Augustus Manual en 3 2
Augustus Manual en 3 2
Augustus Manual en 3 2
The Project Augustus Team hereby acknowledges all rights to the 1998 video game
titled: ‘Caesar 3’, including but not limited to its name, code and assets, remain the
exclusive intellectual property of Activision Publishing, Inc.
Project Augustus does not redistribute any assets belonging to the original intellectual
property, and requires all users to have a valid installation of Caesar 3, acquired from
Activision Publishing, or a licensed retailer elected by said publisher.
Disclaimer: Any text coloured red in the manual is information pertaining to the latest
release of Augustus.
Getting Started
With the inclusion of all-new buildings and walkers, Augustus requires additional
graphic files to be installed. Without these files, your game will not be able to use our
new assets, resulting in a glitched display.
When obtaining the install files from GitHub, please ensure you download all available
Augustus files for your chosen version of the mod. From Version 3.2.0 onwards, a full
download for Windows should consist of 3 core files, as well as a single folder:
(1x) augustus.exe
(2x) library .dll files
(1x) ‘assets’ folder
The .exe and .dll files can be extracted and run from anywhere on your computer, and
the ‘assets’ folder MUST be extracted into the same location than augustus.exe or into
your original Caesar 3 install location. The assets folder is essential so new graphical
assets can be displayed in your game. If this folder is not found, the game will warn you
on launch, and any missing asset will be noted in the log file (‘augustus-log.txt’).
Note: when upgrading to newer versions of Augustus, the previous assets folder must
be deleted first, then replaced by the up-to-date assets folder, to prevent compatibility
If you have any questions regarding installation, please feel free to join GamerZakh’s
Discord and post in the #julius-and-augustus channel. We will be prompt in offering
assistance with any issues which may arise, as we want everyone to enjoy this new
User Interface (UI) options are displayed on the second tab of the Options menu. With
the addition of a scale bar for the scroll speed, the other configurable options are:
● Play intro videos
● Extra information in the control panel
○ Displays a game speed control and additional information about the
scenario in the sidebar:
2022 The Project Augustus Team 3
Project Augustus: Version 3.2.0 User guide
■ Population
■ Unemployment
■ Ratings
● Enable smooth scrolling
● Disable map scrolling on windows edge
● Draw walker waypoints on overlay after right clicking on a building
○ Displays target road tiles for all four of a building’s walker routes. These
tiles are used by the game to plot the path of a building’s roaming walker.
○ Can only be accessed while viewing an overlay, such as water, fire risk,
entertainment coverage, and so on.
○ Displays as blue squares on the road after right-clicking a building, such
as a temple or school.
● Show range when building reservoirs, fountains, and wells
● Show range of fountains and wells when building houses
● Show draggable construction size
○ Displays small yellow text in the format of “1x2” to let you know how
many tiles wide and long your construction area is.
○ Particularly useful for laying roads, houses, demolishing trees, and
anything else that can be built by clicking and dragging.
● Highlight legion on cursor hover
● Enable military sidebar
○ When you left click a legion, the sidebar building buttons are replaced
with an information panel detailing the legion’s status (morale, health,
size) and buttons to issue commands to the legion.
● Disable right click to drag map
● Display max attainable prosperity rating with current housing
○ Number only shows if the player has not reached the prosperity goal.
● Separate digits
○ Displays thousand separators for large numbers.
● Inverse dragging map with right mouse button
● Show new messages as alerts instead of popups
○ Messages popups do not interrupt the game and are shown as simple
alerts in the upper part of the screen.
● Show grid
○ Display a construction grid on the whole map.
● Show partial grid around construction
○ Display a 2-tile-wide grid around buildings during placement.
● Always show rotation buttons
○ Rotation buttons are displayed automatically if a building has variants or
can be rotated. (aimed for mouse-only or touch controls)
Difficulty options are displayed on the third tab of the Options menu. The vanilla game
difficulty has been made into a scale on this option tab. The configurable options are:
City Management options are displayed on the fourth tab of the Options menu. These
options are:
● Buying market ladies don’t distribute goods
○ By default, market buyers also sell goods stocked in their market to any
homes they pass while travelling to purchase more food and goods to sell.
By preventing this, you can more tightly control the availability of foods
and goods in various parts of the city.
○ For example, a market buyer going to purchase wine may pass houses you
do not want to be able to purchase wine. If you allow market buyers to
also sell, then these houses will be able to buy wine from that market
buyer, potentially triggering an unwanted evolution into patricians.
● Cart pushers from getting granaries can go off road
○ Enables a cart pusher from a granary set to “get” a type of food to go off
road to reach a granary set to “accept” that type of food.
○ Removes the need for a road connection between a granary set to “accept”
a type of food and another granary set to “get” that type of food.
○ As with warehouses, they will get food from the nearest “accepting”
granary and will ignore other “getting” granaries, even if they are nearer
than the “accepting” granary.
● Double the capacity of cart pushers from getting granaries
● Allow traders to export food from granaries
○ Before Augustus, food imports and exports, as well as Caesar requests,
only worked if food was stored in warehouses. As this may be sometimes
inconvenient, Augustus now allows both importing food and sending
food requests directly from granaries. However, since exporting food may
make people starve, this specific new feature was added as a setting.
● Tower sentries don’t need road access from barracks
○ Enables sentries to go off road to reach their assigned tower.
○ Removes the need for a road connection between the barracks and the
○ Note that towers still require road access for staffing purposes and that
unstaffed towers still cannot receive sentries.
● Farms and wharves only deliver to nearby granaries
○ Prevents farm and wharf cart pushers from traveling to the opposite end
of the map to deposit their harvest or catch into an accepting granary.
○ Improves efficiency by keeping cart pushers’ trips short.
○ Distance is calculated “as the crow flies”, regardless of road distance. The
limit is 64 tiles.
Taking inspiration from later city-building Impressions games, we added
roadblocks. We have improved the concept of roadblocks by adding special
orders, which can be set by right-clicking the roadblock. Roadblocks will prevent
roaming walkers from crossing them-use them to close off your housing blocks or better
direct walkers. Roadblocks have no effect on “destination” walkers-entertainers coming
from entertainer schools, cart pushers, market buyers etc. These walkers have a goal in
mind and will not be dissuaded!
