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vessel design

EDEN TESEMA…….4377/08
ELIAS ASSEGA…….4385/08

Submitted to
Submission date
Horizontal pressure vessel design project


In this project we intended to deal with the design of horizontal pressure vessel and its manufacturing
processes. Design is carried according to rules of ASME code section VIII, Division I.The motive of this
project is to design a vertical pressure vessel that will minimize traditional way of storing water
especially in the rural country sides. Before proceeding to design the vertical pressure vessel, different
literatures are reviewed and a reasonable justification and conclusion was made to facilitate the next
design phase. Based on them, the detail design was developed in accordance with specification, technical
criteria and overall dimensions, component shapes and material were determined.

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Horizontal pressure vessel design project


Firstly, we would like to acknowledge University of Gondar for the opportunity we have
received of doing this project, for providing Wi-Fi access, for providing useful accessories we
used for this project. Then, our instructor Mr. Teferi Sitotaw for helping and guiding us
throughout the project we are very grateful. We would also want to thank our university library
which has helped us by providing books, Wi-Fi access and senior mechanical engineering
department students who have given us different materials and books concerning this typical
design project.

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CHAPTER 1.....................................................................................................10
1.1. INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................10
1.1.1. OVERVIEW OF THE PROJECT...........................................................11
1.1.2. BACKGROUND OF THE PRESSURE VESSEL.................................11
1.1.3. DEFINITION OF PRESSURE VESSEL...............................................12
1.1.4. CLASSIFICATION OF PRESSURE VESSEL......................................12
1.1.5. COMPONENTS OF PRESSURE VESSSEL.........................................17
1.1.6. APPLICATION OF PRESSURE VESSEL............................................25
1.1.7. CAUSES OF FAILURE.........................................................................28
1.2. PROBLEM STATEMENT........................................................................28
1.3. OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT..............................................................28
1.3.1. GENERAL OBJECTIVE........................................................................28
1.3.2. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE.........................................................................28
1.4. SCOPE OF THE PROJECT......................................................................29
1.5. LIMITATION OF THE PROJECT...........................................................29
1.6. METHODOLOGY.....................................................................................29
CHAPTER 2.....................................................................................................30
2.1. LITERATURE REVIEW..........................................................................30
3. CHAPTER THREE.......................................................................................33
3.1. DETAIL DESIGN OF COMPONENT.............................................33
3.1.1. DESIGN OF SHELL.........................................................................36
3.1.2. DESIGN OF HEAD..........................................................................39
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3.1.3. DESIGN OF OPENING (NOZZLE).................................................44

3.1.4. DESIGN OF HANDHOLE...............................................................50
3.1.4. DESIGN OF VESSEL SUPPORTS.......................................................51
3.1.5. DESIGN OF FLANGE...........................................................................64
3.1.6. DESIGN OF WELDING........................................................................67
3.1.7. DESIGN OF BOLTED FLANGED JOINT...........................................70
3.1.8. DESIGN OF NUT.............................................................................77
3.1.9. DESIGN OF GASKETS...................................................................79
CHAPTER 4.....................................................................................................79
4.1. RESULT AND DISCUSSION..........................................................79
CHAPTER 5.....................................................................................................83
5.1. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS..............................83
5.1.1. CONCLUSION.................................................................................83
5.1.2. RECOMMENDATION.....................................................................83
3.3 PART DRAWING.............................................................................84

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List of table

Table 1 Specification;....................................................................................................................33
Table 2 material selection (source Coulson_&_Richardson's_Chemical_Engineering,
Table 3 efficiency value.................................................................................................................36
Table 4 length diameter ration.......................................................................................................37
Table 5 stress on head....................................................................................................................41
Table 6 selection of nozzle opening..............................................................................................45
Table 7 dimension of support........................................................................................................54
Table 8 dimension of flange..........................................................................................................66
Table 9 standard flange design( all dimension in mm)..................................................................67
Table 10 material selection for bolt design....................................................................................70
Table 11 material selection for bolt design....................................................................................72
Table 12 dimensions of the bolt.....................................................................................................74
Table 13 Result of Shell................................................................................................................79
Table 14Result of Head.................................................................................................................80
Table 15 Result of Nozzles and openings......................................................................................80
Table 16 Result of combined load.................................................................................................81
Table 17 Result of Support............................................................................................................81
Table 18 Result of bolt..................................................................................................................82
Table 19 Result of flange...............................................................................................................82
Table 20 Result of hand hole........................................................................................................82

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Table of figure
Figure 1 pressure vessels according to position arrangement [7]..................................................15
Figure 2 shell of pressure vessel made by rolling process [8].......................................................18
Figure 3 head of pressure vessel....................................................................................................19
Figure 4 nozzle of pressure vessel................................................................................................20
Figure 5 skirt support of pressure vessel......................................................................................20
Figure 6 leg support of pressure vessel.........................................................................................21

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Figure 7 saddle support of pressure vessel...................................................................................21

Figure 8 lug support of pressure vessel........................................................................................22
Figure 9 slip on flange..................................................................................................................22
Figure 10 Weld neck flange..........................................................................................................23
Figure 11 Socket weld flange.......................................................................................................23
Figure 12 Lap joint flanges..........................................................................................................24
Figure 13 Blind flange...................................................................................................................24
Figure 14 dimensions of head.....................................................................................................43
Figure 15 3D picture of head........................................................................................................44
Figure 16 saddle support...............................................................................................................53
Figure 17 horizontal pressure vessel.............................................................................................53
Figure 18 horizontal pressure vessel.............................................................................................54
Figure 19 saddle support...............................................................................................................56
Figure 20 saddle support 2D.........................................................................................................57
Figure 21 flange (source Coulson_&_Richardson's_Chemical_Engineering,_Volume_6).........66
Figure 22 flange 2D......................................................................................................................67
Figure 23 bolt 2D.........................................................................................................................75
Figure 24 nut 2D...........................................................................................................................78
Figure 25 Bolt................................................................................................................................84
Figure 26 bolt and nut 3D............................................................................................................85
Figure 27 horizontal pressure vessels shell..................................................................................85
Figure 28 saddle support...............................................................................................................86
Figure 29 Ellipsoidal head............................................................................................................86
Figure 30 Flange...........................................................................................................................87

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 T ………………. design temperature, °C

 C ……………….. corrosion allowance, mm
 Di ……………….. inside diameter of the vessel, mm
 Do ……………….. outside diameter of the vessel, mm
 Ri ……………….. ..inside radius of the vessel, mm
 Ro ……………….. outside radius of the vessel, mm
 S ……………….. maximum allowable stress, Mpa
 E ……………….. Joint efficiency, %
 T……………….. required the thickness, mm
 tn ……………….. minimum thickness provided for the nozzle, mm
 trn ………………. selected thickness for the nozzle, mm
 W ……………….. weight of the vessel
 H……………….. height of center of gravity
 MPa (N/mm2) ……………….Mega Pascal
 δh……………….. Hoop Stress
 δl ……………….. Longitudinal stress
 τmax ……………….Maximum shear stress
 Pd ………………….Design pressure
 Pi……………….. Internal pressure

 ASME………………..American society of mechanical engineers

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The pressure vessel materials are used to store fluids under pressure. The fluid being stored
may undergo a change of state inside the pressure vessel as in case of steam boilers or it may
combine with other reagents as in a chemical plant. The pressure vessels are designed with great
care because rupture of a pressure vessel means an explosion which may cause loss of life and
property. The material of pressure vessels may be brittle such as cast iron, or ductile such as mild
steel [1].
Pressure vessels are well known for its cylindrical shape of tanks. But pressure vessels may
theoretically be almost any shapes made of section spheres and cones are usually employed. A
common design is a cylindrical with hemispherical ends caps or heads.

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A pressure vessel is a closed container designed to hold gases or liquids at a pressure
substantially different from the ambient pressure. The pressure differential is dangerous, and
fatal accidents have occurred in the history of pressure vessel development and operation.
Consequently, pressure vessel design, manufacture, and operation are regulated by engineering
authorities backed by legislation. As it is known, machine designing is the first step for the
production of any type of desired materials. In this case designing horizontal pressure vessel
properly is essential for its storing purpose.
In this design project we tried to cover the design of each component (parts) of horizontal
pressure vessel like its shell, heads, bolt and nuts, nozzle, saddle support according to the
conditions given. Not only the design of components but also the definition, background,
limiting factors, classifications and also applications.


The earliest documented design of pressure vessels is described in the book Codex Madrid I, by
Leonardo da Vinci, in 1495, where containers of pressurized air were theorized to lift heavy
weights underwater, however vessels resembling what are used today did not come about until
the 1800s where steam was generated in boilers helping to spur the
industrialrevolution.However, with poor material quality and manufacturing techniques along
with improper knowledge of design, operation and maintenance there was a large number of
damaging and often fatal explosions associated with these boilers and pressure vessels, with a
death occurring on a nearly daily basis in the United States. Local providences and states in the
US began enacting rules for constructing these vessels after some particularly devastating vessel
failures occurred killing dozens of people at a time, which made it difficult for manufacturers to
keep up with the varied rules from one location to another and the first pressure vessel code was
developed starting in 1911 and released in 1914, starting the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Code (BPVC) [2].

