Follow - Jackson Tegu

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On Going Places

Sometimes you’re going from A to B ongoing description. Though there might

and you know where B is, and that’s fine, be some twists, I’m sure you’ll get there
you just go there. Directions from A to eventually.
B leave little room for improvisation or
interpretation, especially when “B” is a And sometimes B isn’t a fixed value, or
known & fixed value, but usually when isn’t really a place but more of an idea,
you’re in this situation you’re ok with that. or maybe there isn’t really a B at all just a
sort of completion-of-the-journey feeling.
Sometimes you don’t know where B is and For these occasions it can be pretty fun to
so you use a map of some kind to get from leap into the open arms of the world with
A, perhaps a drawn map or a written list some lines to swing on, a way of navigating
of directions or some telephone friend’s besides observing the broad strokes of the landscape.
On Cooking

Sometimes you’ll cook something that

you’ve made a hundred times before,
go by memory, chop things up, familiar
ingredients, maybe watch a show at the
same time, head elsewhere.You don’t need
a recipe because it’s practically muscle

And sometimes you’ll cook something

new, dabbling with strange flavours,
bringing out untapped elements of
familiar ingredients
or striding into
completely new territory, carefully
following someone’s written account of
this concoction step by step until your
common sense calls for a substitution of
some kind. Eventually the recipe will be
finished and ready to eat.

On Following

When you’re following someone to a

restaurant or a party or to see a cool
tide pool they found on the beach, you
generally don’t know where you’re going.
That’s ok, because the person you’re
following knows. They’re leading you

When you’re following someone while

partner dancing, they’re leading you
through a series of movements, and every
movement is a suggestion. It’s ok if you
miss a suggestion or two, or decide to
substitute something else instead of one
of the suggestions. It’s all part of the same
groove, and it might just work out better.

When you’re
following a
geographic recipe
in this game, the
experience will have elements of both the
above.You’ll trust you’re going somewhere
interesting, and it’s fine to modify the listed
suggestions when you’re inclined to.

On Recipes

Recipes are not like maps. Maps are strict,

for the most part, and unyielding. (Recipes
are all about yield! Haha! Ok I’ll stop.)
Recipes can be dabbled with, modified, or
changed outright.
Like dances, recipes are collections of
suggestions. And while we could talk about
them being good suggestions (such as
“add some garlic to the green beans while A recipe that feels like it’s intended for
they’re frying”) or ill-advised suggestions use in a room full of friends might get
(such as “add some heavy cream to the no traction on a busy street– but perhaps
green beans while they’re frying”), it’s experimentation will prove otherwise. the journey due to weather, staying away
better to talk about appropriate suggestions from a dangerous thing or area, adding
or inappropriate ones for the situation repetitions of the same steps to get some
you’re in. On Substitutions better distance out of it, taking a pit stop or
detour, correcting away from somewhere
With these geographic recipes, you’ll get A canny chef will modify a recipe to better that doesn’t seem fruitful, switching out
to choose an appropriate one which you fit their current situation. For food recipes one strange sound for another, pivoting
can further tailor to the situation you’re that might include scaling it to make more towards an unexpected excitement, seeking
in, either by experimentation or intuition. or fewer servings, making allowances for the opposite, rebounding from a barricade,
allergies or food preferences, adding more respectfully aliceing, and so on.
garlic, spicing it up or down, modifying the
dish so it’s not too similar to what we ate
last night, and so on. On Taking Steps

For geographic recipes that might include Recipes are made from lists of steps, each
broadening the indicated observation into one a small part of the whole. They’re
other senses, adjusting the scale, modifying intended to be followed in order, though
we’ve discussed how that’s malleable once
you’re out in the wild.

A step tells you what to do right now

or actively be looking for as you move
through your surroundings. Each step
points you in the direction of the next
step– they get you moving, & it’s up to you
with your perception & interpretation to
A Quiet Darkness know when to stop following the current
one and start looking for signs of the next.
1. Stand until you begin leaning in a direction, & walk that way.
2.When you reach a lot of information, bear left.
3. Follow the shadow-direction.
5. Go away from the big moving thing.
6. Go right around the barrier.
7. Listening as the sound drops away.
8. Low down.
9. A quiet darkness.
you’ve made and everything that
serendipitously transpired to bring you in
line with a written-down list of things to
watch for and do, everything that brought
you to this place of completion. Regardless
of how it happened, it feels pretty special
to experience it. Remember this place: this
is where this recipe led you, where this line
of exploration wound up. Congratulations!

