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Comp utation

of Gross Profit
Opening Prayer
Today, we'll
talk about:
Compute gross profit

operating profit

net profit
Comp utation
of Gross Profit
What is revenue?
What is revenue?

What are the other terms related to

What is revenue?

What are the other terms re lated to


Give the 4 Factors that may

considered in business.
What is revenue?

What are the other terms re lated to


Give the 4 Factors that may

considered in business.

Define Forecasting.
What is revenue?

What are the other terms re lated to


Give the 4 Factors that may

considered in business.

Define Forecasting

Define Cost of Good Solds

What is revenue?

What are the other terms re lated to


Give the 4 Factors that may

considered in business.

Define Forecasting

Define Cost of Good Solds

Explain Operating Expenses

Read and understand the
given problem.
Read and understand the
given problem.

Rodrigo is engaged in a buy – and –

sell business of perfumes. He
bought 10 boxes of perfumes. Each
box costs P12,000.00 and contains
a dozen of perfume bottles. He is
The ultimate goal of any business whether a retail or
wholesale is to earn a profit. Getting the difference
between the amount of money earned from the
selling 10 boxes containing a dozen of perfume
bottles and the cost of those 10 boxes gives the
In the example that I gave, answer the following

1. How much profit does Rodrigo earn?

2. Is it good to engage in a business like Rodrigo’s?
Yes or No?
3. What do you think of Rodrigo’s business? Is it
good for a beginner?
Comp utation
of Gross Profit
the Gross
The profitability ratios are a
group of financial
Net Sales xxxxxxx
statements that primarily
Less: Cost of Sales xxxxxxx
determine the profitability
of the business operation.
Gross Profit xxxxxxx
By using the formula, the gross of XYZ
Trading in the year 2017 is as follows:

Net Sales P 734, 000.00

Less: Cost of Sales 577, 000.00

Gross Profit ?
By using the formula, the gross of XYZ
Trading in the year 2017 is as follows:

Net Sales P 734, 000.00

Less: Cost of Sales 577, 000.00

Gross Profit P 157,000.00

Profit Cost

Profit is the gross income.

The amount of gross profit

provides information to the
entrepreneur about revenue
earned from sales.
Profit Cost

Profit is the gross income. The term cost refers to the

purchase price of the
The amount of gross profit product including the total
provides information to the outlay required in producing
entrepreneur about revenue it.
earned from sales.
gross profit marg gross profit rate

The gross profit margin is

computed as follows:

Gross Profit Rate = Gross Profit

Net Sales
gross profit marg gross profit rate

The gross profit margin is

The gross profit rate
computed as follows:
measures the percentage of
gross profit to sales,
Gross Profit Rate = Gross Profit
indicating the profit that the
Net Sales
business realizes from the
sale of the product.
solve it!
gross profit rate = 157,000.00
The gross profit rate of XYZ

Trading for the year 2017 is gross profit rate ?

computed as follows:
solve it!
gross profit rate = 157,000.00
The gross profit rate of XYZ

Trading for the year 2017 is gross profit rate 21.38965

computed as follows:
solve it!
gross profit rate = 157,000.00
The gross profit rate of XYZ

Trading for the year 2017 is gross profit rate 21.39%

computed as follows:
The gross profit rate may signal to the
entrepreneur that the amount of margin
on sales is 21.39%. This rate will be used to
determine whether the amount of gross
profit can cover the operating of the
The gross profit rate may signal to the
entrepreneur that the amount of margin
Since the gross profit rate of XYZ Trading
on sales is 21.39%. This rate will be used to
is 21.39%, the cost ratio to sales will be
determine whether the amount of gross
78.61%. This information will help the
profit can cover the operating of the
entrepreneur in assessing whether the
cost is too high or too low.

Any product with a very high cost

will not become competitive in the

The gross profit rate will also help the

entrepreneur set the selling price.
Profit Margin
Profit Margin
Gross Profit xxxxx
Less: Operating Expenses xxxxx
The operating profit margin is
the excess of gross profit from Operating Profit Margin xxxxx
operating expenses.

In case there are no financing

charges like interest, expenses,
and income tax, the amount of
the operating profit margin is
equal to the net income.
Gross Profit P 157,000.00
Less: Operating Expenses 90,000.00

Operating Profit Margin ?

Gross Profit P 157,000.00
Less: Operating Expenses 90,000.00

Operating Profit Margin P 67,000.00

This information states that the business
realized an income of P 67,000.00 during the
year after deducting the cost and operating
expenses from the sales made.
Operating Profit Margin
Operating Profit Margin Rate = Net Sales

by applying:

Operating Profit Margin Rate= 67,000.00


Operating profit marging rate = ?

