducted by applying the test
force initially to the heel and subsequently to the forefoot of the same test sample, as described in to
16.2.1 .lo, or vice versa.
The static proof test for ankle-foot devices and foot units may be carried out as part of the alternative static
ultimate strength test specified in Annex B [see also 16.3.1, Clause B.l and B.2 c)].
If a test sample that has completed the cyclic test procedure for ankle-foot devices and foot units (including
the final static test) without failing is used for this test in accordance with 9.4.2, re-alian it in accordance with
Clauses 10 and 11, 12.2 and 16.1.1 c) and Tables 6, 7 and 8 (see also 1). Record the re-use of the
test sample.
Record the test loading level to be applied, together with the corresponding values of the tilting angles yl
and y2 of the foot platform and the test forces Fl and F2,determining the conditions of heel and forefoot
loading. Make specific reference if the additional test loading level P6 specified in Annex C is to be applied.
For the test in heel loading, set the tilting angle of the foot platform to n,specified in Table 8.
Record the individual settings for the preparation of the test equipment and the arrangement of the foot
platform for heel loading, including the positioning of the specific heel block. Mount the test sample in the test equipment in accordance with 16.1.1 d). Apply to the heel of the test sample the test force F, and increase it smoothly at a rate of between
100 Nls and 250 Nls to the proof test force Flspof the relevant test loading level, specified in Table 9 or
Table C.2.
at the prescribed value for (30 3) s and then decrease the test force F, to zero.
Maintain this force, Flsp,
If the test sample sustains the static heel loading at FlSpfor the prescribed time, record this and proceed
If the test sample fails to sustain the static heel loading at FlVwfor the prescribed time, record this together
with the highest value of test force reached or the time for wh~chthe prescribed value of the proof test force,
Figfl has been maintained and decide on the continuation of the test procedure in consideration of the
s ernent given below (but see Record the decision.
The occurrence of failure in the test procedure in one direction of loading prevents compliance with the
performance requirements of this test being claimed for the test sample (see 16.2.3). For this reason the test
shall be terminated, unless otherwise stated in the test submission document or agreed upon between the test
laboratorylfacility and the manufacturerlsubmitter (see 12.3.3). If the test sample fails to satisfy the performance requirement of 16.2.2 in the test procedure of
heel loading, inspect it to detect the nature and, if possible, the location of any damage and record the results. For the test in forefoot loading, set the tilting angle of the foot platform to y2, specified in Table 8.
Ifappropriate, remove the test sample from the test equipment during the setting and arrangement of the foot
platform and subsequently remount it.
Record the individual settings for the arrangement of the foot platform for forefoot loading, including the
positioning of the specific heel Mock. Apply to the forefoot of the test sample that has completed the test procedure of heel loading
without failing (see the test force, F2 and increase it smoothly at a rate of between 100 Nls and
250 Nls to the proof test force F2spof the relevant test loading level, specified in Table 9 or Clause C.2.
If the test sample fails to sustain the static forefoot loading at F2spfor the prescribed time, record this together
with the highest value of test force reached or the time for which the prescribed value of the proof test
force F~~~has been maintained (but see 16.2.1. II). If the test sample fails to satisfy the performance requirement of 16.2.2 in the test procedure of
forefoot loading, inspect it to detect the nature and, if possible, the location of any damage and record the
results. Decide and record whether or not the test sample has passed the test procedure of heel loading
( and and the test procedure of forefoot loading ( and, checking the results
of and against the performance requirement of 16.2.2. If a test sample that has already completed, without failing, the cyclic test procedure for ankle-foot
devices and foot units (see fails to satisfy the performance requirement of 16.2.2 in heel loading
( and or in forefoot loading ( and, repeat the complete test ( to on a substitute test sample and record the failure and the repetition, including all specific records
called for.
In order to pass the static proof test for ankle-foot devices and foot units, a test sample shall sustain
successive static heel and forefoot loading by the proof test forces Flspand FZspat the prescribed values and
inclinations for (30 3) s each.
In order to claim that the anklefoot device or foot unit submitted for test according to 9.1 to 9.3 complies with
the performance requirement of the static proof test for anklefoot devices and foot units of this International
Standard according to 16.2.2 at a specific test loading level, tests of this type, each successively applying heel
loading and forefoot loading to the same test sample. shall be passed (in the meaning of 16.2.2) by two test
samples from the prescribed batch, the prescribed batch including the substitute test sample allowed by
16.2.1.I 1 (see 9.3 and Table 12). The static ultimate strength tests for ankle-foot devices and foot units shall be conducted on
&*rent test samples, loading the first on the heel and the second on the forefoot, as described in to, or vice versa.
A test sample that satisfies the requirements of this test in one direction of loading, may be used for this test in
the other direction of loading (but see
For test samples of lower limb prostheses with material properties andlor construction features which render
them unable to sustain the required ultimate test force at a rate of loading of between 100 Nls and 250 Nls,
specified in and, Annex B offers guidance on the application of an alternative static ultimate
strength test, in which a higher rate of loading is applied to the test sample.
The higher rate of loading shall either be specified in the test submission document [see 12.3.4 b)] by the
manufacturerlsubmitter or agreed upon between the manufacturerlsubmitter and the test laboratoryffacility
(see also and and may be applied to the initial test sample or to a substitute test sample, if
the initial test sample has failed at a rate of loading of between 100 Nls and 250 Nls (see Prepare and align a test sample from the batch specified in Table 12 for this test in accordance
with 9.4, Clause 10 and 11, 12.2 and 16.1.1 c) and Tables 6 , 7 and 8.
If a test sample that has completed the static proof test for ankle-foot devices and foot units without failing is
used for this test in accordance with 9.4.2, re-alian it in accordance with Clauses 10 and 11 and 12.2 and
16.1.1 c) and Tables 6 , 7 and 8 (see also Record the re-use of the test sample.
If a test sample that has completed the cyclic test procedure for ankle-foot devices and foot units (including
the final static test) without failing is used for this test in accordance with 9.4.2, re-alian it in accordance with
(Clauses 10 and 11, and 12.2 and 16.1.1 c) and Tables 6, 7 and 8 ( see also Record the re-use of
the test sample.
Record the test loading level to be applied, together with the corresponding values of the tilting angle y, of the
foot platform and the test force F,, determining the condition of heel loading. Make specific reference if the
additional test loading level P6 specified in Annex C is to be applied.
For the test in heel loading, set the tilting angle of the foot platform to y,, specified in Table 8.
Record the individual settings for the preparation of the test equipment and the arrangement of the foot
platform for heel loading, including the positioning of the specific heel block. Mount the test sample in the test equipment in accordance with 16.1.1 d). Apply to the heel of the test sample the test force, F, and increase it smoothly at a rate of
between 100 Nls and 250 Nls until the test sample fails, or the test force, Fl attains the value of the ultimate
test force Fl,, ,pw, leel of the relevant test loading level, specified in Table 9 or Table C.2, without failure of
the test sample.
If appropriate, apply the test force F, at a higher rate of loading, specified by or agreed with the
manufacturerlsubmitterin accordance with Annex B (see 16.3.1).
Take into account that in this case the end attachments used need a higher value of stiffness and ensure that
the values of their deflection and permanent deformation keep within the limits specified in at a
higher proof load than is specified in Table 5 or Table C.l for the test loading level to be applied. Check the results of step against the performance requirements of 16.3.2 and record the
If the test sample completes the test procedure of heel loading without failing, proceed with 16.3.1.a.
Take into account that, according to 8.2 c), a test sample that has passed the test procedure specified in to with step applied at a higher rate of loading in accordance with the altemative
static ultimate strength test specified in Annex 6 (see also, subsequently shall pass the static proof
test for ankle-foot devices and foot units specified in 16.2.1 in the relevant direction of loading and at the
relevant test loading level, in order to satisfy the requirements of the altemative static ultimate strength test of
Annex B (see also 16.3.3).
If the test sample fails, decide on the continuation of the test procedure in consideration of the statement given
below (but see 5). Record the decision.
The occurrence of failure in the test procedure in one direction of loading prevents compliance with the
performance requirements of this test being claimed for the test sample (see 16.3.3). For this reason the test
shall be terminated, unless otherwise stated in the test submission document or agreed between the test
laboratorytfacility and the manufacturerlsubmitter (see 12.3.3). If the test sample fails to satisfy the performance requirement of 16.3.2 in the test procedure of
heel loading, inspect it to detect the nature and, if possible, the location of any damage and record the results. Prepare and align a fresh test sample from the batch specified in Table 12 for this test in
accordance with 9.4, Clauses 10 and 11, 12.2 and 16.1.1 c) and Tables6, 7 and 8 (but see and
If a test sample that has completed the static proof test for ankle-foot devices and foot units without failing is
used for this test in accordance with 9.4.2, re-alian it in accordance with Clauses 10 and 11, 12.2 and
16.1.1 c) and Tables 6,7 and 8 (see also Record the re-use of the test sample.
If a test sample that has completed the cyclic test procedure for ankle-foot devices and foot units (including
the final static test) without failing is used for this test in accordance with 9.4.2, re-alian it in accordance with
Clauses 10 and 11, 12.2 and 16.1.1 c) and Tables 6, 7 and 8 (see also Record the re-use of the
test sample.
Record the test loading level to be applied, together with the corresponding values of the tilting angle, of the
foot platform and the test force, F2, determining the condition of forefoot loading. Make specific reference if the
additional test loading level P6 specified in Annex C is to be applied. For the test in forefoot loading, set the tilting angle of the foot platform to n,specified in Table 8.
Record the individual settings for the arrangement of the foot platform for forefoot loading, including the
positioning of the specific heel block. Mount the test sample in the test equipment in accordance with 16.1.1 d).
