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E-Math - Sec 4 Prelims Exam Paper - 2021 - Anglican High

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NAME:-------------( ) CLASS: 4 ( )


Paper 1 26 August 2021
Candidates answer on the Question Paper. 2 hours


Write your name, index number and class in the space at the top of this page:-­
Write in dark blue or black pen.
You may use a HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs.
Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters and glue or correction fluid.

Answer all the questions.

If working is needed for any question it must be shown with the answer.
Omission of essential working will result in loss of marks.
The use of an approved scientific calculator is expected, where appropriate.
If the degree of accuracy is not specified in the question, and if the answer is not exact, give the answer
to three significant figures. Give answers in degrees to one decimal place.
For tr, use either your calculator value or 3.142, unless the question requires the answer in terms of tr.

The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.
The total number of marks for this paper is 80.

For Examiners' Use

Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Question 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Question 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Table of Penalties Units Clarity/ Logic Precision/ Accuracy

Parent's Name and



This document consists of 19 printed pages.

Secondary Four Preliminary Mathematics Examination 2021 [Turn over

4 _:4
(ij) S•unplt'fy· · . X 4 )'j 1 . l . y µr
• �mg
. .. . . ;+• . • ..,..;i•
o answers m pct$+�ive hiu1ce�
,t t8 + 27

Answer ........ ,...................,.••.••• [2]

Secondary .Four Pre:limmary Mathematics E,:amilmtion 2021 [Turn Over]

3 Jasmin has timetre cubes. She arranges al1 of ilie cubes into a cuboid� The·.
of the base id is 40 c�. �ch side of the cuboid has a length greater
. than 4 cJtl�
Find the height ofthe �uboid. ..

Answer ..................... ......an [2J

Violet intends arrange n regular pentagons in a ring. The diagram shows th� p��Uy
completed ring.

\ I

___, I

A.nSl1lern = .............. ··"'·· .. [3]

Secondary Four Preliminary Mid:hematics Examimdion 2021

The bar chart shows the nwnberpf�ffic acc\depJi ��u,lting in il\i.UrM ti+om 2014 to 2018.
Numb@r otAccideJt� Re,,utti�U in Injuries (1014- 2018)

State hoWthi$ bar ¢hart can be misleading to the reader.

6 (a) Given that , = {all triangle$}, R = {right-angled triangles}

and S = {triangles with three unequal sides}

A is � triangle with 4$4\ 45° and 90°�

Bis a triMgle Witll 7 an, 7 cm and 3 cm.
Cis triangle with sides 9 cm> 12 crn an«i l 5 cm.

�ttheabove information on a Venn Diagram in the space �low.

(b) Write dow�Jhe set rCJ)resented by the followinJ shaded regions.

Ans.iver ............................. [l]

7 Th� speed of.light is 3x108 m/s. Earth is 1SO million km from the sun. How long does light take
to travel from jhe sun to the .earth? Give your answer� correct to the nearest minute.

Answer ...................minutes [2]

A maximum quadratic curve with tbe equation· y = -x2 +bx+c has a turning point at ·(3, 7), find
the value of b and of c

C = ...... ....... [3]

§geondacy Four Preliminary Mathematics Examination.2021
l 6x2-10 .... 4
Solve the equation
·· .
x+l 1-x2 - •

r.c.1.y 27 -12x2 1-X

10 ctmpt1.
--- X • .
-3-2x2 +Sx -2x-3

Answer ............................. [3]

Secondary Four Preliminary Mathematics Examination 2021 [Tu:rn Over]
ll In the diagram below, J{Z is tbe chord of a circle. XY.is the diameter Qf tilt: circle, centre 0.

Given that .XZ = 9 cm and yz = $3 cm, calculate

(a) the length ofXY,

(e) LYOZ in radian,

Answer ............................ .rad [2]

{d) the area of the major segment Y.XZ.


� ::=�-:

:�3(4)' , 4-r ::�:
Write down a possible equation fur eac;h of the sketch graphs below.
In �ch case select .one ofthe equatjoml from the box above.
(a) y


[Turn Over)
Make x th,e subject in the equation y = �x2 - 8x + 16-y2

In the diagram shown below, it is given that AP= 5 cm, BP= 2 cm and.AR.:= 3 cm.
ARC, A.BP and RQP are straight lines�
Show, withclear reasons, thattriangleABC is congruenttotriangleARP.

15 A lake has an a,cru:al area ..of 2.5 km2 • The� ofthe lake on the mapis 40 c�. the distanee
between two towns.on the map is 4S cm. Find the actual"1stance, in kilom�between the two


(b} Hence, write down all the prime numbers thatsatisey 3x +l <

Sff:ondary Four PreUminary �thematics Examination 2021

Answer ....••••....•.•...• ,., ........ [2]
18 The Venn diagram shows the el.�wents of l; and thre.e sets A, B and C.
is a p9sitive integer $\lch tharO < x < 14}

(a) Describe in words the elements in set C.


(b) lJ.se rme of the:s,ytnbols below to �p1e:te each .stat<:n11ent.

0 C E t;

(i) A {B f"l C) ""' ............................ .

{ii) [l]
19 The time taken to assemble.t\ ��,j� inv�ty.proportional to tlle nmn�r ofworke� involved. 4.
workers.can completetbe �ply in.��. ··•Ifti.mo�.wotbrsam. i,wol�; . the �bly
. •.�
be complet� 3 days in advance.
(a) Find the value: ofx�

�er x = ............................ [2]

(b) Find the number of workets required ifthe assembly is to be completed in 2 days.

20 1n the figure, ABCD is a quadrilateral. The point Xis such thatB and XD are the angle bi:sectol'$
of angle ABC and angle ADC res�tlvely.
Reflex angle BCD= 200" and reflex angle · · BXD = 221. A
Calculate angle BAD.�


(I) An open containerin a shape of au inverted cone has radius of 10 cm a.nd heigh,f of
30 cm. W� is poured into th� contain� itt a constant rate of 5,c cm3ls w:)tiljiis
ccunplete}y filled t() tb� brim.
Find the time ·taken forthe .container to be completely fiUea.

Answer ........... ... , .................. s [ l]

(b) Sketch the graph of the water-level against time below.
Height (cm)

--------------------. Time(s)


Secondary Fmu· Preliminry Mathemati� Enmination 2021

while the height oftha sma}let:�ttl�iB is 12 tm. ·. . .. .
Apoputar:d� is produ� ht two siroi� b�e sizes. The h�jght ofthe large QOttleA i� 18 �m


If the selling prices ofbottles A aji� ii me $24.90 .aruf �.90 respectively, which bottl�provioes
bettervalue for m.on�y? Justify your answer cl®ly.

Secondary F'rmr Preliminary Mathematics Examination 2021 frnmOver]
cumulative frequency diagranrshowsthe times taken.by 200 girls.from schoolA running
2.4 km test. The box-and-whisker plot shows the times for another group df;girls from ·school B.

