Summer Internship Report
Summer Internship Report
Summer Internship Report
Submitted by
Government Polytechnic for Girls, Surat
Guided By:
Mr. Nayan Patel
During the period of her internship program with us, she had
been exposed to different processes in Industrial Automation
and was found punctual, hardworking, and inquisitive.
We wish her every success in her life and career.
We hereby declare that the Internship report submitted along with the
Internship Project entitled Panel manufacturing submitted in partial
fulfillment for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics
and Communication to Gujarat Technological University,
Ahmedabad, is a bonafide record of the original project work carried
out by me at Shree Sainath sales under the supervision of Nayan Patel
and that no part of this report has been directly copied from any
students’ reports or taken from any other source, without providing
due reference.
Pandey Purva,
To Whom it may concern……………………………......………......ii
Chapter:1 About the Company .................................................... 1
Chapter:2 About components........................................................ 2
1.1 VDF ........................................................................................... 2
1.2 MCB .......................................................................................... 3
1.3 Contactor ................................................................................... 4
1.4 Overload Relay .......................................................................... 5
1.5 Connectors ................................................................................. 6
Chapter:3 Conclusion ...................................................................... 6
List of Figures
CH:2 About components
1.1 VDF:
The full form of VDF is a Variable frequency drive.
They are used for running an AC motor at variable
speeds. It is used to protect or control the induction
motor & also to control speed and torque and it
helps to save the lifetime of the induction motor.
VFDs work by adjusting the frequency of the motor
to adjust the RPMs.
Fig.1.1 VFD
To do this, a VFD will convert the voltage twice:
1) First, it converts our three-phase AC to DC. This is
accomplished with diodes.
2) Then it cleans the DC with a capacitor.
3) Next, it will convert the DC to AC. This is accomplished
with transistors acting as switches.
We can control the motor through VDF depending on its
motorized power and current.
1.2 MCB:
MCB stands for miniature Circuit Breaker. It is
widely used in panel production for automation
purposes. It is used for panel safety in electrical
It is used for the safety of inductor motors & other
related motor like d.c. motor, inductor motor, etc.
It may be tripped or phase-neutral.
Fig.1.2 MCB
This deflection of the bimetallic strip releases a mechanical
latch. As this mechanical latch is attached to the operating
mechanism, it causes to open the miniature circuit breaker
contacts, and the MCB turns off thereby stopping the current
to flow in the circuit.
1.3 Contactor:
It is used for contact and supply for the motor.
There are 2 types of contactors available in market
1) 230 V and 2) 415 V
Fig.1.3 Contactor
Fig.1.5 Connectors
CH:3 Conclusion
After doing this 2-week internship, I sensed the industrial
atmosphere. I learned to do teamwork; I saw how many
difficulties you may have to face if you don’t complete your
work properly. I got more knowledge about electronic
components and how the components are used to make a
panel. I also learned about soldering, fitting, a little bit about
wire connections, Programming of VFD, Start-stop switches,
and their connection. I learned to make jumper wires, clip the
wires, how to connect a contactor with an overload relay, and
had some other valuable lessons.