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Animals 12 02736
Feline Soft Tissue Sarcomas: A Review of the Classification and
Histological Grading, with Comparison to Human and Canine
Melanie Dobromylskyj
Histopathology Department, Finn Pathologists, One Eyed Lane, Weybread, Diss IP21 5TT, Norfolk, UK;
[email protected]
Simple Summary: Soft tissue sarcomas are a common form of cancer arising in the skin and con-
nective tissues of domestic cats. Soft tissue sarcomas encompass a group of different histological
subtypes of tumours, which can behave in a range of different ways in the patient. In dogs and in
humans, this group of tumours can be given a histological score (“grade”) at the time of diagnosis,
which is prognostic, but there is no equivalent, well-established grading system for these tumours
in cats. This review looks at soft tissue sarcomas in terms of which histological subtypes of tumour
should be included in this group, and how pathologists approach their grading, comparing feline
tumours with their human and canine counterparts.
Abstract: Soft tissue sarcomas are one of the most commonly diagnosed tumours arising in the skin
and subcutis of our domestic cats, and are malignant neoplasms with a range of histological presenta-
tions and potential biological behaviours. However, unlike their canine and human counterparts,
there is no well-established histological grading system for pathologists to apply to these tumours, in
order to provide a more accurate and refined prognosis. The situation is further complicated by the
presence of feline injection site sarcomas as an entity, as well as confusion over terminology for this
Citation: Dobromylskyj, M. Feline
Soft Tissue Sarcomas: A Review of
group of tumours and which histological types should be included. There is also an absence of large
the Classification and Histological scale studies. This review looks at these tumours in domestic cats, their classification and histological
Grading, with Comparison to grading, with comparisons to the human and canine grading system.
Human and Canine. Animals 2022, 12,
2736. Keywords: feline; cat; sarcoma; fibrosarcoma; tumour; soft tissue; injection site; grading; prognosis
the issue, mesenchymal tumours arising from soft tissues may demonstrate cartilage
and/or bone formation (for example, extra-skeletal chondrosarcoma, or extra-skeletal
osteosarcoma [4]. Whilst soft tissue sarcomas may potentially arise at any anatomical
location where soft mesenchymal tissue is present, those arising from the cutis and subcutis
are the focus of this review.
For a subset of these tumours derived from soft tissues, the traditional name used is
soft tissue sarcoma (STS) [5]. However, it has been suggested that “soft tissue tumours” or
“tumours of soft tissues” might be more appropriate terms, given that the word “sarcoma”
implies malignancy, but that it can sometimes be very difficult to differentiate low grade
malignant mesenchymal neoplasms from their benign counterparts [3,6]. Furthermore, for
the low grade malignant tumours in particular, these tend not to be life-threatening and to
not metastasize [1,2,5,7]. There has not been universal acceptance of this suggested change
in terminology to date however, and the name “soft tissue sarcoma” appears to be the most
commonly used and widely understood still.
The most recent publication [6] from the Davis Thompson DVM foundation (a group
created to further the education in veterinary and comparative pathology [8]) uses the
terminology “soft tissue tumours”; soft tissues for the purposes of that publication are
defined as “extra-skeletal connective tissues of the dermis, subcutis and fascia, striated
and smooth muscle, vessels, serosal and synovial linings and nerve sheaths.” Within this
broad tumour group, some histological types are considered together as a subgroup for
the purposes of grading and prognostication, despite having different mesenchymal cell
origins; these tumours are generally considered together due to their similar histological
features and biological behaviours in the patient. Diagnosis is typically made by his-
tological assessment and differentiating between the various histological subtypes with
confidence is not necessarily always possible by light microscopy alone [2,9–11]. A panel
of immunohistological stains are oftentimes needed to diagnose a more specific subtype
but is generally not warranted in a routine diagnostic setting given the similar biological
behaviours seen and the cost implications [1,9–13].
Ho et al. [17] noted that several breeds, including Persian, Siamese, Burmese and
British Blue, had significantly lower odds of developing fibrosarcoma when compared with
a non-pedigree cat population.
In terms of relative prevalence, NSTs might be the most commonly occurring sub-
type [5], but over time the terminology used has been inconsistent and subject to change.
For example, haemangiopericytoma was previously a frequently used diagnostic term but
such tumours are now generally considered to be either perineural in origin or perivascular
wall tumours [12]. Haemangiopericytomas most likely represent a small subset of the
perivascular wall tumours, but without immunohistochemical staining these are difficult
to differentiate from nerve sheath tumours [33].
