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Ampam Constitution

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Allodium Moroccan Praedium Ante Michigan

(A Provincial State Government under the existing and pre-existing Sovereignty of the Moroccan Empire)

Dear Honorable Secretary General,

I Am: watley, william-ray El, Hajib: Minister of Foreign Affairs, writing you to express our Declaration of
Statehood for the Record. We are 'Allodium Moroccan Praedium Ante´ Michigan (A Provincial State
Government under the existing and pre-existing Sovereignty of the Moroccan Empire). Our desire is to
move into greater knowledge and participation with the International Community via the United
Nations’ Platforms and Protocols. Initially we shall be acceding to various Treaties, Declarations, and
Conventions that deal directly with our Status and Standing, as well as shared jurisdictions in
Amexem / North America, the Treaty Rights of competent Moroccan State Governments, and the
Treaty Obligations of the United States of America and its International Organizations.

The following Documents and Images are additionally provided via email attachment:

- The Law of Sankofa (Constitution for Allodium Moroccan Praedium Ante Michigan)
- The National Flag
- The National Seal (Color)

To view the Official Inauguration for ‘Allodium Moroccan Praedium Ante Michigan’:

- Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05_Ics7iw-Q

We would consider it a great Honor and Privilege if you would acknowledge our Communication(s); this
auspiciously beginning of a long and fruitful relationship.

:watley, william-ray El, Hajib, Minister of Foreign Affairs
Allodium Moroccan Praedium Ante Michigan
Latitude: 33.14’52.3500 N. by Longitude: -83.26’28.1832 W.
c/o 19759 James Couzens Freeway
Detroit, Michigan Republic [near 48235]
Allodium Moroccan Praedium Ante Michigan


The official Constitution for ALLODIUM MOROCCAN PRAEDIUM ANTE MICHIGAN (A Provincial State
Government under the existing and pre-existing Sovereignty of the Moroccan Empire).

Allodium Moroccan Praedium Ante Michigan
(A Provincial State Government under the existing and pre-existing Sovereignty of the Moroccan Empire)

Law of Sankofa
We, the Moors in Morocco, the Mothers and Sons of Northwest Amexem, Northwest Alkebulan, the
Northgate and standing on our Five Points of Light: Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice, in order to
restore a balanced order, just protections, reciprocal wealth and cultural integrity for ourselves and our
Jus sanguine heirs, do establish this Law of Sankofa (constitution) for the Organic State, Allodium
Moroccan Praedium Ante Michigan.
• NOTE: Initial Statement for the Law of Sankofa (Constitution) expressing the nature and intention of the provincial government; Who we
are and why we are establishing this constitution? Land-Nationals-Freedom-Protection-Rights-Generations-Moors-BirthrightsPedigree-
calling on our Ancestral Wisdom coming out of the ancient Law of Nations-Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice.

We the Moors of Morocco, who have been classified, within the ‘United States of America’s Census Bureau’ constructed race category,
as ‘black’, ‘negro’, ‘colored’, ‘brown’, ‘African American’ and ‘Indian’, do not consent to the politically denationalizing of Moors, in this
or any other manner, for it violates the International Peremptory Rights (Jus Cogens) of the Indigenous Peoples, the Moors in Morocco.


The Dominions for the Allodium Moroccan Praedium Ante Michigan (AMPAM) include all Land, Air and
Waterways within Latitude: 30.5 degrees North to 34.9 degrees North by Longitude: 80.8 degrees West
to 85.6 degrees West. Our Earth Dominions are 298 miles long (East to West) and 230 miles wide (North
to South). The total area of Land and Waterways is 59,425 square miles (57,906 square miles of Land and
1,519 square miles of Water). The lowest point is 0 feet above sea level (known as the Atlantic Ocean)
and the highest point is 4,784 feet above sea level (known as Brasstown Bald). These are the dominions
from the center of the Earth through our divine footprint into the farthest reaches of the cosmos, upon
which we Thrive, through which we Heal and in which we are Restored.
NOTE: Land, not territory. Earth, not plots. Dominions, not Real Estate. Parcels, not Property. For Land, see definition in
Black’s Law Dictionary 4th Edition (pg. 573)

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Our Inalienable Rights:

Every Woman, Man and Child; all Mothers and Sons, are born with certain Inalienable and unalienable
Rights, endowed by the CREATOR, having nothing but its’ own Rights, expressed in and throughout its’
creation. These Rights can NEVER be taken away, diminished, altered, or levied by any government.
Thus, no contract, fraud, sufferance nor under color of Law can any unalienable Right be Removed from
a Moroccan National in Allodium Moroccan Praedium Ante Michigan (AMPAM). These Rights include,
yet are not limited to,

The Right to:

1. Life, Freedom, Health and the Pursuit of Happiness
2. Contract, or not to Contract
3. Earn a living through the fair exchange of one’s work for compensation.
4. Travel by Land, Air and Water, in ordinary course of one’s affairs.
5. Privacy and confidentiality, free from unwarranted invasion.
6. Claim and Hold Land Allodial without trespass.
7. Self Defense when threatened with harm, loss or deceit.
8. Due Process of Law, with Notice and Opportunity to Defend.
9. Bear Arms and participate in an official militia for the Defense of the Nation irrespective of
any prior legal status.
10. Be Secure in one’s Person, Houses, Papers and Effects against unreasonable searches and
11. No Warrants being issued, unless upon probable cause, supported by an Oath or Affirmation,
and particularly describing the place to be searched and the individual(s) or thing(s) to be
12. Be Presumed Innocent, suffering NO detention or arrest, no search or seizure, without
reasonable cause.
13. Remain Silent when accused, to avoid self-incrimination.
14. Equality in the eye(s) of Law, and to equal voice in the Courts.
15. An Imperial Court of Competent National Jurists.
16. Appeal in Law against conviction or sentence, or both.
17. Expose Knowledge necessary to one’s Rights and Freedoms.
18. Peaceful Association, Assembly, Expression of Dissent and Protest.
19. Practice a Religion and to have Beliefs, of one’s choosing.
20. Love, Consensual Matrimony and to raise a family.
21. Security from abuse, persecution, tyranny, and war.
22. Refuse to kill under command, by reason of conscience.
23. Live in Peace and be left alone when abiding by Law.
24. Our Status, Pedigree and National Standing being perpetually endured.
25. Promote and Provide Erudition on our cultural diversity, richness of civilization and
contributions ab initio, to humankind on Earth.
26. Be perpetually free from discrimination of any kind.
27. Repossess Lands and Resources resulting from colonization and forced/coercive
dispossession of Lands and Resources
28. Our Lands, Dominions and Resources not being abridged.
29. Enter into Treaties, Agreements, Accords and Constructive Agreements with any and/or all
States and Nations of the World, Earth and Cosmos.

