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MSC Biotechnology Syllabus

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Charan Singh University, Meerut –250004



Distribution of Marks in different courses:

I Theory Theory Total

Semester Course Title External Internal

Course I Fundamental of Genetics 50 50 100

Course II Cytogenetics and Molecular Genetics 50 50 100

Course III Statistical Methods and Bioinformatics 50 50 100

in Biology

Course Tools and Techniques in Biotechnology 50 50 100


Practical I (4 hours) 100( External) 100( Internal) 200

Total Marks 300 300 600

Theory Theory Total
II Course Title External
Semester Internal Marks

Course V Fundamentals of Biochemistry 50 50 100

Course Plant Genetic Resources: - Conservation 50 50 100

VI and Sustainable use

Course Biotechnology in Crop improvement 50 50 100


Course Recombinant DNA Technology and 50 50 100

VIII Genetic Engineering

Practical II (4 hours) 100 100( Internal) 200


Total Marks 100 300 600

Theory Theory Total
III Course Title External
Semester Internal Marks

Course Microbial, Industrial and Environmental 50 50 100

IX Biotechnology

Course X Concepts of Nanotechnology 50 50 100

Course Animal biotechnology and Immunology 50 50 100


Course Genomics and Proteomics 50 50 100


Practical III (4 hours) 100( external) 100(Internal) 200

Total Marks 300 300 600

Dissertation, presentation, Total
IV Course Title viva-voce
Semester Marks

Project 400 400

Grand Total of Marks 2200 2200

A minimum of 30% marks separately in internal and external assessment of each course and an
aggregate of 40% marks in all the courses is required for passing. In case of failing to obtain 30
% marks in internal assessment of any paper, the candidate will not be eligible to appear in
external examination of that course.

I Semester

1. Fundamental of Genetics

2. Cytogenetics and Molecular Genetics

3. Statistical Methods and Bioinformatics in Biology

4. Tools and Techniques in Biotechnology

Lab.: Fundamental of Genetics; Cytogenetics and Molecular Genetics; Statistical Methods and

Bioinformatics in Biology; Tools and Techniques in Biotechnology

II Semester

5. Fundamentals of Biochemistry

6. Plant Genetic Resources: - Conservation and Sustainable use

7. Biotechnology in Crop improvement

8. Recombinant DNA Technology and Genetic Engineering

Lab.: Fundamentals of Biochemistry; Plant Genetic Resources: - Conservation and Sustainable use;

Biotechnology in Crop improvement; Recombinant DNA Technology and Genetic Engineering

III Semester

9. Microbial, Industrial and Environmental Biotechnology

10. Concepts of Nanotechnology

11. Animal biotechnology and Immunology

12. Genomics and Proteomics

Lab.: Microbial, Industrial and Environmental Biotechnology; Concepts of Nanotechnology; Animal

Biotechnology and Immunology; Genomics and Proteomics

IV Semester

Project: 1. Report of work

2. Presentation of work.

3. Viva-voce examination.
M.Sc. (Biotechnology)


Unit-I Fundamental of Genetics

Introduction: History of Genetics, its scope and significance, Mendel’s experiments, Principles of
Segregation and Law of Independent Assortment, Lethality and Interaction of genes.


Linkage and crossing over: Linkage in higher eukaryotes, Coupling and Repulsion Hypothesis,
measurement of Linkage, Detection of linkage, Breakdown of Linkage, Four- strand crossing over, Three-
Point Test cross, cytological basis of crossing over, Interference and Coincidence, Crossing over and
Chisma formation, Factor affecting recombination frequencies.


Genetics of Sex Determination and Differentiation: Sex-linked, Sex- limited and Sex- influenced traits in
Drosophila and Human beings, Theories of Sex-determination- Chromosomal theory, environmental
theory and genic balance theory, Sex- determination in dioeciously plants, Sex reversal and
Gynandromorphs, Human sex anomalies (Klinefelter’s Syndrome and Turner’s Syndrome), brief idea of
Dosage Compensation and Lyon’s hypothesis. (6)


Mutation and Mutagenic Agents: Brief history of mutation, physical and chemical Mutagens, Detection
of mutation in Drosophila (CIB method, Muller-5 method), Detection of mutation in plants and their
practical application in crop improvement.



Multiple Alleles: Concepts of multiple alleles, self incompatibility alleles in Nicotiana, coat color in
rodents, Blood group in Humans, antigen-antibody interaction in inheritance of A, B, AB and O blood
groups, H-antigens, MNS system, Rh Factor, Epitasis and multiple allelism (Bombay blood group).

