IEEE Recent Development
IEEE Recent Development
IEEE Recent Development
Abstract—The pulse-width-modulated (PWM) current-source
converters (CSCs) fed electric machine systems can be considered
as a type of high reliability energy conversion systems, since they
work with the long-life DC-link inductor and offer high
fault-tolerant capability for short-circuit faults. Besides, they
provide motor friendly waveforms and four-quadrant operation
ability. Therefore, they are suitable for high-power applications of
fans, pumps, compressors and wind power generation. The
purpose of this paper is to comprehensively review recent
developments of key technologies on modulation and control of Fig. 1. Configuration of the latest transfermorless current source drive system.
high-power (HP) PWM-CSC fed electric machines systems,
including reduction of low-order current harmonics, suppression current-source converter (CSC) employs the high-reliable
of inductor–capacitor (LC) resonance, mitigation of
inductor as the DC-link energy storage components [3]. This
common-mode voltage (CMV) and control of modular PWM-CSC
fed systems. In particular, recent work on the overlapping effects paper will present a comprehensive review on recent
during commutation, LC resonance suppression under developments of modulation and control schemes of pulse
fault-tolerant operation and collaboration of modular width modulated (PWM) CSCs based electric machine systems
PMW-CSCs are described. Both theoretical analysis and some for HP industrial applications.
results in simulations and experiments are presented. Finally, a Generally speaking, PWM CSC features a simple converter
brief discussion regarding the future trend of the HP CSC fed
configuration, low dv/dt of output voltage, four-quadrant
electric machines systems is presented.
operation, reliable overcurrent and inherent short-circuit
Index Terms—Current source converter (CSC), high power protection. Those features make PWM CSC technology well
(HP) applications, electric machine system, inductor–capacitor suited for HP drives [4]. Fig. 1 shows configuration of the
(LC) resonance, low-order current harmonics, common-mode four-quadrant PWM CSC based electric machine system,
voltage (CMV), modulation, control. where active front-end converters such as PWM current-source
rectifier (CSR) can be utilized at the grid side to improve the
harmonics performance and control the power factor (PF)
I. INTRODUCTION flexibly [4]. Apart from being applied in HP drives, the PWM
π π
θ1 -θ
6 3 1
- 2
6 3
θ1 θ 2 -θ (a)
3 1
Fig. 2. SHE modulation schemes. (a) Three pulses; (b) Five pulses.
proper design of LC filter size as well as the optimized Ts 2
modulation and control schemes should be considered [17-27].
The CMV problem generated by high-frequency switching
I ref
actions of power devices, is the main concern for both the CSC T1
and VSC based HP drives due to the high system voltage level. I
Ts 1
If not well mitigated, the CMV would result in the premature
failure of motor stator winding insulation. An effective way to (b)
mitigate the CMV is to modify the pulse patterns of modulation Fig. 3. Modulation schemes. (a) TPWM; (b) SVM.
schemes [29-34].
In addition, with increasing requirements of high power 3(a). Different from SHE and TPWM schemes, the SVM
capacity and high reliability in the HP industrial applications, scheme for CSCs has nine switching states, namely six active
the modular CSCs fed electric machine systems have drawn vectors (I1-I6) and three zero vectors(I7-I9), as shown in Fig.
great attention recently [35-45]. Based on the aforementioned 3(b). The reference Iref of three-segment SVM is synthesized by
scenarios, the succeeding scripts are organized as following: two nearby active vectors and one zero vector. The dwell times
the fundamental modulation and control schemes for PWM T1, T2 and T0 for I1, I2 and I0 are calculated according to the
CSC fed electric machine systems are briefly introduced in ampere-second balancing principle by (1), where Ts is the
Section II. Section III and Section IV introduce the modulation sampling period, ma is the modulation index, and θ is the vector
and control techniques to suppress the low-order harmonics and angle (−π/6 < θ < π/6). Detail principle of SVM for PWM CSC
the LC resonance, respectively. The CMV issues of CSC fed can be referred in [4, 8].
drives are discussed in Section V. Section VI presents the T1 = ma sin(π / 6 - θ )Ts
application of modular CSCs and the future trend of HP PWM
CSCs fed machine systems. Finally, conclusions are drawn in T2 = ma sin( π / 6 + θ )Ts (1)
Section VII. T0 = Ts - T1 - T2
II. FUNDAMENTAL KNOWLEDGE Because of the better harmonics performance under low
switching frequency, SHE is dominantly employed in grid-side
The trapezoidal pulse-width modulation (TPWM), the space converter, while the SHE, TPWM and SVM are hybrid used by
vector modulation (SVM), and the selective harmonics motor-side converter to achieve both the improved current
elimination (SHE) are three major modulation schemes used harmonic performance and dynamic performance under a wide
for PWM CSCs [4]. The SHE is able to eliminate a specific set speed range. In the practical applications, SHE is used under
of undesired harmonics with low switching frequency. The the high-speed range, and TPWM and SVM are implemented
switching angles θ1, θ2, …, θN indicate the N degrees of freedom under the low-speed range [3].
