20220P000 Manual Montaje Casita Clara Decor Et Jardin
20220P000 Manual Montaje Casita Clara Decor Et Jardin
20220P000 Manual Montaje Casita Clara Decor Et Jardin
Notice de montage
Montage handleiding
Manuale d’instruzione
Instrucciones de montaje
Instruções de montagem
ref 20220P000
Made in Belgium
General instructions – Read carefully before you dows are obtained by cutting this wood to the correct
start size.
Thank you for buying your shed. We would ask that you Fixing the shed
read these instructions carefully before unpacking the
parts. Always fix the shed securely to the ground using all appro-
priate methods (not supplied).
Storing the packages before assembling the shed For the with-floor model: Fix it to the body of the shed, and
place weight on it as ballast. Fixings are not supplied.
Store the packages in a dry and ventilated place, out of
direct sunlight and protected from the weather (packaging Roof
not waterproof).
The packages and parts should be laid flat on the ground Start laying the roof covering at the bottom of the roof,
in order to avoid any deformation. leaving an overhang of 40 mm at the front and back, and
Assemble the shed as soon as possible after it arrives (the then fold it over the edge of the roof.
after sales service is available for a maximum of 10 days For black roofing: Leave a 70mm overhang of roofing on
after the date of purchase). the side, then fold it under the roof panel and fix it using
large-headed nails (200 mm max).
Safety advice
For green roofing: Leave a 10mm overhand of roofing on
The wooden parts may cause splinters. Handle the wood the sides, and fix it using large-head nails (200 mm max).
carefully, using protective gloves. Finish by affixing the edging planks using screws.
Check there are no protruding nails, screws or staples in
the assembled pieces.
Always follow the instructions carefully, keeping to the or-
der in which they are to be assembled. Pine wood is a living material that never stops moving and
may be slightly deformed (wood slightly bowed or warped)
Assembly or have imperfections such as splits, knots and resin pock-
The shed must be built in an area sheltered from strong This is normal and does not affect the lifespan of your shed.
winds. Wood putty (not supplied) may be an easy solution.
Do not expose the wooden parts or the roof covering to
direct sunlight during assembly. For interlocking sheds, note that all planks have a good
Start by checking that all parts have been included, us- face which should face towards the outside of the shed
ing the inventory provided to identify them by shape and (the non-visible face may have some planning defects,
length. bark, splits etc.).
Before starting, check that the base on which the shed is Synthetic panes should not be nailed as there is a risk they
to be built is perfectly flat and level. may split. We recommend fixing them with silicone (not
The with-floor model consists of beams and panels/planks supplied) or pre-drilling the holes before screwing.
to be assembled on a solid and stable floor surface. Lay
down supports (concrete beams or blocks, min 40mm Maintenance
thick) in order to ensure good ventilation.
For the floorless shed models, the concrete slabs should It is important to treat the shed using a product for pro-
be the same size or larger than the floor. Check that it is tecting exterior wood surfaces, containing fungicides, in-
square by measuring the diagonals. secticides and UV protection. Apply a minimum of 2 coats
All parts are the correct size and do not need to be cut to the outside and 1 to the inside. Repeat regularly, as
(except some types of crosspieces, glazing stops and the required.
Whilst assembling the shed, regularly check that every- After Sales Service
thing is level and square.
For all parts that need to be assembled using screws, it is Any missing parts or defects must be declared using the
advisable to pre-drill holes in the first part, otherwise there After Sales Service form (available in shops) within 10 days
is a risk that the wood will split when screwing. following purchase of the shed, supported by an invoice or
till receipt.
Our After Sales Service can repair or replace faulty parts.
Interior reinforcements (for plank-construction sheds)
Any costs for fitting and removal are not included.
The reinforcement battens should be placed in the internal Décor et Jardin SA will not be responsible in the event that
corners in order to fix the points to the main body of the a client chooses to alter a product without prior permis-
shed (one single screw at the ends of the reinforcements). sion.
Regularly check these joints, and adjust them according For all After Sales Service requests, please ensure that you
any movement of the wood (dryness, humidity etc.). adhere strictly to the procedure available in shops (After
For fixed window frames (depending on the model): Before Sales Service procedure): You need your till receipt or
screwing, it is advisable to size the mortises and tenons proof of purchase, product reference, and exact reference
of the vertical and traverse sections using wood glue (not of the faulty piece.