In an early effort to design a tank capable of withstanding pressures up to 10,000 psi (69 MPa), a

6-inch (150 mm) diameter tank was developed in 1919 that was spirally-wound with two layers
of high tensile strength steel wire to prevent sidewall rupture, and the end caps longitudinally
reinforced with lengthwise high-tensile rods [3].The need for high pressure and temperature
vessels for petroleum refineries and chemical plants gave rise to vessels joined with welding
instead of rivets (which were unsuitable for the pressures and temperatures required) and in
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1920s and 1930s the BPVC included welding as an acceptable means of construction, and
welding is the main means of joining metal vessels today [3].
There have been many advancements in the field of pressure vessel engineering such as
advanced non-destructive examination, phased array ultrasonic testing and radiography, new
material grades with increased corrosion resistance and stronger materials, and new ways to join
materials such as explosion welding (to attach one metal sheet to another, usually a thin
corrosion resistant metal like stainless steel to a stronger metal like carbon steel), friction stir
welding (which attaches the metals together without melting the metal), advanced theories and
means of more accurately assessing the stresses encountered in vessels such as with the use of
Finite Element Analysis, allowing the vessels to be built safer and more efficiently.
Today vessels in the USA require BPVC stamping but the BPVC is not just a domestic code,
many other countries have adopted the BPVC as their official code. There are, however, other
official codes in some countries (some of which rely on portions of and reference the BPVC),
Japan, Australia, Canada, Britain, and Europe have their own codes. Regardless of the country
nearly all recognize the inherent potential hazards of pressure vessels and the need for standards
and codes regulating their design and construction. [10]


Pressure vessels are tanks used to store fluids under or over atmospheric pressure or at any given
temperature and pressure combinations, while the fluid stored inside the tank may undergo many
changes like combining with other reagents or exchanging gases in static boilers. They are
reservoirs which work under internal and external pressure and can be operated under this
pressure. They also are leak proof containers of some sort they may came in various Shapes and
sizes and range from simple and small beverage bottles to huge and complicated ones found at
engineering plants. The definition of a pressure vessel varies from country to country, but
involves parameters such as maximum safe operating pressure and temperature.
Unfired pressure vessel is a pressure vessel which cannot be burned by fire. In other words, the
one which cannot be set on fire or that eliminate the chance of exploding and corroding due to
extremely high temperature and other related factors. Since it is unfired vessel, there is a lesser
risk of overheating.


Pressure vessel can be classified in different categories as follows:-
According to the

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 Dimension
 end construction
 type of pressure up on it
 temperature
 geometrical shapes
 position arrangement
 Structural Materials
 direction of force acting on the wall of vessels
 function
 Methods of fabrication and so on.
1. According to the dimension
According to their dimension can be classified in to thin and thick shell by taking the
consideration of the ratio of the shell thickness (t) to its diameter (D) which we call the deciding

 Thin shell: if the ratio of D/t is less than 1/10 is called thin shells.
 Thick shell: if the ratio of D/t is equal or greater than 1/10 is called thick shell used in
High pressure cylinders, gun, barrels and other equipment where as thin shells are used in boiler,
tanks and pipes.
And also, if the internal fluid pressure (P) is less than 1/6 of the allowable stress, then it is called
a thin shell .On the other hand, if the internal fluid pressure is greater than 1/6 of the allowable
stress, then it is said to be a thick shell.
2. According to the end construction
 Open end construction pressure vessels: A simple cylinder with a piston, such as cylinder of a
press is an example of an open end vessel. In case of vessels having open ends, the
circumferential or hoop stresses are induced by the fluid pressure.
 Closed end construction pressure vessels: A tank is an example of a closed end vessel. In case
of closed ends, longitudinal stresses in addition to circumferential stresses are induced.
3. According to pressure and its type
This can be classified in to two groups:-
i. Internal Pressure Vessel: vessels where the media pressure inside the vessel are larger
than that outside (gauge pressure).
 Low pressure vessel (L): 0.1≤P < 1.6 MPa
 Medium pressure vessel (M):1.6 ≤P < 10 MPa
 High pressure vessel (H): 10 ≤ P < 100 MPa
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 Ultra-high pressure vessel (U): P ≥100 MPa

ii. External Pressure Vessel: vessels where the media pressure inside the vessel are lower
than that outside (gauge pressure). When the internal pressure less than 0.1 MPa (absolute
pressure), such vessels are called Vacuum Vessel.
4. According to temperature
This can be classified in to two main groups:-

 Normal temperature vessel: -20< T ≤200℃.

 Medium temperature vessel: between normal & high Temperature vessels.
 Low temperature vessel: Temperature less than -20 ℃

High temperature vessel: where these wall temperature is above the creep temperature.
5. According to the geometrical shapes
This can be classified in to two groups:-
i. Cylindrical Pressure Vessel
This type of a vessel designed with a fixed radius and thickness subjected to an internal gage
pressure. This vessel has an axial symmetry. The cylindrical vessels are generally preferred,
since they present simpler manufacturing problems and make better use of the available space.
Boiler drums, heat exchangers, chemical reactors, and so on, are generally cylindrical.
Advantages of cylindrical pressure vessels:

 It is easier to fabricate.
 They are probably cheaper to construct
 They pack more efficiently into rectangular structures such as boxes and buildings.

ii. Spherical vessel with one or two cones

This type of pressure vessels are known as thin walled vessels. This forms the most typical
application of plane stress. Plane of stress is a class of common engineering problems involving
stress in a thin plate. Spherical vessels have the advantage of requiring thinner walls for a given
pressure and diameter than the equivalent cylinder. Therefore they are used for large gas or
liquid containers, gas-cooled nuclear reactors, containment buildings for nuclear plant, and so on.
Advantages of spherical pressure vessels:

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For the same internal design pressure, a spherical vessel will require only half the wall thickness
as a cylindrical vessel. Spherical vessels have the advantage of holding the largest volume per
unit surface area of the container. [7]
6. According to the position arrangement
This can be classified in to three groups:-
i. Horizontal pressure vessel (HPV)
ii. Vertical pressure vessel (VPV)
iii. Spherical pressure vessel (SPV)
i. HPV ii. VPV iii. SPV



Figure 1 pressure vessels according to position arrangement [7]

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7. According to the materials

The pressure vessels are according the material classified as:-

 Brittle material pressures vessels

 Ductile material pressure vessels
8. According to the direction of force acting on the wall of vessels
The pressure vessels are according the material classified as:-

 Subjected to internal pressure (pi)

 Subjected to external pressure (p)
9. According to their function
Storage vessels :
 Reactors
 Boilers Mixers, and
 Heat exchangers
10. According to methods of fabrication
 Welded
 Cast
 Brazed, and
 Flanged pressure vessels.
11. According to scheme of loading:
 Vessel working under internal pressure and,
 Vessel working under external pressure.
12. According to operating temperatures
 Low temperature vessels (less than or equal to -20oC)
 Normal temperature vessels (between -20oC to 150oC)
 Medium temperature vessels (between 150oC to 450oC)
 High temperature vessels (more than or equal to 450oC)
13. According to its usage mode
 Fixed pressure vessel
 Mobile pressure vessel
14. According to corrosion action
 High corrosion effect and,
 Moderate corrosion effect pressure vessels.
15. According to the methods of assembly:
 Detachable and,

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 No detachable pressure vessels.

16. According to the wall thickness:
 Thin walled(t/D<1/10) and,
 Thick walled (t/D≥1/10) pressure vessels.
Where; t and D are the thickness and diameter of the shell respectively
17. According to the orientation in space:
 Vertical,
 Horizontal and,
 Sloped pressure vessels.


There are four components of pressure vessels these are:

 SUPPORT, and
The shell is the main component of any vessels that contains the pressure. Material of shell
normally come in plate or rolled steel. Commonly, some pressure vessel shells has a rotational
axis and be welded together to form a structure. Most pressure vessel shells are cylindrical,
spherical, or conical in shape.

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Figure 2 shell of pressure vessel made by rolling process [8]

All pressure vessel shells must be closed at the ends by heads. Heads that usually used are
typically in curved rather than flat. Configurations of curved shape stronger and let the pressure
vessel's heads to be thinner, lighter and less expensive rather than flat heads. Inside a vessel,
heads can also be used.

Elliptical, hemispherical, and tori spherical are the most commonly used head types. Note that all
head types have a straight flange section, which simplifies welding the head to the adjacent
cylindrical shell section. The elliptical and tori spherical heads have an indicated head depth (h),
which is measured from the straight flange to the maximum point of curvature on the inside
surface. Heads are usually can be categorized by their shapes. Ellipsoidal would be the most
common type of heads, which is used during the designing of a new pressure vessel.

a) Toriconical (cone head with knuckle)

b) Hemispherical head

c) Conical head
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d) Tori spherical (spherically dished) head

Figure 3 head of pressure vessel

A nozzle is a cylindrical component that penetrates and mounts whether at the shell or heads of a
pressure vessel surface. The nozzle ends are generally flanged. Flanges function is to allow the
necessary connections. Flanges also use to permit easy disassembly for routines maintenance or
easy access.Nozzles sometimes extended into the vessel interior for some applications, such as
for inlet flow distribution or to permit the entry of thermo wells.
They are used for the following applications:

 Attach piping for flow into or out of the vessel.

 Attach instrument connections, (e.g., level gauges, thermo wells, or pressure gauges).
 Provide access to the vessel interior at man-ways.
 Provide for direct attachment of other equipment items, (e.g., a heat exchanger or mixer)

Figure 4 nozzle of pressure vessel

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The type of support that is used depends primarily on the size and orientation of the pressure
vessel. In all cases, the pressure vessel support must be adequate for the applied weight, wind,
and earthquake loads. The design pressure of the vessel is not a consideration in the design of the
support since the support is not pressurized. Temperature may be a consideration in support
design from the standpoint of material selection and provision for differential thermal expansion.
Typical kinds of supports are as follow:
i. Skirt
Tall, vertical, cylindrical pressure vessels are typically supported by skirts. A support skirt is a
cylindrical shell section that is welded either to the lower portion of the vessel shell or to the
bottom head (for cylindrical vessels). Skirts for spherical vessels are welded to the vessel near
the mid-plane of the shell. The skirt is normally long enough to provide enough flexibility so that
radial thermal expansion of the shell does not cause high thermal stresses at its junction with the

Figure 5 skirt support of pressure vessel

ii. Leg
Small vertical drums are typically supported on legs that are welded to the lower portion of the
shell. The maximum ratio of support leg length to drum diameter is typically 2:1. The number of
legs needed depends on the drum size and the loads to be carried. Support legs are also typically
used for spherical pressurized storage vessels. The support legs for small vertical drums and
spherical pressurized storage vessels may be made from structural steel columns or pipe sections,
whichever provides a more efficient design. Cross bracing between the legs is typically used to
help absorb wind or earthquake loads.