Genetics of Inbreeding Depression and Heterosis: Definition and Historical aspects of heterosis and
Inbreeding depression, manifestation and application of heterosis, apomixis and fixation of heterosis,
application of molecular marker in heterosis breeding.


Extra -chromosomal Inheritance: Criteria for extra- chromosomal inheritance, plastid inheritance in
Mirabilis, iojapa in corn, Kappa particles in Paramecium, Coiling in snails, male sterility in plants.


Biochemical Genetics: Inborn errors of Metabolism in man, eye transplantation in Drosophila,

biochemical mutations in Neurospora, biosynthetic pathways and biochemical mutations.


Concepts of Genes: Classical and modern gene concepts, Pseudoallelism, position effects, intragenic
crossing over and complementation (cistron, recon, muton), Benzer’s work on rII locus in T4 phases.

M.Sc. (Biotechnology)
Cytogenetics and Molecular Genetics

PART-A: - Cytogenetics

Cell Division: Cell Cycle, differences between mitosis and meiosis, mechanism of
chromosome moment, reduction division and equational division, double reduction. (6)

Duplication and deficiencies: Classification, methods of production, meiotic pairing and

Phenotypic effects. (4)

Translocation: - Classification, methods of production, identification, meiotic pairing and

role in evolution. (4)

Inversion: Classification, methods of production, identification, meiotic pairing and

crossing over in different regions, Role in evolution. (6)

Trisomic and Tetrasomic: - Classification, methods of production, Identification, meiotic

pairing and utility in Chromosome mapping. (2)

Monosomic and Nullisomic: - Methods of Production, Identification, meiotic behavior,

monosomic analysis, alien additions/substitution lines. (2)

PART-B: - Molecular Genetics


Genetic Material: DNA and RNA as genetic material (experimental evidences), structure
of DNA(including Z-DNA and 5- hasisekharan’s RL model), super coiling of DNA,
Different type of RNAs and their roles, difference between DNA and RNA. (6)


DNA Duplication (in prokaryotes and Eukaryotes):- Unwinding proteins, Role of RNA
Polymerases and DNA polymerases in prokaryotic and eukaryotic DNA replication, Semi-
conservative, Discontinuous and Bi-directional replication, RNA primers, Role of proteins
in prokaryotic and eukaryotic DNA replication, Models of replication. (8)

Organization of Genetic Material: Chromosome ultra structure and nucleosome concept,

packing of DNA as nucleosomes in eukaryotes, techniques used for discovery of
nucleosome, structure and assembly of nucleosomes, solenoid, phasing of nucleosomes,
DNA concept and C-value paradox, repetitive and unique sequences, overlapping, pseudo,
crying and split genes, satellite DNA’s, selfish DNA. (8)

Genetic Code (including mitochondrial genetic code):- Deciphering of code in vitro and
in vivo (use of mutations-base replacement, frame-shift and suppressor mutation). (4)

Statistical Methods and Bioinformatics in Biology

PART-I: Statistical Methods


Presentation of Data: Frequency distributions, graphical presentation of data by histogram,

frequency polygon, frequency curve, and cumulative frequency curves. (4)


Measures of central tendency and dispersion: - Mean, Median, Mode and their simple
properties (without derivations), and calculation of median by graphs, range, mean derivation,
standard deviations, coefficient of variation. (6)


Test of Significance: - Sampling distribution of mean and standard error, large scale sample
tests(tests for an assumed mean and equality of two population means with known S.D.), small
sample tests(t-tests for an assumed mean and equality of means of two populations when sample
observations are independent, paired and unpaired t- test, t- test for correlation and regression
coefficients), t-test for comparison of variances of two populations, chi-square test for
independent of attributes, goodness of fit and homogeneity of samples. (10)


Experimental Designs: Principles of experimental designs, completely randomized, randomized

block and Latin square designs, simple factorial experiments (mathematical derivation not
required), analysis of variance (ANOVA) and its uses. (8)

PART-II: Bioinformatics

Introduction: - History, aims of Bioinformatics, Definition and Concepts, Components of

Bioinformatics, Basic tools, Scope of Bioinformatics in molecular biology and Computers, Role
of internet in Bioinformatics, Applications of Bioinformatics. (6)


Bioinformatics- Approaches and applications: - Introduction, DNA-the staff of life, molecular

sequence alignments, databases, molecular visualization integrated molecular biology database.