Operating Profit Margin
Operating Profit Margin Rate = Net Sales

by applying:

Operating Profit Margin Rate= 67,000.00


Operating profit marging rate = 9.13%

The operating profit margin of
the business measures the
percentage of profit available
after deducting the cost of
sales and operating expenses of
the business.
A higher operating profit margin
is favorable to the business.
The operating profit margin of
the business measures the
percentage of profit available
after deducting the cost of
sales and operating expenses of
the business.
Ne t Profit
Margin Rate
Ne t Profit
Margin Rate Operating Profit Margin xxxxxxx
Add: Interest Income xxxxxxx

Less: Interest Expense xxxxxx

Income Tax xxxxxx

Net Profit margin xxxxxx


Operating Profit Margin P67,000.00

The income statement is the Less: Income tax 20,000.00
net profit margin and the third
level in the revenue. The
business is only given Net Profit Margin ?
consideration like interest
expense and income tax.

Operating Profit Margin P67,000.00

The income statement is the Less: Income tax 20,000.00
net profit margin and the third
level in the revenue. The
business is only given Net Profit Margin P46,900.00
consideration like interest
expense and income tax.

The income statement of XYZ

Net profitmargin rate = Net Profit
Trading does not reflect any
Net Sales
data on interest expense. Only
income tax has been deducted
from the operating profit

By applying the formula, the

profit margin of XYZ Net profit margin rate = 46,900.00
Net profitmargin rate = Net Profit
Net Sales Net profit margin rate = ?

By applying the formula, the

profit margin of XYZ Net profit margin rate = 46,900.00
Net profitmargin rate = Net Profit
Net Sales Net profit margin rate = 6.39%
XYZ Trading appears to have earned
6.39% of its total sales of P734,000
during the year.

This profits rate must be compared

with those of other similar businesses
within the industry
Analyzing the Liquidity

Status of the Business

Current Ratio = Current assets / Current Liabilities
Quick Ratio = (Current Assets – Inventories) / Current
Current liabilities= (Cash and Equivalents + Marketable
Securities + Accounts Receivable)
Financial statements are important
The quick ratio measures its in a company management as a
means of communicating past
short-term obligations with its
successes as well as future
most liquid assets and therefore
expectations. The financial
excludes inventories from its statement records all the operating
current assets. results such as sales, expenses and
profits or losses.
Return of Investm

The Return of investment (ROI) measures the amount

of net income per peso invested to the business.
Return of Investm
The formula to compute ROI is as follows:

Return of Investment = Net Income

Average Total Assets

The average total asset is calculated by dividing the sum

of the total assets at the beginning and end of the period.
Important Assumption:
Yearly increase in revenue is assumed at 5%
Yearly increase in cost is assumed at 5%
As a future entrepreneur, one
should always remember that
nothing is permanent in the
field of entrepreneurship. What
is applicable to one
entrepreneur may not be
applicable to another.

Certain things may happen to

one entrepreneur but may not
happen to another.
As a future entrepreneur, one
should always remember that Entrepreneurship should be
practiced not as a science but as an
nothing is permanent in the
field of entrepreneurship. What
is applicable to one Creativity should always be applied
entrepreneur may not be by an entrepreneur through
applicable to another. regularly evaluating the market and
the environment and responding to
Certain things may happen to the changes in them.
one entrepreneur but may not
happen to another.
The owner of an ordinary small business has the
freedom to manage and operate. Ideally, he/she
prefers business activities which are done easily.
However, the entrepreneur has to perform the
entrepreneurial activities correctly regardless of
whether they are undertaken easily or not. The
importance in entrepreneurship is that the
business activities are performed correctly.
Compute the Gross Profit
Answer the given problem.

1. Annie bought one dozen smartphones for

P200,000.00 with a discount of 5%. She sold half a
dozen at a price of P18,000.00 per unit. However, a
new model of smartphones became
available in the market, so she sold the
remaining half dozen @ P12,000.00 each
unit. What was her profit or loss?
Compute the following requirements:

a. Gross profit rate

b. Operating profit margin rate
c. Net profit margin rate
d. Return on Investment
Now ask yourself the following questions:

1. Is creativity present in the operation of ordinary

small businesses along the streets and highways
and in your neighborhood? Why do you say so?
Now ask yourself the following questions:

1. Is creativity present in the operation of ordinary

small businesses along the streets and highways
and in your neighborhood? Why do you say so?

2. Do you consider the business practices

of small business owners a form of
Thank you
for listening!

CK-12. Profit, Loss, Discount and Taxes. Last Accessed October 17, 2021 from

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