You now can control how many goods are stored in a Warehouse or Granary (which can
now store up to 3200 units of food) by clicking the order button until it changes to your
desired amount. Both Warehouses and Granaries will send cart pushers to fetch the
assigned goods until they reach their selected limit for that good.
For a resource that is “not accepted”, the default value of the stock is set to 32 and
cannot be changed. However, the value has no influence on a possible storage of the
resource. When changing back its acceptance status, the value previously set will be
displayed again.
Under the old system the docks were restricted only by goods-- if you wanted to have a
specific city trade at a dock, you’d have to make sure that the dock in question allows
all goods that the city sells and buys.
Docks having special orders for specific goods work as they did before, but docks can
now be set to serve only trade ships of their respective cities. Ships also do not queue up
in an impractical manner, and ships that already have been waiting to trade will no
longer have their spot in the line be skipped over by a newly spawned ship.
Warehouses also now show new colored flags that change based on permissions
enabled at the warehouse.
New additions to the sidebar have been added: the mood of the
gods, information about any upcoming invasions, and any
requests made by the emperor. The request display also allows
stockpiling the requested goods with a single click, with the
option to continue stockpiling after the request is complete. A
red triangle over the good in the sidebar indicates whether
something is being stockpiled in this manner. Hovering over
Culture, Prosperity, Peace, and Favor ratings, now displays a
tooltip with the corresponding advices from the Ratings
New Overlays:
New overlays have been added including “Enemies” (under
Risks), as well as “Mothballed” and “Warehouses” (under
Commerce), or even “Roads”, for extra convenience to the
player in cluttered maps and saves. Feel free to explore the
numerous additions in the Overlays menu!
The advisor now shows which goods are exportable and importable based on the trade
routes available in the scenario. It is also now possible to both import and export a good
(such as wine) and set quotas for each type of transaction.
Buttons have been added at the bottom left for players to choose their land and sea
trade policies, if they have met the conditions to set them.
Note: Trade orders can now also be issued from the Empire map window (by selecting a
trading city and clicking on the desired goods). You can now also view the trade prices
set by Rome directly from the empire map.
Construction grid:
Always struggling to determine if there’s enough tile space to squeeze buildings there?
Or you’re the kind of meticulous governor desiring to build perfectly symmetrical
cities? Augustus finally implements a common city-builder feature: the construction
grid. You can either choose to display a full grid on the map via the new dedicated
button, or a grid limited to a few tiles around the building when placing it.
● Truly massive cities are now possible-all hardcoded limits (number of sprites,
walkers, buildings) have been entirely removed. Running on 21st century hardware,
the game will now support far more buildings and walkers than it did in the 1990s.
Prepare for huge battles fought at the gates of great metropoli.
● Cart pusher calculations, especially for farms, have been updated to assess their
destination more frequently. In the original game, farms would often get “stuck” to
the first granary placed. This could result in the pusher ignoring a later granary
placed closer. Now, pushers will recalculate their destination and distances more
frequently and pick the closest one. If the granary is full, they will try the next best
● Trading ships also have been enhanced to search for docks in a smarter way and
consider the new settings when choosing a dock.
● Aimed for developers and modders, an Asset Previewer UI is now available. It can
be started with the command “./augustus.exe --asset-previewer” from a shortcut or a
terminal window.
Construct mighty Grand Temple monuments, which offer powerful and unique
bonuses to make your cities larger and stronger than ever before. The Grand Temples
are dedicated to the five deities that players are familiar with. Two Grand Temples can
be built by default in a city, as well as the Pantheon which honors all of the gods. A
shining Lighthouse may also be erected in cities relying on the bounty of the sea or a
Caravanserai to promote land trading. In order to be built, all monuments require a
huge supply of raw materials – clay, timber, and marble. Procuring these resources is
not enough-engineering expertise and labor must be secured to raise the walls. Placing
the base of the monument requires a large sum of denarii, but it can be placed without
any resources stockpiled. Once this base is placed, your citizens can get to work.
Oracles, Large temples, and several new buildings that require resources for
construction are now mini-monuments, which only have a single construction phase,
but also require a Work camp and the Architects’ guild in order to construct. Hover
over the monument icon with the mouse to display the total of required resources
and the number of construction phases for each monument.
When a grand temple is completed, your city will be greatly rewarded for its devotion
and skill! Completed monuments require many employees (50 to 150), financial upkeep
in the form of levies (c.f. further below) and road access. But the provided bonus and
the fact they will never fall to fire or collapse are worth the price and hard labor!
FAQ: Why do monuments take so long to be built? Can multiple Work Camps and
Architects' Guilds speed up the process?
All the building process is done by the walkers using the road network, and to
efficiently build monuments, this has to be taken into consideration.
A foreman from the work camp has to go to the warehouse and grab the resources, then
head to the monument site. If the work camps are far from the warehouses, or the
warehouses with necessary resources are far from the monument sites, the delivery
process can take a long time.
To speed it up, be sure that warehouses with construction materials are close, or build
multiple work camps to haul more materials at the same time.
Work camps don't necessarily have to be close to the monument, it's equally as efficient
if they are close to the resource warehouses.
A monument only needs a couple of visits from the Architect's guild, so they are usually
not a bottleneck, even if they are far away and multiple monuments are currently in
construction phases.
Augustus adds various religious buildings to help please your citizens, but above all the
demanding gods, from a tiny contentment with Lararia to a bigger praise by building
Nymphaea and Mausolea mini-monuments.
This building is a shrine dedicated to the household spirits.
Effectively a 1x1 variation of the Oracle, it provides access to
all gods to 10 people per building.
This building is a temple dedicated to the water nymphs;
minor spirits of the seas, rivers and springs. It is effectively a
larger 3x3 variation of the Oracle, providing access to 750
people per god. Like the Oracle, the Nymphaeum requires
marble to build (4 loads).
There are 2 variants of the Mausoleum: Small (2x2) (with a
rotation variant) and Large (3x3) (with a “Pyramid” variant).
Historically, the Romans were quite superstitious about the
burial of the dead, requiring mausolea to be built outside the
city limits.
To replicate this in Augustus, both mausolea emit negative
desirability within a close radius, but a large positive
desirability effect further away. They require marble to build
(2 loads for the Small Mausoleum and 4 loads for the Large
Mausoleum), provide access to 500 and 750 people per god
respectively, and can not fall to fire or collapse. Mausoleums
also slightly improve overall city health (see Health &
Sickness chapter below).