On Recording Your Journey

Sometimes one step will lead you
seamlessly to the next one, and sometimes Using the methods and tools you prefer,
you’ll have to wait a bit in the place you either during or afterwards, make a
choose for the next step to come along. record of your journey. Perhaps you’ll
Waiting for steps to materialize can take a take photographs of your departure and
pinch of trust and a dash of hope; if you pivot points. Perhaps you’ll make point-
find yourself lacking either of those it form journal entries that reflect on each
might be time to make a substitution based step as you reach them. Perhaps you’ll
on your expectations of your surroundings. capture your voice, or collect trinkets and
keepsakes along the way.

On Arriving However you choose to do so, your record

is a boon to other travelers experimenting
Let’s talk about maps again for a moment. with the same recipe. If possible, install or
Following maps or directions can be kind post a copy of your record in a public place
of precarious because if you miss even one along with the recipe. Others may wish to
step, or switch a few around, then suddenly follow in your footsteps or compare the
you’ve “done it wrong” and won’t wind up way you followed the recipe to their own
at your destination. resultant journey.

Following geographic recipes is more

forgiving because they, by their nature, set On Writing New Recipes
the destination where you wind up. And
whether or not you’ve arrived is your Don’t sweat the context. Context can be
opinion rather than some arbitrary external implied, but it’s fine for a recipe to be
geography. followed by someone in a different context
than originally conceived. These recipes,
When you arrive, that is to say, when in contrast to certain other extant forms
you complete the last step of your recipe, of psychogeographic navigation, should be
hold that moment for yourself. Feel it. concerned primarily with the view point
Appreciate the choices and observations of the follower and their role as interpreter
of their environment rather than a primary Follow
focus on the environment-as-maze and the by Jackson Tegu
follower’s role as navigator thereof.
Dedicated to my dear love @autoflaneur &
The title of your recipe is also its all the places you’ve taken me.
anticipated outcome, so please be wise
about the strain you’re putting on reality. This game started when I saw the art in an
I would hazard that “A Delightful Korean old folder of Graypawn’s shelved projects.
Restaurant In Your Price Range” is too Some of the steps along the way seemed
specific, though if you whip up a recipe useless or unnecessary, but they got us here.
that locates one reliably I would be
extremely interested in copying it down. Written in Seattle, Olympia, Copenhagen,
Hobro, Sofia, Sapareva Banya, Rila, Plovdiv,
Steps are best if a little vague and open Dublin, Doolin, Oslo, Los Angeles, and
to interpretation by the follower in their the I-5 heading North toward Oakland,
particular surroundings. Draw on the March and April 2016. Layout perfected in
senses. Avoid exact measurements, like Oakland just before leaving.
paces or metres or left turns or city blocks.
Avoid writing steps that instruct potentially Thanks to Marina, Símon & Anders, Mads,
awkward or situationally upsetting things Frix, Lizzie, everyone at the Østerskov,
like trailing passersby or opening doors three Mortens, two Troelses, Sidsel,
(though of course the followers have Jonathan, everyone at Fastaval (words
a responsibility to make appropriate cannot express), Nina, Ann & Peter, Miguel,
adjustments). Consider progressing from Dyado Delcho, Mike K & Marina#3 &
potentially large movements to probably Dana-son, everyone at Downtown Blues,
smaller movements, as if fine-tuning a Øle Peder again, Siku, Mika, PSH, Skye,
radio station. See if you can squeeze extra everyone at the Sugar Shack, and ESBG.
meaning out of your words, selecting
words that mean two or more things or can Rats off to my lovely patrons, in
be interpreted different ways in particular particular Bay, .dig, Dylan Nix,Vice
contexts. Telepath Eric Fattig, Evan Silberman,
Feiya Wang, Madu, Greg Sanders, Harry
The example recipes are all experiments. Lee, Admiral Fuzzyface & Madame
They embrace different writing styles. Feisty, Jason Wodicka, Jenn the 90 year
Dabble with these writing styles or create old tree, The Fuzziest Kitty, Joe Snack-
your own. What would a recipe for Chomper Greathead, John Harper, John
locating something in a drawer look like? Powell, Jon ‘Van’ Robertson, Jonathan
What about a recipe to be followed by a Jung Johansen, J. Walton, Josh T Jordan,
large number of people, or two recipes that Kythryn Hymys, Lester Ward, Matthew
interconnect, or a recipe to take you back Klein, Matthew Sullivan-Barrett, Nathan
to where you started via an alternate route? Black, nemomeme, Galactic Impersonator
What about multi-day recipes or sequel Noam Rosen, Phil ‘Wiseacre’ Hanley,
recipes or shapeshifting recipes or recipes Sean Nittner, Sparrow, Stras ‘Consulting
that might result in the follower having a Designer’ Acimovic, Tony Dowler,Vincent
different point of view? Baker, and The Indisputable Will.