- J O ~palie:, spJmaJ 3 y d s 11sGu!pnpu! 'paplom
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S pue SN I ooc u w a q
40 6u!peol 40 alw e l e 6u!peol 40 uowaJ!p auo u! )sal s!w sl!e) aldwes p a l e 41 NOIJ.~O ~ b - v r g ~
'JOJ pall= spJmaJ qpads Ile 6u!pnpu! 'uoylada~aq) pue aJnl!ej aql p~-J pue 6u!peo(
40 u o w ~ ! ppal!e4 aqj u! aldwes lsq alwsqns e uo lsal aql leada~' ( ~ 1~' ' c . 9aas)~ 6u!peo140 uo!pa!p ~aq)o
aql u! p a l s!y sl!q ' ( g - ~ ' c ' gpue
~ L - C ' E - ~aas)
C 6u!peol p uo!paJ!p auo u! q!un l o q pue sw!Aap m - a l y u e
JOJ p a l qflua~lsalew!qn q l q s aqj '6u!l!q ~ o y 'pa)aldwm
w Apea~leseq Jew aldwes jsa) e 41 gbsbmrgb
'JO~pall= sp.imaJ 3gpads Ile 6u!pnpu! 'uoggada~
a y pue aJnl!q aq) pl-J pue 6u!peol 40 u o m ! p pal!e~aw u! aldwes pa) aplflsqns e uo lsal aw l e a
'(c C' C'E-SC03 ~ ' c ' E - ~
c) wo4a~o4u! JO (S'C'E'SC 01 Z'L-E'SL)~ U ! P ~ O I u! L'E-9140 s w u ~ a u n b a ~
~ c q!un 1004 pue sw!nap looj-alyue J O ~a~npamxll s q
a u e u o g a d a q 40 Jay!a 4sges o) sl!ej ' ( ~ c ' E -aas)
qpA3 a y m w e lsa) p ~ q ~d q aw s '6u!1!~ w o q w 'palaldwm Apea~leseq l e q aldwes tsal e 41 sb-bmrgb
'ZC'C'E-91.w e ~ ' c ' E - s 40
c s6u!puy aw 40 w n m e 6u!yel '(c C ' C ' E ' ~0C1 8'~'c'gb)Gu!peoi w a ~ o 404 a ~ m d
p a l aw passed seq 8 ' ~ ' c - gu!~01 paua4aJaldwes )sag a y pue ( E - C ' Q ~ 01Cz ' c ' E ' ~ c6u!peo1
) laaq 40 a~npeonrd
p a l aq) passed seq ~ 1 ' c ' gu!~01 pauajaJ aldwes ~ s aaw l p u JO Jaqpqm p~-J pue appaa v b 0 b - ~ @ b
aql pJo3aJ pue a6ewep Aue 40 uo!)eml a y 'alq!ssod g 'pue aJn)eu a41 palap 0) I! padsu! '6u!peol ) o o p m
40 a ~ n p o lsa)
~ d aq) u! z a g - g40~ )uawaJ!nbaJ ameuuoyad aql hsges o) sl!e) aldures )sat aqljl gb*b-rgb
'(c-c.9~osle aas) g x a u w
~ Ajs!ges 01 JapJo u! 'la~al6u!peol p a l JueAqa
40 Jsal q~6ua4salew!lln 3ge)s an!geuJaUe aw 40 q u a u a ~ p b aaql
aw le pue 6u!peol p u o p ~ ! pJueAalaJ aq) u! C ' Z - gu!~ p a g d s q u n pxy pue saytap loq-alyue JOJ lsal
4oo~d3 ~ a q~ssed s 08 seq Anuanbasqns ' ( c ' c - E -osle
~ c aas) a xauw u! pagpads pa) q@ua~)s aalwMn 3 ~ s
aA!leuraUe a y qlw auepJm3e u! 6u!peo( 40 alw ~aq6!qe le pa!ldde 1c . ' c ' ~ ' ~ dals
c 436 c c ' c - ~ ' ~03c Q - C ' K ~ C
u! paypads a ~ n p a m ~lsq
d aqj passed seq l e y aldwes lsal e '(3 2'8 oj 6u!p~m3e'ley) lunome olu! aye1
's6u!puy q
PJ-J ~
pue z - ~ -40g s)uawaJ!nba~ c 40 qlnsaJ aw w q 3
a~ueuuogadaq) lsu!e6e c ~ ' c ' E ' ~da~s zb'b'rgb
-pa!ldde aq 01 lar\a(6u!peol Isat aw J O ~1.3 alqel JO I;alqel u! paypads s! uelg peol ~ o o laq6!q
e )e 6'z.z-2'ECu! p a y d s qw!l aql u!qw daay uo!)euuojap luaueuuad pue uo!payap J!aqJ 40 sanleh aw
leql aJnsua pue ssau#!p p anleA ~a46!qe paau pasn sluawq3eqe pua aqj ase:, s!ql u! ley) junome olu! aye1
.aJnl!q le peol aw 40 anleA aql P J ~ pue
J 'slnmo Allewe aJnl!eJ I!lun 1- Jeddn 'nsZ,g
a ~ o lsa) J ~ S
) a)ew!qn aq) pw)sqlw seq aldwes )sa) aq) JaUe p a l W ~ U ~ alew!lln 3!)eJs aw anu!)um '[(e P'$'Z~]
luawnmp uo!ss!uJqns jsa) a41 u! palsanba~j! JO JawwqnslJaJnpenuew aw Aq palsanba~A I S S ~ J ~ X41~
auaJajaJ 3ypads ayeyy -paunmo seq
.6u!peol p a)eJ ~aq6!qe )e pa!ldde aq 0) s! zd a3~04)sag aw l!
aJn(!eJJaqpqm pue 6u!peol p a)w aq) 'lsa) aql 6uunp paq3eaJ z,g 'a3Jo4 )sq aw 40 anleA )saq6!q a41 P J ~ U
'(c-c-91aas) xauuy q w a3uep~omeu! Ja#uJqns/JaJnpeguew
aql q w paa~6eJO Aq pagpads '6u!peol 40 ale4 Jaq6!q e le ' ~ ~ pa)
0 4 aql Aldde 'ajeudo~dde41
.aldwes p a l a y
40 aJnl!ej )noqw '2-3 alqel JO 6 alqel u! p w a d s IlaAal 6u!peol lsal JueAalaJall140 llahqJaddn'nsZ A PI
alew!yn aw 80 anleA aql su!elle Z,g a3~04p a l aql JO 'sl!ej aldwes lsal aqs lnun SN osz pue SNI ooc u a w a q
40 a m e le A~q~oou~s I! aseamu! pue zd a3Jo4 )sq aq) aldwes pa$ aqljo loo4aJo) aw 03 A~ddy b b - b * ~ ' g b
'(8x a u w
pue Z C - L - E ' pue
~ ~ ~ ' c - E - ~aas)
c lanai 6u!peo( lsal l u e n a l ag )e pue 6u!peo( p u o p ~ ! pWeAqai
aw u! PJ~PUWSI ~ O W U J ~ J US!LR I P w n 1004 pue S=!A~P ~ a ( y u ~ e o l ~ sWa Jl ~qm aw (z'z-91 lo
6uyeaw u!) ssed osle sqdwes l s q awes a q let# pap!nad Aldde Ileqs (e 40 uo!~~puw aue!ldwoo aw
'(c1'1'E'9C Pue S'C'E'91 Pue C'C'E'91 ass) B XauW u! W a d s Pal q k a 4 s aWWW W W ~ W a U e
aq) q ! aueplcme u! Gu!peol 40 a)ar ~aq6!qe le pa!ldde uaaq aneq Zd pue rd s m q asq ey) 41 (q
'(11 alqel Pus E'6 33s) (uo!Ido ue se L 1' C'B'9C Aq osle
pue) 9 1 - 1 ' ~ ' 9 1pue s ~ ' ~ ' gAq. 9paMolle
~ saldwes jsal awlsqns aql6u!pnpu! yqeq paquasa~da g 'qgeq
paqwsad aql wo4 saldwes pq w Aq 6u!peol 40 s u o p ~ ! pasaw 40 q3ea u! ( ~ ' ~ ' 9401 6u!uearu w
u!) passed aq Ileqs 'saldwes jsa) JuaJagp03 6u!peol joo4aJoj pue 6u!peo1 laaq 6ulAldde A~aiwedaswea
'ad4 s!w p s ~ s S IaN
I ~ oszpue SM ooc uaanryaq40 a m e le ppqtdde uaaq a ~ e Zd q pue 'd s w IW w 41 (e
-Alddelleys 6uy~ollo4ayj 'lanai 6u!peol pq aylaads e )e Z ' E ' ~ C01 6u!plme p l e p u w leuog-1
s!q 40 syun qoo) pue saqnap joopappie JOJ j s q ~ ~ U ~ alewqn
J J S qlws aw 40 quawa~!nba~ m e u u o a~g
q p sqldwm
~ g-6 01 1 - 6 ol 6u!p~m3epa) JOJ pan!wqns gun )ow JO =!nap pojqyue aw leq) q e p 01 Japro ui
Jaqga aq (leqsr(ju6a)u! IeJnpnps
s)!p ssol ) n o ~ aldwes
y~ JO nSrd
p a j ayl Aq paugsns nSZd aaoj jsal ajewgln aw 40 anlen wnur!xew
a g 'pays!les aq 01 (e p juawa~!nba~
aql l u a ~ a ~
d jsaj aw p sq~s!~ape~eq3
Iequeqaaw a q j! (q
6u!l!e4 )noqjy~lWal 'nsZ.gJO paq!J3saJd uo!leu!pu! pue anlen
je nSzd aao, jsaj ajew!qn aw Aq 6u!peo( loo,aJoj qjejs n, 1-q ~ d nJo, paq!JlsaJd ~ l ~
~ uo!jeu!pu!
pue anlen ayj le n S C aaJo4 tsaj alew!yn aql Aq 6u!peol laaq q l q s Jaws u!qsns (leqs aldwes jsaj aw (e
:quawa~!nba~ a~ueuuoyad6uy~ollojaw 40 auo A~sges
lleys aldwes p a l e 's)!un 1004 pue saqnap jwj-alyue JS
JOJ p a l U ~ ~ U ~ Jajew!qn q e l s aql ssed 01 Japlo ul
w heel (H) or forefoot (F) loading
Settings and adjustments for
heel (H) or forefoot (F) loading 11
Repetition of heel (H) or
forefoot (F) loading on
substitute test sample at
(H) to (F) to increased rate of loading (H) 16.3.1 .I7 (F)
Heel (H) or forefoot (F) loading Repetition of heel (H) or
to ultimate load level at normal forefoot (F) loading on
or increased rate of loading substitute test sample at normal
or increased rate of loadinn -
I (F)
(H) (F)
Applied rate
A 1 Increased
of loading?