Cumulative Frequency


Timing in minutes

Timing in.minutes

(a) ofthe girls in ·"""u"""" B test. If the passing time is the same both schools,
find the number ofgirls who passea in school

.A.:nsw.er ..... �,....11: �-=;II�*-..:-- ... _._..... ,.. ... , ...... ,, ... .,. "[2]
(e) Find the percentage of girls in scliOQl A. wbo took between.14.5 .minutes and 17 minutes to
complete the mn.

Answer ................... .... ............. [2]

Secondary Four Preliminary Mathematics Examination 2021 [Turn Over]

24 (a) Construct kiteABCD. AB AD have already been drawn.
Measure and s1ate the ofthe loogestdiagont,tl.

Answer ............................... cm [2]

{b) Construct the perpendicular bisector AD. [l]
(e) Construct the bisector angle BAD. [I]
(d) ABCD represents ofland which is to be used for a plll'k. A caie is to built
park, nearer than to D and nearer to A.D than AB. Shade the region where the cafe is
to be built.

Secondary Preliminary Mathematics Examination 2021

25 Alnmtd and 13eng Hai wa,nttonmt lockers ht school. The locker� are in twP lt�Js. Lockers lAJo
lCMe on tfleikiwer level ..and·Loc�� to lC are on the next Ievet �erJ.m-e. assigned to
each student randomly.

(a) Using a PQ$Slbility di�, rep�nt the1;Wo lod<ers that the·twob()�s.·can. be all�

Find the probability thijt Ahmrul and Beng Hai are randomly allocated lockers next to
eacn other on tev�i ii

(c) Find the prpbability that Ahmad and Beng Hai are randomly allocated lockets on
different levels.

A�r ..................................... :[l]

(d) If the locker 2C was not available, find the probability.that .the friends will be
allocated lockers Ot,>¢ to each other at any level.

End ofPaper
Secondary Four Preliminary Mathematics EX3minaflon 2021 [Tt1rn Over]
NAME: , _____________( , ) CLASS: 4 ( )


Paper 1 26 August 2021
Candidates answer on the Question Paper. 2 hours


Write your name, index number and class in the space at the top of this page.
Write in dark blue or black pen.
You may use a HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs.
Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters and glue or correction fluid.

Answer all the questions.

If working is needed for any question it must be shown with the answer.
Omission of essential working will result in loss of marks.
The use of an approved scientific calculator is expected, where appropriate.
If the degree of accuracy is not specified in the question, and if the answer is not exact, give the answer
to three significant figures. Give answers in degrees to one decimal place.
For ff, use either your calculator value or 3.142, unless the question requires the answer in terms of ff.

The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.
The total number of marks for this paper is 80.

For Examiners' Use

Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Question 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Question 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Table of Penalties Units Clarity/ Logic Precision I Accuracy

Parent's Name and



This document consists of 19 printed pages.

Secondary Four Preliminary Mathematics Examination 2021 [Turn over

Mathematical Formulae

Compound Interest
Total amount = P ll +
r ln

Curved surface area of a cone = 1rrl

Surface area of a sphere = 4m

1 2
Volume of a cone = - 1rr h
4 3
Volume of a sphere = - trr
Area of triangle ABC= _ab sm
. C

Arc length = r0, where 0 is in radians

Sector area = �r2 0 , where 0 is in radians


a b C

sinA sinB sine

a 2 = b2 + c 2 -2bc cos A

Mean = I,f

Secondary Four Preliminary Mathematics Examination 2021


l(a) Given that 327 +2?3 =3k , :findk.

327 +39 = 3k
327-9= 3k
k= 18
Answer k=------[1]

Simplify _4x_-...,._._Y_3,_+ _ _, leaving your answers in positive indices.
4 18 27

Y y X 27
4 2
3'" 3'"

x4 18

6y 3


2 The curve below has an equation y= x'1 .+ c . State a possible value of n and the value of c.

� X

1 n = -1

Answern =
c= l

C =___,___ [2]

Secondary Four Preliminary Mathematics Examination 2021 [Turn Over]

3 Jasmin has 240 two-centimetre cubes. She arranges all of the cubes into a cuboid. The perimeter
of the base of the cuboid is 40 cm. Each side of the cuboid has a length greater than 4 cm.
Find the height of the cuboid.
Dimension of cuboid is 2/ x 2b x 2h = 23 x lbh
= 23 X 240
= 4 X
240 2 3 X 5
40 = 41 + 4b
10 = 2 + 23 (rej), 10 = 22 + (2 x 3)
24 X 3 X 5 = (22 )(2 X 3)/i
h= 10
Height is 20 cm
Answer________cm [2]
4. Violet intends to arrange n regular pentagons in a ring. The diagram shows the partially
completed ring.
Find n.

Interior angle of the regular pentagon -_ ___
5 ,,
= 108 ,,
(\ ,,
Interior angle of the regular n-side polygon form \

in the centre of the ring= 360-2(108) \\


= 144
144 =
· 1 80(n-2)_
144n = 180n-360
36n = 360
n = 10
Answer n =_________.• --

Secondary Four Preliminary Mathematics Examination 2021

SI Page

5 The bar chart shows the number of traffic accidents resulting in injury from 2014 to 2018.
Number of Accidents Resulting in Injuries (2014-2018)


State how this bar chart can be misleading to the reader. [1 ]

The bars in the bar chart do not start from zero. The relative heights of the bars can mislead the
reader into thinking the differences are larger than what is actually given. For example, The
frequency for 2016 is 8304 and the frequency for 2017 is 7726, so the difference is 578, but the
height of the 2016 bar is twice that for the 2017 bar.

Secondary Four Preliminary Mathematics Examination 2021 [Turn Over)

6 (a) Given that
t; = { all triangles}
R = { right-angled triangles}
S = { triangles with three unequal sides}
A is a triangle with 45 ° , 45 ° and 90 ° .
B is a triangle with 7 cm, 7 cm and 3 cm.
C is a triangle with sides 9 cm, 12 cm and 15 cm.

Represent the above information on a Venn Diagram in the space below.


(b) Write down the sets represented by the following shaded region

Answer [l]
uB)' u(AnB)

7 The speed of light is 3 x 10 8 mis. Earth is 150 million km from the sun. How long does light take
to_travel from the sun to the earth. Round your answer to the nearest minute.
.150000000 -= 500 s
= 8.33 minutes
= 8 minutes (nearest minute)
Answer________minutes [2]

Secondary Four Preliminary Mathematics Examination 2021


8 A maximum quadratic curve with the equation y = -x2 +bx+c has a turning point at (3, 7), find
the value of b and of c

y = -( X -3 )2 +7

y =-(x2 - 6x+9 )+7

y=-x2 +6x-9+7
y =-x2 +6x-2
Therefore, b = 6 and c = -2.