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30. Exercise control and Oversight of developments affecting our Lands, Dominions and
Resources for the protection of the environment with economic reciprocity to our Nation.
31. Establish Institutions for Education in Culture, Science, Spirituality, Traditional Healing, Child
Raising, Agriculture, Construction, National and International Law, as well as, any other
field(s) of study, necessary or prudent for the ongoing development and Prosperity of our
32. Live in a demilitarized region, where Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice are the
Foundations for the Social Order.
33. Full Entitlement without discrimination to all human Rights, recognized in International Law,
Natural Law and Organic Law.
34. The Full Enjoyment, as a collective and/or as Individuals, of all human Rights and
Fundamental Freedoms as recognized in the unabridged Charter of the United Nations, the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of
Indigenous people, the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, and International Human
Rights Law.

The Rights of every Moor derive from our Spiritual, Scientific, Cultural, Economic, Political, Social,
Scientific, Chronological and Philosophical Structures.

Rights that we, the Autochthonous, Aboriginal and Indigenous people, Moors from the Land, have by
pedigree accrued throughout time immemorial are hereby included in this, the Law of Sankofa.

These Unalienable/Inalienable Rights are NOT the only ones protected under this Law of Sankofa. Rights
not expressed here, yet still inherent, shall be just as inviolable as the ones delineated. The Strength of
the people is in knowing their Rights. It is incumbent on this Provincial Government to assure that all
Moroccan Nationals, within our dominions, have been given erudition on these Rights and how to live
by them.

May Allodium Moroccan Praedium Ante Michigan (AMPAM) be a beacon of Light for the Restoration of
the Moroccans Empire.
• NOTE: Rights Divinely Ordained, Inalienable, Unalienable, Autochthonous, Aboriginal and Inherited by Blood Pedigree. Mothers and Sons
/ every Woman, Man and Child. All naturally born and created “womb”-men are Mothers.

ARTICLE ( 1 ):

Wazir Al’Rais

1. The Provincial Divan, as expressed in this Law of Sankofa, shall include three (3) Branches of
Governance. Herein shall be covered the Executive Branch.
• Wazir Al’Rais shall be the official Title for the Highest Office in Government.
• The Executive Office includes a Deputy, Secretariate, as well as other offices required for the
executive administration for Provincial Affairs.
• The Wazir Al’Rais and the offices under their oversight shall be governed by this Law of Sankofa.
• The Executive Office is afforded the Privilege of being the Supreme Officer and Spokesperson,
appointing a Secretariate, Ambassador(s) and addressing issues of National Importance, while
simultaneously working with the Dalil Aziz for the signing and institution of bills, which facilitates
services focused on the well-being of the people.
• The Wazir Al’Rais has the power to veto a decision by the Dalil Aziz if the Vote is by less than 67%
(2/3rds) affirmative.

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2. The Wazir Al’Rais shall be constrained from using the office for personal gain, exercising undue
influence, influence peddling, receiving emolument from a foreign power, receiving bribes,
appointing offices not approved by the Dalil Aziz, issuing executive orders and requiring personal
oaths of allegiance. Also, the Wazir Al’Rais is constrained from adding offices and executive
departments without the approval by the Dalil Aziz. All officers under the Secretariate, elected or
appointed, shall be held on this standard.
3. The Requirements for being Elected as Wazir Al’Rais shall be:
• The Candidate must be at least 35 years old.
• The Candidate must be a Matrilineal National at least six (6) years.
• The Candidate must have demonstrated competency in Moorish Science and Culture, Moorish
Chronology, National Civics, as well as Appreciation for the Well Being of the people.
• The Candidate must have lived within the provincial Dominions for a minimum of three (3)
consecutive years.
• The Candidate cannot be of subject status within any imperial/provincial government
4. Elections for the Wazir Al’Rais shall take place December 20 th of each 5th year starting with the
year 2022.
• Inauguration for the Wazir Al’Rais shall be on December 29th of the same year.
• The Wazir Al’Rais (cannot) serve consecutive terms of office, yet they may run for the same office
after a full term has passed. Additionally, they may only serve in the same office three (3) times in
one (1) lifetime.
5. Secretariate Offices shall be appointed by the Wazir Al’Rais and installed under Oath,
immediately following election and confirmation by the Dalil Aziz.
• Executive Branch Office(s):
i. Deputy Wazir Al’Rais
ii. Dar-Al’ Wazirate (Secretariate): (Non-elected positions, appointed by Wazir Al’Rais)
iii.Wazir of the Baitul Mal (Moorish Treasury)
iv. iv. Hajib (Minister of Foreign Affairs)
1. Cadi (Deed Tax Assessor)
2. Rasm (Undersecretary of National Standing) (Appointed)
3. Rasm (Undersecretary of Trusts and Estates) (Appointed)
4. Rasm (Undersecretary of Transportation) (Appointed)
v. Mufti (Consul General)
vi. Sutrah (Secretary for Defense)
1. Shariff (Enforcer) (Appointed) vii. Nabi – Tasawwuf (Secretary
of Education and Spiritual Science) viii. Wahy – Llham (Mind & Heart)
(Secretary of Health and Family Well-Being)
6. In the event the office of the Wazir Al’Rais is vacated either by resignation, impeachment,
incapacity or death, the following protocols shall apply:
• In case of Resignation and Impeachment, the Wazir Al’Rais shall have Thirty (30) Days to finalize
any and all pending matters requiring their attention. The Thirty (30) Day Period can be reduced
to immediate dismissal with approval by the Seyaraha and Head Qazi.
• In the case of Death or Incapacity (terminal illness, physical debilitating condition or mental
incapacity) the line of succession shall apply.
7. The line of succession is:
• Deputy Wazir Al’Rais
• Hajib
• Seyaraha
• Mufti
• Sutrah