The crosspieces and glazing stops for the doors and win-
Conseils généraux préalables à lire attentivement obtenus en coupant ces bois aux dimensions adéquates.
Binnenverstevigingen (bij massieve modellen) Ieder gebrek aan onze producten dient binnen de 10 dagen
na de aankoop gemeld te worden dmv het ‘Dienst na Ver-
De verstevigingslatten die aan de binnenhoeken moeten koop’-formulier, vergezeld van de factuur of het kasticket.
geplaatst worden, dienen om het topgevel-element aan Onze Dienst na Verkoop omhelst de herstelling of de ver-
het wandelement vast te maken. Schroef deze latten enkel vanging van het gebrekkige onderdeel. De eventuele kos-
aan de twee uiteinden vast ! Controleer deze bevestiging ten gekoppeld aan het werk dat deze operatie met zich
nog een aantal keren na de plaatsing, zodat bij werking meebrengt zijn niet gedekt door onze Dienst na Verkoop.
van het hout (bij nat of zeer droog weer) nog wat kan Indien zonder voorafgaand akkoord door Décor et Jardin
aangeschroefd worden. herstellingen of aanpassingen aan het product zijn ge-
Bij het samenstellen van de raamkaders (afhankelijk van het beurd, dan vervalt alle verantwoordelijkheid van Décor et
model) is het aangeraden om de pen en gatverbinding eerst in Jardin over de kwaliteit van het product.
te lijmen vooraleer ze worden gevezen (lijm niet bijgeleverd). Indien u op onze Dienst na Verkoop wil beroep doen, houd
De kleinhouten kruisen en glaslatten voor de ramen en u dan aan de voorziene procedure via het formulier dat u in
deuren dienen nog op de juiste lengte worden verzaagd. het verkooppunt kan aanvragen. Zorg in elk geval ook voor
het kasticket, voor het referentienummer van het product
en de referentie van het desbetreffende onderdeel.
Allgemeine Ratschläge zu lesen Mit einem Fussboden : er soll an dem Gartenhaus befestigt
und belastet werden. Die Befestigungsmöglichkeiten sind
Wir bedanken uns für Ihr Einkauf, und wir bitten Sie die nicht mitgeliefert.
folgende Montageanleitung zu lesen bevor das Paket aus-
gepackt wird. BEDACHUNG
Der Belag von unten nach oben legen. Die Dachpappe
40mm vorne und hinten überstehen lassen und auf der
Das Paket wird in einem trockenen Ort eingelagert. (vor Schmalseite der Platte umklappen.
Sonne geschützt und schlechtes Wetters). Schwarze Dachpappe : An der Seite 70mm überstehen
Das Paket und die Stücke werden flach auf dem Boden lassen. Die Dachpappe auf der Schmalseite der Platte um-
gelegt um alle Verformungen zu vermeiden. klappen und mit Nägeln mit extra breitem Kopf befesti-
Nach Empfang des Produktes raten wir Ihnen die Monta- gen. (max. alle 200mm)
ge innherhalb von 10 Tagen zu machen. (Nach dem Ein-
kauf wird eine Frist v. 10 Tagen für evt. Reklamationen Grüne Dachpappe : An der Seite 10mm überstehen las-
gewährt). sen und mit Nägeln mit extra breitem Kopf befestigen.
(max. alle 200mm)
SICHERHEITSRATSCHLÄGE Die Windbretter werden auf der Dachpappe geschraubt.
Fussboden mit Sparren und Platten/Bretter, der auf einem Es ist notwendig, das Gartenhaus mit einem pilztötenden,
festen Boden zusammengestellt wird. Betonblöcke oder insektenvernichtenden und anti-uva Imprägniermittel spe-
Pflastersteine von mindenstens 40mm Dicke zu bauen um ziell für draussen, zu streichen. Min. 2x Aussen und 1x In-
die Durchlüftung des Gartenhauses zu gewährleisten. nen streichen.
Ohne Fussboden : der Sockel muss mindestens die selben Diese Behandelung muss regelmässig gemacht werden.
Massen wie den Fussboden haben.