1 6x2 -10
9 Solve the equation ------ =4 .
x+l 1-x 2

_1__ 6x2 -10- 4

x+l 1-x2
1 _ 6x2 -10 = 4
x+l (1-x)(x+l)
1-x 6x2 -10
..------�-....------- =4
(1-x)(x+l) (1-x)(x+l)
l-x-6x2 +10
-6x2 -x+ll
(1-x)( x+l)
-6x2 - X +11 = 4 - 4x2
-6x2 - X +1 1+ 4x2 - 4 = 0
-2x2 -x+7= 0
= 1±JP}2-4(-2J(7J
x � 1.6 375 or x � -2.1375
x � 1.64 or x � -2.14

Answer x =----�or x = ______,[4]

Secondary Four Preliminary Mathematics Examination 2021 [Turn Over]

. . 27-12x2 1-x
10 S1mphfy -----x----.
-3 - 2x1 + 5x -2x - 3
27 -12.x2
-3 - 2x2 + 5x -2x - 3

= 3(9- 4x2) X _1_-_x _

(-2x+3)(x-1) -2x-3
= 3(3- 2x)(3+ 2x) - x-
(-2x + 3)(x -1) -(2x + 3)
Answer ,________,[3]
11 In the diagram below, XZ is the chord of a circle. XY is the diameter of the circle, centre 0.
Given that XZ = 9 cm and YZ = J6'3
cm, calculate

(a) the length of XY,

(a) By using Pythagoras Theorem,

XY =)92 + (-.i63)

Answer XY-_______[1]
(b) LYXZ,

(b) LYXZ = tan-1 l--v;- j

( tffl" \

=41.4 ° (1d.p)
Answer LYXZ=_______0 [1]

Secondary Four Preliminary Mathematics Examination 2021

(c) LYOZ in radian,
!::.OXZ is an isosceles triangle.
(c) LYOZ = 2 x LYXZ
(1 ext angle = sum of int. opp. angle)
= 82.8192°
= 1.45 rad (3sf)
!::.OXZ is an isosceles triangle.
LXOZ = 180 ° - (2 X 41.4096) 0
= 97.1807° (L on a str. line)

97 07
LYOZ = tr _( � );r
\ )
= 1.45 rad (3s.f)

Answer LYOZ =_______rad [2]

(d) the area of the major segment Y2.
(d) Area of the major segment YZ
= area of major sector YZ + area of triangle YOZ

= �(6)2(21r -1.445469) + �(6)2 sin (1.445469)

2 2

= 105 cm2 (3s.f)

. 360 -82.8192
Area of maJor sector YOZ = ___ x tr(6)2
= 87.0789 cm2

Area of triangle YOZ = � x (6)2 x sin(82.8192)

= 17.8168 cm2
Area of major segment YZ = 105 cm2 (3s.f)

Answer =_________cm2 [3]

Secondary Four Preliminary Mathematics Examination 2021 [Turn Over]


y=x3 -4 y=-3(4Y y=4-x2 y = 4x-2

y:::::: -2x-4 y=4-x3 y =-3(-4Y y=x2 +4

Write down a possible equation for each of the sketch graphs below.
In each case select one of the equations from the box above.


1 (a) y =4-x3


--:::::::::::::::::!�:::--·---. X

I (b)y=-3(4)x

Secondary Four Preliminary Mathematics Examination 2021

gJ Page

13 Make x the subject in the equation y = )x2 -8x + 16-y2 •

2-8x+I6- 2
y =)x y

y2 = x 2 -8x+16-y2
2y2 = x2 -8x+l6
2y2 = ( x-4)2

Answer-------- [3]
14 In the diagram shown below, it is given that AP = 5 cm, BP = 2 cm and AR = 3 cm.
ARC, ABP and RQP are straight lines.
Show, with clear reasons, that triangle ABC is congruent to triangle ARP. A

C�--· ------'--I

p [2 ]
In triangle ABC and triangle ARP,

Angle A is common.
Angle ABC= Angle ARP = 90° (given)
AB=5-2 =3 cm = AR
Therefore triangle ABC= triangle ARP (AAS)

15 A lake has an actual area of 2.5 km2. The area of the lake on the map is 40 cm2. The distance
between two towns on the map is 45 cm. Find the actual distance, in kilometres, between the two
Area Scale = 40 cm2 : 2.5 km2
= 40 cm2 : 2.5 xlOOOOO xlOOOOO cm2
= 1 : 625000000
Linear Scale = 1 : 25000
= 1 cm : 0.25 km

= 45cm : 11.25km
Secondary Four Preliminary Mathematics Examination 2021 [Turn Over]
40 cm 2 on the map= 2.5 km 2 on the ground
../40 cm on the map== .fi3 km on the ground

1 cm- .JT5 km
45 cm== 45x ..Jl3== 1 1.25km
Let the distance between the two towns be d km.
( 45� _3Q
- 2.5
= 16
d2 = 2025
d== (d>O)

Answer ___._____;km [3]

8x-12 I7x
16 (a) Solve the inequalities S-:3x+l< _.
2 3
8x-12 < 17x
3x+ 1<-
2 3
8x-12 17x
S'. 3x+l and 3x+l<-
3 x+ 1<
8x-12 S'. 6x+2
9x +3 < 17x
8x-6x::::; 2+12
and 9x-l 7x < -3
2x ::::;14
X '5. 7
Therefore, _< x S. 7

Answer_______[3 ]
. numbers that sat1s 8x-12 17x
(b) . down a 11the pnme
Hence, wnte fy.__ S'. 3x + 1< _.
2 3
I The prime numbers are 2, 3, 5 and 7

Secondary Four Preliminary Mathematics Examination 2021


17 Factorise completely 4x2 -12xy + 9y2 -1.

4x2-12.xy+9y2 -1 = (2x-3y)2 -12

= (2.x-3y-1)(2.x-3y+l)
Answer _._2]

18 The Venn diagram shows the elements of 1; and three sets A, B and C.
1; = {x: x is a positive integer such that O < x < 14}


(a) Describe in words the elements in set C.

(a) The elements in set C are the prime numbers between O and 14.
OR The set C is the set of prime numbers.

(b) Use one of the symbols below to complete each statement.

0 c ct !it E 1;

(i) A' n (B n C) = ...........................

(ii) 3 ...................................................A

I (b) (i) 0
(ii) E

Secondary Four Preliminary Mathematics Examination 2021 [Turn Over)

19 The time taken to assemble a car is inversely proportional to the number of workers involved. 4
workers can complete the assembly in x days. If 6 more workers are involved, the assembly can
be completed 3 days in advance.
(a) Find the value of x.
Let W= number of works, D = number of days required
Answerx =-------------·
(b) Find the number of workers required if the assembly is to be completed in 2 days.
(b) When x = 5 ,
= 20
WhenD = 2 days, W= 10 workers.

