4 Ict Steam Iv 202223
4 Ict Steam Iv 202223
4 Ict Steam Iv 202223
Mid-Term Assessment (Practical Assessment) Sep ICT Practical 40 marks+ ICT Project 20 marks+ STEAM Practical 20 Marks
Annual Exam (Practical Assessment) Feb-March ICT Practical 40 marks+ ICT Project 20 marks+ STEAM Practical 20 Marks
Continuous Assessment
I. CLASS WORK/ HOME WORK / ASSIGNMENT RECORD Regularity & Punctuality: Student records the tasks carried out in class
as taking down running notes, drawing diagrams, note down dictated 10
matter and solve assignments given in the prescribed notebooks in
every period.
Sl.no. Assessment Evaluation criteria Marks
Neatness: The note books are maintained well and the task in recorded
II. PRACTICAL SKILL/SEMINAR Manipulative skills of the student would be evaluated based on
following instructions:
Students would be carrying out a variety of activities/
experiments during the academic session to facilitate Working with coherence and coordination in groups.
learning by doing.
Execution of the program in explanatory form.
Students to work on various aspects of the practical
task as designing, data collection, interpretation of
results. Creativity
The skills used during these activities will be Self-motivation and self-reflection
continuously evaluated throughout the academic
Team work
This section contains the term wise details of the syllabus, portion for Pre Mid Term, Mid Term, Post Mid Term & Annual exams and the SCM
schedule. It gives an overview of the specific objectives topic wise. The expected outcome, i.e. what the students must know after the subtopic is
covered is mentioned in the form of learning outcomes
No. of
Month Course Description Learning Outcome Activity Portion for Assessments
Impress software as
OpenOffice.org Impress
Introduction to Impress Topics for SCM
To use the tools effectively
Creating and Inserting Computer
to create an impressive
Slides Terminology
Slide Layout The World of
Animation Part I
Slide Design
The World of
Artificial intelligence Understand the need of AI Open office impress 2 Animation Part II
Presentation on
Introduction Know the AI technique AI for Kids
AI Devices in Daily Life
AI for Kids Understand how Geometrical
computers think Constructions Part I
AI explorers
and II
Understand the capability
World famous AI
of computers to do
various things
What AI can and cannot
ICT Projects
No. of
Month Course Description Learning Outcome Activity Portion for Assessments
ICT with MATHS: Clown with shape: Draw a clown using different shapes tools in
ICT with EVS: Types of Houses: Create a presentation on different types of Houses using
OpenOffice.org Impress.
STEAM Projects
STEAM WITH ART: Art of Bridge Design: Research on any one bridge structure of India
Identifying a design approach for well-integrated, integrally-designed and socially-valued
bridges and design the same with its model construction. Present its facts on an A4 size
sheet in the form of web chart/drawing etc.
TERM-II (26-09-2022 ) CLASS- IV, ICT/STEAM
No. of
Month Course Description Learning Outcome Activity Portion for Assessments
October ICT Explore the GIMP window Art Activity: Poster making 3 PT2
and its tools.
Combining Images Use the tools to create Combining Images
Use simple drawing tools awareness poster.
Software: GIMP 2.8 Fun with Spreadsheet
such as pencil, paint brush,
1. Go green
Introduction eraser, bucket fill and blend Simple Machines
tool 2. Save water (STEAM)
Tools of GIMP window
Create drawings using tools 3. Say no to crackers
Paint brush, pencil, bucket
Topics for SCM
fill, blend tool Use text tool to add text to
the drawings Combining Images
Text tool
Fun with Spreadsheet
STEAM Know different types of Create a model of simple 1
Fun with
simple machines. machine wheel and axle. Programming Part I
Simple Machines
Understand the function of Construct different model and II
Types of machines
simple machines and its use where wheel and axle are
WHEEL and AXLE in daily life. used.
Introduction to Scratch
No. of
Month Course Description Learning Outcome Activity Portion for Assessments
STEAM Able to design and make the To design and make the most 4
most efficient efficient omnidirectional wind
Land Yacht
omnidirectional wind powered vehicle.
powered vehicle
Research on wind power.
Understand the use of wind Present and explain the wind
energy. energy.
ICT Projects
ICT with ART: Playing with colours: Create different types of Rangoli patterns in MSW LOGO.
ICT with STEAM: Robo My Friend: - Create a figure of a Robot using drawing tool in GIMP 2.8
No. of
Month Course Description Learning Outcome Activity Portion for Assessments
STEAM Projects
STEAM WITH MATHS: Scavenger Hunt: Design Ferris wheel with 10 stations including math
core standard questions where most stations have more than one related question. The tenth
station is a reading and information station and includes a non-math question.
STEAM WITH EVS: Problem solving Activity: Trundle wheel Jack and Jill are in the park
preparing for the school sports day. Their favourite sport is the long jump. Jack has just made a
huge jump. He is all excited and wants to know how long his jump is. What sort of measuring
machine can you invent that could measure a long jump? Build Trundle wheel and prepare
observation checklist.