Effects of Short Sprint Interval Training On Aerob
Effects of Short Sprint Interval Training On Aerob
Effects of Short Sprint Interval Training On Aerob
DOI: 10.1111/sms.14133
Integrated Institute of Health, Federal
University of Mato Grosso do Sul, The effects of short sprint interval training (sSIT) with efforts of ≤10 s on maxi-
Campo Grande, Brazil mal oxygen consumption (V̇O2max), aerobic and anaerobic performances remain
College of Healthcare Sciences, James unknown. To verify the effectiveness of sSIT in physically active adults and ath-
Cook University, Townsville, Australia
letes, a systematic literature search was conducted according to the Preferred
Research and Development
Department, iLOAD Solutions, Campo Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). The da-
Grande, Brazil tabases PubMed/MEDLINE, ISI Web of Science, and SPORTDiscus were system-
Department of Molecular and Cellular atically searched on May 9, 2020, and updated on September 14, 2021. Inclusion
Sports Medicine, German Sport
criteria were based on PICO and included healthy athletes and active adults of
University, Cologne, Germany
Department of Physical Education and
any sex (≤40 years), performing supervised sSIT (≤10 s of “all-out” and non-“all-
Health, Higher Institute of Physical out” efforts) of at least 2 weeks, with a minimum of 6 sessions. As a comparator,
Education, University of the Republic, a non-sSIT control group, another high-intensity interval training (HIIT) group,
Montevideo, Uruguay
or a continuous training (CT) group were required. A total of 18 studies were
Human Performance Laboratory,
University of Texas at Austin, Austin, deemed eligible. The estimated SMDs based on the random-effects model were
Texas, USA −0.56 (95% CI: −0.79, −0.33, p < 0.001) for V̇O2max, −0.43 (95% CI: −0.67, −0.20,
p < 0.001) for aerobic performance, and −0.44 (95% CI: −0.70, −0.18, p < 0.001)
Moritz Schumann, Department for anaerobic performance after sSIT vs. no exercise/usual training. However,
of Molecular and Cellular Sports there were no significant differences (p > 0.05) for all outcomes when comparing
Medicine, German Sport University,
Am Sportpark Müngersdorf 6, 50933
sSIT vs. HIIT/CT. Our findings indicate a very high effectiveness of sSIT protocols
Cologne, Germany. in different exercise modes (e.g., cycling, running, paddling, and punching) to im-
Email: [email protected] prove V̇O2max, aerobic, and anaerobic performances in physically active young
healthy adults and athletes.
aerobic fitness, anaerobic fitness, high-intensity interval training, human performance, sprint
interval training
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided
the original work is properly cited.
© 2022 The Authors. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science In Sports published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
810 wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/sms
Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2022;32:810–820.
BOULLOSA et al. | 811
to date, it is commonly used in both individual and team non-“all-out” efforts will aid in verifying the effectiveness
sports,3 and in clinical practice,4 to enhance both aerobic of short efforts during different HIIT schemes for physical
and anaerobic fitness components.5 Although athletes fitness development. This information is very important to
typically combine HIIT with other training modalities for elucidate the chronic adaptations of sSIT when compared
fitness development, there is the consensus that it allows to other HIIT/SIT and continuous training (CT) protocols,
rapid metabolic and neuromuscular adaptations already while expanding the understanding of the loading factors
after a few brief sessions when compared to continuous (e.g., intensity and work-to-rest ratio) associated with the
endurance training methods.6 For this reason, HIIT has more efficient adaptations after different sSIT schemes.