On another scale, the Grand temples are awe inspiring to your citizens and mightily
pleasing to the gods. They take time, money and sacrifice to complete, but once
operational, enable new features and bonuses. There are two types of divine powers
granted by Grand temples: when finally completed, a bonus is instantly bestowed upon
the province. To illustrate, let’s look at the Grand Temple of Mars:
Building the Grand Temple of Mars demonstrates your city’s iron will and martial
devotion. The temple itself will act as a second barracks, doubling recruitment speed,
and it unlocks 4 additional Forts for a grand total of 10.
But there is yet more divine power to be harnessed. At the bottom of the grand temple
window is a button to bestow an epithet onto the temple. Epithets are named aspects of
a particular deity and provide new and awesome powers when bestowed. Each Grand
temple will have two epithets to choose from-and once you choose, there’s no going
back except to demolish the temple and build anew. So the choice should be made
The Grand Temple of Mars can be devoted to one of two aspects of Mars, becoming the
Temple of Mars Ultor or the Temple of Mars Quirinus. Each option is explained in this
display to aid in this difficult choice. Bestowing an epithet costs 1000 dn to procure the
appropriate sacrifices and rituals. Powers granted by epithets are not applied city-wide:
they instead grant new powers to all priest walkers and temples of that god or
If the epithet of Mars Quirinus (10% reduced consumption of goods) is bestowed, the
governor must ensure they place small or large Temples of Mars in their housing blocks
- only houses served by priests of Mars will gain this benefit. The Grand temple
appearance will change when you bestow an epithet and once again, be warned, the
choice is permanent! So unless you do not mind destroying your hard work and having
to rebuild it from scratch, choose carefully, Governor.
Here is the full list of the grand temples and their respective bonuses. Use this list to
help select your glorious construction projects. Remember: only two grand temples are
allowed by default, as well as the Pantheon.
Provides cart pushers from farms with a 50% speed boost.
● Ceres Fecunda: Priests reduce food consumption by 20% in homes with Ceres
● Ceres Frugifera: Temples of Ceres act as markets, collecting and distributing a
single locally-produced food type as well as olive oil.
Allows commissioning of 4 additional forts and acts as a second barracks.
● Mars Ultor: Priests of Mars will generate food as they pass houses. When their
temple has sufficient stock, it will be delivered to the Supply post for your
soldiers to eat. This food is generated, not removed from house stocks. Houses
can only generate food in this way once per month-redundant temples will not
increase food.
● Mars Quirinus: Priests reduce goods consumption by 10% in houses with Mars
Provides traders, both land and sea, with 50% additional capacity. Land traders and
Native traders get a 25% speed bonus. This will allow increased trade throughout,
especially on huge maps.
● Mercurius Fortunus: Priests reduce pottery and furniture consumption by 20%
in homes with Mercury access.
● Mercurius Mercator: Priests reduce oil and wine consumption by 20% in homes
with Mercury access.
Provides a sizable desirability range and power increase for statues, gardens, and
temples. You will need fewer of these to evolve your housing. Houses also stockpile
more goods, and take longer to devolve when goods and services are interrupted.
● Venus Verticordia: Priests collect and distribute wine produced and stored in
the Grand Temple. Vines are not required. The wine counts as a “second type”
for housing evolution purposes. The production rate of wine at the Grand
Temple scales based on population with Venus access. Up to 16 units of wine
may be stored at the Grand temple.
● Venus Genetrix: Priests of Venus provide 10 entertainment points and greatly
boost the desirability effect of the houses themselves, increasing the appeal of
the neighborhood without requiring additional desirability boosters.
Grants +1 range for fountains and wells and +2 for reservoirs. Water services labor is
reduced by 50%. Trading ships travel 25% faster. Sickness increase in houses is greatly
● Neptunus Equester: Temples of Neptune produce charioteers that will travel to
the hippodrome, granting hippodrome access to all passed houses.
● Neptunus Adiutor: Priests increase the population capacity of houses with
Neptune access by 5% and allow the Grand Temple itself to act as a filled
reservoir, regardless of proximity to water.
Provides population and priest walker coverage to all five gods. Reduces the levy fees
for all religious buildings by 25% and holds free annual small festivals. While all the
gods are happy enough, the events "Contaminated water", "Iron mine collapsed" and
"Flooded clay pit" will not happen.
● Pantheum Ara Maxima: All small and large temples send destination walker
priests to the Pantheon. These priests carry all their bonuses and powers with
them, and will greatly spread the blessings of the gods across your city!
● Pantheum Roma Aeterna: Homes covered directly by the Pantheon can evolve
one additional step beyond what they can currently achieve. Only houses passed
by a priest from the Pantheon itself will be affected.
We also have made some changes to the blessing system as part of our religion rework.
Augustus aims to allow governors to gain blessings in a logical way and remove the
strategy of alternating exalting and enraging gods for blessings. Appeased gods will
gain “sun” symbols at a slightly randomized rate and may grant a blessing when five
suns are achieved.
Note: In the Large temple column, Mars and oracles have a green colored numeral. This
means one of the two Mars temples is a Grand Temple, and one of the “large oracles” is
the Pantheon. Small Mausoleum, Large Mausoleum and Nymphaeum, also count
respectively as small and large oracles.
The Augustus team feels some of the original blessings from Caesar 3 are unbalanced,
and these have been tweaked. Major and minor curses are unchanged. Here are the
altered blessings:
Neptune – Trade income is increased by 50% for 12 months (instead of 100% until next
Mercury – industries receive 2 raw material units and immediately finish production
(instead of cramming unwanted food types into granaries).
Venus – Reduces the age of your citizens older than 25 by 3 years and increases the size
of the city labor pool, as well as providing the original sentiment boost.
The "Rome changes wages" event can only happen every 12 months, regardless of the
difficulty level.
If a Pantheon is active and all gods are happy, the events “Contaminated water”, “Iron
mine collapsed” and “Clay pit flooded” will not happen anymore!
In order to select a policy, first build the corresponding structure. The policies available
are the same for both sea and land trade. As governor, you decide which policy is best
suited for your current situation. You may change the policy at any time, but it will cost
500 denarii each time you change the policy.