Answer _______[2]
20 In the figure, ABCD is a quadrilateral. The point Xis such that XB and XD are the angle bisectors
of angle ABC and angle ADC respectively.
° °
Reflex angle BCD= 200 and reflex angle BXD = 225 . A
Calculate angle BAD.


Obtuse angle BCD = 360 ° -200 ° = 160 ° (Angles at a point)

Obtuse angle BXD = 360 ° -225 ° = 135 ° (Angles at a point)
Angle CBX + angle CDX = 360 °-160 °-135 ° = 65° (angle sum of quadrilateral BCDX)
Since XB and XD bisect angle ABC and angle ADC respectively.
Angle ABC+ angle ADC= (LCBX +LCDX)x2
= 65 ° x 2 = 130 °
Angle BAD = 360 °-130 °-160 ° = 70 ° (angle sum of quadrilateral ABCD)


Secondary Four Preliminary Mathematics Examination 2021

21 (a) An open container in a shape of an inverted cone has radius of 10 cm and height of
30 cm. Water is poured into the container at a constant rate of 57rcm3/s until it is
completely filled to the brim.
Find the time taken for the container to be completely filled.

(a) Volume of conical container = ! ir(I0)2(30)

= 1000 il' cm3
. lOOOzr
Time taken=
=200 s
Answer_________s [1]
(b) Sketch the graph of the water-level against time below.
Height (cm)

3 0 ·-------------------------------------------------- 1 -----·

� ime (s)

22 A popular drink is produced in two similar bottle sizes. The height of the large bottle A is 18 cm
while the height of the smaller bottle Bis 12 cm.

18 cm

12 cm B

If the selling prices of bottles A and Bare $24.90 and $6.90 respectively, which bottle provides
better value for money? Justify your answer clearly.· [3]

Secondary Four Preliminary Mathematics Examination 2021 [Turn Over]

Volume ofA ==
Volume ofB 12
3 (�J
== � ffi_ 2 == 27
1728 8

.&'. $24.90
Cost of 1 umt. 3ofvolume 1or.4 =---
RI $0.9222

Cost of 1 unit3 ofvolume for B =
� $0.8625
Since 1 unit3 ofliquid in bottle B cost lesser than 1 unit3 ofliquid in bottle
A, bottle Bis more value for money.

Note: Only award first method mark if student use 1cm3 instead of 1unit3

23 The cumulative frequency diagram shows the times taken by 200 girls from school A running
2.4 km test. The box-and-whisker pot shows the times for another group of girls from school B.

Cumulative Frequency SchoolA

250 ------------------------





0 5 10 15 20 25

Timing in minutes

Secondary Four PreJiminary Mathematics Examination 2021

17 IP age


Timing in minutes
(a ) 75% of the girls in school B failed the test. Find the number of girls who passed in school
(a) From school B, Q1 = 14 mins, which is the passing time.
Hence, number of girls in school A who passed the test
= 60 (from curve)
Answer......................................... [1]

(b) 30% of the girls in school A took longer than t minutes. Find t. [2]
30% of the girls= x 200 = 60
From the curve, 140 girls took 16 minutes or
less. So t = 16
Answer......................................... [2]
(c) Find the proportion of girls in school A who took between 14.5 minutes and 17 minutes to
complete the run.
t = 14.5 Cumulative Frequency= 80
t = 17 Cumulative Frequency= 177
177 - SO
Proportion of girls = x 100 = 48 .5%
Answer------- [2]

Secondary Four Preliminary Mathematics Examination 2021 [Turn Over]

24 (a) Construct kite ABCD. AD= CD= 9 cm. AB and BC have already been drawn.
Measure and state the length ofthe longest diagonal.

(a) Construct


Length oflongest diagonal = 6.9cm - 7. lcm
(b) Construct the perpendicular bisector BC. [1]
(c) Construct the bisector ofthe angle ABC. [1]
[(b) / (c) See diagram ==1
(d) ABCD represents a plot ofland which is to be used for a park. A cafe is to be built in park,
nearer to A than to D and nearer to AD than AB. Shade the region where the cafe is to be
d) See diagram

Secondary Four Preliminary Mathematics Examination 2021

19 IP age

25 Ahmad and Beng Hai want to rent lockers in school. The lockers are in two levels. Lockers IA to
1 C are on the lower level and Lockers 2A to 2C are on the next level. Lockers are assigned to
each student randomly.

(e) Using a possibility diagram, represent the two lockers that the two boys can be allocated
such that they are next to each other on the same level.

Beng IA lB IC 12A 2B 2C
Hai IA ' ;

t 1 1 I1 1 1
lB 1 •
Jmrr . 1 I1 1 1
.}{ ·;;:;::,.:;·: :; 1
IC 1 1 1 1
2A 1 1 1 . � 1 1
I tlr

2B 1 1 1 1 } 1
2C 1 1 1 I1 1 "e i,;,J(li'

(b) Find the probability that Ahmad and Beng H�i are randomly allocated lockers next to
each other on Level 2.

Total number of possible outcomes = 30

P(Ahmad and Beng Hai have lockers on Level 2)
---4 2
30 15
Answer__________ [!]
(c) Find the probability that Ahmad and Beng Hai are randomly allocated lockers on
different levels.
Total number of possible outcomes = 30
P(Ahmad and Beng Hai have lockers on different levels)
18 3
30 5
(d) If the lockers 2C was not available. Find the probability that the friends will be
allocated lockers next to each other at any level.
Total number of possible outcomes = 20
P(Ahmad and Beng Hai have lockers next to each other)
6 3
20 10
End of paper

Secondary Four Preliminary Mathematics Examination 2021 [Turn Over]

:t As�enooisgivenbyQle.f<lrrtmla P�1 =(f11: i .P•mP,, ,wheremisaconstm.1t
(a:) =
Given that Ji =3 , show:that:Pf 3m + J·�


(b) Given that & =-! t find.the value ofm.

Answer m = ..................................... [.2]

(�) (i) By using the answer in (b}, find P3,�and P5 •


P,; = ................................... [3]

(ii) Byoon$i4'eringthetermsof � �,.P, ,. P4 mui}\orotherwise, findthevalue


AngbhHigh &11001 Preliminary Examination 2021

[Tum Over
pyr$nid ABCDEFG. The b�e.ofthe pyramid is a regular pentagon of
The tip F'is. v�cally above the centre 6f the pentagon� G, and AF =I4. cm.

(a) Calculate the angle AGB.

Answer 0

(b) Show that AG 1039 cm, correct to five significant figures.