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Figure 6 leg support of pressure vessel

iii. Saddle
Horizontal drums are typically supported at two locations by saddle supports. A saddle support
spreads the weight load over a large area of the shell to prevent an excessive local stress in the
shell at the support points. The width of the saddle, among other design details, is determined by
the specific size and design conditions of the pressure vessel. One saddle support is normally
fixed or anchored to its foundation. The other support is normally free to permit unrestrained
longitudinal thermal expansion of the drum. [3]

Figure 7 saddle support of pressure vessel

iv. Lug support

Lugs that are welded to the pressure vessel shell, which are shown on, may also be used to
support vertical pressure vessels. The use of lugs is typically limited to vessels of small to
medium diameter (1 to 10 ft.) and moderate height-to-diameter ratios in the range of 2:1 to 5:1.
Lug supports are often used for vessels of this size that are located above grade within structural
steel. The lugs are typically bolted to horizontal structural members to provide stability against
overturning loads; however, the bolt holes are often slotted to permit free radial thermal
expansion of the drum.
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Figure 8 lug support of pressure vessel

Other components:
Flanged joints are used for connecting pipes and instruments to vessels, for manhole covers, and
for removable vessel heads when ease of access is required. Flanges may also be used on the
vessel body, when it is necessary to divide the vessel into sections for transport or maintenance.
Flanged joints are also used to connect pipes to other equipment, such as pumps and valves.
Screwed joints are often used for small-diameter pipe connections, below 40 mm. Flanged joints
are also used for connecting pipe sections where ease of assembly and dismantling is required for
maintenance, but pipework will normally be welded to reduce costs. Flanges range in size from a
few millimeters diameter for small pipes, to several meters diameter for those used as body or
head flanges on vessels.
i. Slip-on flange
The slip-on flange has a low hub and is bored slightly larger than the OD of the pipe. This flange
is welded on both inside and outside of the flange face to prevent leakage. Used in lieu of
welding necks when cost or space is a major consideration.

Figure 9 slip on flange

ii. Weld neck flange

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The weld neck (or welding neck) sflange is bored to the ID of the pipe and has a high neck to
which pipe is welded. Probably this is the best welding flange available because of its high,
heavy neck. It is used wherever a sound welded joint connection is needed.

Figure 10 Weld neck flange

iii. Threaded flange

The bore of this flange is threaded to match the pipe size.
Used for low pressure systems and where welding could be hazardous.

iv. Socket weld flange

The socket weld flange is bored to the ID of the pipe and counter bored slightly larger than the
OD of the pipe to allow the pipe to be inserted and welded in place. Used for smaller high
pressure systems.

Figure 11 Socket weld flange

v. Lap joint flange

Bored slightly larger than the OD of the pipe, the radius on the bottom matches the radius on the
stub end. It is slipped over the pipe and a stub end is welded onto the pipe. The flange is then

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slipped over the stub end and bolted up. Used for systems that needs frequent cleaning and/or

Figure 12 Lap joint flanges

vi. Blind flange

This flange is a solid circle drilled to match a companion flange. Used to shut off or blank off

Figure 13 Blind flange

Gaskets: are used to make a leak-tight joint between two surfaces. It is impractical to machine
flanges to the degree of surface finish that would be required to make a satisfactory seal under
pressure without a gasket.
Gaskets are made from “semi-plastic” materials; which will deform and flow under load to fill
the surface irregularities between the flange faces, yet retain sufficient elasticity to take up the
changes in the flange alignment that occur under load.
A great variety of proprietary gasket materials is used, and reference should be made to the
manufacturers‟ catalogues and technical manuals when selecting gaskets for a particular
application. The minimum seating stress y is the force per unit area (pressure) on the gasket that
is required to cause the material to flow and fill the surface irregularities in the gasket face. The

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gasket factor m is the ratio of the gasket stress (pressure) under the operating conditions to the
internal pressure in the vessel or pipe.
The internal pressure will force the flanges‟ faces apart, so the pressure on the gasket under
operating conditions will be lower than the initial tightening-up pressure.
The gasket factor gives the minimum pressure that must be maintained on the gasket to ensure a
satisfactory seal. The following factors must be considered when selecting a gasket material:
1. The process conditions: pressure, temperature, corrosive nature of the process fluid
2. Whether repeated assembly and disassembly of the joint is required.
3. The type of flange and flange face
Up to pressures of 20 bars, the operating temperature and corrosiveness of the process fluid will
be the controlling factor in gasket selection. Vegetable fiber and synthetic rubber gaskets can be
used at temperatures of up to 100 oC. Solid polyfluorocarbon (Teflon) and compressed asbestos
gaskets can be used to a maximum temperature of about 260 oC. Metal reinforced gaskets can be
used up to around 450 co. Plain soft metal gaskets are normally used for higher temperatures.
Pressure gages: are instruments for measuring the condition of a fluid (liquid or gas) that is
specified by the force that the fluid would exert when at rest on a unit area, such as N/c.m2.
Temperature gages: are instruments for measuring the condition of a fluid (liquid or gas) that is
specified by the temperature that the fluid would exert when at rest on a unit area, such as


Pressure vessels are used in a variety of applications in both industry and the private (Domestic)
sector. They appear in these sectors as industrial compressed air receivers and domestic hot
water storage tank.
There are a lot of applications of pressure vessel in the industry world. Some of the majors are:

i. Compressed air receivers

In industry, compressed air is so widely used that it is often regarded as the fourth utility, after
electricity, natural gas and water. However, compressed air is more expensive than the other
three utilities when evaluated on a per unit energy delivered basis.[Compressed air is useful in
many industrial plants as cooler or pressurized gas container such as oxygen and acetylene that
are used for torching and heating metals.

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ii. Nuclear reactors

A nuclear reactor is a device used to initiate and control a sustained nuclear chain reaction.
Nuclear reactors are used at nuclear power plants for electricity generation and in propulsion of
ships. Heat from nuclear fission is passed to a working fluid (water or gas), which runs through
turbines. These either drive a ship's propellers or turn electrical generators. Nuclear generated
steam in principle can be used for industrial process heat or for district heating. Some reactors
are used to produce isotopes for medical and industrial use, or for production of plutonium for
weapons. Some are run only for research. Today there are about 450 nuclear power reactors that
are used to generate electricity in about 30 countries around the world.

iii. Submarine and space ship habitats

The careful examination of a submarine or a space ship reviles that they are both huge pressure
vessels with various components inside, of coerce they are not used as the conventional pressure
vessels but the main factor for calling them pressure vessels is that they need to be pressurized
for to make voyages both at sea or at space.

iv. Pneumatic reservoirs

Pneumatics is a section of technology that deals with the study and application of pressurized gas
to produce mechanical motion. Pneumatic systems used extensively in industry are commonly
powered by compressed air or compressed inert gases. A centrally located and electrically
powered compressor powers cylinders, air motors, and other pneumatic devices. A pneumatic
system controlled through manual or automatic solenoid valves is selected when it provides a
lower cost, more flexible, or safer alternative to electric motors and actuators. Pneumatics also
has applications in dentistry, construction, mining, and other areas.

Rail vehicle air brake reservoirs

A railway air brake is a power braking system with compressed air as the operating medium.
Modern trains rely upon a fail-safe air brake system that is based upon a design patented by
George Westinghouse on March 5, 1868.
The Westinghouse system uses air pressure to charge air reservoirs (tanks) AKA “pressure
vessels “on each car. Full air pressure signals each car to release the brakes. A reduction or loss
of air pressure signals each car to apply its brakes, using the compressed air in its reservoir.

Storage vessels for liquefied gasses

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Horizontal pressure vessel design project

Liquefied gasses like propane, butane, ammonia and chlorine are some of the gases used in
industry or homes for various needs such as heat source; combustion chambers ignition or for the
making of oxy-acetylene tanks for industrial and work shop heating and cutting tools they are
also used for safekeeping and pressurized storing of liquefied gasses.

Oil refiners
Pressure vessels that have nets or other purification devices can be used for oil refining from
crude oil and purification to give useful products such as benzene, gasoline, naphthalene etc...
And also in common we are using pressure vessel as:

 hot water boilers

 gas cylinders for holding propane mainly used for cooking
 pressurized air cans (spray bottles)
 pressurized berating equipment

Safety features
i. Leak before burst
Leak before burst describes a pressure vessel designed such that a crack in the vessel will grow
through the wall, allowing the contained fluid to escape and reducing the pressure, prior to
growing as large as to cause fracture at the operating pressure.

Many pressure vessel standards, including the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and the
AIAA metallic pressure vessel standard, either require pressure vessel designs to be leak before
burst, or require pressure vessels to meet more stringent requirements for fatigue and fracture if
they are not shown to be leak before burst.

ii. Safety valves

As the pressure vessel is designed to a pressure, there is typically a safety valve or relief valve to
ensure that this pressure is not exceeded in operation.

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Horizontal pressure vessel design project


Failure is disfunctioning of material. In this case there are some causes of failurity on the
pressure vessel product.