Application of separate
static proof test (16.2.1) I I
Proof test
Figure 10 - Flowchart for the static ultimate strength test specified in 16.3.1 The cyclic test for ankle-foot devices and foot units shall be conducted on a test sample,
continuously loading on the foot from heel contact to toe-off by repeated application of synchronized profiles of
tilting angle and test force, followed by final static loading on the heel and the forefoot, as described in to
a) During the course of the cyclic test, specified parts shall be replaced when the number of cycles has
reached a value at which such replacement is indicated in accordance with the manufacturer's/submitter's
service instructions andlor the test submission document [see 12.3.5 b)]. All such replacements shall be
b) A test sample that completes the cyclic test without failing shall be subjected to final static heel and
forefoot loading by the test forces Ftfinand F2fin,successively applied at a rate of between 100 Nls
and 250 Nls and maintained for (30 3) s for each loading case, with the foot platform set at the tilting
angle, y, for heel loading and y2 for forefoot loading.
c) A test sample that fails andlor a test sample that completes the cyclic test without failing shall, at the
request of the manufacturer/submitter, be visually examined at the magnification specified in the test
submission document [see 12.3.5c)], and the presence, location and nature of any fractures
andlor cracks recorded, together with the magnification used. Prepare and align a test sample from the batch specified in Table 12 for this test in accordance
with 9.4, Clauses 10 and 1 1 , 12.2 and 16.1 .I
c) and Tables 6 , 7 and 8.
Record the test loading level to be applied, together with the corresponding profiles of the tilting angle At) of
the osdllating foot platfotm and the pulsating test force Fc(t) or F c ( ~determining
, the loading conditions at
each instant of the loading cycle, and the prescribed number of cycles. Make specific reference if the
additional test loading level P6 specified in Annex C is to be applied.
Record the individual settings for the preparation of the test equipment and the arrangement of the foot
platform, including the positioning of the specific heel block. Mount the test sample in the test equipment in accordance with 16.1.1 d).
Arrange and adjust the means to resist dislocation of the test sample during its lift-off phase in accordance
with 16.1.1 e). Successively apply static heel loading as specified in a) and static forefoot loading as
specified in b).
a) For static heel loading, set the tilting angle of the foot platform to y,, specified in Table 8, and apply to the
heel of the test sample the maximum test force F,,,, specified in Table 9 or Table C.2.
b) For static M o o t loading, set the tilting angle of the foot platform to a,specified in Table 8, and apply to
the forefoot of the test sample the maximum test force F,,,, specified in Table 9 or Table C.2.
If the test sample sustains the successive static heel and forefoot loading at
, and F2cmax,
If the test sample fails to sustain the successive static heel and forefoot loading at Fianaxand F2max, record
this together with the highest value of test force reached in each direction of loading and terminate the test. Apply to the test sample simultaneously, the profiles of the tilting angle At) of the oscillating foot
platform and the pulsating test force Fc(r) or Fc(d in accordance with the requirements of 13.4.2 and the
values for the relevant test loading level, specified in Tables 8 to 11 and C.2, at a frequency of between 0,5 Hz
and 3 Hz in accordance with the test submission document [see 12.3.5 a)] for a series of cycles, to allow the
test sample and the test equipment to 'settle down".
NOTE I The number of cycles required for the test to settle down will depend on the nature of the test sample and the
test equipment control mechanism.
Take care that during this settling-in period the highest force applied to the test sample does not exceed the
maximum test force
, , ,F by more than 10 % (see
NOTE 2 Experience has shown that the repeated loading at values exceeding the maximum test force F,,, by more
than 10 % can cause an early deterioration of the test sample.
Do not proceed with until the test sample and the test equipment have settled down, and the profiles
of the test force Fc(t) or FC(dand the tilting angle At) of the oscillating foot platform have achieved the
waveform specified in and keep within the tolerances specified in 14.3 f), g) and h).
Record the frequency called for, together with the number of cycles required to settle down and whether the
pulsating test force Fc(r) or FC(d and the tilting angle At) of the oscillating foot platform are applied in
accordance with and 14.3 9, g) and h).
If the frequency called for cannot be achieved, or does not allow the pulsating test force Fc(t) or Fc(d and the
tilting angle At) of the oscillating foot platform to be applied as specified, repeat the preceding steps of this
subclause at a different frequency, preferably between 0,5 Hz and 3 Hz, to be agreed upon between the test
laboratoryffacility and the manufacturerlsubmitter.
Record any agreement on a frequency differing from the value called for
If the pulsating test force F,(t) or Fc(d andlor the tilting angle At) of the oscillating foot platform cannot be
applied at any frequency agreed upon between the test laboratorytfacility and the manufacturerlsubmiier,
record this and terminate the test. Apply to the test sample, simultaneously, the profiles of the tilting angle fir) of the oscillating foot
platform and the pulsating test force Fc(t) or Fc(d in accordance with the requirements of 13.4.2 and the
values for the relevant test loading level, specified in Tables 8 to 11 and C.2, at a frequency of between 0,5 Hz
and 3 Hz in accordance with the test submission document [see 12.3.5 a)] or any agreement on a frequency
diering from the value called for therein, preferably between 0,5 Hz and 3 Hz (see, for the
prescribed number of cycles specified in Table 9 or Table C.2.
Inspect the waveforms of the applied test force Fc(t) or FC(dand the tilting angle At) of the oscillating foot
platform. Terminate the test if the waveforms do not comply with
Record the frequency applied, together with the results of the inspection of the waveform and the decision on
the continuation of the test. During the course of the cyclic test, replace any parts which would be replaced in normal senrice.
Proceed as follows.
In order to claim that the ankle-foot device or foot unit submitted for test according to 9.1 to 9.3 complies with
the performance requirements of the cyclic test for ankle-foot devices and foot units of this International
Standard according to 16.4.2 at a specific test loading level, tests of this type shall be passed (in the meaning
of 16.4.2) by two test samples from the prescribed batch (see 9.3 and Table 12).
(e Z'V-9c 4 s ! w IOU
saop aldwes I s q =u!s
quawsn!pe pue
Start of "regular" cyclic
loading (progressive loading
from heel contact to W f f )
of F(t) and y(t) since waveforms of
F(t) andlor y ( t ) do not
Replacement - b) - F ~
of parts of failure
Completion of
cydic test
16.4.1 .I
171.2 The submitter of test samples and the identification of the test submission document shall be clearly
indicated and the date or dates of receipt be recorded.
17.1.3 The identification of the test report or reports (such as serial number) shall be clearly indicated and
the dates of preparation and submission be recorded.
According to the instructions of this lnternational Standard (see NOTE), spec if^^ records shall be entered in
the test laboratorylfacility log for
a) the identification (number) of the test equipment used and the reference (number) of the end
attachments, jig and measuring devices (if used),
c) the conduct of specific tests, selected in accordance with this lnternational Standard and the test
submission document and
18 Test report
NOTE The test laboratorylfacilii should maintain another copy of the test report with the test log. This will simplify
the reply to possible further inquiries of the manufadurerlsubmitter.
18.1.2 The test report shall be signed and dated on behalf of the test laboratorylfacility by a designated
18.1.3 The test laboratorylfacility shall clearly indicate a name and address for communication.
18.1.4 The test laboratory/facility shall provide a unique and traceable identification and date for the test
report (such as serial number), including identification of each page and the total number of pages of the
mport. The test laboratorylfacility shall maintain a record of such identificationand date.
18.1.5 The submitter of the test sample, the manufacturer, if know, and the test laboratorylfacili
identification shall be clearly indicated.
18.2.2 For each ankle-foot device or foot unit for which an appropriate batch or batches of test samples have
been submitted for test, the test report shall state the tests in which compliance with requirements of this
International Standard has been demonstrated. The test report shall also state the tests conducted, in which
compliance has not been demonstrated.
18.3 Options
18.3.1 The test report shall include any additional information, specifically requested in the test submission
document (see 12.1.2).
18.3.2 Upon request of the submitter, the test laboratoryffacility shall copy from the test log to the test report
any further records of samples and test results called for. Annex D gives details of the records which shall be
entered in the test laboratoryffacilii log.
19.1 General
A prosthetic ankle-foot device or foot unit
a) for which compliance with the requirements of this International Standard is claimed (see 9.1 and 9.2) for
a specific test loading level 'Pa (see 7.2) and
b) which is suitable for lower limb amputees with a body mass not exceeding a specific value of maximum
body mass, 'ma kg according to the manufacturer's written instructions on the intended use of that device,
- -
IS0 22676 "P" "m" kg
These examples are distinguished by diierent values of maximum body mass (70 kg, 80 kg, 90 kg), which
indicate differences in the intended use of the devices concerned, depending on their individual design.