This follows in the footsteps of other

The End psychogeographic experiments & games,
such as those by the Situationists, The
...she went on. “Would you tell me, please, Flaneur Society, The Bureau of Unknown
which way I ought to go from here?” Destinations, Rachael Antony, Joel Henry,
“That depends a good deal on where you William Burroughs, Robert Macfarlane,
want to get to,” said the Cat. Harry Giles, and probably you.
“I don’t much care where—” said Alice.
“Then it doesn’t matter which way you Special thanks to A* & Nathan,Ymr,
go,” said the Cat. Gary Mmm, Robert, Sythana & Sarah,
“—so long as I get somewhere,” Alice Graypawn, Dub & Janine, Lo, & Lewis.
added as an explanation.
“Oh, you’re sure to do that,” said the Cat,
“if you only walk long enough.”
A Quiet Darkness
1. Stand until you begin leaning in a direction, & walk that way.
2.When you reach a lot of information, bear left.
3. Follow the shadow-direction.
5. Go away from the big moving thing.
6. Go right around the barrier.
7. Listening as the sound drops away.
8. Low down.
9. A quiet darkness.

How To Play

Take 1 recipe.
Follow the steps but also your intuition Let your mindset be inquisitive, expectant,
and senses. Trust serendipity but also your aware, and trusting. Engaged with the
gut and head. If the recipe’s off, broaden unfolding journey. Accepting of serendipity.
your interpretation, or switch a couple Excitedly scanning for the next step of
steps, or jump ahead, or tweak it a little, or your recipe to reveal itself. Weight on one
substitute something else entirely, or open foot, ready to change directions. Patient.
your arms to the world for suggestions. Tuned in.

Await Further Instructions

1. Go in the least familiar direction until your breathing changes.
2.Wait for the new sound rising, & go towards where you heard it come from.
3. Go only as far as you could see when you first heard the sound, & wait there.
4. Someone who catches your eye will appear, go to where they caught your eye & wait.
5. Pick up the least dirty thing you can find.
6. Await further instructions.

How To Play

Take 1 recipe.
Follow the steps but also your intuition Let your mindset be inquisitive, expectant,
and senses. Trust serendipity but also your aware, and trusting. Engaged with the
gut and head. If the recipe’s off, broaden unfolding journey. Accepting of serendipity.
your interpretation, or switch a couple Excitedly scanning for the next step of
steps, or jump ahead, or tweak it a little, or your recipe to reveal itself. Weight on one
substitute something else entirely, or open foot, ready to change directions. Patient.
your arms to the world for suggestions. Tuned in.
1.Where it is quietest.
2.Where it is darkest.
3.Where it is quietest.
4.Where it is darkest.
5.Where it is quietest.
6.Where it is darkest.
7. Shining.

How To Play

Take 1 recipe.
Follow the steps but also your intuition Let your mindset be inquisitive, expectant,
and senses. Trust serendipity but also your aware, and trusting. Engaged with the
gut and head. If the recipe’s off, broaden unfolding journey. Accepting of serendipity.
your interpretation, or switch a couple Excitedly scanning for the next step of
steps, or jump ahead, or tweak it a little, or your recipe to reveal itself. Weight on one
substitute something else entirely, or open foot, ready to change directions. Patient.
your arms to the world for suggestions. Tuned in.