 Designing errors
 Welding errors
 Improper operating error
 Corrosion
 Lack of preventive maintenance


As we know if there is some finding or some solutions there has to be some problem behind it.
These problems might be occurred in the designing or usage process. Errors in material selection,
stress distribution, model analyzing, type of pressure vessel, reinforcement, and so on are the
basic factors which affect the strength and stability of pressure vessel. If we give all the attention
to these factors and work on them, we could design and construct a good pressure vessel. And
this will benefit the desire of the user especially the rural country side people in this country


The general objective of this project is designing a horizontal pressure vessel with

 water as working fluid

 pressure of ___2.07 Mpa
 temperature of___270°c
 total inside volume___0.3 m3
 corrosion allowance___1.2


In this project the specific objectives are:

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Horizontal pressure vessel design project

 Selecting the proper material for the horizontal pressure vessel taking into account the
pressure, joint efficiency and allowable stress in the shell and external radius.
 Determining the design stress from a table or making stress analysis for each component.
 Determining the internal pressure and temperature in the vessel as per the design stress.
 Determining of the thickness and size of each component under the given conditions.
 Calculating reinforcement for openings.
 Designing of vessel support and base ring.
 Calculating various loads considering internal pressure, wind, dead weight of the vessel and


Pressure vessels are very important materials which used in various fields. These pressure
vessels should be constructed with a serious attention given to factors that affect their function
and shorten their life span. Most of these factors are corrosion, design problem, environmental
conditions and so on.
The scope of this project is to construct the design of an advanced horizontal pressure vessel with
a great ability of corrosion and failure control that might be caused by temperature and pressure
change. In order to succeed that we designed in detail and analyzed each component of the
pressure vessel.


The main sources of limitation in this project are:

 Time- If it is not for lack of enough time given to us, we would have designed not only the
horizontal pressure vessel but also the vertical one. But we believe we have done better work
in the given interval.

 The designed pressure vessel can only withstand below the given temperature and pressure.
There should have been a better way of designing it with some other cases of temperature and
pressure factors.

In this design project we have executed the steps below in their relative order.

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Horizontal pressure vessel design project

1. Code selection---we use ASME 1998 VIII (division 1)

2. Selection of material
3. Analyzing size of pressure vessel
4. Calculating of loads
5. Design at available condition- here we use the given parameters (i.e. pressure, temperature,
corrosion allowance and total inside volume).
6. Design of each component

 Shell design

 Closure design

 Design of Nozzles openings and reinforcements

 Design of Support


YogeshBorseet al [4] present the finite element modeling and Analysis of Pressure vessels with
different end connections i.e. hemispherical, ellipsoidal & torispherical. They describe its basic
structure, stress characteristics and the engineering finite element modeling for analyzing, testing
and validation of pressure vessels under high stress zones. Their results with the used loads and
boundary conditions which remain same for all the analysis with different end connections
shows that the end connection with hemispherical shape results in the least stresses when
compared to other models not only at weld zone but also at the far end of the end-connection.

David Heckman [5] tested three dimensional, symmetric and asymmetric models; the
preliminary conclusion is that finite element analysis is an extremely powerful tool when
employed correctly. Depending on the desired solutions, there are different methods that offers
faster run times and less error. The two recommended methods included symmetric models using
shell elements and axisymmetric models using solid elements. Contact elements were tested to

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Horizontal pressure vessel design project

determine their usefulness in modeling the interaction between pressure vessel cylinder walls and
end caps.

A. J. Dureli(1973) presented work on the stresses concentration in a ribbed cylindrical shell with
a reinforced circular hole subjected to internal pressure, by several experimental methods and the
results obtained were compared with those corresponding to a non-reinforced hole in a ribbed
and un-ribbed shell and also to a reinforced hole in an un-ribbed shell. From the result it was
found that the maximum value of hoop stress, and longitudinal stress, in shells always occurred
at the points θ = 0° and θ = 90°, respectively, along the edge of the hole, θ being the angle
measured clockwise from the longitudinal axis of the hole R.

C. Gwaltney (1973) compared theoretical and experimental stresses for spherical shells having
single non-radial nozzles. The stress distributions for radial and non-radial nozzle geometry are
analyzed. Stress distributions for the non-radial and the radial nozzle attachments are quite
similar but the non-radial nozzle configuration gave the maximum normalized stress, both
theoretical and experimental, for internal pressure and for axial loads on the nozzle as well as for
pure bending moment loading in the plane of obliquity.

M.A. Guerrer et al [6] A finite element analysis (FEM) was used to calculate the behavior of a
pressure vessel (PV) made of high strength steel (P500) subject to the design loads and assuming
the existence of the „„worst case‟‟ crack allowed by the European standards in order to
demonstrate the safe use of these steels and the too conservative design rules currently applied
by the PV manufacture codes. Analysis was checked by the simulation of a Wide Plate Test. A
good agreement was obtained with the experimental values determined using strain gauges and
with the analytical KI expression available for this specific geometry. It was demonstrated that
the presence of cracks on pressure vessels made of P500 high strength steel non detected during
non-destructive tests, do not endanger the safety of the vessel, from the fracture mechanics point
of view, since the maximum values of the stress intensity factor along the crack tip is always
much lower than the room temperature fracture toughness of the material (coarse grain heat
affected zone). That is why, although high strength P 500 steel is excluded by EN 13445 Part 2,
Annex B for the manufacture of pressure vessels, because it has a yield strength higher than
460MPa, its application can be fully successful and safe even under the worst allowed
conditions, given way to significant reductions of wall thicknesses, weights and costs.

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Horizontal pressure vessel design project

As we already have seen above there are a lot of scientists who have put their finger print in the
way of modernizing and updating different kinds of pressure vessel in different ways. Some of
the have worked on the structure of the pressure vessel that includes the stress distribution,
modeling, load analyzing, material selection and so on by taking some conditions in
consideration. Others have worked in the reinforcement of pressure vessel and it’s different
kinds. They even compared structures in order to give the maximum possible strength and life

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Horizontal pressure vessel design project

In this chapter we try to describe the mathematical analysis and the strength analysis of the
pressure vessel based on the given data.
Table 1 Specification;

Parameter Value Unit

Design pressure 2.07 Mpa
Design temperature 270 °C
Total inside volume 0.3 m3
Corrosion allowance 1.2 Mm
Working fluid Water

Vessel orientation Horizontal

Some of general consideration during design:

Selection of a suitable material must be taken into account the suitability of the material for
fabrication (particularly for welding) as well as the computability of the materials with the
We use high strength low alloy steel because it has low cost and have better strength than the
others like carbon steel and stainless steel. In addition to this it has high allowable stress and it
doesn’t suffer than severe corrosion. All components of vessel are composed of this material
because it makes easy to weld together and all will have similar strength. The pressure vessel
design codes and standards include lists of acceptable materials; in accordance with the
appropriate material standards.
Table 2 (source Coulson_&_Richardson's_Chemical_Engineering, _Volume_6)

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Horizontal pressure vessel design project

The corrosion allowance is the additional thickness of metal added to allow for material lost by
corrosion and erosion, or scaling. The allowance to be used should be agreed between the
customer and manufacturer. Corrosion is a complex phenomenon, and it is not possible to give
specific rules for the estimation of the corrosion allowance required for all circumstances. The
allowance should be based on experience with the material of construction under similar service
conditions to those for the proposed design.
Corrosion allowance (C) = 1.2mm

A vessel must be designed to withstand the maximum pressure to which it is likely to be
subjected in operation. For vessels under internal pressure, the design pressure is normally taken
as the pressure at which the relief device is set. This will normally be 5 to 10 per cent above the
normal Working pressure, to avoid spurious operation during minor process upsets.. The design
pressure is already given as 2.07 Mpa but to be safe we are going to find the maximized PD with
allowance as follow,
 First find internal pressure from design pressure

Pd =Pi + (
100 )
2.07=Pi + Pi/10
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Horizontal pressure vessel design project


The strength of metals decreases with increasing temperature so the maximum allowable design
stress will depend on the material temperature. The design temperature at which the design stress
is evaluated should be taken as the maximum working temperature of the material, with due
allowance for any uncertainty involved in predicting vessel wall temperatures.
TD = 270° c

For designing purpose it is necessary to decide value for maximum allowable stress that can be
accepted in the material of construction.
From the design stress table we get design stress table for the selected material. I.e. high strength
low alloy steel. But a given temperature is 270 so we find the design stress by using Interpolation

Temperature Design stress

250° c 240 N/mm

270° c ᵟ d

300° c 235N/mm

ᵟd −240 235−240
270−250 300−250

By calculating ᵟ = 238N/mm
d 2

δ t = 550 N/mm 2
Tensile strength:

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Horizontal pressure vessel design project


The strength of a welded joint will depend on the type of joint and the quality of the welding.
The soundness of welds is checked by visual inspection and by non-destructive
testing(Radiography).The possible lower strength of a welded joint compared with the virgin
plate is usually allowed for in design by multiplying the allowable design stress for the material
by a Welded joint factor J. The value of the joint factor used in design will depend on the type of
joint and amount of radiography required by the design code.
For our design we use the welded joint efficiency value E=1 because Taking the factor as 1.0
implies that joint is equally as strong as a virgin plate. This is achieved by radiographing
complete weld length. Cutting out and remarking any defects. The use of lower joint factor
factors in design through saving cost in radiography will result in any cost saving on inspection
and fabrication against the increased cost of materials.
Table 3 efficiency value


The shell is the primary component that contains the pressure. Pressure vessel shells are welded
together to form a structure that has a common rotational axis. Most pressure vessel shells are
cylindrical, spherical, or conical in shape. Horizontal drums have cylindrical shells and are
fabricated in a wide range of diameters and lengths.
For cylindrical shell design the minimum thickness required to resist internal pressure, the length
of shell, internal & external diameter of shell, volume of shell, and general stresses applied on
the shell can be determined using mathematical analysis as follow.