IS0 22675 P4 70 kg
Q IS0 2006 All rights reserved
( 6 4 ,W, - ,dm - SL9ZZ OSI
'aqAap aqlqlw JaJnpejnuew aql Aq pa!lddns Nun loo) JO =!nap loo)-alyue a ~ a w s o d
a q 40 asn papuaju! ayl uo uqleuuqu! ay3ads hue 40 luapuadapu! ua~!6aq lleqs laqelaql uo guawajqs a q l
j u! u ~ o y se
' 2 . 0 ~u! passaJppe pue g 1 a~n6! s uo!jeurrqlu! lawn) apnpu! k r u
laqel aw 'a~eudadde)I '1-61 u! pagpads uogeu6!sapluo!1mysse1a a q q p auepJmae ~ u! pallaqel aq 1 1 ~ s
'aamap Jew 40 asn papualu! a q uo suowwsu! u a w yarnpepuew a y l o l Go!p~ome6y p, sseru Apoq
unw!xew p anlen atpads e 6u!paaaxa lou s e w Apoq e qw saalndue qu!l JaMol lo) alqqns s! w!w (q
~ I
pue (Z'L ass) .dmI ~ A 6u!peo1 w-1 a me
JO) (1-6 pue 1.6 aas) paw!ep s! pJepue)S leuogeualul s!q p quaura~!nba~ a q qw mue!ldrum e q m ~q (e
'(PCa n Q j pue E'OZ aas) $noAel laqell o saldruexa a y u! pasn osle are suo!~eu6!sappuo!~y~ep
anoqe 310~
yun $00)JO aqAap loq-alyue ?$akgSoJd a q p asn
papualu! a y uo suopmtsu! u a n m s!q u! asn p suo&pum aw 'uo!$=ggsn! q w ' m a d s o) JaJnpepuew a q
a~!nba~(a 01 (e u! paluawwm pue g 08 1 ~ 3 1 d p ~u!mpa$eJpnll!uo!ueu6!sapluo~~sse1:,40 saldruexa 11y
08) s a a w d ~ e
asow l o ssew Apoq wnw!xeru aql aAoqe 6y 01 s! 43!w '64 06 08 pa)!u!l s! ssew Apoq wnw!xew 40
anleA aw uoseaJ s!q JO j 'paseq s! pd laAal 6u!peol p a l qep uo!puoml asoqnn uo saawdwe asow uew
laAal JaMol e le s!saqlso~dqw!l Jam01 J!aql peol 01 papadxa aJe o w 'saa~ndweJO) pasn aq 01 papuaw!
)!un too) JO =yap poj-alyue ue 40 ~ecj!dSs! g 3 7 d w m 01 6u!pJ033e uo!leu6!sapluo!)ecjyssqa a q l (a
'(64 08) saalndwe 1.
, !;:
asoql l o sseu Apoq unw!xeur aq$ qp lea!luap! s! q a ! '64 ~ 08 oj pal!u!l s! sseu hpoq runu!xew
jo anleA a q uoseaJ s!w JOj .paseq s! pd lam1 6u!peol jsa) elep u o ~ o w aos~o w
~ uo saavdwe asoql se 1i::
laAa( awes aqj l e S!saq)So~dqw!l JMO~ J!aw peol 03 papadxa aJe o w 'saalndue 104 pasn aq 03 papuaw!
#un loo) JO aa!Aap loo)-alyue ue )o ~m!dr(ls! 7: 31dp~w30) 6u!p~omeuo~eu6!sapluo!~myssep aql (q
'(64 08) saawdrue
asoy) p sseu Apoq unu!xeu aql Molaq 6y 01 s! qa!w '6y OL 01 pauu!l s! sseu Apoq wnw!xew l o
anlen a q uoseaJ s!% J O 'paseq s! pd laAalGu!peol p a l qep uogouom~asoqm uo saalndwe asow u w
laAal JayD!y e le sjsawso~dqu!l JMO~ J!aq peol 03 p a p d x a aJe o w 'saalndue JO) pasn aq 01 papualu!
gun loo) JO aa!Aap loo)-a~ueue 40 (m!d& s! 1 31dwm3 01 ~u!~Jo%€? uo~eu6!sapluo!lmysselaa y l (e
:pajels aq uecj 6upollo) ayl 'y xauuy u! ua~!6uo!)ewJo)u! pun0~6y3eqayj p uo!leJap!suoa ul
(.BA 06 Vd SL9ZZ OSI
- -
I (*BY 08 Pd SL9ZZ OSI
- - I
- -
.(3 Z'6 1 u! u0 pa)uawwo3 'Z'6140 E 31dwm3 0) 6u!puodsauo~
sgun )oql pue saqAap )m~-alyue3!)aq)so~d0) Aldde lleqs PCa~n6!j40 (3 lapow 0) 6u!p~m3elaqel a q 1 -
'(q Z.61 u! u0 pa)uawwo3 'z.6~40 3 1 d w m 0) 6u!puodsaum
sgun 3004 pue saqnap qooj-alyue 3!)aqpoJd 0) Aldde lleqs PL a ~ n 6 !p
j (q lapow 0) 6u!p~m3elaqel a q l -
'(e Z.6 1 U! UO pa)UaWUO3 '2.6 40 1 3 1 d w m 0) Gu!puodsauo:,
sgun loo) pue saqAap tooj-alyue a!)aqpo~d01 Aldde lleqs PL a ~ n 6 !p
j (e lapow 01 6u!p~omelaqel a q l -
u! pasn asoq) 01 puodsauo3 slapow asag u! pasn u o g e u 6 ~ s a p ~ u o ~ ~ e ~ ~ s s e ~ ~
'z-6c 40 g 04 c ~ 3 i d w m 3
40 saldwexa a q l 'PC aJn6!j 40 (3 0) (e slapow aqj 40 Aue 01 uuoluo3 lleqs laqel aw 40 )noAel a q l
'E'OZ U!
paluawwo3 ' p l a ~ n 6 !p
j (3 01 (e slapow laqel aq) u! pa)eJpnll! s! l o q w k 6 u ! u ~ e
~ ,(,, y e w 40 asn aq1
'paseq s! ,,dmlaAal6u!peoljsa) patelap aw ejep uo!)owoq asoqm
uo saalndwe a s o q l ~ oyw!l ssew Apoq aw spaaDxa ,,w,, )!w!l ssew Apoq pa)e)s aq) j! as= aq) 'auqsu! JOJ 's!
s!q1 'saa~ndwe40 A ) ! A I J ~ ~aq) 6 u ! u ~ a u msuo!)e)!w!l aldwexa JOJ 'aSn p suo!)~ur!lJeln3ped 6u!ple6a~laqel
aq) uo Juawalqs 4auq e o) auaJa4aJ molle lleqs ,(,, y e w aqlo) uonjppe u! pasn aq ot loqurlls Bu!urem a q l
- a q ~ a aw
p 40 asn papualu! aw uo suoprulsu! u a u w s,.iaJnpemuew aqt u! uan!6 s! asn 40 suowpum
3y3ads aqj uo uogew~o~u! y w o d w ! Jawty jeqt pue papaaxa aq 03 IOU #W!I ssew Apoq aw s a y p d s
P~I~IS ,,w,, w e n 348 laqq aw uo luawaws ja!Jq e 0) a3uaJalaJMOII~ I I ~ W,,BY,, pu!qaq ,(, yew aql
loqwhs 6u!w1empue ,( yreur l o asn Z'OZ
.saqAap aJow JO auo q # payddns
~ l a p a l uogeuuoiu!
aqt u! m e l d aq lleqs laqel aql 'a(qecype.d lou s! #un q3ea 40 6ui6ewed lenpb!pu! 41 -6u!6ewed wers
aw uo 'aleudo~ddeaJaW 'JONun qaea lo) 6u!6eyaed ar(l uo Jolpue aqhap aql uo paaeld aq Ileqs laqel a u
3uawa=ld 1aqe-I P'OZ
Annex A
The test loading level P5 is based on data from all amputees including a few whose body mass
I exceeded 100 kg. The test loading levels P4 and P3 are based on locomotion data from amputees whose
1i body mass is less than 80 kg and 60 kg, respectively.
The method of classinglrelating the test loading levels withlto specific ranges of body mass of amputees on
whose locomotion data these are based should, however, not obscure the fact that these locomotion data are
also determined by the influence of all other factors, on which the loads developed in a prosthesis during use
depend (see NOTE I ) but only within the range that was possible with respect to the lifestyle and activity level
of the amputees and the performance of the ankle-foot devices and foot units available at the time of data
acquisition (see NOTE 2). All of these factors should therefore be taken into account together with the body
mass, Wen specifying the conditions of use of a specific ankle-foot device or foot unit that complies with the
requirementsof this lntemational Standard for a specjfic test loading level [see 5.2 b)].
NOTE I Besides the general physical parameters and locomotion characteristics of the amputee already addressed
in 7.2.1, other specific factors on which the loads developed in a prosthesis during use depend are the individual character
of use of the prosthesis by the amputee, determined by herlhis lifestyle and adivity level, the performance of the
pmthesis provided by the mechanical characteristics of the components and their prosthetic assembly and alignment,
occasional events such as, for example, tripping or stumbling, and environmental conditions in which the prostksis will be
NOTE 2 The range of influence of these factors may change in course of time, due to changes in the lifestyle and
activity level of amputees and improvements in the performance of ankle-foot devices and foot units.
A.2 Specification of the test loading conditions for the different test loading levels
A.2.1 General
Although the concept of the tests on ankle-foot devices and foot units of this International Standard differs
from that of the corresponding tests of IS0 10328, the relevant values of loads and dimensions are adopted
I where possible. Nevertheless, a few adaptatiis are unavoidable.
These and other matters relevant to the specitication of the test loading conditions and test loading levels of
this lntemational Standard are dealt with in detail in ISOITR 22676 thus enabling the volume of this
International Standard to be confined to only indispensible information. (For further information see Annex E
and Bibliography.)
I A.2.2 to A.2.4 present information on selected items, presented as extracts and summaries from
lSO/TR 22676.