Protein and Nucleic acid databases: - Introduction, Protein and Nucleic acid databases,
databases accession, database searching, NCBI based study. (8)

M.Sc. (Biotechnology)

Tools and Techniques in Biotechnology


Microscopy: Principles, Resolving Power and applications of Light Microscopy, Electron

Microscopy (SEM, TEM) and Confocal Microscopy. (6)

Centrifugation: Brief history, type of centrifugation, theory of centrifugation, types of

centrifuges and centrifugation techniques, Types of rotors. (8)

Electrophoresis: - History, Principles, Application and factor affecting of electrophoresis with

detail reference to Agarose, PAGE, PFGE, Capillary electrophoresis, continuous, 2D-PAGE,
IEF. (8)

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy: - History of NMR, theory and principles of NMR,
NMR spectrometer, Detection of frequencies and Measurement by NMR. (6)

Radioisotope Technique: - Nature of Radioactivity, characteristics of different radiolabels,

detection and measurement in Radioactivity, applications of radioisotopes in biological sciences.


Spectroscopy: - Introduction, theory and principles of different types of Spectroscopy and their
applications in biotechnology. (6)

Chromatography: - General principles and techniques of HPLC, LPLC, GLC, Adsorption

Chromatography, partition chromatography, IEC, permeation Chromatography, Affinity
Chromatography. (10)

M.Sc. (Biotechnology)

Fundamentals of Biochemistry


Structural and Biochemical Organization: - Amino Acids, Carbohydrates, Lipids and Fatty
Acids and Nucleotides. (6)

Secondary metabolites: - Hormones, Alkaloids, Porphyrins. (6)


Enzymology: - Enzymes, Elementary Kinetics, Mechanism of enzymes action, assay types,

reaction rates, Extremozymes engineering, enzyme activity and substrate specificity, Non-
aqueous enzymology, coenzymes and vitamins, Isozymes and allosteric enzymes. (12)

Protein as base unit: - Structure and function, Protein folding, Protein sequencing,
Ramachandran’s plot and Protein catabolism (10)

Major intermediary metabolic pathways, biosynthesis and catabolism of saturated and

unsaturated fatty acid, nucleotides. (8)

Glycolysis, Kreb’s cycle, ETS of respiration and oxidative phosphorylation substrate level
phosphorylation, Anaplerotic pathway. (8)

M.Sc. (Biotechnology)

Plant Genetic Resources: - Conservation and Sustainable use.


Biological species: Concepts and its limitation. (2)


Centers of Diversity and Centers of Origin. (2)


A brief idea of the evolution of crop plants: - Wheat, Barley, Rice, Maize, Cotton, Sugarcane,
Potato, Cole crops, Rapeseeds and mustard. (6)

Biodiversity vs. Genetic Resources: - Definition and Explanation, alpha vs. beta biodiversity
and methods of their study, present levels of Biodiversity and rate of loss of biodiversity, causes
for the loss of biodiversity, uses of biodiversity, extent of biodiversity in plants, exploration and
germplasm collection, introduction and exchange of PGR, Red Data Books and Endangered
plant species. (8)

Plant Genetic Resources: - Different kinds of PGR, Taxonomical Classification of PGR, Basic,
derived and molecular, core collections, principles of germplasm characterization, evaluation,
maintenance and regeneration, Plant quarantine aspects- Sanitary and Phytosanitary Systems
(SPS). (8)

Techniques for conservation of plant germplasm: - In-situ and Ex-situ methods of

conservation, Cryopreservation of genetic materials. Gene banks and Cryobanks. (2)

IPGRI, NBPGR, FAO and CGIAR: - Their role is conservation of PGR. (6)

Future Harvest Centers and CBD: -A Brief Idea, CBD and Cartagena protocol. (6)

UPOV, Plant Breeders Rights (PBRs) and farmers Right (FRs), Protection of plant varieties and
farmers right act (PPV and FRA) 2001. (4)

PGR and IPRs (Intellectual Property Rights):- Patents, copyrights, Trademarks, GATT and
TRIPs, Terminator and Traitor Techniques (v-GURT and t- GURT), Biodiversity Bill 2002,
Geographic indicator bill. (6)

M.Sc. (Biotechnology)

Biotechnology in Crop improvement


Plant organ, tissue and cell culture: - Somaclonal variation and its use in crop improvement,
embryo culture and its utility in hybridization programmes, Anther culture, haploid production
and their uses, micro propagation in horticultural crops and forestry and its uses, artificial seeds,
techniques of protoplast culture, regeneration and somatic cell hybridization, achievements ,
limitations, utility in improvement of crop plants. (12)

Biofertilizers, Bioinsecticides and Molecular Farming. Concept and utility (4)


Methods of Gene Transfer in Plants: Agarobacterium mediated gene transfer, direct DNA
delivery methods (microinjection, particle gun, electrophoration). (6)