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Horizontal pressure vessel design project

Using unit conversion, since Pd=2.07N/mm2 =2.07MPa

1 MPa =145.04 Psi
Pd = 2.07MPa= 300.98Psi
We can determine (L/Di) ratio from table given below:
Table 4 length diameter ration

Pressure(psi) L/D ratio

0-250 3

250-500 4

>500 5

Where D =internal diameter

L=length of shell

From the above table the value of Pd is between 250 and 500 so the (L/Di) ratio is 4.
Now to find internal diameter use given volume,
Total volume of vessel =Volume of shell +Volume of two half sphere (make one full sphere)
VT= VS + Vsp

π D3 π D2
V= + Lbut, L = 4 Di
12 4

Di=√3 (0.3 ¿¿3.665)¿m=0.434m.

For design we use enlarging values so Di=0.45m

Now we can get length of shell

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Horizontal pressure vessel design project

L =4Di=4×0.45 =1.80 m
The value of thickness of shell without corrosion allowance is given by;
P D∗Di
t 0=
2 Jσ D −P D
Where J=joint factor of efficiency=1

2. 07∗0 . 45
2∗1∗238−2 . 07

=0.001965m or approximated to 0.00197m

The thickness with corrosion allowance is given by;




Based on the value of (t/Di)we can estimate the type of cylinder.

(t/d)=0.00197/0.45=0.004377, which leads to the cylinder, is a thin cylinder
Because 0.004377<0.1

The outer diameter of the shell would be:

Do=Di +2t=0.45 m + 2×0.0032m=0.4564 m


The stress analysis mainly concerned with determining longitudinal stress, circumferential
stress and radial stress.

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Horizontal pressure vessel design project

Longitudinal stress (σl ): longitudinal stress refers to the stress that applied along the direction
of its axis .the formula to calculate is given by:
σL = m

2.07× 0.4532
4 ×0.0032 where Dm=mean diameter=Di + t =0.45+0.0032=0.4532m


The design is safe for longitudinal stress because it is less than the design stress which is


Circumferential stress (σc ):it refers to the stress occurred along the direction of
Circumference of the shell, it is be given by:
σh = m

2.07 ×0.4532
= 2× 0.0032

Since this value is less than the design value it is safe;
148.58MPa <238MPa

Radial stress (σr ): it is the stress experienced along the radius of cylinders shell, but its value
is neglected for thin cylinder.


The heads are normally made from the same material as the shell and may be welded to the shell
itself. They also may be integral with the shell in forged or cast construction. The head
geometrical design is dependent on the geometry of the shell as well as other design parameters
such as operating temperature and pressure.

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Horizontal pressure vessel design project

 Hemi-spherical head
 Ellipsoidal head
 Conical head.

Tori spherical heads

Our design head selection is Ellipsoidal head. Know we can analysis our design head using the
following equations. Our selection of ellipsoidal head because

1. To increase the strength that resists the wind stress,

2. To increase the volume of the vessel, and
3. It is preferable to design horizontal pressure vessel.

The elliptical and tori spherical heads are most common used. They are thinner than cylindrical
shell to which they are attached and require a smooth transition between the two to avoid stress
concentration effect but for our design we select an elliptical cylindrical head. The geometry of
the head is selected based on the function as well as on economic considerations, and methods of
forming and space requirements. The elliptical and tori spherical heads are most commonly used.
The carbon steel hemispherical heads are not so economical because of the high manufacturing
costs associated with them.

1. Thickness of the elliptical head; Thickness of the head for the given design pressure is

Pd × Di
t= +C
2 J × σd−0.2 Pd

¿ + 1.2mm

=0.001958m+0.0012m = 0.003158m

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Horizontal pressure vessel design project

≈ 3.2mm

This indicates the thickness of shall and head almost same,

2. Stress analysis on head; in this part we determine the stress at the center, tangent
and at any point.

Table 5 stress on head

At any point x At center At tangent

( P∗Rl ) ( P∗R 2) ( P∗R)

-ᵟx= ᵟx= ᵟx=
( 2∗t) (2∗th) (2∗t)

Stress at the center:

σx= Where h=Di/4=0.45/4=0.1125m
2 th

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Horizontal pressure vessel design project




Which is less than the design stress which is 238N/mm2.there for the design is safe

Stress at the tangent:


= 2∗3.2

= 72.77N/mm2

Which is less than the design stress which is 238N/mm2.there for the design is safe

Stress at any point:

( R2
¿ ) where Rl=√ [ 2 + x 2 1− 2 ] and
h h
x is between h and R let it be 175

=332.6mm 112.5<x<225mm

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Horizontal pressure vessel design project

3 2
Rl h
Rm= 4

= 3.2

= 12.27N/mm2
Which is less than the design stress which is 238N/mm 2.there for the design is

Total length of head for ellipsoidal

Figure 14 dimensions of head

Lt=Ls+2Ho where Ls=L+2[2Hi/3+t/2]

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Horizontal pressure vessel design project

= 1.95m
So Lt=1.95+2*0.1142=2.18m

Figure 15 3D picture of head

Volume of the ellipsoidal head:

π Di π∗0.45∗0.45
V= = 8


All process vessels will have openings for connections, manways, and instrument fittings.
The presence of an opening weakens the shell, and gives rise to stress concentrations.
The stress at the edge of a hole will be considerably higher than the average stress in
the surrounding plate. To compensate for the effect of an opening, the wall thickness is
increased in the region adjacent to the opening. Sufficient reinforcement must be provided
to compensate for the weakening effect of the opening without significantly altering the
general dilation pattern of the vessel at the opening. Over-reinforcement will reduce the
flexibility of the wall, causing a “hard spot”, and giving rise to secondary stresses.

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Horizontal pressure vessel design project

Since the internal diameter of shell is, D i =0.45 m =45cm = 450mm =17.7in, which is found in
the interval of 18 inches &36 inches ,so we are going to select inspection opening of 2 inches
pipe size threaded opening .

Table 6 selection of nozzle opening

In side diameter of nozzle Inspection opening required

12 in – 18 in Two – half inch pipe size threaded opening.

Over 18 in- < 36 in Minimum 15 in I.D manhole or two inch

pipe size threaded opening.

Over 36 in Minimum 15 I.D manholes or 2-6 inch pipe

size nozzle.

Notations t= minimum thickness of the nozzle without corrosion allowance

t n = thickness of the nozzle

t rn=¿ ¿ The required minimum thickness of the nozzle

t rs = The required minimum thickness of the shell

A1 = The area available in the cylindrical shell

A2= The area available in the nozzle projecting out ward

A3=¿ ¿The area available in inward nozzle

A 41= The area available in outward weld

A 42=¿ The area available in outward weld

AT = Total area

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Horizontal pressure vessel design project

Design of inlet opening pipe

From the table by using internal pressure 300psi and size of opening (d =1.5 inch) = 38.1mm
D = size of opening
D = 1.5 inch = 38.1mm
Take the inlet pipe diameter is (Di) = 38.1
ri = = 38.1/2 = 19.05mm

Assume: - our inlet opening pipe is placed on the cylindrical shell

The minimum thickness of the nozzle for inlet pipe is given by:-

PD× r 2.07 Mpa ×19.05 mm

t= i
= =0.166 mm
Jσd−0.4 × P D 1 ×238 Mpa−0.4 × 2.07

t n = t + CA

= 0.166+1.2 = 1.366mm

Where t= minimum thickness of the nozzle without corrosion allowance

t n = thickness of the nozzle

The outer diameter of the nozzle with corrosion allowance is given by:-

D o = Di+2(1.2) + 2t n = 38.1+2.4 + 2×1.366 = 43.23mm

r =D/2 =40.5/2 = 20.25mm

The required minimum thickness of the nozzle is given by:-

t 2.07 Mpa ×20.25 mm

PD × r
¿ = = 0.177mm
Jσd−0.6 ×P D 1× 238 Mpa−0.6 × 2.07

The required minimum thickness of the shell (t rs) is given by:-

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Horizontal pressure vessel design project

PD× R 2.07× 225

t rs = = = 1.967 mm
Jσd−0.6 P D ( 238× 1 )−0.6 × 2.07

Know find “h” and “h1 ” Where,

h=¿ The distance nozzle project beyond the outer surface of shell thickness

h1 =¿ The distance of nozzle project beyond the inner surface of the shell thickness

t =thickness of the shell with corrosion allowance

h = 2.5t = 2.5 ×3.2=8 mm

Or h = 2.5t n + t e take t e = Thickness of reinforcing pad

Assume 3mm

h = 2.5×1.366 + 3 =6.41mm

For safe design take the smaller one; h = 6.41mm

h1 = 2.5t = 2.5×5.5=8 mm

orh1 =¿2.5t n=2.5 ×1.366=3.41 mm

For safe design take the smaller one h1 = 3.41mm

L=d=40.5mm , D p=2*L-2*t e= 2*40.5 – 2*3 =75mm

t rs 1.967
From the above figure , tanα = = =0.0485
L 40.5

Then,α = tan−1(0.0485) =2.77°

By using this angle read “F” from pressure vessel design manual-2- book figure 2.48

S nozzle
F≈ 1,say F=1; fr1 = =1
S shell

We take the angle is 45° for the best efficiency

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Horizontal pressure vessel design project

Know read all area formulas from machine design data book

The area of reinforcement required is given by;-

A = dt rs F + 2t n t rsF (1- fr1) Since fr1 = F = E =1

A =40.5 *1.967*1+ 2*1.366*1.967*1(1-1)