for eliminating N-1 harmonics, and 2N+1 pulses are required As for the control schemes, PWM CSR can be operated with
per half cycle consequently. These switching angles of SHE are either the fixed-unity modulation index with delay-angle
calculated offline by mathematical equations for harmonics control or modulation index control to regulate the DC-link
elimination. But the computation process is complex and there current. Normally, the delay-angle control is used for PWM
will be no solution when the pulse number per cycle increases. CSR on grid side due to the implementation of SHE [4]. While
The SHE schemes with three pulses and five pulses per half in the CSC based WECS system, the grid voltage-oriented
cycle are exemplified in Fig. 2 [8]. control (VOC) is utilized for the grid-side CSR. Modulation
In contrast to SHE, SVM and TPWM are two online schemes index and delay-angle controls are implemented to satisfy the
that feature better dynamic performance. But they exhibit larger requirements of DC-link current regulation and PF control
low-order harmonics. The TPWM requires a special design, according to the grid code [5, 8]. In the motor side, the
where no switching signal is generated in the center π/3 interval field-oriented control (FOC) scheme is mainly used to control
of both half cycles of modulated waves, to meet the gating the flux and torque independently. The speeds ωr and rotor
constraints of PWM CSC. The modulating wave and carrier angle θr of electric machine are fed back to the CSI controller to
wave needed to generate TPWM pulses are illustrated in Fig. track the speed reference. Under a certain power condition,
ωr Capacitor
LPF LPF Us Field oriented control
ω*r - θr
PI θdci θ
d-axis Idc_ref mi &SVM
current /
1 i dc
CSR idc Ldc CSI M
U g L g Cg
[ [
Cf Us
Idc_ref θdcr θ
PI arc cos SHE
LPF Delay-angle Control
Fig. 4. Control strategies for current source drives. Fig. 5. Dwell time calculation and vector selection based on NS-SVM and
conventional SVM.
smaller DC-link current ripples and lower conducting losses
can be achieved with the minimized DC-link current, which can Modulation schemes based on the natural sampling (NS)
be obtained by applying the fixed unity modulation index technique generate the modulated waveforms with superior
strategy on the motor-side CSC [8]. This control strategy is a harmonic performance due to the accurate dwell time
tradeoff between the system efficiency and dynamic response. calculation. However, the discretization error always exists in
The DC-link current reference is calculated from the CSIs and digital implementation of conventional SVM due to the low
the actual DC-link current is regulated by the grid-side CSRs. sampling frequency. Fig. 5 illustrates the dwell time calculation
The overall control strategies for the CSC fed drives are and vector selection in sector I based on NS SVM and
illustrated in Fig. 4. conventional SVM, respectively. As can be seen, the dwell
times of the conventional SVM are calculated once in the
III. LOW-ORDER HARMONICS REDUCTION beginning of the sampling period and are maintained fixed
The maximum switching frequency is normally set around within the whole period, while NS SVM calculates the dwell
several hundred Hz in the industrial HP CSC drives for the time on a basis of a continuous approach so that the compared
permitted power losses. However, high-magnitude low-order dwell time is more accurate. From the vector arrangements at
harmonics, including 5th, 7th, 11th and 13th, are generated in the bottom in Fig. 5, it can be observed that deviation of dwell
modulated converter currents due to the discretization error in time of space vectors exists in the conventional SVM, which is
the digital realization [10]. In addition, large overlapping the reason why distinct low-order harmonics are generated in
period will also increase the low-order harmonics and reduce the modulated converter currents [10].