Bodenfläche und Winkel des Sockels überprüfen.
Die Stücke werden nie geschnitten (ausser Fensterkreu-
zen, Fensterbearbeitungslatte, Dachpappe) Alle Fehlen werden mit dem KD-Formular innerhalb von
Regelmässig während der Montage die Winkel kontrolie- 10 Tagen nach dem Einkauf angemeldet ( verfügbar im
ren. Geschäft).
Unser Dienst herstellt oder ersetzt das defekte Stück.
INNENVERSTÄRKUNGEN (Blokhütte) Die anderen Kosten werden nicht angenommen.
Décor et Jardin sa hat keine Verantworlichkeit, wenn Kun-
Die Verstärkungslatten sind innen in die Ecken des Gar- den Änderungen auf Produkten machen.
tenhauses zu setzen, so werden die zusammengestellten
Spitzen und das Gartenhauskorpus solidarisch (nur eine Für alle Anfrage bitten wir Sie das KD-Formular auszufül-
Schraube an Verstärkungsende). Regelmässig prüfen und len: Rechnung, Referenz v. Produkt, ganz wichtig die ge-
die Befestigungen im Verhältnis der Holzarbeit anpassen naue Referenz von dem defekten Stück.
(Trockenheit, Feuchtigkeit ...)
Kunststoffglaslatten und Fenstersprossen für Fenster und
Türe auf den richtigen Massen schneiden.
As peças em madeira podem ter farpas. Manipule as peças No caso de uma armação verde: deixe um excesso de 10
em madeira com precaução, utilizando luvas de protecção. mm nas secções laterais e fixe o revestimento com a ajuda
Certifique-se de que as peças montadas não possuem pre- de pregos de cabeça larga (no máximo, a cada 200 m).
gos, parafusos ou agrafos salientes. Termine aplicando as pranchas dos rebordos com o auxílio
Siga sempre atentamente as instruções e a ordem de mon- de parafusos.
tagem descritas neste folheto.
Operação de montagem A madeira de abeto é um material vivo que não cessa de
É indispensável que o abrigo seja instalado num local pro- empenar e pode apresentar determinadas deformações
tegido de ventos violentos. (madeiras ligeiramente empenadas ou curvadas), fendas,
Não exponha as peças de madeira e o revestimento da nódulos pendentes e bolsas de resina.
cobertura ao sol durante a montagem. É uma situação normal e não põe em perigo o período de
Comece por separar, identificar e verificar as peças em re- vida útil do abrigo. Uma solução simples poderá ser a apli-
lação à lista fornecida, tendo em consideração a respectiva cação de pasta de madeira (não fornecida).
secção e comprimento. No caso de abrigos com encaixes, tenha em atenção que to-
Antes de começar, certifique-se de que a base sobre a qual das as pranchas possuem sempre um lado correcto para ficar
vai instalar o abrigo está perfeitamente plana e nivelada. virado para o exterior do abrigo (o lado oculto pode apresentar
A opção com soalho é composta por vigas e placas/pran- determinados defeitos de aplainamento, crostas e fendas,...)
chas a montar sobre um solo firme e estável. Utilize supor-
tes (blocos ou vigas de betão com uma espessura mínima Não utilize pregos para fixar os vidros sintéticos pois pode-
de 40 mm) para garantir uma boa ventilação. rão rachar. Fixe os vidros com silicone (não fornecido) ou
Se o abrigo não incluir soalho, a laje de betão deve possuir perfure-os antes de os aparafusar.
dimensões semelhantes ou superiores às do soalho. Verifi-
que a esquadria medindo as diagonais. Manutenção
As peças possuem as dimensões correctas, pelo que não deve- Deverá tratar o abrigo com a ajuda de um produto de pro-
rão ser cortadas (à excepção de determinados tipos de pinázios, tecção para madeiras de exterior, que contenha agentes
de ripas de montagem dos vidros e de armações de telhado). fungicidas, insecticidas e anti-UV. Aplique pelo menos 2 ca-
Verifique regularmente o nivelamento e a esquadria das madas no exterior e 1 camada no interior.
peças montadas. Efectue regularmente esta operação de manutenção, con-
No caso das peças montadas com parafusos, aconselha-se soante o uso dado ao abrigo.