Thus, it can be seen that the histological subtypes included in the STS group for
human and canine patients varies, although there is overlap; there is also a difference in
the prevalence of the different subtypes between humans and dogs. Thus the subgroup of
STSs to which the grading is applied is not synonymous between the two species.
(c) feline:
For cats, there is less data about specific histological subtypes and their relative fre-
quencies, but the STS group would be likely to include NST, fibrosarcoma, myxosarcoma,
leiomyosarcoma, liposarcoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, perivascular wall tumours and un-
specified spindle cell tumours/sarcoma arising in the dermis or subcutis, regardless of
their degree of differentiation [6]. This poses a few questions; cats presumably can develop
perivascular wall tumours, but there is a lack of published data about them as a specific
subtype. Tumours previously referred to as “giant cell tumours of soft tissues” have now
been renamed as UPS, and appear to be included within the STS group [6]. FISS are
incorporated in the feline STS group for the purposes of discussing histological grading.
Table 1. Human soft tissue sarcoma grading system [32] as also routinely replied to canine soft
tissue sarcomas.
Differentiation Score
1 Sarcomas mostly resembling normal adult mesenchymal tissue
2 Sarcomas with known histological type but poor differentiation
3 Undifferentiated sarcomas, sarcomas of unknown type
Mitotic Score 1
1 0–9
2 10–19
3 More than 19
Tumour Necrosis Score
0 No necrosis
1 Equal to or less than 50% necrosis
2 More than 50% necrosis
Histological Grade 2
I Equal to or less than 3
II 4–5
III Equal to or more than 6
1Mitotic figures seen in 10 high power fields (400×). 2 total score when combining scores for differentiation,
mitotic count and tumour necrosis.
There are a number of suggested explanations for this. Firstly, many canines develop-
ing these tumours are older and may well die from other causes before metastatic disease
or local recurrence becomes fatal [3]. Secondly, these tumours are relatively slow growing
and often they can be managed locally without detrimental effects on quality of life. Even
when metastatic lesions occur, they are also likely to be slow growing and thus may not
impact on survival.
This is quite different to humans where it was shown that 62.6% of STS patients
developed metastatic disease, which accounted for 95.5% of the deaths; indeed, metastasis-
free curves and survival time curves plotted according to tumour grade were strikingly
similar to one another, highlighting the strong link between metastasis and survival time
in human patients [32]. For dogs (and cats), local recurrence would appear to be a more
frequent occurrence and the more likely cause of death when compared to humans with
STS. Or at least, it is presumed to be; even when metastatic disease or local recurrence is
suspected, it is very uncommon for it to be confirmed by biopsy and histopathological
assessment in dogs (or cats). Of course, decisions made around “end of life” are rather
different for veterinary patients.
It is also important to note that the likelihood of local recurrence is dependent on upon
the completeness of the surgical excision, but assessing the impact of this and disentangling
it from any effect of the histological grade on outcome is fraught with difficulties; this is
partly due to a lack of consistency when it comes to assessing surgical margins, and the
terminology used, such as “close”, “narrow”, “clear”. As such, it may be that the impact
of histological grade is most notable for patients with narrow or marginal excision of the
tumour but further studies are needed [2,3,9,34–36].
(c) feline injection site sarcoma:
There have been several published studies which have applied the human/canine STS
grading system in feline patients specifically diagnosed with FISS. One of these studies [37]
examined three categories of tumours, including primary FISS (n = 44), FISS with local
recurrence (n = 16) and non-vaccine associated fibrosarcomas (n = 10), however outcome
data was only available for the locally recurrent FISS group and therefore the prognostic
significance of the grade was not apparent [37]. Nevertheless, although there was a range of
histological grades for each group of tumours, it is interesting to note there was a tendency
for FISS to be of higher grade and the recurring FISS tumours had not assumed a more
Animals 2022, 12, 2736 6 of 12
anaplastic phenotype relative to the primary FISS tumour group [37]. Another study
in 2009 [38] was a retrospective analysis of radiation therapy as a treatment, in which a
proportion of the tumours were graded (n = 55/73) and neither the histological grade
nor the individual components were found to be predictive of survival or progression
free interval, (nor was the Ki67 score, which also did not correlate with the histological
grade) [38].