the fundamental in the modulated converter currents [15-16]. Many research works have been conducted to reduce the
The input line currents are strictly regulated by the harmonic low-order harmonics under low switching frequency by using
requirements set by IEEE Standard 519 [9]. However, those the SVM. Different vector sequences of conventional SVM
generated harmonics will not only degrade the grid-side power combining with the synchronization method are investigated in
quality, but also produce the excessive torque ripples on the [11] to generate the minimum magnitudes of the low-order
motor and even excite the LC resonance, which bring great (mainly 5th and 7th order) harmonics. It is indicated that
challenges to the CSC based electric machine system. harmonic performance of modulated currents can be improved
Therefore, operation of HP CSC energy conversion system by selecting two vector sequences under different modulation
with low switching frequency requires appropriate modulation indexes. However, this method depends on the conventional
and control techniques to contain the steady-state low-order SVM and the overall performance is still limited. A minimum
current harmonics. harmonics tracking technique, which utilizes a feedback
concept and calculate the dwell time four times in one sampling
A. Mitigation of Discretization Error period, is proposed in [12] to minimize the 5th and 7th order
The SHE provides superior harmonic performance than harmonics. This method can improve the low-order harmonics
TPWM and SVM at low switching frequency, but suffers from performance to some extent, but suffers from complex digital
limited dynamic performance and is difficult to be used in low implementation online.
speed range. The implementation of TPWM should meet The multisampling SVM is proposed for PWM CSC in [13].
special requirements to satisfy the switching constrains for A sampling ratio is defined by dividing the sampling frequency
CSC, which is also difficult to improve the harmonic by the fundamental frequency. With higher sampling ratio, the
performance. On the other hand, SVM features flexibility of calculated dwell time is closer to that of the NS-based
sequence arrangement and easy digital implementation. technique so as to reduce the deviation error of dwell time.
Therefore, this section mainly focuses on the SVM techniques However, the switching frequency may be slightly increased
to eliminate the low-order harmonics. with this method due to the sector transition and
Time(10ms/div) iwa(5A/div)
-8.24dBm -26.5dBm
Fig. 7. Experimental results of different modulation schemes. (a) Traditional
SVM scheme. (b) Proposed SVM scheme.
of PWM CSCs. For instance, the switching situations of power
switches S1, S2, S4 and S6 of PWM CSR under the three-phase
Fig. 6. Commutation situations with overlapping-period effect under different voltages of Ua>Uc>Ub in sector I are shown in Fig. 6(b)-(1).
voltage relationships. (a) Ideal commutation situation. (b) Real commutation During the whole sampling period, S1 remains on state while S6,
situation. (c) Commutation with the proposed schemes. S2 and S4 turn on in sequence. During the first overlapping
multi-intersection between the discrete dwell time wave and the period, both S2 and S6 receive the turn-on signal. However, S2
carrier wave. In order to achieve an approximate NS effect will turn off due to the biased voltage Uc>Ub, so S6 will keep on
under the limited several-hundred-Hz switching frequency, state until the end of dwell time T1+td. Commutations of S2 and
Wei et al. [14] derived the precise equations on the basis of the S4 are similar during the second overlapping period. It indicates
Newton–Raphson iteration algorithm to solve the nonlinear that the dwell time of S2 remains unchanged as T2, but the dwell
calculation of dwell time and obtain the dwell time of space time of S4 and S6 has a deviation of td under voltage relation of
vectors accurately, which gives the good low-order harmonics Ua>Uc>Ub, which are different from that of the ideal situations.
performance. The commutation processes under other voltages relations can
Comparing the four optimized modulation schemes, it is be derived accordingly, as shown in Fig. 6(b)-(2) to Fig.
indicated that the combined schemes [11] is simple but the 6(b)-(4). Those dwell time deviation results in the low-order
harmonic performance is limited. The minimum harmonics harmonics in the modulated converter currents.
tracking technique [12] and the multisampling SVM [13] need An optimal overlapping-period distribution method is
to calculate the dwell time multi-times within one switching introduced in [16] to solve the overlapping effect. Different
period, which features for complex digital implementation. The from placing the overlapping period at the end of switching
natural-sampling-based SVM [14] only need to calculate the signal with the traditional SVM scheme, the proposed method
dwell time once, but nonlinear equations that based on the distributes the overlaps depending on the measured AC-side
theory derivation are needed to be solved, which may requires capacitor voltage information. The switching commutations of
the high performance digital processor. Therefore, the SVM S1, S2, S4 and S6 with the proposed method under the voltage
relations of Ua>Uc>Ub are exemplified in Fig. 6(c)-(1). As can
scheme featuring good harmonic performance with easy digital
be seen, the overlapping period is distributed ahead of the
implementation should be further investigated.
turn-on signal of S2 and S4, which is different from that of
B. Mitigation of Overlapping-period Effect traditional SVM in Fig. 6(b)-(1). Under this circumstance, the
On the other hand, the generated low-order harmonics in conductions of S2 and S4 is hindered by reverse voltages during
modulated currents due to the overlapping-period effect is commutations. It is indicated that the dwell time of space
recently investigated and solved in [16]. Overlapping periods vectors remains the same as calculated under all voltage
are normally placed at the end of switching signals to ensure the relations with the proposed method as shown in Fig. 6(c)-(1) to
proper switching commutations. The ideal commutation Fig. 6(c)-(4). Therefore, the harmonic performance of
situations of power switches are shown in Fig. 6(a), where td modulated converter currents is effectively improved.