These policies can provide new economic options to players in both early and late
stages of city development. Choose wisely!
If all these monuments have a price to build, they also have a price to maintain.
Therefore, Augustus implements an economic change as levies. Levies are a fixed
monthly cost accrued by certain buildings and are currently limited to monuments,
military and religious structures. Default values are in effect on Hard and Very Hard
difficulty. Normal difficulty reduces these costs and Easy eliminates them entirely.
Small Temples,
2 dn/month 1 dn/month 4 dn/month 3 dn/month
Oracles & Nymphae
Lighthouse &
4 dn/month 4 dn/month 8 dn/month 8 dn/month
Levies are shown in the building info panel and in the new Levies overlay. The total
cost of levies can be found in the finance tab under expenditures. These levies can
significantly affect city finances, especially when monuments are completed. This is a
trade off for the incredible power they provide. Ensure your treasury is prepared!
Culture Rating
Theater, School, and the Library now have a new upgrade state tied
to desirability. When the sufficient desirability level is achieved, the
structure will visually change - in addition, it will also increase the
venue capacity of the structure for the purpose of calculating
Culture rating. For example: a standard Theater covers 500 people,
while an upgraded Theater covers 1200 people. To save labor and
space, you should strive to place these cultural structures in areas
with high desirability.
Entertainment Additions
Augustus has removed this mechanic for all but the Colosseum and Hippodrome.
Now, getting “Perfect” Amphitheater coverage, for example, will no longer grant 5
extra points universally. This was done to allow more “space” for new entertainment
buildings and bonii, as well as further reduce incentives to place redundant buildings.
New Structures:
Entertainment has received several new buildings and features. The Theater and
Amphitheater remain untouched, but with the Colosseum and Hippodrome becoming
monuments, we felt it fair to add some new non-monumental entertainment options.
The Tavern also comes complete with a new walker who is responsible for
fetching wine from warehouses and meat from granaries, so it will not place
extra strain on your warehousemen. This building is a great use for wine in a
city that has yet to attract patricians!
Colosseum Games:
In Augustus, the Colosseum has become a monument and the heart of your city,
allowing you to host Great Games. These require stored resources and some of your
personal funds to host*. As governor, you may schedule games for your citizens,
however your rank must be taken into consideration too. A low ranking governor
cannot afford frequent games compared to a high ranking one - so choose wisely!
*Note: Games graphics display for 3 months. Bonuses are applied once the games begin.
Required resources and funds scale with city size, akin to Grand Festival wine
Game Choices:
Naval Battle
Requires : Wine, Timber & Funds. The Colosseum needs to be within the
range of a reservoir.
Grants : Troop movement speed for 12 months and stronger distant battle
odds (lasts until used)
Animal Games
Requires : Meat & Funds
Grants : Criminals, riots and revolts are suppressed for 12 months. Lion
tamers will come to the defense of the city in the next invasion.
Roman Games
Requires : Wheat, Oil & Funds
Grants : Favor rating boosted. Citizen sentiment bonus for the next year.
The Governor has
the right to enjoy
himself too!!
Bet on racing
chariots at the
Hippodrome with
personal funds for a
25% chance to win
back double your
money. Governors
can place bets
between 4 historical
teams: blue, red,
white, and green,
each with their own
backstory for the
curious ones!
Military Additions
Palisade walls are now available as a cheaper but weaker
alternative to stone walls. Since version 3.2, palisades
come with a gate that functions like a roadblock.
Sentiment and Mood in vanilla Caesar 3 is very basic. Players quickly understand that
if they kept wages high and taxed moderately, there would be no issues. In Augustus,
we sought to enhance this system. In this first iteration, we have included a complete
rework of crime, and implemented new sentiment factors. This is a work in progress
and a strong candidate for further enhancement.
In addition, Augustus has added an effect for extra food - multiple food types
beyond what is required at that housing level will now increase sentiment
(tents still cannot stock food and will receive no such benefit).
Finally, desirable neighborhoods will also increase the mood of the citizens. The
better housing they live in, the more positively affected they are by extra
desirability. So while adding statues next to tents will not make the dwellers
much happier, patricians will love you even more if you provide them with particularly
pleasing surroundings.
This effect is much more pronounced at the Small Casa level and below, and
particularly intense for tents: small casa are beloved by players for adding labor and
population yet requiring no finished goods. Residents at these levels might start to
resent their modest homes when palaces go up next door - however, they can be
mollified by providing additional entertainment, food, and desirability.
On the other hand, plebeians living on Grand Insulae and patricians love their housing
conditions so much that they won’t resent higher housing types.
*In future iterations, we hope to include citizenry riot events akin to the gladiator
revolts as potential recurring events for map makers who wish to simulate unruly city
If a housing tile has only moderately low sentiment , the crime walker will seek to steal
funds. If sentiment is very low then they will seek to steal finished goods or food from
Prefects can reduce these criminal occurrences if they intercept the crime
walker along its walk. Crime walkers are essentially destination walkers (if
they seek to steal goods or food from warehouses/granaries) and may
sometimes walk off road to their intended target. Prefects in range will give
chase , and will speed up to try and catch the criminal. Once the prefect
catches the criminal, there is no chance for him to escape and he will be cut down! It is
wise to place prefects near storage sites if you have a high crime area.
Health management was one of the lacking features in Caesar 3. Having access to a
single clinic was enough for a house to get a 100 health rating. Bathhouses, barbers and
hospitals were only needed to evolve houses to greater ranks. As of version 3.2.0,
Augustus implements a whole new health calculation, and adds a new threat for your
city: sickness.
House health:
Each house has a health rating, which can go from 0 to 100. This value increases
according the several factors:
Each house rank Clinic access Bathhouse access Barber access Hospital access
Clinic + Hospital Large Mausoleum Each variety of food eaten
Access effect area (including the base one)
effect area
If the sum is higher than 100, it’s capped at 100. If the house type requires food and it
doesn’t have food, its health is capped at 40.
The house's health rating is then used as a percentage of the total population of the
house, where the number of healthy residents is obtained. When all the houses are
calculated, the final health value is the percentage between all healthy residents and
total city population. This global percentage is used to set the city health rating in the
Health Advisor panel. A report about the sickness level in the city is also provided, as
well as how many residents have access to each type of health facilities.
