Follow - Jackson Tegu
Follow - Jackson Tegu
Follow - Jackson Tegu
On Following
When you’re
following a
geographic recipe
in this game, the
experience will have elements of both the
above.You’ll trust you’re going somewhere
interesting, and it’s fine to modify the listed
suggestions when you’re inclined to.
On Recipes
For geographic recipes that might include Recipes are made from lists of steps, each
broadening the indicated observation into one a small part of the whole. They’re
other senses, adjusting the scale, modifying intended to be followed in order, though
we’ve discussed how that’s malleable once
you’re out in the wild.
How To Play
Take 1 recipe.
Follow the steps but also your intuition Let your mindset be inquisitive, expectant,
and senses. Trust serendipity but also your aware, and trusting. Engaged with the
gut and head. If the recipe’s off, broaden unfolding journey. Accepting of serendipity.
your interpretation, or switch a couple Excitedly scanning for the next step of
steps, or jump ahead, or tweak it a little, or your recipe to reveal itself. Weight on one
substitute something else entirely, or open foot, ready to change directions. Patient.
your arms to the world for suggestions. Tuned in.
How To Play
Take 1 recipe.
Follow the steps but also your intuition Let your mindset be inquisitive, expectant,
and senses. Trust serendipity but also your aware, and trusting. Engaged with the
gut and head. If the recipe’s off, broaden unfolding journey. Accepting of serendipity.
your interpretation, or switch a couple Excitedly scanning for the next step of
steps, or jump ahead, or tweak it a little, or your recipe to reveal itself. Weight on one
substitute something else entirely, or open foot, ready to change directions. Patient.
your arms to the world for suggestions. Tuned in.
1.Where it is quietest.
2.Where it is darkest.
3.Where it is quietest.
4.Where it is darkest.
5.Where it is quietest.
6.Where it is darkest.
7. Shining.
How To Play
Take 1 recipe.
Follow the steps but also your intuition Let your mindset be inquisitive, expectant,
and senses. Trust serendipity but also your aware, and trusting. Engaged with the
gut and head. If the recipe’s off, broaden unfolding journey. Accepting of serendipity.
your interpretation, or switch a couple Excitedly scanning for the next step of
steps, or jump ahead, or tweak it a little, or your recipe to reveal itself. Weight on one
substitute something else entirely, or open foot, ready to change directions. Patient.
your arms to the world for suggestions. Tuned in.
How To Play
Take 1 recipe.
Follow the steps but also your intuition Let your mindset be inquisitive, expectant,
and senses. Trust serendipity but also your aware, and trusting. Engaged with the
gut and head. If the recipe’s off, broaden unfolding journey. Accepting of serendipity.
your interpretation, or switch a couple Excitedly scanning for the next step of
steps, or jump ahead, or tweak it a little, or your recipe to reveal itself. Weight on one
substitute something else entirely, or open foot, ready to change directions. Patient.
your arms to the world for suggestions. Tuned in.
1.Towards an imagined solitude.
2.Towards a likely dinner.
3.Towards an expected warmth.
4.Towards an anticipated cup of tea.
5.Towards the voices.
6. Hurrah!
How To Play
Take 1 recipe.
Follow the steps but also your intuition Let your mindset be inquisitive, expectant,
and senses. Trust serendipity but also your aware, and trusting. Engaged with the
gut and head. If the recipe’s off, broaden unfolding journey. Accepting of serendipity.
your interpretation, or switch a couple Excitedly scanning for the next step of
steps, or jump ahead, or tweak it a little, or your recipe to reveal itself. Weight on one
substitute something else entirely, or open foot, ready to change directions. Patient.
your arms to the world for suggestions. Tuned in.
Yesterday’s Remains
1. Close your eyes.What was a colour from yesterday?
2. Open your eyes and walk towards the first instance of that colour.
3.When you notice a more powerful instance of that colour, walk towards that instead.
4. Position yourself nearby so that both instances of the color are not visible to you.
5. Listen for a whispering, shushing, hissing, burbling, sweeping, or sizzling sound. Go towards it.
6.You will hear a voice say something. Interpret this as either “left” or “right” and go that way.
7. Something is cold.Touch it, find it.
8.There’s something written on or near it.
9.Yesterday’s remains.
How To Play
Take 1 recipe.
Follow the steps but also your intuition Let your mindset be inquisitive, expectant,
and senses. Trust serendipity but also your aware, and trusting. Engaged with the
gut and head. If the recipe’s off, broaden unfolding journey. Accepting of serendipity.
your interpretation, or switch a couple Excitedly scanning for the next step of
steps, or jump ahead, or tweak it a little, or your recipe to reveal itself. Weight on one
substitute something else entirely, or open foot, ready to change directions. Patient.
your arms to the world for suggestions. Tuned in.
Something To Bring With You
1. Go towards the people.
2. Approach the complicated pattern.
3. Around the edge, follow the perimeter.
4. Calling voice.
5. Something to bring with you.
How To Play
Take 1 recipe.
Follow the steps but also your intuition Let your mindset be inquisitive, expectant,
and senses. Trust serendipity but also your aware, and trusting. Engaged with the
gut and head. If the recipe’s off, broaden unfolding journey. Accepting of serendipity.
your interpretation, or switch a couple Excitedly scanning for the next step of
steps, or jump ahead, or tweak it a little, or your recipe to reveal itself. Weight on one
substitute something else entirely, or open foot, ready to change directions. Patient.
your arms to the world for suggestions. Tuned in.
How To Play
Take 1 recipe.
Follow the steps but also your intuition Let your mindset be inquisitive, expectant,
and senses. Trust serendipity but also your aware, and trusting. Engaged with the
gut and head. If the recipe’s off, broaden unfolding journey. Accepting of serendipity.
your interpretation, or switch a couple Excitedly scanning for the next step of
steps, or jump ahead, or tweak it a little, or your recipe to reveal itself. Weight on one
substitute something else entirely, or open foot, ready to change directions. Patient.
your arms to the world for suggestions. Tuned in.