become a very popular training modality, not only in rec- Thus, the aim of this systematic review with meta-
reational and elite sport but also for health purposes in the analysis was to identify controlled (CTs) and randomized
general population. controlled trials (RCTs) that used very short efforts ≤10 s
Among the HIIT loading parameters that can be ma- (8) over a minimum of 2 weeks, which is the minimum
nipulated, intensity appears to be most important as the time required to induce stable adaptations (9), and to ver-
different HIIT modalities are directly linked to manip- ify the effects of these training regimes on measures of
ulation of internal (e.g., HR) and external (e.g., power) aerobic and anaerobic fitness and performance. To avoid
loading parameters.1,3,7 Thus, in the supramaximal zone the confounding effect of training history (i.e., to be sed-
(i.e., above the maximal oxygen consumption; V̇O2max) of entary), age (maturational factors or aging), and clinical
HIIT intensities, we may refer to the intermittent meth- conditions (e.g., obese and cardiovascular disease), we de-
ods in the classic terminology,1 which includes HIIT with cided to only include healthy physically active adults and
short intervals. Training at “all-out” maximal effort using athletes.
repeated-sprint training (RST) and sprint interval train-
ing (SIT) are other HIIT modalities following the classi-
fication by Buchheit and Laursen.3 However, there is no 2 | METHODS
consensus regarding the HIIT and SIT definitions in the
literature.1 While RST (≤10 s) and SIT (≤45 s) may refer 2.1 | Systematic literature search
to “all-out” efforts of varying duration, HIIT with short
intervals is commonly performed at non-“all-out” efforts A systematic literature search was conducted according to
of short duration (≤10 s).3 For this reason, HIIT protocols the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and
as RST and SIT do not require identification of metabolic Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) and was previously registered
parameters and power output for training prescription, with the international database of prospectively registered
while HIIT with short intervals requires, at least, the iden- systematic reviews in health and social care (PROSPERO:
tification of a parameter associated with aerobic power. CRD42020188226).
Recently, it has been suggested that sessions with less The databases PubMed/MEDLINE, ISI Web of Science,
and shorter (i.e., 4–20-s) sprints are a more time-efficient and SPORTDiscus were systematically searched using a
HIIT modality than Wingate-based SIT.8,9 Particularly, search string that was specifically adapted to the search re-
several SIT protocols with repeated short (≤10 s) efforts quirements for each database (see online Supplementary
(sSIT) were shown to exhibit similar aerobic and anaer- Table 1).
obic adaptations but better perceptual and enjoyment re- The search was conducted on May 9, 2020, and up-
sponses (i.e., “less pain, same gain”) than Wingate-based dated on September 14, 2021. The literature search process
SIT.10–13 The greater efficiency of these sSIT protocols is was performed independently by two researchers and in-
related to the fact that the highest mechanical responses cluded saving the online search, removing duplicates and
are achieved during the first seconds of sprinting bouts,9 screening titles, abstracts, and full texts. Possible conflicts
while the reduced glycolytic activity would result in less were solved by consulting a third author. In addition, a
peripheral fatigue14 because of the more reliance on the gray literature search was performed by screening Google
ATP-PCr pathway during the first 10 s of effort15 Moreover, Scholar and the reference lists of previously identified eli-
the acute responses of different sSIT schemes have been gible full texts. A flow chart of the search process and the
described with respect to physical,10,14 physiological,10,16,17 study selection is displayed in Figure 1.
and perceptual10,12 responses. However, there are only a
few recent studies examining the physical and physiolog-
ical adaptations after a number of sessions over only a 2.2 | Eligibility criteria
few weeks, in cycling and running sprints with promising
results.18,19 Therefore, a systematic search of longitudinal Inclusion criteria were defined based on the PICOS cri-
studies including any sSIT protocol with both “all-out” and teria.20 The population included healthy young and
812 BOULLOSA et al.
middle-aged (18–40 years) athletes and active adults with or maximal oxygen uptake (V̇O2max) were considered.