The Successor who fills the vacated position of Wazir Al’Rais shall do so for the remainder of the
existing term.
The position vacated as a result of the succession shall be filled by the appointment from the
Wazir Al’Rais with the approval from the Dalil Aziz and the Head Qazi.
NOTE: Executive Branch (powers of delegation, enforcement and execution, as well as
constraints on the powers so conferred) (protocols for electing the Executive Branch Officials)
(Qualifications for holding Executive Office)

ARTICLE ( 2 ):

Dalil Aziz

1. The Provincial Divan as expressed in this Law of Sankofa shall include three (3) Branches of
Governance. Herein shall be covered the Dalil Aziz Branch.
• The Dalil Aziz shall have general oversight of all provincial government operations.
2. The head of the Dalil Aziz shall hold the Title of Seyaraha and shall Manage the Administrative
Affairs for the Dalil Aziz.
• The Seyaraha shall be elected, as their first order of business, by the Dalil Aziz body annually on
May 15th of each year.
• The election of the Seyaraha shall be affirmed by the Wazir Al’Rais and the Head Qazi.
• The Seyaraha shall be the determining vote in case of a tie.
3. The Dalil Aziz shall introduce, vote on, and present to the Wazir Al’Rais for signature/autograph,
any and all bills which pass through their body.
• Bills for consideration may be presented to the Dalil Aziz from within the body, from the Wazir
Al’Rais and form the Moorish Nationals who are the ‘body politic’ for the provincial government.
• The Dalil Aziz shall oversee and initiate, if necessary, Impeachment Proceedings (for removal)
upon any Executive, Dalil Aziz or Judicial Officer, who violates and abuses their powers in
contradiction of this Law of Sankofa.
4. The Dalil Aziz Members shall be constrained from admitting patriarchs into their ranks, using
the office for personal gain, exercising undue influence, influence peddling, receiving
emolument from a foreign power, receiving bribes, appointing offices not approved by the Dalil
Aziz, issuing special interest bills presuming to confer civil rights, and requiring personal oaths
of allegiance.
5. The Dalil Aziz shall be charged with overseeing the National Trust.
• The Dalil Aziz Members shall appoint three (3) Matrilineal Nationals as Trustee for the National
Trust, and those three (3) Trustees are then to appoint a Manager of the Treasury, who shall be
contracted to facilitate the accounting of revenues, reporting and distributions from the Treasury,
as per contractual obligations.
6. The Requirements for being Elected to the Dalil Aziz shall be:
• The Candidate must be a Matriarch (Womb-Man/Woman by natural birth and design)
• The Candidate must be at least Thirty (30) years of age.
• The Candidate must be a Matrilineal National for at least four (4) years.

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• The Candidate must have demonstrated competence in Moorish Science and Culture, Moorish Chronology,
National Civics, as well as, Appreciation for the Well-Being of the people.
• The Candidate must have lived within the provincial dominions for a minimum of three (3) years.
• The Candidate cannot be of subject status within any imperial/provincial government.
7. Elections for the Dalil Aziz Members shall take place May 15 th of each 5th year, starting with the year
• There shall initially be five (5) legislative members; two (2) of which are elected to five (5) year terms and
three (3) of which elected to three (3) year terms. Thus, the Dalil Aziz shall have a staggered election
• Every five (5) years, two (2) members of the Dalil Aziz are elected to a five (5) year term, beginning 2022.
• Every five (5) years, three (3) members of the Dalil Aziz are elected to a five (5) year term beginning 2027
• The initial election shall have three (3) members of the Dalil Aziz elected to a three (3) year term, and two
(2) elected to a five (5) year term.
8. The number of Dalil Aziz Members may be increased as population and demand increases, from five (5)
to seven (7) to nine (9) to thirteen (13).
• Thirteen (13) shall be the maximum number in the Dalil Aziz unless so changed by a Law of Sankofa
9. Oath taking for the Dalil Aziz shall be on May 15 th of the same year.
• The Dalil Aziz Members cannot serve consecutive terms of office, yet they may run for the same office after
a full term has past, and they may only serve in the same office three (3) times in one (1) lifetime.
10. In the event the office of the Seyaraha is vacated either by Resignation, Impeachment, Incapacity or
death, the following protocols shall apply.
• In case of Resignation and Impeachment, the Seyaraha shall have Thirty (30) Days to finalize any and all
pending matters requiring their attention. The Thirty (30) Day Period can be reduced to immediate
dismissal with approval by the Wazir Al’Rais and Head Qazi. The remaining Dalil Aziz members shall vote a
new Seyaraha to fill the remaining term of the vacating Seyaraha, who then must be approved by the Wazir
Al’Rais and the Head Qazi.
• In the case of Death or Incapacity (terminal illness, physically debilitating condition or mental incapacity)
the remaining legislative members shall vote a new Seyaraha to fill the remaining term of the vacating
Seyaraha, who then must be approved by the Wazir Al’Rais and the Head Qazi.
• Any Dalil Aziz Member vacating office shall be obligated to the same protocol as the Seyaraha.
- NOTE: Dalil Aziz (protocols to bring a bill to the floor, all bills must be in alignment with this Allodial
Constitution, any bill to the contrary notwithstanding) (the protocols for choosing who will represent who or
what sub dominions within the Nation) (Qualifications for holding legislative office)