A Detail Perfectly In Place

1. Offer your hand to the room or street, and when someone takes it, follow them.
2.They’ll eventually deposit you somewhere. Look down for a moment, then look forward and begin slowly walking forward.
3. As you look, when you meet someone’s eyes, offer them your hand.
4.When someone takes your hand, smile with them and listen together for the rhythm.
5.When you hear the rhythm, move to it with them and lead them to and fro but nowhere in particular.
6.When they part from you, say goodbye, and look up.
7. A detail perfectly in place.

How To Play

Take 1 recipe.
Follow the steps but also your intuition Let your mindset be inquisitive, expectant,
and senses. Trust serendipity but also your aware, and trusting. Engaged with the
gut and head. If the recipe’s off, broaden unfolding journey. Accepting of serendipity.
your interpretation, or switch a couple Excitedly scanning for the next step of
steps, or jump ahead, or tweak it a little, or your recipe to reveal itself. Weight on one
substitute something else entirely, or open foot, ready to change directions. Patient.
your arms to the world for suggestions. Tuned in.
1.Towards an imagined solitude.
2.Towards a likely dinner.
3.Towards an expected warmth.
4.Towards an anticipated cup of tea.
5.Towards the voices.
6. Hurrah!

How To Play

Take 1 recipe.
Follow the steps but also your intuition Let your mindset be inquisitive, expectant,
and senses. Trust serendipity but also your aware, and trusting. Engaged with the
gut and head. If the recipe’s off, broaden unfolding journey. Accepting of serendipity.
your interpretation, or switch a couple Excitedly scanning for the next step of
steps, or jump ahead, or tweak it a little, or your recipe to reveal itself. Weight on one
substitute something else entirely, or open foot, ready to change directions. Patient.
your arms to the world for suggestions. Tuned in.

Yesterday’s Remains
1. Close your eyes.What was a colour from yesterday?
2. Open your eyes and walk towards the first instance of that colour.
3.When you notice a more powerful instance of that colour, walk towards that instead.
4. Position yourself nearby so that both instances of the color are not visible to you.
5. Listen for a whispering, shushing, hissing, burbling, sweeping, or sizzling sound. Go towards it.
6.You will hear a voice say something. Interpret this as either “left” or “right” and go that way.
7. Something is cold.Touch it, find it.
8.There’s something written on or near it.
9.Yesterday’s remains.

How To Play

Take 1 recipe.
Follow the steps but also your intuition Let your mindset be inquisitive, expectant,
and senses. Trust serendipity but also your aware, and trusting. Engaged with the
gut and head. If the recipe’s off, broaden unfolding journey. Accepting of serendipity.
your interpretation, or switch a couple Excitedly scanning for the next step of
steps, or jump ahead, or tweak it a little, or your recipe to reveal itself. Weight on one
substitute something else entirely, or open foot, ready to change directions. Patient.
your arms to the world for suggestions. Tuned in.
Something To Bring With You
1. Go towards the people.
2. Approach the complicated pattern.
3. Around the edge, follow the perimeter.
4. Calling voice.
5. Something to bring with you.

How To Play

Take 1 recipe.
Follow the steps but also your intuition Let your mindset be inquisitive, expectant,
and senses. Trust serendipity but also your aware, and trusting. Engaged with the
gut and head. If the recipe’s off, broaden unfolding journey. Accepting of serendipity.
your interpretation, or switch a couple Excitedly scanning for the next step of
steps, or jump ahead, or tweak it a little, or your recipe to reveal itself. Weight on one
substitute something else entirely, or open foot, ready to change directions. Patient.
your arms to the world for suggestions. Tuned in.

Bathed In The Light

1. Respectfully draw nearer a potential danger.
2.Take the lead from others nearby for how to behave.
3.When not in danger, dig through your pockets for something to drop and drop it, allowing it to indicate your next direction.
4. If this returns you to danger, behave carefully.
5. A square.
6. Parallel lines.
7. Bathed in the light.

How To Play

Take 1 recipe.
Follow the steps but also your intuition Let your mindset be inquisitive, expectant,
and senses. Trust serendipity but also your aware, and trusting. Engaged with the
gut and head. If the recipe’s off, broaden unfolding journey. Accepting of serendipity.
your interpretation, or switch a couple Excitedly scanning for the next step of
steps, or jump ahead, or tweak it a little, or your recipe to reveal itself. Weight on one
substitute something else entirely, or open foot, ready to change directions. Patient.
your arms to the world for suggestions. Tuned in.

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