denotes the overlapping period. The dwell time T1, T2 and T0 The harmonic performance of converter currents iwa with
are expected to remain as calculated during the whole switching both the traditional SVM and the proposed SVM scheme have
periods. However, the real commutation processes of power been conducted in experiments, as shown in the Fig. 7(a) and
switches are decided by different AC-side three-phase voltages Fig. 7(b), respectively. Pat indicates the switching patterns of
20 Gi (s)_3.3p.u. Gi (s)_5.8p.u.
Gv (s)_3.3p.u.
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[44] P. Liu, Z. Wang and M. Cheng, "Mitigation of DC-link current ripple for China, in 1995 and the M.S. degree in
cascaded current-source-converters energy conversion systems," in Proc. testing and measuring technology and
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instruments from Beihang University,
[45] P. Liu, Z. Wang, Q. Song, Y. Xu and M. Cheng, "Optimized SVM and
remedial control strategy for cascaded current-source-converters-based
Beijing, China, in 1998, respectively, and
dual three-phase pmsm drives system," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering
35, no. 6, pp. 6153-6164, Jun. 2020. from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. .
[46] X. Guo, D. Xu, J. M. Guerrero and B. Wu, "Space vector modulation for From March, 2002 to June, 2004, he worked as postdoctoral
DC-link current ripple reduction in back-to-back current-source fellow at Ryerson University in Canada, majoring in electrical
converters for microgrid applications," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol.
62, no. 10, pp. 6008-6013, Oct. 2015. and computer engineering. In 2002, the research team led by
[47] J. Holtz and N. Oikonomou, "Synchronous Optimal Pulsewidth Wei won the Outstanding Cooperation Award issued by the
Modulation and Stator Flux Trajectory Control for Medium-Voltage Natural Science and Engineering Fund of Canada, and in 2004,
Drives," IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 600-608, Mar.-Apr. the research team led by Wei won the Prime Minister's
Outstanding Research Award from the Canadian Department of
[48] J. Holtz and N. Oikonomou, "Fast Dynamic Control of Medium Voltage
Drives Operating at Very Low Switching Frequency—An Overview,"
Energy to reward the outstanding contribution to industrial
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.s, vol. 55, no. 3, pp. 1005-1013, Mar. 2008. development and application in the research of power inverter
[49] T. Geyer, "A Comparison of Control and Modulation Schemes for and control system. Since July 2017, he worked in China TX
Medium-Voltage Drives: Emerging Predictive Control Concepts Versus IIOT Corporation Limited., and now serves as the deputy
PWM-Based Schemes," in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, general manager of the company. During this period, he
vol. 47, no. 3, pp. 1380-1389, May-Jun. 2011.
participated in the research and development of electric drive
system of 5500HP fracturing pump electric drive system and
the research and development of intelligent mine operating
Pengcheng Liu (S’76) received the B.Sc. system platform (RED-MOS).
degree in electrical engineering from
Southeast University, Nanjing, China, in
2016. He is currently working toward the
Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering in Yuwen Bo received the B.Eng., M.Eng.
the school of electrical engineering, and the Ph.D. degree from Tsinghua
Southeast University, Nanjing, China. University, Beijing, China, in 1997, 2000
His research interests include and 2003, respectively, all in electrical
current-source converter, modulation engineering.
techniques, motor drives and renewable energy generation. From September 2003 to December
2004, he worked as postdoctoral fellow at
Ryerson University in Canada, majoring in
electrical and computer engineering. Since
Zheng Wang (S’05–M’09-SM’14) July 2018, he has worked in China TX IIOT Corporation
received the B.Eng. and M.Eng. degrees Limited., and he currently serves as the representative
from Southeast University, Nanjing, China, supervisor and the general manager of the R&D center of China
in 2000 and 2003, respectively, and the TX IIOT Corporation Limited. During this period, he
Ph.D. degree from The University of Hong participated in the overall design and development organization
Kong, Hong Kong, in 2008, all in electrical of Explosion-proof and intrinsically safe permanent-magnet
engineering. synchronous VFD integrated motor for mines, and organized
From 2008 to 2009, he was a the design and development of the transmission system of the
Postdoctoral Fellow in Ryerson University, Toronto, ON, inspection robot.