A = 79.66+0


A1=¿¿ d(Et - Ft rs) - 2t n ¿ Et-t rsF) (1- fr1) or A1=¿¿ 2(t +t n ) (Et - Ft rs ) - 2t n ( Et−F t rs )( 1- fr1)

Since fr1 = F = E =1
A1=¿ d (t −t rs ) … …… … …… ….(15)¿ or A1=¿¿ 2(t +t n ) (t - t rs )
A1=¿¿ 52.4mm (3.3367mm –1.438mm) = 99.49mm2 or
A1=¿¿ 2(3.3367+ 1.438) (3.3367- 2.14) = 11.4278mm2
For safe design take the larger one A1=¿¿ 99.49mm2
The area available in the nozzle projecting out ward is given by:-
A2=¿5 (t −t
n rn )fr 1 t ¿ or A2=¿5 (t −t
n rn )t n fr 1 ¿

A2=¿ ¿ 5(1.438 – 0.51)3.3367 = 15.48 mm2 or A2=¿ ¿ 5(1.438 – 0.51)1.438 =

For safe design take the smaller one A2=¿ 6.6723mm ¿

The area available in inward nozzle is given by:-

A3=¿ ¿ 2(t n−CA ) fr1 h1
A3=¿ ¿ 2(1.438– 1.2) 3.5933mm = 1.71mm2
The area available in outward weld is given by:-
A 41=¿¿ 2*1/2*t e∗t e∗fr 1
A 41=¿¿ 2*1/2*3*3*1=9mm2
The area available in the inward weld is given by:-
A 43=¿ 2∗1/ 2∗t ∗t ∗fr ¿
e e 1

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Horizontal pressure vessel design project

A 43=¿ ¿ 2*1/2*3*3*1=9mm2
Know the total available area is given by:-
AT = A1 + A2+ A3 + A 41+ A 43
AT = 99.49 mm2 +6.6723 mm2 + 1.71mm2 + 9mm2 + 9mm2 =125.8727mm2
AT >A , 125.8727 mm2 > 112.136 mm2 . Therefore the design is safe.
Now let us find the length of nozzle
Ln = C + t + n where, C = the length of the nozzle entering to the shell
t = thickness of the shell
n = length of the nozzle out of the shell assume n =
Ln = length of the nozzle

C = R−√ ( R¿¿ 2¿−r i2 )¿ ¿

C = 225- √ (225 ¿ ¿2 ¿−252) ¿ ¿ = 1.3932mm

Ln = 1.3932 + 3.3367 + 50 = 54.73mm


Since in our design we get smaller shell diameter the hand hole is more preferable than man hole
that is used in order to do some operations on the pressure vessel.
There are different shapes
Circular hand hole
Rectangular hand hole, etc.
From those different shapes of hole we select circular hand hole because it easy to perform some

We take the diameter of hand hole as 0.095m.

Then the wall thickness of the handhold can be calculated as follows:

t h = (PD * Rh )/ (Jσd -0.6PD)Where:

PD =deign pressure (2.07Mpa)
Rh =radius of hand hole(R=D/2=0.047.5m)
σd = 238N/mm2
J =Joint efficiency factor (E =1)

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t h = (PD * Rh)/ (Jσd -0.6PD)

t h = (2.07 *47.5)/ (238*1 - 0.6*2.07)

t h=0.415mm

With corrosion allowance calculated as;

t h= t h+ CA where: CA=corrosion allowance

t h= 0.415mm + 1.2mm
t h= 1.615mm

Area for the hand hole will be:

π D h2
Ah =

Ah = π ¿ 95

Ah =7084.6mm2

Stress analysis for hand hole

Longitudinal stress (σ L ):

σ L = (PD * D h)/ (4*t h )

σ L = (2.07Mpa*95mm)/ (4*1.615mm)
σ L= 30.44N/mm2

The hoop (circumferential stress) or (σ H )

σ H = (PD * Dh)/ (2*t h)

σ H = (2.07Mpa*95mm)/(2*1.615mm)
σ H =60.88N/mm2

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Horizontal pressure vessel design project

Since both longitudinal and circumferential stress less than the allowable or design stress
therefore our design is safe.


The method used to support a vessel will depend on the size, shape, and weight of the vessel;
the design temperature and pressure; the vessel location and arrangement; and the internal and
external fittings and attachments. Horizontal vessels are usually mounted on two saddle supports.
The supports must be designed to carry the weight of the vessel and contents, and any
superimposed loads, such as wind loads. Supports will impose localized loads on the vessel wall,
and the design must be checked to ensure that the resulting stress concentrations are below the
maximum allowable design stress. Supports should be designed to allow easy access to the
vessel and fittings for inspection and maintenance.

We select the saddle support for my design these is because that a saddle Support spreads the
weight load over a large area of the shell to prevent an excessive local stress in the shell at the
support points due to large contact surface area with shell. Horizontal drums are typically
supported at two locations by saddle supports. The width of the saddle, among other design
details, is determined by the specific size and design conditions of the pressure vessel.

Saddle support design:

The saddles must be designed to withstand the load imposed by the weight of the vessel
and contents. They are constructed of bricks or concrete, or are fabricated from steel
plate. The contact angle should not be less than 120, and will not normally be greater
than 150. So I use for my design to have large contact area which can able to resist different
loading than other requires small thickness in construction of support ,which reduce requirement

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Horizontal pressure vessel design project

of material to made it. Wear plates are often welded to the shell wall to reinforce the wall over
the area of contact with the saddle.

The thing that we must remember in designing of support is the effect of different loading like
dead weight and wind loads.

Figure 16 saddle support

From the horizontal vessel given below we can determine the dimensions of the saddle support

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Figure 17 horizontal pressure vessel

Figure 18 horizontal pressure vessel

Table 7 dimension of support

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Since the inside diameter will be:

=1.6[ft., in] from the above table
A=1ft + 3.5in

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Similarly the width of saddle from the table is given by


Length between tow saddles is given by:
L1=L-2A Where L is the length of the shall=1.8m

Figure 19 saddle support

Similarly from the side view we can determine the value A, B, C, D, E and H from the internal
diameter of the vessel

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Since Di=1ft+6in
D = 1ft + 6 inch D = 4 inch=0.1016 m
A = 1ft +3.5 inch = 0.3048 m +0.0889 m =0.3937m E = 0 ft. + 5 inch =0.1524 m
B = 1ft +3 inch = 0.381 m
1 1
G= inch =0.00635 m and H= inch =0.00635
4 4

Figure 20 saddle support 2D

Dead Weight of Pressure vessel:

The sources of dead loadincludes:-

 Self-weight of vessel material(wall)

 Weight fluid it store in it
 Weight of other additional like nozzle, plates etc…
The dead load due to self –weight of vessel & weight of fluid it carry:


WT =Total dead load

Ws =weight of shell material

Wh =weight of head material

Di =internal diameter of shell & head=450mm

Do =outer diameter of shell & head=456.4mm

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Horizontal pressure vessel design project

Vs =volume of shell

Vh =volume of head

ρm =density of material (low alloy steel) for both shell &head =7830 Kg/m3

ρw = density of water

Weight due to vessel shell material (Ws):

Ws =mg

But m =v.

ρm V g

π ( D O 2−D i 2 )×L
But VS = 4

2 2
π ( 456 . 4 −450 )×1800
mm 3
= 4

=8196756.48 mm3

=0.00819 m3

Hence, Ws =7830 Kg/m3*0.00819 m3* 9.81 m/s2

=629.61 N

Weight due to head material (Wh):

Wh =mg

ρm V g

π ( D 3 −D i 3)

But, Vh = 6

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3 3
π ( 456 . 4 −450 )
= 6

=2064842.216 mm3


Hence, Wh = 7830 Kg/m3*0.002064mm3*9.81 m/s2

=158.54 N

Weight of fluid in shell (Wws):

ρw ×V ws ×g

π×D 2×L s
ρw × ×g
= 4

π ×(0 . 225m ) ×1 . 8 m
¿ ×9. 81 m/s 2
=1000 Kg/m3 4

=702.1 N

Weight of fluid in head (Wwh):

πD 3

Wwh = 6 =

π ×(0 . 225 m)

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=0.06 N

The total weight is sum of the individual weighs:

WT = Ws + Wh +Wws +Wwh

=629.61 N+158.54 N +702.1N+0.06 N

=1490.31 N

Alternatively we can also estimate what load would be expected to carry by the two saddle
support using the following relation given below.

The major sources of dead weight loads are:

1. The vessel shell.

2. The vessel fittings: man ways, nozzles.
3. Internal fittings: plates (plus the fluid on the plates); heating and cooling coils.
4. External fittings: ladders, platforms, piping.
5. Auxiliary equipment which is not self-supported; condensers, agitators.
6. Insulation.
7. The weight of liquid to fill the vessel.

For preliminary calculations the approximate weight of a cylindrical vessel with domed ends,
and uniform wall thickness, can be estimated from the following equation of steel vessels:

W S = 240 C V D m ( H V +0. 8 Dm ) t ... ..... ... .. ... ............ .. ... .. ... ..... ...(1)

W S = total weight of the shell, excluding internal fittings, such as plates, N,

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CV = a factor to account for the weight of nozzles, manways, internal supports, etc.; which can
be taken as

= 1.08 for vessels with only a few internal fittings,

= 1.15 For distillation columns, or similar vessels, with several manways,
H V = Height, or length, between tangent lines (the length of the cylindrical section)

t= Wall thickness, mm

Dm= Mean diameter of vessel

= ( Di+t×10−3 ) m
Dm=0.45 m+0.0032m

Thus W S = 240×1 . 08×0. 4532 m ( 1 .8 m+0 . 8×0 . 4532m ) 0 .0032 m

∴ W S = 0 . 813 N
To find the weight of fluid which score the maximum weight?
The density of water is ρ=1000 kg/m
W F =m f g
=v f ρf g

v f = the volume of fluid in the vessel =0.3 m3

ρf = The maximum density of water

∴ ρf =1000 kg /m

W F =0 . 3 m3×10000 kg /m3 ×9 .81 m/s 2

Thus, ∴ W F = 2943 N

To find the total weight of the system will be

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Horizontal pressure vessel design project

W= W S +W F
=0 . 813 N +2943 N

=2943.813 N

But we choose two saddle support is preferable for horizontal position. The two saddle support is

welded at cylindrical part of the shell.