no restrictions in terms of sex. The intervention had to be Aerobic performance was defined as the maximal power
comprised of supervised sSIT of at least 2 weeks, with a achieved in a graded exercise test (Pmax), velocity asso-
minimum of 6 sessions. Only CTs and RCTs including ciated with V̇O2max in graded exercise tests (vV̇O2max),
a group performing sprints of ≤10 s of duration (or an completed time in graded exercise tests (GXT time),
equivalent distance-based [m] sprint) were included. As a completed shuttles or distance in aerobic shuttle run
comparator, eligible studies needed to include a non-sSIT tests, time trial performances, and the mean power out-
control group (either no exercise or continuing their usual put during a 3-minute all-out test (MPO). For anaerobic
training without sSIT) or an endurance training group performance, derived measures of Wingate performance
performing other exercise training regimens such as HIIT, (peak power output [PPO]), sprint performance, repeated
SIT, or CT. The outcomes of interest were defined as aero- sprint performance (mean sprint time), and anaerobic
bic capacity, aerobic performance, and anaerobic perfor- shuttle run performance were considered. Exclusion cri-
mance. For aerobic capacity, measures of peak (V̇O2peak) teria included language other than English and German,
BOULLOSA et al. | 813
non-peer-reviewed articles, abstracts and thesis, cross- correlation test29 and the regression test,30 using the stan-
sectional studies assessing only acute exercise responses, dard error of the observed outcomes as predictor, were
and observational studies. used to check for funnel plot asymmetry.
Effect sizes from studies with more than two inter-
vention or control groups were combined in accordance
2.3 | Data extraction with the recommendations of the Cochrane handbook.31
In the case of multiple measurements for the same out-
Data extraction was performed independently by two come, only one measure was included in the analysis. For
authors. The following data were extracted from each in- aerobic performance, this was based on the following hi-
cluded study: (1) the general characteristics (e.g., author(s), erarchy: Pmax, vV̇O2max, GXT time, completed shuttles
year of publication and aim of the study); (2) participants or distance in aerobic shuttle-run tests, time trial perfor-
information (i.e., sample size, sex, training status, and mance, and mean power output (MPO). For anaerobic
age); (3) intervention data for all groups (i.e., interven- performance, it was based on the following hierarchy:
tion duration, types of interventions, and training loads); Wingate performance (PPO), repeated sprint performance
and (4) specific outcomes (e.g., measures of V̇O2max and (mean sprint time), sprint performance, and completed
PPO). If the mean and standard deviation of the respec- anaerobic shuttle runs.
tive groups were not reported, authors of primary studies When ≥3 studies were available, subgroup analyses
were contacted to provide baseline and postintervention were conducted for exercise intensity (“all-out” vs. non-
data. In case data were presented within a graphic and no “all-out”). For specific justification of exclusion of indi-
additional data were provided upon request, mean and vidual studies, please refer to the online Supplementary
standard deviation were extracted using WebPlotDigitizer Table 2.
(Pacifica, California, USA, Version: 4.4).21
2.5 | Assessment of
2.4 | Data synthesis and analyses methodological quality
Standardized mean differences (SMD) were calculated, The risk-of-bias assessment for the included studies was
and an inverse variance-weighted random-effects model carried out independently using the PEDro scale by two
was fitted to the effect sizes (ES). Meta-analyses were per- reviewers. The PEDro scale has previously been rated as
formed using R (3.6.2), RStudio (1.2.5033), and the meta- a valid measure of the methodological quality of rand-
for packages (version 2.4.0).22 Effect sizes were calculated omized trials.32 Studies with scores >6 were considered to
for pre-test and post-test control group designs using the be of “high quality,” studies with scores 4 – 5 were consid-
raw score standardization recommended previously23,24 ered to be of “medium quality,” and studies that scored less
Furthermore, exact sampling variance of the effect sizes than 4 were considered to be of “low quality.” The follow-
was computed according to previous recommendations.24 ing sources of bias were considered: selection (sequence
Heterogeneity (i.e., τ2) was estimated using the re- generation and allocation concealment), performance
stricted maximum-likelihood estimator (REML).25 In ad- (blinding of participants/personnel), detection (blinding
dition, in order to complete heterogeneity analyses, the outcome assessors), attrition (incomplete outcome data),
Q-test for heterogeneity26 and the I2 statistic27 were cal- reporting (selective reporting), and other potential bias
culated. Studentized residuals and Cook's distances were (e.g., recall bias). The risk-of-bias assessments for the in-
examined to assess whether studies may be outliers and cluded studies are shown in online Supplementary Table
influential.28 Studies with a studentized residual larger 3. The mean score for the PEDro scale criteria 2 – 11 was
than the 100 × (1–0.05 / (2 × k))th percentile of a standard 3.8/10, that is, medium quality.