A more recent study by Porcellato et al. [39] divided 24 primary FISS cases into those
with local recurrence (n = 10) or none (n = 14), with a minimum follow-up interval of
24 months. In this study the authors assessed a wide range of factors, including the
histological grade, size of tumour, depth of infiltration, surgical margins, Ki67 score, and
mitotic count. Two factors were found to be prognostic in terms of local recurrence,
specifically the size of the tumour (after fixation, cut-off value of 3.75 cm) and the mitotic
count (20 per 10 high power fields), which was also prognostic in relation to mortality,
however the histological grade was not prognostic [39]. Thus on balance, there does not
seem to be any evidence to support the usefulness of applying the human/canine grading
system to FISS.
Some studies have focused on the immunohistochemical staining properties of FISS;
one such study [40] included 21 cases, 18 classified as fibrosarcomas, and three as sarcomas.
All tumours demonstrated positive staining for vimentin, 20 were positive staining for
S100, and four for desmin. Thirteen of the 21 tumours demonstrated a degree of positive
staining for Cox-2 and four for c-KIT.
positive staining in greater than 80% of tumour cells. This KIT staining was described
as cytoplasmic and stippled within neoplastic spindle-shaped cells and/or multinucleate
giant cells, but did not appear to correlate with the tumour being a FISS.
Another recent study [46] examined feline giant cell pleomorphic sarcomas specifically
(also known as undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma, previously known as malignant
fibrous histiocytoma, anaplastic sarcoma with giant cells) with regards various features
including their immunohistochemical staining properties. Neoplastic cells of both types,
spindle cells and multinucleate giant cells, demonstrated positive staining for vimentin, as
well as for ionized calcium-binding adaptor molecule 1 (Iba-1); spindle cells demonstrated
strong positive cytoplasmic staining while the multinucleate giant cells demonstrated
membranous and/or cytoplasmic staining. Staining patterns were variable for desmin and
SMA, and staining for S100 was negative.
Table 2. Proposed grading system from feline cutaneous and subcutaneous soft tissue sarcomas [41].
Inflammation Score
1 None, minimal or very mild
2 Mild to moderate
3 Severe
Mitotic Score 1
1 0–9
2 10–19
3 More than 19
Tumour Necrosis Score 2
0 No necrosis
1 Equal to or less than 50% necrosis
2 More than 50% necrosis
Histological Gradem 3
I Equal to or less than 3
II 4–5
III Equal to or more than 6
1 Mitotic figures seen in 10 high power fields (400×). 2 Necrosis as a percentage of tumour area present in sections.
3 total score when combining scores for differentiation, mitotic count and tumour necrosis.
this end, a recent study aimed to produce a grading system specific for feline tumours.
This retrospective study utilised a cohort of cats diagnosed with STS with a known clinical
outcome [41]. Histological assessment was performed blinded to outcome and a set of
potential criteria were each assessed individually, to identify those significantly associ-
ated with outcome in their own right. The features assessed for each tumour included
mitotic count, presence of ulceration, necrosis (presence and extent), the size of the tu-
Animals 2022, 12, 2736 mour, presence of any adjuvant-like material and multinucleate giant cells. Several of 8 of 12
these criteria were then combined to produce a feline-specific grading system (Table 2 and
Figures 1–3).
(a) (b)
Figure 1. An example of a feline cutaneous soft tissue sarcoma of low histological grade (Grade I):
Figure(a) Anpower
1. low example of a feline cutaneous soft tissue sarcoma of low histological grade (Grade
view of the tumour within haired skin, with focal ulceration (HE-stained; 1× magni-
I): (a) low power
fication); view power
(b): higher of theview
of the within haired
same tumour. Thisskin,
hadfocal ulceration
very mild (HE-stained; 1×
(score 1), a (b):
magnification); mitotic count power
higher of 4 in 10view
the 2.37
same mm2; score 1) and no necrosis (score 0)—giving
tumour. This tumour had very mild inflammation
Animals 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW a total score of 2 (HE-stained; 400× magnification). 8 of 12
(score 1), a mitotic count of 4 in 10 HPFs (400×; 2.37 mm ; score 1) and no necrosis (score 0)—giving
Animals 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 12
a total score of 2 (HE-stained; 400× magnification).
