Garbage Collection Robot Synopsis 1
Garbage Collection Robot Synopsis 1
Garbage Collection Robot Synopsis 1
This article presents the garbage collection robot on the beach using wireless
communications. The robot is built on the caterpillar wheels, sizes 52x74x17 cm and the
power is supplied from 12V 30Ah battery which is connected to 40W solar cells.
The user can control a robot via a program developed from Visual Basic 2005
application based on Window XP. The commands from user are sent via bluetooth to
PIC18F4550 for processing.
In addition, it is also equipped withan IP camera with added pan/tilt capabilities which
relays feedback information to the human operator via Ad-hoc system. The results of robot
performances were found that the robot can movewith an average speed of 0.5 meters per
second on the sand via wireless communication and collectthe big garbage with side 12.5 x
49 cm, for example, glass bottles, and plastic, etc.
From the experimental results, it can clearly indicate that the proposed robot is
superior to handle tasking conveniently, control capability, and operate environmentally
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Automatic Garbage Collection Robot on the Beach using Wireless Communication. 2022-23
Dept of E & C
Automatic Garbage Collection Robot on the Beach using Wireless Communication. 2022-23
4. Apoorva 2016 Autonomous Robot that uses a shaft This mechanism will scoop
Garbage with rotating blades to up anything it sees within a
collector scoop up waste, which distance.
robot that is a very good and
uses a shaft effective scooping
with rotating mechanism.
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Automatic Garbage Collection Robot on the Beach using Wireless Communication. 2022-23
6. Alshafi and 2020 Metallic waste It was basically designed It only collects
Almaleky collection for reducing the metallic
robot. environment pollution waste.
caused by the metallic
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Automatic Garbage Collection Robot on the Beach using Wireless Communication. 2022-23
Dept of E & C
Automatic Garbage Collection Robot on the Beach using Wireless Communication. 2022-23
• The primary aim is to introduce a way in which garbage could be collected and
disposed efficiently.
• Our project is divided into two main parts.
• We are designing a system that collects garbage automatically and manually.
• For which we are designing an arena so that the machine will follow the specific
command and also manually by using Arduino and Bluetooth module.
• The machine can be controlled by software which will give command to the robot to
collect the stationary waste.
• The camera placed on robot helps the administrator to remotely monitor the robot
while collecting garbage.
• This robot has installed Solar panel and battery in which there is no fuel or electricity
required to complete the operation.
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Automatic Garbage Collection Robot on the Beach using Wireless Communication. 2022-23
Flow chart
• When the robot is turn on, it will follow the pre-programmed path encoded in
the arduino uno. during this process it will check for garbage floating on the
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Automatic Garbage Collection Robot on the Beach using Wireless Communication. 2022-23
• If garbage is detected the robot will stop and activate the conveyor belt, the
motion of the conveyor will suck garbage will itself and collect the garbage
in the container.
• The quantity of the collected garbage will be monitored using a ultrasonic
sensor throughout the process.
• If the container gets full, the robot will stop detecting garbage and follow the
pre-programmed path.
Block diagram
• The block diagram of the proposed system is shown in Figure. 2.The proposed
system has three different sensors which are continuously active as soon as the
power supply is given to the system.
• Here we use ATmega328p microcontroller which acts as a brain of the robot.
• The functions of different sensors present in the proposed system are shown in
the table 1.
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Automatic Garbage Collection Robot on the Beach using Wireless Communication. 2022-23
• A part from this sensors we also have Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), Buzzer,
motors, motor driver, Wi-fi Module, Battery,Hc-05 Bluetooth Module and
Toggle switch.
• Here LCD is used to display the trash level and moisture content present in the
• A buzzer is a small yet efficient component to add sound features to our
project/system. It is used as indicator or alarm to the user whenever the garbage
present in the bin reaches the threshold level .
• In the proposed System we have used L293D as a motor driver which acts as
interface between the motors and Arduino.
• In manual mode using Blynk app we can control the locomotion of the robot
which is connected using Bluetooth Module.
• Here, in our project we are using 7.4v and 2800mah battery for supplying
electric power.
• Here we are using toggle switch where the user is required to select the
Automatic or Manual Mode initially.
• In our system we have used ESP8266 wi-fi module which is user friendly and
low cost device that provide internet connectivity to our projects so that we can
access our web page where the data is recorded and stored with the help of
Amazon Web Services (AWS) and here the data gives the information about
the percentage of garbage level and moisture content present in the bin along
with date and time.
• The web page get updated for every 10seconds.
Ultrasonic sensor Used for monitoring the garbage level in the bin.
Moisture sensor Used to know the moisture content present in the bin.
IR sensor Used to follow the line on the surface. the path may be
visible like a black line on a white surface or vice versa.
Table 1 : Functions of sensors in proposed system
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Automatic Garbage Collection Robot on the Beach using Wireless Communication. 2022-23
Preprogrammed path
• The robot will move in a preprogrammed trajectory, covering its locality or zone
which it is responsible for cleaning.
• The trajectory program will be preloaded in the ECU on the.
• The Arduino UNO sends commands to the motor drivers, which in turn controls the
motors for various functionalities, such as forward, reverse, left turn, right turn and
• In an obstacle free path, the robot continues to move forward.
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Automatic Garbage Collection Robot on the Beach using Wireless Communication. 2022-23
➢ Hardware requirement
Hardware requirement are as follows:
• Arduino uno(ATMEGA328)
• Ultrasonic sensor
• Moisture sensor
• IR sensors
• LCD display
• Wi Fi module
• Buzzer
• Motor driver
• Toggle switch
• IP wireless camera
• Battery
➢ Software requirement
Software requirement are as follows:
• Blynk app
• Arduino IDE
• Virtual system modeling 7.10
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Automatic Garbage Collection Robot on the Beach using Wireless Communication. 2022-23
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Automatic Garbage Collection Robot on the Beach using Wireless Communication. 2022-23
Dept of E & C
Automatic Garbage Collection Robot on the Beach using Wireless Communication. 2022-23
Dept of E & C
Automatic Garbage Collection Robot on the Beach using Wireless Communication. 2022-23
1. Abstract
2. Introduction
3. Literature survey
4. Problem indentification
5. Problem statement
6. Objectives
7. Proposed methodology
8. Hardware\software requirement
9. Expected result
10. Future plan of work
11. Referance
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Automatic Garbage Collection Robot on the Beach using Wireless Communication. 2022-23
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