normal distribution were declared potential outliers (i.e.,
using a Bonferroni correction with two-sided α = 0.05 for
k studies included in the meta-analyses). Studies with a 3 | RESULTS
Cook's distance larger than the median plus six times the
interquartile range of the Cook's distances were consid- 3.1 | Study characteristics
ered influential. In case a study was identified as a po-
tential outlier or overly influential, a sensitivity analysis The database search identified 15,837 potentially eligi-
was performed. A trim-and-fill-contour funnel plot was ble articles in the initial search and 4,536 in the updated
provided to estimate the number of studies potentially search. After further screening and eligibility assessment,
missing from the meta-analysis (Figure S1–S3). The rank a total of 18 studies were included in the final analyses
814 BOULLOSA et al.
(see Figure 1). The characteristics of studies, participants, τ2 = 0.00, I2 = 0.00%). The regression test indicated funnel
and training interventions are summarized in online plot asymmetry (p = 0.046) but not the rank correlation
Supplementary Table 4. The meta-analysis included a test (p = 0.381) (Figure S1A).
total of 438 participants, of whom 239 performed super- For the quantitative analysis of differences in V̇O2max
vised sSIT, 107 participants performed no exercise or no of sSIT vs. HIIT/SIT/CT, eight studies were included in
additional sSIT, 49 performed HIIT as control condition, the final analysis. The SMD ranged from −0.64 to 0.39.
45 performed other SIT modality as control condition, and The estimated SMD based on the random-effects model
13 performed CT as control condition. Of the included was 0.05 (95% CI: −0.19, 0.30, p = 0.676). The forest plot
studies, cycling was the most common mode of exercise showing the observed outcomes and the estimate based
(8 studies),13,19,33–38 followed by running (6 studies).11,39–43 on the random-effects model is shown in Figure 3. The
Additionally, boxing exercise,44 canoe paddling,45 func- Q-test revealed that the true outcomes are homogenous
tional fitness exercises,46 handcycling,47 and squatting + (Q(7) =4.700, p = 0.696, τ2 = 0.00, I2 = 0.00%). Neither
cycling19 were also assessed by one study each. In 12 of the the rank correlation nor the regression test indicated any
included studies, sSIT was performed at maximal possible funnel plot asymmetry (p = 0.905 and p = 0.537, respec-
intensity (“all-out”),11,13,19,34,37,38,40,41,44–47 while 5 stud- tively) (Figure S1B).
ies assessed the effect of non-“all-out” high-intensity ef-
forts,33,36,39,42,43 and one study gave no further description
about the intensity.35 3.3 | Aerobic performance
F I G U R E 2 Forest plot showing the differences in effect sizes in V̇O2max of sSIT compared to no sSIT. CI, confidence interval;
RE Model, random-effects model; SMD, standardized mean difference; sSIT, short sprint interval training; V̇O2max, maximal oxygen
BOULLOSA et al. | 815
F I G U R E 3 Forest plot showing the differences in effect sizes in V̇O2max of sSIT compared to HIIT/SIT/CT. CI, confidence interval;
CT, continuous training; HIIT, high-intensity interval training; RE Model, random-effects model; SMD, standardized mean difference; sSIT,
short sprint interval training; V̇O2max, maximal oxygen consumption
F I G U R E 4 Forest plot showing the differences in effect sizes in aerobic performance of sSIT compared to no sSIT. CI, confidence
interval; N/A, not available; RE Model, random-effects model; SMD, standardized mean difference; sSIT, short sprint interval training;
V̇O2max, maximal oxygen consumption
For the quantitative analysis of differences in aerobic funnel plot asymmetry (p = 0.381 and p = 0.320, respec-
performance of sSIT vs. HIIT/SIT/CT, seven studies were tively) (Figure S2B). The subgroup analysis revealed no
included in the final analysis. The SMD ranged from −0.02 statistical differences (p > 0.05).