(a) (b)
(a) (b)
Figure Anexample
example of of aa feline
feline cutaneous
cutaneous soft softtissue
intermediate histological grade
histological grade
Figure II):
(grade 2. An(a) example
low power of aview
of cutaneous
the tumour, soft tissue
with red sarcoma of intermediate
arrows indicating histological
very mild grade
(grade II):
(a) low
(a) low
power view
power focal
of the
of the tumour,
with red
with red
arrows indicating
arrows indicating
very mild inflammation
very mild inflammation
(score occasional aggregates at the periphery only (HE-stained; 2× magnifi-
with occasional
(score 1)(b)with focal
a higher lymphoid
power focal
view aggregates
of the same at the
aggregates periphery
tumouratshowing only
the periphery (HE-stained;
mitoticonly 2
activity ×
(red arrowsmagnification);
2× magnifi-
(b) a higher
mitotic (b) power
a higher
figures), view
withpowerof the
a mitoticview same
of the
count tumour
ofsame showing
26 intumour
10 mitotic
(400×; activity
2.37 (red arrows
; score (red
3). indicate
This mitotic
tumour con-
tained figures),
with areas with
a mitotic a count
of necrosis ofcount
26 inof10
these 26HPFs
in 10 (400
comprised HPFs ×;(400×;
less 2.3750%
than mm 2mm
2.37of the2; total
; score score 3). This
3). tumour
This tumour
present incon-
sectionssome areas
(score of necrosis
1)—giving a but
total these
score comprised
of 5 less
(HE-stained; than
400×50% of the total
some areas of necrosis but these comprised less than 50% of the total tumour present in the sections tumour present in the
sections (score 1)—giving a total score of 5 (HE-stained; 400× magnification).
(score 1)—giving a total score of 5 (HE-stained; 400× magnification).
(a) (b)
(a) (b)
Figure 3. An example of a feline cutaneous soft tissue sarcoma of high histological grade (grade III):
example ofthe
view ofof aa feline
tumourcutaneous soft
with extensive
cutaneous sarcoma
tissue areas
sarcoma ofof
of histological
high grade (grade
and inflammatory
histological grade III):
(a) low power
infiltrates view
clearly of the
visible tumour with
(HE-stained; 5× extensive central(b)
magnification); areas
a of necrosis
higher power and
of the same cell
(a) low power view of the tumour with extensive central areas of necrosis and inflammatory
mour, withclearly
severevisible (HE-stained;
inflammation (score5×3),magnification);
a mitotic count (b)of 43a higher power
in 10 HPFs view
(400×; of mm
2.37 the 2same
; scoretu-
mour, withclearly visible
severe (HE-stained;
inflammation 5×3),
(score magnification); (b)
of anecrosis
43higher power view2.37
of the same tumour,
red arrows highlight mitotic figures) anda more
mitotic count
than 50% in 10 HPFs
2)—total mm
score2; score
8 (HE-3;
with (400× 2 ; score 3; red
red severe
stained; 400×inflammation
highlight (score
magnification). 3), a mitotic
figures) and more countthanof 50%
43 innecrosis
10 HPFs(score ; 2.37 mm
2)—total score 8 (HE-
stained;highlight mitotic figures) and more than 50% necrosis (score 2)—total score 8 (HE-stained;
400× magnification).
400 × magnification).
Table 2. Proposed grading system from feline cutaneous and subcutaneous soft tissue sarcomas
Table 2. Proposed grading system from feline cutaneous and subcutaneous soft tissue sarcomas
Inflammation Score
1 Score None, minimal or very mild
21 None,
Mild tominimal or very mild
sent in sections. 3 total score when combining scores for differentiation, mitotic count and tumour
When applied to the tumours in the study, there were statistically significant differ-
Animals 2022, 12, 2736 ences in median survival time between cats with tumours of differing grades (Figure 9 of 4).
When applied to the 47 cases with clinical outcome data available, 16 cats had grade I
tumours. Of those 16, three were reported as having died as a result of tumour-related
disease (TLR); in two cases treatment was not attempted and one had local recurrence
When applied to the tumours in the study, there were statistically significant differ-
with a survival time of 802 days. The median survival time (MST) was 900.5 days for cats
ences in median survival time between cats with tumours of differing grades (Figure 4).
diagnosed with grade I tumours. Fifteen of the 47 cats had grade II tumours. Of those, 8
When applied to the 47 cases with clinical outcome data available, 16 cats had grade I
were reported as having died as a result of TLR; six had local recurrence, one had sus-
tumours. Of those 16, three were reported as having died as a result of tumour-related
pected metastatic disease (not confirmed) and one was reported as tumour-related but the
disease (TLR); in two cases treatment was not attempted and one had local recurrence
cause of death was not otherwise specified. The MST was 514 days for cats diagnosed with
with a survival time of 802 days. The median survival time (MST) was 900.5 days for
grade II tumours. Sixteen of the 47 cats had grade III tumours. Of those, 11 were reported
cats diagnosed with grade I tumours. Fifteen of the 47 cats had grade II tumours. Of
as having died as a result of TLR; four had local recurrence, in four cases treatment was
those, 8 were reported as having died as a result of TLR; six had local recurrence, one had
not attempted,
suspected three disease
metastatic had suspected metastatic
(not confirmed) disease
and (notreported
one was confirmed). The MST was but
as tumour-related 283
days for cats diagnosed with grade III tumours [41].
