Detailed Lesson Plan in Music 3 2022
Detailed Lesson Plan in Music 3 2022
Detailed Lesson Plan in Music 3 2022
I. Objectives
The Grade 3 pupils are expected to:
1. Define Rhythm.
2. Perform two rhythmic patterns.
3. Express the relevance of rhythm in the reality of life especially in music.
III. Procedure
A. Preliminary
Greeting Good morning class! How are you Good morning Ma’am. We are
today? fine.
Okay now, I am requesting everyone (The pupils will arrange their
to arrange your chairs properly and chairs and will pick up the
make sure that everything is clear in trashes.)
your surroundings.
Checking of Yes, ma’am, it’s Jessa.
Attendance Do we have absent today? Yes, ma’am.
Okay, only Jessa is the absent?
B. Motivation
May I request everyone once again to (The pupils will stand up.)
stand for our motivational song.
Do you know the folk song “Leron Yes, ma’am.
Leron Sinta”?
C. Review
Can you still recall our topic last Our lesson last meeting was
meeting? Anyone? about “beat.”
Yes, Eric.
Okay, are you ready for our new We don’t have an idea, ma’am.
lesson for today?
So what do you think our next topic
will be? Anyone?
Hmm. You have no idea. That’s okay.
Very good! And let us now move to our next pattern. Still do it with me.
2. ________________________________________________________________
Ta Ta Ti – Ti Ta Ti –Ti Ta Shh Ta
Janice K. Olalo
Teacher Applicant