to 0.93. The estimated SMD based on the random-effects
model was 0.15 (95% CI: −0.12, 0.42, p = 0.281). The for-
est plot showing the observed outcomes and the estimate 3.4 | Anaerobic performance
based on the random-effects model is shown in Figure 5.
The Q-test revealed that the true outcomes are homoge- Nine studies were included in the quantitative analysis of
nous (Q(6) =2.86, p = 0.826, τ2 = 0.00, I2 = 0.00%). Neither sSIT vs. no exercise or usual training. The SMD ranged
the rank correlation nor the regression test indicated any from −1.73 to −0.07. The estimated SMD based on the
816 BOULLOSA et al.
F I G U R E 5 Forest plot showing the differences in effect sizes in aerobic performance of sSIT compared to HIIT/SIT/CT. CI, confidence
interval; CT, continuous training; HIIT, high-intensity interval training; RE Model, random-effects model; SMD, standardized mean
difference; sSIT, short sprint interval training; V̇O2max, maximal oxygen consumption
F I G U R E 6 Forest plot showing the differences in effect sizes in anaerobic performance of sSIT compared to no sSIT. CI, confidence
interval; RE Model, random-effects model; SMD, standardized mean difference; sSIT, short sprint interval training; V̇O2max, maximal
oxygen consumption
random-effects model was −0.44 (95% CI: −0.70, −0.18, were included in the final analysis. The SMD ranged
p < 0.001). The forest plot showing the observed outcomes from −0.64 to 0.74. The estimated SMD based on the
and the estimate based on the random-effects model is random-effects model was 0.07 (95% CI: −0.25, 0.39, p =
shown in Figure 6. The Q-test revealed that the true out- 0.672). The forest plot showing the observed outcomes
comes are heterogeneous (Q(8) =8.21, p = 0.413, τ2 = and the estimate based on the random-effects model
0.00 I2 = 0.00%). The regression test indicated funnel plot is shown in Figure 7. The Q-test revealed that the true
asymmetry (p = 0.039) but not the rank correlation test (p outcomes appear to be homogenous, but some heteroge-
= 0.119) (Figure S3A). neity may still be present (Q(7) =10.76, p = 0.149, τ2 =
For the quantitative analysis of differences in anaer- 0.07, I2 = 35.32%). Neither the rank correlation nor the
obic performance of sSIT vs. HIIT/SIT/CT, eight studies regression test indicated any funnel plot asymmetry (p =
BOULLOSA et al. | 817
0.548 and p = 0.407, respectively (Figure S3B). The sub- induce significant improvements of V̇O2max after 436 and
group analysis did not reveal a statistically significant 6 weeks43 of training. However, the lower intensity during
difference (p > 0.05). non-“all-out” efforts was associated with a higher volume
including 40 – 48 efforts during training.36,43 Meanwhile,
the other studies with “all-out” efforts only completed
4 | DI S C USSION 6—36 efforts of diverse duration and work-to-rest ratios.
