WLP Science 10 W7
WLP Science 10 W7
WLP Science 10 W7
B. Motivation (Engage)
F. Evaluation
Present the assessment task. Let them answer the provided
questions. End the class by telling the learners to study about
the next activity.
4 3. identify the Light: Mirrors Begin with classroom routine:
relationship and Lenses
between the Qualitative Prayer
number of images Reminder of the Classroom Health and Safety Protocols
formed and the Checking of Attendance
angle between the of Images
Quick “kumustahan”
two mirrors, and
4. Use the A. Recall (Elicit)
gathered data to 1. Why is the word AMBULANCE written in a reverse
derive the formula manner?
for determining
the number of B. Motivation (Engage)
images formed
when two mirrors
are kept at a
certain angle.
5. Describe the
location, size, and
orientation of the
images formed by
curved mirrors.
F. Evaluation
Present the assessment task. Let them answer the provided
questions. End the class by telling the learners to study about
the next activity.
Assessment 3
Directions: Answer the following questions. Use a separate sheet.
1. Describe your image as you look at your face on the concave
surface of the spoon.
A. erect, virtual B. inverted, real
2. Describe your image after you bring the spoon on arm length
distance away from you using the concave surface of the spoon.
A. appear as real image B. appear as virtual image
3. Describe your image as you look at your face on the convex
surface of the spoon.
A. erect, virtual B. inverted, real
4. Describe your image after you bring the spoon on arm length
distance away from you using the convex surface of the mirror.
A. appear as real B. appear as virtual