Historically, if trade merchants brought valuable goods to Roman cities, they could also
introduce what was considered an unknown and invisible threat back in the days:
viruses and pathogen agents. Augustus simulates that by adding a new sickness value
to docks, warehouses, granaries, and houses.
In granaries and warehouses, sickness will increase every time an infected cartpusher
visits it, depending on the actual sickness value of the delivered building.
In houses, sickness will not increase at first. However, each time an infected cartpusher
walks near a house, there’s a possibility that the residents will become sick. If that
happens, then each month the house’s sickness value will increase, depending on the
house health value and the city’s total population. The lower the health value is in a
house, the more sickness will increase each month, and the higher is the city’s total
population, the bigger is the base sickness increase in houses.
All infected buildings and cartpushers in the city can be seen on the new "Sickness"
But sickness is not a fatality, and your city can defend itself. Each new month, sickness
in buildings will decrease based on the city global health rating displayed in the
Health advisor panel.
The better the rating, the more sickness will decrease in trade buildings. In houses, the
better the health value is, the more efficient the city’s healthcare will be. But be aware
that, as the city’s population increases, you must provide better overall healthcare to
prevent sickness from spiraling out of control.
Having a good hospital coverage grants a healthcare bonus each month (the better the
overall coverage, the greater is the bonus), which can be very useful in densely
populated cities.
If the city holds an active Neptune Grand Temple, the monthly sickness increase in
any house will be reduced by 5.
2-Tier Plague:
If the sickness value reaches the value of 100 in any building, the building is plagued.
When a trading building is plagued, its employees are temporarily removed and the
building stops working. The nearest doctor or surgeon is sent automatically to
fumigate the building for a few days. Once cured, the building gets back its employees
and starts working again.
If a warehouse is plagued, it loses 100% of the stored food and 50% of oil and wine
stored goods. If a granary is plagued, it loses 50% of the stored food.
If a house is plagued, the outcome depends on the city health rating. If it is too low, the
house is burned down and all its residents die. If it ‘s high enough, the house survives
but becomes quarantined, preventing immigrants from settling on it. Some citizens will
still die, the exact number depending on how high your overall health rating is. The
nearest doctor or surgeon is sent automatically to fumigate the house for a few days,
then immigrants can move in again.
With the power to add new buildings to Caesar 3 for the first time ever, we wanted to
increase the visual variety and options for aesthetic and desirability-boosting buildings.
Peruse the new Parks, Paths, and Trees submenus in the Government/Admin build
menu. All the new aesthetic buildings use the statistics for small statues, medium
statues or large statues, whichever matches their size. The build menus have been
rearranged a bit to facilitate these new options – find gardens and plazas in the
Government/Admin menu instead of the Engineering menu. Paths can also be rotated
via the Rotate hotkey (by default, “R”). Names of decoration/ornament buildings
are now displayed on top of the screen to facilitate the navigation through variants via
the rotation key (only if warnings are switched on under Help).
Paths, Parks and Trees are buildings, not terrain. They cannot be travelled by walkers
(except Garden gates). They are, however, click and draggable – like gardens and
plazas – for easy placement. Think of them as small statues, not as alternate paths for
walkers. We hope to achieve new terrain types in a future version of Augustus, as well
as add many more ornamental options.
● A warning is displayed when the game can't be saved.
● Added a yearly autosave option.
● Fulfilling the emperor's requests will now spawn cartpushers heading to Rome with the
● Added walkers who deliver food from the supply post to forts.
● Added inverse direction option to right mouse click dragging.
● Added relevant advisor buttons to many message types.
● Added hotkeys for setting the map orientation to north.
● Added the option to display messages as alerts on top of the screen.
● Added the option to display the building grid.
● Farms, raw materials buildings, workshops and wharves now display the efficiency of the
● Added support for MPG video files. Create a “mpg” folder in your Caesar 3 install directory
and place the MPG video files inside, to use them in-game instead of the SMK video files.
● Added play/pause button to sidebar.
● Added hedge/palisade gates. They are created by building hedges/palisades over the roads.
● Added purple variants of columns and pavilions.
● Added watchtower variants.
● Added medium statue rotation.
● Added gladiator statue.
● Added support for assets relative path to the executable.
● Added a support for saving high-res screenshots of the minimap.
● Added a tooltip with the resource requirements for monuments in the build menu.
● Added large mausoleum variants.
● Added new plaza tiles and new assets for default garden paths. Original garden paths are
still available in “Paths”.
2022 The Project Augustus Team 40
Project Augustus: Version 3.2.0 User guide
● Buildings without laborers are now shown on the Problems overlay.
● Updated granary cartpusher text so it now properly mentions granaries.
● Cartpushers will no longer disappear with food/goods if the destination building is full.
● Buildings and cartpushers will no longer flicker on problems overlay.
● Changed the launch icons for Android, Switch, Vita builds.
● Changed the priority of problems displayed on problems overlay tooltips.
● Multipart buildings are now properly displayed on problem overlay.
● Walkers will now say their lines if right clicked on near the vacant lot.
● Fixed some instances of fish being called meat.
● Native meeting huts now need to be visited by missionaries before sending out traders.
● Lowered cost of nymphaeums and mausoleums.
● Increased the cost and reduced the coverage of larariums.
● Copying/pasting settings now displays a feedback message.
● Rotate now has "r" as a default hotkey. Clone now has "q" as a default hotkey.
● Arena and colosseum overlays now display the correct walkers.
● Added hardware rendering. This greatly speeds up the game, especially on older hardware.
Allows unlimited zoom. Zoom should now affect performance less significantly.
● Improved rendering performance on Android version.
● Line up the figures on the financial advisor screen.
● Added tooltips to population advisor graphs.
● Fixed a variety of issues with the assets.
● Looters now display the correct phrase when right clicked.
● Trees will no longer change their graphics on reload.
● Fixed some issues when cartpushers could become stuck.
● Fixed some buildings not rotating with city orientation.
● Fixed some walkers occasionally disappearing.
● Fixed shading on labor priority and festival advisor windows.
● Buildings that don't require workers now no longer have workers set.
● Fixed a bug where sentries would sometimes teleport to a watchtower.
● Fixed suppliers targeting rotated warehouses.
● Fixed warehousemen sometimes removing extra resources.