a perfurar previamente a primeira peça, caso contrário a
madeira poderá rachar durante o aperto das peças. Serviço pós-venda
As peças em falta devem ser assinaladas no formulário do
Reforços interiores (no caso de abrigos maciços) serviço pós-venda (disponível nas nossas lojas) num perío-
As ripas de reforço a colocar nos ângulos, no interior, ser- do de 10 dias após a aquisição, sendo igualmente necessá-
vem para fixar as extremidades ao corpo do abrigo (1 único rio apresentar a factura ou o recibo de compra.
parafuso nas extremidades dos reforços). Verifique regu- O nosso serviço pós-venda consiste na reparação ou na
larmente estas fixações e ajuste-as em função do empena- substituição da peça defeituosa. Não serão cobrados even-
mento da madeira (secura, humidade,...) tuais custos de montagem ou desmontagem.
Para as molduras fixas das janelas (consoante o modelo): A Décor et Jardin SA declinará qualquer responsabilida-
antes de aparafusar, é aconselhável colar os entalhes e os de decorrente de possíveis intervenções efectuadas pelos
encaixes das couceiras e das travessas com cola para ma- clientes num determinado produto sem a autorização pré-
deiras (não fornecida). via da Décor et Jardin SA.
Conseguirá obter os pinázios e as ripas de montagem dos Para esclarecer dúvidas ou efectuar qualquer pedido ao serviço
vidros das portas e janelas cortando a madeira nas dimen- pós-venda, utilize apenas o procedimento disponível nas nos-
sões adequadas. sas lojas (procedimento do serviço pós-venda): tenha sempre
disponível a factura ou o comprovativo de compra, a referência
Fixação do abrigo do produto e a referência exacta da peça defeituosa.
"Clara" 150×110
501983 : ×4 600033 : ×4
15×60/930mm 670×900mm
490037 : ×2 490036 : ×2
755mm 755mm
490032 : ×2 500617 : ×3
510×1.066mm 24×38/1.000mm
490066 : ×1 501781 : ×4
483×1.070mm 12×50/1.100mm
490030 : ×3
500461 : ×1
500730 : ×3
500206 : ×2
490031 : ×1 500733 : ×2
510×1.066mm 15×20/462mm
"Clara" 150×110
800030 ×4,5m
- Predrill - Preforare
750006 ×2
- Préforer - Perforar
- Voorboren previamente
- Vorbohren - Perfuração
501528 : ×1
15×60/1.076mm 500463 : ×12
500730 : ×4 500617 : ×4
24×38/510mm 24×38/1.000mm
"Clara" 150×110
500730 : ×3
500617 : ×3
500461 : ×1 501781 : ×4 501983 : ×4
29×59/1.076mm 12×50/1.100mm 15×60/930mm
500206 : ×2 490036 : ×2
15×20/500mm 755mm
500733 : ×2 600033 : ×4 490037 : ×2
15×20/462mm 670×900mm 755mm
"Clara" 150×110
1. 500730
mm m
3525 : ×104
45mm 501528
"Clara" 150×110
2. 490031
400mm max.
3027 : ×9
3. 501781
3× 3012 : ø3,5×25mm
400mm max.
490032 490030
"Clara" 150×110
4. 500617
500730 500617
5. 490037 490037
3023 : ×8
m ma x
6. 500461
3027 : ×1
3027 : ×2 ø4×60mm
"Clara" 150×110
m max
8. 1.42
0m m ×3
3 1
m mm 501983
+ 3023 : ×3 40
3023 : 2×3
"Clara" 150×110
9. 750006
1 2
490032 500206
3012 : ×4
10. A
"Clara" 150×110
3005 : 2× 20
B 1 3009 : ×2
2 3012 : ×2
"Clara" 150×110
Assembly notice - keep for later reference.
Notice de montage à conserver pour consultations ultérieures.
Te bewaren gebruiksaanwijzingen voor latere raadplegingen.
Montageleitung nicht wegwerfen, bewahren Sie diese für später.
Manuale di montaggio da conservare per ulteriori consultazioni.
Debe conservar las instrucciones de montaje para consultas posteriores.
Instruções de montagem a guardar para consultas futuras.