Therefore, while the high time efficiency
This is the first meta-analysis evaluating the effects of sSIT (i.e., rapid V̇O2max improvements after a few sessions) of
(≤ 10-s sprints) on V̇O2max and measures of aerobic and different protocols of sSIT has been confirmed, the most
anaerobic performances in different exercise modes in optimal dose response in terms of intensity (non-“all-out”
healthy adults and athletes. From the current results, it vs. “all-out”), volume (number of sprints and sessions),
can be suggested that sSIT is an excellent means to develop and work-to-rest ratios in terms of V̇O2max improvements
V̇O2max and both aerobic and anaerobic performances in are yet to be defined.
physically active individuals and athletes after short train- Regarding aerobic performances, a number of sSIT
ing periods of ≥2 weeks and that the effects of sSIT are protocols appeared to improve several performance
similar to other continuous or HIIT/SIT protocols. parameters in studies using incremental33,36,39,44,45 and
Our results confirm a high time efficiency of sSIT to time-trial tests,11,40 while others did not find significant
increase V̇O2max in different populations after a short improvements.34,42,47 Therefore, the positive effects of
training period of ≥2 weeks, when compared to nonexer- sSIT protocols on improving V̇O2max are accompanied
cise or usual training regimens of physically active adults by an increased endurance performance. However, the
and athletes. Importantly, this effectiveness is similar to SMD was slightly greater for HIIT/SIT/CT protocols.
other more time-consuming endurance training methods Similar to V̇O2max improvements, the variety of proto-
including CT, HIIT, or traditional SIT in diverse popula- cols and exercise modes used limits our interpretation.
tions (95% CI: −0.28, 0.26, p = 0.951). This finding further In this regard, it is interesting to note that the most effec-
expands our current knowledge on the high effectiveness tive protocols for endurance performance enhancements
of low-volume traditional SIT to improve V̇O2max after involved athletes of different sports such as boxing,44
only a few weeks of training.8,9,48,49 Interestingly, the wrestling,40 and canoe polo,45 who completed very short
exercise modes used included punching,44 paddling,45 (3 – 6 s) “all-out” efforts with reduced recovery intervals
and functional fitness exercises,46 apart from the more (i.e., 10 s), totaling 12–36 repetitions per session. In addi-
typically used cycling13,19,33-38 and running.11,39-43 Of tion, the included studies used different exercise modes
note, although with a limited number of studies, it ap- than cycling and running, including punching,44 pad-
pears that non-“all-out” efforts may also be sufficient to dling,45 handcycling,47 and functional exercises46 with
F I G U R E 7 Forest plot showing the differences in effect sizes in anaerobic performance of sSIT compared to HIIT/SIT/CT. CI,
confidence interval; CT, continuous training; HIIT, high-intensity interval training; RE Model, random-effects model; SMD, standardized
mean difference; sSIT, short sprint interval training, V̇O2max, maximal oxygen consumption
818 BOULLOSA et al.
4.1 | Strengths and limitations of the Our data suggest the effectiveness of sSIT protocols
meta-analysis comprised of exercise bouts of ≤10 s, to enhance both
V̇O2max and aerobic and anaerobic performances, mak-
As with the majority of other exercise science-related ing sSIT a powerful time-efficient means to enhance
meta-analyses, the main limitation of the current sys- physical fitness and performance within only few weeks
tematic review with meta-analysis is the heterogeneity and with a reduced exercise dose. Importantly, this ef-
of studies with respect to sample characteristics and fectiveness has been proven in different exercise modes
training history, exercise modes, loading parameters such as cycling and running, as well as sport-specific
and protocols, and performance outcomes measures. exercises such as paddling and punching. Further stud-
However, with our inclusion criteria we have limited ies should elaborate on the loading parameters and rest
the sprints to both “all-out” and non-“all-out” efforts periods associated with optimal adaptations in diverse
≤10 s, independently of diverse HIIT and SIT definitions populations.
proposed by different authors, thus providing enough
studies comparing sSIT to other training modalities, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
therefore, allowing a quantitative analysis of the se- Open access funding enabled and organized by
lected outcomes. ProjektDEAL.
BOULLOSA et al. | 819
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human skeletal muscle fibre types I, IIa and IIx is dependent on