ARTICLE ( 3 ):


1. The Provincial Divan as expressed in this Law of Sankofa (Constitution) shall include three branches of
governance. Herein shall be covered the Judicial Branch
The Judicial Power of the provincial government shall be vested in one (1) Supreme Court hereafter known
as the Dar-ul’ Adl with authority herein given to establish no more than twelve (12) District Dar-ul’ Adls as
population and demand require.
• Each District Dar-ul’ Adl shall be overseen by a Qazi/Dar-ul’ Adl Justice.
• As a new District Dar-ul’ Adl is established, a new Qazi is added to oversee its function.

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2. Initially there shall be only three (3) Qazi authorized to oversee and administer one (1) Dar-ul’ Adl and as
needed, for three (3) District Dar-ul’ Adls, serving the landed regions corporately known as Detroit,
Michigan. No inferior courts or administrative tribunals are authorized.
• There shall be three (3) Qazi to serve as Judicial Officers overseeing civil actions, criminal actions, family
actions, consular actions, contract arbitration, estate disposition cases and other procedural actions as
3. The Qazi Judicial Branch Members shall be constrained from using the office for personal gain, exercising
undue influence, influence peddling, receiving emolument from a foreign power, receiving bribes,
appointing offices not approved by the Dalil Aziz, ruling against the constitution and requiring personal
oaths of allegiance.
4. The requirements for being elected to the Dar-ul Adl shall be:
• The Candidate must be at least 45 years of age.
• The Candidate must be a Matrilineal National for at least six (6) years.
• The Candidate must have demonstrated appreciation for Moorish Science and Culture, Moorish
Chronology, National Civics, as well as, the Well-Being of the people.
• The Candidate must have lived within the provincial Dominions for a minimum of three (3) consecutive
• The Candidate cannot be of subject status within any imperial/provincial government.
5. Elections for the Qazi/Dar-ul Adl Justices shall take place 15 th of each twentieth (20 th) year starting with
the year 2022, 2042, 2062.
• There shall initially be three (3) Qazi/Dar-ul Adl Justices; one (1) of which is elected to an eight (8) year
term, and one (1) of which is elected to a fourteen (14) year term, and one (1) of which is elected to a
twenty (20) year term.
• Thus, the Qazi/Dar-ul Adl Justices shall have a staggered election protocol:
i. Every Twenty (20) years, one (1) Qazi is elected to a twenty (20) year term beginning
2022, 2042, 2062
ii. Every Fourteen (14) years, one (1) Qazi is elected to a fourteen (14) year term beginning
2022, 2036, 2050
iii. Every Eight (8) years, one (1) Qazi is elected to an eight (8) year term beginning 2022, 2030,
• Oath taking for the Qazi shall be on May 15 th of the same year.
• The Dar-ul’ Adl Members may serve consecutive terms of office, and they may only serve in the same office
for two (2) terms in one lifetime.
6. In the event the office of the Head Qazi is vacated either by resignation, impeachment, incapacity or
death, the following protocols shall apply:
• In the case of resignation and impeachment, the Head Qazi shall have thirty (30) days to finalize any and all
pending matters requiring their attention. The thirty (30) day period can be reduced to immediate dismissal
with approval by the Wazir Al’Rais and Seyaraha. A new Head Qazi shall be chosen by the remaining Qazi;
after a new Head Qazi is chosen with the Wazir Al’Rais and Dalil Aziz approval, to fill the remaining term of
the vacating Head Qazi.
• In the case of Death or Incapacity (terminal illness, physically debilitating condition or mental incapacity) a
new Qazi is chosen to fill the remaining term of the vacated Qazi, with the approval
of the Wazir Al’Rais and the Seyaraha, and subsequently the new body of the Qazi shall choose a Head
7. All Nationals holding offices in OUR NATION must be under Oath “to uphold, support and reflect the Law
of Sankofa for Allodium Moroccan Praedium Ante Michigan (AMPAM) by working unwaveringly to assure
that all laws, principles and decisions are carried out for the good of the people” This Oath shall be
administered by the Head Qazi.
8. When the Oath is for the Head Qazi, the Seyaraha shall administer the Oath.
NOTE: Judicial Branch (protocols for reviewing bills to ensure conformity with constitutional standards)
(Protocols for choosing judiciary) (Qualifications for holding judicial office)

ARTICLE ( 4 ):