W total
Therefore weight each support carries of load would be:

W total 2943. 8136

W each = P= ⇒ P= =1471 .9 N
2 2

Comparing to the previous method of analyzing load on support the current one leads to more
load so designing of saddle is preferable in considering load of 2943.813 N than 1560.36 N to be
safe for any extreme load application.

Wind load on Pressure vessel : Wind has a significant effect on design of saddle support.
And to calculate the wind load on the pressure vessel

F =qz G Cf Af

Where qz= the wind pressure on the pressure vessel, the formula is given by

qz = 0.00256 Kz V2I

Af= projected area

Cf = shape factor =0.8 for Cylinder

G =Guest factor =0.85

qz =wind pressure

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F = design wind force

I =important factor=1.25 in most vessel.

Assume that a speed of wind is 100mph (100 mile per hour) since it is maximum of basic wind
speed. in urban and sub urban area

Since the type of exposure is B so from table 3-23* KZ=0.57

The wind pressure is calculated by:

qz = 0.00256 Kz V2I

but, 100 mil/hr =44.7 m/s

=0.00256* 0.57*44.72* 1.25

=3.645 N/m

The projected area is calculated as:

Af =Le Do

where Le =effective total length of vessel

= Do(Ls + Do) Do= outer diameter

=0.4562m (1.8m+0.4564m) Le= Ls + Do

=1.02 m2

So the design wind load is:

F =qz G Cf Af

=3.645N/m *0.8*0.85*1.02mm2

=2.528 N

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Now the total load applied on the saddle support is the resultant of wind load &vessel dead

Hence, Total load =(2.5532+2943.862)0.5

=2943.8 N


Flanges range in size from a few millimeters diameter for small pipes, to several meters
diameter for those used as body or head flanges on vessels.

Several different types of flange are used for various applications. The principal types used in the
process industries are:

1. Welding-neck flanges.

2. Slip-on flanges hub and plate types.

3. Lap-joint flanges.

4. Screwed flanges.

5. Blank, or blind, flanges.

Welding-neck flanges have a long tapered hub between the flange ring and welded joint. This
gradual transition of the section reduces the discontinuity stresses between the flange and branch,
and increases the strength of the flange assembly. Welding-neck flanges are suitable for extreme
service conditions; where the flange is likely to be subjected to temperature, shear and vibration
loads. They will normally be specified for the connections and nozzles on process vessels and
process equipment.

Slip-on flanges, slip over the pipe or nozzle and are welded externally, and usually also
internally. The end of the pipe is set back from 0 to 2.0 mm. The strength of a slip-on flange is

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from one third to two-thirds that of the corresponding standard welding-neck flange. Slip-on
flanges are cheaper than welding-neck flanges and are easier to align, but have poor resistance to
shock and vibration loads.

Slip-on flange sare generally used for pipe work.

Lap-joint flanges, are used for piped work. They are economical when used with expensive alloy
pipe, such as stainless steel, as the flange can be made from inexpensive carbon steel. Usually a
short lapped nozzle is welded to the pipe, but with some schedules of pipe the lap can be formed
on the pipe itself, and this will give a cheap method of pipe assembly.

Lap-joint flanges are sometimes known as “Van-stone flanges”.

Screwed flanges, are used to connect screwed fittings to flanges. They are also sometimes used
for alloy pipe which is difficult to weld satisfactorily.

Blind flanges (blank flanges): are flat plates, used to blank off flange connections, and as covers
for manholes and inspection ports.

Standard flanges will be specified for most applications but Special designs would be used only
if no suitable standard flange were available; or for large flanges, such as the body flanges of
vessels, where it may be cheaper to size a flange specifically for the duty required rather than to
accept the nearest standard flange, which of necessity would be over-sized.

Since Standard flanges are available in a range of types, sizes and materials; and are used
extensively for pipes, nozzles and other attachments to pressure vessels we are going to use
standard flange that are available in table on figure

Design Flange Standard flanges will be specified for most applications. Special designs would be
used only if no suitable standard flange were available; or for large flanges, such as the body
flanges of vessels, where it may be cheaper to size a flange specifically for the duty required

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Horizontal pressure vessel design project

rather than to accept the nearest standard flange, which of necessity would be over-sized.
Standard flanges are available in a range of types, sizes and materials; and are used extensively
for pipes, nozzles and other attachments to pressure vessels.

Figure 21 flange (source Coulson_&_Richardson's_Chemical_Engineering,_Volume_6)

Table 8 dimension of flange

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Figure 22 flange 2D

From the table standard flange we take the value at Naomi size 32mm since our pipe opining is
38.1 it is slightly less than 42.4which is the pipe opening and bolting is M12

Table 9 standard flange design( all dimension in mm)

Nom. pipe Flange Raised face Drilling Boss

Size o. d. d4 f
D b h no d2 k d3

32 42.4 120 1426 70 2 4 14 90 60

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There are several methods to make welded joints. In a particular case the choice of a type from
the numerous alternatives depend on:
a. The circumstances of welding
b. The requirements of the Code
c. The aspect of economy
i. The circumstances of welding.
In many cases the accessibility of the joint determines the type of welding. In a small
diameter vessel (under 18 - 24 inches) from the inside, no manual welding can be applied. Using
backing strip it must remain in place. In larger diameter vessels if a man-way is not used, the last
(closing) joint can be welded from outside only. The type of welding may be determined also by
the equipment of the manufacturer.
ii. Code requirements.
Regarding the type of joint the Code establishes requirements based on service, material and
location of the welding. The welding processes that may be used in the construction of vessels
are also restricted by the Code.
iii. The economy of welding,
If the two preceding factors allow free choice, then the aspect of economy must be the
deciding factor. Some considerations concerning the economy of welding:
 V-edge preparation, which can be made by torch cutting, is always more economical than the
use of J or U preparation.
 Double V preparation requires only half the deposited weld metal required for single V
preparation. Increasing the size of a fillet weld, its strength increasing in direct proportion,
while the deposited weld metal increasing with the square its size.
 Lower quality welding makes necessary the use of thicker plate for the vessel. Whether using
stronger welding and thinner plate or the opposite is more economical, depends on the size of
vessel, welding equipment, etc. This must be decided in each particular case.
Selection of welding
 Shell to shell and welded Head connection: for this kind of connections Category A butt
welding is recommended.
 Head to shell connections: for this kind of connections Category B butt weldingis
 Openings and flange: for this kind of connections Category B butt welding is recommended.
 Support: for support and support to vessel connection use E80XX electrode and for all
contacting edges fillet welding is recommended.
Stress analysis for welding

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Stressof welding shell to head connections

The force of internal pressure
Pi∗π 2
F i=Pi∗Ai = ∗Di
Since the internal pressure is=1.88MPa,and Di=45mm
The resisting force weld is
F R =σ w ∗A w

¿ σ w ∗π 2
∗(0.4564 −0.4500 ¿ ¿ 2)=0.00455 σ w ¿

Let Fi=Fr
298.85=0.00455σ w
σ w=65681.31KN/m2

Which is less than 238 MPa so the design is safe
 Stresses of Welding of Saddle support
Let take E80XX electrode with the following specification:

Where: δ ut = Ultimate strength

δ y = Yield strength

N d= design factor
From this since t is less than 38.1mm we select h= ∗t , ¿ table at shigley .
Thus, find AL, area

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A L= ∗t∗Di2−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−( eqn )
0.707∗3 2
¿ ∗( 0.0032 )∗(0.4564)

find normal stress:

F 298.85 KN
σ= =
A L 1.76∗10−4

The allowable normal stress is for butt – fillet welding.
σ all=0.6∗δ y =0.6∗462 MPa=277.2 MPa−−−−−−−−(eqn)

From this we can conclude σ all <σ . so the factor of safety

σ 1698.1
n y= = =7.47
σ all 277.2

Thus, n y > nd means 7.47>1.5 ,

Therefore the design is safe.


Bolt jointsare one of the most common elements in construction and machine design. They
consist of fasteners that a capture and join other part and are secure with the mating of bolt joints
designs or screw threads.
There are two main type of bolted joint design:
1. Tension joint,
2. Shear joint
In the tension joint the bolt and clamped component at the joint are designed to transfer the
external tension load through the joint by away of clamped component through the design of
proper balance of joint and bolt stiffness. The second type of bolted joint transfer the applied
load in a shear on the bolt shank and relies on shear strength of the bolt, tension loads on such
joints are only identically

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We can select different materials to design bolted flanged joints, but we select mild steel material
to design bolted flange joints because of
 easily workable
 very hard, yet malleable, good for construction,

easy to shape and machine

Table 10 material selection for bolt design

Steel grade Measured Yield strength Tensile strength

( MP a) ( MP a)

HT50 A 542 591

HT80 A 693 830

Mild steel A 452 497

HT50 B 501 562

HT80 B 657 799

Mild steel B 439 471

HT50 C 531 587

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HT80 C 665 811

Mild steel C 447 478

Table 11 material selection for bolt design

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Use the following formula important to find the size and number of bolt.
Let D i = internal diameter of cylinder

D p = design pressure in the cylinder

d c = core diameter of the bolt

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σ tb= permissible tensile stress of the bolt

n = number of bolt
Here we know that the upward face acting on the cylinder cover is:

π Di2∗D p
F= ……………………………….. (1)

This force is resisted by n number of bolt and the resisting force offered by n number of bolts i F R
π dc 2∗σ tb∗n
= …………………………………………. (2)
From equation (1) the upward force acting on cylinder cover is
π Di ∗D p
F= = π *4502*2.07/4
From equation (2) the resisting force by the bolt
F R=
π dc ∗σ tb∗n
In our design we select the material for the bolt is mild steel. So,σ tb= 497N/mm2the core
diameter is from the table by taking standard M 12 size.