● Fixed tooltips on modified trade routes.
● Fixed when prefects sometimes get stuck.
● Fixed the bug where ships would permanently lock docks and not reroute away.
● Fixed date in the history graphics tooltip.
● Fixed the bug where cartpushers would sometimes transport incompatible goods to a
● Fixed when tax collectors, engineers and entertainers sometimes walk in a straight line
through the terrain when returning.
● Fixed flickering animation on upgraded desert fountains.
● Fixed upgraded bathhouse animation drawing over other buildings.
● Empire map hotkey will now not work if the empire map is not available.
● Fix Caesar's legion attack animation when they are attacking the buildings.
● Fixed main menu panel background disappearing when quitting the game.
● Fixed cartpushers getting stuck on forts and granaries.
● Non-blue pavilions from old saves can now be cloned.
● Fixed when sentries sometimes get stuck when the wall is deleted.
● Fixed a warning being incorrectly displayed.
● Fixed a random walker occasionally getting a soldier action.
● Mothball button no longer works on buildings that have no mothball button.
● Fixed mouse warping to wrong coordinates when right-click dragging.
● Fixed water buildings fires causing corruption and crashes.
● Fixed various minor bugs in the empire map.
● Fixed many bugs related to touch controls.
● Fixed a bug where oracles and mausoleums were counting as inactive farms.
● Fixed a misaligned line in the Entertainment advisor screen.
● Fixed a crash that can happen in the Entertainment advisor screen.
● Fixed a bug occurring when loading a city after opening the map editor.
● Fixed city entry/exit flags not showing on meadows tiles and incorrectly displayed on the
Water overlay.
● Fixed Caesar rank missing as initial rank assignment in the map editor.
● Fixed a potential memory corruption.
● Fixed granaries getting more food than their allowed maximum, causing the food to be lost.
● Fixed touch pause button showing on non-touch devices.
● Fixed trading ships not appearing at all sometimes.
● Fixed a rare issue where savefiles could fail to load.
● Fixed a bug corrupting cities by disabling map rotation via hotkeys when dragging
● Fixed small graphics artifacts when zooming out.
● Fixed a bug that caused the “Visit trade advisor” button tooltip to sometimes display the
wrong text.
● Fixed the “Return to fort” button being available when right-clicking a legion, whereas the
legion is leaving for a distant battle, and the incorrect thumbnail being highlighted in the
Military advisor screen.
● Fixed sentries sometimes being preemptively deleted, when they were heading to a
watchtower while another building was destroyed by enemies.
● Fixed dockers sometimes not recognizing rotated warehouses.
● Fixed the victory window showing a wrong rank in custom missions.
● Fixed a bug where lighthouse and caravanserai suppliers were unable to reach their
● Fixed a bug where ships would queue up for docks after trading all possible goods at an
adjacent dock.
● Fixed legions on bridges not being highlighted when hovering over with the mouse.
● Fixed a potential bug when saving and loading data of enemy armies.
● Fixed watchtowers always spawning labor seekers when global labor pool is off.
● Fixed a bug where watchtowers would not get sentries.
● Fixed a visual bug occurring when clearing a building being on meadows and hidden by a
● Fixed a bug when an enemy army would retreat immediately when loading a save.
● Added video volume slider.
● Resource settings window can now be accessed by right-clicking on the requested resource.
● Added hotkeys for copying and pasting settings of select buildings, allowing to quickly set
the same settings to buildings of the same type. Buildings supported: roadblocks, garden
gates, docks, granaries, warehouses and markets.
● Added a difficulty option to adjust the max number of allowed grand temples per city.
● Added information to log if an asset can't be found.
● Added squalor as an explanation of why people are unhappy.
● Added lararium count to religion advisor.
● Added Hippodrome betting system.
● Added roofed garden walls.
● Added garden wall gates. By dragging roofed or looped garden walls over the road tiles, you
can create garden wall gates, which function like roadblocks.
● Added palisades, which function as cheaper walls.
● Added generic phrases to lighthouse/caravanserai collectors.
● Added resource stockpiling as an option to production buildings and warehouses.
Production buildings with it set on will deliver their goods straight to the warehouse.
Warehouses with that option on won't deliver their goods to workshops/granaries.
● Added mothball, enemies, and warehouse overlays.
● Many old buildings show their previously unused descriptions now.
● Unfinished monuments now have a city sound.
● Added an option to have number separators for larger numbers.
● Increase the number of traders visiting the town, which was unintentionally too low in 3.0.1.
● Trade Center mechanic removed from the warehouses.
● Changed the Caravanserai supplier image.
● Assets can now be loaded from Augustus directory instead of C3 directory.
● Lower the cost of Larariums.
● Aqueducts may now no longer be built along the road.
● Reduced Lararium desirability.
● Image ids are now recalculated on city load.
● Mausoleums and Nymphaeums count as oracles now on the religion advisor screen.
● Monuments now require full labour to get bonuses.
● Mothball button now has its own icon.
● Granaries' capacity increased to 3200.
● When turning off stockpiling, the export settings is reverted to what it was before
● Changed the graphics in storage permission from 'x' to a checkmark.
● Touch zoom will now stick to 100% when close to it.
● Warehouses now have flags that show the warehouse permission.
● Houses can now stock and eat more food types than necessary by their evolution level. (Only
applies to houses which require food).
● Most of the new Augustus buildings are now unavailable in the first career mission.
● Venus temples will now not distribute the wine by default when the appropriate Grand
Temple module is built.
● Cartpushers won't deliver excess resources to workshops if there is an undersupplied
workshop in a different road network.
● Farms will now display ghosts with proper crops and rotation depending on the city
● Neptune Grand Temple with the reservoir epithet now shows on water overlay.
● Large insulas will now devolve into a merged medium insula instead of 4 1x1 insulas, if the
merging was allowed there.
● Arenas and Colosseum now count their shows separately for the purposes of the
entertainment advisor.
● Changed the promotion popup window.
● Increased the bonus coverage for upgraded cultural venues. (Upgraded buildings now:
Theater 1200, School 225, Library 1700, Academy 200).
● Fixed incorrect Grand Temple module being selected when some modules are unavailable.
● Fixed incorrect arena messages.
● Fixed picking of the venues by entertainers from the schools.
● Added tavern, a new entertainment building. Requires wine to work, provides extra
entertainment with meat.