National Trust

1. The National Trust for the provincial government shall be established as an International, Divinely
Established, Sovereign, Allodial, Express Trust.
2. The Purpose of the National Trust for the provincial government is to provide for management, oversight,
reporting, accounting for revenues and distributions for and from Treasury.
3. The Treasurer for the National Trust is in the capacity of General Manager for the National Trust with
limited and delegated authority over the Treasury.
• The Treasurer reports directly to the Trustees for the National Trust.
• The Dalil Aziz shall choose and contract three (3) Matrilineal Nationals who shall serve as Trustees for the
National Trust.
i. These Trustees report directly to the Dalil Aziz.
• The Trustees are responsible for delegating the terms and conditions for the Treasurer/General Manager,
Agents and Contract Workers.
4. The National Trust shall provide full disclosure as to all revenues and distributions (not of a personal
nature, so as to protect privacy) and to facilitate confidence in the government’s ability and intention to
fulfill its mission honorably.
• The plan for revenue management shall be as follows:
i. From 100% of revenues in a given period either monthly, quarterly or bi-annually (as the Trustees
shall see fit), the revenues shall be distributed as follows:
1. 10% to be contributed to various Moroccan Empire development funds which support
Moorish Erudition, Provincial Government Development, Moorish Housing, and Moorish
Family Support.
2. 10% to remain as reserves in the Treasury
3. 40% to be used for Governmental Management
4. 40% to be distributed among the registered Moorish Nationals from the Prior accounting
period (this may also include those of Patrilineal National Status, yet their amount would
be half that of a Matrilineal National).
• The Accounting Method used for managing the accounting for revenues and distributions shall be simple
debit/credit accounting; no double-entry accounting.
5. Any and all Allodial Claims to Lands within our Dominions shall be held in Allodial, Aboriginal, Paramount
and Clear Perfect Title. The National Trust shall be the 1 st Lien Holder on all Lands claimed Allodial by the
government and by the Moroccan Nationals.
The National Trust, via the Trustees, shall liaison with the Hajib (Minister of Foreign Affairs) to facilitate the
Conveyance of Claims and Titles required for movable and immovable assets.
• The National Trust in conjunction with the Hajib (Minister of Foreign Affairs) shall facilitate the Claims on
Abandoned Lands within our Dominions.
6. The National Trust and Hajib (Minister of Foreign Affairs) shall establish protocols for interfacing with
foreigners who are residing in our Dominions, parcel by parcel, to facilitate amicable and equitable taxes
and revenue.

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• The Hajib (minister of Foreign Affairs) shall operate on behalf of the National Trust by asserting our Right of
Review/Oversight/ and Approval or not for Developments within our provincial Dominions.
7. Money, Currency, Fiat, Federal Reserve Notes, Private Commercial Paper and Crypto Currencies are all
forms of exchange used in Trade and Commerce.
• Money is:
i. Gold and Silver Coinage
1. One (1) Troy Ounce of Silver, one (1) Troy Ounce of Gold, also broken down into smaller
ounce denominations are for the full payment of all debts.
• Currency can be any commodity used and agreed upon by the trading or commercial partners to use the
consummate trade and commercial intercourse.
• Fiat is a term used to describe all other forms of money/currency besides Gold and Silver.
i. Fiat is (counterfeit) due to the fact that it is only valued by the consent of the users, having no
intrinsic value by its own merit.
• Federal Reserve Notes or bills or notes of exchange issued by the Federal Reserve to be used for the
revenue accounting, management and taxation upon the United States citizenry.
i. This is the common form of exchange instrument used in North-West Amexem, North America.
• Private Commercial Paper is any form of negotiable instrument used to satisfy obligations in Trade or
Commerce. These obligations can be represented as bonds, bills of exchange, promissory notes, deeds of
trust, letters of credit, debentures, as well as, investment instruments such as stocks, bonds, commodities,
currencies, and securities of all types.
• Crypto Currencies, electronic currencies, block chain and all forms of electronic currency exchange
mediums are new to the environment of international Trade and Commerce. These currencies are primarily
used by countries that have chosen a corporate as opposed to a Sovereign Status.
• Allodium Moroccan Praedium Ante Michigan (AMPAM) shall reserve the Right to use Real Money and
Currency described above in order to facilitate the required Trade and Commerce Agreements and
Arrangements for the provincial government.
• Allodium Moroccan Praedium Ante Michigan (AMPAM) reserves the Right to Coin/Mint Money as needed.

ARTICLE ( 5 ):

General Provisions

1. The AMPAM government shall be fully Representative. No one serving in an office shall receive a salary,
compensation, or other financial gift structure. Every official is entitled to receive within reasonable
limits, with documentation, reimbursement for expenses incurred while carrying out government affairs.
Each official is also a Matrilineal National and will receive the same benefit from national distributions that
all other Matrilineal Nationals receive.
2. Every elected or appointed official works for the people who are the Nation. Any attempt to confer upon
oneself a Title other than the title they are elected to is prohibited and will subject the official to
investigation for infractions against the people, their office, and the National Government.
3. There shall be two (2) status’ within AMPAM. Those status’ are: • Matrilineal
1) A Matrilineal National; one who is by birthright of their Moroccan Mother.
2) One who has declared and proclaimed their Nationality Standing as a Moroccan Matrilineal
3) One who has made a specific pledge via Oath and Allegiance to this Provincial Government
within the dominions of the greater Moroccan Empire, thus denouncing any prior allegiance and
other to a foreign power.
• Patrilineal
1) A Patrilineal National; one who is by DNA of a Moorish Father claiming a Moroccan Standing.
2) One who has made a specific pledge as a Patrilineal National under an Oath and Allegiance to
this provincial government, within the Dominions of the greater Moroccan Empire.
3) Patrilineal National Status prohibits one from holding a National Office, receiving full
allotment from the National Trust, and holding Allodial Title to Aboriginal Land,
4) One who denounces any prior allegiance to a foreign power.
4. In every society, there are crimes which affect the well-being of the people in adverse ways. Five (5)
crimes shall herein be addressed as anathema to the civil function and free expression in our nation.
• These five (5) crimes are:
1) Theft of Personal or National Property
2) Damaging Personal, or National Property
3) Causing physical harm to any Woman, Man and/or Child.
4) Causing the Death via Murder of any Woman, Man and/or Child
5) Treason against the Nation and the Nationals
• All the crimes listed must have an injured party, victim and/or personal witness to the fact, which can be
attested to by Oath and Affirmation.
• The Qazi shall oversee the Adjudication of the case regarding the crimes committed.
1) The sentence required by the Qazi shall be unique to each situation for the first three (3) crimes.
Thereafter, the crimes of murder and Treason have specific penalty and punishments
• The Sutrah shall oversee the required investigation into each of these crimes along with the Shariff. Their
investigation protocols shall be in respect of all the Matrilineal National’s Patrilineal National’s unalienable
Rights; and their findings shall be presented to the Qazi for preparing the necessary court proceedings.
• The first three (3) crimes, Theft, Property Damage and Causing Physical Harm, must have an injured party,
affidavit of fact attesting to the crime by the victim, evidence corroborating the affidavit of fact, and at least
one (1) witness.
The fourth (4th) crime of Murder must have evidence showing proof of deceased person, evidence showing
cause of death, and witnesses corroborating the evidence beyond a shadow of doubt.
1) Capital Punishment shall be administered with cause by the Provincial Government.
2) The Administered Consequence for the crime of Murder shall be in two (2) categories:
1. The Murder was committed by a Matrilineal National or Patrilineal National upon a
citizen of a foreign nation:
a. After complete investigation and adjudication, the Matrilineal National or
Patrilineal National is found guilty of Murder, they shall be turned over to the
offended nations’ officials for further sentencing and administering of set
consequence. Thus, there shall be complete and irrevocable expulsion of any
evidence of national allegiance on file with the Provincial Government. They are
turned over to the offended nation’s officials with a provision to follow
International Law and
Treaties in their Adjudication and Sentencing. Notification of this
Consequence shall follow them throughout the Moroccan Empire.
2. The Murder was committed by a Matrilineal National or Patrilineal National against a
Matrilineal National or Patrilineal National:

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a. In this instance, there shall be a complete investigation. If the Matrilineal
National or Patrilineal National is found guilty of Murder after complete
Investigation, Adjudication and Sentencing, the
Administered Consequence of Death shall be carried out immediately.
b. The fifth crime is Treason against the Nation and the Moroccan Nationals, which
carries a penalty of Capital
Punishment/Consequence. To be found guilty of Treason, two (2) witnesses to
the overt act against the Nation shall be sufficient to initiate a full investigation
into the Treason. The two (2) witnesses must each provide an affidavit of fact
detailing in explicit fashion the entire scope of what was witnessed, including all
parties involved. After complete Investigation, Adjudication and Sentencing, the
Administering of Consequence shall be carried out immediately.

5. Whenever conduct of an official is in question, whether for an official position or for disciplinary action,
the parameters used for making such assessment and evaluation as to their capacity for Behavioral
Compliance, Conformity and Allegiance to the Law of Sankofa (Constitution), the Dalil Aziz shall be guided
• The Five (5) Points of Light; Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice;
• The Seven Hermetic Principles being 1. Mentalism, 2. Correspondence, 3. Vibration, 4. Polarity, 5. Rhythm,
6. Cause and Effect, and 7. Gender;
• The Seven Virtues of Maat; 1. Truth, 2. Justice, 3. Propriety, 4. Harmony, 5. Balance, 6. Reciprocity, and 7.
• The 10 Principles of Maat, to have; 1. Control of Thought, 2. Control of Action, 3. Devotion to One’s
Purpose, 4. Faith in One’s Ability to Teach the Truth, 5. Faith in One’s Ability to Assimilate the Truth, 6.
Faith in One’s Ability to Wield the Truth, 7. Freedom from Resentment Under
Persecution, 8. Freedom from Resentment under wrong, 9. Ability to Distinguish Right from Wrong, and 10.
The Ability to Distinguish the Real from the Unreal
• The 42 Declarations of Maat/Innocence: 1) Not have I done wrong.
2) Not have I despoiled (stolen by force).
3) Not have I robbed.
4) Not have I Slain a Man or Woman.
5) Not have I acted unjustly.
6) Not have I diminished charitable offerings.
7) Not have I despoiled the things of the Divine.
8) Not have I spoken lies.
9) Not have I carried off food.
10) Not have I afflicted anyone.
11) Not have I wasted my seed or abused my sexuality.
12) Not have I caused the shedding of tears.
13) Not have I sown seeds of regret.
14) Not have I transgressed or been an aggressor.
15) Not have I acted deceitfully.
16) Not have I desolated ploughed Lands.
17) Not have I violated someone’s privacy.
18) Not have I set my mouth in motion against any woman or man.
19) Not have I raged, except with just case.
20) Not have I seduced or been intimate with the wife of a man.
21) Not have I seduced or been intimate with the husband of a woman.
22) Not have I polluted myself (Mind, Body, Spirit) 23) Not have I caused terror.
24) Not have I committed offense.
25) Not have I inflamed myself with rage.
26) Not have I made myself deaf to the words of Right and Truth. 27) Not have I caused grief.
28) Not have I acted insolently.
29) Not have I stirred up Strife.
30) Not have I judged hastily.
31) Not have I been an eavesdropper.
32) Not have I been too talkative.
33) Not have I harmed or done evil.
34) Not have I cursed my Ancestors.
35) Not have I fouled or wasted Water.
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36) Not have I spoken with an arrogant voice.
37) Not have I cursed the CREATOR.
38) Not have I committed Theft.
39) Not have I defrauded the offerings.
40) Not have I stolen offerings from the Ancestors.
41) Not have I stolen food from the baby’s mouth, or wronged the Divine Community. 42) Not have
I slaughtered animals.

The Five (5) Points of Light, Seven (7) Hermetic Principles, Seven (7) Virtues of Maat, Ten (10) Principles of Maat,
and the Forty Two (42) Declarations of Maat - Innocence stand as the Foundation of our Spiritual, Cultural and
Societal Development.