Hybridization: - Distant hybridization and Somatic hybridization in crop improvement. (4)


Transgenic Plants in dicots and monocots: - Utility of Transgenic in basic studies and in crop
improvement (resistance for herbicides, viruses, insects and abiotic stresses, Barnase and Barstar
for hybrid seed production), Biosafety issues including risks associated with transgenic crops,
biosafety regulations. (8)

Improvement of Nutritional quality of plants: - seed storage proteins e.g. Glycinin,

Conglycinin, Legumin, Phytohaemaglutinin, Phaseolin, Prolamins, Albumins and Designer-
proteins, Engineering for vitamins and Iron-Deficiency, Engineering Traits related to hybrid seed
Production (e.g. Male Sterility) (8)

Plant genome Programs: - Impact of genetically modified crops and genomics research in
agriculture and biology, Evaluation of Transgenic plants as to their commercial value, Efficacy
and Environmental concerns, Legislation for Transgenic plants, Economic viability of
Transgenic plants (8)
M.Sc. (Biotechnology)


Recombinant DNA Technology and Genetic Engineering


Genetic Engineering: - Definition and explanation, scope of GE, Concept and importance of
GE, RDT in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, Restriction enzymes, modifying enzymes,
Isoschizomers and cloning into mutagenesis, DNA Fingerprinting.

Cloning and expression vectors:-Plasmid, Phage, M13, Phagemid, BAC, YAC, MAC,
Expression vectors, Use of Promoters, Expression through Strong and Regulatable Promoters,
Binary and Shuttle Vectors. (8)

Libraries and molecular probes: - Construction and Screening of genomic and cDNA libraries,
BAC libraries and assembly of BACs into contigs, Molecular probes and their preparation,
labeling and applications, Southern, Northern, Western blotting, Chromosome walking,
Chromosome jumping. (12)

Polymerase Chain Reaction: - Basic principles and its modifications, designing of primers,
Different schemes of PCR, application of PCR, RACEs, Electronic PCR (e-PCR), RT- PCR,
Real- Time PCR (8)

Gene Sequencing: - Different methods of gene isolation, techniques for sequencing (Maxam &
Gilbert degradation method, Sanger’s Dideoxy method), Organo-chemical gene synthesis
mechanism, cDNA using reverse transcriptase. (10)
M.Sc. (Biotechnology)


Microbial, Industrial and Environmental Biotechnology


Introduction: - Concepts, Growth curve, sterilization techniques, Isolation and Characterization.


Microbes: - Definition, classification, sources of useful microbes and their characteristics. (4)

Use of Microbes in food and dairy, single cell proteins, physiological aspects SCP from CO2,
waste materials and renewable resources, improvement in single cell protein production,
Probiotic foods. (8)

Industrial source of enzymes: - Cellulases, Xylanases, Pectinases, Amylase, Lipase and

Proteases their production and applications. (6)

Commercial production of important antibiotics, amino acids, insulin, steroids, Fermentation

and production of Ethanol, Acetone, Butanol, Glycerol, Vitamins and Alkaloid (8)

Pollution: - Types, causes, Prevention and Control, methods of reducing environmental impacts
of chemicals, weedicides, Pesticides and fertilizers, Biotechnological advances in pollution
control through GEMs, Sewage treatment, Newer approaches to sewage treatment, treatment of
solid waste, Energy production- Bio-fuels. (8)

Bioremediation and pollution control through microbes and plants, Biodegradation of Natural
Products, microbial desulphurization, biodegradation of xenobiotics, hydrocarbons. (8)

Biotechnology of fermentation: Methods and types of fermentation, dual/multiple fermentation,

continuous fermentation and late nutrient addition, growth kinetics of microorganisms, fermenter
systems and fermentation. (6)
M.Sc. (Biotechnology)


Concepts of Nano-biotechnology

Introduction: - Concept, scope, vision, application, present and future prospects in biological
sciences. (6)

Applications of Quantum Dots in Biology: - An overview, Introduction, General properties,

applications. (6)

Assembly and Characterization of Bio-molecules: - Gold Nano-particle conjugates and their

use in intracellular imaging (introduction, different methods). (6)

Surface-functionalized Nano-particles for controlled drug delivery: - Introduction and

different Methods. (4)

Structural DNA nanotechnology- An overview: - Introduction, DNA objects, DNA Arrays,

DNA nanomechanical devices, DNA based computational studies. (8)

Nanostructure DNA templates: - Introduction, synthesis and purification of Plasmid templates,

