Embedded Finance Who Will Lead The Next Payments Revolution
Embedded Finance Who Will Lead The Next Payments Revolution
Embedded Finance Who Will Lead The Next Payments Revolution
© Getty Images
October 2022
Small businesses starting up today may never a channel for the banks behind them to reach end
interact with a conventional bank. By logging into customers.
their e-commerce or accounting platform, they can
open a deposit account, order a debit card, and What makes the next generation of embedded
meet most of their financing needs. The operators of finance so powerful is the integration of financial
these platforms are not usually banks. Rather, they products into digital interfaces that users interact
are software companies that partner with banks and with daily. Possibilities are varied: customer loyalty
technology providers to embed financial products apps, digital wallets, accounting software, and
into a single seamless, convenient, and easy-to-use shopping-cart platforms, among others. For
customer experience. This new form of partnership consumers and businesses using these interfaces,
between banks, technology providers, and acquiring financial services becomes a natural
distributors of financial products via nonfinancial extension of a nonfinancial experience such as
platforms underpins what has been hailed as shopping online, scheduling employees to work
the embedded-finance revolution. Sitting at the shifts, or managing inventory. This more deeply
intersection of commerce, banking, and business embedded form of embedded finance is what has
services, payments has been one of the first use grown so significantly in the US in recent years.
cases of embedded finance, and a large number of
the aspiring embedded-finance providers originate The evolution of embedded finance has been
from the payments industry. enabled by fundamental changes in commerce,
merchant and consumer behavior, and technology.
The value of this integrated experience for The digitization of commerce and business
customers helps explain why embedded finance management has massively expanded opportunities
reached $20 billion in revenues in the United States to embed finance in nonfinancial customer
alone in 2021, according to McKinsey’s market- experiences. As much as 33 percent of global card
sizing model.¹ According to our estimates, the spending—50 percent in the US—now takes place
market could double in size within the next three online, with a large portion of small and midsize
to five years. Despite the scale of this opportunity, companies in the US relying on software solutions
many banks, payments providers, fintechs, for managing their business.³ In addition, as digital
investors, software firms, and potential distributors natives came of age, they expanded the pool of
are unsure what embedded finance involves, how consumers and businesses open to receiving all
they can participate, and what it takes to win— their financial services via digital platforms. Finally,
questions we address in this article. open-banking innovation, supported by mandates in
the European Union and market-led adoption in the
US, has helped unlock latent demand by enabling
What is embedded finance? third-party fintech players to access consumers’
Put simply, embedded finance is the placing of banking data and even conduct transactions on
a financial product in a nonfinancial customer their behalf.
experience, journey, or platform. In itself, that is
nothing new. For decades, nonbanks have offered
financial services via private-label credit cards Who distributes embedded finance,
at retail chains, supermarkets, and airlines. Other and what products do they offer?
common forms of embedded finance include sales Embedded finance is likely to emerge in any
financing at appliance retailers and auto loans at environment in which a critical mass of end
dealerships. Arrangements like these operate as customers (consumers or businesses) have frequent
The model is based on McKinsey’s Global Banking Revenue Pools, 2022; McKinsey’s Global Payments Map, 2022; consumer and merchant
research surveys; and data from the reports of embedded-finance firms.
McKinsey Global Payments Map, 2022.
McKinsey Merchant Acquiring Survey, 2022.
Exhibit 1
Demand for embedded finance is already growing in deposits, payments, issuing,
Demand for embedded finance is already growing in deposits, payments,
and lending.
issuing, and lending.
Telecom Increase customer engagement Secured lending for large purchases with
companies and enhance the value of underwriting and origination at point of sale
smartphone software and
hardware with money-movement
Exhibit 2
To embed financial products into their customer journeys, distributors work
with technology and balance sheet providers.
To embed financial products into their customer journeys, distributors work
with technology and balance sheet providers.
Distributor Technology provider Balance sheet provider
Role in Works with technology and Maintains and configures Provides distributors with
embedded balance sheet providers to technology for delivering access to regulated license,
finance embed financial products in financial products to risk framework, funds, and
its customer, employee, and distributors via APIs a place to hold deposits
partner journeys
Calculated as revenue pools of lower-risk, highly automatable products that have proven demand and can realistically be embedded, based on
McKinsey’s Global Banking Revenue Pools, 2022.
Andy Dresner and Jonathan Zell are partners in McKinsey’s New York office, Albion Murati is a partner in the Stockholm
office, and Brian Pike is an associate partner in the Stamford office.
The authors wish to thank Robert Byrne and Jill Wilder for their contributions to this article.