Data Protection Breach Management Policy
Data Protection Breach Management Policy
Data Protection Breach Management Policy
May 2018
The purpose of this document is to provide guidance on the process that must take place
should an incident or breach occur either within the HSE or externally by third party data
‘Personal data breach’ means a breach of security leading to the accidental or unlawful
destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of, or access to, personal data transmitted,
stored or otherwise processed.
Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), all personal data breaches must be
reported to the Data Protection Commissioner with 72 hours of first becoming aware of the breach.
The process flow map for the process is shown at the end of this guidance document
1. Incident Identified
All staff should be able to identify a breach or incident and should be aware of who to report the
breach to should they have to report such a breach or incident. Early recognition and reporting
of breaches is essential to ensure the 72 hr time limit for reporting to the DPC is achieved.
6. DP Incident logged, Corrective actions advised
The incident should be recorded by the relevant manager. The relevant manager will liaise with
the DDPO and in consultation with him/her, advise of corrective action that should be made to
prevent the incident recurring.
8. Log Breach, Advise of corrective actions
The DDPO should log the breach with the DPC and advise of any corrective actions that have
taken place.
Establish who needs to be made aware of the breach and inform them of what
they are expected to do to assist in the containment and recovery exercise. For
example, communication dept. Gardaí, management team etc.
The relevant manager should:
Establish whether there is anything that can be done to recover losses and limit the
damage the breach can cause. For example, changing access codes to server
rooms or medical records libraries/ examining physical access etc.
Implement the changes prescribed by the DDPO
Outline what has occurred with their personal data and apologise for the incident;
provide name and contact details for further information;
describe the likely consequences of the personal data breach;
describe the measures taken or proposed to be taken by the relevant manager to
address the personal data breach, including, where appropriate, measures to mitigate its
possible adverse effects;
Confirm that the DPC has been notified of the breach;
Record notification to data subject.
Please note; Data Protection Breaches have to be reported to the Data Protection
Commissioner. In that regard the Area Consumer Affairs/Regional Consumer Affairs
officers are the only HSE officers designated to report a breach to the Data
Protection Commissioner.
No Further Action
Data Protection
Breach Form
Completed and
Sent to DDPO
Relevant Manager
Log Incident,
Complete Risk
Implementing Begin
Start Containment Assessment – Notify Data
Corrective Actions Implementing
and Recovery Compile Breach Subjects
Corrective Actions
Yes No No
Data Protection DP Incident
Data Protection Large Scale or Advise of Does the breach
Incident or Logged. Corrective
Breach? Highly Corrective Actions, affect rights and
Breach? Actions Advised
Sensitive Start Notification freedoms of Data
Breach? Process Subjects?
No Yes
Review Report,
Advise on
Corrective Actions
Breach Logged
with DPC