Fabrication and preparation of ultrathin carbon-coated TEM Grids, Preparation of
Q-Cds/pUCLen4 or Q-Cds/Φx174 RF11 samples, their characterization. (8)

Probing DNA structure with Nanoparticles: -Introduction, Different methods. (4)


Synthetic Nanoscale Elements for Delivery of Material into Viable cells: - Introduction,
different Material required, Different methods. (8)
M.Sc. (Biotechnology)


Animal biotechnology and Immunology

Part-A: Animal Biotechnology


Introduction: - Animal Tissue and Organ Culture, Plasma clot method, Raft method, Agar-gel
method, Grid method, cyclic exposure to medium and Gas phase, advantages, limitations and
applications, artificial skin. (6)

Cell Culture: - Substrate and suspension culture, Culture Media, natural and artificial, initiation
of cell culture, sub-cultures, Evaluation and Maintenance of cell culture lines, Large scale culture
of cell lines, Monolayer, Suspension culture, Immobilized cultures, Somatic cell fusion,
mechanism and applications, cell culture products and their applications, Interferon’s.

Cloning: -In-vitro Fertilization and Embryo transfer, Application of Embryo transfer technology,
Embryo transfer in cattle, , Animal cloning, Ethical and Social Issues relating to Human cloning,
Transgenic and their future Prospective. (8)

PART B: Immunology

Introduction: - History, concept and Scope of Immunology. (2)


Immunity: - Innate and Acquired immunity, Passive and Active Immunity, Lymph and organs,
Humoral and Cell Mediated immunity, Specificity and Memory, Transplantation immunity,
Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) and Complements.

Interactions: - Antigen-Antibody reactions, Antigen type-hapten, Immunoglobulin’s (fine

structure of IGg and diversity), serological reactions, Agglutination, Precipitation, Immuno-
electrophoresis, ELISA, RIA, Immuno-electromicroscopy.

Hybridoma Technology: - Monoclonal antibody production, myeloma cell lines, Fusion of

myeloma cells without antibody producing B-cells, selection and screening methods for positive
hybrids, production, purification and characterization of monoclonal antibodies without
Hybridoma, Genetic manipulation of immunoglobins. (6)

Diseases and Vaccines: - T-cell cloning, mechanism of antigen recognition by T-and B-

lymphocytes, Genetic control of immune response, autoimmune diseases, immunodiagnosis,
AIDS, types of vaccines, Strategies for the development of vaccines, infectious diseases. (8)

M.Sc. (Biotechnology)

Genomics and Proteomics

PART A: Genomics

Origin and Evolution of genomics: - Origin of genomics, the first DNA genomes,
microcollinearity and lack of it, DNA based phylogenetic trees, genomes and human evolution,
evolution of nuclear and organellar (mitochondrial and Chloroplast genome, the concept of
minimal genome and possibility of synthesizing it. (6)

Molecular maps of genomes and comparative genomics: - Genetic maps, physical maps, EST
and transcript maps, functional maps, comparative genomics and collinearity/synteny in maps.(4)

Whole Genome sequencing: - Whole genome shotgun sequencing, clone-by-clone or

‘hiererchical stotgun’ sequencing, microbial genomes (including yeast), plant genomes
(Arabidopsis and rice), Animal genomes (fruit fly, mouse, human). (6)

Annotation of whole genome sequence and functional genomics: - In silico methods, insertion
mutagenesis (T-DNA and transport insertion), TILLING, management of data, gene expression
and transcript profiling, EST contigs and unigene sets, use of DNA chips and microarrays. (6)

Pharmacogenomics: - Use in biomedicine involving diagnosis and treatment of diseases,

genomics in medical practice, personalized medicine, DNA polymorphism and treatment of
diseases, use of SNP in pharmacogenomics, pharmacogenomics and industry. (6)

PART B: Proteomics

Study and Scope: - Introduction, definition concepts and approaches of proteomics studies and
activities. (2)

Quantitative and Qualitative proteome analysis technique: - Separation technique- 2D-

PAGE, 2-DE (BN-PAGE), image analysis, Mass- spectrophotometery, LC-TMS, MALDI, and

Protein interaction and Protein complex: - Protein interaction, DNA- Protein

interaction, Yeast two hybrid system and their applications. (4)

Drug Discovery and Development: - Current issues, drug targets, Drug efficacy, Drug
toxicology, Protein chips and Antibody Microarray. (4)

Cancer Proteomics: - An overview of cancer, origin and types of cancer, proteomics in

cancer research, techniques of proteomics in cancer research, future approaches of
proteomics and cancer research. (4)

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