The specification of the directions of static and maximum cyclic heel and forefoot reference loading is based
on the relationships of a) and the conditions of b) to d).
a) According to Figure A.l (p. 69), for any instant of loading there is a given relationship between the test
force, F and the forces at the foot platform, comprising the tangential (A-P) force component, FF the
perpendicular force component, Fp and their resultant, FR. This relationship is determined by the angles
4 Band Y.
b) The values of the tilting angles y, and of the foot platform for static and maximum cydic heel and
forefoot reference loading are consistent with those specified in IS0 10328 for the separate struchrral
tests on ankle-foot devices and foot units. These values are fi = - 15" for heel loading and a = 20" for
forefoot loading (see Table 10, Figure 7 and subclause 17.2 of IS0 10328:2006 and Table 8 of this
International Standard).
c) The ratio FTIFpof the values of the tangential and the perpendicular force components at the foot platform
according to Figure A.1 for static and maximum cyclic heel and forefoot reference loading at the tilting
angles according to b) is roughly f 0,15.
NOTE This ratio is based on gait analysis data representative of normal level walking.
d) The offsetsfAl and& of the ankle load reference points PAl and P, (see 6.3 and Figure I ) relevant to
heel and forefoot load~ngon an ankle-foot device or foot unit of foot length L = 26 cm are consistent with
those specified in IS0 10328:2006 for the ankle load reference points PA( and PAll of test loading
conditions I and II for test loading level P5. These are fAl = - 32 mm andfAll = 120 mm (see Table 6 of
IS0 10328:2006).
The relationships of A.2.2.1 a) and the conditions of A.2.2.1 b) and c) allow the inclination of the lines of action
of the resultant reference forces FR1and Fw of static and maximum cyclic heel and forefoot reference loading
to be specified as follows:
- From equation (A.2) and the condition according to A.2.2.1 c) p = arctan (FTIFp) = arctan ( f 0,15) =
f 8,5'.
- From equation (A.l) and the condiions according to A.2.2.1 b) a, = fi - = - 15" + 8,5" = - 6,5" and
a2=y2-&=20°-8,5"= 11,5".
Approaching these thresholds as far as possible in consideration of further aspects to be noted, the directions
of static and maximum cyclic heel and forefoot reference loading on an ankle-foot device or foot unit of foot
length L = 26 crn can be specified as fdlows:
- the direction of static and maximum cyclicheel reference loading is defined by a straight line which
passes through the ankle reference point PA, specified in A.2.2.1 d) and is inclined to the teaxis by
al = - 6,18O;
pexy sawbar s ! u '7 su16ual too) aqt P tuapuadapu! w w paxu e 18 (1 an&^ -1 dd PUB s m q ~e~m.puedced
pun 1wa6uela u W e u a S ~ u u ewu! &c!peq a0u-w lacy- lw 31~h ~ l n l l l ~ (PUB
8 ~ 1%ww swwwo
&I!m mt aouwala a r ~S p e 08 plepue)~leuonawslul stw 40 wsal aw 40 ld-or, aq) u!ww =!I # 310~
-q@ual)oq Jawo hue ~q
asatg au!uuajap $q suopnba ayl sapnpu! L alqel 'uomppe UI '7 slnsual )oo~,)oa6uw ,apF e ~q L alqal
u! paypads aJe 1 Id )u!od uo!jeqldde peol do) aq) p uomsod aq) 6u!u!uualap 4r pue lEsa)eu!pxua q l
uo!tenba aql Aq pau!uua)ap anlen paxy
e seq 7 @ualtoo4 40 sanlen an!ssa%ns wet 6u!)ela~ 'ld qu!od uoneqidde P , ~ uI w a q lclameis!p WJ.
.wa)ds ajeu!pJm aw l o u!@o a q q papaJ!p aug p46!e~tse uo patemi aJe l d qu!od uogeqldde peq dot
paglaJ w 'z'v a ~ n Qu!j paleqsnll! se wa~sAsa)eu!pm aw u ! w pauomsod '7 sqWal )uaraMp 40 jae4 JOj
'(OL 'dl Z'v
u! pawsnll! s! 7 q)Bual)w aw uo 1 'ld )u!od uogeqldde peol do) aw 40 uoysod aq) p auapuadep a q l
'lanal6u!pw lsa) aw 40 )uapuadapu! ')oo~jo saqs I(eo) hldde
4uuogun lleqs u w o d o ~ ds!y 'plepucr)~leuo!)ewa)ul s!q 40 sgun $004 pue swpap too)-aplue J O ~qsa) w
40 ) d m qseq aw 0) 6u!p~033v'al6ueu) WuaJaiar e 40 u o ~ o d o ~ aq)
d au!uuajap 'um gz = 7 @uq 40 ) o o ~
a* 40 juyd etg pue a6pa laaq muaasod arl) w ~ a ~ a 6 'a o ) l d )u!od uop!ldde peal do) a q )o ~ o aql d
:Jauuew 6ugwollo~a q u! 7 M u a l JWa q uo Id p y d
uogeqldde peol do) aq) 40 uoysod aqq 40 a~uapuadape saqs!lqe)sa s!ql '7 @uq $004 aq) 01 ~'euowodoId
s! Jeut 6u!1=s e ~ o q q
s pawdxa aq u= :,aswVJasayl '~OOZ:QL~ZZ WOSI 40 c-z'c u! pa~1)suouraps! w
a ~~(yn
- a d pue L V d s)u!od auaJajaJ peol alyue pajelaJ aqljo :,a~#o-~Jaq) uo 6u!puadap ' ~ u a ~ aq p
l ' l n pue 1 'Ysa~eu!pxmaql Aq pau!uuaaap 'ld lupd uog=!~dde peo~do) 40 uomod aw )nq ( 3 1 0 ~aw)
awes q aq lly b pue LD sa16ue aw Aq pau!uuawp uogeu!pu! J!aw '7 s@ual )w Jatgo squn lool
JO saqnap Iooj-alyue uo 6u!peol WuaJajaJ joojaJo4 pue laaq 3!13A3 wnur!xew pue ~ n e l 40 s uo!)De 40 sauy mj
!6ca689+/80'9 - = (na IZnpUe E9'sLE +Eel6 = (n* "n
ale m,g pue sa3~04muaJajw tumlnsaJ a q p uo!pe 40 sau!l a q 40 suo.wuy aqj -
:sUnsaJ 6upwollo4 aql sapwo~dpoqaw s!qa 'ungz = 7 q16ualpoj 40 qun loo4 JO aqnap ioo4iqyue ue ~ o j
.V)zn = V)ln 6u!~ndhq uo!)msJalu! 40 )u!od J!aw 6u!u!uua)ap uaq) pue
(E'v) uo!)enba w o ~uo!pe
j jo sau!l asaqljo 0 % pue (nrn s u o ~ u t y
a q l a g je 6u!u!uuatap Aq pa)elnqw aJe l d ju!od uoneqldde peol do) aq) 40 pue 1J sa)eu!pJm a q l
' Z ' Z - Z ~u! payaads 6u!peo( WuaJaJaJ)oojaJoj pue laaq 3!13r(:, wnw!xew pue q e l s p a d pue
1% s a ~ a3uaJajaJ
q JuqlnsaJaw 40 uog3e 40 saw1 a q 40 uo!pauatu! 40 ju!od a q s! (1a~n6!jpue 8.9 aas) l d
)u!od uogeqdde peal do) aq) 'plepuets IeuogeuJqul s!w 40 sgun 100) pue smyap w4-alyue uo sjsa) aw ~ o j
'0PL'l.L =
Aq s!xe-n aq) o) pau!pu! s! pue (p 1.z.z'~u! paypads 'md ju!od a3uaJajaJ alyue aqj q6no~q)sassed
l s
43!14~au!l W~!~JISe Aq paugap s! 6u!peol a3uaJaJaJ)oolaJo) DAD wnwjxew pue ~ ~ ~40euon=~!p aql -
9zz OSI
inclinations of the lines of action of the resultant reference forces FR1and FR2and, hence, fixed values of the angles a,
and a,determining the indinations.
A.2.3 Magnitudes of static and maximum cyclic heel and forefoot reference loading
The specification of the magnitudes of static and maximum cyclic heel and forefoot reference loading is based
on the following general condition.
The specific values FRlxand FR2,of the resultant reference forces FRl and Fw according to this International
Standard (see Figure A.l) are consistent with the corresponding values Flx and F2, of the test forces Fl and
cifid in IS0 10328:2006 for the separate tests on ankle-foot devices and foot units (see Tables 11 and
D.3 of IS0 10328:2006). The specific values FRlxand FR2x of the resultant reference forces FR1 and Fw are
listed in Table A. 1.
The specific values FlXand FZx of the test forces Fl and F2related to the specific values FRlxand Fwxof the
resultant reference forces FR1and FR2(see Figure A.l) are determined by the following equation, derived
I from the relationship described in A.2.2.1 a):
i 2,= F ~ l ~2
, x al, 2 (A.5)
i! Fl COS
The specific values FIX and F2xof the test forces Fl and F2calculated using equation (A.5) for a-,= - 6,18"
and = 11,14° (see A.2.2.2) are listed in Tables 9 and C.2.
According to the statements of A.2.2 and A.2.3, the reference test loading conditions for static (and maximum
cyclic, see NOTE) heel and forefoot loading according to this International Standard are determined by the
parameters listed in a) to d). For the meaning of "reference" see "IMPORTANT".
a) The position of the top load application point PT (= point of intersection Pi of the lines of action of the
resultant reference forces FR1and ,)F , determined by the coordinates fT and uT relevant to the foot
length L of the test sample (see A.2.2.3). These are specified as offsetsfT, and uT, in Table 7.
b) The direction of the lines of action of the resultant reference forces FRl and, ,F determined by the
coordinates of the top load application point PT[see a)] and their inclinations to the u-axis, determined by
the angles al = - 6,18" and % = 11,14" (see A.2.2.2).
c) The magnitudes of the resultant reference forces FRl and, ,F specified in Table A. I,and the related test
forces F1and F2to be applied in the top load appl~cationpoint PT [see a)] as illustrated in Fgure A.1,
determined by equation (A.5) for al = - 6,18" and a2 = 11,14°. These are specified in Table 9.
,I d) The tilting angles yl = - 15" and y2 = 20" of the foot platform for static (and maximum cyclic) heel and
forefoot loading. These are specified in Table 8.