(c) Calculate the height

.Answer = ........................... cm {2]

Anglican High 4of Preliminary Examination 2021
(d) The pyramid is themodelfora . thads19� gold pla��ro red��-
pynmitHs inade$i'nall�.$� · . . .· . . . · remains,FOmetri�··ly·
similanttt tbe,orfgintl·pynmid but its h�ght is·. . by 35'4.
Th:ersur.mce $'.ea: cfthe lar� p�id is8 cmi. Express� illt'fa� �.ofthe nffi'
pyramid as a percentage ofS.

Answer ......................,., ............... % [l]

{i) OiYen that tne points P{3,k), Q(t;�2) � R (�,-6k) lie mi a straight line. find the
value of 1.

Preirrliru;my ·�min1tb1
is a field with AB• n.umi is. due north (}f D.
100()� ffie bearing of B from
; .., ·. . . ..1 - ,,,.,


(a) Show that angle ABC"" 7S 0•

(ii) Calculate the bearing of Cfrom D�

(I>) A drone hpvers ttlaheight of 70 m abG:Ve D. A tnan ofhept L15. m walks alen;g pmh.dC.
He� at:B:,Jo tttke a pioture ofthe drone wh�n the maximum angle of depression from
thedmMtotnetopofthemmi'"sheadwas 58°. Cafoulatetb.e
(l) �gllof DEt

Prellmmary Examinat'!on
•.�dam ffin$ adrinksta:U :mmchise in 4 locatioDB. The number of oups for oocll tY.Pi' ofdrb1k
8, tfflJ 1A Sl!lll\11111 in. ffie ·fao}e below.

(a) Representthe

Answer P= [l]

(b) The price ofdrlnks are shown table below.

infotmactiott as a 3 x l matrix N.

Answer N= [l]

(t) T

T= [l]

I 22
{e) 1m eo� of ail the mgNdients per daymt�chi. B,, CandD ls.shmw
table below;

Ffud·the value ofpand of q.

The rental :and <:>�ng cost(�cl�g the cost of ingredients) per day fur
Branch A, P, C and[) is shown in the table below,
Rentm & Operating
Cost SOD

Using matrixo�tion&; .taloolate the�:m:noont ofprofit in SOD Adam

that day.

A�r ..,......... ,....................,....

Prefimtnary E1<.ammmn �1
mu1uu�. Estimate to nearest integer
(c.) Bxpl�n wnyin this�� the-�1$ •.
. .. .

(d) Aoolber gt6njfof3S boys� 11, lA kni ,nd their mamand smudard:deviinwrwere
lUl'mmutes and 2.lOminut�respootkrely. Comment on the titnm.gs ofthese two

It point.A Uesoo they.axis whi� r,omt B lies on tlwx�is such that OB=
wbere. the origin�
Given ·tMt· tbeline .4».p�es through the po�{4, !) , find a possible eq:uatfon of the line AB�

Preliminary aamiMtkm 2021

mthe � ,,........ � po.int D teS!)eCi;iW!:V
Agle DAE= J'S ; an:gleECD =
ei� ofthe "'1-1:..,,nn,=
straigbtline. Ffind Gare na11:1t.i::i t'in tht o�femnee of thecircle.


(b) angle

Find angle EGD.

if , ·
(dl � e�le


Prellmirmry Examinaf!Qn .a,21
,,,1nivmi;:a f;lif·· at,SOkmlli
... , . . ..
. .�
·· · .· al.am. PP
· ost�.
. .
p�·tmiilamppost:A) ,&VU. lUU.U•

Ch.an. Tl'le m$reycle has unimrm accelet'aticm

Mr Lim � sltown in the \.£.l«IO�H•4.u

·�----...i...-·--------·--"---·--ti>Time (h)
072.0 0145 0800

(a) Ffudthe
(i) speed of the car at 0715 b,
(ii} time� to the. · minllt«; ijie �rorcyqle ��s the car, :givm ttmt it�
�ee!t!l72. 074S;h.

(b) Skd¢b the jccelem1ion time graph ix« Mr,. Chm).


-----J"T'· -----J,-, ---,....1 ----�•r��(bJ

0720 0145 0800

Prmlminary Examlnatlon
(Tum Over
'.10 a:ft:cta:n;11�Wltt1U�ldtfi: + 1.5)�m. The circle with "JJ:�,JtJ. has
at B the 1em'ieirele with centre Cate
eonwaem: tmd each a radius of::t cm. The small circle with .�tre tou�b� the semfoireies
The Une�O bi�th� length ofthe rectmgle and is tani�t of the


(a) State tlurlength AC1 in terms ofx.

{b) State lengJ:b OA. in terms

Anffller .......,...........................«. cm [ l]

{c) down an equation and that it simplifies to :t2 - 10:¥-15 = 0.

(d) equation
11 A·�µpJqin�sJo�1ume I HDB tlattuid1b� intendto tate•1Joan.·i'on1.�.��iat
.• ilsfitutiin.
Tb(t mmull�.to:eatcuffiiethemordly �'���t,11 �nby
1' l (1.. 2-)
M.�.· {(
+1 ,r
- M'il:ubetnonthly mortgage.pa,�, p . the ,dncipat l�lmoun\ f is th,
:furinffily ,mtetestrate, � n is tJm riw,ber ofntOnfbs requirea m·re.pay th� loan.
<seuree: · tt�;J-hu1m.-jbjder.comlg�l)ll�tmlliflow-ttfi?alebl..:i»tt1ttnk

Prelmlnary Examtnatloo
� �0up� intends to-�, l\Wl from a�cim immtmiollt . they wiR�
the price as down-payment. For the down1)1yment, they intend tQ pay np tQ $5

90 HO
T�talno.ofbedtooms l 3 3
1 2 2
(Source: https://wVvW.hdb.gov.sg/residentiallbuying..a.,flat/resale/getting..mtrted/types--of..,flats)

(b} Detennine aU the types of flats that the couple c.an oonsidet purchasing. .

{e) ,��theinfotmationgiven mfliti�l�only��ethetype oftlatthat give.s#t�best
vable fotfue,mooey �nt $� o•:d$umJ�onliat the1�µ:ple ®uld'ffflw�.




(b) Use:a..�e ef2 cm to represent 1 unit ,dmw ll hmizontal��is from o . Use a

$tale.of4an tn�t l unitj dmw·lvffli�aty..ftisfmtn-2sy$'·1L
On.your ax� pl�(� points �vm in the table and join them with a smooth�-

Pretlrnlnary Examination 2021


(d) dmwiuga tangent, find the gradient ofthe curve at(3.--0.83).

(e) 0) On the same ·ax� draw the line of with gmdient-o�s that passes through
the pQint witbooordinates (4, -1)

(H) Write down the equation oftbis

(HO Write down the xmcoordinates of the points where the line mte:rsec:ts the curve.