● Added arena, a smaller version of colosseum.
● Added unused bird chirping ambient sound.
● Added a cheat to unlock all buildings.
● Added rotated small statues.
● Added horse statue.
● Added two types of hedges. They adjust their graphics based on adjacent hedges.
● Added an option to disallow roamers from skipping corners.
● Added colonnade.
● Added tooltips to roadblock controls.
● Added lararium, a small shrine to lares and ancestor spirits. It functions as a tiny oracle,
providing coverage for 20 people to every god and providing positive desirability.
● Added nymphaeum, a building dedicated to the nymphs. It functions as a large oracle,
providing coverage for 750 people to every god and providing a positive desirability.
● Added small and large mausoleums, functioning the same way as oracles and nymphaeum,
except providing negative desirability.
● Added watchtower, a small building that shoots enemies with arrows and sends out two
sentry walkers to patrol the streets against the enemies.
● The trade advisor will now display whether a resource is importable or exportable.
● Certain buildings now have graphical variants, available for selection when building them
by pressing the rotation key. Buildings with variants available will provide a notification.
● Added a "go to the monument" button when a monument is completed.
● Added a decorative column.
● Added a blue roadblock variant.
● Allow cycling of some buildings - switching between the related types by pressing the
rotation key. Works for paths, trees, small and large temples.
● Added the option to allow exporting food from granaries.
● The monument screen will now display a warning if it's not properly connected.
● Add an option to have wolves respawn even if the whole pack is killed.
● Added a button to stop monument construction.
● Mods folder is renamed to Assets. The assets are bundled with every build except for
● Sentiment rework, refer to the manual for details.
● “Hunger Halt Migration” no longer a thing due to sentiment rework
● The Colosseum and the Hippodrome are now monuments. Colosseum now provides a
global +5 entertainment bonus when built.
● Mars module 1 allows the priest to go off road to the supply post.
● Oracles and large temples are now mini-monuments - require the resources to be carried by a
workcamp and built by an architects guild.
● Various save elements have been made dynamically sized - reducing the savefile size and
improving performance in small cities. Limits on number of buildings and walkers removed.
● Improved warnings and errors when assets are improperly installed and when loading new
save games in outdated builds.
● Buildings that can't be built will be displayed with a red footprint.
● When using undo, the houses will have their population restored.
● Large statue is now animated if it has water access.
● Changed import behaviour - the default setting when setting a good as importing will now
be unlimited imports.
● When changing the acceptance status of resources in a warehouse/granary, the buildings will
now remember their selected quantity.
● Warehousemen won't show up until they find themselves a task - preventing their sprite
flickering when they have no available task.
● Building ghosts are now transparent instead of green.
● Docks behaviour completely reworked and made more intuitive - can now select which cities
a dock will trade with. A dock can now trade only some of the goods instead of all of them.
Ships can visit multiple docks if necessary.
● Engineer guild renamed to Architect guild, to avoid confusion with engineer post.
● Adjusted the destination targeting, will no longer take the difference in road to Rome into
account in its calculations, resulting in more predictable behaviour.
● Cart pushers, dockers, market ladies and prefects will now occasionally change their target
mid route, to make their behaviour more intelligent.
● Special orders button will now only display available resources.
● Requested food can now be sent from the granaries.
● You can now import and export the same resource.
● Trade advisor window reworked.
● Trade advisor now allows mothballing of wharves.
● Different pavilions are now a variant of one building type instead of separate building types.
● Some entertainment/education buildings can now be upgraded with high desirability.
Upgraded buildings provide more city-wide coverage, reducing the need for culture farms in
well-designed cities.
● When adding a resource to the warehouse, partially filled bays will be used before a new bay
is claimed for the resource.
● Allow importing food directly to granaries.
● Change how the maximum number of traders from a city is calculated. Instead of being
based on the average number of 'trade shields', it's now based on the total volume of tradable
● Adjust how Favor rating affects the player's salary: instead of being based on the salary in
January, it considers all funds paid during the previous year.
● Garden paths now adjust their graphics based on adjacent garden paths.
● Fixed various bugs on big endian systems
● Warehouses will now send food to granaries if there's any empty space in there, instead of
needing to be half-empty.
● Fixed various bugs with Venus temples providing wine.
● Mars grand temple no longer grants +2 attack bonus to all soldiers.
● Fixed a bug that allowed players to build more than 2 grand temples.
● Roads now properly turn into the pantheon.
● The Neptune reservoir module now gives symmetrical water access.
● Monuments no longer accept diagonal connection to access points.
● Fix luxury palaces devolving when kept upgraded with the pantheon module.
● Fix building orientations now showing up properly when having a rotated hippodrome in
the city.
● Fix supply post not being detected sometimes when loading a save.
● Mars' great temple will now send its priest to the pantheon, if the pantheon has the right
● Disable undo option when certain houses change, preventing 'black hole glitch'.
● The supply post will no longer display employment access warnings when global
employment is turned on.
● Sentries will now be properly assigned when some towers don't have road access.
● Fix a bug allowing multiple supply posts to be built.
● Supply posts will now be properly detected when building a fort.
● Prevent building multiple unique buildings with the undo.
● Prevent split housing from losing all coverage.
● Multibyte fonts will no longer display as transparent.
● Fix entertainer figures corrupting buildings memory.
● Selected Mars grand temple recruitment priority button will now be properly highlighted.
● Rioters can no longer destroy native buildings.
● Removed ICC profiles from PNG files.
● Trading ships will now play proper phrase when leaving the docks.
● Docks no longer ignore Mercury monument bonuses.
● Hauler animation no longer plays at double the speed.
● Houses will not display a warning that it's devolving because it needs food, if the model file
has been modified to not need food.
● Augustus-added buildings with climate specific variants will now display proper ghosts
based on the climate.
● Fixed a bug where dead lion tamers would turn into tax collectors.
● Fixed a bug where gardens' city sound would not play.
● Fixed population graphs on large populations.
● Fixed killall cheat removing fishing spots, fort standards, and military banners.
● Fixed bugs where workcamps would stop getting resources if the closest monument's
construction is halted.
● Fixed entry/exit points changing their position when they have water access when the map
is rotated.
● Fixed a bug where forts could sometimes get additional soldiers.