IMPORTANT The inclinations of the lines of action of the resultant reference forces FR1 and FR2 to
the u-axis addressed in b) are only relevant to the reference test loading conditions of the static (and
cyclic see NOTE) tests, since the concept of this International Standard allows each sample of
ankle-foot device or foot unit to develop its individual performance under load corresponding to its
individual design.
This will automatically determine the individual position of the bottom load application point PBl on the heel or
PB,.on the forefoot of the test sample (and with it the individual inclination of the load line) relatlng to the tilting
position of the foot platform at yl or a [see d)] and the individual magnitude of the resultant force FR1 or FR2.
For this reason the configuration of the test set-up for the preparation of test loading [see 16.1.Ia)] is
determined only by the position of the top load application point PT relevant to the foot length L of the test
sample according to a) and the tilting angles y., and & of the foot platform according to d).
NOTE References (in parentheses) to the cydic tests take into account that the linear and angular dimensions
determining the reference test loading condiions for static heel and forefoot loading are identical to those determining the
1 reference test loading conditions for maximum cydic heel and forefoot loading [see A.2.4.2 a)].
According to the statements of A.2.2 and A.2.3, the reference test loading conditions for cyclic loading
according to this International Standard are determined by the parameters listed in a) and b). - [For the
meaning of 'reference" in a) see IMPORTANT of A.2.4.1 and for the meaning of 'reference" in b) see
IMPORTANT of this subclause.]
a) The reference test loading conditions for maximum cydic heel and forefoot loading are determined by the
same linear and angular dimensions as the reference test loading conditions for static heel and forefoot
loading (see A.2.4.1).
b) The reference test loading conditions for repeated foot loading proaressinq from heel contact to toe-off
are determined by the parameters listed in 1) to 4).
1) The position of the top load application point PT [see A.2.4.1 a)].
2) The progression of the resultant force FRtcharacterized by the sequence of the instantaneous
directions of its line of action, which are determined by the coordinates of the top load application
8ISO2006-AllrigMsreserved 67
-alyoJd6u!peol aqt p U!UDd . = A al6ue
wnw!u!w a)e!pauua)u! a* 40 )ue)su! aq) 01)ueAa(ar O
6 u ~ hwodwal
g aqt Aq pau!uua)ap s! u q ~ e l pq
d aq) p uqgsod 6u!4g lefiu! a~eudo~dde ue '(E (q C - L - ~ 08L
6u!p~o33v -uuweld j o q aq) 40 uoysod 6 u ~ glegu! a)Nardda ue pue (1 (q 03 6u!p~033e aldwes
Jsa) a q p
~ 7 q6uq )wa q o) 3ueAala.i Id g o d uogeqldde peal do) aqt 40 uogsod aw Aq Aluo pau!w)ap
s! [(q L ' C ' ~ L aas] 6u!peol )sa) p uo!)weda~daqt ~qdn-)as pa) a q 40 uwwn6guoo akg uoseaJ s ! ~~ o j
.HA aaJq JuqnsaJ aqj 40 ap1qy~6ewpue u q e u ! p !
Ienpyupu! ay) pue ~u~ofieldp o l a q 40 (Xi)c al6ue 6u!~gjo anlen o g d s aw 03 6ugelar qdwes )sa~aqa
40 JOOJ aw uo ad )u!od uogeqldde peol urouoq aqt p uo!gsod (enp!ypu! aq) au!uuatap A11mwuro2neIW SNJ,
'8'Z'P'CL 40 ((E)uo!lenba Aq osle Pue L L alqel
u! ua~!6s! (f)c al6ue 6ugln a q p alyo~da q 40 uo!)wy!ds pue uogduosap a q uo auep!n6 4aq.mj
'8 alqel u! P W ! d s '(alDoJd 6u!~eo(
40 XBUDzd wnw!xew PUZ 40 JU~SU!)o~~ = ZA pue (aly0~d6u!peol p U!UDd wnw!U!w ale!paua)u! 40
juqsu!) 0~ = ' ( ~ ( U O6u!peol
J ~ p XBmbd wnw!xew )SL 40 IUQSU!) . g ~- = 44 san(eA aq) uo paseq
Alueurud s! w~ogeld)oo4 akg 40 (0)c a(6ue 6u~l!)a q 40 a l g ~ ~
d 40 u o ~ m l ~ ~ pue
a d suo!)d~.~sap ayl
'(9 a~n6!
j aas) yo-ao)
pue pe)um laaq 40 sluqsu! aqj uaahqaq pouad aw JO) pawads o o 3~A 3 o~~ - 40 a6uw aq) U ! ~ M
uq;e(pso leq(>o!Jad s)! 6u!u!w~a)ap'w~ofield)ooj a q 40 (0)c al6ue 6u!31!1ay) 40 (aluno) alyo~da41 (P
' 6 ' z ' v ' ~ ~ )(v)
o uo~enbaAq osle pue 1L pue 01, salqel pue g an6!j
u! ua~!6s! d aoJo4 )sal ayl 40 aly0~da g 40 uo!)eoy!sds pue uogduasap aq) uo aauep!n6 JalRJnj
alqel u! pa~pads'(alyo~d6u!peol p urnw!xeur puz) * w z j pue
(alu0Jd 6u!peol 40 wnw!u!w a)e!pauua)u!) U!LU3d '(alyo~d6u!peol p wnw!xew j s ~ )xemLd sanlen
aq) uo paseq Aluew!Jd s! JO (I)% a3104 pa) aq) 40 a(goJd ayl 40 uogwypads pue uo!)duasap a y l
. ( ~ *a~n6!
y j aas) x, al6ue aq) pue
H d ax14IuwnsaJ a 4 40 sanleA snoauquelsu! pa)elaJ ay) J O ~( g . ~ uo!)enba Aq pau!uua)ap aJe >A 40
sanleA snoauquqsu! a q l .L j u! pa)e4snll! se 44)'~ uuogeld 1004 aqt 40 a16ue6u!)lg 40 uowury
e JO g a~n6!ju! pa)e4sn((! se (1)'~ awg p uovury e se L'V a~n6!ju! pa)wJsnll! se [(e C'P'Z'Vaas]
)u!od uo!)w!ldde peol do) aq) u! paydde aq 0) '=d am04 )sa) 6ugeslnd ay) 40 (aluna) alyo~da y l (g
.(c'v a~n6!jaas) x, a16uep sanleA snoauque)su!
pajelaJ aql le s!xe-n aqj 01 uogae 40 au!l aq) 40 suo!)eu!pu! aqq pue [(e L'P'Z'V aas] )u!od
ur~weldPo)40 a16ue6 ~ A~ 9
ddPdqjw fh!u!ur~appddwauodum aaq pue Mdmqjuwnsar uaam)eq q6ua B
=wtuwnsa 40 u w w 40 +I lo a(&re uo!wuw!
a ~ l ~Id
uualleld $004ol imua&te) ) u ~ o d w
lUO#qd )OOj 0) ~elIW!pudJed )ueuodum dd
eao~~u~ns Md
d a 0 4 pal )o uo!p!ldde 40 au!l oj WaAsuq )uauodw earql Hd
-0llsat d
)u!od uo!)m!idde peq do)
w j s k a)eu!prw lo saxe n '/
urJqUe@tocy L
Dimensions in millirnetres
1 symbolic view of foot
f , a axes of coordinate system
+ effediv6 knee-joint centre
CA e W v e anklejoint centre
top bad application points relevant to indicated foot length L (Reference: P,, ,for L = 26 an).
Flgur, A2 -Illustration of the dependence of the porlon of the top load application point PTon the
foot length L - (see A.2.2.3)
1 To address this, an alternative static ultimate strength test is proposed in this annex, which applies higher
I rates of loading to be specified by the manufacturerlsubmitter of the sample under test. (Rates of between
1 kNls and 5 kNls are considered to be appropriate.)
This alternative static ultimate strength test is intended to be applied to samples with material properties
andlor construction features which render them unable to sustain the required ultimate test force at a rate of
loading specified for the standard static ultimate strength test previously referred to (e.g. structural members
manufacturedfrom materials subject to significant creep).
If the static ultimate strength test specified in 16.3.1 is conducted at a rate of loading higher than 250 Nls, the
procedure includes the application of the static proof test specified in 16.2.1 and thus, if the required number
of test samples from the prescribed batch complies with the performance requirements as specified in 16.3.2,
additional static proof tests are unnecessary.
NOTE This altemative static ultimate strength test was first developed for the principal structural tests and the
separate structural tests on ankle-foot devices and foot units of IS0 10328:2006. It has been adopted for the purposes of
the static ultimate strength test of this International Standard.
I b) Proceed with ( in the alternative way addressed therein and increase the test
force F, (F2) at the higher rate specified in the test submission document [see 12.3.4 b)] by the
manufacturerlsubmitter of the test sample under test until the test sample fails, or the test force Fl (F2)
attains the value of the ultimate test force Flsu, upper level (F2su, upper without failure of the test
Record the rate of loading and the highest value of the test force Fl (F2) reached during the test and
whether failure has occurred.
c) If the test sample satisfies the performance requirements specified in 16.3.2, subject it to the static proof
test specifled in and record the results.
d) To claim compliance with 16.3.3 and this annex 8, the condition addressed in 16.3.3 b) shall be met.
Record whether or not the test sample meets this condition.
Annex C
In order to allow the structural testing of such prostheses on a uniform basis, an additional test loading
level, P6, is proposed in this annex. Additional test loading level P6 is derived from data acquired from
measurements and testing of existing products in service. As an interim measure, pending validation, it is
suggested that the test loading conditions specified in C.3 are appropriate.
NOTE Additional test loading level P6 was fitst developed for the principal structural tests and the separate structural
tests on ankle-foot devices and foot units of IS0 10328:2006. It has been adopted for the purposes of the static and cydic
tests of this International Standard.
b) The test forces and the prescribed number of cycles shall be as specified in Table C.2.