(it) Tneseva:lues,&f�e,tbe solt.1t1,Qltm<Jttheequatio1u:3 +Ax12 -24x+,B= 0. Fmd

the value ofA and ofB�

End of P�per l
Qn Solutions
A sequence is given by the formula Pn+ 1 = (Pn)
+ mPn, where m
is a constant.
la Given that P1 = 3 , show that P2 = 3m + 9. I
P2 = (P1) + m(P1)
= 32 + m(3)
= 3m + 9 (shown)

lb Given that P = - , find the value of m,
2 4
p =- j
3m+9 = -
m= ( - 3 -9l + 3= -3
l 4 ) 4 ...
(accept - 3.25, -_)

lei By using the answer in (b), find P3,P4 and P5.

( 3]2 ( 13 V 3 )
P3 =i -- I +I -
\ 4) \ 4 l 41
-J --1 = 3

p =(3)2 + (- 31( 3) =-

3]2 (
l 4JBV 4
Ps =� 4) +l -4J - 4V= 3
l l

lcii By considering the terms of P1 , P2 ,P3 ,P4 and P5 or otherwise, find

the value of P20 1 6.
P1 =3

P3 =3

P = 3(- u) + 9= - j
2016 4 4
2a The diagram shows a pyramid ABCDEFG. The base of the
pyramid is a regular pentagon of side 6 cm. The tip Fis vertically
above the centre of the pentagon, G, and AF= 14 cm. Calculate
the angle AGB.


angle AGB == _ == 72 °

2b Show that AG = 5.103 9 cm, correct to five significant figures. [2]

_:_== sin36 °
AG =_ _=5.10390485
== 5.1039 cm

2c Calculate the height of the pyramid, FG. [2]

2 2 2
FG == AF -AG
FG2 ==14 2 -5.10390485 2 ==169.9501553
FG=13.03649321 ==13.0 cm

2d The pyramid is the model for a paper weight that is to be gold [3]
plated. To reduce costs the pyramid is made smaller such that the
smaller pyramid remains geometrically similar to the original
pyramid but its height is reduced by 35%.

The surface area of the large pyramid is S cm3 . Express the

surface area of the new pyramid as a percentage of S.
FG ==13.03649321 cm
New height =0.65xl3.03649321
== 8.473720587 cm

Page 2 of 18
Surface ofsmall pyramid 8.4737 20587 2 0.4225
S 13.03649321 2
Surface ofsmall pyramid= 0.4225S

The percentage = ____ x 100

= 57.75%

3i Given that the points P(3,k), Q (1,-2) and R (-4,-6k) lie on a

straight line, find the value ofk.
Gradient of AB = Gradient of AC

-- -6k-k
1-3 -4-3
-7(-2-k) = - 2(-7k)
14 + 7k = l4k

3ii Find the length ofthe line segment PQ.

Length ofline segment PQ = J(3-l)2 + ( 2 - ( -2))2

= 4.47 unit (3s.f)

4 Quadrilateral ABCD is a field with AB = 90 m and BC = 78 m and

A is due north of D. The bearing ofB from A is 100 ° , the bearing
ofB from C is 025 ° and the bearing ofD from C is 278 ° .


Page 3 of 18
4ai Show that angle ABC= 75° .
Draw a north line on point B. Label due south point as E.
LEBA =100° (alt. L, BE II DA)
LEBC = 25 ° ( alt L to bearing ofB from C)
LABC=75 °

4aii Calculate the bearing ofC from D,

Draw a north line on point C. Label due south point as F.
LFCD = 278° -180°
=98 °
The bearing ofC from D = 098 °
4aii Calculate the length ofAC. I
Using cosine rule,
AC' =902 + 782 -2(90)(78)cos75°
AC= .J0550. l 8061
AC = 103m (3s.f)
4bi A drone hovers at a height of70 m above D. A man ofheight 1.75r
walks along path
AC. He stopped at E to take a picture ofthe drone when the
maximum angle of
depression from the drone to the top ofthe man's head was 58° .
Calculate the length ofDE.
Vertical height ofthe drone from man = (70-1.75)m
= 68.25m
tan 58 ° =
DE= 42.647 m
DE= 42.6 m (3s.f)
Note: Ifstudent didnt consider the height ofthe man in the
calculation, zero mark.

4bii Calculate the area ofthe field ABCD.

l 1
Area of ABCD = _(102.714)(42.647) + _(90)(78) sm
. 75
2 2
= 5580.62 l m2
= 5580 m2 (3s.f)

5 Adam runs a drink stall franchise in 4 locations. The number of

cups for
each type ofdrink sold a day is shown in the table below.

Page 4 of 18
Types of Drink
Coffee Tea Fruit
Location BranchA 60 42 5
BranchB 24 30 0
Branch C 30 35 14
BranchD 30 40 20
Represent the above information as a 4 x 3 matrix P. [1]
( 042 5 j
24 300
p = 13035 141
3040 20)
\. I
Sb The price of drinks are shown in the table below.

Drink Price (SGD$)

Coffee 1.50
Fruit Juice 2

Represent the above information as a 3 x 1 matrix N.

l� ) I
Evaluate the matrix T = PN. [1]

2 2
'604 5
4 30
o I 1
3035 14 ]

-r�: 1
I 2 I
\_3040 20)
108 I
\_ 25) I
Sd State what each of the elements of matrix T represents. I I
The elements of matrix T represent the total amount of money
collected from all the drinks from branch A, B, C and D


The elements of matrix T represent the total amount of money

collected from all the drinks from each branch respectively.

Page 5 of 18
Or I
The elements of matrix T represent the amount of money
collected from all the drinks from branch A, B, C and D

Or '
The elements of matrix T represent the amount of money
collected from all the drinks from each branch respectively.
5ei The cost of all the ingredients per day for Branch A, B, C and D is [2]
shown in the table below.

All ingredients for drinks I

Branch InUSD In SGD I
A p 2 I
12 7
C 16 21.60 I
D 23 q - I

Find the value ofp and q. I

q = 3 1 .05 I
5eii The rental and operating cost per day for Branch A, B, C and D is [2]
shown in the table below.

Branch Rental & Operating

I Cost (SGD)
A I 40
B 145
C 1 so
D i 60

Using matrix operations, calculate the total amount of profit in

SGD Adam made that day.
r1421i 40 (27
1 1 1(7
66 I 4 5 16.20 4.s

10s I -150 1-1 21.60 = 136.4


� ) � ) \
60 31 .05
) \
33 .95

(1111) .8 I =(150.15)
1 36.4
\·. 33.95)
The total amount of profit Adam made is $ 150.15.

Page 6 of 18
6 44 boys ran the 2.4 km and their timings are shown in the table.

(minutes) 8:s;t<9 9:s;t<lO lOS:t<ll 11S:t<l2 12 :s; t< 131

13 :s;t<14
1 12
y I
h 11 k 6
The estimated mean timing is 11.477 minutes. Estimate to the [4]
nearest integer the value of h and the value of k. I

1+ h + 12 +11+ k + 6 = 44

1(8. 5 ) + h (9. 5) +12(10. 5).±!.l{!U) + k (12. 5).±i(13. 5) =11.477


9.5h+l2.5k =162.988
9. 5(14-k) +12. 5k = 162.988
3k =29.988
k = 9.996
So h=4 �·

Estimate the standard deviation. [1]


6b I
Standard Deviation= -(11.477)2 = 1.2701minutes

Explain why in this case, the mean is better than the median as a [1]
measure of central tendency.