ARTICLE ( 6 ):

Supremacy Clause
1. The Supreme Law of the Land is this Law of Sankofa, as well as, all Treaties made or which shall
be made under our National Seal and flag. Our Delegation of Authority for establishing this Law
of Sankofa are:
• The Great Law of Peace (also known as the Iroquois Confederacy)
• The Treaty of Peace and Friendship (made between the United States of America and the Sultan
of Morocco, 1786/87 and 1836)
• The Jay Treaty 1794
• The Treaty of Amity, Commerce and Navigation (made between Great Britain and the United
States of America, 1794)
• The Treaty of Peace and Friendship (made between the United States and the Bey and Subjects
of Tripoli of Barbary, 1797)
• General Treaty (made between Great Britain and Morocco (the Empire) signed in English and
Arabic language, at Tangier, December 9th of 1856)
• Right of Protection in Morocco (July 3rd of 1880)
• General Act of the International Conference of Algeciras (April 7 th of 1906)
• Charter of the United Nations of 1945
• Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 1961
• Vienna Convention on Consular Relations of 1963
• Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties of May 23 rd 1969 and April 24th 1970 (entered into
force on January 27th of 1980)

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• The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
• United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
• The Law of Nations Universal jus sanguine claim of Self Determination
• The Allodial Right to Establish our own Cultural, Economic, Political, Social and Civilized Society
on our own Land.
2. This Provincial Government and all Moroccan Nationals therein shall stand upon the Five (5)
Points of Light; Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice. We the Autochthonous, Aboriginal and
Indigenous people within our Dominions here in the Empire of Morocco, Northwest Amexem,
Northwest Alkebulan and the Northgate, shall remain true to the ideals of Law and
Jurisprudence herein reflected.
NOTE: Supreme Law of the Land, including the power to make Treaties with other provincial governments or
tribal governments given they accept an Allodial and Jus Sanguine Status.

ARTICLE ( 7 ):

Amendment Protocol

1. The power to amend this Law of Sankofa is in the hands of the Dalil Aziz.
a. A vote of 85% by the Dalil Aziz and the Matrilineal Nationals voting, respectively, is required in
order to approve any bill which would amend this Law of Sankofa.
b. Each and Every Matrilineal National must be given the opportunity to cast a vote, either yay or
nay, regarding the amending bill in question.
NOTE: Delineation of powers to amend this constitution with circumstances and protocols for amendment.

2. Amendments: Last Amended on December 25 th, 2022

3. Original Ratification:

a. Ratified this Day: December 25TH, 2022

b. Ratifying Parties:
i. Me'Amur Bey | Wazir Al’Rais (Prime Minister)
ii. Kalifa Bey| Qazi (Chief Judge)
iii. Ray El | Hajib (Minister of Foreign Affairs)
iv. Jennifer El | Seylaharra of (Dalil Azizs)
For the Official Ratifying of this Law of Sankofa, True/Actual Autographs and supporting Right Thumb Prints of the
Allodium Moroccan Praedium Ante MIchigan (AMPAM) Government Officials on the following page. If this is a
(copy) of the Original, please see copied autographs instead, below.
Autograph: _______________________________________________
(Wazir Al’Rais: Prime Minister)

Autograph: _______________________________________________
Kilifa Bey
(Qazi: Chief Judge)

Autograph: _______________________________________________
:watley, william-ray El
(Hajib: Minister of Foreign Affairs)

Autograph: ______________________________________________
Jennifer El
Dalil Azizs: seyaraha 13 mantrichard consulars

We, the herein parties, Allodium Moroccan Praedium Ante Michigan (AMPAM) State Government officials and
Moorish Nationals, have Declared, on Oath, to absolutely and entirely renounce and adjure all previous and/or
current allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, secret organization, or state, and to solely
support and defend this Law of Sankofa (Constitution). We have also declared recognition and authorization of
AMPAM, and will maintain True Faith and Allegiance thereto. We impose this obligation upon ourselves
voluntarily without mental reservation or purpose of evasion.

Ase’. Islam. Gratitude

Allodium Moroccan Praedium Ante Michigan

:watley, william-ray El
Hijab | Minister of Foreign Affairs

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E: [email protected] | T: 1.313.743.1910

Allodium Moroccan Praedium Ante Michigan

Description: The seal for all AMPAM State Nationals is the Round Royal Blue Emblem to represent the Dominant
Power over the Seas, as well as, a coming out of the Seas and onto the Land. The Zodiac Ring on it's inner rim, to
represent Natural Law. The Scale to represent Justice. The 24 Stars represent the ancient ones that watches over
this great nation and the five point in each star represent love truth peace freedom and justice. Ma'at in the
center of the zodiac represent the legislative branch the 13 Matriarch Goddesses of truth, justice, balance
bringing back order. The All Seeing Eye, of Horus represent power and healing of the Moroccan Nations and our
states coming back into Full Knowledge and Power. Finally, 'feather represent STANDING IN HONOR to our
ancestor as (AMPAM) Stand United.
Allodium Moroccan Praedium Ante Michigan


Description: The Provincial State Flag, with the black background, 12 circle of gold stars. A gray,
black and white owl seated in the center of a dream catcher, guarding the 4 cornered of the earth.
2022 to represent the Year in which Allodium Moroccan Praedium Ante Michigan was erected, the
black color of the flag represents protection, power, strength, enlightenment and rebirth. The 12
Golden Stars, representing the Zodiac Constellation. The gray, black and white owl which set in the
center of the dream catcher represent the all seeing eye of wisdom and knowledge on the earth the
dream catcher is there to block negative energy and let in the positive energy onto the four corners
of the earth represented by the green.

Allodium Moroccan Praedium Ante Michigan

Description: The flag for all Moroccan Nationals is, and shall remain, the Red Canopy with the Green
five-pointed Star, which represents the “Sovereignty Flag of Morocco”, Al Moroccan – the Mother of
Flags and Evidence and Declaration of our Natural Descent to this land, the Moroccan Empire..
Allodium Moroccan Praedium Ante Michigan




The official ‘National Allegiance & Oath’ for all Moroccan Nationals under the existing and pre-existing
Sovereignty of the Moroccan Empire.
As well as,

The official (State) ‘Oath & Allegiance’ for all Moroccan Nationals Registered and Recognized by
Allodium Moroccan Praedium Ante Michigan (A Provincial State Government under the existing and
pre-existing Sovereignty of the Moroccan Empire).