the cause of death was not otherwise specified. The MST was 514 days for cats diagnosed
with Importantly, although
grade II tumours. the inflammation
Sixteen of the 47 catsscore is still III
had grade subjective,
tumours.which is not11
Of those, ideal,
replaced another subjective component in the human/canine system (specifically,
reported as having died as a result of TLR; four had local recurrence, in four cases treatment degree
of differentiation)
was not attempted,and a statistically
three had suspectedsignificant association
metastatic was confirmed).
disease (not found between
of inflammation and survival time [41].
283 days for cats diagnosed with grade III tumours [41].
Figure 4.
Figure 4. Kaplan–Meier
Kaplan–Meier survival
survival curve
curve for
for histological
histological grade
grade [41].
[41]. The
The black
black line represents
represents cats
cats with
grade II (low
grade (low grade)
grade) soft
soft tissue
tissue sarcomas,
sarcomas, thethe blue
blue line
line represents
represents cats
cats with
with grade
grade IIII (intermediate
grade) soft
grade) soft tissue
tissue sarcomas
sarcomas and and the
the red
red line
line represents
represents cats
cats with
with grade
grade III
III (high
(high grade)
grade) softsoft tissue
sarcomas. Tick lines represent censored cases (lost to follow-up or died of non tumour-related
sarcomas. Tick lines represent censored cases (lost to follow-up or died of non tumour-related causes).
Importantly, although the inflammation score is still subjective, which is not ideal, it
9. Conclusions—Where
replaced another subjective Next for FelineinSoft
component the Tissue Sarcomas?
human/canine system (specifically, degree
The grading scheme
of differentiation) described above
and a statistically [41] isassociation
significant only a proposed system
was found and asthe
between such there
is now
of a need forand
inflammation a larger scale,
survival preferably
time [41]. prospective studies to validate it fully, ideally
via multicentre collaborations. There are drawbacks to the proposed grading scheme, in-
9. Conclusions—Where
cluding precisely which Next for Feline
histological Soft Tissue
subtypes shouldSarcomas?
be included within the STS group
The grading
and whether FISSscheme
be includedabove [41] is
or not. If only a proposed
we decide system be
FISS should and as such there
addressed as a
is now a need
separate entity,for
wea need
a consensus prospective
on just how studies to validate
we diagnose FISS itwith
fully, ideally
via multicentre
Reaching collaborations.
a consensus There
on such vital are drawbacks
questions to the proposed
requires collaboration andgrading scheme,
via such movements as the Veterinary Cancer Guidelines and Protocols group [47].group
precisely which histological subtypes should be included within the STS
and whether FISS should be included or not. If we decide FISS should be addressed as a
separate entity, we need to reach a consensus on just how we diagnose FISS with certainty.
Reaching a consensus on such vital questions requires collaboration and standardisation,
via such movements as the Veterinary Cancer Guidelines and Protocols group [47].
Another issue is the subjective nature of the inflammation score—although the dif-
ferentiation score it replaces in the Trojani scheme [32] is also subjective, it would be
advantageous if all criteria within any grading system were objective, readily obtainable
from routinely-stained haematoxylin and eosin sections and easy to reproduce, thereby
reducing variability between pathologists and laboratories [48,49]. With the advent and
increasing adoption of image analysis within veterinary pathology [50] it may be that
artificial intelligence plays an important role in quantifying criteria such as inflammation,
Animals 2022, 12, 2736 10 of 12
as well as other features such as the extent of necrosis [51], and mitotic counts [52] with
increased accuracy.
Given the frequency of STSs in felines and the potential for malignant behaviour, more
research is critical to give us a better understanding of this group of tumours. Large-scale,
prospective studies are also needed to further validate the recently proposed grading
system [41] and confirm its prognostic capabilities. Finally, more detailed investigations
into the underlying genetics of this group of tumours are warranted, both to help better
understand the biology of the disease and to aid in identifying potential diagnostic and
prognostic markers as well as possible therapeutic targets.
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