● Fixed mess halls fetching food even when not staffed by workers.
● Fixed various graphical bugs with a military sidebar.
● Fixed issues with “finish monuments” cheat.
● Fixed problems when zoom is disabled in a city that’s zoomed in/out.
● Change to Mercury blessing: Now completes workshop production and fully supplies them
with resources.
● Change to Neptune blessing: Now lasts 12 months instead of until January. Trade price bonus
reduced to 50%.
● Change to Venus blessing: Now also makes citizens over 25 younger by 3 years and provides
a temporary boost to labor if fixed worker percentage option is set.
● Change to the blessing system: Gods will provide you with blessings even if they have
blessed you before. Chances of getting a blessing are reduced. Progress to blessings can be
tracked on the religion advisor screen. Chance of getting a blessing is increased with a god's
mood and festivals.
● Changed migrants', Warehouse workers’, and cart pushers' portraits to use more fitting ones.
● Added support for building rotation, add rotate building options. Works for gatehouses,
Warehouses, Forts and the Hippodrome, as well as new Paths.
● The Senate window and the chief advisor window now display the exact number of
unemployed citizens.
● Added support for loading outside images, to be used for new content.
● Roadblock graphic is now an external .png file.
● Added console, along with some cheats.
● Added new permissions to Roadblocks: labor seekers, tax collectors.
● Added a tab to the population advisor, showing the count of all the housing types in the city
and their requirements.
● Added a number of new aesthetics buildings (gardens, statues, etc.) for more visual variety,
desirability effect is the same as statues of respective sizes.
● Added monuments: buildings that take resources and special buildings to complete and
grant bonuses to your town when complete.
● Monuments added: Five Grand Temples; one to each of the gods, a Pantheon dedicated to all
the gods and a Lighthouse.
● Added new buildings used in monument construction: the Work camp and Engineer’s
● Added building upgrades for Grand Temples and the Pantheon. Select and pay for one of
two upgrades that empower priests in your city.
● Missionaries and Immigrants will now use previously unused voice lines.
● Added a “Delete all read messages” button to the Message Log.
● Added tooltips to the mothballing button and Granary/Warehouse permissions.
● Added “Roads” overlay. Shows Roads, Plazas, Gardens and Roadblocks.
● Water can now be added on elevations in the map editor.
● Desirability overlay now shows effect on buildings built next to the water or on the high
● New pause menu with options when pressing ESC.
● City construction kit now has an arrow allowing you to go back to the main menu.
● Added levy overlay, showing buildings requiring levy payments.
Bug Fixes:
● Fixed Warehouses/Granaries getting linked storage options in some cases.
● Fixed a bug causing incorrect music to be played during combat.
● Mothballed buildings that catch fire will now burn down.
● Fixed issue with Warehouse delivering the resources to each other in some cases.
● Fixed population advisor history graph showing the wrong date.
● Zoom now works again in the map editor.
● Fixed a bug that allowed fulfilling imperial requests without sending resources by using
disabled Warehouse.
● Roadblocks now block Granary exits.
● Fixed bath house construction image being aligned improperly.
● Fixed visual bug of sentry walking under instead of on a bridge.
● Market boys and caravan followers no longer disappear when the market lady/caravan
leader steps on the bridge.
● Desirability bonus granted by houses being next to the water is now updated when the
house changes its size.
Augustus Team
● Matt "Areldir" Hedges (AU) - Lead artist, historical consultant, map designer
● @cdsmith-umn - Tester
● @Williss360 - Tester
● @rockp3nguin - Tester
● BazzaCuda ● attrition
● dmyersturnbull ● devnoname120
● mathieumahe ● Sulix
● b483 ● agruzdev
● utoni ● frezmecritus
● Xyn22 ● dderevjanik
● Java (CN) ● TKharaishvili (GE)
● Mila (CZ) ● tdamsma
● vittoriom94 ● Russian Caesar 3 community artists
● Antaryo ● anon569
Note: All following production values are for buildings producing at 100% efficiency.
1 cartload = 100 units.
● Food production
○ Non-wheat farm = 9.6 cartloads / year
○ Wheat farm = 19.2 cartloads (central and desert climate), 9.6 cartloads (northern
climate) / year
○ Wharf maximum fish catch = 33.7 cartloads / year, for an optimal fishing point
distance, granary placement and available space for storage. A more reasonable
average catch value is between 17.3 and 20.6 cartloads / year, depending on the
distance to the fishing point.
● Food consumption
○ 0.5 unit per citizen per month (remaining food rounded down).
○ If multiple types of food are consumed in a house, each type of food is consumed
equally, until reaching the required monthly food consumption.
Ex: a house with 80 dwellers consumes 40 units of food per month. If it's
provided with two types of food (e.g. wheat and fish), 20 wheat and 20 fish will
be consumed each month.
● Goods consumption
○ 2 units per house per month, whatever is the number of dwellers.
○ 4 units of wine for a house consuming 2 types of wines.
In summary:
● A non-wheat farm can feed 160 people / year.
● A wheat farm can feed 320 people / year (central and desert climate), or 160 people
/ year (northern climate)
● One raw material building can supply two workshops.
● One workshop can support the goods consumption of 20 houses per year.
For your convenience, all of Augustus’ new or modified structures are listed below.
# Religion
● Grand Temple ● Pantheon
● Lararium ● Small Mausoleum ● Large Mausoleum ● Nymphaeum
# Education
● School (Upgrade) ● Academy (Upgrade) ● Library (Base)
# Entertainment
● Theater (Upgrade) ● Tavern
● Arena ● Colosseum (Monument) ● Hippodrome (Monument)
# Administration
● Statues : Small (Goddess, Senator, Gladiator Statue)
Medium (Legionary Statue)
Large (Equestrian Statue)
● Ornamental Trees ● Parks ● Small Pond ● Large Pond
● Paths ● Roadblocks ● Garden Gate
# Military
● Palisade and Palisade Gate ● Supply Post ● Watchtower
# Industry
● Caravanserai
Minor Monument
Minor Monument
Minor Monument
Minor Monument
School (Upgrade)
Yes –– 100 1500 Heart of the city allowing to
host Great Games (3 types).
Yes –– 150 3500
Can host chariot races.
(with a new horses betting system!)
Legionary Statue
Equestrian Statue
Required to build