There are no outliers.

Another group of 35 boys ran the 2.4 km and their mean and [2]

deviation were 11.7 minutes and 2.10 minutes respectively.

Comment on
the timings of these two groups of boys.
The first group of boys is faster as their mean of 11.477 minutes
is less than the mean of the second group with mean 11.7 minuJes.

The timings for the first group is more consistent as their standard
deviation of 1.27 minutes is less than that for the second group at
2.10 minutes.

7 It is given that point A lies on the y-axis while point B lies on the x [ 3]
axis such that
OB = 20A, where O is the origin. given that the line AB passes
through the point

Page 7 of 18
l 4,; j, find the equation of the line AB.

Gradient of line AB = -l
Equation ofline AB is in the form y = mx + c and using the given
point (4, �) ,
5 1
2 2
. = 1 -
yAB - x+
2 2

8 In the diagram, line AB and line CD are tangents to point A and

point D respectively on the circumference of the circle with centre
° °
0. Angle DAE= 33 , angle ECD = 59 and AEC is a straight
line. E, F, and Gare points on the circumference of the circle.


,,,,, 0

El-- b


Sa Find angle EOD. [1]

Angle EOD = 66° (angle at centre = 2 angle at circumference)

Sb Find angle EFD

Angle EFD = 33 ° (angle in same segment)

Sc Find angle EGD

Angle EGD = 147 ° (angle in opp segment)

Sd A circle is drawn with the line AC as its diameter. Explain why [2]
pointD will
not lie on the circumference of the circle.

Page 8 of 18
Angle ADC= 180° - 59° -33 ° = .88°, and is not 90 °. angle in
semicircle property does not apply and hence A will not lie on the
circumference of the circle.

Se I Line AB and CD are extended and meet at T. Find the angleATD.

Angle ADC= 180° - 33 ° -59 ° = 88 °
Angle ODA= angle OAD = 90 °-88 ° = 2 ° . (tan perpendicular to
rad, base of isosceles triangle)
Angle BAD= 90 ° - 2 ° = 88 ° (tan perpendicular to rad)
Angle ATD = 180 ° -88 ° -88° = 4° (angle sum of triangle)

9 Mr Chan driving a car at 50 km/h passes a lamppost A and stops

at lamppost B, one hour later. When Mr Chan passes the lamppost
A, Mr Lim, on a motorcycle, starts from A and overtakes Mr
Chan. The motorcycle has uniform acceleration of 80 km/h2 . The
speed-time graphs of Mr Chan and Mr Lim are shown in the

Speed (km/h)

Time (h)

9ai I Find the speed of the car at 0715 h. I [2J

Speed (km/h)
50-s = 30 50

GD �
55 l s
s = - = 27 - km/h

2 2 20 1
0 .____....1 __.__ Time (h)
0700 0715 0720

Page 9 of 18
9ai Find the speed of the motorcycle at 0745 h. [l]
Speed (km/h)

o Mr Lim


v=60 km/h

0 w:;_------��-�
0700 0745
Time (h)

9ai Find the time, to the nearest minute, the motorcycle overtakes the [ 4]
ii car, given that it was betw een 0720 hand 0745 h
Let t minutes be the time taken by Mr. Lim to overtake Mr. Chan
Speed (km/h)


0 ..:;;;;________,....._____.___...______._.
o1_ 2_0____,
01op_____ 0800
Time (h)
Distance travelled by Mr Chan from 0700 to 0720
20 35
= l (50+ 20)x = km
2 60 3
Distance travelled by Mr Chan from 0720 until overtaken
_ t-20' - t-20
- (--6tr- Ix 20 - -:,- km
l )
Distance travelled by Mr Lim from 0700 until overtaking Mr Chan
- l x x fso x_r 'I- t km

- 2 60 60 - 90"
l J

Page 10 of 18
At the overtaking time,
Distance travelled by Mr Chan = Distance travelled by Mr Lim
35 t-20 t 2
3 3 90
5 - 0
1 = 90 ( � + t 2 1 I
( ½ �)
= 1050 + 30t -600
t -30t-450 = 0

t = -(-30) ± �(-30)2 - 4 (1)(-450)

. -
= 40.9808 or -10.9808 (NA)
The time is 074 1 h.

9b Sketch the acceleration time graph for Mr. Chan. [2]

. 20 -0
Accelerat10n from 07 45 to 0800 = __ = -40 km/h2

Acceleration (km/h2)

0 Time(h)
u 00 0 20 O'i 5 0100

- 8 0 ------------:------------ -------
- 90

centre at A has a radius of

10 cm. The semicircle with centre at B and the semicircle with centre C are
congruent and each has a radius
of x cm. The small circle with centre A touches the semicircles at point D and E.
The line AO bisects the
length of the rectangle and is a tangent to both of the semicircles.

, . cm
tx + l) J
10a Write down an expression, in terms ofx, for the length AC. [l] I
AC= ( x +IO)cm I
10b Write down an expression, in terms of x, for the length OA. [!] I
OA=(x .:. 15)-10
OA=(x-:-5) cm
10c Hence, write down an equation and show that it simplifies to [3]
- I
AC2 = OA 2 +OC 2
2 2
(x+l0} =(x+5) +x 2
x' + 20x +100 = x2 +!Ox+ 25+ x2
-x 2 +10x+75=0
x2 -!Ox-75 = 0
10d 2
Solve the equationx -1 Ox-75= 0. [2] I
( X-15)( X +5) =0
x=l5 or x=-5
10e Hence, find the shaded area. [2] I

Shaded area = n:R + n:r
11: ( 152 -.- 10 2

"'1020 cm2

11 A couple intends to purchase a HDB flat and they intend to take a

loan from a
financial institution. The formula to calculate the monthly
mortgage payment is
given by

Page 12 of 18
Pl mo
(i( i"t'
l 1+ mo) j
M= i ',n 1

1 + 100) J
Where M is the monthly mortgage payment, P is the principal
loan amount, i is the monthly interest rate, and n is the number
of months required to repay the loan.
(Source: https://www.businessinsider.com/personal-finance;how­
to-calculate-mortga ge­
Ifthe couple takes a $100000 loan to be repaid in 10 years, find [3 ]
the total interest paid as a percentage ofthe loan, assuming an

interest rate of2% per annum.