Allodium Moroccan Praedium Ante Michigan
A Provincial State Government under the existing and pre-existing sovereignty of the Moroccan Empire.



As derived from the ‘Circle 7’ - Chapter XXX - 1, 2 - Social Duties – 1 st Party

1. When thou considereth thy wants, when thou beholdeth thy imperfections, acknowledge his
goodness, 0h son of humanity, who honored thee with humanity, endowed thee with speech,
and placed thee in society to receive and confer reciprocal helps and mutual obligations,
protection from injuries, thy enjoyments of the comforts and the pleasures of life; all these thou
oweth to the assistance of others, and couldst not enjoy but in the bands of society.
2. It is thy duty, therefore, to be a friend to mankind, as it is thy interest that man should be
friendly to thee

I pledge my Allegiance, by these tents, to Allodium Moroccan Praedium Ante Michigan.

I, _________________________________________________, provide the following information

voluntarily as supporting evidence of my Moroccan Nationality, Status, Pedigree and Birthright. This
information shall serve as Census information for substantiation and verification for the body politic of
Allodium Moroccan Praedium Ante Michigan.


I, __________________________________________________, am a Moroccan National, Al

Moroccan, Moroccan Sovereign, part and parcel with Allodium Moroccan Praedium Ante Michigan (A
Provincial State Government under the existing and pre-existing sovereignty of the Moroccan Empire).

AMPAM.GOVD.NAO.001 Page 1 of 3
I, under my Moroccan Appellation, freely and without coercion renounce allegiance and oath to any
other Nation, State, Potentate, Monarchy, or secret society.

I freely take and declare this Oath to Allodium Moroccan Praedium Ante Michigan.


As derived from the ‘Circle 7’ - Chapter XXXI – Justice – 1 st Party

1. The peace of society dependent on justice; the happiness of individuals, on the safe enjoyment of all
their possessions.

2. Keep the desires of thy heart, therefore, within the bounds of moderation; let the hand of justice
lead them aright.

3. Cast not an evil eye on the goods of thy neighbor; let whatever is his property be sacred from thy

4. Let no temptation allure thee, nor any provocation excite thee to lift up thy hand to the hazard of his

5. Defame him not in his character; bear no false witness against him.

6. Corrupt not his servant to cheat or forsake him; and the wife of his bosom, 0 tempt not to sin.

7. It will be a grief to his heart, which thou canst not relieve; an injury to his life, which no reparation
can atone.

8. In thy dealings with men, be impartial and just; and do unto them as thou wouldst they should do
unto thee.

9. Be faithful to thy trust and deceive not the man who relieth upon thee; be assured, it is less evil in
the sight of Allah to steal than to betray.

10. Oppress not the poor, and defraud not of his hire, the laboring man.

11. When thou selleth for gain, hear the whispering of conscience, and be satisfied with moderation;
nor from the ignorance of thy buyer take any advantage.

12. Pay the debts which thou oweth: for he who gave thee credit, relieth upon thine honor; and to
withhold from him his due, is both mean and unjust.

13. Finally, 0 son of society, examine thy heart, call remembrance to thy aid; and if in any of these things
thou hath transgressed, make a speedy reparation, to the utmost of thy power


Mother’s Name: ______________________________________ National Descent: ___________

Matrilineal Grandmother’s Name: ________________________ National Descent: ___________

AMPAM.GOVD.NAO.001 Page 2 of 3
Matrilineal Great Grandmother’s Name: ___________________ National Descent: ___________
Father’s Name: _______________________________________ National Descent: ___________

My Natural Born Day is ________ (day) _________________________ (month) ___________ (year)

__________ (time).

Mailing Location: C/O _________________________________________________


Email: _______________________________________ Phone: ____________________________

I am a: Matrilineal National | | Patrilineal National | |

I autograph this National Allegiance & Oath, affirming, from this moment forward, that I do honor and
abide by this covenant. Thus, under penalty of perjury, I understand that penalties shall be assessed for
any false statement made herein.

Date: ________________

I am: _______________________________________
Affirming Moroccan National’s Printed Appellation

Affirming Moroccan National’s Autograph

I witness: _______________________________________
Witnessing Moroccan National’s Autograph

By Order of the Court: _______________________________________

Kalifa Bey,
Qazi (Chief Judge) Consular Court of Allodium
Moroccan Praedium Ante Michigan
(Full Autograph)

Penalties may include but are not limited to financial assessment, relinquishment of property, loss of elected or appointed
position in the provincial State government of Allodium Moroccan Praedium Ante Michigan. The government for Allodium
Moroccan Praedium Ante Michigan reserves the right to EXILE a Moroccan National who has committed Treason against the

AMPAM.GOVD.NAO.001 Page 3 of 3
Allodium Moroccan Praedium Ante Michigan

Oath & AllegIance

I, ________________________________________, Hereby Declare, on Oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce

and adjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign principal, potentate, secret organization, or state. I solemnly swear
(or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the Allodium Moroccan Praedium Ante Michigan, and I
hereby declare that I recognize and accept the authority of the Allodium Moroccan Praedium Ante Michigan, and I
will maintain true faith and allegiance there to, and that I impose this obligation upon myself voluntarily without
mental reservation or purpose evasion.

This Oath is executed without the United States and the undersigned states that the facts contained herein are true
and correct. Executed on this _______ day of ________________________ in the year ____________.

Printed Appellation
The autographing of this document (Oath & Allegiance | AMPAM.GOVD.OA.0002) has been witnessed by two (2)
Matriarchal Council Member(s):
Autograph: ___________________________________________
Appellation: Matriarchal Council, Witness
Allodium Moroccan Preadium Ante Michigan

Autograph: ___________________________________________
Appellation: Matriarchal Council, Witness
Allodium Moroccan Praedium Ante Michigan

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