Table C.l -Test forces of the proof bst of end attachments for test loading level P6 (see
End attachments for Stabilizing Settling test Proof test
test foate, force, F&; fme,
Test loading condition
Fua; (F-1 (FM) b Fw; (FRpe)
Ted procedure Heel ioadlng Fomfoot loading
F, at y = - 15" F, at y = 20" N N N
Flw 2 784 -
Static proof test force N
0) F2=w 2 747
g F~w
h ,x ~ l d 4 176 -
P Fzw, lower level 4 121
Static ultimate test force
5 567 -
5 Fl,, upper hel
F a , upper level
- 5 494
1st maximum value of pulsating
test force Fl- N 1 591 -
5 btemrdiate minimum value of
N 1 063
pulsating test force
2nd maximum value of pulsating
N - 1 570
test force F2anax
- Final static test force
Flfin(=FlS,J 2 784 -
6 Fa" c= F2qJ - 2 747
Prescribed number of cycles 1 2x lo6
NOTE The specific values of the diierent test forces are basad on reference values, as described in 112.2.2.
b) the details of the adjustment of the top and bottom load application points PT and PB, in accordance with;
c) the orientation a) or b) in which the assembly is mounted in the test equipment and the test loading level
to be applied, together with the corresponding values of test forces F or FR, in accordance with;
d) the values of the displacements 4 and 62 of the moving load application point from its reference position
in the test equipment, in accordance with;
9 the value of the displacement 6 of the moving load application point from its reference position in the test
equipment, in accordance with;
g) the values of the deflection Dl and the permanent deformation D2,in accordance with;
h) the results in accordance with
a) Details of the methods used to measure accuracy and the calibration of the test equipment and any jig
and measuring device in accordance with 14.1;
b) the accuracy of equipment, i.e. the accuracy to which the test equipment and any jig and measuring
device measures linear and angular dimensions, test forces and the frequency of cyclic tests, in
accordance with 14.2;
c) the accuracy of procedure, i.e. the tolerances with which linear and angular dimensions are set and finally
adjusted, test forces and tilting angles are applied and the frequency of cyclic tests is controlled, in
accordance with 14.3.
D.2 Log records required for test samples
a) a fully traceable identificationfor each sample tested and the date of submission - applied on submission.
If the sample has no permanent identification mark, the test laboratorytfacility shall affix one after the
testltests haslhave been completed;
b) a certificate of sampling from the normal production line, if appropriate, in accordance with 10.1.I;
c) the type of sample in accordance with 10.2.1 or 10.2.2. In special cases refer to the test submission
d) the size of foot selected providing the worst-case loading in accordance with 10.1.2;
e) the type and identification of that part of the remainder of the test sample, to which the ankle-foot device
or foot unit is connected in accordance with 10.3.4;
f) the worst-case alignment position in accordance with 10.6, specified in the test submission document;
i g) the combination of segment lengths selected for the end attachments to achieve the fixed total length,
specified in Table 7, in accordance with 10.3.3;
h) the load application adaptor or lever used in accordance with 11.4; if this is attached by the
manufacturerlsubmitter, a fully documented test certificate shall be supplied by the
j) the test loading condition andlor loading level with which compliance or noncompliance shall be
demonstrated in accordance with, andlor
a) The particular tests carried out in accordance with the relevant clauses of this lnternational Standard; in
special cases reference to the test submission document will be necessary;
4 b) the particular dimensions set and loads applied during the tests in accordance with the relevant clauses
of this International Standard; in special cases reference to the test submission document will be
d) the test results, i.e. the statement that the ankle-foot device or foot unit submitted for test complies with
the requirements of this lnternational Standard, or the reason why it does not comply with these
a) the application of the static proof test as part of the alternative static ultimate strength test of Annex B in
accordance with 16.2.1 .I,Clause B.l and 8.2 c) [see also D.4.1 b)];
b) the realignment and re-use of a test sample that has completed the cyclic test procedure (including the
final static test) without failing, in accordance with;
e) the individual settings for the preparation of the test equipment and the arrangement of the foot platform
for heel loading, including the positioning of the specific heel block, in accordance with;
f) the finding whether or not the test sample sustains heel loading by the proof test force F,, and, if it does
not, the highest value of test force reached or the time for which the prescribed value of the proof test
force Flsphas been maintained in accordance with;
g) the decision on the application of the test procedure in forefoot loading in accordance with 12.3.3
h) upon inspection of the test sample, the nature and, if possible, the location of any damage in accordance
i) the individual settings for the arrangement of the foot platform for forefoot loading, including the
positioning of the specific heel block, in accordance with;
j) the finding whether or not the test sample sustains forefoot loading by the proof test force F2= and, if it
does not, the highest value of test force reached or the time for which the prescribed value otthe pmof
test force F2sphas been maintained in accordance with;
k) .upon inspection of the test sample, the nature and, if possible, the location of any damage in accordance
I) the decision on whether or not the test sample has passed the test procedure in heel loading and the test
procedure in forefoot loading in accordance with 16.2.1.lo;
m) the repetition of the test on a substitute test sample if a test sample, which has already passed the cyclic
test for ankle-foot devices and foot units, fails to satisfy the performance requirement of 16.2.2 in heel
loading or in forefoot loading, including all specific records called for [a) to I)], in accordance
D.3.2.2 For the ankle-foot device or foot unit submitted for test records of the decision on the compliance
with the static proof test for ankle-foot devices and foot units of this International Standard in accordance with
16.2.3, resulting in
a) a statement of compliance or
a) the application of the alternative static ultimate strength test of Annex B in accordance with, and [see f) and p)] [and also as an option - see x)]. [For details of the
application see D.4.1 a)];
b) the realignment and re-use of a test sample that has completed the static proof test andlor the cyclic test
procedure (including the final static test) without failing, in accordance with;
v) the repetition of the test on a substitute test sample in the failed direction of loading if a test sample that
has already passed the static proof test andlor the cyclic test, fails to satisfy either of the performance
requirements of 16.3.2 in heel loading or in forefoot loading, including all specific records called for [a) to
u)], in accordance with;
w) the repetition of the test on a substitute test sample in the failed direction of loading if a test sample that
has already passed the static ultimate strength test in one direction of loading, fails this test in the other
direction of loading, including all specific records called for [a) to u)], in accordance with;
x) (as an option) the repetition of the test on a substitute test sample in the failed direction of loading at an
increased rate of loading [see a)] if a test sample fails this test in one direction of loading at a rate of
loading of between 100 Nls and 250 Nls, including all specific records called for [a) to u)], in accordance
D.3.3.2 For the ankle-foot device or foot unit submitted for test records of the decision on the compliance
with the static ultimate strength test for ankle-foot devices and foot units of this International Standard in
accordance with 16.3.3, resulting in
a) a statement of compliance or
a) the test loading level to be applied, together with the corresponding profiles of the tilting angle At) of the
oscillating foot platform and the pulsating test force F,(t) or Fc(y), making specific reference to the
a p p l i o n of the additional test loading level P6 specified in Annex C, if appropriate, in accordance
c) the individual settings for the preparation of the test equipment and the arrangement of the foot platform,
including the positioning of the specific heel block, in accordance with;
d) the individual settings of the means of resistance to dislocation of the test sample during its lift-off phase
in accordance with;
e) the finding whether or not the test sample sustains heel loading by the maximum test force F,,, and
forefoot loading by the maximum test force , , ,F and, if it does not, the highest value of test force
reached in each direction of loading in accordance wth;
g) the frequency called for in accordance with 12.3.5 a), together with the number of cycles required to settle
down, in accordance with;
h) a statement whether the profiles of the test force Fc(t) or Fc(d and the tilting angle At) of the oscillating
foot platform are applied in accordance with, 14.3 f), g) and h), in accordance with;
i) the agreement on a frequency differing from the prescribed value in accordance with;
k) the frequency applied, i.e. the frequency called for or agreed upon [see g) and i)], together with the results
of the inspecbon of the waveform and the decision on the continuation of the test in accordance
I) the details of the exchangelreplacement of specified parts, including the number of cycles at shutdown
and the conditions of the restart of the test in accordance with 12.3.5 b), a) and;
m) the number of cycles at shutdown and whether failure has occurred, in accordance with;
n) the finding whether or not the test sample that has passed the cyclic test sustains the final static loading
successively applied by the test force FIfinto the heel and by the test force Fan to the forefoot and, if it
does not, the highest value of test force reached in each direction of loading or the time for which the
prescribed values of the final static test forces FiCnand F2finhave beenmaintained in accordance
0) the decision on whether the test sample has passed or failed the cyclic test procedure in accordance
p) upon inspection of the test sample, the nature and, if possible, the location of any damage in accordance
q) upon visual examination of the test sample at the request of the manufacturerlsubmitter, the presence,
location and nature of any fractures andlor cracks, together with the magnification used, in accordance
with 12.3.4 c), c) and
D.3.4.2 For the ankle-fwt device or foot unit submitted for test records of the decision on the compliance
with the cyclic test for ankle-foot devices and foot units of this International Standard in accordance with, resulting in
a) a statement of compliance or
b 0.4 Log records required for the alternative static ultimate strength tests according
to Annex B
D.4.1 For each test sample of the ankle-foot device or foot unit submitted for test, taken from the
prescribed batch according to 16.3.3, records of
a) the rate of loading and the highest value of test force and whether failure has occurred in accordance with
8.2 b) [see also D.3.3.1 a)];
b) the results of the subsequent static proof test in accordance with 8.2 c) [see also a)].
D.4.2 For the ankbfoot device or foot unit submitted for test records of the decision on the compliance
with the alternative static ultimate strength test for ankle-foot devices and foot units of this International
Standard in accordance with 8.2 d), resulting in
a) a statement of compliance or
Q IS0 2006 All rights regenred
Annex E
Background statement
The guidance offered in ISOlTR 22676 has required extensive analytical work which would have enlarged this
International Standard without directly supporting its application.
Most of the results from this work support, however, the understanding of the theoretical and technical
background and provide valuable findings concerning the design of appropriate test equipment.