2 I
12. 6
i= = n = l0xl2 =

L 1

(_z_· (
p 100 + 100 ) J
M= I 1
( L \n
1 l
l + 100
) - J

1 ( 1 ,1201
100000 ll 1
6;-t + 6�0)
__ J

- [(1+okf°-1J
= 920.1345 = $920.13

The couple intends to take a loan from a financial institution. so [ 3]

they will need to pay 25% ofthe price as down payment. For the

down-payment, they intend to pay up to $50000.


An online search yielded information in the tables below.

2021 Property Prices in Singapore

"r HDB BTO non'JiTO

Fla.ts (Non;; ){la.ts

Mature ' (l\'lature
Estates) Estates) Resale Flats
Two-Room $90,000 to $137,000 to
(Flexi) $162,000 $277,000

Page 13 of 18
$164,000 to $205,000 to $350,000 to
hree-Room $248,000 $421,000 $380,000
$253,000 to $311,000 to $420,000 to
Four-Room $381,000 $617,000 $550,000
$405,000 to $423,000 to $520,000 to
Five-Room $516,000 $725,000 $700,000

(Source: https://www.hdb.gov.sg/residential/buying-a­
Determine all the types of flats that the couple can consider
25% of the 2021 Property Prices in Singapore

Two-Room $22,500 to $34,250 to

(Flexi) $40,500 $69,250 -
Past the

Three- 1$41,000 to $51,250 to $50000

Room 1$62,000 $105,250 limit

! !Past the
IPast the $50000 rast the $50000 $ 0000
Four-Room limit [imit rimit

From the table, the following flats are within the couple's means:
1. HDB BTO Flats (Non-Mature Estates) Two-Room (Flexi),
2. Some HDB BTO Flats (Mature Estates) Two-Room (Flexi)
in the lower price range
3. Some HDB BTO Flats (Non-Mature Estates) Three-Room
in the lower price range.

Page 14 of 18
Alternatively, since 25% is $50000, the full price is budgeted at

Fromthe table , the following flats are within the couple's means:
1. HDB BTO Flats (Non-Mature Estates) Two-Room (Flexi),
2. Some HDB BTO Flats (Mature Estates)Two-Room (Flexi)
in the lower price range
3. Some HDB BTO Flats (Non-Mature Estates) Three-Room
in the lower price range .
llc Based on the information given in the tables only, give the type of [3]
flat that gives the best value for the moneyspent . State one
assumption that the couple could have made .
Since there is a range of prices , use the midpoint for each range to
calculate price per sq m.
1. HDB BTO Flats (Non-Mature Estates) Two-Room (Flexi),
Midpoint = $126000,
For 36sq m, price per sq mis $126000/ 36 = $3500
For 45sq m, price per sq mis $126000/ 45= $2800

2. HDB BTO Flats (Mature Estates)Two-Room (Flexi)

Midpoint = $207000,
For 36sq m, price per sq mis $207000/ 36 = $5750
For 45sq m, price per sq mis $207000I 45= $4600

3. HDB BTO Flats (Non-Mature Estates) Three-Roomin the

lower price range
Midpoint = $206000. Midpoint = 62.5sq m
Price per sq mis $206000I 62.5= $3296
Based on the price per sq mcriterion , the first choice is a HDB BT
Flats (Non-Mature Estates) Two-Room (Flexi) 45sq m.
4. HDB BTO Flats (Non-Mature Estates)Two-Room (Flexi),
For 36sq m, price per sq mis $2500to $4500
For 45sq m, price per sq mis $2000to $$3600

5. Some HDB BTO Flats (Mature Estates) Two-Room (Flexi)

in the lower price range
For 36sq m, price per sq mis $3805.56to $7694.44
For 45sq m, price per sq mis $3044.44to $6155.56

6. Some HDB BTO Flats (Non-Mature Estates) Three-Roomin

the lower price range
For 60sq m, price per sq mis $2733.33 to $4133.33
For 65sq m, price per sq mis $2523.08to $3815.38

Page 15 of 18
Based on the price per sq m criterion, the first choice is a HDB BT
Flats (Non-Mature Estates) Two-Room (Flexi) 45 sq m in the lowe
price range.
Assumption, only one is needed:
1. The prices of the different types of housing remains stable
regardless of region.
2. All the different types of flats are available.
3 . Without detailed information, the couple assumes that for
each floor area, there can be the full range of prices, e. g. for a
45 m2 flat, the prices can range from $90,000 to $162,000.
4 . Without detailed information, either the range of minimum to
maximum, or the midpoint can be used for calculation.
In each category, the lowest price corresponds to the smallest floor
area, and the higher price corresponds to the larger floor area.

12 The variables of x and y are connected by the equation

x2 2
6 X
Some corresponding values of x and y, correct to two decimal
prn.ces, are given in the table below.
I x 0.5 I 1 I 1.5 2 2.5 3
I y P I -o.83 I -1. 29 I -t.33 -1. 16 -0.83
12 Find the value ofp. [l]
x2 · 2
Sub x = 0.5 and y = p into y= _ + _ -3
6 X
0.52 2
P=-+--3 �1.04
6 0.5

12 Use a scale of 2 cm to represent 1 unit, draw a horizontal x-axis [ 3]

b fromo:;; x:;; 6. Use a scale of 4 cm to represent 1 unit, draw a
vertical y-axis from -2 :s; y :s; 4 .
On your axes, plot the points given in the table and join them with
a smooth curve.

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12c x- L
+ - = [2]
Use your graph to find the solutions of - - 2 0.
6 X
X- L
+ - =
- - 2 0
xq + 2 -
- = -
- - 2 1 0 1
xq +-2 - =-
- 3 1
6 X
y = -1 ..

From the graph, when y = - I,

x � 1.116(±0.2) or x � 2.769(±0.2)

12 By drawing a tangent, find the gradient of the curve at(3,-0.83). [2]

Draw a tangent at (3,-0.83)

Therefore gradient :::, 0.878 ± 0.2

12e On the same axes, draw the line of with gradient -0.5 that passes [1]
i through the point with coordinates (4, -1) .
x I O I 1 \ 3
y = -0.5 I o I -0.5 I -1
Bl for two parallel lines (one is y = -0.Sx and the other is parallel to y = -0.Sx
and pass through (4, -1) )

12e Write down the equation of this line. [ 1]

From the graph, y = -0.Sx + 1

12e Write down the x-coordinates of the points where the line intersects [2]
iii the curve.
x � 0.544(±0.2) or x � 3.29(±0.2)

12e These values of x are the solutions of the equation [2 ]

iv x3 + Ax2 - 24x + B = 0. Find the value of A and of B.
The values of x are the solutions for the pair of simultaneous
x2 2
y=-+--3 and y = -0.5x +I ··
x2 -2
_+ 3=-o.5x +1

x +12- 18x = -3x2 + 6x


x3 +12-l 8x + 3x2 - 6x = 0 ·- -3
x3 + 3x2 - 24x + 12 = 0

Therefore A=3 and B = 12

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