From the table we take d c=¿¿ 9.858mm

π dc ∗σ tb∗n
F R= =3.14*9.8582*497*n/4
But Fr=F=329052.58=37933.59n

but n must be natural number greater than it,so


Table 12 dimensions of the bolt

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Figure 23 bolt 2D

Since the nominal or outer diameter is 12mm (M12)

So B=19

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The total length of bolt and thread length of bolt can be calculated as follows:
For length less than 125mm and diameter less than 60mm (L<125mm, d<60mm) we use the
L = 2 (s + n + h + R f ) + G

S= free threads (equals 1/3 time bolt diameter)

N= nut height (equals nominal bolt diameter)
H= flange (plate) thickness
Rf= height of raised face

G= gasket thickness
s= ×12=4 mm

n=10 mm

From table flange plate thickness is h=4mm

Gasket thickness is negligible when is fitted g=0
Height of raised face is zero because it fitted to internal bore
L = 2 (4+ 12 + 4 + 0)
L = 2 (20) 
L=40 mm

Lt =2 d+ 6 mm where<¿ thereaded length of bolt

¿ 2∗12+6 mm d=outer diameter of bolt

Lt =¿30mm

Lunthreaded =L−Lthreaded

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Lunthreaded =40−30 mm

Lunthreaded = 10mm

Stress analysis of bolt

F=448104.01N is the total force acted in the whole 12 bolts. Then in single bolts can be
calculated as follow
F T 329052.8 N
F i= = =¿32905.28N
n 10
The stress on the bolt.
F i bolt
Stress on a bolt = but
A bolt
2 2
π D i π ( 12 )
Abolt = = =113.1 mm2
4 4
32905.28 N
so stress on bolt is=
113.1 mm 2
¿ 290.9 MPa

The tensile strength of M 12 bolts is σ tb= 497N/mm2

Since 290.9Mpa<497MPa hence our design is safe.


When a bolted nut is made of mild steel, then the effective height of nut is made equal to the
nominal diameter of the bolt. If the nut is made of weaker material than the bolt, then the height
of the nut should be larger, such as 1.5d for gun metal, 2 d for cast iron and 2.5 for aluminum
alloys. incase cast iron or aluminum nut is used ,then v- threads are permissible only for
permanent fastening ,because the threads in these material are damaged due to repeated
screwing and unscrewing .when these materials are used for parts frequently removed and
fastened, a screw in steel bushing be drilled and tapped in place.

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Figure 24 nut 2D

Since the nominal or outer diameter is 12mm(M12)

So B=19

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Gaskets are used to make a leak-tight joint between two surfaces. It is impractical to machine
flanges to the degree of surface finish that would be required to make a satisfactory seal under
pressure without a gasket. Gaskets are made from “semi-plastic” materials; which will deform
and flow under load to fill the surface irregularities between the flange faces.
The following factors must be considered when selecting a gasket material:
1. The process conditions: pressure, temperature, corrosive nature of the process fluid.
2. Whether repeated assembly and disassembly of the joint is required.
3. The types of flange and flange face.

A great variety of proprietary gasket materials is used, and reference should be made to the
manufacturers' catalogues and technical manuals when selecting gaskets for a particular
The minimum seating stress y is the force per unit area (pressure) on the gasket that is required
to cause the material to low and fill the surface irregularities in the gasket face.
The gasket factor m is the ratio of the gasket stress (pressure) under the operating conditions to
the internal pressure in the vessel or pipe. The internal pressure will force the flanges' faces apart,
so the pressure on the gasket under operating conditions will be lower than the initial tightening-
up pressure. The gasket factor gives the minimum pressure that must be maintained on the gasket
to ensure a satisfactory seal. Up to pressures of 20 bars, the operating temperature and
corrosiveness of the process Fluid will be the controlling factor in gasket selection. Vegetable
fiber and synthetic rubber gaskets can be used at temperatures of up to 100°C. Solid
polyfluorocarbon (Teflon) and compressed asbestos gaskets can be used to a maximum
temperature of about 260°C. Metal-reinforced gaskets can be used up to around 450°C. Plain soft
metal gaskets are normally used for higher temperatures

For our case Metal-reinforced gaskets because it can be used up to around 450°Cand can resist
the operating temperature.

Table 13 Result of Shell

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Geometrical analysis result Stress analysis result

Length 1.8m Hoop stress 146.58MPa
Thickness of the shell 1.97 mm Longitudinal stress 73.29MPa
Total thickness 3.2 mm
Diameter ((internal) 450mm
Diameter (external) 456.4mm
Volume of the shell 4578120mm3

Table 14Result of Head

Stress analysis result

Geometrical analysis result

Height 0.1125m Stress at center 145.5MPa

Thickness of the head 1.97mm Stress at tangent 72.77MPa
Total thickness 3.355 mm Shear at an point 12.27MPa
Diameter ((internal) 450mm Total length =2.18m
Diameter (external) 456.4mm
Volume of the head 0.795 m3

Table 15 Result of Nozzles and openings

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Horizontal pressure vessel design project

Geometric analysis result Geometric analysis result

Nominal thickness 1.36mm Length of the nozzle 44.007m

of nozzle
Required 1.96mm
thickness of
Diameter(internal) 38.1mm Total area available 85.75mm2

Diameter(external 43.23mm

Table 16 Result of combined load.

Dead weight Value in (N)

Weight of vessel 1490.3
Weight of fluid 2943
Weight of wind 2.528

Table 17 Result of Support

Dimensions (m)

0.38 0.00 0.01 0.15 0.0063 0.393
1 635 016 24 5 7
Welding analysis result

For support and support to

vessel connection use
E80XX electrode and for

09-May-18 Page 80
Horizontal pressure vessel design project

all contacting edges fillet

welding is recommended.

Table 18 Result of bolt

Force and stress bolt in KN and MPa Number of bolt

Force on bolt =379.052 Number of bolt =10
Stress on bolt =290.9 Size of bolt =M12
Tensile stress on bolt =497. Length of bolt =30
Area of bolt =131.1mm2

Table 19 Result of flange

D B h d2 K d3 d4 F Bolt

120 14mm 26mm 14mm 90mm 60mm 131.75m 3mm M-10


Table 20 Result of hand hole

Geometric analysis result Stress analysis result

Thickness of 0.415mm Hoop stress 60.88MPa
hand hole
Total thickness of 1.615mm Longitudinal 30.44MPa
hand hole stress
Area of hand hole=7084.62mm2

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Horizontal pressure vessel design project

 The horizontal pressure vessel is designed by taking in consideration various conditions
including the correction factor.
 It is designed in the way that it can stand all the forces and the internal stresses of the
fluid at working conditions.
 The horizontal orientation of vessel is important factor reduction of loads like, wind
 All forces are carried according to ASME codebook.
 When we select thickness of parts we consider the maximum allowable stresses so it can
stand them and the vessel is safe.
 The vessel also with stand the internal pressure of fluid at working conditions. The
various forces analyzed are pressure exerted by weight of the fluid. The stresses in above-
mentioned conditions are found out and thickness of various parts is selected such that
the stresses produced in each member are within the maximum allowable range. All the
selected have been successfully verified and hence the design of vessel is safe.

 We recommended that the pressure vessel design should include the earthquake loading,
vibration, loading from piping and external equipment.
 There must be guide line presented in order to know the maximum working range of this
pressure vessel without any defects.S
 We recommended for the manufacturer industries that during the manufacturing process
they basically consider the maximum dimension. Because our design is minimum in
dimension. The manufacturers are choose the best way of manufacturing process for the
best efficiency.
09-May-18 Page 82
Horizontal pressure vessel design project

 The length of the vessel and the diameter of the vessel is very small so it is difficult to
design the man hole .there for we recommended that for the future designs the diameter
of the vessel and the length should be comfortable. In our design project we are design
that hand hole because of a very small diameter of the vessel


Figure 25 Bolt

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Figure 26 bolt and nut 3D

Figure 27 horizontal pressure vessels shell

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Figure 28 saddle support

Figure 29 Ellipsoidal head

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Figure 30 Flange

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1. Textbook of Machine Design, R.S. Khurmi , J.K. Gupta, S.Chand 2005

2. Nilsen, Kyle. (2011) "Development of low pressure filter testing vessel and analysis of
electro spun Nano fiber membranes for water treatment"
3. Ingenious Coal-Gas Motor Tank, Popular Science monthly, January 1919, page 27, Scanned
by Google Books: https://books.google.com/books?id=HykDAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA13
4. David Heckman “Finite Element Analysis of Pressure Vessels”,MBARI -1998,pp(1-7)
5. Yougesh Borse and Avadesh Sharma “ Modeling of Pressure Vessels with Different End
connections using Pro Mechanica”, IJERA - 2012, pp(1493-1497)
6. 5) ASME Sec II D-2010
7. http://www.wikipedia.com
8. http://www.ukessays.com

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