The guidance offered can also serve as a basis for deliberations and decisions on a uniform design concept
for the test equipment required, in order to optimize the conditions of comparability of test results achieved at 0
different places.
ISOKR 22676 is, therefore, considered to be an appropriate means to make this information accessible to all
interested parties.
Q IS0 2006 All rights reserved 81
E.3 Selected items of lSO/TR 22676
E.3.1 General
In addition to the information on lSO/TR 22676 given in E.2, selected items of the technical report directly
related to specific normative elements of the main body of this International Standard are addressed in A.2
and E.3.
E.3.2 Effect of the position of the tilting axis TA of the foot platform on the elevation E and
the A-P displacement 4 o f the test sample at the foot
E.3.2.1 General
The tilting of the foot platform during the cyclic test up to the values occurring at the instant of heel contact
(M= - 20") and at the instant of toe-off (fro = 40°), specified in Table 11, can move the ankle-foot device or
foot unit by considerable amounts of both elevation E, illustrated in Figure E.1, and A-P displacement ;A
illustrated in Figure E.2.
This is not desirable, particularly because any A-P displacement 4 o f a test sample at the foot will result in an
angular movement Ap of the test sample about the top load application point PT, as addressed in E.3.3. The
higher the maximum value of A-P displacement ;A the greater the angular movement Ap and hence, the
greater the deviations from the specified test loading conditions will be.
As a general rule, the maximum value of angular movement A p about the top load application point PT at the
instants of F,,, (1st maximum of the loading profile) and F2,ax (2nd maximum of the loading profile)
should not exceed 1O.
As is demonstrated in 4.6 of lSO/TR 22676:2006, this can be achieved by an appropriate positioning of the
Wing axis TA of the foot platform.
E.3.2.2 Conclusions
The analysis in 4.6 of lSO/TR 22676:2006 indicates the position of the tilting axis TA, which minimizes the
values of the elevation E and the AIP displacement AJ at
The coordinates dearly indicate a dependence of the position of the titting axis TA on the foot length L.
The coordinatesfTA, and UTA, are specified in Table 7 for a wide range of foot lengths, L. In addiin,
Table 7 includes the above equations that determine these coordinates for any other foot length.
NOTE The position of the tilting axis TA specified above is also illustrated in Figure E.5.
In order to limit the complexity of the design of the foot platform, it is possible to regard the dependence of the
positii of its tilting axis TA on the foot length, L by a corresponding transposition of the related top load
application point PT, which needs to be adjusted anyway, since it i s also dependent on the foot length L.
E.3.4.1 General
As already indicated in E.3.2.2, it is possible to take account of the dependence of the position of the tilting
axis TA of the foot platform on the foot length L by a corresponding transposition of the related top load
application point PT, which needs to be adjusted anyway, since it is also dependent on the foot length L.
- It simplifies the setting-up of the test sample in the test equipment, since it reduces the amount of
adjustment work and
- it does not necessarily require a design of the foot platform that allows the position of its tilting axis TA to
be adjusted (but see NOTES to E.3.4.2).
According to Figure E.4, the procedure addressed in E.3.4.1 can be canied out in principle by
a) specifying a fixed standard or compromise position of the tilting axis TA of the foot platform, determined
by the offsetsfTA, 2. and UTA, 32 (see NOTE 1) or UTA, C,respectively (see NOTE 2),
b) transposing the top load application point PT relevant to a specific foot length L of the test sample
parallel to thefaxis by qTA,L, the value of 4iA = fiA, 20 -fTA, L) representing the difference between
the offsetfTA, 2o of the fixed position of the tilting'axis TA [see a)] and its offsetfTA, relevant to a specific
foot length L (see Table E.2),
c) transposing the top load application point PT, relevant to a specific foot length L of the test sample
parallel to the raxis by AuTA, [see I)] or A*& [see 2)], where
1) the value of hTA, = ( q 32 - qA represents the difference between the offset UTA 32 of the fixed
position of the tihng ax is+^
[see a)] and its offset UTA, relevant to a specific foot lengh L, and
the values of AuTA, and AuTA, corresponding to the thickness of the compensation plates used for the
elevation of the contact surface of the foot platform required to adapt it to the value of UTA, or w,C,
respectively (but see NOTE 3).
NOTE 1 The possibilities of transposing the top load application point PT shown in E.3.4.2, Figure E.4 and Table E.2
rsquire the fixed standard position of the tilting axis TA to be determined by a value relevant to the smallest size
and a value of uTA, relevant to the largest size of foot covered by the range of foot lengths 20 an s L s 32 an,w h i is
considered to cover the vast majority of sizes expected to be submited for test. If appropriate, this range can easily be
extended to smaller or larger sizes with subsquent changes of the values of w T A , L, and h A , c.
NOTE 2 As is demonstrated in 3.8 of ISOlTR 22676:2006, the most appropriate uniform compromise offset %A, of
the tilting axis TA of the foot platform addressed in c) 2) is UTA, = 26 mm (0,l L according to E.3.2.2 for a foot of the
length L = 26 an) applicable to all foot lengths L, applied together with the individual offset ffA = 0,365 L according to
E.3.2.2 relevant to each individual foot length L (see Figure E.5). The resulting displacements 4 w i l l cause angular
movements Aq, about the top load application point PT in an arrangement according to 13.4.2 and Figure 5 keeping just
below lo (0,9g0).
E.3.4.3 Practicality
The procedure described in E.3.4.1 and E.3.4.2 is considered to be both appropriate and practicable.
- It provides appropriate means of diminishing the elevation E and A-P displacement Af of the test sample
at the foot, caused by the tilting of the foot platform up to the values occurring at the instants of heel
contact and toe-off (see E.3.2).
- It simplifies the setting-up of the test sample in the test equipment, since it reduces the amount of
adjustment work (see E.3.4.1).
0 - It does not increase the complexrty of the design of the foot platform to an intolerable extent (see E.3.4.2).
The only dierence to be regarded is, that the u-axis of the coordinate system (see 6.2 and Figure 1) and the
effective ankle-joint centre (see 6.7.3) located on it, which are used as reference for the alignment of the test
sample and its setting-up in the test equipment, no longer have a fixed position relative to the base frame of
the test equipment. Moreover, they keep their fixed position relative to the top load application point PT and,
hence, are transposed together with it.
Flgure E.4 Illustration of porrslbllitiesof transposing the top load application point PT
for compensation of the dependence of the position of the tilting axis TA of the foot platform
on the foot length L
f; u axes of coordinate system
C,. 20, %, 32 specific positions of effective anklejoint centre CA related to feet of specific lengths L = 20 an, L = 26 an
T specific positions of tilting axis TA of foot platform related to feet of specific lengths L = 20 an, L = 26 an
*A, C, 20, 26.32 dimension of uniform compromise offset UTA, = UTA 28 = 26 mm (0,l x foot length L = 26 cm)nlated to
pel position of bottom load application point on heel
pen position of bottom load mication point on forefoot
4fez 2o anterior displacement of bottom load application point Pm at the instant of maximum forefoot reference
loading (test force F= F-) relatedto foot of specific length, L = 20 an
%o, 32 posterior displacement of point of foot at instant of toe-off (test force F = 0) related to foot of specific
length, L = 32 an
L foot length
Figure E.5 Illustration of the e a t of a fixed compromise offset uTA, of the tilting axis TA
of the foot platfonn on the A-P displacement Af at the foot [see E.3.4.2c) 2)]
Table E.2 -
Possibilities of transposing the top load application point PT for compensationof the
dependence of the position of the tilting axis TA of the foot platform on the foot length L
Coordinates of Coordinates of Procedure according to Transposition of PT
'mgulaf' U ~ ~ l position
a f ' E.3.4.2 b) and E.3.4.2 c) 1) according to E.3.4.2 b)'and
position of top of tilting axis TA of for compensation of fixed E.3.4.2 c) 2) for compensation
load application foot platform position of tilting axis TA of fixed compromise position
point of foot platform at of tilting axis TA of foot
Foot p ~ L, JTA, 20 = 73 and UTA,32 = 32 platform at
fTA, = 73 and UTA, c = 26
Transposition Use of
cm of compen-
JT. L UT. L &A.L U ~L ~ ,
PT, L sation plates Afi~
L . AUTA. c
of thickness
L A ~ T AL.
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
20 17 445 73 20 0 12 12 0 6
21 18 467 77 21 -4 11 11 -4 6
22 19 489 80 22 -7 10 10 -7 6
23 19 511 84 23 - 11 9 9 - 11 6
24 20 534 88 24 - 15 8 8 - 15 6
The possiMIibles of transposing the top load application point PTshown require the fixed standard position of the Whng axis TA to
be determined by a value of fTk ralevent to the smallest sue and a value of vk relevant to the largest size of foot cowred by
For a real arrangement of foot platform with the tilting axis TA located at a uniform compromise offset ur4 above the platform
This International Standard has been prepared to support the essential principles of safety and performance
of prosthetic ankle-foot devices and foot units as medical devices according to ISOTTR 16142. This
InternationalStandard is suitable for conformity assessment purposes.
Compliance with this lnternational Standard provides one means of demonstrating conformity with specific
essential principles of lSO/TR 16142. Other means are possible.
NOTE 1 The essential principles of safety and performance according to ISOITR 16142 conform, in both strudure
and contents, to the essential requirements according to Annex I of the European Directive 931421EEC concerning
medical devices with a few exceptions.
NOTE 2 This annex has been endosed to provide the same information as original Annex ZA, which has been
removed from this International Standard for formal reasons. Table F.l c o n f m s to Table ZA.1 of original Annex ZA in
both structure and contents, with the exception of the column headings.
[I] ISOKR 22676:2006, Prosthetics - Testing of ankle-foot devices and foot unzs - Guidance on the
application of the test loading conditions of EN IS0 22675 and on the design of appropriate test
[2] ISOKR 16142:1999, Medical devices- Guidance on the selection of standards in support of
recognized essential principles of safety and performance of medical devices